A Kentucky couple's nuptials became a one-stop shop for love and convenience ... taking place in a gas station bathroom.

Tiana Abney tells TMZ about how she and her partner Logen went from joking about it to actually saying "I do" in the famous "disco bathrooms" of the HOP Shops convenience store in Verona, KY ... pulling the whole thing off in a matter of 3 weeks.

TikTok / @hopshopconveniencestore

They tell us the gas station didn't just provide the venue -- on Valentine's Day, no less -- they covered the whole shebang, with expenses totaling between $700 to $800!

And, if that wasn't sweet enough, they threw in a wedding cake!

As you can see by the pics, there was quite the turnout to Tiana and Logen's bathroom ceremony -- from parents and siblings to friends, cousins and coworkers, everyone they knew seemed to be there.

The gas station even closed the restrooms for a whole 2 hours to accommodate the ceremony ... offering free fountain drinks to other customers as a token of appreciation for the inconvenience -- which seems counterintuitive when ya can't go pee, but a nice gesture, nonetheless.

There is a limit to the HOP Shops hospitality, though ... no lifetime discounts for the newlyweds. With the price of gas, that would've been the ultimate wedding gift!

On its website, HOP Shops bragged the wedding is a reminder "love knows no bounds and that true romance can be found in the most unexpected of places."

TMZ Studios

Bet the happy couple's gassed for their wedding pics!!!

Kristin Cavallari Goes Public with New Boyfriend ... After Mexico Getaway


3:08 PM PT -- Kristin Cavallari just took her relationship to the next level, going IG official with her new boo in a cute selfie. She captioned the post, "He makes me happy."

Kristin Cavallari has a new stud in her orbit -- and it looks like she brought the young buck with her on vacation south of the border ... and TMZ has the first picture of this hunky fella!

Check out this photo we obtained, which was taken last Friday down in Cabo -- where we're told she'd just landed with dude ... whom we've identified as 24-year-old model Mark Estes. Eyewitnesses tell us this is them on the tram at the airport in Cabo heading to customs.

Even before this, though, we're told Kristin and Mark were very flirty on the flight over -- showing a lot of PDA ... and certainly looking like a couple.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us Kristin and Mark have been spending time together for about a month now -- but it's unclear if things are exactly romantic or not.

We're told Kristin was down in Mexico last week to work on her Uncommon James jewelry line ... and our sources say Mark tagged along for the quick trip. No word on how exactly they met ... but we're told they're hanging out right now, and that it ain't that serious.

Remember ... the last high-profile relationship Kristin was in -- post-Jay Cutler, of course -- was actually Tyler Cameron ... another model who's hobnobbed in and around Hollywood.

TMZ Studios

Doesn't look like Mark's as famous as him ... but he's definitely just as good-looking.

Originally Published -- 1:52 PM PT


Kristin Cavallari tiene un nuevo semental en su órbita y parece que se lo llevó con ella de vacaciones al sur de la frontera. TMZ tiene la primera foto de este chico guapo.

Échale un vistazo a esta foto que obtuvimos -que fue tomada el viernes pasado en Cabo- donde nos dicen que acababa de aterrizar con el chico a quien hemos identificado como el modelo de 24 años de edad, Mark Estes. Testigos oculares nos dicen que son ellos en el tranvía del aeropuerto de Cabo en dirección a la aduana.

Incluso nos dicen que Kristin y Mark estaban muy cariñosos en el vuelo y sin duda parecían una pareja.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la situación nos dicen que Kristin y Mark han estado pasando tiempo juntos durante un mes, pero no está claro si las cosas son exactamente románticas o no. Probablemente podemos asumir que están juntos.

Nos dijeron que Kristin estaba en México la semana pasada para trabajar en su línea de joyería Uncommon James y nuestras fuentes dicen que Mark la acompañó a lo largo del viaje. No se sabe exactamente cómo se conocieron, pero nos dicen que están pasando el rato en este momento.

Recordemos que la última relación de alto perfil de Kristin -post Jay Cutler por supuesto- fue Tyler Cameron, otro modelo con el que se codeaba en Hollywood.

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TMZ Studios

No parece que Mark sea tan famoso como él, pero definitivamente es igual de guapo.

The TMZ Podcast: Scott Swift Accused of Attacking Paparazzi & Diddy Sued for Sexual Assault by Former Male Employee

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Sean "Diddy" Combs is being sued by one of his former male employees for sexual assault, with a variety of disturbing claims.

Scott Swift, father of Taylor Swift, is under investigation by police in Australia after a paparazzo claims he was allegedly assaulted.

Joe Mangeniello's girlfriend shared photos of the backstage of the 'Today' set amid Kelly Rowland's dressing room drama.

Plus, Princess Love filed for divorce from Ray J, making this their 4th divorce filing.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!  

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Wyld Young

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Su esposo Ryan aviva los rumores de embarazo

Gypsy Rose Blanchard podría estar embarazada, o al menos eso es lo que su marido podría estar diciéndonos.

Scott Anderson publicó una foto en Instagram el martes, que muestra su brazo sobre lo que parece ser el vientre de Gypsy mientras están acostados en la cama. Su pie de foto es aún más revelador y dice: "Yo y mi pequeña familia acurrucados juntos ❤️ @gypsyrose_a_blanchard".

Aunque Gypsy no ha contestado explícitamente ni ha respondido al post de Ryan, sí le puso me gusta, lo que es interesante, por supuesto, pues parece estar aprobando su mensaje.

Lo que ambos parecen estar diciéndole al público es que ella podría estar embarazada, lo que queda aún más demostrado con su visita al hospital la semana pasada.

Hay fotos de Gypsy y Ryan en un centro médico en Lake Charles, Louisiana, las que han estado circulando en las redes sociales con muchos afirmando que se trata de un asunto de bebé. De ser cierto, eso daría credibilidad a lo que Ryan parece estar anunciando ahora.

Como todos sabemos, Gypsy corrió directamente a los brazos de Ryan después de ser liberada. Ambos contrajeron matrimonio mientras ella estaba tras las rejas.

Gypsy habló efusivamente sobre su relación en el programa de Lifetime "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard". Ella le dijo a Ryan que estaba enamorada de él por teléfono, a lo que él respondió que ya se había enamorado de ella también.

Ryan le propuso matrimonio solo cuatro meses después de conocerse. Desde su liberación, han sido inseparables y han aparecido por todas partes juntos.

Por su parte, Gypsy ha estado defendiendo ferozmente a su hombre de todos los haters y casualmente dejó a entrever lo impresionada que estaba con sus habilidades en el dormitorio.

Si la noticia del posible embarazo es cierta, parece que han decidido ampliar la familia.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Gypsy para que hiciera comentarios, pero hasta ahora, no hemos tenido respuesta.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard may be pregnant -- at least that's what her husband seems to be telegraphing anyway.

Ryan Scott Anderson posted a photo on Instagram Tuesday, which showed his arm wrapped around what appears to be Gypsy's belly as they lie in bed. His caption is even more telling -- it reads, "Me and my little family cuddling together ❤️ @gypsyrose_a_blanchard."

While Gypsy hasn't explicitly replied or responded to Ryan's post ... she did like it, so that's interesting too of course. On its face, she seems to be cosigning the message he's sending.

What they both appear to be telling the public ... she might have a bun in the oven -- which looks to be further proven by the fact they paid a visit to the hospital last week.

Photos of Gypsy and Ryan at a medical facility together in Lake Charles, LA have been circulating online, with many on social media claiming they were there for baby stuff. If true, that would lend credence to what Ryan's seemingly announcing now.

As we all know ... Gypsy ran straight into the arms of Ryan after her prison release, this after marrying him while she was imprisoned.

Gypsy gushed about how their relationship kick-started on Lifetime's "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard" ... saying she told Ryan over the phone she was smitten -- and he said he'd had already fallen in love with her as well.

Ryan then popped the question just four months after they met face-to-face. Ever since her release -- they've been inseparable ... popping up all over the place side by side.

For her part, Gypsy's been fiercely defending her man from all the haters, while casually letting everyone know she's impressed with his skills in the bedroom.

If this would-be pregnancy news holds any truth ... it sounds like they're expanding their family.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to Gypsy's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Jennifer Lopez Famosos rechazaron cameos en mi película ... Taylor, Ariana & Snoop!!!

La nueva película de Jennifer López "This Is Me ... Now" tiene a grandes estrellas entre sus invitados, pero podría haber sido totalmente distinto si otros peces gordos hubiesen aceptado.

La estrella contó varios detalles del casting en su nuevo documental de Prime Video, "The Greatest Love Story Never Told". Dice que ella y su equipo primero contactaron a grandes estrellas como Taylor Swift y Ariana Grande. Pero Tay estaba ocupada con su gira "Eras" y Ariana Grande estaba rodando "Wicked" en Londres.

Eso no fue todo, Jason Momoa, Jennifer Coolidge, Lizzo, Vanessa Hudgens e incluso Snoop Dogg pasaron porque no estaban disponibles.

Además, se suponía que Khloé Kardashian iba a hacer un cameo, pero se retiró a último momento, algo que J Lo atribuyó a su temor a mostrarse.

SZA, Bad Bunny y Anthony Ramos fueron otras estrellas de la lista A que decidieron pasar. ¡Imagina cómo habría sido si todos ellos hubiesen firmado!

Sin embargo, J Lo es muy realista y durante una sincera charla con su manager Benny Medina reconoció que nadie quería rechazarla, pero como alguien que ya lleva mucho tiempo en el negocio, sabe que la gente pasa de un proyecto si no cree que el guion está a la altura. Así es el juego y J Lo lo entiende.

Pero ella no dejó que esos rechazos la deprimieran. Se recuperó a lo grande y reunió a un equipo estelar que incluye a Sofia Vergara, Jane Fonda y Trevor Noah.

Todos ellos saltaron a bordo para jugar signos del zodiaco en su imaginativo Consejo del Zodiaco. Es como si su participación estuviera escrita en las estrellas o algo así.


Jennifer Lopez's new flick "This Is Me ... Now" is buzzin' with some major guest stars ... but it could've been a whole different ball game -- that's if some other big shots hadn't passed on it.

The star spilled the tea on the casting journey in her newly dropped Prime Video doc, "The Greatest Love Story Never Told" ... where she and her crew first reached out to big shots like Taylor Swift and Ariana Grande. But, Tay was busy with her "Eras" tour, and AG was filming "Wicked" over in London. Bummer!

That wasn't all ... Jason Momoa, Jennifer Coolidge, Lizzo, Vanessa Hudgens and even Snoop Dogg all passed 'cause they were unavailable.

And get this, Khloé Kardashian was supposed to pop in for a cameo, but she pulled out at the eleventh hour -- something J Lo chalked up to the reality star being scared to put herself out there.

SZA, Bad Bunny, and Anthony Ramos rounded out the list of A-listers who also passed. Imagine the star power if they'd all signed on!

But, J Lo's all about keeping it real ... and during a candid chat with her manager Benny Medina she acknowledged that no one wanted to turn her down ... but as someone who's been in the biz for a long time, she knows that people will pass on a project if they don't think the script is up to par. It's just how the game goes, and J Lo gets it.

TMZ Studios

But, J Lo didn't let those rejections get her down ... she bounced back big time by rounding up a stellar crew including Sofia Vergara, Jane Fonda and Trevor Noah.

They all jumped on board to play zodiac signs in her imaginative Zodiac Council. It's like their involvement was written in the stars or something!

Princess Love Ray J Divorce Purge Or PR Stunt???


Princess Love put the final nail in the coffin containing her marriage with Ray J by abruptly filing for divorce on Monday ... or did she?

TMZ Hip Hop caught up with Princess out in Bev. Hills shortly after she publicly told the world she and Ray were splitting for the fourth time.

Princess tells us she's still on the up after the latest divorce filing but she wouldn't exactly spill on what prompted her to sign the paperwork.

Their "Love & Hip Hop" fanbase was extremely skeptical of the news and suspected foolishness afoot ... in the form of a classic PR stunt.

Princess had no comment for her critics ... which will likely fuel their suspicion even more, but of course, she has no control over that.

She does guarantee, however, rain or sunshine, the two will always remain friends.


muy confiada
No Jumper

Sean Evans no tiene ninguna razón para ser tímido acerca de su virilidad, esto de acuerdo a su ex novia, que resulta, es la estrella porno; Melissa Stratton.

Melissa, que empezó a salir con el presentador de "Hot Ones" el otoño pasado antes de su rápida separación el Día de San Valentín, dio una visión sincera de su romance relámpago mientras aparecía en el pódcast "No Jumper" esta semana.

Melissa se mantuvo en silencio cuando le preguntaron acerca del "tamaño de Sean"... ella se aseguró de hacer hincapié en que había una buena razón por la que le gustaba pasar tiempo con él.

La estrella de cine para adultos llegó a dar crédito a sus signos del zodiaco -ella es Virgo y él es Tauro- según ella, esto significa que son el uno para el otro. Es por eso que su abrupto final fue un fastidio para ella, algo que nos enfatizó la semana pasada durante una entrevista.

Sobre la cuestión de cómo se conocieron... Melissa también se explaya. Nos dice que Sean le envió un mensaje en noviembre, el cual era una broma que resulto funcionar.

"¡fue por mi trabajo!"

Pasaron a reunirse en persona a finales de 2023, pasando a llevar su romance a Los Ángeles y Chicago. El dúo hizo pública su relación en el Super Bowl de este año en Las Vegas, pero Sean terminó las cosas días más tarde.

Como hemos informado, Melissa dijo que sentía que su profesión como estrella porno fue la razón Sean terminó las cosas, a pesar de que insiste en que estaba bien con él desde el principio.

De todos modos, durante su reciente relación con Adán, Melissa compartió que Sean pidió que las cosas ean disretas, añadiendo que no han hablado desde entonces. En cuanto a Seaa, Melissa le aseguró a los fans que Sean es un buen tipo y no hay resentimientos.

Melissa ya tiene un montón de nuevos pretendientes, señalando que su bandeja de entrada explota de mensajes a diario, y que hay varios nombres notables circulando en su teléfono. Algo nos dice que ambos van a estar bien.

'Hot Ones' Host Sean Evans Has Every Reason To Be Confident in Bed ... So Says Porn Star Ex!!!

No Jumper

Sean Evans has no reason to be shy about his manhood ... this according to his porn star ex, Melissa Stratton.

Melissa -- who started dating the 'Hot Ones' host last fall before their quick split on Valentine's Day -- gave some candid insight into their whirlwind romance while appearing on the "No Jumper" podcast this week.

Melissa stayed tight-lipped when asked about Sean's, erm, size ... but she did make sure to emphasize -- there was a reason why she liked spending time with him!

The adult film star went on to credit their star signs -- she's a Virgo and he's a Taurus -- for their connection ... calling the pairing a total match. That's why their abrupt ending was such a bummer for her ... something she emphasized to us last week during an interview.

On the issue of how they first met ... Melissa gets into that too. She says Sean slid into her DMs in November -- shooting his shot with a bald head joke.


They went on to meet in person at the end of 2023 ... going on to bring their romance to L.A. and Chicago. The duo went public with their relationship at this year's Super Bowl in Las Vegas ... but Sean ended things days later when the cat was outta the bag.

As we reported ... Melissa said she felt her profession as a porn star was the reason Sean ended things -- even though she insists he was cool with it from the get-go.

Anyway, during her recent sit-down with Adam -- Melissa shared Sean called it quits over a brief and final conv ... adding that they haven't spoken since. As for Sean's V-Day dumping, Melissa assured fans that Sean is, in fact, a good guy ... and there's no hard feelings.

Melissa already has plenty of new suitors, BTW -- noting her DMs are getting flooded with several notable names. Something tells us they'll both be just fine.

Ray J's Wife Princess Love Files for Divorce (Again) ... 4th Time's the Charm???

Ray J and Princess Love are on the outs again -- and she's ready to throw in the towel in court ... filing to end their marriage, marking the 4th time they've been down this road.

The 'L&HH' star filed for divorce Monday in L.A. County -- and while the details of what she wants out of it are unclear at this point ... the fact she's calling it quits isn't. The only thing we know for certain is she notes there are minor children involved, and money's gotta be hashed out.

Worth noting ... she's the petitioner this time, and Ray's the respondent -- on their third divorce attempt, RJ was the one who filed ... and that was back in 2021. He also initiated their second divorce filing in late 2020 ... and she kicked it off initially in Spring '20.

So, they've kinda been going back and forth over who files ... this time, it's her doing it.

PL posted a lengthy statement on IG addressing the news, writing ... "It is with heavy hearts that we share the news of our decision to divorce. After much reflection, discussion, and counseling, we have come to the difficult realization that our paths have diverged, and it is in the best interest of both of us to part ways."

She goes on to say they're doing this with both of their well-being in mind, and that they're committed to being great co-parents to their two kids, a young daughter and son they share.

Princess Love asks for privacy over their divorce, finishing by saying ... "Though this chapter of our lives may be closing, we look forward to embracing the opportunities for growth, healing, and new beginnings that lie ahead. We are confident that with time, understanding, and the support of our loved ones, we will navigate this transition with grace and resilience."

TMZ Studios

They've had a number of issues over the years, but until now ... they've been able to make peace and yanked all the divorce filings leading up to this. Now, it seems truly over.


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amor en el aeropuerto

Jessica Vestal y Johnny McIntyre de "Love Is Blind" se unieron en la vida real en el aeropuerto, lo que es muy curioso, ya que nunca se cruzaron en el programa.

Échale un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ que muestra a las dos estrellas de Netflix -que no interactúan en la serie de realidad- caminando a través de una terminal en LAX el domingo por la mañana, donde estaban hombro con hombro.

Esto ha hecho que muchos se pregunten qué es lo que se traen entre manos, ya que no hay evidencia directa de que sean pareja o algo parecido

La ausencia notable aquí es la prometida de Johnny, Amy Cortés, a quien seleccionó en el programa y que han pasado a ser una pareja muy popular.

Para aquellos que no han sintonizado todavía, Johnny se rodilló frente a Amy a pesar de nunca haberla visto en persona (lo cual es todo el concepto de la serie). De hecho, han surgido como la pareja más fuerte de la temporada, duchándose juntos y todo.

Su único contratiempo fue un desacuerdo sobre el control de la natalidad, ya que Johnny no está listo para ser padre.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Jessica, por otro lado, no tuvo tanta suerte como Johnny. Se sabe que abandonó el experimento después de que su pretendiente, Jimmy Presnell, decidiera seguir a Chelsea Blackwell (la chica de Megan Fox). Recordemos que él enloqueció después de enterarse de que Jessica era una madre soltera y que técnicamente fue expulsada de la serie después de eso.

Por supuesto, se han burlado de su regreso estos últimos episodios.

Lamentablemente, el  final de la temporada 6 de "Love Is Blind" no se estrenará hasta el 6 de marzo, por lo que tendremos que esperar y ver si Johnny y Amy llegan al altar. De hecho, una actualización de Jessica ni siquiera podría venir hasta la reunión, que no estará aquí hasta el 13 de marzo.

¡Estaremos atentos!

'Love Is Blind' Stars Jessica & Johnny Seen at Airport ... Together ... But Are They???

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Love At LAX

Jessica Vestal and Johnny McIntyre from 'Love Is Blind' linked up in real life at the airport ... which may prove to be a big twist, 'cause they never really crossed paths on the show.

Check out this video, obtained by TMZ, that shows the two Netflix stars -- who did not interact on the reality series from what we know, whether in the pods or outside of them -- walking through a terminal at LAX Sunday morning ... where they were shoulder to shoulder.

While them popping up at LAX together might raise eyebrows among some -- there's no direct evidence here that they're actually a couple or romantically involved ... aka, no PDA.

The noticeable absence here, of course, is Johnny's fiancée, Amy Cortés, whom he selected in the pods ... and who have gone on to be a fan-fave couple so far in the show.

For those who haven't tuned in yet ... Johnny got on bended knee for Amy, despite never seeing her in person ... which is the whole concept of the show. They've actually emerged as the season's strongest couple, routinely showering each other with love and PDA.

Their only hiccup ... a disagreement over birth control, since Johnny is not ready to be a dad.

TMZ Studios

Jessica, on the other hand, wasn't as lucky as Johnny in the pods. She famously exited the experiment after her would-be boo, Jimmy Presnell, decided to pursue Chelsea Blackwell instead (the Megan Fox girl). Remember, he notably freaked out after learning Jessica was a single mom ... and she was technically bounced off the show after that.

Of course, they've been teasing her return these past few episodes.

Sadly, the "Love Is Blind" season 6 finale doesn't drop until March 6 -- so we'll have to wait and see if Johnny and Amy actually make it to the wedding altar. In fact ... an update for Jessica might not even come until the reunion drops, which won't be here until March 13.

Safe to say ... we'll be tuning in!

The TMZ Podcast: 'Where Is Wendy Williams?' Highlights Erratic Behavior, Substance Abuse & Cam Newton Gets Into Huge Brawl 😳

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Former NFL quarterback Cam Newton got into a huge brawl with a group of guys at an Atlanta school during an event for his foundation, C1N.

Busta Rhymes got into a physical altercation with rapper Nizzle Man at French Montana's album release party in NYC on Friday.


The new Lifetime documentary 'Where Is Wendy Williams?' released over the weekend and highlighted her personal struggles and excessive drinking.

Britney Spears' penned a heartfelt message to Janet Jackson in a now-deleted Instagram post amid her feud with Justin Timberlake.

Plus, former UFC champion Chuck Liddell took a big fall off his boat over the weekend in San Diego.

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Accidental Plunge

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Wyld Young


cantando en el club

Travis Kelce podría haber estado sin Taylor Swift este fin de semana mientras celebraba con sus compañeros de equipo en Las Vegas (de nuevo), pero claramente la tenía en su mente...

Videos de la estrella de la NFL cantando "Love Story" en el XS Nightclub de Las Vegas están circulando por redes sociales, y teniendo en cuenta su entusiasmo por un clásico de Taylor, podemos afirmar que la echaban de menos.

"all night long"
XS Nightclub at Wynn Las Vegas

Estos clips capturan solo un momento de la noche de Travis. Él no solo cantó canciones de Taylor, también gozó un montón de otras melodías de diversos estilos.

Ha habido algo de crítica swiftie, ya que Travis se rodeó de un montón de mujeres atractivas durante su noche en Las Vegas, pero Tay Tay parece ser la que ocupa su mente.

En cuanto al resto de la celebración, bueno, ya lo cubrimos bastante bien. Estuvo disfrutando junto a Patrick Mahomes y casi todos los demás jugadores de los Chiefs que ayudaron al equipo a ganar el Super Bowl hace unas semanas.

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amor en sydney

Travis estuvo en Sydney por un par de días con Taylor antes de volar de regreso a Las Vegas para la victoria con los chicos, y luego se fue de fiesta.

Taylor, mientras tanto, estaba ocupada terminando el resto de su estancia en Australia y pronto va a volar a Singapur para más espectáculos. No está claro si Travis está en los planes o no.

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Mientras tanto... ¡Sigue festejando Trav!