Kendall Jenner y Devin Booker Se vuelven a ver... Lento, pero seguro gana la carrera

Kendall Jenner y Devin Booker están reavivando su relación, pero están tomando las cosas con calma y ni siquiera son exclusivos todavía, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que los ex tortolitos han estado pasando más tiempo juntos últimamente, algo que se hizo evidente durante el Super Bowl, cuando vimos a Devin Booker aparecer en la suite de las Kardashian al azar, aunque separado de Kendall.

Aun así, fue curioso... y obviamente despertó nuevos rumores de romance entre ellos, esto después de pasar casi todo el 2023 separados.

Recuerden, ella estuvo saliendo con Bad Bunny en ese momento e iban bastante en serio.

De todos modos, nuestros ojos no nos engañaban y resulta que, de hecho, se están viendo nuevamente, pero nuestras fuentes enfatizan en que no quieren precipitar las cosas.

Testigos presenciales nos dicen que incluso han visto a Kendall aparecer en Dallas esta semana, mientras Devin estaba en la ciudad para el partido de los Mavs y los Suns el jueves, así que sí, ella está incluso viajando para estar con él últimamente.

Es interesante que estén pensando en volver a estar juntos. Primero se separaron a finales de 2022, y de acuerdo con los medios, fue principalmente por lo ocupados que estaban en ese entonces y la falta de tiempo en sus agendas para seguir como una pareja.

Teniendo en cuenta que ambos son casi tan famosos (si no más) como entonces, la justificación parece mentira. Devin sigue siendo un jugador de baloncesto profesional y ella sigue siendo un modelo exitosa.

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Y, sin embargo, de alguna manera están encontrando tiempo para verse en este momento. ¡Bienvenidos nuevamente!

Ethan Slater Sin camiseta en un reaparecido video ... Los fans de Ariana Grande lo aprueban

Los fans de Ariana Grande se están acercando un poco más a su novio Ethan Slater y todo lo que bastó fue un viejo clip donde aparece mostrando sus músculos.

Un fornido Ethan aparece sin camiseta en un sketch de hace unos años, y ahora sus fans están apoyando la relación con su coprotagonista en "Wicked", ¡porque el tipo se ve bien!

Ethan ha estado ocultando su físico en Broadway y en sus salidas públicas con Ariana. Al menos hasta ahora, no habíamos visto su cuerpo. Sin embargo, ha vuelto a circular este video de 2017, donde aparece luchando con su compañero de piso por el dinero del alquiler. Más importante aún, estamos echando un vistazo a su torso desnudo y se ve marcado.

Abdominales, bíceps, pectorales, lo que sea, Ethan lo tiene todo en este registro, que fue inocuamente reflotado en Internet esta semana, cuando los usuarios de X lo publicaron y trataron de hacerlo parecer como algo que no era.

La verdadera historia aquí, sin embargo, es cómo los fans de Ariana están babeando por Ethan y empezando a ver lo que ella ve en él.

Recuerden, la pareja se hizo súper cercana cuando filmaron "Wicked" juntos y decidieron divorciarse de sus respectivos cónyuges para iniciar una relación en toda regla. Es seguro decir, que la línea de tiempo se veía algo desordenada cuando todo esto se juntó.

Como les hemos dicho, Ariana y Ethan están pasando casi todo el tiempo juntos y más en privado en lugar de galantear por la ciudad, aunque salen en público de vez en cuando.

Ahora que hemos visto más del cuerpo de Ethan no es de extrañar que Ariana lo quiera todo para ella y ese es un el consenso de sus fans. ¡Dicen que Bob Esponja está bueno!

Para aquellos que tenían dudas, las fotos sin camisa los están haciendo cambiar de opinión.

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No te duermas con Ethan Slater, tiene el cuerpo de un dios.

Kendall Jenner & Devin Booker Seeing Each Other Again ... Slow & Steady Wins the Race!!!

Kendall Jenner and Devin Booker are rekindling their relationship, but they're taking things slow -- and they're not even exclusive just yet ... TMZ has learned.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us the former lovebirds have been spending more time together lately -- something that became evident during the Super Bowl ... when DB popped up in the Kardashian suite super randomly, albeit separated from Kendall.

Still, it was curious ... and obviously sparked new dating rumors about them -- this after spending just about all of 2023 apart.

Remember, she was dating Bad Bunny at the time ... and they were quite serious.

Anyway, our lying eyes weren't deceiving us -- as it turns out ... we're being told they are, in fact, seeing each other again -- but our sources emphasize they're not rushing into things.

Eyewitnesses tell us they've even seen Kendall pop up in Dallas this week while Devin was in town for the Mavs/Suns game Thursday -- so yeah, she's even traveling to be with him lately.

It's interesting that they're circling getting back together ... they first broke up at the end of 2022, and according to reports -- it was apparently all over how busy they were and not having time in their schedules to keep it going as a couple.

Considering they're both just as famous (if not more so) since then, that rationale sounds like BS -- Devin is still a pro basketball player, and she's still a super successful model.

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And yet ... somehow they're finding time to hang/bang right now. Welcome back, y'all!

Ethan Slater Shirtless In Resurfaced Clip ... Ariana Grande Fans Approve

Ariana Grande fans are coming around on her boyfriend Ethan Slater ... and all it took was an old clip of him showing off his muscles.

A ripped Ethan is shirtless in a resurfaced skit from a few years back, and now Ariana stans are giving her props for getting with her "Wicked" costar -- 'cause the dude looks good!

Ethan's been hiding a jacked physique on Broadway and during his public outings with Ariana ... until now, we haven't seen what his bod looks like. However, this old short film he was in from 2017 has been making the rounds anew, which features him wrestling his roommate over rent money. More importantly, we're getting a look at his bare torso ... and it's chiseled.

Abs, biceps, pecs ... you name it, Ethan's got it in this footage ... which had been innocuously floating around the internet until this week, when users on X posted it and tried to make it look like something it wasn't.

The real story here, though, is how Ariana fans are drooling over Ethan ... and starting to see what she sees in him.

Remember ... Ariana and Ethan got super close when they were filming "Wicked" together and they both divorced their spouses and got into a full-blown relationship.

As we've told you, Ariana and Ethan are spending almost all of their time together ... and they prefer spending it in private as opposed to gallivanting around town -- although, they do go out in public from time to time.

Now that we've seen more of Ethan's body ... it's no wonder Ariana wants him all to herself ... and that's kinda the consensus among her fans too. They're saying SpongeBob's a hunk!

For those who were on the fence before, the shirtless shots are pushing them over the edge.

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Don't sleep on ES ... he's got the body of a god.

Zendaya Fascinada con el encanto de Tom Holland!!!

Tom Holland sin duda tiene a Zendaya bajo su hechizo porque la enamorada actriz no pudo evitar hablar del encanto de su novio.

En una entrevista con Buzzfeed Puppy, Zendaya fue consultada sobre el "carisma" del elenco de "Dune 2", pero ella rápidamente dirigió el tema a su hombre, Tommy boy.

Ella dijo: "Creo que alguien que tiene un carisma hermoso, no en el reparto de "Dune", pero que personalmente funciona para mí, es el señor Tom Holland".

Zendaya explicó por qué Tom la tiene enganchada y al parecer todo se reduce a sus grandes habilidades de conversación. Dice que a ella le toma un tiempo salir de su caparazón porque es tímida, pero su novio es un maestro hablando y conociendo gente.

En cuanto a cómo fue seducida, Zendaya admite que Tom tuvo que tirar un poco de ella, pero dado su don innato para coquetear, no pasó mucho tiempo para que hiciera su magia.

Esta es solo una prueba más de que su relación está muy sólida. Esto, en medio de los rumores de ruptura que se iniciaron cuando Z dejó de seguir a todo el mundo en sus redes sociales, incluyendo a Tom, el año pasado.

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Van en serio

Desde entonces, han sido vistos algunas veces de la mano, y por si eso no fuera suficiente para aplastar los rumores de ruptura, Tom aclaró todo en enero cuando le dijo a un paparazzi que "absolutamente" no habían terminado.

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Así que, a menos que haya pruebas concretas de una ruptura, es seguro asumir que los novios de Hollywood están juntos a largo plazo.

The TMZ Podcast: Brandi Glanville Threatens to Sue Andy Cohen Over Sexual Misconduct & Kelly Rowland Dodges 'Today' Show Questions 👀

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

'Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills' star Brandi Glanville is threatening to sue Andy Cohen over alleged sexual misconduct from her experience on 'Girls Trip.'

Kelly Rowland is continuing to dodge any questions surrounding her walk off the 'Today' set over dressing room conditions. Seems like she's not going to spill the beans anytime soon!

Justin Timberlake revealed to social media that he has caught the flu, and as a result, had to cancel his upcoming London concert.

Plus, Travis Kelce attended Taylor Swift's first Sydney concert, and she planted a kiss on him following the show.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Deven Rall


Tom Holland certainly got GF Zendaya under his spell ... 'cause the smitten actress can't stop gushing about his "rizz" to whoever will listen.

Zendaya was asked during the Buzzfeed Puppy Interview about the 'Dune 2' cast's "rizz" -- short for charisma -- and she quickly steered the topic back to her man, Tommy boy.

She says ... "I think someone who has beautiful charisma, not on the Dune cast, but personally works for me, is Mr. Tom Holland."

Zendaya explained why TH's got her hooked ... and it all comes down to his killer conversational skills, apparently. She says it takes her a while to come outta her shell 'cause she's shy ... but in contrast, her BF's a master at talking and getting to know people.

When it came to how he swooned her directly ... Zendaya admits he had to pull it out of her a bit ... but seeing as he's got a natural gift for flirting, it didn't take long for him to work his magic on her.

Zendaya gushing about Tom is just further proof their relationship is solid ... this amid breakup rumors that kickstarted when Z unfollowed everyone, including Tom, last year.

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Since then, they've had some hand-in-hand sightings, and if that wasn't enough to squash the breakup rumors, Tom set the record straight himself ... straight-up telling a paparazzo in Jan that they were absolutely not dunzo.

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So, unless there's concrete evidence of a split, it's safe to assume Hollywood's sweethearts are in it together for the long haul.

'Love Is Blind' Jeramey Lutinski Alleged Ex-Fiancée Speaks Out ... He Responds to Clarify


2/23 -- 7:54 AM PT -- Jeramey hopped on IG to clarify this whole ex-fiancée thing -- and he noted he was NOT engaged when he joined the show ... nor was it a secret while they were filming.

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He explained it all in a lengthy video ... apparently feeling the need to clear this up even before the reunion episode.

Jeramey Lutinski's looking for love on this season of "Love Is Blind" -- but a woman online has been blasting him as not being forthcoming ... claiming she's his ex-fiancée.

Here's the deal ... Jeramey hit viewers' TV screens on Valentine's Day, and while fans were watching the drama play out in the pods and beyond, it turns out JL might've been hiding some key details about his life -- at least that's what Brittani Mcliverty and her mom have been suggesting on social media.

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Brittani's mother, Jenni, has been sounding off online over the past several days -- claiming Jeramey was previously engaged to her daughter, with whom she says he shared a home ... an alleged detail that hasn't come out in the 9 episodes of the show that have aired so far.

The supposed evidence she's putting out there ... a picture of Jeramey lookin' real cozy with a woman -- who Jenni says is Brittani -- sporting a big ol' rock on her ring finger. The implication here is that he was engaged to her ... and that the timeline for when he actually applied for 'LiB' might've bled into his time with Brittani.

It's unclear if what this Jenni woman claims is true -- Jeramey himself hasn't explicitly addressed her allegations ... and considering the show's currently airing, he probably won't.

Jenni has also gone on to claim that Jeramey and Brittani sold their home around the same time -- which lines up with a detail about his life that Jeramey actually did share on the show ... telling the woman he got engaged to, Laura, the exact same thing.

BTW ... the alleged fiancée here ain't sittin' on the sidelines either. She's dropped a few comments on one of Laura's IG posts, asking her point blank if Jeramey ever mentioned her -- and telling her and Sarah Ann, another contestant on the show, to DM her for more info.

Jeramey's sorta in the middle of a complicated situation on the show right now ... 'cause he ended things with Sarah Ann in the pods -- someone he seemed to have a connection with -- to propose to Laura ... basically dumping one for the other.

Now, Jeramey's made a cryptic statement in the past 24 hours. He took to Instagram to decry all the hate he and his castmates are getting this season.

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One noteworthy line ... "Everyone will get their chance to speak when the time is right. Until then we all get it." He might just be waiting for his opportunity to speak out ... but that won't happen until they film the reunion episode -- which won't be for a little while.

We should note ... Jenni and Brittani aren't saying Jeramy was engaged while on the show, but they are claiming he was engaged shortly before getting on there -- insisting he broke things off with Brittani at the end of 2022. If true, he's not technically doing anything wrong.

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Anyway, the season finale's set for next Wednesday ... and we're sure all of this will be addressed then.

Originally Published -- 2/22 -- 2:56 PM PT

TAYLOR SWIFT & TRAVIS KELCE PETA Reacts to Sydney Zoo Date ... Go Here Instead!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce's Sydney Zoo date was cute and all ... but PETA says they should've been mindful of how the animals are treated/handled in this type of environment.

Debbie Metzler --  PETA Foundation Director of Captive Animal Welfare -- uses Taylor's own song against her to make her point ... telling TMZ, "While we understand all too well the appeal of seeing Australia's wildlife, PETA hopes that next time Taylor and Travis want to see wild animals, they'll spend their time and money at a true sanctuary."

They add that a sanctuary is a better choice 'cause visitors aren't allowed to feed/touch the animals there ... in fact, they're required to keep a respectful distance from them altogether. The zoo there, on the other hand, apparently lets you get hands-on with the wildlife.

Of course, Traylor was doing one of the things PETA advised not to do ... namely, feeding a kangaroo at Sydney Zoo while also checking out a bunch of other animal exhibitions.

The lovebirds were like two kids in a candy store ... enjoying their time at the attraction during their first Sydney reunion date. However, Taylor seems to have known they'd have a blast there -- as she'd already scoped out the place earlier the previous day.

Of course, the pair are just trying to pack in as much time together as possible before Tay Tay gets busy with her final 4 Sydney concerts -- but on this animal adventure specifically, PETA clearly disapproves.

For next time, Taylor and Travis might want to take PETA's advice and head to a local animal sanctuary on their next date ... that is, if they actually care what the org thinks about it.

As you're probably well aware -- PETA tends to sound off on any and all celebs who they feel are acting inappropriately as it pertains to animals/animal rights -- and here ... they're saying Taylor and Travis should've considered a better option for sightseeing.

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Can't please everyone. 🤷🏽‍♂️

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Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce PETA reacciona a su cita en el zoológico ¡¡Vayan a un santuario!!

La cita de Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce en el zoológico de Sydney fue tierna y todo, pero PETA dice que deberían haber sido conscientes de cómo los animales son tratados y manejados en este tipo de entorno.

Debbie Metzler, directora de la Fundación PETA para el Bienestar de los Animales en Cautiverio, utiliza la propia canción de Taylor para hacer su punto en contra, diciendo a TMZ: "Si bien entendemos muy bien (all too well como dice una de sus canciones) el atractivo de ver la vida silvestre de Australia, PETA espera que la próxima vez que Taylor y Travis quieran ver animales salvajes, gasten su tiempo y dinero en un verdadero santuario".

Añaden que un santuario es mejor porque a los visitantes no se les permite alimentar ni tocar a los animales allí. De hecho, se les exige mantener una distancia respetuosa de ellos. En el zoológico, en cambio, se puede tocar a los animales.

Por supuesto, Traylor estaba haciendo una de las cosas que PETA aconseja no hacer, esto es, alimentar a un canguro en el zoológico de Sydney, mientras echaba un vistazo a un montón de otros animales en exhibición.

Los tortolitos parecían niños en una tienda de dulces, mientras disfrutaban de su visita durante su día reunidos en Sydney. Sin embargo, parece que Taylor sabía que lo pasarían de maravilla, pues ya había explorado el lugar el día anterior.

Por supuesto, la pareja solo está tratando de pasar el mayor tiempo posible juntos antes de que Tay Tay esté ocupada con sus últimos 4 conciertos en Sydney, pero esta aventura en particular, PETA claramente desaprueba.

Para la próxima vez, Taylor y Travis tal vez quieran seguir el consejo de PETA e ir a un santuario de animales local en vez de un zoológico. Esto, si realmente les importa lo que la organización piensa al respecto.

Como ustedes probablemente saben, PETA tiende a criticar fuertemente a todas las celebridades que estén actuando de manera inapropiada en lo que respecta a los animales y sus derechos, y aquí están diciendo que Taylor y Travis deberían haber considerado una mejor opción para ir de paseo.

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No se puede complacer a todos. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Bobbi Althoff We Settled Our Divorce

Bobbi Althoff says she and her estranged husband have settled their divorce just weeks after news of their filing broke -- and yes, it was pretty freaking fast.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ ... Bobbi claims she and Cory Althoff have "reached a global marital settlement agreement" and have resolved any issues related to property rights.

BA asked for joint legal and physical custody of the couple's two children, but there are no further details about the settlement in the docs. She also checked the box requesting they pay their own attorney's fees.

Remember ... Cory filed for divorce earlier this month after about four years of marriage.

They both cited irreconcilable differences, asked for joint legal and physical custody, and wanted to block the court's ability to award spousal support.

Seems like the exes are on the same page ... a somewhat rare sight in Hollywood divorces. But, it makes sense given the reasons we're hearing the couple decided to call it quits.

Sources told us Bobbi's fame didn't jibe with Cory's desire to live a more normal, low-key kinda life. We were also told the split had nothing to do with cheating allegations that blew up after Bobbi interviewed Drake while lying in bed together.

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While their divorce isn't finalized -- a judge has yet to sign off -- it seems it's only a matter of time before it becomes official.

On its face, it certainly feels like an amicable split ... by any definition of the word.

Bobbi Althoff Resolvimos nuestro divorcio

Bobbi Althoff dice que ella y su ex marido han resuelto su divorcio solo unas semanas después de que se supiera la noticia de su separación, y sí es curiosamente rápido.

Según documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, Bobbi afirma que ella y Cory Althoff han "llegado a un acuerdo matrimonial global" y han resuelto todas las cuestiones relacionadas con los derechos de propiedad.

Bobbi pidió la custodia legal y física conjunta de los dos hijos de la pareja, aunque no hay más detalles sobre el acuerdo en los documentos. También marcó la casilla para solicitar que se paguen los honorarios de sus propios abogados.

Recuerden, Cory le pidió el divorcio a principios de este mes después de unos cuatro años de matrimonio.

Ambos citaron diferencias irreconciliables, pidieron la custodia legal y física conjunta y querían bloquear la capacidad del tribunal para conceder la manutención del cónyuge.

Parece que los ex están en sintonía, algo raro en los divorcios de Hollywood. Pero tiene sentido dadas las razones que la pareja ha dado para poner fin a todo.

Las fuentes nos dijeron que la fama de Bobbi no encajaba con el deseo de Cory de vivir una vida más normal y discreta. También nos dijeron que la separación no tenía nada que ver con los rumores de engaño que estallaron después de que Bobbi entrevistara a Drake mientras estaban juntos en la cama.

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Aunque que su divorcio aún no está completo, un juez aún tiene que firmar, parece que es solo cuestión de tiempo para que se haga oficial.

A primera vista, parece una separación amistosa por dónde se le mire.

Taylor Swift Lleva a Travis de vuelta al zoológico ... He explorado todo el lugar, babe!!!

Taylor Swift y Travis Kelce están reunidos en Australia y su primera parada en la ciudad como pareja fue volver al zoológico, tal como hizo Taylor ayer ... Hablando de déjà vu.

Los tortolitos fueron vistos de la mano el jueves paseando por el zoo de Sydney, disfrutando de las vistas y echando un vistazo a todos los animales. Tay Tay parecía llevar la iniciativa, lo cual tiene sentido, ya que estuvo literalmente hace 24 horas allí.

En el zoo con su novio

La atracción debe haberle causado una buena impresión, pues claramente pensó que valdría la pena llevar a Travis Kelce para una segunda ronda. De hecho, hizo de guía turística, como se ve en estas fotos aéreas obtenidas por Channel 9 News de Australia.

Trayvis incluso le dio de comer a un canguro.

Ahora, salieron como lo hacen normalmente mientras pasean. Es decir, súper enamorados y abrazados de la cintura. No solo iban cogidos de la mano, sino que se abrazaron varias veces también. Así que, sí, todavía van muy en serio.

Como informamos, Travis estaba en camino a Sydney el miércoles después de saltar en un jet privado la noche del martes en Los Ángeles y hacer una parada en Hawái.

Ahora, en términos de privacidad, no pareciera que Taylor y Travis tuvieran el lugar para ellos. Había otros turistas caminando por el zoológico, aunque parece que tenían su propia burbuja, pues no fueron bombardeados por los fans o los curiosos. ¡Gracias, seguridad!

Todavía tienen unos días juntos durante el fin de semana, pero Taylor estará ocupada, ya que tiene 4 espectáculos seguidos. Es seguro decir que Trav estará presente.

Se preguntarán qué más planean hacer, Sydney es una ciudad increíble y hay mucho que ver y hacer. Estaremos atentos a algunas fotos en el puente, ya que todos van para allá.

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¡Que lo pasen muy bien, chicos!

Taylor Swift Takes Travis Back to Zoo ... I Scoped the Whole Place Out, Babe!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce are reunited down under -- and their first order of business as a couple was to go back to the zoo she was just at the day prior ... talk about déjà vu.

The lovebirds were seen hand in hand Thursday walking through the Sydney Zoo -- taking in the sights and peeping all the animal exhibitions. Tay Tay seemed to take the lead in showing him around ... which makes sense since she was literally there 24 hours before his arrival.


The attraction must've left a good impression on her, 'cause she clearly thought it'd be worth taking TK for round 2. Indeed ... she was playing the tour guide, as seen in these sky pics obtained by Australia's Channel 9 News. Heck, Traylor even fed a kangaroo at one point!

Now, they came off like they usually do as they moseyed around ... namely, super in love and tied at the hip. Not only were they holding hands, but they were locked in a hug a few different times as well. So, yeah ... they're still going strong and very into each other.


As we reported ... Travis was en route to Sydney Wednesday after hopping on a private jet Tuesday night from L.A. and making a pit stop in Hawaii.

Now, in terms of privacy ... it doesn't appear Taylor and Travis had the place shut down for themselves -- there were other zoo sightseers walking around, but they did seem to have their own little bubble without being bombarded by fans and gawkers. Thank you, security!

They got a few days together through the weekend -- however, Taylor will be busy ... as she's got 4 shows to do. Safe to say, Trav will be in attendance.

Ya gotta wonder what else they'll get into ... Sydney's a cool town, and there's lots to see/do. We'll be on the lookout for some bridge shots -- everybody heads there down under.

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Have fun, you two!

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Mischa Barton I Dated Ben on 'The O.C.' ... 'Right Out the Gate'

A Whole Ordeal
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Mischa Barton claims she dated her one-time 'O.C.' costar Ben McKenzie -- and it's troubling since she says she was underage at the time ... a window she calls "complicated."

The actress shared her story on "Call Her Daddy" this week, saying that the onscreen relationship she shared with Ben actually took hold in real life as well -- something she alleges happened right from the jump when she first joined the show.

Check it out ... MB says she was 17 at the time, and that Ben was a few years older in his mid-20s -- and notes she was very new to all of it, as she hadn't dated much before him.

Safe to say ... the age difference came onto the radar of producers who were apparently concerned about it -- at least according to Mischa, anyway. She says showrunners were hitting up her parents ... and it was a "whole ordeal," as she puts it.

Mischa goes on to say she and Ben only dated for a bit before breaking things off -- and it sounds like she might've dated other costars as well ... explaining that a lot of people on "The O.C." back then were hooking up with each other.

Long story short, Mischa says she had to grow up fast while working on the series -- although, it doesn't sound like all of it was exactly smooth. The 2000s were a different time, indeed.

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We've reached out to McKenzie for comment ... so far, no word back.

MISCHA BARTON SALÍ CON BEN EN "THE O.C." "Desde el principio"

todo un ordeal
Call Her Daddy / Spotify

Mischa Barton afirma que salió con su compañero de reparto en "The O.C." Ben McKenzie, y es preocupante, ya que dice que era menor de edad en ese momento, algo que ella sabe que es "complicado".

La actriz compartió su historia en "Call Her Daddy" esta semana, diciendo que la relación en pantalla que compartió con Ben se traspasó a la vida real. Ella dice que ocurrió en cuanto se unió a la serie.

Mischa dice que ella tenía 17 años en ese momento y que Ben era un par de años mayor, en sus 20 y señala que era muy nuevo en todo, ya que no había salido mucho antes de él.

La diferencia de edad entró en el radar de los productores que al parecer estaban preocupados por ello, al menos según Mischa. Ella dice que los showrunners estaban llamando a sus padres, lo cual fue un "calvario".

Mischa continúa diciendo que ella y Ben solo salieron por un tiempo antes de romper las cosas y suena como que podría haber salido con otros coprotagonistas, explicando que un montón de gente en "The O.C." en ese entonces se enganchaban entre sí.

En resumen, Mischa dice que tuvo que madurar rápidamente mientras trabajaba en la serie, aunque no parece que todo fuera precisamente fácil. Los 2000 eran otros tiempos.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con McKenzie para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.