Natalie Portman Se sincera sobre sus problemas matrimoniales ... No alimenta los rumores de engaño

Natalie Portman finalmente se refirió a las especulaciones sobre sus supuestos problemas matrimoniales y los rumores de infidelidad que involucran a su marido Benjamin Millepied, aunque la artista no ofreció ninguna pista al respecto.

La actriz ganadora del Oscar se sentó con el escritor de Vanity Fair Keziah Weir para hablar sobre su última película "May December" y una serie de otros temas, incluyendo su vida personal.

En un momento dado, Weir abordó el elefante en la habitación, diciendo que en el período previo al estreno de "May December" en 2023, el matrimonio de Portman estuvo en el centro del debate "de una manera muy pública." A continuación le preguntó cómo era eso.

Portman no dudó en responder y afirmó: "Es terrible. No tengo ningún deseo de contribuir a ello". Y eso fue todo.

Por supuesto, la actriz se estaba refiriendo a las acusaciones de infidelidad por parte de Millepied, quien supuestamente tuvo una aventura con la activista climática Camille Etienne el año pasado, pero pronto terminó. Otros medios han informado que los dos se han separado debido a los rumores de engaño, algo que ellos aún tienen que confirmar o negar.

Millepied, bailarín y coreógrafo francés, ha estado casado 11 años con Portman. La pareja tiene dos hijos: Aleph, de 12 años, y Amalia, de 6.

En la entrevista con Vanity Fair, Portman también habló de su pasión por vivir en París y Los Ángeles, yendo y viniendo de ambas ciudades. Disfruta especialmente su tiempo en Los Ángeles, donde lleva una vida muy distinta a la de Hollywood.

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Dice que sale con muchos amigos que no están en la industria de la televisión o el cine, cambiando las fiestas de famosos por cenas en el patio trasero. Pero admite que todavía tiene algunos amigos en la industria con los que se divierte de vez en cuando.

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Como todos saben, Portman ha tenido una larga y exitosa carrera en Hollywood. En 2011 ganó el Oscar a la Mejor Actriz por su papel en "El cisne Negro."

Natalie Portman Opens Up About Marital Issues ... Not Feeding Into Cheating Rumors

Natalie Portman finally addressed all the speculation about her alleged marital issues and cheating rumors involving husband Benjamin Millepied -- but she didn't offer any real insight.

The Academy Award winning actress sat down for a recent interview with Vanity Fair writer Keziah Weir to talk about her latest film, "May December," and a range of other topics, including her personal life.

At one point, Weir addressed the elephant in the room, saying in the lead up to the 2023 release of "May December," Portman's marriage was in the spotlight "in a very public way." She then asked her what that was like.

Portman didn't miss a beat, stating, "It's terrible. I have no desire to contribute to it." And that was that.

Of course, Portman was referring to allegations of infidelity by Millepied, who supposedly had a fling with climate activist Camille Etienne last year, but it soon ended. Other media outlets have reported rumors the two have separated over the cheating claims -- which the pair has yet to confirm or deny.

Millepied, a French dancer and choreographer, has been married to Portman for 11 years. The couple share two kids, Aleph, 12,  and Amalia, 6.

In the VF interview, Portman also discussed her love of living in Paris and L.A., going back and forth between both cities. She particularly enjoys her time in L.A., where she leads a very non-Hollywood life.

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She said she hangs out with many friends who are not in the TV or film industry, trading in celebrity parties for backyard dinners. But she admits she still has some industry pals with whom she spends time.

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As everyone knows, Portman has had a long, successful career in Hollywood, winning the 2011 Oscar for Best Actress for her role in "Black Swan."

Travis Kelce Lands in AUS to See Taylor Long Flight, Long Face 😅


6:30 PM PT -- The first sign of Travis Kelce in Australia has surfaced, and the dude looks ... well, beat.

Here's a shot of the tight end arriving in Sydney Wednesday (or Thursday on his time), and yes ... the dude was pretty straight-faced and serious as he got off his private jet. Ya gotta imagine he's stoked to be there for Taylor Swift ... but yeah, that was a long ass flight. Woof ...

2:58 PM PT -- Travis Kelce has officially touched down in Australia, hopping off his private jet just minutes ago.

Travis Kelce is on his way to see his girlfriend, Taylor Swift, in Australia -- in fact, he's currently en route ... and he'll be landing there bright and early, TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Travis is, in fact, aboard a private jet at the moment that's on its way to Sydney right now ... and it looks like he's taking a similar flight path that she did when she left Vegas after the Super Bowl to get back to work in Melbourne.

We know Travis went from Los Angeles to Hawaii overnight -- where he landed for a pit stop -- and then continued on his journey very early this AM ... and is up in the air as we speak.

Our sources tell us Travis grabbed dinner in L.A. Tuesday evening before jumping on a plane around 9 PM and jetting on over to the islands. We're told he chowed down at Nobu Malibu -- and seems to have laid relatively low, 'cause there aren't many eyewitness sightings.

Of course, he'll now be joining Tay Tay down under ahead of a string of shows she's got scheduled through the weekend ... this after missing her Melbourne slate. Here, he's making up for it by catching the latter half of her Aussie shows ... 4 of 'em running through Monday.

Unclear if Travis is gonna stick around and hit up Singapore with Taylor afterward -- where she's scheduled to perform next -- but for now ... she'll have TK by her side in Sydney.

Travis has been traveling quite a bit over the past 48 hours -- as we reported, he was in Vegas (again) Monday for a little bro time and some golf ... but beelined outta there quick.

There's been a lot of speculation on when (or if) he'd join Taylor at some point ... and now, we know he will. The reason for the doubt had to do with the Kansas City shooting -- which threw Travis and his whole team for a loop, and seemingly set his plans back a bit.

He was just in Kansas City this past weekend ... but since then, he's been bouncing around.


Travis' dad, Ed, did an interview earlier this week where he said his boy sounded keen on coming down there and enjoying the Aussie landscape -- as it turns out, he was right.

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Get ready, Taylor ... here comes, Travis!!!

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.

Originally Published -- 7:51 AM PT

Travis Kelce Aterriza en Sydney para ver a Taylor Vuelo largo, cara larga!!!


6:30 PM PT -- Ha salido a la superficie la primera señal de Travis Kelce en Australia y el tipo se ve ... Bueno, exhausto.

Aquí tenemos una foto del jugador llegando a Sydney el miércoles (o el jueves en Australia), y sí el hombre estaba bastante serio al bajar de su jet privado. Podemos imaginar que está emocionado de estar allí para Taylor Swift, pero sí, el viaje es larguísimo.

2:58 PM PT -- Travis Kelce ha aterrizado oficialmente en Australia. El jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs se bajó de su jet privado hace apenas unos minutos.

Travis Kelce está en camino para ver a su novia Taylor Swift en Australia. De hecho, está actualmente en ruta y va a aterrizar temprano en el día, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Travis está, de hecho, a bordo de un jet privado en este momento y de camino a Sydney. Parece que es una ruta similar a la que hizo Taylor cuando salió de Las Vegas tras el Super Bowl para dirigirse a Melbourne.

Sabemos que Travis viajó de Los Ángeles a Hawái durante la noche. Hizo una parada y continuó su viaje muy temprano esta mañana. Ahora está volando mientras hablamos.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Travis cenó en Los Ángeles el martes por la noche antes de subirse al avión alrededor de las 9 PM y volar a las islas. Nos han dicho que cenó en Nobu Malibu y parece haber pasado relativamente desapercibido, porque no hay muchos testigos.

Por supuesto, ahora se unirá a Tay Tay, quien tiene una serie de espectáculos programados hasta el fin de semana. Esto, después de perderse su parada en Melbourne. Aquí lo está compensando con la última mitad de sus shows en Australia: 4 hasta el lunes.

No está claro si Travis va a quedarse o si viajará a Singapur con ella después, donde está programado que siga su gira. Aunque por ahora tendrá a Travis Kelce a su lado en Sydney.

Travis ha estado viajando bastante en las últimas 48 horas, como informamos, estuvo en Las Vegas el lunes para jugar golf y pasar tiempo con sus amigos, pero se fue rápido.

Ha habido mucha especulación sobre cuándo (o si) se uniría a Taylor y ahora sabemos que va en camino. La razón de la duda tenía que ver con el tiroteo de Kansas City, que al parecer echó sus planes un poco para atrás.

El jugador estuvo en Kansas City este fin de semana, pero desde entonces ha estado en diferentes lugares.

El padre de Travis, Ed, hizo una entrevista a principios de esta semana donde dijo que creía que su hijo quería viajar y disfrutar del paisaje australiano. Parece que tenía razón.

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Prepárate, Taylor... ¡¡¡ahí viene, Travis!!!

DEVIN RATRAY SE DECLARA CULPABLE de violencia doméstica No hay tiempo de cárcel en el acuerdo

Devin Ratray -que interpretó a Buzz en "Mi Pobre Angelito"- ha llegado a una resolución en su caso de violencia doméstica en Oklahoma y el acuerdo que alcanzó lo mantendrá fuera de la cárcel.

El actor se declaró culpable de dos cargos de violencia doméstica el miércoles, lo que finalmente le puso fin al caso después de estar pendiente durante casi 3 años.

Documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, muestran que después de entrar en su declaración de culpabilidad, fue sentenciado por un juez y solo va a estar en libertad condicional durante los próximos tres años. También se le ordenó completar un programa de intervención para maltratadores y someterse a una evaluación de drogas y alcohol.

Devin, que apareció a través del enlace de video con su abogado, también está obligado a cubrir los costos de la corte y tienen cero contacto con la víctima.

Usted recordará que Devin fue arrestado después de que fue acusado de empujar, golpear y presionar sus manos contra la garganta y la boca de su ex durante un altercado borracho en diciembre de 2021.

Fue fichado por delito grave de asalto doméstico y agresión por estrangulamiento, así como por delito menor de asalto doméstico y agresión. Más tarde fue puesto en libertad con una fianza de $25K.

Devin inicialmente entró en una declaración de no culpabilidad en febrero de 2022 y las cosas se han movido muy lento desde entonces. Ahora, él ha emitido una declaración de culpabilidad que parece haberle evitado el tiempo tras las rejas.

El caso se actualizó el mes pasado cuando los abogados de Devin le informaron recientemente al juez que fue hospitalizado "en estado crítico".

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Todavía no se sabe por qué el hombre de 47 años llegó al hospital de Nueva York en primer lugar, pero parece que se ha recuperado y ahora puede dejar el caso atrás.


Devin Ratray -- who famously played Buzz in "Home Alone" -- has reached a resolution in his domestic violence case in Oklahoma ... and the deal he struck will keep him out of jail.

The actor pleaded guilty to two counts of domestic violence Wednesday ... which finally brought the case to a close after it'd been pending for nearly 3 years.

Court documents, obtained by TMZ, show that after entering his plea, he was sentenced by a judge -- and he'll just be on probation for the next 3 years ... while also being ordered to complete a Batterers Intervention Program and undergo a drug/alcohol assessment.

Devin -- who appeared via video link with his attorney -- is also required to cover court costs and have zero contact with the victim.

You'll remember ... Devin was arrested after he was accused of pushing, punching and pressing his hands against his ex-GF's throat and mouth during a drunk altercation in December 2021.

He was booked for felony domestic assault and battery by strangulation, as well as misdemeanor domestic assault and battery. He was later released on a $25K bond.

Devin initially entered a not-guilty plea back in February 2022 ... and things have moved super slow since. Now, he's copped a plea and it looks like he avoided time behind bars because of it.

The case saw further holdup last month when Devin's lawyers recently informed the judge he was hospitalized "in critical condition."

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Still no word as to what landed the 47-year-old in the NYC hospital in the first place, but it appears he's recovered and can now put the case behind him.

The TMZ Podcast: Tom Sandoval Compares 'Scandoval' to George Floyd, O.J. Simpson 😬 & Tiffany Haddish's Israel Trip Angers Fans

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Tiffany Haddish is being slammed by folks online after she joked about 'finding a man' on her trip to Israel.

Travis Kelce was spotted getting some rest & relaxation in Las Vegas, hanging with friends and hitting the golf course at the Wynn Golf & Country Club!

One of the suspects in the Kansas City Chiefs parade shooting admitted to firing off the first shots ... before allegedly saying he "shouldn't have done that."

Tom Sandoval angered the internet after he compared Scandoval to the O.J. Simpson case and the murder of George Floyd. He then clarified his remarks and added that he is "incredibly sorry and embarrassed." Yikes.

Plus, a couple from '90 Day Fiance' had their fundraiser halted after fans started to doubt a cancer diagnosis.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Nikki Hendry

Tom Brady Cercanos dicen que es mentira la cronología de Gisele y Joaquim

Gisele Bündchen no comenzó a salir con Joaquim Valente hasta junio de 2023, pero al parecer Tom Brady no está comprando lo que ella está diciendo.

Múltiples fuentes relacionadas con Tom le dicen a TMZ que el ex jugador de la NFL cree que G & J comenzaron a salir juntos mucho antes de eso. Como dijo una fuente: "Deberían añadir después de junio de 2021. Ahí sería exacto el titular".

Fuentes relacionadas con Gisele le dijeron a People: "Han estado saliendo desde junio. Se lo están tomando con calma. Primero empezaron como grandes amigos".

Como ya informamos, Gisele y Tom conocen a Joaquim desde hace años. Sus 2 hijos tomaron clases de jiu-jitsu con él y la propia Gisele entrenó con Joaquim.

Después de que Tom y Gisele se separaron, ella viajó varias veces a Costa Rica con Joaquim, junto con sus hijos, y han sido vistos juntos en Miami también.

Una fuente de Tom dijo: "Cuando anunciaron su divorcio en octubre de 2022, Gisele huyó a Costa Rica durante dos meses. Joaquim voló con ella durante 2 meses. Ella se toma en serio su entrenamiento de jiu-jitsu. LOL".

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Tom ha estado saliendo con la supermodelo Irina Shayk de forma intermitente desde el verano pasado, por lo que ha seguido adelante. La pareja comparte la custodia compartida de sus hijos.

Tom Brady Sources Call BS On Gisele/Joaquim Dating Timeline New BF Leaves Her Place!!!


9:54 AM PT -- Whether Tom Brady believes the relationship timeline between Gisele Bündchen and Joaquim Valente or not -- they're continuing to see each other as they explore their romance ... proven by the fact that Joaquim just left Gisele's place earlier this morning.

Here's a shot of the jiu-jitsu instructor making a clean getaway from Gisele's home in Miami Wednesday morning -- right on the heels of reports that they're together as a couple now. Tom himself might be incredulous as to when it all began ... but they clearly don't care.

Gisele Bündchen didn't start dating Joaquim Valente until June 2023, but apparently Tom Brady isn't buying what she's selling.

Multiple sources connected to Tom tell TMZ ... the former QB believes G&J started dating long before that. As one source put it, "They should add 2021 after June. Then the headline would be accurate."

Gisele sources told People, "They have been dating since June. They're taking it slow. They started out as great friends first."

As we reported, Gisele and Tom have known Joaquim for years. Their 2 kids took jiu-jitsu lessons with him and Gisele herself trained with Joaquim.

After Tom and Gisele split, she traveled several times to Costa Rica with Joaquim, along with her kids and have been seen together in Miami as well.


One source said, "When they announced divorce in October 2022, Gisele fled to Costa Rica for 2 months. Joaquim flew there with her for 2 months. She takes her jiu-jitsu training seriously. LOL."

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Tom has been dating supermodel Irina Shayk on and off since last summer, so he's moved on. The couple shares joint custody of their kids.

Originally Published -- 8:25 AM PT

LARSA PIPPEN y MARCUS JORDAN No estamos comprometidos ¡Este enorme anillo no es lo que ustedes creen!

Larsa Pippen puede que lleve una piedra en un dedo últimamente, pero no significa que suenen campanas de boda por ahora, porque todavía no hay planes de pasar por el altar con Marcus Jordan.

La pareja ha generado especulaciones desde el Día de San Valentín, cuando Larsa salió con Marcus en Miami con un anillo de diamantes enorme en su dedo anular izquierdo.

De hecho, dio mucho que pensar, (recordemos que vienen saliendo de una pequeña pelea), pero fuentes directas nos dicen que simplemente no se van a casar. Se trata de un anillo de la propia línea de joyería de Larsa.

A pesar de que no es un anillo de compromiso, eso no quiere decir que no signifique algo. Nos dicen que este anillo cuenta con un diamante amarillo de cinco quilates además de otros diamantes a su alrededor.

Respecto a como se ven las cosas entre Larsa y Marcus, al parecer se ven felices de nuevo. Nuestras fuentes dicen que siguen trabajando en sus problemas, pero definitivamente todavía están enamorados y comprometidos.

Recordemos que llegaron la ciudad el día San Valentín y sin duda todo parecía estar bien de nuevo.

Sí, parece como si nos estuvieran tomando el pelo, pero bueno, así es el amor, suponemos. Y sobre el tema de un posible compromiso en el camino, Marcus y Larsa ya han dicho que lo están considerando.

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Simplemente no está sucediendo ahora.

Larsa Pippen, Marcus Jordan We're Not Engaged ... Massive Ring Not What Y'all Think!!!

Larsa Pippen might be wearing a rock on a certain finger lately, but hold the wedding bells for now ... 'cause she ain't walking down the aisle just yet with Marcus Jordan.

The on-and-off-again couple has been at the center of speculation for over a week now -- and that was kicked into high gear on Valentine's Day when LP stepped out with Marcus in Miami with a massive diamond ring on her left ring finger.

Indeed ... it was very suspicious, but despite people thinking they might be engaged -- this after patching things up fairly quickly following a little spat -- sources with direct knowledge tell us it just isn't so. Instead, it's only a red herring ... a ring from Larsa's own jewelry line.

Now, even though it isn't an engagement ring -- that's not to say this bling isn't nice ... 'cause it is. We're told this ring features a 5-carat yellow diamond with other diamonds around it.

Anyway, in terms of where things stand between Larsa and Marcus at this point -- who very much so look back together and happy again ... our sources are saying they're continuing to work through their issues -- but they're definitely still in love and committed to being together.

Remember, they hit the town on V-day ... and certainly telegraphed all was well again.

Yes, it kinda feels like we're all getting kinda jerked around by these two -- but hey, that's love, we suppose. And on the issue of a possible engagement down the road ... Marcus and Larsa have already said they're considering it.

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It just ain't happening right now.

The TMZ Podcast: Bryce Hall Claps Back at Billie Eilish 👏 & Travis Kelce Wants To Go Hollywood?

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

The controversial college student who was tracking Taylor Swift's private jet posted a lengthy letter to social media that his lawyers sent to her, claiming he's done "nothing unlawful."

Travis Kelce is reportedly eager to get involved in more avenues of entertainment, as the NFL star met with some top-level Hollywood executives about some potential projects in the reality scene.

Bryce Hall is clapping back at Billie Eilish after she was heard shading the TikTokers in attendance at the People's Choice Awards.

Plus, actor Frankie Muniz wrecked out in his first Daytona 500 race Monday night.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Derek Kaufman

Taylor Swift Dinner Down Under with Sabrina ... Two's Company in Sydney

Taylor Swift doesn't have Travis Kelce around as she continues to tour in Australia -- but she'll be far from lonely as she ramps up for Sydney ... 'cause Sabrina Carpenter is there.

The two singers grabbed dinner Tuesday at a swanky hotspot in the city's Surry Hills neighborhood -- and as you can imagine, they were surrounded by fans and paps (and bodyguards) who were following their every move into the restaurant.

Taylor was dressed pretty casually, but was rocking some wavy hair here down under ... and SC wore a red getup, while rocking a big grin as she joined her gal pal for a meal.

Sabrina's been hired to open for Taylor for the next handful of shows -- including 4 in Sydney that start up Friday ... and another batch in Singapore, where they'll jet off to next. After that, TayTay's gonna switch up her opening act yet again ... and bring on Paramore for Europe.

In other words, she's back into the swing of things ... just like she was here in the States last year before she went public with Travis and started going to all his games in the fall.

Obviously, she rode that wave all the way to the Super Bowl ... which made for some memorable snaps -- but now, it's back to reality for her ... and thus far, Travis doesn't appear to have joined her on her international leg of the tour, and it remains to be seen if he will.

Of course, T-Swift still has Kansas City on her mind ... something she proved the other day by rocking a Chiefs SB hat -- so not all is forgotten as she delves deeper into the tour.

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The big question ... when's the next time she'll see her boyfriend, who's 9,000 miles away???

Donnell Rawlings Goes Ballistic on Corey Holcomb ... Laugh Factory Showdown

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Donnell Rawlings lost it on fellow comic Corey Holcomb at a comedy club this weekend -- and it all seems to have stemmed from an insult the latter hurled at DR.

This wild scene unfolded Sunday night at the Laugh Factory here in Los Angeles -- where Donnell went up to do a set ... and Corey went on after him when we're told he started hurling wild claims and barbs at Donnell and Dave Chappelle's expense.

"I'M A BEAST!!!"

Donnell tells TMZ he wasn't going to let Corey torch his close friend -- the two of them were on "Chappelle's Show" together back in the day -- so he confronted him over it.

That argument is what you see here on video, obtained by TMZ, with Donnell going absolutely ballistic on Corey -- whom you can hear calling DR "mild" and a lame funny man.

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You can also hear Corey questioning Donnell's street cred ... and Donnell was ready to defend himself and his rep -- which he did from the audience level, right in front of everybody. Indeed, it must've been pretty surreal to see play out live.

Now, Donnell claims another inflammatory comment that Corey made played into how angry he got -- namely, Corey allegedly saying that anyone in comedy who has 3 movies or more under their belt has had to perform fellatio on someone in the biz.

Corey Holcomb 5150 Show

The reason Donnell says he got as fired up -- in addition to feeling insulted and hearing his friends get insulted -- is because he has 3 movies, and he insists he's never done anything like that in his career.


BTW, this beef between Donnell, Corey and Dave runs pretty deep -- Corey recently did a podcast where he trashed DC ... and suggested he simply wasn't funny, let alone a legend.

In terms of how this ended, Donnell tells us he ended up walking away from the situation before things escalated further. However, he says he'd still like to hash things out with Corey in a more calm setting and hopefully put their differences aside.

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We've reached out to Corey's camp for comment ... so far, no word back.

Larsa Pippen y Marcus Jordan en la mira Durante una rutina cómica

sin reglas

Larsa Pippen y su relación con Marcus Jordan salió a relucir durante una rutina de stand-up el fin de semana.

TMZ Sports obtuvo el video del momento incómodo en la reunión organizada por Russell y Teddy Berman, que muestra Greg Wilson aprovechando la presencia de la pareja para entretener a la multitud.

"Larsa Pippen está aquí con Marcus Jordan", dijo Greg al comienzo de su roast. "Eres una leyenda. Eres la única persona que ha conseguido j*** a Scottie Pippen y a Michael Jordan al mismo tiempo".

"Eres básicamente el mejor New York Knick de todos los tiempos", añadió. "Usted debe estar en su anillo de honor".

El jab fue recibido con algunas risas, pero está claro que el ambiente fue un poco incómodo.

Por supuesto, no es ningún secreto que la relación entre Larsa y Marcus ha irritado a algunos, teniendo en cuenta que el ex marido de Pippen ODIA a los padres de Jordan y un montón de gente se ha manifestado en redes sociales.

Finalmente, Wilson se salió con la suya jugando en terreno peligroso.

No fue un roast solo para los tortolitos -quienes parecían disfrutar de su compañía durante todo el evento- también sufrieron los *NSYNC, Chris Kirkpatrick y Joey Fatone, Jonathan Cheban y otros.


Como informamos anteriormente, la pareja hizo una breve pausa en su relación la semana pasada, pero teniendo en cuenta que han sido inseparables esta última semana, podemos decir que las cosas van muy bien.

Larsa Pippen, Marcus Jordan Targeted During Comedy Routine


Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan's relationship was put in the crosshairs during a stand-up routine over the weekend ... with a comedian cracking a savage joke right in their faces!!

TMZ Sports obtained video of the uncomfortable moment at's Miami Beach gathering hosted by Russell and Teddy Berman ... which shows Greg Wilson taking advantage of Larcus' presence as he entertained the crowd on the mic.

"Larsa Pippen is here with Marcus Jordan," Greg said at the start of his roast. "You're a legend. You're the only person that's ever managed to f*** up both Scottie Pippen and Michael Jordan at the same time."

"You're basically the greatest New York Knick of all time," he added. "You should be in their ring of honor."

The jab was met with some laughs ... but it's clear the vibe was a bit awkward.

Of course, it's no secret Larsa and Marcus' relationship has ruffled some feathers considering Pippen's ex-husband HATES Jordan's pops ... and a lot of folks have chimed in on social media.

But, Wilson didn't need a keyboard to fire off his take ... which is more than any internet troll can say.

It wasn't just a roast sesh for the two lovebirds, though -- they appeared to enjoy themselves throughout the event ... which also featured *NSYNC's Chris Kirkpatrick and Joey Fatone, Jonathan Cheban and others.

How Did He Do That?!

As we previously reported, the couple briefly paused their relationship last week ... but taking into account they have been inseparable this past week, it's safe to say they're doing just fine.