Cowboys Star Trevon Diggs Tears ACL ... Out For Season

The Dallas Cowboys' blistering start to the season just hit its first major roadblock ... the team's best cornerback, Trevon Diggs, tore his ACL on Thursday -- almost certainly ending his 2023 season.

According to multiple reports, Diggs suffered the serious knee injury during 1-on-1 drills at Cowboys practice ... and was seen on crutches afterward.

Several minutes later ... he took an MRI, and the results reportedly revealed the torn ligament.

Diggs had been playing at an All-Pro level for the 'Boys in their first two games of the year ... recording an interception, a forced fumble and four tackles. He was a big reason the 2-0 team had allowed just 10 points through eight quarters.

The Cowboys have yet to publicly comment on Diggs' injury ... although quarterback Dak Prescott asked for prayers for the defensive back while he was undergoing testing on the knee.

"Hoping for the best," Dak told reporters. "Simple as that."

Dallas plays next on Sunday against the Cardinals at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, AZ.

Rep. Lauren Boebert Nixed from Youth Event Speakers List ... After Theater Groping

Rep. Lauren Boebert isn't holy anymore in the eyes of an organization focused on conservative youths -- 'cause she's been booted from their official speakers list.

The Colorado congresswoman was initially part of the guest lineup that was set to appear and speak later this month at the Texas Youth Summit just outside of Houston -- where people between the ages of 12 and 26 are invited to lean into their right-wing views.

Boebert was supposed to appear alongside Donald Trump Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Charlie Kirk and others. Now, however, it appears there's been a change of plans ... 'cause she's been scrubbed from all the marketing material that originally featured her -- pre-groping video going public.

There's been no official explanation from the org itself on why they nixed her -- but it seems pretty obvious after Boebert was found to be in a mutual fondling sesh last week.

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What's also interesting is how they described when they first booked/publicized her gig with them. They said RLB was a "devout Christian who seeks to honor God in all that she does."

In light of everything that's come out since, though ... maybe not as godly as they thought.

Rep. Boebert has since apologized for the whole thing -- saying it was an error of judgment on her end, on pretty much all fronts. Congress hasn't formally reprimanded her just yet.

Cover your eyes, children!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


La congresista Lauren Boebert ya no es santa a los ojos de una organización centrada en los jóvenes conservadores, ya que ha sido expulsada de su lista oficial de oradores.

La congresista de Colorado formaba parte inicialmente de la lista de invitados que iban a aparecer y hablar a finales de este mes en la Cumbre Juvenil de Texas a las afueras de Houston, donde se invita a personas de entre 12 y 26 años a inclinarse por sus puntos de vista de derechas.

Se suponía que Boebert iba a aparecer junto a Donald Trump Jr, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Charlie Kirk y otros. Sin embargo, ha habido un cambio de planes, porque ella ha sido borrada de todo el material de marketing que originalmente la presentaba antes de que se hiciera público el vídeo del manoseo.

La propia organización no ha dado ninguna explicación oficial sobre por qué la han eliminado pero parece bastante obvio después de que se descubriera a Boebert acariciándose mutuamente la semana pasada.

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la pareja toquetona

Lo que también es interesante es cómo describieron la primera vez que la contrataron y le dieron publicidad. Dijeron que RLB era una "devota cristiana que busca honrar a Dios en todo lo que hace".

Parece que se olvidaron los mandamientos por un momento.

Desde entonces, la diputada Boebert se ha disculpado por todo el asunto, diciendo que fue un error de juicio por su parte, en casi todos los frentes. El Congreso aún no la ha reprendido formalmente.

Niños, tápense los ojos.

Cardiac Arrest Survivor I Was 'Sucked Out of My Body' ... Intense Experience After Flatlining

out-of-body experience

Several dozen cardiac arrest survivors are recalling eerily similar and bizarre experiences while dying -- and an author, who herself clinically died, is revealing her own encounter with the other side.

Author Mary Curran Hackett joined us Friday on "TMZ Live," recalling 1 of many cardiac arrests she says she's suffered over the years ... this one in 2004, when she flatlined in a hospital, and had a literal out-of-body experience.

During the ordeal, Mary says she felt calm while essentially being tapped into everything happening around her body -- from feeling the anxiety rising in her nurses' blood pressure, to seeing doctors leave another room in the hospital to come to hers.

According to Mary, she was fully aware during the minutes that her heart stopped but was seeing everything from a new perspective ... adding she felt at peace before being sucked back into her body.

Mary believes there are loads of unanswered questions about this fascinating and terrifying moment in people's lives, which is why she's working with Dr. Sam Parnia on his study of cardiac arrest survivors.

She says he's compiling their experiences in an upcoming book called "Lucid Dying" ... which sounds like a fascinating and revolutionary probe of the unknown -- what exactly happens to us when we die.

Sylvester Stallone Huge Crowd Greets Him In Rome ... Rocky-Mania!!!

Sylvester Stallone is just like one of The Beatles ... at least, when in Rome, because he was completely bombarded by a sea of fans while on a trip with his family.

The "Rocky" star was met with hundreds of folks while spending time overseas. The actor was visiting with his wife, Jennifer Flavin, and their 3 daughters -- and the whole fam got a security detail that was workin' hard to keep them safe.

Sly's fiasco is a sight ya rarely see these days ... so the crazy scene is one we're sure his whole family won't soon forget.

As we reported, Sylvester was touring Vatican City last week when he got the opportunity to meet Pope Francis -- someone who ended up being a big fan of Sly's work!

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The 2 even did a bit of shadowboxing together during their brief exchange ... clearly a pretty awesome moment for both of them.

Unclear how long Sly's family vacay will last, but he's certainly checked a few rare things off his bucket list while abroad.

Sylvester Stallone Recibe avalancha de fans en Roma ... Rocky-manía!!!

Sylvester Stallone es como uno de Los Beatles, al menos cuando está en Roma, pues el actor fue bombardeado por un mar de fans mientras estaba de viaje con su familia.

La estrella de "Rocky" fue recibido por cientos de personas mientras pasaba un tiempo en el extranjero. El actor estaba con su esposa, Jennifer Flavin, y sus 3 hijas, y toda la familia contaba con seguridad, prueba de que estaba trabajando duro para mantenerlas a salvo.

El espectáculo de Sly no se ve muy seguido por estos días, por lo que de seguro él y su familia no lo olvidarán en un buen tiempo.

Como ya informamos, Sylvester estaba de gira por la Ciudad del Vaticano la semana pasada cuando tuvo la oportunidad de conocer al Papa Francisco, quien terminó siendo un gran fan del trabajo de Sly.

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Prepárate para pelear, francis

Los dos incluso hicieron un poco de shadowboxing juntos durante su breve intercambio, claramente un momento bastante impresionante para ambos.

No está claro cuánto tiempo durarán las vacaciones familiares de Sly, pero sin duda ha tachado algunas cosas raras de su lista de cosas por hacer en el extranjero antes de morir.

Gillie Da Kid Son's Death Made Me A Man ... Freeway Helped Me Get Through

Gillie Da Kid says the moment he washed his late son's body -- in tradition with Islamic faith -- was his lowest moment in life, but he also says enduring the tragedy officially took him to adulthood.

The "Million Dollarz Worth of Game" co-host made the emotional confession Tuesday while appearing on The Pivot podcast.

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His son, 25-year-old rapper YNG Cheese, was shot and killed in Philly back in July. Before his death, Gillie says he thought he understood the concept of being a man ... taking the reigns, providing for his immediate family and even supporting several non-relatives.

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But, he says going through the body-washing process opened his eyes, "and that day, I became a man."

Gillie also tearfully thanked fellow Philly rapper Freeway for standing by his side, and helping him through what he calls the hardest thing he's ever had to do. Despite the unimaginable grief, he's confident he sent his son off the right way.

Gillie spearheaded Cheese's funeral procession at famed venue The Met Philadelphia. Police are still searching for suspects in his murder.

Sylvester Stallone Pope Goes Full Fanboy in Meeting ... I Love Your Movies!!!

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Sylvester Stallone met one of his biggest fans during a family trip to the Vatican ... the Pope!!!

The 'Rocky' star spent his Friday touring Vatican City, and was actually granted an audience with Pope Francis, who went full fanboy ... telling Sly it's an honor to meet him because he grew up watching the actor's movies.

The video of their interaction is awesome -- Sly was bold enough to shadowbox the Pope, who even threw a few left hooks himself. Seriously, it's almost like the Pope is more thrilled about the meeting than Stallone.

The whole thing was a family affair ... Sly also introduced the Pope to his wife, Jennifer Flavin, and their three daughters, Sophia, Scarlet and Sistine. You'd think the pontiff might have been impressed by Sistine's name, but was more focused on the movie star of his younger years.

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Sly went to the Vatican last September too, when he got to hold the keys that open every door in Vatican City, including the Sistine Chapel, and this time he got to meet His Holiness.

The Pope's pretty selective about who he meets, and it's not often we see Francis freak out over a celeb ... so, Sly's gotta feel like he's in seventh heaven.

Danny Masterson Es Condenado a 30 años en Prisión En Juicio por Violación


5:32 PM PT -- Danny Masterson suena confiado de que conseguirá la anulación de sus sentencias en el proceso de apelación.

Uno de los abogados de Danny, Shawn Holley, dice a TMZ: "Durante los últimos meses, un equipo de los mejores abogados en apelación del país ha estado revisando las transcripciones del juicio, y han identificado importantes cuestiones probatorias y constitucionales que abordarán en los tribunales de apelación estatales y federales."

Holley continúa: "Los errores que se produjeron en este caso son sustanciales y, lamentablemente, condujeron a veredictos que no están respaldados por las pruebas".

"Y aunque tenemos un gran respeto por el jurado en este caso y por nuestro sistema de justicia en general, a veces se equivocan. Y eso es lo que ocurrió aquí", agrega.

El abogado concluye: "El Sr. Masterson no cometió los delitos por los que ha sido condenado y nosotros, y los abogados de apelación, los mejores y más brillantes del país, estamos seguros de que estas condenas serán anuladas."

Danny Masterson finalmente ha recibido su condena a 30 años en prisión, después de meses de ser declarado culpable de dos cargos de violación.

La estrella de "That '70s Show" fue sentenciado el jueves por un tribunal de Los Ángeles. Enfrentaba 30 años de cárcel después de ser declarado culpable de dos de sus tres cargos, por lo que la sentencia no es tan sorprendente.

Como informamos, fue declarado culpable de estos dos cargos en mayo. Se le acusó por primera vez en 2020, cuando tres mujeres declararon que los incidentes se habían producido entre 2001 y 2003, mientras él trabajaba en la serie de comedia.

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dejando el tribunal

Recordemos que Masterson tuvo un juicio en octubre pasado, pero terminó nulo un mes más tarde después de que el jurado no pudiera llegar a una decisión. El equipo del actor intentó que se desestimara, pero finalmente fue juzgado de nuevo y condenado.

Su abogado, Philip Cohen, nos dijo tras la anulación del juicio de Masterson que el caso "no trataba de otra cosa más que de la credibilidad de las tres denunciantes y que la credibilidad sólo se podía determinar comparando, contrastando y centrándose en las declaraciones en constante evolución de las mujeres."

Después de ser declarado culpable, nos enteramos de que Masterson no fue encerrado con el resto de los reclusos en la Cárcel Central de Hombres del condado de Los Ángeles, donde ha estado esperando su sentencia, sino que fue ubicado en la "segregación administrativa", donde se han quedado reclusos de alto perfil en el pasado, como O.J. Simpson y Suge Knight.

Danny Masterson Sentenced To 30 Years to life in Prison In Rape Retrial


5:32 PM PT -- Danny Masterson sounds confident in getting his convictions overturned on appeal.


One of Danny's attorneys, Shawn Holley, tells TMZ ... "For the past several months, a team of the top appellate lawyers in the country has been reviewing the transcripts of the trial. They have identified a number of significant evidentiary and constitutional issues which they will address in briefs to both state and federal appellate courts."


Holley continues ... "The errors which occurred in this case are substantial and unfortunately, led to verdicts which are not supported by the evidence."


She adds ... "And though we have great respect for the jury in this case and for our system of justice overall, sometimes they get it wrong. And that's what happened here."


Holley concludes ... "Mr. Masterson did not commit the crimes for which he has been convicted and we -- and the appellate lawyers -- the best and the brightest in the country -- are confident that these convictions will be overturned."

Danny Masterson has finally been sentenced, months after he was convicted on 2 rape counts, to 30 years to life behind bars.

The "That '70s Show" star was sentenced Thursday to 30 years in a Los Angeles court. He was facing 30 years to life after being found guilty on 2 of his 3 counts ... so the sentence isn't all that surprising.

As we reported, he was convicted on the 2 counts in May, but the jury was hung on the 3rd count. He was first charged back in 2020, with the 3 women saying the incidents went down between 2001 and 2003 -- as he was working on his comedy series.

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Remember, Masterson had a trial last October, but it ended in a mistrial a month later after the jury was unable to reach a decision. The actor's team tried to get it dismissed, but he was eventually retried and convicted.

His attorney, Philip Cohen, told us after Masterson's mistrial that the case was "about nothing other than the credibility of the three accusers and that credibility could only be determined by comparing, contrasting and focusing on the ever-evolving statements given by the women."

After being found guilty, we learned Masterson wasn't put in lockup with the general population at the L.A. County Men's Central Jail -- where he's been awaiting his sentence -- but instead was in "administrative segregation" ... where high-profile inmates like O.J. Simpson and Suge Knight have stayed in the past.

Originally Published -- 11:42 AM PT

Jalen Ramsey Honors Faith With New Tattoos ... Huge Torso Piece

Jalen Ramsey might be down after suffering a serious knee injury this offseason, but his faith clearly hasn't waned ... 'cause the Dolphins star just got a huge, new torso tattoo to honor his belief in his religion.

Andres Ortega and his Onder Ink team -- Abrianna, Allan, Sarahi and Gerardo -- flew down to Miami this week to put the tats on the cornerback ... while he continues to recover from meniscus surgery.

The new ink features several religious components -- including a bible with a sword, fruit, and a lamb.

There's also a lion, a warrior and a toy soldier -- items Ortega says Ramsey wanted to represent his role as a protector.

In total, the artwork took about eight hours to complete ... and Ortega tells TMZ Sports the football player ended up super happy with the finished product.

In fact, Ortega says Ramsey's looking for him to come back soon to tattoo a couple other things on the final bit of open space on his stomach.

As for the 28-year-old's injured knee -- Ortega tells us Ramsey seems to be recovering just fine ... and he was in great spirits throughout the process.

UFC's Natan Levy Learn From Troll Beatdown, Bullies 'Words Have Consequences!!!'


UFC fighter Natan Levy is hoping bullies everywhere take serious note of his recent beatdown of an internet troll ... saying on Tuesday he wants anyone who's even thinking of spewing hate speech going forward to know "words have consequences."

Levy absolutely mauled a smack-talking social media user named Ben recently ... after the guy had defended noted antisemite Nick Fuentes in an exchange on X.

Levy, who's Jewish, met the dude at his gym and pounded on him for several minutes -- forcing the guy to tap out.

Eventually, he got Ben to say on camera following the sparring sesh that six million people were murdered in the Holocaust -- an atrocity Ben didn't previously acknowledge.

When Levy joined Harvey and Charles on Tuesday's "TMZ Live" to talk about it all ... he said he was pleased with how it turned out with Ben -- and now, he wants others to keep the incident in mind before they hit their keyboards with similar nonsense.

"The big lesson I wanted to teach this guy -- and hopefully everybody who is watching -- is words have consequences," he said. "Actions have consequences."

"If you say something, you better stand behind it," he added, "'cause this hate turns into hate in the real world. So we need to cut it off."

Levy will have to take a brief moment from policing bullies on social media -- he's got a big UFC fight coming up against Alex Reyes on Sept. 16 -- but when that concludes, sleep with one eye open, trolls.

Jay-Z 99 Problems, 1000 Stories to Tell ... Plenty of Easter Eggs in New Film!!!

Jay-Z's giving the world a first look at his new film "The Book of Clarence," but we're only seeing a small part of the journey -- Hov's promised the movie's gonna be stuffed with hidden meanings for fans!!!

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The film is set in biblical times and drops in January 2024 with an ensemble cast of LaKeith Stanfield, Benedict Cumberbatch, David Oyelowo, Alfre Woodard, Teyana Taylor and more, but Jay is adamant it's not going to be a preachy experience, telling Vanity Fair he doesn't want the audience to “immediately just focus on the religious aspect of it, and not the human story.”

Jay says he and director Jeymes Samuel are always looking for fresh ways to retell traditional stories and Jay's attention to detail may be the deciding x factor.

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Like their previous film, "The Harder They Fall," Jay and Jeymes plan on keeping audiences on their toes by stuffing the movie with Easter eggs, like they did in "TFTF" when they hinted "Book Of Clarence" would be coming next!!!

“I have a thousand stories to tell, so that’s why I can kind of lay Easter eggs in each one” ... Jay assured.

This oughta guarantee no one talks through the movie!!!

J. Cole New Gucci Mane, Burna Boy Collabs ... Earns 'God' Status with Reason!!!

J. Cole fans are rejoicing ... the Dreamville rapper's unexpectedly delivering a pair of new verses for Gucci Mane and Burna Boy, and it's a truly holy moment for some!!!

The Dreamville rapper showed his versatility with the features that dropped Friday -- Gucci's track, "There I Go" sports a bouncy beat produced by Mike WiLL Made-It designed for clubs and radio, and Cole flexes on a bed of money to drive home the point!!!

Burna opted to recruit Cole for a more reflective verse on his, "I Told Them..." album.

Cole compares himself and Burna to "Shaq and Kobe winnin' a ring" on the song, "Thanks" ... and also takes credit for fathering a few other rappers' styles along the way!!!

It may sound like bragging but Top Dawg Entertainment's Reason flat-out referred to Cole and Kendrick Lamar as "gods" in terms of their musical greatness while speaking Friday on "The Breakfast Club."

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Reason recently predicted Cole's next album, "The Fall Off," would make him a bigger artist than Kendrick ... creating more controversy for himself in the wake of his public spat with his label over claims they didn't create enough hoopla around his new album.

Reason's appeared on Cole's last 2 Dreamville compilation projects as well. Given his recent choice of words, that might be his preferred church!!!

Bradley Cooper Jewish Orgs Cool With Bernstein Portrayal ... Including Prosthetic Nose

Bradley Cooper might be under fire after portraying Leonard Bernstein with what some are calling "Jewface" ... but some of the biggest Jewish organizations have no qualms with it.

The American Jewish Committee tells TMZ ... BC's look in the trailer for the upcoming biopic, "Maestro" -- where he's wearing an enlarged, prosthetic nose -- isn't offensive, adding, "We do not believe that this depiction harms or denigrates the Jewish community."

They say they're agreeing with Bernstein's kids, Jamie, Alexander, and Nina -- who said on X Wednesday that their pops had a big nose and "our dad would have been fine with it."

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The Anti-Defamation League is echoing these opinions, telling us, "Throughout history, Jews were often portrayed in antisemitic films and propaganda as evil caricatures with large, hooked noses. This film, which is a biopic on the legendary conductor Leonard Bernstein, is not that."

As we reported, some folks online have skewered Cooper and co. for playing into the "Jewface" trope.

He's also been catching flack because Bradley, who isn't Jewish, is playing someone who is ... but that criticism is fringe and largely dismissed.

Mark Jackson Unsure Of Future After ESPN Exit ... But I've Got No Beef With Doc Rivers


Mark Jackson ain't sure what's next for him following his abrupt exit from his role as ESPN's top NBA color analyst ... but one thing he does know is he has no hard feelings toward the man who's replacing him -- Doc Rivers.

We caught up with the former Golden State Warriors head coach out in Beverly Hills on Friday ... and despite being let go from ESPN just a couple weeks ago, he was in great spirits.

While he said he doesn't know if his next career move will include coaching or broadcasting ... he told us he's confident it'll be a good one for him regardless.

"It's going to work out," he said. "Figuring it out now. But the next move will be my best move."

"Excited about what God has for me," he added.

As for Rivers, who will replace Jackson on ESPN's top broadcast team alongside Mike Breen and Doris Burke, Jackson says he hopes for all kinds of success for the guy.

In fact, he said he's actually spoken with Rivers recently ... and there's no beef whatsoever.

"I wish Doc nothing but the best," he said. "He's a Hall of Fame coach. A tremendous guy. And he'll be great."

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