Marianne Williamson Can't Promote Prez Campaign On TV ... But TikTok Saving the Day

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Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson says she's been iced out of network TV amid her campaign ... but says moving to TikTok has done wonders.

Williamson, formerly known as the "spiritual advisor" to Oprah Winfrey, joined us on "TMZ Live" Friday, chatting about not being able to bring her campaign to TV. She says she eventually realized the social media app would bring a lot of power to her cause.

She says the platform's been a great way to reach young U.S. voters ... and according to her, there's a shocking difference in intelligence on TikTok compared to on big news orgs.

As for the old stigma that young folks aren't rocking the vote, she says that's BS -- and tells us exactly why.

For those unaware, Williamson is 1 of 2 Democrats -- RFK Jr. being the other -- running against current prez, Joe Biden ... and since the DNC doesn't normally hold debates when a current president is in the mix, her campaign has been crucial to getting the word out.

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She also wasn't welcomed into the race by her fellow Democrats, and staffers from her 2020 campaign didn't think she should go for it, but her move to TikTok is seemingly helping.

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Williamson has raked in over half a million followers -- the most on the app compared to other candidates -- and since making the switch, she's been polling above 20% with voters under 30.

If ya can't beat 'em, go viral.

Brandon Spikes I Showed Tim Tebow Pics Of Nude Girls ... To Make Sure He Wasn't Banging

Tim Tebow's former Florida teammate took drastic measures to confirm he was really saving himself for marriage ... 'cause Brandon Spikes claims he would randomly show the quarterback pictures of naked women to see how he'd respond.

Spikes -- who played alongside the Heisman winner in Gainesville from 2006-09 -- went in depth about the media obsession with Tebow's virginity during the Gators' dominance in the mid-2000s ... and he revealed he did some questionable investigative reporting of his own to prove the guy was, in fact, sex-free.

"I just wanted to see if he was real," Spikes said on Netflix's "Untold: Swamp Kings," according to the New York Post.

"So I would like, you know, maybe have a picture, a nude picture on my phone or something and show it to him just to see how he would react."

The stunt didn't go over too well with Tebow ... and Spikes explained his response led him to believe the whole thing was really true.

"He was like, 'Come on man! Like, you really get a man uncomfortable!'"

"And I was like, 'Oh, he's serious.'"

Tebow's virginity was a major storyline throughout his college and pro career ... and he went on to marry former Miss Universe Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters in 2020.

Safe to say the abstinence paid off.

Mike Posner Life's Giving Me Pain With Purpose ... Helps Me Grow, Then Teach


Mike Posner says the emotional pain he's dealing with now is all part of life's plan to teach him lessons in order to learn and grow and then pass his knowledge along to others.

The singer joined us Monday on "TMZ Live" and we asked him how things are going after he recently got brutally honest with one of our photogs ... saying he was embarking on a spiritual warpath to deal with some life challenges.

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Mike says he's doing better now and his latest challenge helped him change and grow for the better ... just like a lot of the hurdles he's faced in life and in his career.

He tells us he's grateful for his life in general and all the highs he's experienced -- like Grammy nominations -- and, with that, he's also grateful for all the pain as well.

In Mike's case, there is another silver lining with life's hardships -- they can make for great music, as he points out ... art is a great outlet for sadness, depression, rage, anger and fear.

For Mike, life's teaching him what he needs to learn in order for him to teach others ... and he's got an opportunity coming up to do just that ... with a curated trip to Iceland.

Mike says the Iceland trip is all about connecting people with themselves and nature, and it sounds pretty cool ... with a possible appearance from the famed northern lights.

Mike Posner Growing Through Spiritual Warpath ... Life Is Challenging Me

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Mike Posner says he's going through some challenges in life, but he's using the bad times to work on becoming a better person ... telling us he's embarking on a spiritual warpath.

We got the singer at LAX and he told our photog he's a troubled man these days, though he's determined to spin the curveball life's throwing at him into a positive.

Mike says he knows a lot about darkness and waking up feeling like there's no point to life, but the thing is ... he says challenging times are what make folks grow, and growth doesn't happen when it's smooth sailing.

For Mike, many of his accomplishments have been tough ... just listen, he's absolutely convinced he will come out a stronger person once he navigates this storm.

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Mike's climbed mountains and walked across the freakin' country ... and he says they were both extremely hard and awful journeys, but they made him learn and grow.

The guy's preaching here ... and he's got a good message.

Tory Lanez Feeling Down, But Not Totally Out ... After Getting 10 Years

Tory Lanez is starting to feel the gravity of his 10-year prison sentence -- after believing the system would do right by him, he's now turning to God to for strength.

Tory's defense attorney, Jose Baez, tells TMZ his client is feeling pretty low right now after having the book thrown at him. We're told Tory is having a hard time processing the sentence, but Baez also says despite that ... Tory's made it clear to him he's going to remain strong and deal with his time behind bars as best as he can.

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Jose says Tory is leaning on his faith in God, the support of his friends/family and the indignation his supporters around the world are expressing -- many of whom are loudly lamenting the stiff punishment.

Baez says Tory was hoping the judge would show mercy -- especially with the number of people who went to bat for him in court, including some celebs. We're told the reason there's so much outcry for Tory is because he was genuinely loved in the community ... as he'd done a lot to give back over the years.

In the meantime, Baez insists an appeal is coming.

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One last thing ... we asked Baez how Tory plans to navigate fatherhood with his young son, but the attorney wouldn't comment. He also addressed the prospect of deportation that Tory faces, but told us there were other priorities ahead of that (namely, the appeal).

Jamie Foxx Apologizes For Anti-Jewish Remarks ... Cites Betrayal From Fake Friend

Jamie Foxx is apologizing for anti-Semitic remarks he made on social media about Jews killing Jesus ... while making a cryptic reference to being betrayed by a "fake friend."

The actor posted a message on Instagram Saturday, saying, "I want to apologize to the Jewish community and everyone who was offended by my post."

Jamie continued, "I now know my choice of words have caused offense and I'm sorry. That was never my intent. To clarify, I was betrayed by a fake friend and that's what I meant with "they" not anything more."

He went on to say, "I only have love in my heart for everyone. I love and support the Jewish community. My deepest apologies to anyone who was offended."

As you may know, Jamie posted his controversial remarks on Instagram Friday, stating, "They killed this dude name Jesus… what do you think they’ll do to you?" The message was soon deleted, but not before users took snapshots and posted them to social media.

Jewish groups spotted the message and started spreading it online, which caught the interest of Jennifer Aniston. The actress was thought to have liked Jamie's post, but later clarified that she hadn't and was horrified by his words.

Jennifer said, "I want to be clear to my friends and anyone hurt by this showing up in their feeds – I do NOT support any form of antisemitism. I truly don’t tolerate HATE of any kind. Period."

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Meanwhile, Jamie recently broke his silence about his major health scare in April, which landed him in the hospital for a little over a month. He's recently been seen around Chicago doing some fun activities as he recovers from his medical condition, which has not been publicly revealed. Jamie personally thanked his family and friend in a video posted online.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Leah Remini Dragged By Church of Scientology for Lawsuit ... Calls Her 'Bigot,' 'Toxic'

The Church of Scientology is clapping back at former member Leah Remini, dragging her for a lawsuit against them -- something the Church claims is total BS.

In an intense statement issued to TMZ from the church Thursday, they call the actress an "anti-free speech bigot." The church says Leah's "a horrible person and toxic to so many who have the misfortune to come in contact with her."

The church even compares her to "an anti-Semite complaining about the Jewish Anti-Defamation League for exposing the anti-Semite's bigotry and propaganda."

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It claims Leah's been making a fortune on her "obsession" to take Scientology down since publicly leaving the religion in 2013 ... pointing towards her recent lawsuit by adding, "If Remini can no longer get a job, she has nobody to blame but herself."

The church says it's "not intimidated by Remini's latest act of blatant harassment and attempt to prevent truthful free speech. If Remini does not believe in free speech, then she should consider emigrating to Russia."

As we reported, Leah's claiming she's been stalked and harassed by the church ever since she got outta there a decade ago... and she's also going after its leader, David Miscavige. Leah says Scientology's alleged attacks against her are getting worse in order to destroy her career.

Lizzo Breaks Silence on Lawsuit ... Blasts 'Sensationalized Stories'

Lizzo is speaking out for the first time since being sued by three of her former backup dancers who claim she sexually harassed them.

The singer posted a statement Thursday, just days after she was sued. The singer says, "These last few days have been gut wrenchingly difficult and overwhelmingly disappointing. My work ethic, morals and respectfulness have been questioned. My character has been criticized. Usually I choose not to respond to false allegations but these are as unbelievable as they sound and too outrageous to not be addressed."

She continues, "These sensationalized stories are coming from former employees who have already publicly admitted that they were told their behavior on tour was inappropriate and unprofessional."

She went on, "As an artist I have always been very passionate about what I do. I take my music and my performances seriously because at the end of the day I only want to put out the best art that represents me and my fans. With passion comes hard work and high standards. Sometimes I have to make hard decisions but it's never my intention to make anyone feel uncomfortable or like they aren't valued as an important part of the team."

She adds, "I am not here to be looked at as a victim, but I also know that I am not the villain that people and the media have portrayed me to be these last few days. I am very open with my sexuality and expressing myself but I cannot accept or allow people to use that openness to make me out to be something I am not. There is nothing I take more seriously than the respect we deserve as women in the world. I know what it feels like to be body shamed on a daily basis and would absolutely never criticize or terminate an employee because of their weight."

She concludes her statement, "I'm hurt but I will not let the good work I've done in the world be overshadowed by this. I want to thank everyone who has reached out in support to lift me up during this time."

As we reported ... three of Lizzo's former backup dancers -- Arianna Davis, Crystal Williams and Noelle Rodriguez -- claim she subjected them to nude entertainment shows in Amsterdam and Paris on tour earlier this year, to what they say was the clear discomfort of her employees.

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Youtube / @3FMGemist

In the docs, the women say Lizzo pressured dancers to interact with sex performers at Bananenbar in Amsterdam, where patrons are known to eat bananas out of the performer's vaginas.

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Two of Lizzo's accusers, Davis and Williams, joined us on "TMZ Live" Wednesday and told us what their experiences were working for Lizzo ... alleging all of her dancers operate in fear of losing their jobs if they don't bend to her demands and get rewarded for playing ball.

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Beyoncé seemingly caught wind of the lawsuit too ... Bey noticeably failed to mention Lizzo by name in the lyrics for one of her songs during a concert in Boston as part of her "Renaissance" tour.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Lizzo Showed Interest In Banana Sex Show ... Now Being Sued Over It!!!

Lizzo kept an eye on the famed banana sex show in Amsterdam for years ... sharing her desires way before being sued for allegedly pressuring backup dancers to get in on the act.

Here's the deal ... Lizzo talked about wanting to go to a specific live sex show in the city's infamous Red Light District during a 2019 interview with an Amsterdam radio station ... the same show she's now being sued over.

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Youtube / @3FMGemist

In her interview with 3FM DJ Frank van der Lende, Lizzo reveals her love for live sex shows in Amsterdam ... and she asks the hosts about the banana sex show, where patrons eat bananas out of sex performers' vaginas.

Lizzo excitedly talks about her desire to find out where the banana show happens ... explaining, "That's what I want to do, I need my potassium if you know what I'm saying. My puss-tassium."

The radio hosts tell Lizzo the place she's looking for is Bananenbar ... a venue that's mentioned several times in the lawsuit she's now facing.

As we reported ... Lizzo is being sued by 3 of her former backup dancers, who say they were sexually denigrated by Lizzo while on the job.


In the suit, the dancers claim during a February 2023 tour stop in Amsterdam, Lizzo took them to Bananenbar and pressured them to interact with the sex performers.

The dancers claim "Lizzo began inviting cast members to take turns touching the nude performers, catching dildos launched from the performers' vaginas, and eating bananas protruding from the performers' vaginas."

It's unclear if the alleged incident was Lizzo's first time at Bananenbar ... but she's clearly had the banana sex show on her mind since 2019 at least.

We covered the story on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Leah Remini Sues Church of Scientology ... Stalking Me Since My Exit!!!

Leah Remini is being stalked and harassed by the Church of Scientology as part of a coordinated campaign to destroy her life because she left the religion ... this according to a new lawsuit.

The actress just filed suit against the Church of Scientology and its leader, David Miscavige, and she says Scientology is dead set on making her life a living hell now that she's no longer a part of the church.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Leah claims Scientology is stalking her and invading her privacy because the church is determined to silence her and others who are critical of the religion.

Leah claims the alleged abuse coming her way is part of a broader policy and practice of intimidation within the Church of Scientology ... which she says dates all the way back to founder L. Ron Hubbard.

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In her suit, Leah says Scientology has been attacking her with systematic and coordinated campaigns of harassment ever since she renounced the religion ... and she claims the retaliation tactics are ramping up in order to damage her Hollywood and business careers by tarnishing her reputation.

Leah says she was a Scientologist for nearly 40 years before leaving ... and in the decade since she left, she's been the victim of "intentional malicious and fraudulent rumors" via hundreds of social media accounts controlled by Scientology, which she says exist solely to intimidate and spread misinformation.

For example, Leah claims Scientology enlisted dozens of members to videotape messages falsely accusing her of being abusive and a racist and uploading them to web domains using her name.

She says she first became aware she was being followed by private investigators hired by Scientology in 2015, when she was promoting a memoir she wrote about Scientology's alleged abusive conduct ... and she says she hired private security as a result.

Leah also claims Scientology had members send threatening letters to news outlets who were promoting her book ... and she says the church created websites to smear A&E after her documentary series on Scientology.

In the docs, Leah claims the alleged stalking and harassment is causing her to lose personal relationships, business deals and other opportunities ... and she's going after the church for damages for what she says is "enormous economic and psychological harm."

We reached out to the Church of Scientology ... so far no word back.

Ice Cube Ye & I Are Kosher!!! Never Had Beef, Just Misunderstanding


Ice Cube says the assumptions he and Kanye West had beef after their infamous back-and-forth over antisemitism were blown straight outta proportion.

The legendary rapper was on TalkTV for “Piers Morgan Uncensored” on Monday evening and addressed the aftermath that came after Ye invoked Cube's name during his antisemitic outbursts in late 2022.

Remember, Ye had claimed -- while on Drink Champs -- Ice Cube was the one who turned him on to hating Jewish people ... something Cube vehemently denied at the time.

He told Piers, "He spoke my name without really explaining what he meant, and I couldn’t leave that statement out there without … I had to rebut that."

As we reported, Ye went to Cube's house last month, and they both seemed happy after the meeting. Cube hinted Ye's learned a lot since spewing antisemitic tropes -- "We’ve talked. I think Ye understands that generalizing will always get you in more hot water than being very specific.”

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Ye's been in Japan for the better part of a month and Cube didn't seem to have had much contact with him since their encounter, but did speculate that he was doing great amid his various money battles.

'The Chosen' Jesus Series Gets SAG Waiver ... Show Goes on Amid Strike

A miracle came down on behalf of one Hollywood show that can now continue to work with its actors amid the SAG-AFTRA strike ... and it benefits none other than Jesus, or at least fans of his story.

Showrunners for the popular Christian-based TV series "The Chosen" announced Sunday they'd gotten the green light to move forward with production ... including their main cast, several of whom are in the actors' union. It's the first show to catch this break.

The reason ... they received a waiver from the Screen Actors Guild, which essentially gives them an exemption to keep filming -- even though the rest of the major productions in town are shut down. Deadline was first to report the news.

The folks who run "The Chosen" Twitter account had actually been pleading with SAG to cut them some slack ... and luckily, it came in record time. They were worried they'd have to pause things in Utah -- where they're in the middle of shooting a new season -- unless they got the waiver ... and since they received it in just a few days, they're not totally off schedule.

Now, as for why they're getting the waiver while other productions have to wait in the wings ... it actually has nothing to do with what you may think -- namely, some kind of religious loophole. On the contrary, it has more to do with whether the show/movie is independent ... aka, not having major ties to a TV or movie studio as far as funding.

"The Chosen" certainly has a grassroots background -- it initially got off the ground via crowdfunding -- but has since kinda gone mainstream ... with licensing deals being struck among a number of major studios like Netflix, Amazon, CW, Peacock, and others.

Despite that, it'll be allowed to resume ... so, fans of the show gotta be stoked. Praise be!

We covered the SAG-AFTRA strike on a recent episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Johnny Bench Apologizes For Antisemitic Jab ... About Ex-Reds GM

MLB legend Johnny Bench is sharing his regret after making an antisemitic comment about late Cincinnati Reds general manager Gabe Paul over the weekend ... admitting his words were "insensitive."

Several former Reds stars were in attendance to honor Paul's enshrinement in the franchise Hall of Fame on Saturday ... and at one point, Pete Rose made a comment about the Jewish executive's involvement in his first professional deal.

"When I got out of high school in 1960, Gabe Paul signed me to a contract for 400 bucks a month," Rose said ... to which Paul's daughter, Jennie replied, "That cheap ... never mind."

That's when Bench made his controversial comment ... adding, "He was Jewish."

Most of the crowd laughed at Bench's jab ... but the 2-time World Series champ later apologized for the comment.

"I apologized to Jennie for taking away from her father the full attention he deserves," Bench said. "Gabe Paul earned his place in the Reds Hall of Fame, same as the others who stood on that stage, I am sorry that some of the focus is on my inappropriate remark instead of solely on Gabe's achievement."

Jennie addressed the bad joke after the fact ... telling The Athletic she might have said something to Bench had she heard it at the time.

NeNe Leakes on Kim Zolciak Divorce Wasn't Play For TV Return ... But It May Help!!!


NeNe Leakes isn't buying the theory dominating the internet ... Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann got into a super nasty divorce and then suddenly reconciled as a way to get back into reality TV.

We got NeNe at LAX and asked her about Kim and Kroy suddenly calling off their divorce, and if it was all just a ploy to return to "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" ... as lots of folks believe to be the case.

NeNe doubts Kim and Kroy would go to those lengths ... she thinks all the issues with their marriage were legit, as well as all the divorce drama we documented ... and she just can't imagine Kim and Kroy going down that road just to get on TV again.

Of course, the 'RHOA' alum says Kim and Kroy's divorce would make for some TV gold ... and she says all the publicity and mudslinging will probably help Kim get back in front of cameras.


TMZ broke the story ... Kim and Kroy are working through their issues the old-fashioned way ... there's no couple's therapy ... they're just talking every day and relying on their shared Christian faith.

NeNe says God is a great healer so she's happy to see Kim and Kroy leaning on their faith ... and she tells us why Kim and Kroy's divorce turnaround is super similar to her ups and downs with Kim.

Philip Rivers, Wife We're Pregnant (Again) ... Baby #10 OTW!!!

Philip Rivers' family is one step closer to having their very own offspring football team -- the ex-NFL star's wife is pregnant with their 10th child!!

The former Chargers and Colts quarterback revealed the exciting news this week ... saying a baby boy is slated to arrive this fall.

"We are all fired up," Rivers told "Everyone was pulling for a boy. Even our girls wanted a boy."

Rivers -- who currently shares nine children ranging from age 4-21 with wife Tiffany -- pointed out his mom AND dad come from families of nine kids ... and he initially thought it would be the same for his own clan, but "God decided" they would reach double digits.

As for a baby name, the 17-year veteran said they haven't figured it out just let ... but they have a lot of options to pick from.

When he's not taking care of his kids, Philip also spends his retirement as a high school football coach ... entering his third season at St. Michael Catholic in Fairhope, AL.

Safe to say he's staying busy!!

Dog The Bounty Hunter Daughter Lyssa Apologizes To Dylan Mulvaney ... After Dad Makes Threats

Dog The Bounty Hunter's lesbian daughter is apologizing to trans influencer Dylan Mulvaney in the wake of her father's homophobic rant, where he appeared to threaten Dylan.

Lyssa Chapman, who starred on Dog's reality TV show, tells TMZ ... she would like to send her apologies to Dylan and the trans community as a whole, and her heart breaks over Dog's hateful comments.

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Sharell Barrera Ministries / Facebook

The apology comes on the heels of an interview Dog gave Tuesday, where he launched a homophobic tirade and took shots at Dylan and Bud Light.

In reference to Dylan, Dog said ... "People playing church all led to Bud Light. Is that right? Get that punk down. Rebuke Satan out of him and just give him a couple black eyes. That's exactly and I mean that. If I ever see him, I'm dropping him."

Lyssa says Dog's comments are not in line with her father's character (though he more than doubled-down) ... she feels that's not who Dog is and she says she's trying to find out why he said such nasty things.

Dog's daughter tells us they spoke on the phone after the interview, and she says it was mostly just them yelling and talking over each other ... the conversation, she says, was far from productive.


Lyssa says Dog's comments do not reflect the morals he taught her growing up ... and she loves him, but worries he's watching too much cable news.

Dog's other daughter, Bonnie Chapman, also released a statement aimed at her father, saying, "Jesus loves everyone and would strongly denounce this non-accepting rhetoric. It is utterly repulsive to to advocate violence against our transgender community, and it is equally repulsive to invoke Jesus' name in vain to support such views.

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For her part, Dylan has not spoken out against Dog's comments ... and Lyssa tells us she will always stand up for the LGBTQ community.

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