Megan Fox Da críptica actualización de su relación con Machine Gun Kelly...

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No puedo explicarlo
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Megan Fox finalmente está hablando sobre su relación con Machine Gun Kelly, y aunque fue algo esquiva, también insinúo que podría haber problemas entre ellos.

La única cosa en la que Megan fue muy clara es que su romance con MGK ya no se desarrollará en el ojo público, según contó en el podcast "Call Her Daddy", y luego trató de jugar la carta del "sin comentarios" de una manera muy críptica.

Traten de descifrar esto, Megan le dijo a la anfitriona Alex Cooper que siempre querrá a Machine Gun Kelly, refiriéndose al artista como su "alma gemela", y que siempre habrá "una atadura a él, no importa qué".

El comentario sugiere que ya no están comprometidos, pero Megan se negó a decir algo específico sobre su estado actual.

Para todos los que se están tomando la cabeza con esta vaga actualización sobre su relación, ella misma confesó que entiende lo confuso que puede ser para el público.

Eso es tierno de su parte, pero sigue siendo igualmente confuso.

La declaración de Megan se produce poco después de que MGK se abriera sobre el dolor que vivieron por su aborto involuntario hace un tiempo. Se sinceró al respecto en la canción, "Don't Let Me Go", que salió a fines de febrero.

La pareja aún no ha fijado una fecha para su boda, dos años después de que se comprometieron, pero las cosas han sido difíciles desde el año pasado, cuando Megan alimentó las especulaciones sobre una ruptura con un post donde citaba letras de canciones del álbum "Lemonade" de Beyoncé.

¿Tal vez el nuevo tatuaje de MGK era una señal de que las cosas estaban cambiando? Si es así, Megan no está lista para confesarlo todo.



Scheana Shay está sugiriendo que se acostó con John Mayer... y parece que no estaban solos en la cama.

La estrella de "Vanderpump Rules" hizo la confesión durante el episodio del martes, donde compartió durante un juego llamado "Never Have I Ever", que participó en una orgía mucho antes de conocer a su marido Brock Davies.

En una confesión para "VPR", profundizó un poco más, confirmando que su compañero de orgía era una celebridad muy conocida. Luego dejó caer una pista no tan sutil insinuando la identidad de John, cuando dijo que su cuerpo era un país de las maravillas en aquel entonces.

Esta no es la primera vez que Scheana ha hablado sobre su pasado romance con John -que es el mejor amigo de Andy Cohen. Recordemos que Scheana comentó en el pódcast "Flashbacks" en 2020 que conoció a John cuando todavía estaba saliendo con Jennifer Aniston.

Al parecer, el trío salió de fiesta en Beverly Hills, pero nada íntimo sucedió entonces. Después de que John y Jen terminaron, según la historia, el cantante llamó a Scheana, quien dijo que terminó en una pareja con John y la veterana de "Hills" Stacie Adams (AKA la chica que agitó las aguas en la relación de Spencer Pratt y Heidi Montag).

El romance duró solo seis meses, ya que Scheana afirmó que se alejó de la pareja  luego de luchar con los celos. Aunque la amistad de Scheana y Stacie sobrevivió al drama, Stacie notablemente sirvió como dama de honor en la primera boda de Scheana con su ex Mike Shay.

Los fans ya están pidiendo a gritos que Andy tenga a John en "Watch What Happens Live" para contar su versión de la historia de la orgía. Y, honestamente, ¡también nos gustaría saber más!


La nueva comedia romántica de Anne Hathaway tiene muchos elementos en común con la relación de Olivia Wilde y Harry Styles, pero aclara que no hay ninguna conexión.

La última película de la actriz, "The Idea of You", trata de una madre soltera de 40 años -interpretada por Anne- que se mete en un tórrido romance con un cantante de 24 años, interpretado por Nicholas Galitzine, y la gente ya ha interpretado esto como una inspiración.

Como ustedes saben, Olivia también era una madre soltera cuando se enganchó con Harry un par de años atrás y es por eso que la gente cree que Anne y compañía llevaron su historia a Amazon Prime.

Por desgracia para todos los que esperaban que esto fuera cierto, Anne hizo una aclaración en una reciente entrevista con Extra esta semana mientras promocionaba la película.

Cuando le preguntaron explícitamente sobre la teoría de Olivia y Harry, respondió. "No, simplemente no". En su lugar, Anne dice que la película trata de su personaje haciendo todo lo posible para recuperarse del desamor después de que su ex marido la dejara hecha pedazos... bastante genérico la verdad.

Puede haber algunos paralelismos, pero la verdad es que no pasa de una coincidencia.

Volviendo a Anne, ella dice que su nuevo papel es perfecto en este punto de su carrera, a pesar de que algunos han sugerido que ella es demasiado para el papel. Anne aclara que solo quería divertirse, y parece que lo está haciendo.

'VPR' Star Scheana Shay Suggests She Had Orgy w/ John Mayer


Scheana Shay seems to be suggesting she banged John Mayer -- but more than just that ... there appears to have been other people in the bedroom too.

The "Vanderpump Rules" star made the confession during Tuesday's episode ... where she shared during a game of "Never Have I Ever" that she partook in an orgy long before meeting husband Brock Davies.

In a confessional for 'VPR,' SS elaborated a bit more ... confirming her orgy partner was an A-list celeb. She then dropped a not-so-subtle clue hinting at John's identity ... as she said her body was a wonderland at the time.

This isn't the first time Scheana has spilled on her past fling with John -- who is notably BFFs with Bravo bigwig Andy Cohen. Remember, Scheana shared on the "Flashbacks" podcast in 2020 that she first met John when he was still dating Jennifer Aniston.

Apparently, the trio partied together at a bash in Beverly Hills ... but nothing intimate happened then. After John and Jen called it quits, as the story goes, the singer called up Scheana ... who said she ended up in a throuple with John and "Hills" vet Stacie Adams (AKA the girl who stirred the pot in Spencer Pratt and Heidi Montag's relationship).

The romance lasted only six months, as Scheana claimed she bounced from the throuple after struggling with jealousy. Though Scheana and Stacie's friendship made it through the drama -- Stacie notably served as a bridesmaid in Scheana's first wedding to ex Mike Shay.

Fans are already clamoring for Andy to have John on "Watch What Happens Live" to tell his side of the orgy story. And, FWIW ... we too would like to know more!


Anne Hathaway's new rom-com has a lot of the same elements as Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles' one-time real relationship -- but AH says there's no connection there whatsoever.

The actress' latest movie, "The Idea of You," is all about a 40-year-old single mom -- played by Anne -- who gets into a steamy romance with a super young 24-year-old boy band singer, played by Nicholas Galitzine ... which is why folks think OW and HS are the inspiration.

As you know ... Olivia was also a single mom when she hooked up with Harry a couple years back -- and that's why people believe Anne and co. took their story to Amazon Prime.

Unfortunately for everyone who was hoping for this to be true ... Anne shut it down explicitly in a recent interview with Extra this week while promoting the film.

When asked explicitly about the Olivia and Harry theory, AH replied. "No, just no." Instead, Anne says the movie's all about her character pulling out all the stops to bounce back from heartbreak after her ex-husband leaves her in pieces ... so, more generic than anything.

There might be some parallels ... but it's not anything Anne and co. looked to for reference, despite what some might think.

But back to Anne ... she's saying her new role was perfect for her to sink into at this point in her career -- even though some have suggested she's, perhaps, above it. Anne says she just wanted to have some fun, and it looks like she's doing that for this movie.

Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky Sus amigos dicen que no tienen posibilidades de reconciliarse

El matrimonio de Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky es irreparable, o eso es lo que piensa la familia cercana y sus amigos cuando se trata de ver cualquier esperanza de que la pareja pueda arreglar las cosas, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que la relación de la pareja ha llegado a un punto de no retorno, y si las cosas se arreglaran repentinamente, los más cercanos estarían completamente atónitos.

Nos dicen que algunas personas cercanas a la separada pareja creen que están alargando su difícil relación para las cámaras del reality show, una creencia que ha ganado fuerza con la próxima temporada de "Buying Beverly Hills", el programa de Netflix de Mauricio que promete abordar su ruptura como parte del argumento principal.

Lo que es realmente interesante es que nadie los está criticando por exponer su vida porque siempre han sido astutos e inteligentes en el negocio de Hollywood, por lo que la gente a su alrededor piensa que es un movimiento inteligente el explotar sus luchas personales para obtener un beneficio profesional, siempre y cuando ambos estén de acuerdo con ello.

Nuestras fuentes creen que no tienen ninguna razón real para apresurarse en pedir el divorcio, ya que tienen varias propiedades entre las que se pueden alternar si las cosas se ponen tensas bajo el mismo techo. Al final del día, nos dicen que siempre van a permanecer cerca por su historia juntos, y, obviamente, por el bien de sus hijos.

No hace falta decir, que la separación de la ex pareja ya lleva un tiempo en el ojo público, sobre todo porque han estado hablando mucho de ello, pero sin llegar realmente al corazón de la cuestión, si entienden lo que queremos decir.

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No es asunto de nadie!!!

Kyle insinuó en IG que hubo un incidente específico que le hizo perder su confianza en él, y tocó crípticamente el mismo tema durante la reunión de "RHOBH" la semana pasada, antes de dejar muy claro que su ruptura "¡no es asunto de nadie!"

Reveladora reunión

Es importante señalar que si bien no han confirmado nuevas relaciones, ambos han estado viviendo vidas tan separadas, que parece que están haciendo esfuerzos activos para seguir adelante.

En palabras simples, para el círculo íntimo de Kyle y Mo, el matrimonio se acabó, salvo un verdadero milagro.

Kyle Richards & Mauricio Umansky FRIENDS SAY NO CHANCE OF RECONCILING ... Dragging It Out For TV!!

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky's marriage is beyond repair -- that's what close family and friends are saying about any hopes the estranged couple can still work things out ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ the pair's relationship has reached the point of no return, and if they were to suddenly patch things up, those closest to them would be utterly flabbergasted.

We're told some folks close to the estranged couple believe they're dragging out their relationship plight for the sake of reality show cameras -- a belief that gains traction with the upcoming season of Mauricio's Netflix show, "Buying Beverly Hills," which promises to address their split as a main storyline.

What's really interesting is ... no one we've spoken to is knocking them for dragging it out 'cause they've always been savvy hustlers in the Hollywood biz -- so people around them think it's a smart move to exploit their personal struggles for professional gain, as long as they're both okay with it.

Our sources believe they don't have any real reason to rush to file for divorce as they have multiple homes they can bounce between if things get tense under one roof. At the end of the day, we're told they're always gonna remain close 'cause of their history together, and obviously for sake of their kids.

Goes without saying, the former couple's separation has played out for a while now .. especially 'cause they've been talking about it a lot, but not really getting to the heart of the matter, if you catch our drift.

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Kyle hinted on IG there was a specific incident that shattered her trust in him, and she cryptically touched on that same thing during the 'RHOBH' reunion last week -- before making it crystal clear their split was "no one's f***ing business!"


It's important to note that while they haven't confirmed new relationships ... they've both been living such separate lives, it seems like they're making active efforts to move forward.

Bottom line for Kyle and Mo's inner circle, the marriage is over ... barring a genuine miracle.

Braxton Berrios I'm Happy With Alix Earle!!! ... 'We'll See' About Possible Engagement

Hearing Wedding Bells ???

Braxton Berrios and Alix Earle don't appear to be close to tying the knot anytime soon ... but the Dolphins wide receiver certainly ain't ruling out the possibility of future nuptials!!

We got the "it couple" out in Los Angeles this week ... and as they looked smitten walking through city streets -- we just had to ask Braxton if an engagement was on the horizon.

The football player laughed -- but when Earle jokingly prodded him to answer the question ... he didn't say no!!

Berrios then added that he and Earle are happy together ... and things are "going well."

Berrios and Earle have only been dating for around a year -- but the two have been inseparable since making things official.

Berrios has been seen in a myriad of her TikToks -- while the social media star has attended a few of his NFL games at Hard Rock Stadium.

In fact, they've grown so close, they each got matching pendants to memorialize their "Panda" nicknames back in February.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

So, no Save The Dates have been sent out just yet ... but if the two keep continuing down this path -- it might be time to start checking mailboxes soon!

Kim Kardashian More Popular Than Bianca Search-Wise ... Despite 'It Girl' Status

Kim Kardashian might feel like an also-ran these days in comparison to Bianca Censori -- who's the "it" girl right now -- but in terms of who's getting searched more ... it's the OG.

We were curious which of these ladies people were flocking to their computer screens to see more of these days -- figuring it might be BC because of all these wild outfits and style choices she's been flaunting lately with Kanye West -- but as turns out ... we were wrong.

According to some basic Google Trends data ... it would appear Kim K is actually the one who's been searched more on the platform over the past 90 days -- a period in which Bianca's popularity, visibility, and mainstream appeal has unquestionably soared.

Take a look at this chart for yourself to see the results -- it shows that Kim (in red) has had more consistent and more prevalent searches dating back to Dec. 19 ... and while Bianca has had lots of peaks over the past few months, Kim's beating her more often than not.

The data also shows how the searches between these ladies -- with their full name being the key terms in question -- break down across the entire U.S. ... and KK tops BC in all but 1.

Looks like the state of Wyoming has had more "Bianca Censori" Google searches than "Kim Kardashian" in the past 90 days ... which is a bit random. But hey, they like what they like!

Then again ... Kanye did have a whole ass ranch out there, so maybe it's just Ye love.

In any case, there's no question that Kim's more popular than Bianca as far as Google's concerned -- but even for a tool like Semrush (which specializes in keyword research and analysis, and which we have access to) Kim takes the cake there as well ... kinda handily.

We ran their respective first and last names on that as well -- and Semrush crapped out some interesting insights ... namely, over a 12-month period, Kim has a monthly average of 1 million searches for her name ... whereas Bianca clocks in at 673k in the same window.

The Semrush breakdown also notes Kim's name is one of the most challenging keywords to compete for online -- pegged at 100% difficulty, while Bianca sits at 53% currently.

Kim's average searches -- again, just for their first and last names together, as a unit -- are much more flush and level over a 12-month span in terms of trending ability ... and Bianca's searches are more up and down, with very high highs and low lows. So, more scattered.

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Instagram / @djpharris

Point is ... it would appear Kim's years of branding and name recognition are paying off when it comes to what people are looking up online as it pertains to her and Bianca -- which we suppose makes sense, since she's a legacy celeb and has been around for ages now.

Bianca, on the other hand, is fairly new to the Hollywood scene ... so her numbers are pretty impressive considering where she came from -- relative obscurity, that is.

While Kim might still be the Queen of Google and online searches, it would appear -- at least on the face of things -- that Bianca is still the people's champ right now. Room for both!

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Taylor & Travis Sleuths Suspect Bahamas Getaway ... Same Island as Joe?!?

Sleuths covering Taylor Swift's every move think she and Travis Kelce are on a getaway together -- and if they're at this specific spot ... she may be a couple's vacay repeater.

Here's the deal ... despite her best efforts, people are still tracking Taylor's private jets -- or trying to anyway -- and one particular group thinks they've got her latest flight pinned down ... specifically, for a trip down to the island of Eleuthera in the Bahamas.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

This group of people who track jets suggest she may have been on a flight Sunday from L.A. to North Eleuthera -- and the reason they might be on to something  ... some purported pics of T-Swift and TK surfaced online Monday, and it appears to show them in a tropical setting.

More accurately, the photos published by Deuxmoi appear to show Taylor and Travis walking along a dock -- although the publication doesn't offer any details on where this might be.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Luckily for us, we've done some digging -- and we think we got it figured out ... 'cause the dock they're on looks awfully similar to one that's just a hop and skip away from the main Eleuthera island ... namely, one featured at the Valentines Resort & Marina at Harbour Island.

Take a close look for yourself -- it's hard to say for certain ... but on its face, some of the characteristics seem to line up in appearance. So yeah, it's possible this is where they're at.

If true -- and we're not 100% sure it is at this point, although there are signs it might be -- then this is really interesting ... 'cause Taylor vacationed with her ex, Joe Alwyn, in Eleuthera as well once upon a time. In fact, it looks like she may be doing some of the same stuff.

Remember, in 2022 ... Taylor and Joe also jetted down to the Bahamas -- and they were staying in Eleuthera as well back then ... in none other than an airstream trailer owned by Lenny Kravitz. No word on whether she's shacking up there again with Trav ... hopefully not.

What's interesting about this too ... the fact Joe was just in L.A. the other day, this while Travis and Taylor were in town. Seems to be a lot of flashbacks going on with her ex-BF.


One last thing that pretty much confirms these two are enjoying a little R&R -- this on the heels of his NFL season being over, and Taylor enjoying a break from her international tour.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Taylor and Travis have had a vacation planned for a while -- although we didn't hear exactly where they were going. However, our sources say that after they went on this vacay -- which, for now, sure seems like it's happening right now -- they were due to come back to Los Angeles and continue hanging out/playing house.

Taylor and Travis have been shacking up together at her Bev Hills crib for the past couple weeks -- and while Taylor hasn't been spotted out ... Trav's been hitting the town a lot solo.

The guy's been cruising around with his buddies, and he even went to the Justin Timberlake show last week ahead of the debut of his new album ... where he got an *NSYNC reunion.

Anyhoo ... assuming these two are on the getaway we think they're on -- this would mark their first real trip together where it's completely non-work-related ... another step in their relationship ... and just more evidence that they're truly getting serious.

As for the Joe shadow hovering over the Bahamas ... hey, shake it off. New man, new memories! We've reached out to Taylor and Travis' camp ... so far, no word back.

CHRIS APPLETON BEACH DATE With New Fling ... Splash Around in Ocean!!!

Chris Appleton and his new man are kicking things up a notch as we officially head into spring -- hitting the beach together and showing off their toned bods ... water included!

The newly-divorced celeb hairstylist and his hunky new fling, Federico, hit up the beach along Santa Monica Sunday -- ringing in St. Patrick's Day by soaking up some sun and losing their shirts in the process.

Chris and Federico got into the water as well ... and yeah, it was pretty hot to see. And as if the dip in the ocean wasn't refreshing enough ... Chris grabbed a popsicle from a vendor along the beach for him and his date.

TMZ broke the news ... Chris and Federico have recently linked up and are casually dating on the heels of CA's divorce with Lukas Gage.

Chris' heart found exactly what it needed in Federico – a refreshing change of pace after the whirlwind with his ex-hubby. And with his friends giving Federico the seal of approval, sounds like this new chapter is off to a promising start.

As we reported ... Chris called it quits with "The White Lotus" star in November, just 6 months after their quickie Vegas wedding at the Little White Chapel officiated by Kim Kardashian.

Chris listed "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split.



8:38 AM PT -- Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que Ayo Edebiri y Paul Mescal son solo amigos.

Paul Mescal y Ayo Edebiri se tomaron una foto juntos para celebrar el Día de San Patricio y podemos asegurar que están comprometidos con la celebración irlandesa.

La estrella de "Bear" tiene su mano en el hombro del actor en esta foto, la cual publicó en Insta para celebrar el domingo de San Patricio, y él se ve bastante cariñoso también.

La sonrisa en la cara de Ayo lo dice todo, realmente está muy feliz.

Los fans ciertamente sintieron la misma vibra, especulando de que podrían estar saliendo. Algunos los llamaron una linda pareja, otros dijeron que también se veían bien como amigos.

Mientras que la fábrica de rumores sigue en marcha, esto podría ser un caso de amigos pasando el rato, ya que no hay signos besos o caricias.

Resumiendo... Ayo va por ahí insistiendo en que es irlandesa y se siente como si estuviera en "The Banshees of Inisherin", y debido a su amor por Irlanda, Irlanda parece amarla de vuelta.

Paul, por supuesto, es irlandés, y es conocido por ser amigo de Ayo, así que esto realmente podría tratarse de él ayudando a su amiga a disfrutar de una simpática tradición.


crudo y real

La separación de Mauricio Umansky y Kyle Richards se podrá ver en televisión. Umansky dice que las imágenes que muestran la ruptura aparecerán en "Buying Beverly Hills".

Hablamos con Mauricio la semana pasada mientras construía casas en el sur de Los Ángeles en coordinación con Habitat for Humanity junto a sus hijas, quienes aparecen en gran medida en el tráiler de la segunda temporada del exitoso reality show de Netflix.

Al parecer las conversaciones en el tráiler no serán públicas, en cambio, Mauricio dice que las cámaras rodaron en Aspen el verano pasado el mismo fin de semana que la noticia de la separación estalló en línea.

Mauricio dice que la familia decidió no ocultar sus problemas de las cámaras, mostrando su  vulnerabilidad en el show, algo que él espera que sirva de ayuda a los miembros de la audiencia que podrían estar pasando por una situación similar.


Por supuesto, nuestra charla con Mauricio viene en los talones de la impactante reunión de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", donde Kyle reveló que Mauricio está buscando salir de su casa.

La pareja se separó en julio pasado, y tanto Kyle como Mauricio se han relacionado con nuevas parejas, aunque ambos han negado cualquier nueva relación romántica.

Umansky explicó que no está muy lejos del proceso de mudanza cuando le preguntamos al respecto, pero agregó que no está totalmente listo para abrirse sobre los detalles todavía.

Parece que los aficionados tendrán una mirada al interior de la tumultuosa relación muy pronto. "Buying Beverly Hills" 2 se estrenará el 22 de marzo.


Kristin Cavallari y su novio Mark Estes claramente van en serio, porque no solo le ha presentado a sus hijos, además están en una relación.

La madre de tres compartió una foto por Instagram el domingo, con su nuevo novio de 24 años de edad compartiendo con uno de sus hijos. Parecen inmersos en la conversación mientras que Mama Cavallari los sigue unos pasos atrás.

Kristin no añadió comentarios en la foto, pero puso un emoji de corazón blanco, lo que quiere decir que claramente está muy feliz al respecto.

Por cierto, no está claro cuál de los hijos de Kristin es el del video, pero puedes imaginar que les presentó a Mark al mismo tiempo. Podemos deducir que se los presentó hace un buen rato porque se ven muy cómodos. Kristin comparte tres hijos con su ex, Jay Cutler.

Parece que las cosas avanzan rápidamente entre Kristin y Mark. Recuerde que Cavallari solo reveló que estaban saliendo a finales de febrero, por lo que las cosas han progresado bastante rápido entre los dos.

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Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

Al parecer el destino quería que la pareja se conociera. Kristin reveló recientemente en su pódcast "Let's Be Honest", que vio por primera vez a Mark en TikTok con su equipo The Montana Boyz.

Semanas después de ver al bombón, Kristin recibió un mensaje de uno de los chicos. Invitó al grupo a su pódcast, congenió con Estes y empezaron a verse. Un cuento de hadas del siglo XXI.

Parece que un mensaje en la bandeja de entrada se ha convertido en cupido, y solo queda esperar y ver como sigue esta linda relación.

AYO EDEBIRI, PAUL MESCAL Get Cozy For St. Paddy's Day ... But Just Pals


8:38 AM PT -- Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Ayo Edebiri and Paul Mescal are just friends.

Paul Mescal and Ayo Edebiri took a photo together to celebrate St. Patrick's Day -- and there's two takeaways ... she's committed to her Irish bit, and they may possibly be a thing.

The "Bear" star has her hand on the Irish actor's shoulder in this picture she threw up on IG to celebrate St. Paddy's Sunday -- and he's pretty into it, with his arm casually draped across her lap.

The grin on Ayo's face kinda says it all ... she's more than comfortable in PM's company.

Fans certainly felt the same vibe ... going into overdrive with speculation that they may be dating. Some called them a cute couple, others said they looked good as friends too.

While the rumor mill is in full swing, this could obviously just be pals hanging out -- as there's no explicit signs of PDA to suggest this is anything romantic. If anything, this might just be Ayo continuing to lean into her "Irish" heritage ... a bit she's been into for a year or so now.

Long story short ... Ayo goes around insisting she's Irish and that she was in "The Banshees of Inisherin" -- and because of her love for Ireland, Ireland seems to love her right back.

Paul, of course, is Irish himself ... and he's known to be friends with Ayo -- so in all seriousness, this is probably just him helping his bud keep the gag going.

Originally Published -- 7:32 AM PT

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Mauricio Umansky Separation Coming to Reality TV ... Vulnerable Moments on 'Buying Beverly Hills'


Mauricio Umansky and Kyle Richards' separation is coming to television in its rawest form ... with Umansky saying footage from right after the news broke will appear in "Buying Beverly Hills."

We spoke with Mauricio last week while he was building homes in South Los Angeles in coordination with Habitat for Humanity alongside his daughters ... who are featured heavily in the season 2 trailer for the hit Netflix reality show.

Apparently, the convos in the trailer aren't staged ... instead, Mauricio says cameras were set to roll on the family in Aspen last summer -- the same weekend news of the separation blew up online.

MU says the fam decided not to hide their issues from the cameras ... and instead allowed themselves to be vulnerable for the show -- something he's hoping will help members of the audience who might be going through a similar situation.


Of course, our talk with Mauricio comes on the heels of the shocking 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' reunion ... where Kyle revealed Mauricio is looking to move out of their home.

This seems to be a long time coming ... the two separated last July, and both Kyle and Mauricio have been linked to new partners -- though they've both denied any new romantic relationships.

Umansky explained he's not super far into the moving process when we asked about it ... but added he's not totally ready to open up about specifics just yet either.

It seems like fans will get an inside look at the tumultuous relationship soon enough. "Buying Beverly Hills" season 2 premieres March 22.