Bianca Censori Censori's Herself at Dinner with North West!!!

Kanye West's wife, Bianca Censori, engaged in a shocking coverup Saturday night, hiding her body under a fur coat ... presumably because they were chowing down with North West.

Ye, Bianca and his 10-year-old daughter hit up Nobu. and BC arrived in a full, furry coat and leggings to boot!

North was into the attention as they arrived, smiling at the paparazzi. Kanye and Bianca ... not so much.

Bianca's fit is in sharp contrast to what she has not been wearing lately -- namely, clothes.

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She stopped shoppers dead in their tracks a few days back, wearing very little as they grabbed some grub at the Cheesecake Factory at The Grove in L.A.

Bianca's dad is none too pleased about what's happened to his architect daughter, who almost never utters a word in public. According to the Daily Mail, he called her a "trashy naked trophy pony."

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Instagram / @djpharris

Kim Kardashian has been interacting with Bianca at a few events lately, and maybe KK got in her ear.

Stay Tuned ...

Kristin Cavallari Hot Date Night w/ New Man ... Hand in Hand, Big Smiles

Kristin Cavallari's lookin' head over heels for her new man Mark Estes, holding hands and flashing sweet looks on their way to dinner in L.A.

The happy couple strolled into Sugarfish -- a classy sushi joint in ritzy Beverly Hills ... and KC was dressed to impress, hot leather pants pulled up high.

The couple grabbed a bite to eat before having a car pick them up ... and, Cavallari even helped a pap figure out who the 24-year-old looks like -- pointing to one legendary actor.

date night

Watch the clip yourself to hear the comparison ... and, check out the demeanor too. Lots of laughin' and flirtin' -- great to see the new couple's still in that honeymoon phase.

Remember ... Cavallari went public with her relationship not long after we posted photos of her and Estes hangin' out down in Cabo -- lookin' fabulous while riding a tram at the airport headed for customs.

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Like A High School Girl
Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

Cavallari's since detailed more specific info about her new dude ... taking to her podcast to talk about how fate seemingly brought the two together.

And, the happy couple seems to be gettin' serious -- 'cause Cavallari shared a snap where Estes appeared to be deep in convo with one of her three kiddos ... definitely looks like more than just casual dating.

Anyhoo ... Kristin and Mark are clearly lovin' the new relationship -- and Hollywood's definitely got a new "it couple."

Gisele Bündchen No engañé a Tom... ¡¡¡Las mujeres asumen la culpa!!!

Gisele Bündchen está abordando de frente los rumores sobre un posible engaño, asegurando que nunca dio un paso fuera de su matrimonio con Tom Brady, y alegando que las habladurías comenzaron "porque ella es mujer".

La modelo, que estuvo casada con Tom desde 2009 hasta 2022, realizó una entrevista con The New York Times, donde finalmente se refirió a los comentarios de que engañó a Brady con su instructor de jiu-jitsu Joaquim Valente.

En la entrevista, Bündchen calificó directamente de mentiras las afirmaciones, al mismo tiempo que dijo que no estaba buscando que su vida fuera una gran historia sensacionalista.

Pero Gisele ofreció su teoría de por qué los rumores parecen cobrar fuerza y ella lo atribuye a una actitud sexista hacia las mujeres cuando se trata de rupturas, alegando que estas siempre tienen la culpa cuando terminan relaciones poco sanas.

La madre de dos dice que lo mismo pasa con cualquier mujer que termina con su pareja, solo que esto es amplificado con ella debido a que es un personaje público.

También confirmó que está saliendo con alguien, aunque no dijo el nombre de Joaquim, añadiendo que esta relación es muy diferente a cualquiera de sus parejas anteriores, mucho más abierta y honesta, según Gisele Bündchen.

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Siguiendo su propio camino
ABC News

Fuimos los primeros en contarles que fuentes cercanas a Tom nos habían dicho que él no se creía la línea de tiempo de la relación de Gisele, diciendo que piensa que estos empezaron a salir en 2021.

Mientras tanto, Bündchen se emocionó mucho al hablar de Tom durante una entrevista con Robin Roberts de ABC hace pocas semanas, diciendo que no quería divorciarse del ex jugador de la NFL, pero que al final necesitaba hacer un cambio.

Gisele parece más desafiante que emocional en esta nueva entrevista y, parece que está lista para dejar atrás toda esta supuesta narrativa de engaño.

Gisele Bündchen I Didn't Cheat on Tom ... Women Take The Blame!!!

Gisele Bündchen's addressing rumors head-on ... claiming she never stepped out on her marriage to Tom Brady -- and, claiming the rumors started 'cause she's a woman.

The model -- who was married to Tom from 2009 to 2022 -- sat down for an interview with The New York Times where she finally addressed claims she cheated on Brady with jiu-jitsu instructor Joaquim Valente.

In the interview, Bündchen straight up calls the claims she cheated lies, and while also saying she's not looking to make her life one big tabloid story.

But, Gisele did offer her theory on why the rumors seem to gather steam ... chalking it up to a sexist attitude toward women in breakups -- claiming ladies always take the blame when they leave unhealthy relationships.

The mother-of-two says the same goes for any woman who breaks up with their man ... it's just amplified with her because of her public platform.

She also confirmed she's dating someone -- though she didn't say Joaquim's name -- adding this relationship is so much different than any of her past couplings ... way more open and honest, according to GB.

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Walking Her Own Path
ABC News

We broke the story ... sources close to Tom told us he isn't buying the relationship timeline Gisele's selling -- saying he thinks they started dating way back in 2021.

Meanwhile, Bündchen got really emotional when talking about Tom during an interview with ABC's Robin Roberts earlier this month -- saying she didn't want to divorce Tom, but ultimately needed to make the change.

Gisele seems more defiant than emotional in this new interview ... and, it seems like she's ready to put this whole cheating narrative behind her.

Cameron Diaz, Benji Madden We Just Had Baby No. 2!!!

Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden made an unexpected announcement Friday ... they just had another baby!

The couple shared the good news about the birth of their second child, Cardinal, unsurprisingly saying they're "so happy" he's now come into their lives.

The actress and her musician husband continued to gush about their new bundle of joy, calling him "awesome" and "really cute."

But they made a point of saying they wouldn't upload any photos of him online for security and privacy reasons.

The two accompanied their message with a colorful illustration scrawled with the words, "A Little Bird Whispered To Me," which was a clear reference to the kiddo's name, which takes after the tiny, red bird.

As you know, Cameron and Benji tied the knot in 2015. Four years later, the two had their first child, a daughter named Raddix.

Raddix will now have a brother to play with in their family home. How lucky!

Congrats Cameron and Benji!

Cameron Diaz y Benji Madden Dan la bienvenida a su segundo hijo!!!

Cameron Diaz y Benji Madden hicieron un anuncio inesperado el viernes, ¡acaban de tener otro bebé!

La pareja compartió la noticia sobre el nacimiento de su segundo hijo, Cardinal, diciendo que estaban "tan felices" de que ha llegado a sus vidas.

La actriz y su marido músico siguieron compartiendo su emoción, diciendo que el bebé era "increíble" y "muy lindo."

Pero advirtieron que no subirían ninguna foto de él por razones de seguridad y privacidad.

Los dos acompañaron su mensaje con una colorida ilustración garabateada con las palabras "A Little Bird Whispered To Me" (Un pajarito me susurró), en clara referencia al nombre del pequeño, que proviene del pequeño pájaro rojo.

Como saben, Cameron y Benji se casaron en 2015 y cuatro años después tuvieron su primera hija Raddix.

Raddix ahora tendrá un hermano con el que jugar. ¡Qué suerte!

¡Felicidades Cameron y Benji!


Sydney Sweeney es la nueva it girl favorita de todo el mundo en Hollywood, pero para cualquiera que lo haya olvidado, ella está comprometida, algo que dejó claro esta semana.

La actriz estuvo en la ciudad de Nueva York el jueves, caminando de la mano con Jonathan Davino, con quien ha estado comprometida desde hace unos 2 años, aunque se conocen desde el 2018.

Como se puede ver, son una pareja adorable. Él también parecía muy feliz, ¿y quién no lo estaría con alguien como Sydney a su lado?

La popularidad de Sydney ha explotado el último año, y sigue llamando la atención en casi todos los eventos a los que va. Por supuesto, ella es absolutamente hermosa y es probablemente una de las mayores actrices rubias que hemos visto en mucho tiempo.

Mientras que todo el mundo parece estar sediento por ella últimamente, Davino a menudo aparece escondido en el fondo y, sin embargo, parece muy confiado en la relación.

Recordemos que el año pasado se especuló mucho sobre la posibilidad de que hubiera algo entre ella y su coprotagonista Glen Powell, pero capearon el temporal y siguieron adelante. Incluso la acompañó a los Oscar hace unas semanas.

Otro hecho curioso es que tienen un negocio juntos, ella y Jon co-producen proyectos bajo su compañía, Fifty-Fifty Films, por lo que, obviamente, están muy unidos.

No está claro cómo se conocieron exactamente, pero Jon ha estado presente en casi todo el meteórico ascenso de Sydney en Hollywood, y a pesar de su creciente fama, el tipo no parece estar acomplejado al respecto.

Lo que también es interesante es que ella y Jon mantienen las cosas en privado. No se sabe mucho acerca de él o de su dinámica. En cualquier caso, ella está enamorada.

Muchos chicos pueden o no ser conscientes del hecho de que ella está fuera de las pistas, pero si no lo sabías, te damos un recordatorio de que está felizmente comprometida.

Mientras tanto, Sydney sigue rodando películas a diestra y siniestra, y la última de ellas es una de terror que llegará a los cines esta semana.

SYDNEY SWEENEY PARADES Fiancé AROUND IN NYC ... Lil' Reminder, Engaged!!!

Sydney Sweeney's everyone's new favorite it girl in Hollywood --  but for anyone who's forgotten, she's engaged ... something she made loud and clear this week with her fiancé.

The actress was out and about in NYC Thursday, walking hand-in-hand with Jonathan Davino -- to whom she's been engaged for about 2 years now, and dated even longer going all the way back to 2018.

As you can see, they're 2 peas in a pod ... and SS flashed a big smile with her man. He was looking pretty happy too -- and who wouldn't be with someone like Sydney at your side?

Sydney's blown up over the past year as an A-list star, and she continues to turn heads at just about every event she shows up to -- for good reason, too, as she's absolutely gorgeous and is probably one of the biggest blonde bombshell actresses we've seen in a long time.

While everyone seems to be thirsting over her lately, Davino is often tucked away in the background -- and yet, he's clearly confident in the relationship ... as is Sydney, it seems.

Remember, there was a lot of speculation last year that something might've been going on between her and her costar Glen Powell ... but she and Jon weathered the storm, and they're going strong. He even accompanied her to the Oscars a couple weeks ago.

Another fun fact ... they're in business together -- she and Jon co-produce projects under her production company, Fifty-Fifty Films ... so, they're obviously very tight and in lockstep.

Unclear how exactly they first hooked up ... but Jon's been in the picture pretty much all throughout Sydney's meteoric rise in Hollywood. Despite her growing fame, the dude doesn't appear to be bothered one bit ... and ditto for Sydney.

What's also interesting is that she and Jon are incredibly private ... not much is really known about him or their dynamic. In any case, she's smitten with the guy.

Lots of dudes out there may or may not be aware of the fact she's off the market -- but if you didn't know ... here's a reminder -- there's no chance of shooting your shot with her, 'cause she's happily taken!

In the meanwhile, Sydney keeps on rolling with gigs -- she's pumping out movies left and right these days ... and her latest includes a horror movie that's hitting theaters this week.

Megan Fox on 'CHD' Talks Past Plastic Surgery & Quirks Defends Drinking Blood!!!

It's A Big Deal
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox says her paranoia surrounding surgery has been her saving grace in not going under the knife too much ... even though she admits she's had quite a lot of work done.

The actress appeared on Wednesday's episode of "Call Her Daddy," where she opened up about all her plastic surgery experiences -- including a lengthy pre-op routine she says she requires all her surgeons to follow, 'cause she wants to make sure there's no bad energy.

MF says she responds poorly to general anesthesia, so she demands that her doctors tell her if they've seen any bad omens before cutting into her ... take a listen to what those are.

On the actual procedures themselves -- Megan admits to having had three separate boob jobs, and insists she's only had her nose worked once, despite what some people think. She also teases a mystery surgery she's had as well ... but wouldn't disclose what that was.

Megan also says she's considered a BBL -- but notes she doesn't have the body fat for it.

Anyway ... there was more Megan talked about -- including the fact she and Machine Gun Kelly drink each other's blood ... which has been accused of being Satanic.

It's Sweet!
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan defends the practice here ... saying it's a lot more innocent than folks think -- likening it to two kids putting their bleeding thumbs together on the playground when they think they've found their "soulmate." She says she and MGK share that kind of bond.

She's also got a pretty graphic comparison in making her point -- saying she finds girls who engage in oral sex so freely to be way more gross than anything she's doing with her man.

Lots of interesting nuggets from the Fox here ... we're certainly learning a lot!

The TMZ Podcast: Trump Defends Kate's Photoshop Fail But Hints At Deporting Prince Harry ... Again

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Former President Donald Trump is coming to the defense of Kate Middleton over the drama that's ensued following her Mother's Day Photoshop scandal.

However, the former Prez is once again hinting that he may deport Prince Harry if he's re-elected after the Duke of Sussex admitted to using drugs in his tell-all.

Speaking of the Princess of Wales ... TMZ spoke to professional Kate Middleton look-alike Heidi Agan, who says that the woman in the new footage in Windsor is 100% Kate and NOT her!

Kanye West and his wife Bianca Censori have been business as usual, running errands around Los Angeles, with Bianca strolling around half naked.

Plus, Scheana Shay hinted on the recent "Vanderpump Rules" episode that she had an orgy with John Mayer.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Wyld Young & Melanie Miller


es algo serio
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox dice que su paranoia en torno a la cirugía ha sido su salvación para no excederse con el bisturí, a pesar de que admite que se ha hecho más de una intervención.

La actriz apareció en el episodio del miércoles de "Call Her Daddy", donde se abrió sobre todas sus experiencias de cirugía plástica, incluyendo una larga rutina pre-operatoria que dice que le exige a todos sus cirujanos a seguir, porque quiere asegurarse de que no hay mala energía.

Megan dice que responde mal a la anestesia general, por lo que le exige que sus médicos que le digan si han visto algún mal presagio antes de proceder.

En cuanto a las operaciones, Megan admite que se ha operado tres veces el busto e insiste en que solo se ha operado la nariz una vez, a pesar de lo que algunos piensan. Ella también bromea sobre una cirugía misteriosa, pero no reveló mucho más.

Megan también dice que ha considerado una gluteoplastía, pero señala que no tiene la grasa corporal para hacerlo.

Megan también habló sobre el hecho de que ella y Machine Gun Kelly bebían la sangre del otro, acto por el que se les tilda de satánicos.

es muy dulce
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan defiende la práctica, diciendo que es mucho más inocente de lo que la gente piensa, y lo compara con dos niños que ponen sus pulgares sangrantes juntos en el patio de recreo cuando piensan que han encontrado su "alma gemela". Ella dice que ella y MGK comparten ese tipo de vínculo.

Además, asegura las niñas que participan el sexo oral con libertad entre ellas son mucho más sangrientas...

Un montón de pepitas de parte de Fox... ¡Ciertamente estamos aprendiendo mucho!

'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Husband Arrested for Assault with Deadly Weapon


12:40 PM PT -- Law enforcement sources tell us Christine Quinn was offered an emergency protective order against Christian Dumontet. Sources with direct knowledge tell us she accepted this protective order, which will be in effect for 7 days.

11:38 AM PT -- TMZ has confirmed that Christine and Christian's 2-year-old son was, in fact, transported to the hospital Tuesday via ambulance -- and we're told Christine went with him.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us that an ambulance arrived on the scene to treat the child -- and in the end, we're told first responders thought it'd be best if the kid went to the hospital ... so they took him.

Christine Quinn's husband was arrested this week -- and the charge he was booked for is incredibly serious ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tells us Christian Dumontet was taken into custody Tuesday afternoon near his L.A.-area home -- where he was seen wearing a bathrobe -- and hauled away by cops, who put him in a cruiser and took him to jail.

We're told a call for a domestic incident is what spurred officers to show up. In terms of what allegedly happened -- our sources tell us there was a verbal argument between Christian and Christine ... and Christine told cops Christian threw a bag with glass in it at her.

We're told the bag missed Christine and it actually struck their young child, a 2-year-old, and at this point ... our sources say the call to 911 was then placed. We're told that an ambulance arrived, but the toddler didn't need to be transported ... getting treated at the scene.

We're told Dumontet was booked for assault with a deadly weapon, a felony. As of this writing, he appears to still be behind bars on $30,000 bail. His arrest was first posted by Page Six.

She and Christian have been married since 2019 -- and he's also been featured on "Selling Sunset" ... although, his involvement has been minimal as he's mostly behind the scenes. Their December wedding was well-documented on the show at the time.

In terms of his background, Christian comes from the tech world ... and fancies himself as an entrepreneur these days. He and CQ share one kid together ... a son also named Christian.

On its face ... there was never any real drama between them that was captured on camera.

We've reached out to Christine's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:23 AM PT



12:40 PM PT -- Fuentes policiales nos dicen que a Christine Quinn le ofrecieron una orden de protección de emergencia contra Christian Dumontet. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que ella aceptó esta orden de protección, la cual entará en vigor durante 7 días.

11:38 AM PT -- TMZ ha confirmado que el hijo de 2 años de Christine y Christian fue, de hecho, transportado al hospital el martes en ambulancia, y nos dicen que Christine fue con él.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que una ambulancia llegó a la escena para tratar al niño, y al final nos dicen que los socorristas pensaron que sería mejor si el niño fuera al hospital, así que lo llevaron.

El marido de Christine Quinn fue detenido esta semana, y el cargo es increíblemente grave... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Christian Dumontet fue detenido el martes por la tarde cerca de su casa de Los Ángeles, donde fue visto con una bata de baño y capturado por la policía. Lo pusieron en un carro patrulla y lo llevaron a la cárcel.

Nos dicen que una llamada alertando de un incidente doméstico es lo que estimuló a los oficiales a aparecer. En términos de lo que supuestamente sucedió, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que hubo una discusión verbal entre Christian y Christine, y Christine le dijo a la policía que Christian le arrojó una bolsa con vidrios.

Nos dicen que la bolsa golpeó accidentalmente a su hijo de 2 años, y nuestras fuentes dicen que llamaron al 911. Nos dicen que una ambulancia llegó, y el niño pudo ser tratado ahí mismo

Nos dicen que Dumontet fue fichado por asalto con un arma mortal, un delito grave. Al momento de escribir estas líneas, parece que sigue entre rejas, bajo fianza de 30.000 dólares. Su arresto fue publicado por primera vez por Page Six.

Ella y Christian han estado casados desde 2019, y él también ha aparecido en "Selling Sunset", aunque, su participación ha sido mínima, ya que está principalmente está detrás de escena. Su boda de diciembre fue bien documentada en el programa en ese momento.

En cuanto a sus antecedentes, Christian viene del mundo de la tecnología, y se ve a sí mismo como un empresario estos días. Él y Christine comparten un hijo llamado Christian.

A primera vista, parece que nunca hubo ningún drama real entre ellos capturado en cámara.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Christine para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Publicado originalmente -- 10:23 AM PT

Angel Reese I'm Single!!! ... Confirms Split From Cam'Ron Fletcher


The "Love & Basketball" story between Angel Reese and Cam'Ron Fletcher is no more ... 'cause the LSU women's hoops star just revealed she's single.

Rumors of the couple calling it quits started to swirl recently ... when fans realized the two college basketball players scrubbed each other from their Instagram profiles.

Reese confirmed the speculation on Tuesday during a Q&A with her 2.7 million fans on Instagram Live ... saying, "Yeah, I'm single."

"I don't got no man. Don't attach me to no man. That's all I'mma say. That's it."

Even though the 21-year-old is on the market, Reese says she's not looking to jump back into a relationship just yet ... claiming her attention and energy is primarily on school, basketball and herself.

"I do what's best for me, that's it," the LSU forward said. "I'm the catch! Let's not get it twisted."

The women's NCAA tournament starts on Friday ... so Reese, who's averaging 19 points and 13.1 rebounds a game this season, can focus on another title run for the LSU Tigers.

Fletcher -- who transferred from Kentucky to FSU in 2021 -- suffered a season-ending injury last December. He averaged 6.7 points and 5.0 rebounds in seven games.

The Seminoles will not compete in the NCAA tournament after a 17-16 record.

Megan Fox Offers Cryptic Update on MGK ... We'll Always Be Connected

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I'm Not Willing To Explain
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox is finally speaking out about the status of her relationship with Machine Gun Kelly, and while she's trying to be coy ... she's also hinting there could be trouble in paradise.

The one thing Megan was very clear about while on the "Call Her Daddy" podcast, was that her romance with MGK will no longer play out in the public eye -- and then she attempted to play the "no comment" card in a very cryptic way.

Try to decipher this -- Megan told host Alex Cooper she will always have love for MGK ... referring to the artist as her "twin soul," and there will always be "a tether to him, no matter what."

The comment suggests they're no longer engaged, but Megan refused to say anything specific about their current status.

For anyone scratching their heads over the starlet's vague relationship update, she confessed that she can see how it is confusing for the public to understand.

That's nice of her ... but still totally lacking clarity.

Megan's statement comes not long after MGK opened up about his grief in the aftermath of their miscarriage a while back. He got candid about it in the song, "Don't Let Me Go," which dropped at the end of February.


The couple still hasn't set a wedding date -- 2 years after getting engaged -- but things have been rocky since last year when Megan fueled breakup speculation with a post quoting song lyrics from Beyoncé's "Lemonade" album.

Maybe MGK's massive new tattoo was a sign things were changing? If so, Megan's not ready to fully come clean.

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Larsa Pippen, Marcus Jordan We're Dunzo ... For Real!!!

Big win for Michael Jordan -- Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan have officially called it quits after more than a year together ... and we're told all signs are pointing to it being a permanent split this time around.

TMZ Sports has learned ... Scottie Pippen's ex-wife and MJ's son have been broken up for a couple of weeks now ... and unlike the brief "pause" in their relationship back in February, there's no hope of patching things up in the future.

The two had a pretty rocky romance ... and ultimately, they decided it was time to call it a day. With that being said, it's impossible to say for sure we'll never see these two together again ... especially considering their track record of being on and off.

We're told 49-year-old Larsa and Marcus, 33, haven't been on speaking terms since the split ... and they're both focused on doing their own thing.

The signs were there -- Larsa and Marcus unfollowed each other recently ... and the oft-paparazzi'd duo haven't been shot in public together in weeks.

Of course, many considered the coupling to be a bit odd -- Michael and Scottie have had a longstanding feud after winning six NBA championships together with the Chicago Bulls ... and Larsa is a decade and a half older than Marcus.

MJ even voiced his displeasure over the relationship back in July 2023 ... and Marcus insisted his pops was just joking, but a lot of folks didn't believe it.

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Larcus (RIP to that nickname) were first spotted together back in September 2022 -- they initially swore up and down they were just friends ... before ultimately caving in and admitting they were, in fact, a couple.

Things eventually got serious between the two ... and Marcus even teased a wedding date was "in the works."

At least Larsa and Marcus' friends and fam don't have to worry about keeping their calendars cleared now.