Church COVID Pivots Bishop Elbow Bumps ... Remote Control Car Collections

The world is constantly adapting to a new normal during the pandemic -- and that includes churchgoers and their leaders, who are pivoting too. As proof, here's Exhibit A and B.

We'll start with Archbishop Jose H. Gomez here, who presided over a mass this Sunday at the historic San Gabriel mission in Southern California -- this after a fire ravaged the main edifice Saturday, and parishioners were redirected to a separate chapel on the same campus.

Once the church service wrapped, the bishop and what looks to be a fellow priest were dishing out socially distant-friendly goodbyes to their worshipers ... giving 'em elbow bumps, waves and air crosses. One lady wanted a handshake, but got a blessing instead.

Everyone seemed to be wearing masks, and per reports on the ground ... the number of people allowed inside capped out at 100, so folks were spread out fairly well in the pews.

Now, elsewhere in the Catholic world ... someone captured an innovating way one church went about doing their weekly collections. Usually, there's a person going around with a basket, which then gets passed around with people tossing in cash and donations.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

With 'rona going around though, that ain't that safe obviously. So, instead, one parish got creative to get their dough ... strapping a basket to a remote control car and zipping out to the crowd, some of whom threw down some bucks and carried on like normal.

Making due regardless of the circumstances around us. Can we get an amen?

DeSean Jackson Meets with 94-Year-Old Holocaust Survivor


4:26 PM PT -- DeSean met with Mosberg over Zoom moments ago -- and says he was truly moved by the conversation.


"Today I had an opportunity to speak with 94 year old holocaust survivor Mr. Edward Mosberg. Thank you Mr. Mosberg for your valuable time and insight today."


"Im taking this time to continue with educating myself and bridging the gap between different cultures, communities & religions. LOVE 2 ALL!!!!! TO BE CONTINUED."

DeSean Jackson will be meeting with a 94-year-old Holocaust survivor on Friday ... in an effort to educate himself about the Jewish struggle.

Earlier this week, Edward Mosberg expressed his disappointment in Jackson's IG post in which the NFL featured an anti-Semitic quote attributed to Adolph Hitler.

In his letter to Jackson, Mosberg invited the Philadelphia Eagles WR to visit a Nazi concentration camp to better understand why pushing anti-Semitic rhetoric can lead (and has lead) to death and destruction.

"I would invite you to join me at the sites of these German Nazi death camps, to understand what evil truly is, and why sharing quotes of the man behind this evil is so offensive to us all," Mossberg wrote.

Mosberg says he survived several Nazi concentration camps -- including Mauthausen in Austria. He also says his late wife was a survivor of Auschwitz.

Now, we're told Jackson will meet with Mosberg over Zoom on Friday -- in the hopes of starting a positive, constructive dialogue.

As one source close to Jackson puts it -- "He really is educating himself ... and will continue to do so."

We're also told Jackson met with the Creative Community for Peace organization this week ... an organization dedicated to battling anti-Semitism.

Earlier this week, Julian Edelman invited Jackson to have an "uncomfortable conversation" about anti-semitism and racism in America.

And, Friday morning, Edelman says the two got the ball rolling.

"DeSean and I spoke for a while last night. We're making plans to use our experiences to educate one another and grow together. Stay tuned."

Originally Published -- 1:27 PM PT

Julian Edelman Offers Deal to DeSean Jackson 'Come to Holocaust Museum'

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Jewish NFL star Julian Edelman says he wants to have an "uncomfortable conversation" with DeSean Jackson about the WR's anti-Semitic IG post ... but he's hopeful the two can learn from each other.

Edelman broke his silence on Jackson Thursday morning ... saying he "wanted to take some time because it's a complicated issue and I wanted to be thoughtful."

As we previously reported, DeSean posted a quote on IG attributed to Hitler (though it's not a real Hitler quote) suggesting a secret Jewish conspiracy for global domination.

Edelman acknowledges Jackson posted some "ugly things" about Jews ... but notes, "I do see an opportunity to have a conversation."

The 34-year-old Super Bowl MVP explained his own experience with anti-Semitism -- and how he was called a hateful slur on the football field back in 2011.

He called on the Black and Jewish communities to listen and learn from each other ... and then made an offer to DeSean.

"DeSean, lets do a deal. How about we go to D.C. and I take you to the Holocaust Museum and then you take me to the Museum of African American History and Culture."

"Afterwards, we grab some burgers and we have those uncomfortable conversations. This world needs a little more love, compassion and empathy."

For his part, Jackson has said he's been meeting with Jewish leaders to try and educate himself about anti-Semitism.

We'll see if he takes Edelman up on his offer.

NBA's Stephen Jackson Apologizes For Anti-Semitic Comments ... Used 'Wrong Words'


5:55 AM PT -- 7/8 -- Stephen Jackson says he used the "wrong words" when suggesting Jews "run all the banks" -- and insists he's not an anti-Semitic person.


The ex-NBA player went on CNN on Wednesday evening -- where Don Lemon explained why his comments were so offensive and wrong.


Jackson kept pushing back until Lemon dropped this truth bomb -- "Just because you don't understand that something you're saying or doing is anti Semitic. doesn't mean it's not."


Lemon continued, "Instead of defending this so much, shouldn't you be trying to understand why Jewish people are offended?"


Jackson ultimately agreed -- saying, "I apologize for using the wrong words ... I could have changed my words."


"I apologize for my words. I know I love everybody and thats how I always stand."


12:38 PM PT -- More dangerous anti-Semitic rhetoric from Stephen Jackson -- this time, he's pushing a centuries-old lie that Jews control "all the banks."

More dangerous anti-Semitic rhetoric from Stephen Jackson -- this time, he's pushing a centuries-old lie that Jews control

12:23 PM PT -- Jackson went on IG live Wednesday (full video here) to defend his previous statements -- when he asked to acknowledge that Jews are not trying to divide the Black community.


Jackson shot back, "You know that for a fact?"


Then came the comment about the Rothschilds ...


"You know who the Rothschilds are? They control all the banks. They own all the banks."


The notion the Rothschilds "control all the banks" is a dangerous lie that has been weaponized by anti-Semites -- including the Nazis -- to rally hatred against Jews, as explained here.


Bottom line ... Jackson doesn't appear to have any interest in backing off his anti-Semitic statements -- he's doubling and tripling down.

Stephen Jackson

"He was trying to educate himself, educate people and he's speaking the truth."

Former NBA star Stephen Jackson attempted to defend DeSean Jackson's anti-Semitic social media post in a video Tuesday ... adding in the clip, "You know he don't hate nobody."

"But, he's speaking the truth of the facts that he know and trying to educate others."

DeSean re-shared a quote attributed to Hitler (though it's not an actual Hitler quote) on his social media page earlier this week ... appearing to endorse a passage that claimed Jews will "extort" and "blackmail" America as part of a greater "plan for world domination."

DeSean apologized for the post multiple times ... and his team, the Philadelphia Eagles, ripped him in a scathing statement shortly after.

"Regardless of his intentions," the team said, "the messages he shared were offensive harmful, and absolutely appalling."

Stephen took issue with it all in a now-removed video ... bringing up the Eagles' handling of the infamous Riley Cooper n-word incident back in 2013.

"If it's talking about the Black race, y'all ain't saying nothing about it," Stephen said. "They killing us. Police killing us. And, treating us like sh*t. Racism at an all-time high. But, ain't none of you NFL owners spoke up on that. And, none of you teams spoke up on that."

"But, the same [Eagles] team had a receiver that said the word [n-word] publicly, and they gave him an extension."

Jackson continued, "I play for The Big 3, we have a Jewish owner. He understands where we stand in some of the things we say, but it's not directed to him. It's the way we been treated."

"Philadelphia, y'all need to repost this."

For the NFL's part, it released a statement on DeSean's post as well, saying, "DeSean’s comments were highly inappropriate, offensive and divisive and stand in stark contrast to the NFL’s values of respect, equality and inclusion. We have been in contact with the team which is addressing the matter with DeSean.”

The Eagles have not yet announced if a punishment will be handed down to the star receiver.

Originally published -- 7/7 6:51 AM PT

NoHo Church Members Threaten to Call Cops on Black Woman ... For Sitting on Church Lawn

North Hollywood Church
Alex Marshall-Brown/Facebook

A group of Christian church members went to extreme lengths to remove a black woman peacefully sitting on "their" grass ... and it all played out on video.

The woman's name is Alex Marshall-Brown -- a stunt woman and voice actor here in L.A. -- and on Tuesday, she documented her North Hollywood encounter with the churchgoers ... who seemed to grossly overreact to her chilling out on church grounds.

She was working on her laptop, sitting under a tree and minding her business ... when a couple guys who apparently work for the church came out with a "No Trespassing" sign just for her. Alex questions why they're booting her, but they don't seem to have a good reason.

The men say they don't want strangers on their property, period -- insisting that them telling her to scram isn't anything personal ... that they're just doing their jobs and protecting the church.

But then it took a disturbing turn ... one of the guys dropped the ol' "All Lives Matter" on her.

Alex continued to point out she's not threatening anyone, and that escalating the situation by calling police -- which the men say was already happening -- wasn't necessary.

She noted she was asked by some bike cops to leave at first, or else she'd have a run-in with "Cop cops" -- but our law enforcement sources tell us no one in LAPD was even made aware of this. Instead, it sounds like Alex just had to deal with the church staffers.

She went on to say it's ironic a church, of all places, was being so unwelcoming.

Now, head honchos from this parish -- St. Paul's First Lutheran Church -- have already weighed in, and they say their workers on the ground got this one wrong. The church says they strive to spread the love of God, and they're saddened by the way this went down.

SPFLC also makes a point to say ... they're gonna train their staff better going forward.

DeSean Jackson Apologizes to Jewish Community ... 'I Will Educate Myself'

DeSean Jackson

4:00 PM PT -- Another apology from DeSean Jackson ... this time, he's apologizing to the Jewish community -- and his Jewish bosses -- vowing to educate himself on why his IG post was so offensive and hurtful.


"I want to apologize to the Jewish community, Jeffrey Lurie, Howie Rosemnan, Doug Peterson, the Eagles organization and out fans for the insensitive and ill-informed posts that I shared on my social media."


Jackson continued, "This apology is more than just words -- it is a promise to do better. I will fully educate myself and work with local and national organizations to be more informed and make a difference in our community."


"I will consider my words and actions moving forward. I will seek out voices from other communities and listen to their words, thoughts and beliefs. In a time of division, I am committed to doing my part in making this world a better place for our children."


Sources connected to Jackson tell TMZ Sports he's spent the day talking with several Jewish people to try to understand why the post was so hurtful and dangerous.


8:57 AM PT -- DeSean has posted a new video -- saying his anti-Semitic posts were a "mistake" ... adding, "I truly apologize for posting it and sorry for any hurt I have caused."


8:52 AM PT -- The Eagles have condemned Jackson's post as "offensive, harmful, and absolutely appalling" -- and are vowing to take "appropriate action."


The team does NOT say if they're considering cutting or suspending the WR.


Here's the team statement in full ...


"We have spoken with DeSean Jackson about his social media posts. Regardless of his intentions, the messages he shared were offensive, harmful, and absolutely appalling. They have no place in our society, and are not condoned or supported in any way by the organization. We are disappointed and we reiterated to DeSean the importance of not only apologizing, but also using his platform to take action to promote unity, equality, and respect."


"We are continuing to evaluate the circumstances and will take appropriate action. We take these matters very seriously and are committed to continuing to have productive and meaningful conversations with DeSean, as well as all of our players and staff, in order to educate, learn and grow."

This is bad.

NFL star DeSean Jackson claims he's NOT a Jew-hater -- despite posting quotes suggesting a Jewish plot for world domination.

The Philadelphia Eagles WR first posted a screenshot of a book that features a quote attributed to Adolf Hitler -- saying Jews will "extort" and "blackmail" America as part of a greater "plan for world domination."

According to the multiple research websites, including Snopes, the quote is NOT originally from Hitler -- but STILL A HORRIBLE THING TO POST!

There was obvious backlash to the post from people including former Philadelphia Eagles president Joe Banner, who is Jewish.

"If a white player said anything about AA’s as outrageous as what Desean Jackson said about Jews tonight there would at least be a serious conversation about cutting him and a need for a team meeting to discuss. Which would be totally appropriate," Banner said.

"Absolutely indefensible."

Jackson later responded on another IG post -- saying, "Anyone who feels I have hate towards the Jewish community took my post the wrong way."

He added, "I have no hatred in my heart towards no one!"

On his IG page, Jackson also features several tributes to Louis Farrakhan -- a man the Anti-Defamation League has dubbed anti-Semitic over his long history of trashing the Jewish people.

Farrakhan has previously referred to Judaism as a "gutter religion" and praised Hitler as a "great man."

Originally published -- 5:58 AM PT

Pope Francis Emotional Note To Paralympics Star ... After Horrific Crash

Pope Francis wrote a personal note to a Paralympics star who's fighting for his life after a horrific crash ... saying in the letter, "I am close to you and I pray for you and your family."

The 83-year-old penned the comments to Alex Zanardi -- an ex-Formula 1-racer-turned-amazing-Paralympian who tragically crashed his handbike into a truck in Italy last week.

The scene was terrifying ... Zanardi -- who had both his legs amputated after a racing accident in 2001 -- reportedly suffered massive head trauma in the wreck.

According to officials at the hospital Zanardi is recovering at ... the 53-year-old is in stable condition -- but is in danger of suffering from possible brain damage.

The hospital adds he's been intubated and is on a ventilator.

Enter the Pope ... who after hearing about the accident -- reached out with an emotional letter encouraging Zanardi's recovery.

"Dearest Alessandro, your story is an example of how to start again after an unforeseen stop," the Pope wrote. "Through sport, you have taught us to live life as a protagonist, teaching a lesson of humanity through disability."

"Thank you for having given strength to those who have lost it. In this painful moment, I am close to you and I pray for you and your family."

The Pope signed the letter, "Fraternally, Francis."

Zanardi -- a four-time gold medalist in the Paralympics who's backed the Pope for years with multiple charity donations -- is expected to remain in a medically-induced coma for at least another week.

Ben Roethlisberger I've Battled Porn & Booze Addictions ... 'We All Fall Short'

Ben Roethlisberger says he's fought both porn and alcohol addictions in the past ... but credits his relationship with his religion for helping him cut the habits.

The Pittsburgh Steelers QB made the revelations at the "ManUp Pittsburgh" conference over the weekend ... giving a pump-up speech to people who are going through similar struggles.

"People don't realize all the time that us athletes, we're human," Roethlisberger said. "We sin like everyone else. I am no different. We make mistakes. We get addicted to things. We sin."

Big Ben continued, "And I think sometimes we get put on this pedestal where we can't make mistakes. We do. I've fallen as short as anybody."

Roethlisberger -- who's been in the NFL since 2004 -- says his past transgressions include vices like booze and porn ... adding, "which makes me then not the best husband, not the best father, not the best Christian I can be."

But, 38-year-old Ben says he was able to re-find religion after meeting his wife -- whom he married in 2011 -- and says he believes he's now a better person because of it.

"My message to the men out there that are watching this is, we all fall short," Roethlisberger said. "That's what happens. But it's OK. You can get back into the good graces."

Roethlisberger also spoke about his recent elbow surgery ... and said if it had happened earlier in his career, he's not sure he could have handled it.

Though Ben now says he's being patient with the whole process ... and is confident he'll return to form sooner than later.

"Now that I know what it's about, it was easy for me to say, 'God, it's in your hands, I'm going to go train my butt off to get out there and whatever you have for me, I'm ready.'"

Rayshard Brooks Atlanta Funeral MLK's Daughter Gives Powerful Speech


12:16 PM PT -- Another profound speech was just given by Ebenezer Baptist's own minister, Raphael Warnock, who said what happened to Rayshard Brooks was just a small piece of a much larger issue in America ... namely, mass incarceration, which he likened to modern-day slavery.


The reverend gave a powerful eulogy for Rayshard, in which he invoked the story of Moses telling Pharaoh to let his people go, and how African-Americans are in a similar situation now. Warnock then said police brutality is not the end all be all -- he said the criminal justice system at large was the beast that needed to be fed ... and police killings were simply a byproduct to that end -- the feeding of the machine, if you will.

Rev. Raphael Warnock
Ebenezer Baptist Church

Warnock then got to Rayshard's situation itself, noting that the possible reason he might've tried running before getting shot was because he himself was on probation ... and figured making a run for it would be better than falling right back into the system he'd just escaped.


The reverend then pivoted to the concept of records, saying that people with a record -- criminal or otherwise -- are often used by God, which the Bible documents well.


Rev. Warnock, like Bernice King, called on people to continue protesting for justice ... but also made sure to urge people to make the biggest statement come Nov. 3 -- by hitting the voting booths.


Rayshard's funeral service came to an end shortly thereafter with a prolonged musical performance from the choir ... capping an incredibly well put-together event that properly honored the man from start to finish.


11:15 AM PT -- Dr. Martin Luther King's daughter, Bernice King, just delivered a powerful speech at Rayshard's funeral --  this after friends and family delivered remarks as well -- and she says his death will NOT be in vain, going on to call on protests for Black Lives Matter to continue until the movement's demands are met and true justice is achieved.

Rev. Dr. Bernice King
Ebenezer Baptist Church

The reverend began by saying Rayshard did not have to be killed, and that the officers could have simply let him go home. She went on to point other historic dates in history that also fall on June 12 -- the day Rayshard was killed -- and then connected the dots personally ... saying she, too, knew the pain of losing a father to racial violence.


She went on to say that MLK himself said the Brooks family's struggle was, in fact, everyone in the community's struggle ... and that his word of "No justice, no peace" still rings true even today -- even in the city of Atlanta, which she said is considered a black Mecca.


Reverend Bernice then said it clearly ... the next step to healing this nation is NOT more diversity or inclusion, it is acknowledging directly that Black Lives Matter -- and that a revolution of values is absolutely essential to make things right going forward.


Bernice said that the demonstrations happening should not and will not cease until true equity is reached, and true reform takes place. She also called for reparations and an end to voter suppression -- ending by saying righteousness will prevail one way or another.


She received a standing O for her words, which sounded eerily similar to those once spoken by her own dad. Like father, like daughter ... no doubt.

Rayshard Brooks is being laid to rest with a home going ceremony in one of Atlanta's most historic churches ... and TMZ is streaming the service live.

The procession is getting underway Tuesday morning at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once served as co-pastor for years. Rayshard's casket actually arrived at the church on Monday for a public viewing ahead of Tuesday's funeral service.

His golden casket was brought in by pallbearers wearing "Here 2 Serve" t-shirts. During the viewing, his casket was open, and his widow, Tomika Miller, reached out to touch her husband at one point.

As for Tuesday's ceremony, it's meant to be a more private affair with some noteworthy speakers ... including MLK's daughter, Rev. Bernice A. King, as well as Rev. Raphael G. Warnock -- the senior pastor at Ebenezer Baptist, who's supposed to deliver the eulogy.

On Friday, June 12, Rayshard was approached by two APD officers after he was found asleep in his car and partially blocking the line at Wendy's drive-thru. After a lot of cordial back-and-forth interaction, for about 30 minutes, the cops tried to handcuff Rayshard place him under arrest.

When Rayshard resisted, a struggle ensued, and he broke free with one of the officers' tasers ... which he pointed back at them as they gave chase. Officer Garrett Rolfe then opened fire and struck Rayshard twice in the back. He also allegedly kicked him after he was down.

Rayshard later died from his injuries -- and the Wendy's where and the officers tussled was burned to the ground the next day as intense protests sprung up in Atlanta.

The Fulton County D.A. announced murder charges against Officer Rolfe. His partner, Devin Brosnan, faces less severe charges ... aggravated assault, specifically. Both men have since turned themselves in for booking. Brosnan, for his part, has denied wrongdoing.

If Rolfe is convicted, the death penalty would be on the table for sentencing.

Originally Published -- 9:30 AM PT

White NC Cops & Civilians Wash Black Protesters', Faith Leaders' Feet ... Ask for Forgiveness

Here's an example of true healing playing out in a very biblical sense -- a group of white police officers and other community members came together to wash their black brother's and sister's feet ... and asked for forgiveness.

Check out this moving scene that was captured Saturday in Cary, North Carolina ... where, during BLM demonstrations, a handful of white folks came together to clean the feet of black religious leaders, while offering a prayer repenting for the sins inflicted on black people at large.

There's one man with a megaphone leading the prayer, and he acknowledges there's one race of people ... going on to ask for forgiveness for their white ancestors enslaving, mistreating and oppressing African-Americans.

It was a surprising, yet moving sight to see -- and also very Christ-like. In a week filled with all kinds of images of police run-ins with protesters -- both good and bad -- this one might say the most about the nation's desire for change.

George Floyd Family Remembers Magnetic Presence ... Crump, Sharpton Give Inspiring Remarks

George Floyd Family 6/4/2020

1:11 PM PT -- Al Sharpton just finished giving the eulogy and his words also brought the crowd to their feet. He said, "[George] did not die of common health conditions. He died of a common American criminal justice malfunction." Sharpton also took a shot at President Trump's recent photo-op and urged the Prez -- without ever mentioning his name -- to open the bible instead of using it as a prop. Sharpton said "George Floyd's story has been the story of black folks, because ever since 401 years ago the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to being is because you kept your knee on our neck. It’s time for us to stand up in George's name and say get your knee off our necks."

Al Sharpton Eulogy

Sharpton also had a message for the flawed criminal justice system: "We don’t have a problem denouncing violence, Mr governor. We don’t have a problem, Mr. Mayor, denouncing looting. But it seems like some in the criminal justice system have a problem looking at a tape and knowing there’s probable cause and it takes a long time for you to go and do what you see that you need to do."


12:59 PM PT -- Floyd's family remembered George as a magnetic presence regardless of who surrounded him. One said, "When he spoke to people, he made you feel special. They felt like they were the president because that's how he made you feel." They also remembered his big bear hugs. "No matter who you talked to, they all felt special. They never felt left out. He would embrace them. What I'll miss the most about him is his hugs. When he wrapped his arms around you, it felt like your problems would go away." They also talked about how George was a HUUUUGE LeBron James fan.


The lawyer repping Floyd's family, Ben Crump, also gave an inspiring speech that brought everyone to their feet. He invoked the names of those who fell at the hands of injustice ... from Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor to Eric Garner, Stephon Clark and Trayvon Martin. Crump also had these inspiring words justifying peaceful protests, "What we are doing is helping America be America for all Americans."

The first of four services to honor George Floyd is about to get underway in Minneapolis ... and you can follow it live right here.

Thursday's memorial service will begin at 11 AM PT at the Frank J. Lindquist Sanctuary at North Central University. It's a private event to be attended by family, friends and invitees of the Floyd family only.

Rev. Al Sharpton will deliver the eulogy.

On Saturday, a public viewing and a private memorial service will be held in Raeford, North Carolina. George was born nearby in Fayetteville, and his sister said "his family would remember him" in the state.

According to Hoke County Sheriff Hubert Peterkin ... no protesting will be allowed at this service. Peterkin said, "The memorial is about the life that Mr. George Floyd lived, and this is a time to embrace the family with expressions of love and kindness."

Finally, on Monday in Houston, there will be a public viewing at The Fountain of Praise Church, followed by a private service Tuesday. Floyd grew up in Houston but left several years ago when he moved to Minnesota.

Minneapolis Police 5/25/20
Facebook/ Darnella Frazier

Of course, Floyd was killed while Minneapolis PD arrested him on May 25. The video of his death -- showing ex-cop Derek Chauvin pressing his knee on Floyd's neck as he pled, "I can't breathe" -- set off a firestorm of outrage. Across the country, protests sprung up ... a few of which escalated to riots and violence.

All 4 Minneapolis PD officers involved in the incident were fired within one day, and 4 days later Chauvin was arrested -- initially charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter.

The 3 officers who stood by as Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd have all been arrested and charged with crimes, and Chauvin now faces a 2nd-degree murder charge.
Fox 9

On Wednesday, Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison added a 2nd-degree murder charge.

The 3 other ex-cops -- Thomas Lane, J. Alexander Keung and Tou Thao -- were also arrested and charged with felonies ... aiding and abetting second-degree murder and aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter.

Originally published -- 10:20 AM PT

Trump Hotel Vegas Ex-Employee Sues ... And the Lord Said, No Sunday Shifts!!!

A housekeeping employee who used to work for the Trump Hotel in Vegas claims she was kept out of church (and on the clock) for years, despite being a devout Christian ... now, she's suing.

The woman's name is Sonia Torres, and according to a lawsuit she just filed against her former bosses in Sin City ... she'd been working in the hotel's housekeeping division without issue for years. That's until a new housekeeping regime came in, and allegedly screwed up her Sunday appointments with God by switching up her schedule.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Torres claims she was hired in 2010 with an explicit understanding she would not work Sundays, so she could observe her faith. Torres says management, at the time, said no problemo ... and hired her.

Fast-forward to 2015, and Ms. Torres alleges a new boss started giving her Sundays off to a dude who had less seniority than her. Torres says she complained to her superiors and HR, but nothing changed.

Eventually, she says the issue came to a head, and after talking it out with union reps ... they suggested she go on call for Sundays, but she refused. Torres says she just stopped showing up on Sundays, which got her fired in 2018.

Now, she's suing for religious discrimination and hostile work environment, demanding damages and back pay.

Amish-Esque Group Join Minneapolis Protests With Songs for George Floyd!!!

Amish Protest

Looks like the outrage over George Floyd's death has trickled over to a part of society that doesn't usually hear about stuff right away -- yes, it's the Amish ... that, or their peaceful brethren.

A group of about 10 people dressed in Amish-esque garb (plain, old-fashioned clothes from the 1800s or something) were spotted out Friday in Minneapolis -- before the latest round of nighttime chaos began -- with signs showing solidarity with George Floyd protesters.

They were singing songs in a chorus together -- possibly hymns -- and a lot of them were holding signs that reflected what a lot of other protesters in town have been shouting at the top of their lungs ... "Justice for George Floyd." One sign said just that -- others read, "I Can't Breathe," "Thou Shall Not Kill Any Man," and "Standing Against Systems of Oppression."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

They were getting rounds of applause from the crowd that had gathered around them, and a lot of surprised reactions online too. Many simply couldn't believe the Amish had even heard about George Floyd -- seeing how they're so isolated and technology-less and all -- which then led to some speculation that these good folks here might not be Amish at all.

Some people are speculating this group might be Mennonites -- which are slightly different from the Amish, in that they're allowed to use basic technology and usually pull up in actual vehicles as opposed to horse-and-cart buggies. Others said the might be mere Quakers.

Whatever guild they claim ... their presence was much appreciated by their fellow Minneapolitans.

IKEA Muslims Gather in Parking Lot ... Perfect Spot for Safe Group Prayer

Hundreds of Muslims from a mosque in Germany came together for a holiday prayer while maintaining social distancing ... thanks to their friendly neighborhood IKEA.

Muslims all over the world spent the weekend celebrating Eid al-Fitr -- AKA the "Festival of Breaking the Fast," which marks the end of Ramadan -- but for obvious pandemic reasons, gatherings and group prayer for the holy day were more challenging to do safely.

So, a mosque in Wetzlar asked the local IKEA if it could use the store's currently unoccupied parking lot as a community spot for physical-distancing-safe congregating ... and got the green light.

The photo is awesome and proves that old adage ... where there's a will there's a way. Folks online called the event "beautiful," "uplifting" and a "gorgeous sight."

It's also a good lesson for churches here in the U.S. that are trying to convene for services under quarantine rules.

The mosque, IGMG Wetzlar FATIH CAMII, publicly thanked IKEA's management and all the public officials and police officers who helped make "this extraordinary holiday prayer possible."

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