Kim y Bianca Juntas en la fiesta de escucha del disco de Kanye

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Instagram / @djpharris

Apuesto a que nunca pensaste que verías a Kim Kardashian y Bianca Censori juntas.

Bueno, piénsalo dos veces, porque la ex-esposa de Kanye West y su actual esposa estuvieron juntas en la fiesta de Ye el martes por la noche, ¡¡¡y todo fue grabado en video!!!

Echa un vistazo, Kim estaba de pie junto a Bianca detrás de una barrera policial, murmurando la letra de una canción del nuevo álbum de estudio de Kanye "Vultures 2".

Sorprendentemente, parecían relajadas y cómodas la una en presencia de la otra en el Chase Center de San Francisco. Pero una cosa era obvia: no eran las mejores amigas ni hablaron entre sí, al menos en las imágenes publicadas en las redes sociales.

Aun así, esto fue totalmente inesperado. Incluso sus fans se quedaron atónitos y empezaron a cotillear sobre ello en "X" después de que las imágenes se esparcieran como la pólvora.

Estos son solo algunos de los comentarios publicados en la aplicación: "No me lo esperaba", "¿De qué demonios estarán hablando?" ''No lo sé, pero esto es una locura", "Yo WTF".

Como saben, Kim estuvo casada casi siete años con Kanye antes de divorciarse en 2021. La pareja comparte cuatro hijos: North, Saint, Chicago y Psalm.

Luego, Bianca Censori entró en escena, una antigua empleada de la empresa de Kanye, Yeezy. Los dos fueron vistos juntos por primera vez a principios de 2023 antes de casarse en una ceremonia privada.

Desde entonces, han estado galanteando por todo el mundo. Bianca se ha pavoneado en público medio desnuda y a veces incluso ha mostrado más de la mitad.

Aunque Kim y Bianca han tenido aparentemente una relación amistosa, se ha informado que Kim no está muy contenta con que Bianca use sus reveladores atuendos mientras está alrededor de los niños.

Pero ahora todo está bien y están estrechando lazos en un evento de Kanye. ¿O se trata de una jugada de Kim para calmar a su ex?

Quédense atentos.

Ryan Garcia On the Hunt For A Girlfriend ... 'I Need A Queen!!!'

Instagram / @kingryan

Single ladies, Ryan Garcia is looking for you!

The boxing star posted a casting call video of sorts, making it clear he is on the lookout for a partner to hold him down ... this a few months after he filed for divorce from his ex.

The 24-1 super lightweight boxer, posing shirtless, announced on Instagram he was accepting applications ... with a caption claiming he's seriously looking for a loyal lady to hold him down.

"Someone who is going to be my ride or live cause we ain't dying," the 25-year-old said.


Garcia continued his pitch, explaining he needs a woman's support.

"Right now, I do need a Queen," Ryan said, "I need a friend first, to be honest. I need someone I can trust and rock with me in any situation."

We're guessing the young, talented, handsome, and wealthy Garcia won't have problems finding a girlfriend.

Of course, Ryan was previously married to Drea Celina for nearly three years ... until they split in December 2023.

It was just last week that Garcia promised to steer clear of any non-sports-related topic to focus on his April 20 fight with Devin Haney, and while that might've been short-lived ... ya can't blame the guy for looking for love! 💘

Stephen Colbert Leans Into William, Kate Affair Rumor Amid Ongoing Speculation

Talking Royal-tea

The Kate Middleton saga continues -- and now, Stephen Colbert is leaning into a new salacious rumor ... namely, that Prince William might allegedly be having an affair.

The 'Late Show' host made the Royals one of his topics on Tuesday night's opening monologue -- and he completely embraced unfounded speculation and innuendo that Bill is, perhaps, cheating ... a rumor that has been floating around for a while in tabloids, etc.

The alleged "other woman" in question is Lady Rose Hanbury -- the Marchioness of Cholmondeley -- who's been in William and Kate's inner orbit, as a friend, for years.

Like we said, this has never been confirmed ... but it's been gossiped about for a long time -- and now, amid Kate's mysterious absence, it's kicked into high gear again ... with some suggesting that it somehow has something to do with why KM's been out of the spotlight.

Colbert didn't seem all that interested in connecting the dots -- but he was happy to poke fun at the headlines that have theorized this ... cracking jokes at Will and Kate's expense.

He even made fun of a report that suggested Kate had confronted her husband about this ... to which the Prince allegedly "laughed it off" and said it was much ado about nothing.

As we reported ... William has been keeping calm and carrying on with his Royal duties as Kate continues to recover from her abdominal surgery behind closed doors -- although, slight glimpses of her have been seen here and there ever since her procedure in January.


Of course, her failed Photoshop attempt over the weekend -- which she has explicitly taken the blame for -- only added more fuel to the fire on what exactly is going on with her.

Fact is ... hardly anybody believes the picture was taken when Kensington Palace says it was -- and with this new affair rumor now making its way into the mainstream ... it's just another layer that Will and Kate have to combat as people keep digging into theory after theory.

Kensington Palace has been mum on just about all of it ... refusing to comment further. We've reached out to them yet again on this latest development ... nothing back yet.

Kim And Bianca Hangin' Together At Kanye's Album Listening Party

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Instagram / @djpharris

Betcha never thought you'd ever see Kim Kardashian and Bianca Censori together.

Well, think again, 'cause Kanye West's ex-wife and current wife were hanging out at Ye's listening party Tuesday night – and it was all caught on video!!!

Check it out ... Kim was standing with Bianca behind a police barrier, grooving and mouthing the words to a song from Kanye's newest studio album "Vultures 2."

Amazingly, they seemed chill and comfortable in each other's presence at the Chase Center in San Francisco. But one thing was obvious -- the women were not best buds or getting chatty with one another, at least in the footage posted on social media.

Still, this was totally outta left field. Even their fans were stunned and started gossiping about it on "X" after the footage spread like wildfire.

These were just some of the comments posted on the app: 'Didn't expect that'... 'What on earth would they be taking about?'... ''I don't know but this is crazy'... 'Yo WTF.'

As you know, Kim was hitched to Kanye for nearly seven years before their divorce in 2021, settling it a year later. The couple shares four children: North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm.

Enter Bianca Censori, a former employee of Kanye's company, Yeezy. The two were first seen out together in early 2023 before tying the knot in a private wedding ceremony.

Since then, they've been gallivanting around the world ... as Bianca prances around in public half naked and sometimes even more than half, wearing sheer tights.

While Kim and Bianca have seemingly had an amicable relationship, it's been reported Kim wasn't too happy about Bianca dressing in revealing outfits while around the kids.

But now all's cool and they're bonding at a Kanye event. Or is this Kim's play to calm her ex?


Stay tuned ...

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Kristin Cavallari Cuenta cómo conoció a su novio más joven!!!

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Como una colegiala
Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

No es exactamente "How I Met Your Father", al menos no todavía, pero Kristin Cavallari está contando cómo conoció a su nuevo novio Mark Estes, mucho más joven que ella, y como la mayoría de las cosas por estos días, comenzó con ella revisando su celular.

Kristin contó los detalles en su podcast "Let's Be Honest", donde relató que estaba viendo casualmente videos de TikTok de septiembre cuando se topó con el grupo de Mark Montana Boyz, y Mark le llamó la atención por ser el más guapo.

Luego siguió con su vida hasta que el destino se abalanzó sobre ellos 3 semanas más tarde, haciendo que casualmente se conocieran.

Kristin dijo que recibió un DM al azar de uno de los Montana Boyz diciendo: "Te amo" y cuenta que estaba tan emocionada por el coqueteo digital, que los invitó a su podcast.

Detalla los mensajes privados

Mientras Kristin preparaba la entrevista, su asistente soltó la bomba de que los Montana Boyz se mudaban a Nashville, ¡justo donde vive Kristin! Muy oportuno.

Es como si las estrellas se hubiesen alineado o algo así.

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Kristin mantuvo viva la conversación por DM y les dijo que los llevaría a bailar cuando estuvieran en la ciudad, antes de preguntar exactamente con quién estaba hablando. Cuando se enteró de que era con Mark, le respondió: "¡Oh, buenísimo, eres mi favorito!"

Una vez juntos, la pareja no perdió el tiempo y salieron antes del Día de San Valentín y Mark incluso conoció a los hijos de Kristin, que comparte con su ex marido Jay Cutler.

Inmediatamente después de su cita, empezaron a salir más y lo demás es historia: fueron juntos a Cabo, más o menos al mismo tiempo que su romance captó la atención pública.

A sus 37 años, la estrella de los reality dice que salir con un joven de 24 años no formaba parte de su gran plan. Al fin y al cabo, la edad es solo un número.

Ella ciertamente está loca por su hombre, dejando unos comentarios en una reciente foto suya en Instagram. ¡Podría ser la gran cosa, amigos!


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Like A High School Girl
Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

It's not quite "How I Met Your Father" -- not yet, anyway -- but Kristin Cavallari's explaining how she bagged her much younger boo, Mark Estes, and like most things these days, it started with her scrolling.

Kristin spilled the tea on her 'Let's Be Honest' podcast ... she says she was casually watching TikTok vids in September, when she stumbled upon Mark's group Montana Boyz, and he caught her eye as the hottest one.

She then moved on with her life -- until fate swooped in 3 weeks later, bringing them together.

Kristin said she randomly got a DM from one of the Montana Boyz saying, "I love you" ... and she was so excited by the digital flirtation, she invited them to her podcast.


As Kristin was setting up the interview, her assistant dropped the bombshell the Montana Boyz were moving to Nashville ... right where Kristin lives! How convenient.

It's like the stars aligned or something.

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Kristin kept the DM convo alive ... telling them she'd take them line dancing when they were in town -- before asking who in particular she was talking to. When she found out it was Mark, she responded, "Oh good, you're my favorite!"

Once together, the pair wasted no time ... going on a date just before Valentine's Day, and Mark even met Kristin's kiddos, who she shares with ex-husband Jay Cutler.

Right after their date, they started hanging out a whole lot more, and next thing you know, they were jetting off to Cabo together -- around the time their romance came to public attention.

At 37, the reality star adds that dating a 24-year-old wasn't part of her grand plan. Age is just a number, after all!

She's certainly head over heels for her man ... commenting "smash" on a recent IG thirst trap of him. Might just be the real deal, folks!

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KIM KARDASHIAN Y ODELL BECKHAM cariñosos en la fiesta Después de los Oscar

Kim Kardashian y Odell Beckham Jr. se veían como toda una pareja este fin de semana, así lo muestra este video a continuación.

Échale un vistazo a estas imágenes obtenidas por TMZ, que muestran a Kim y Odell en la fiesta de Jay-Z y Beyonce después de los Oscar el domingo por la noche en el Chateau Marmot en Los Ángeles, y se les puede ver en una zona similar al vestíbulo del lugar muy cariñosos.

juntos en backstage

Como se puede ver, Kim estaba charlando con Odell de una manera muy coqueta, yendo y viniendo con él y aparentemente comparando sus trajes. En un momento, ella pone sus manos sobre Odell, agarrando su cara casi como si le fuera a dar un beso.

En realidad, nunca se besaron, pero es lo más cerca que los hemos visto interactuar el uno con el otro en público desde que se rumoreaba que están saliendo desde hace meses.

No parece que ellos supieran que los estaban filmando tampoco, pero en este punto, es bastante obvio que están juntos como pareja. Incluso aparecieron juntos en todas las fiestas posteriores a los Oscars, primero en la fiesta de Vanity Fair y más tarde en lo de Jay y Bey.

Recordemos que también fueron vistos juntos en Las Vegas el mes pasado durante el Super Bowl, donde parecían tratar de pasar desapercibidos,  distanciándose un poco.

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juntos y cerca de los fans

Se sintió la misma vibra aquí cuando estuvieron frente a las cámaras en la fiesta, pero ya no están haciendo un muy buen trabajo en despistar a la gente. Ahora, con este nuevo video, parece que ya no les importa ocultar nada.

Los rumores de que Kim y Odell son pareja han circulado durante meses, y todos los informes han sugerido que no es real. Sin embargo, parecen muy interesados el uno por el otro, y el hecho de que siguen saliendo todo este tiempo después indica que esto podría ser serio.

Kim aún no ha declarado públicamente a nadie como su pareja oficial desde que se separó del comediante Pete Davidson en agosto de 2022. Por supuesto, anteriormente estuvo casada con Kanye West, con quien comparte a sus hijos North, Saint, Chicago y Psalm, pero eso se acabó.

En cuanto a Odell, se separó de su novia de mucho tiempo Lauren Wood a principios de 2023, y ha estado soltero desde entonces.

Aunque Kim y Odell aún no han confirmado el rumoreado romance sobre el papel (o en IG, más bien)... está claro que disfrutan de la compañía del otro, y tal vez un poco más.

Kim Kardashian & Odell Beckham Jr. Oscars Party PDA-Filled Flirt Sesh Soft Launch as Couple???

Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham Jr. are looking more like a couple by the day -- and they seemed to soft-launch their relationship this weekend ... that's what this video suggests.

Check out this footage, obtained by TMZ, that shows Kim and OBJ at Jay-Z and Beyonce's Oscars after-party Sunday night at the Chateau Marmot in L.A. -- and you can see them mingling in a lobby-like area of the venue ... getting touchy-feely with each other.


As you can see ... Kim was chit-chatting with Odell in a pretty flirty manner -- going back and forth with him and seemingly comparing their outfits. At one point she actually puts her hands on Odell too ... going up and grabbing his face, almost as if she's going in for a kiss.

You never actually witness them lock lips ... but this is the most we've seen them interact with one another in public since they've been rumored to be dating ... going back months now.

Doesn't look like they knew they were being filmed either -- but at this point ... it's pretty obvious they're together as a couple. They even showed up together for all the post-Oscars shindigs ... first hitting the Vanity Fair after-party, and later swinging by Jay and Bey's thing.

Remember, they were also spotted out together in Vegas last month during the Super Bowl -- and there, too, they seemed to be trying to lay low ... and distance themselves a bit.

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Same vibe here when they were outside heading into a party -- namely, trying to stagger a bit -- but they're not doing a very good job at throwing people off the scent anymore. Now with this new video -- it seems cat's outta the bag ... they're straight up dating each other.


Rumors of Kim and Odell being an item have swirled for months -- and all reports thus far have suggested that it's not that serious. However, they seem pretty into each other ... and the fact they continue to hang out all this time later indicates this might be the real deal.

Kim has yet to publicly declare anyone as her official significant since splitting from comedian Pete Davidson in August 2022. Of course, she was previously married to Kanye West, who she shares kids North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm with ... but that's over.

As for Odell ... he split from his longtime girlfriend Lauren Wood earlier in 2023, and has been single since.

While Kim and Odell have yet to confirm the rumored romance on paper (or on IG, more like) ... it's clear they enjoy each other's company. Perhaps a little bit more than that, TBH.

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Vanessa Hudgens está embarazada y se lo hizo saber al mundo de la manera más grande posible, apareciendo en los Oscar con una gran barriguita de embarazada a cuestas.

La actriz es una de las anfitrionas en la alfombra roja el domingo en el Teatro Dolby de Hollywood, donde la ceremonia se llevará a cabo, y antes de que todas las estrellas llegaran a acaparar la atención, Vanessa se lució frente a los fotógrafos.

Vanessa dejó ver orgullosamente que está esperando un hijo, y es la primera vez que esto se hace público.

Por supuesto, esto es una gran noticia, ya que sería el primer hijo de Vanessa, y lo mismo para su marido, Cole Tucker. Recordemos que se casaron hace unos meses en México, y ahora van a tener un hijo juntos en un tiempo récord. No hay nada como el presente, ¿verdad?

Cole y Vanessa han estado juntos como pareja desde 2020 -después de que ella rompió con su novio de mucho tiempo, Austin Butler- con quien había estado durante muchos años.

Vanessa y Cole eran dos gotas de agua, ella dijo que sabía que él era el indicado de inmediato.

Mientras que ella está claramente feliz con su marido, el tema de su relación con Austin ha surgido bastante últimamente, especialmente con él siendo lanzado al estrellato a través de todas estas películas que ha estado en el último par de años, incluyendo "Elvis".

Vanessa acaba de decir la semana pasada que está feliz de que su ruptura con Austin la llevara a Cole, y Austin, mientras tanto, ha dicho que valoraba su tiempo con Vanessa y que todavía la respetaba y se preocupaba por ella.

Austin no tiene previsto estar en la ceremonia de los Oscars de hoy, aunque ha asistido a fiestas relacionadas con los Oscars este fin de semana.

Así que podría aparecer esta noche. Es imposible no preguntarse como se sentirá al respecto.

En fin... ¡¡¡felicidades!!!

Vanessa Hudgens Preggo with First Child ... Shows Off Baby Bump at Oscars!!!

Vanessa Hudgens is pregnant, and she let the world know in the biggest way possible -- showing up to the Oscars ... with a big ol' baby bump in tow!

The actress is one of the hosts on the red carpet Sunday at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood -- where the ceremony will be going down later today -- and before all the stars arrived to take their own pictures ... Vanessa made sure to steal the spotlight with shots of her own.

She had a very good reason, too ... clearly, Vanessa is expecting a child -- and this is the first time anyone's hearing about it publicly. On its face, it seems she's fairly far along.

Of course, this is major news ... seeing how this would be VH's first child, and ditto for her husband, Cole Tucker. Remember, they just got married a few months ago down in Mexico ... and now, they're having a kid together in record time. No time like the present, right?!

Cole and Vanessa have been together as a couple since 2020 ... after she broke things off with her longtime boyfriend, Austin Butler -- with whom she'd been with for many years.

Vanessa and Cole were two peas in a pod ... she said she knew he was the one right away.

While she's clearly happy with her hubby ... the topic of her relationship with Austin has come up quite a bit lately -- especially with him being launched into superstardom through all these movies he's been in the past couple years, including 'Elvis.'

Vanessa just said last week she's happy her split with Austin led her to Cole -- and Austin, meanwhile, has said he valued his time with Vanessa ... and still respected/cared about her.

Austin himself is not scheduled to be at today's Oscars ceremony -- although, he has been out and about for Oscars-related parties this weekend.

So, he might be around somewhere later tonight as well. Ya gotta wonder how he might feel about this big development.

Anyhoo ... congrats!!!

'Love Is Blind' Jimmy & Chelsea Reunion Confirmed ... PDA in Nightclub

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"Love Is Blind" costars Jimmy Presnell and Chelsea Blackwell are back on as a couple -- or, at least they were this weekend, based on the video we got of them all over each other in a nightclub.

As fans of the Netflix dating show know, Chelsea and Jimmy ended the season with heartbreak and a lot of tears ... as they never even made it to the altar -- but Friday night in Hollywood, FL it looked like they were giving it another shot.

Folks at Daer Nightclub, inside the Hollywood Hard Rock Hotel, tell us they arrived together, and Jimmy had his arm around her most of the night. Their nightclub PDA marks the second sighting of the exes in South Florida.

As we reported, fans smelled something cooking when they noticed Chelsea and Jimmy had each posted images from the same table Thursday at JB's on the Beach in Deerfield Beach.

Even though they didn't post any pics of themselves, social media sleuths pieced it together when they both showed a bottle of Corona with matching backgrounds.

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Chelsea -- who says people always say she looks like Megan Fox -- had mentioned she was heading to the Fort Lauderdale area for her best friend's wedding. She didn't say anything about Jimmy being there, but that could be because the "Love Is Blind" reunion isn't airing until this coming Wednesday.

Ummm ... spoiler alert?


Maluma ya es todo un papi... el cantante y su novia celebran el nacimiento de su hija.

La superestrella colombiana de 30 años publicó fotos acariciando a la recién nacida. Maluma dice que ella nació el sábado a las 8:23 AM, y agradeció a su novia Susana Gómez "por cumplir mi mayor sueño de ser padre".

Los fans habían anticipado el nombre del bebé después de ver a Susana luciendo un collar de diamantes que deletreaba París, y Maluma confirmó que es de hecho su nombre.

También dice que el bebé París tendrá los apellidos de ambos padres, París Londono Gómez. El nombre legal de Maluma es Juan Luis Londono Arias.

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El viernes, él había publicado un montón de fotos con Susana -varios de ellos en la guardería que han construido para la llegada del bebé- y su título, "Días para conocerte" fue un claro indicio de que su paquete de alegría estaba cerca.

Maluma anunció en octubre que estaban esperando un bebé con el videoclip de su tema "Procura", que se centra en su romance con Susana y en cuyo último minuto dio la noticia.

¡Felicidades a los orgullosos padres!

ARIANA GRANDE "¡DEJEN EN PAZ A DALTON!" Atacan a su ex por la letra de "Eternal Sunshine"

Ariana Grande dice que algunos de sus fans la están defraudando al atacar a su ex marido, Dalton Gomez, ya que creen que la engañó debido a la letra de su nueva canción, "Eternal Sunshine".

Ari publicó una demanda muy clara el sábado, diciendole a sus fans: "Solo quería decir que cualquier persona que le esté enviando mensajes de odio a la gente de mi vida sobre la base de su propia interpretación de este álbum, no me está apoyando y está haciendo absolutamente lo opuesto (y también está totalmente malinterpretando la intención detrás de mi música). Les pido que por favor no lo hagan".

La indignación de los fans comenzó a aumentar el viernes por la mañana cuando se estrenó la canción que da título a su nuevo álbum, "Eternal Sunshine".

La canción incluye un verso que dice: "Nunca he visto a alguien mentir como tú lo haces. Tanto, que incluso tú empiezas a pensar que es verdad. Así que ahora jugamos por separado. Ahora, ahora ella está en mi cama, mm-mm, acostada en tu pecho. Ahora estoy en mi cabeza, preguntándome cómo termina".

En otra línea, dice que "jugaron conmigo como un Atari", y que ha encontrado un "buen chico y está de mi lado"... una aparente referencia a su nuevo novio Ethan Slater.

Todo esto llevó a su legión de fans a atacar a Dalton en redes sociales, e incluso amenazarlo con comentarios como: "Dalton Gomez no volverás a tener un sueño tranquilo en esta vida, te lo prometo".

Otras reacciones intensas fueron: "DALTON GOMEZ TE QUEMARÁS EN EL INFIERNO", "meterte con ariana después de los peores años de su vida y hacerla sentir que por fin que había encontrado el amor verdadero y se estaba curando solo para engañarla y ser un marido horrible... dalton gomez te odio tanto".

Sí, muchos sentimientos. Demasiados, según la propia Ariana.

En su intento de calmar las cosas de una vez por todas, agregó: "No me están apoyando. Todo lo contrario. Aunque este álbum recoge un montón de momentos dolorosos, también está entretejido con una línea de amor profundo y sincero. Si no pueden oírlo, por favor, escuchen con más atención. Gracias".

Curiosamente, ella no dijo exactamente que la canción no es sobre Dalton, en cambio, su punto parece ser que eso fue lo que pasó y ahora están bien. Y tú también deberías estarlo.

TMZ publicó la historia, Ari y Dalton finalizaron su divorcio el año pasado, luego dos años de matrimonio. Se habían reunido durante la pandemia de COVID y nuestras fuentes dijeron que las cosas se vinieron abajo una vez que regresaron a sus horarios regulares.

También nos dijeron que la ruptura fue lo más amistosa posible, aunque "Eternal Sunshine" sugiere claramente que Ariana, que ahora sale con Ethan, tenía resentimientos.

La música puede ser catártica.

Ariana Grande Tells Fans, Leave Dalton Alone!!! Ex Attacked Over 'Eternal Sunshine' Lyrics

Ariana Grande says some of her fans are letting her down by attacking her ex-husband, Dalton Gomez ... who they think cheated on her due to the lyrics of her new song, "Eternal Sunshine."

Ari posted a very clear demand Saturday, telling fans ... "I just wanted to say anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what I would ever encourage (and is also entirely misinterpreting the intention behind the music) ... I ask that you please do not."

The fan outrage started mounting early Friday morning when the title track of her new album, "Eternal Sunshine" dropped.

The song includes a verse that goes ... "I've never seen someone lie like you do // So much, even you start to think it's true // So now we play our separate scenes // Now, now she's in my bed, mm-mm, layin' on your chest // Now I'm in my head, wonderin' how it ends."

In another line she says she got "played like Atari," and she's found a "good boy and he's on my side" -- an apparent reference to new BF Ethan Slater.

All of this prompted her legion of fans to torch Dalton on social media, and even threaten him with comments like ... "i don’t wanna see her like this literally ever again dalton gomez you will never have another peaceful sleep in this lifetime i promise you that."

Other intense reactions went like this ... "DALTON GOMEZ U WILL BURN IN HELL," and "getting with ariana after the worst years of her life and making her finally feel like she found true love and was healing only to cheat on her and be a horrible husband… dalton gomez i hate you so much."

Yeah, lots of feels. Way too much, according to Ariana herself.

In her attempt to call off the dogs, once and for all, she added ... "It is not how to support me. It is the opposite. Although this album captures a lot of painful moments, it also is woven together with a through line of deep, sincere love. If you cannot hear that, please listen more closely. Thank you."

Interestingly, she didn't exactly say the song isn't about Dalton -- instead, her point seems to be ... whatever happened, I'm cool with it now. And you should be too.

TMZ broke the story ... Ari and Dalton finalized their divorce last year, wrapping up their 2 years of marriage. They'd gotten together during the COVID pandemic, and our sources said things fell apart once they returned to their regular schedules.

We were also told the split was as amicable as could be -- although, "Eternal Sunshine" strongly suggests Ariana -- who's now dating Ethan -- had some hard feelings.

Music can be cathartic.

Maluma I'm a Girl Dad!!!

Maluma really is a papi now ... the singer and his girlfriend are celebrating the birth of their baby girl.

The 30-year-old Colombian superstar posted pics of himself nuzzling the newborn, apparently in the hospital nursery. Maluma says she was born Saturday at 8:23 AM, and he thanked his GF Susana Gomez "for fulfilling my biggest dream of being a Father."

Fans had anticipated the baby's name after seeing Susana rocking a diamond necklace spelling out Paris -- and Maluma confirmed that is indeed her name.

He also says baby Paris will have both parents' last names ... Paris Londono Gomez. Maluma's government name is Juan Luis Londono Arias.

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On Friday, he'd posted a bunch of pics with Susana -- several of them in the nursery they've built for the baby's arrival -- and his caption, "Days to meet you" was a dead giveaway that their bundle of joy was close.

Maluma announced back in October that they were expecting by releasing his music video for "Procura" --  the video focuses on his romance with Susana, and in the final minute of it, he dropped the baby news.

Congrats to the proud parents!

Kate Middleton Look, I'm Doing Fine, Promise!!! Full-Body Recovery Shot

If Kate Middleton is a princess in pain, she's desperately trying to hide it by releasing a pic of herself smiling -- or grinning and bearing it -- surrounded by her 3 children.

The Princess of Wales posted the family pic Sunday in honor of Mother's Day in the UK. It's just the 2nd time we've seen Kate since her mysterious abdominal surgery in January ... and the first full-body shot since speculation about the procedure, her recovery, and her whereabouts have run rampant on the Internet.

In her caption, Kate writes, "Thank you for your kind wishes and continued support over the last two months. Wishing everyone a Happy Mother’s Day."

As we reported, the princess was photographed last week while out for a drive near Windsor Castle ... with her mother behind the wheel, and Kate wearing shades while in the passenger seat.

Of course, the fact we couldn't see her full body only fueled the outlandish social media rumor mill about her health.


Naturally, royal watchers are picking apart the new, more revealing pic, too. For instance, Kate is not wearing her wedding ring as she has her hands around her 2 younger children ... 8-year-old Princess Charlotte and 5-year-old Prince Louis.

The last time she attended a public event was on Christmas day, and yes, she was wearing it then. That fact won't help to quell one of the running theories, which involves speculation she and Prince William are on the rocks.

Then again, it could simply be the ring is off because she's experienced inflammation since her surgery.

One more note about the shot ... Kate is seated, as 10-year-old Prince George stands behind his mother. So, for those of you who have BBL on your "What's up with Kate" bingo cards ... we can't rule it out. Just sayin' ...

Ummm ... Happy UK Mother's Day!!!