Kevin Costner Here's Why Ex Lost Big in Divorce ... Tried Milking 'Expenses'!!!

TMZ Studios

Kevin Costner's ex-wife may have screwed herself in their epic divorce, all because she listed everything under the sun as an expense she'd need covered in almost a quarter of a million dollars in monthly child support ... even though her final amount ended up being far, far less.

TMZ has a new documentary about this uncoupling -- one of the most acrimonious we've seen in a long time here in Hollywood -- and a particular element about the proceeding that was fascinating is the fact that Christine shot for the moon in what she was seeking at first.

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Of course, we're referring to the $248k in monthly child support she wanted from Kevin -- an astronomical amount that she justified with an absurd list of expenses she said she needed.

Among those costs she said she needed covered ... cosmetic surgeries, and other luxuries -- like boutique shopping, massive ATM withdrawals, and sky-high attorney's fees.

In the end ... a judge gave her a fraction of what she wanted -- even though Kevin offered her more than she ended up getting.

We talked to lots of folks in the know about celebrity divorces to see why they thought Christine swung for the fences ... and we got some interesting insights. Turns out there's really no such thing as an iron-clad prenup.

The doc gets into all of this and more -- "TMZ Investigates: Kevin Costner's Divorce War" is a deep dive into the nasty split, examining how it devolved into a war over money, cheating allegations, and entitlement.

TMZ Studios

It airs Monday night at 9/8c on FOX.

Kevin Costner Por qué su ex perdió a lo grande en el divorcio Esta es la razón...

Jugando con el sistema
TMZ Studios

La ex esposa de Kevin Costner puede haberse jodido a sí misma épicamente en su proceso de divorcio, y todo por haber enumerado prácticamente todo lo que existe sobre la tierra como un gasto necesario en su manutención, fijada en casi un cuarto de millón de dólares mensuales. Al final, terminó recibiendo mucho, mucho menos.

TMZ tiene un nuevo documental sobre este polémico divorcio, uno de los más enconados que hemos visto en mucho tiempo en Hollywood y algo particularmente fascinante es que Christine estaba disparando a la luna con lo que estaba pidiendo en un primer momento.

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Otro día en el tribunal

Por supuesto, nos estamos refiriendo a los $248k en manutención mensual que ella quería de Kevin, una cantidad astronómica que ella justificó con una lista absurda de gastos que dijo necesitar.

Entre ellos había cirugías estéticas y otros lujos, como compras en tiendas boutique, grandes retiros de cajeros automáticos y los exorbitantes honorarios de su abogado.

Al final un juez le dio una fracción de lo que quería, a pesar de que Kevin le había ofrecido más de lo que terminó recibiendo.

Hablamos con un montón de gente experta en divorcios de celebridades para entender por qué Christine habría actuado de esa manera, y nos dieron algunas ideas interesantes, como que no hay tal cosa como un acuerdo prenupcial blindado.

Nuestro nuevo documental "TMZ Investiga: Kevin Costner's Divorce War" se sumerge profundamente en la desagradable separación de las celebridades, examinando cómo se convirtió en una guerra por el dinero y acusaciones de engaño.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Este se emite el lunes por la noche a las 9/8c en FOX.

Victoria Beckham Smacked With Granny Question ... Gives Blown-Away Response

Grandma Who??

Victoria Beckham had a very spicy reaction when she was confronted with the prospect of becoming a grandmother during a recent Vogue interview.

The former "Spice Girls" pop star sat down Friday with 'The Run Through' co-host Chloe Malle and was totally gob-smacked when she was hit with the "Gramma" question from the Vogue contributing editor.

Here's how it unfolded ... Halfway through their chat, Malle brought up Victoria's son, Brooklyn, and his 2022 marriage to wife Nicola Peltz.

Malle asked Victoria if she had any relationship advice for the young couple who has no children ... yet. Victoria replied that she'll always offer them support, but she's not down with giving advice.

Then Malle smacked Victoria -- AKA "Posh Spice" -- right across the face with the geriatric stuff, asking, "Are you excited to be a grandmother?"

Check out the video ... Victoria was absolutely floored by the suggestion Brooklyn was having a baby with Nicola -- and she delivered an extremely animated response, "Oh. Jesus. What? Woo. Hang on."

The fashion designer even used her hand to fan her face before turning to the audience and insisting, "I don't think it's happening just yet unless you guys know something I don't."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Victoria finally regained her composure and, on a more serious note, stated, "If I am blessed, then that would be wonderful."

Then she returned to her funny routine, fanning her face again and reiterating that "we are not there yet."

TMZ Studios

True, but Brooklyn has made no secret of the fact that he wants to start a family with Nicola, posting about it on Instagram.

Just sayin', Victoria.

C.J. Stroud & Amber Rose Leave Charity Softball Game Together ... Ya'll Dating?!?

C.J. Stroud had a notable passenger riding shotgun with him on Thursday night -- Amber Rose -- and it's got many wonderin' ... are the two an item?!?

The superstar quarterback and the model competed in the 2024 Cactus Jack Foundation HBCU Celebrity Softball Classic at Minute Maid Park ... and shortly after it ended, they were seen walking toward the same car together.

more than friends ???
Infamous Tex of 97.9 The Box

There were no signs of PDA as they made their way through a gaggle of photogs and fans ... but they sure didn't seem awkward around each other -- sparking dating rumors all over the internet.

Our sources tell us Rose -- who's dated Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa in the past -- is not formally seeing anyone at the moment ... and Stroud is reportedly single too -- so it's all entirely possible.

TMZ Studios

The one potential hang-up, though ... Rose is 40 years old, and C.J. is just 22 -- but if you've ever seen him play in an NFL game, he's shown plenty of signs that he's mature beyond his years.

Neither, of course, has said anything publicly about it ... so stay tuned.

Jessica Simpson Valentine's Dinner Date With Hubby ... No Signs of a Split Here!!!

Jessica Simpson may have recently ditched her wedding ring, but it sounds like she's still with her husband ... at least she was on Valentine's Day, anyway.

Here's the deal ... Jessica sent fans into panic mode Thursday when she posted a series of photos on Instagram without her wedding band ... leading to speculation she was, perhaps, on the outs with her hubby, Eric Johnson.

Thing is ... Jessica and Eric were spotted out to dinner the night before, on a Valentine's Day date no less ... hitting up Ivy At The Shore in Santa Monica -- obviously for some alone time.

Folks who were there tell us Jessica and Eric had a table to themselves and they looked happy together ... showing no signs of a potential split. If anything, they looked totally normal -- at least that's what was described to us ... no signs of trouble in paradise.

We should note ... Jessica going ring-less for the day after Valentine's isn't the only source of the breakup rumors ... frankly, she hasn't shared a pic with Eric since September, which is also a factor. Some have speculated something may be amiss between them lately.

Of course, a quick glance at Jessica's IG and you'll see it's mostly just photos of her ... with an occasional celeb friend ... and only a couple shots with the children she shares with Eric.

So, maybe fans are reading too much into Jessica's social media image ... and jumping to conclusions. In any case, they were all good on Wednesday night when they chowed down.

Remember, Jessica and Eric got hitched back in 2014 and they have 3 kids together ... and based on this V-Day date, any talk of a split seems premature -- if not totally off base.

TMZ Studios

From what we know right now ... they're going strong and then some.

Jennifer Lopez Se pone caliente en una nueva canción Sobre el sexo con Ben...

Jennifer López nos está dando algunos detalles muy íntimos sobre su matrimonio con Ben Affleck al cantar sobre su vida sexual juntos en una nueva canción y sí, es subida de tono.

Las cosas se ponen calientes y pesadas en la nueva canción "Greatest Love Story Never Told" de su nuevo álbum "This Is Me... Now". Escucha estas letras, por favor: "Echando de menos tu cuerpo, subiéndose encima de mí, deslizándose dentro de mí, la forma en que lo monto, cuerpos alineados, mira nuestra sincronización".

Está claro que no hay tal cosa como demasiada información cuando se trata de J Lo, al menos no por estos días.

Ahora, la canción no es del todo "porno". También canta cómo era su "destino" "encontrarse dos veces en una vida". Solo otro ejemplo de que ella y Ben están profundamente enamorados.

Los oyentes están encantados con la nueva canción. Algunos autoproclamados románticos empedernidos dijeron que se identificaban completamente con ella y que era su favorita del álbum, el primero en una década. Por eso ha sido tendencia en X gran parte del viernes.

Ben obviamente fue una inspiración importante para el nuevo álbum y también se involucró personalmente, prestando algunas voces de fondo para "Not Going Anywhere". Sí, está acreditado.

Después de que su famosa relación terminara a principios de la década de los 2000, J&B volvieron a estar juntos en 2021, con un montón de acogedores avistamientos entre ellos, incluyendo algunos nostálgicos viajes en yate, por supuesto. Afortunadamente, la cantante ha dejado claro que están mucho más seguros ahora de lo que estaban antes.

Tanto es así, que hizo un álbum en el que se aborda fuertemente su relación.

Una cosa es segura: está enamorada de su marido y, como hemos sabido, ¡él también!

J Lo está arrasando ahora mismo: su nuevo álbum no solo está siendo bien recibido por los fans, sino que su película también está siendo alabada. Pronto se estrenará otro documental "The Greatest Love Story Never Told", que llegará a Prime a su debido tiempo.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Bienvenidos a la nueva era de Jenny.

Zendaya y Tom Holland Tomados de la mano mientras dejan el estreno de "Dune" Fin a los rumores...

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Muy en serio

Zendaya y Tom Holland siguen siendo una pareja y lo demostraron esta semana cuando salieron de la mano del estreno de su película en Londres, aplastando todos los rumores de ruptura.

Tom estaba tomando firmemente la mano de Zendaya el jueves por la noche mientras salían del estreno de "Dune: Part Two" y dejaban atrás a los paparazzi y a los cazadores de autógrafos. Él tomó la iniciativa aquí, ayudándola a entrar en un carro que los estaba esperando y jugando sin duda un buen papel de novio.

Esta es la primera vez que Zendaya y Tom son vistos juntos en público desde que comenzaron los rumores de su ruptura incesante. Hasta ahora, habían estado un poco separados, incluso estando en la misma ciudad en el último tiempo.

Recuerden, los rumores comenzaron en diciembre cuando Z dejó de seguir a todo el mundo en IG, incluido Tom y sin ninguna explicación.

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"Definitivamente no"

A principios de enero, Tom le dijo explícitamente a un fotógrafo que no habían terminado y hace un par de semanas redobló su defensa con algunos mensajes que alababan a Z en sus redes sociales. A pesar de eso, no los habíamos visto juntos en el mismo lugar hasta el gran momento de Zendaya en el estreno.

Ahora está más claro que el agua, la relación de Z y T va viento en popa y no hay problemas en el paraíso.

Históricamente, se han distinguido por ser bastante privados, así que este es un mensaje fuerte de su parte. Parece que Tom quería enviar un mensaje de una vez por todas.

Zendaya y Tom llevaban trajes negros a juego la noche del jueves y ella parecía mucho más cómoda de lo que estaba en el estreno.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Respiren tranquilos, amigos, la pareja favorita de todo el mundo sigue junta.


Jennifer Lopez is letting us in on some very raunchy details about her marriage with Ben Affleck -- singing about their sex life in one of her new songs ... and yeah, it's raunchy.

Things get hot and heavy in the sultry new tune "Greatest Love Story Never Told" from her new album, "This Is Me… Now." Listen to these NSFW lyrics ... "Missing your body, Climbing on top of me, Slipping inside of me, Way that I ride it, Bodies aligning, Look at our timing."

Yeah, there's clearly no such thing as TMI when it comes to J Lo ... at least not these days.

The song isn't entirely X-rated though ... she also sings of how it was "destiny" they "found each other twice in one lifetime." Just another example that she and Ben are deeply in love.

Listeners were diggin' the emotionally charged tune ... some self-proclaimed hopeless romantics said they could totally relate to it, and that it was their favorite from her first album in a decade, which was trending heavily on X Friday.

While Ben obviously served as a major inspo on the new album, he also got involved personally -- lending some background vocals for "Not Going Anywhere." Yep, he's credited.

After their famous relationship ended in the early 2000s, J&B got back together in 2021, with plenty of cozy sightings, including some nostalgic yacht trips, of course -- and thankfully, the singer has made it clear they're much more secure now than they were previously.

So much so, in fact, that she made an album that heavily touches on their relationship.

One thing's for sure: she's into her hubby -- and, as we've learned, he's really into her too!

J Lo's killing it right now -- not only is her new album being well-received by fans, but this film of hers is being praised as well. There's a separate doc coming soon too ... "The Greatest Love Story Never Told," which is hitting Prime in due time.

TMZ Studios

Welcome to the new era of Jenny, y'all.

Zendaya and Tom Holland Hold Hands Leaving 'Dune' Premiere ... Put End To Breakup Rumors

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Zendaya and Tom Holland are very much still a couple -- something they proved this week by holding hands after her big movie premiere in London ... squashing all the rumors.

Tom was firmly holding Zendaya's hand Thursday night as he led her away from the "Dune: Part Two" afterparty ... leaving paps and autograph hounds in the dust as he helped her into a waiting car. Indeed, he's taking the lead here ... and certainly playing the BF role.

This is the first time Zendaya and Tom have been spotted together in public since the incessant breakup rumors first started -- until now, they've kinda been apart ... even when they've been in the same city of late.

Remember, the rumblings began in December when Z unfollowed everyone on IG ... even purging Tom from her social media with no explanation.

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"absolutely not"

Tom told a photog, explicitly, they were not dunzo earlier in January -- and a couple weeks ago, he doubled down with some social media posts doting on Z. But, we still hadn't seen them at the same place at the same time until Zendaya's big moment at the premiere.

Now it's clear as day, Z and TH are going strong ... and there's no trouble in paradise.

They're historically a pretty private couple too, so this is a strong message as far as these two are concerned. Seems like Tom wanted to send a message once and for all.

Zendaya and Tom were wearing matching black outfits Thursday night ... and Zendaya looked a helluva lot more comfortable than what she showed up to the premiere wearing.

TMZ Studios

Breathe easy, folks, everyone's favorite class couple's still together.

Kim Kardashian Quiero estas características en mi próximo hombre ¿Estás escuchando, Odell?

Mi hombre ideal
This Life of Mine with James Corden / SiriusXM

El matrimonio de Kim Kardashian con su ex marido Kanye West no funcionó, pero ella está abierta a encontrar el amor de nuevo ... Solo que esta vez tiene una lista muy estricta de requisitos que desea en su próximo hombre.

La estrella de los reality shows, que se rumorea está saliendo con Odell Beckham Jr., compartió lo que busca en su próxima pareja en el podcast de James Corden el jueves y dice que hay algunos rasgos que quiere en cualquier chico con el que vuelva a salir.

Solo una muestra de lo que ella espera en su próximo compañero: que sea responsable de sus acciones, que asuma sus responsabilidades, que la contenga, que no tenga que cuidar de él y, por último ... que tenga buenos dientes.

Kim le dijo a James Corden que no es tan ilusa como para pensar que alguien va a tener todos y cada uno de esos requisitos, pero asegura que es una lista bastante seria, ¡así que parece que Odell tiene mucho trabajo por delante!

En cuanto a si va a pasar por el altar de nuevo, Kim le dijo a James que no está segura. Sabe que se necesita a alguien muy "especial e único" para hacer frente a su épica y enorme vida. Sabe que es un gran compromiso y no lo toma a la ligera. Pero no hace falta decir que quienquiera que sea se divertirá mucho, o así es como Kim lo describe.

Ahora, Kim dice que no está desesperada por encontrar el amor, señalando que no se siente sola con sus 4 hijos, su trabajo y su familia. Por supuesto, también explica que sería bueno compartir su vida con alguien.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Kim añade que aunque es una romántica empedernida, sabe lo que es una relación real, sobre todo porque se ha casado tres veces ya, por lo que está siendo cautelosa respecto a los rumores de que está saliendo con Odell Beckham Jr.

Dicho esto, ambos fueron vistos por última vez en la fiesta Fanatics en el Marquee Dayclub en el Cosmopolitan el pasado fin de semana. Aunque intentaron pasar desapercibidos, los pillamos en una fiesta donde Kim y OBJ se estaban dando un abrazo, aunque leve.

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Cada vez más cercanos

Supongo que Odell tiene trabajo que hacer para asegurarse su confianza en el largo plazo, suponiendo que eso es algo que él quiera.


This Life of Mine with James Corden / SiriusXM

Kim Kardashian's marriage with ex-husband Kanye West didn't work out -- but she's open to finding love again ... only, now, she's got a super strict list of qualifications for the next one.

The reality star -- who's rumored to be dating Odell Beckham Jr. right now -- shared what she's looking for in her next man on James Corden's podcast Thursday ... and she says there are a few traits she wants in any new guy she starts dating seriously.

Just a taste of what she wants in her next fella ... being accountable for actions, taking accountability, holding her down, not having to babysit him and finally ... good teeth.

Kim tells JC she's not delusional enough to think that someone will check every single box ... but nonetheless, that's a pretty serious list, so it looks like Odell's got his work cut out for him!

As for whether she'll walk down the aisle again, Kim tells James she ain't sure ... and knows it'll take a  very "special, unique person" to deal with her huge, epic life -- 'cause she realizes it's a massive commitment and doesn't take it lightly. But, it goes without saying .. whoever comes along will have whole lotta fun, that's how KK puts it here anyway.

Now, Kim says she's not desperate for love -- noting she isn't lonely with her 4 kids, her work, and family. Of course, she explains it'd be nice to share her life with someone.

TMZ Studios

Kim adds that while she's the biggest hopeless romantic out there, she knows what a real relationship is, especially since she's done the marriage thing three times now -- so as for the rumors she's dating OBJ, it looks like she's being cautious and taking it slow.


With that said ... they were last seen out together at the Fanatics Party at the Marquee Dayclub in the Cosmopolitan the past weekend. Even though they were tying to stay on the DL, we peeped them at a bash ... where Kim and OBJ went in for a hug, albeit a slight one.

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Guess he's got his work cut out for him to try and secure her long-term trust -- assuming that's something he even wants.


Sean Evans' "Hot Ones" crown has been handed over to his ex-girlfriend Melissa Stratton ... 'cause searches for the porn star have spiked like crazy following their short-lived romance.

Pornhub tells TMZ that while Melissa was dumped on Valentine's Day, her popularity surged online ... with those looking for some X-rated entertainment flocking to the adult entertainment site to check out her work.

In fact, the PH demand for Melissa was so high on Wednesday, her searches went up a staggering 1,217% compared to her daily average.

While Pornhub didn't have final data for Melissa's searches on Thursday, they're predicting she did even better than V-Day ... estimating a 1,350% increase compared to her daily average. Yup, that's a helluva lot of views!!

TMZ broke the story ... Melissa and Sean were dating and split less than 24 hours after their relationship hit headlines.

We're told Sean wasn't happy with all the media attention they were getting after going public ... which shocked Melissa because he was fully aware of what she did for a living. It's the kinda thing that comes up over dinner.

TMZ Studios

He also invited her to loads of Vegas events ahead of the Super Bowl and snapped many photos with her. Sources added that Melissa wasn't happy with how things panned out because she thought they had a genuine spark.

We're told Melissa's sad about the split, and on Thursday she jabbed at Sean by sharing a clip of herself dancing alongside fellow porn star Johnny Sins ... with the caption, "It's ok. I've got a better bald man to get spicy with."


Alix Angelis Hoping 'This Is Me' Wins J Lo an Oscar ... Ben Super Supportive!!!

Jennifer Lopez is baring her heart and soul in "This Is Me ... Now: A Love Story," and it might just be enough to earn her a much-coveted Oscar ... at least according to one of her costars.

Alix Angelis

We caught up with Alix Angelis Wednesday in L.A. -- she plays "The Quiet One" in J Lo's musical film -- and while she's not sure the new project will qualify for an Academy Award, she's hoping it does for Jennifer's sake.

AA told us J Lo had to get very vulnerable for this role ... she explained how that vulnerability actually made her stronger in the role, and as a leader on set -- Jen co-wrote and executive produced it.

The film follows Jennifer's journey to finding true love, through her own eyes, and while she's described it as a culmination of her last 20 years -- Alix says she's confident this won't be the last such project for J Lo.

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Emotions Flare At Premiere

Of course, Ben Affleck also stars in the movie, which could've made for some uncomfortable moments -- there are plenty of scenes about past loves NOT named Ben -- but Alix says he was never upset and remained incredibly supportive of his wife throughout production.

As we reported, Jennifer says she and Ben are much more secure now than compared to their tumultuous relationship in the early 2000s -- so they're able to work through issues much more effectively.

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BTW ... Oscar-winning Affleck's just the tip of the iceberg for the mega cast -- Sofia Vergara, Jane Fonda, Trevor Noah, Keke Palmer, Post Malone, and even Neil deGrasse Tyson have roles!

TMZ TV Recap Travis & Patrick Bad Optics in KC ... Taylor/Travis, Larsa & Marcus Jordan

Big day at TMZ, and we're almost at the finish line in the week ... but just getting started on our TV coverage which was chock-full of good stuff.

TMZ Live


Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes were taking lumps -- at least by some -- in the court of public opinion -- this after we reported that they were both in attendance at a restaurant/bar for a private party they'd booked as a team in the aftermath of the Kansas City shooting.

We know Patrick had actually organized this -- having booked the spot well before the shooting -- but they're catching flak for actually having gone ... even after the tragedy.

We talked about it all on "TMZ Live" Thursday ... and yeah, it got pretty intense.



Over on "TMZ on TV" ... we were also talking about Travis Kelce, but in a much less serious way -- here, we just got into this new clip of him and Taylor Swift being "so magical."

TMZ Sports


Finally, on 'TMZ Sports' ... Mike and Mojo talked about Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan seemingly rekindling their romance -- this on the heels of their "breakup." How 'bout that?!?

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Check your local listings for when TMZ is on in your area or catch up on past episodes!

Cardi B y Offset Disfrutan de una cena en Miami para San Valentín... ¿Aún así no están juntos?

Cardi B pasó San Valentín con su separado esposo Offset, y aunque no se ven muy separados aquí, todavía tienen que confirmar que están definitivamente juntos de nuevo.

La rapera ha tenido a los fans adivinando sobre el estado de su relación con su maridito últimamente. Pasó tiempo con él en fechas clave como Navidad y Año Nuevo e incluso ha dejado que todo el mundo se entere de que han estado pasando tiempo juntos, a pesar de que anunciaron su separación a principios de diciembre.

Cita juntos

Bueno, este es solo el último episodio de su confusa montaña rusa y este miércoles, para San Valentín, estuvieron enviando nuevamente señales mixtas tras aparecer en el restaurante Carbone de Miami Beach para celebrar el día del amor.

La pareja llegó al restaurante italiano juntos y Offset entró unos minutos después.

Él claramente se estaba tomando su tiempo para saludar a los fanáticos y curiosos, incluso compartiendo un abrazo con uno de ellos. Al final, salieron pasada la medianoche y Cardi estuvo firmando algunos autógrafos antes de dirigirse a su vehículo juntos.

Así que, sí están juntos, no hay cuestionamiento en este punto, especialmente en el día V.

Por supuesto, sabemos que Cardi se enfureció con los fanáticos que estaban especulando sobre ellos. La rapera ha hecho descargos en línea, a veces sugiriendo que NO están juntos. Sí, todo es muy confuso y ellos no han proporcionan mucha claridad.

Lo que sea que esté pasando, obviamente, significa que están en buenos términos, o al menos lo suficientemente bien como para pasar juntos un día tan especial como San Valentín. Así que pueden sacar sus propias conclusiones.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Es seguro decir que Cardi & Offset están arreglando las cosas a su propio ritmo. Feliz Día de San Valentín para ustedes dos.


Cardi B spent Valentine's Day with her estranged husband, Offset -- and while they don't look very estranged here ... they have yet to definitively confirm they're back together.

The rapper's been keeping fans guessing about her relationship status with her hubby lately --- spending time with him on key dates such as Xmas and New Year's ... and even letting everyone know they've banged as of late -- despite having announced their split in early December.


Well, this is just the latest confusing curveball -- they were at it again with mixed signals for Valentine's Day ... hitting up Carbone in Miami Beach for the lovey-dovey holiday Wednesday.

Check it out, the pair arrived at the Italian eatery together ... and Offset went inside a few minutes after Cardi, seemingly trying to stagger themselves.

He was clearly taking his time to greet fans/onlookers, even sharing a hug with one of them. In the end, however, they emerged together after midnight, with Cardi holding her phone up to her face while signing some autographs before they headed into their vehicle together.

So, yeah ... they're together -- no questioning it now at this point, especially on V-day.

Of course, we know Cardi's gone off on people speculating on where things stand between them -- she's gone on online tirades on Twitter randos, at times suggesting they are NOT, in fact, together. Yes, it's all very confusing -- and they haven't provided much clarity.

Whatever the hell is going on -- obviously, they're on good enough terms to hang on a very special day in the year that's for lovers ... so you can draw your own conclusions.

TMZ Studios

Safe to say, C&O are working through things on their own timeline -- happy Valentine's Day, you two.