Millie Bobby Brown Cannolis y compras en Nueva York V-Day con Jake Bongiovi

Millie Bobby Brown y Jake Bongiovi disfrutaron de un discreto San Valentín en Nueva York, haciendo algunas compras y probando unos deliciosos pasteles.

La estrella de "Stranger Things" y su prometido pasearon por Chinatown el miércoles por la noche, parando a echar un vistazo a algunas tiendas, incluyendo una divertida galería.


Millie y Jake, el hijo de Jon Bon Jovi, se abrigaron con chaquetas y una bufanda de colores, pero Millie aún tenía un poco de frío y terminó comprando un par de guantes.

Después de pasear por Chinatown, la pareja se dirigió a Little Italy y compró una caja de cannolis de Ferrara Bakery. Millie sonrió antes de darles un mordisco y Jake captó su emoción con una selfie. Tenemos que decir que tenían una pinta deliciosa.

Millie y Jake llevan casi un año comprometidos. Su romance comenzó en 2021, cuando empezaron a publicar fotos juntos.

Los cannolis quedan increíble con el café y estos tortolitos pidieron unos y luego se subieron a un taxi. Simple, pero eficaz y sin duda romántico.

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Echa un vistazo a la galería. Millie y Jake no necesitan nada lujoso para disfrutar su V-Day.

Millie Bobby Brown Cannolis and Shopping In NYC ... V-Day With Jake Bongiovi

Millie Bobby Brown and Jake Bongiovi enjoyed a low-key Valentine's Day in New York City ... doing some window shopping and chowing down on pastries.

The "Stranger Things" star and her fiancé strolled arm in arm through Chinatown on Wednesday night, stopping to browse around a few shops ... including a fun-looking arcade.


Millie and Jake, the son of Jon Bon Jovi, bundled up with jackets and a colorful scarf ... but she still got cold ... and Millie ended up buying a pair of gloves.

After walking around Chinatown, the couple hoofed it over to Little Italy and picked up a box of cannolis from Ferrara Bakery. Millie smiled before taking a bite, and Jake captured her excitement with a selfie. We gotta say, it looks pretty damn yummy.

Millie and Jake have been engaged almost a year now -- and their romance reportedly first popped off sometime in 2021, when they first started posting pics together.

Cannolis go great with coffee, and these longtime lovebirds ordered some java and then hopped in a cab. Simple, yet effective ... and definitely romantic, no doubt.

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Check out the gallery ... Millie and Jake don't need anything fancy to enjoy their V-Day.

Jennifer Lopez y Ben Affleck Posponer la boda fue el comienzo del fin... Éramos muy inmaduros

No estábamos listos
Apple Music

Jennifer López dice que ella y Ben Affleck no terminaron el día que pospusieron su boda en 2003, sino que se separaron un tiempo después, como consescuencia de ello.

La cantante y compositora habló con Zane Lowe para una entrevista de Apple Music y reveló que la pareja podría haber optado por romper cuando decidieron cancelar su boda, pero se quedaron juntos un tiempo más para intentar seguir siendo una pareja.

JL dijo que el retraso de la boda provocó dudas en ella y Ben Affleck sobre su relación y hacia "dónde iba" y, a pesar de que sabía que quería estar con él para siempre, sintió que su matrimonio no iba a hacer que eso funcionara.

López explicó que no eran lo suficientemente "maduros" para que su relación tuviera éxito a pesar de sus repetidos intentos y agregó que tenían la impresión de que la gente se separaba cuando "las cosas se ponían difíciles", por lo que tomaron diferentes caminos.

Menos mal, porque Lopez dice que ambos necesitaban encontrar el amor y formar una familia con otras personas antes de que pudieran trabajar realmente en ser una pareja.

Recuerden, después de que "Bennifer" terminaran y antes de que se reconciliaran nuevamente, López se casó con el cantante Marc Anthony y tuvo dos hijos, y Affleck se enganchó con su coprotagonista de "Daredevil" Jennifer Garner y tuvieron 3 hijos.

López dijo que ella y Ben se sentían más seguros como personas cuando volvieron a estar juntos y esta vez la relación parece permanente, pues se casaron en 2022.

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La ausencia hace que el corazón se vuelva más cariñoso, ¡al menos parece que así ha sido para Ben y Jen!

Jennifer Lopez & Ben Affleck Postponed Wedding Beginning of End ... Too Immature To Figure Out

We Weren't Ready
Apple Music

Jennifer Lopez says she and Ben Affleck didn't break up the day they postponed their wedding in 2003 ... instead, they split well into the aftermath of the stunning delay.

The singer-songwriter spoke with Zane Lowe during an Apple Music interview and revealed the couple may have been headed down the path to breaking up when they called their wedding off, but they stayed together for a while later ... trying to make their coupling last.

JL said the wedding delay sparked doubt in both herself and BA about "what our relationship was and where it was going" and -- even though she knew she wanted to be with him forever -- she felt their marriage wasn't going to make it the distance.

Lopez explained they weren't "mature" enough to make the relationship work despite their repeated attempts ... and she added they were under the impression people broke up when "things get hard" -- so they went their separate ways.


Good thing too ... 'cause Lopez says they both needed to go find love and make families with other people before they could really work at being a couple again.

Remember ... in the time after "Bennifer" broke up and before they reconciled, Lopez married singer Marc Anthony and had two kids while Affleck hooked up with his "Daredevil" costar Jennifer Garner leading to a trio of children.

Lopez said she and Ben both felt more confident in themselves as individuals when they got back together ... and this time the relationship seems permanent with the two officially tying the knot in 2022.

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Absence makes the heart grow fonder ... at least it seems to have for Ben and Jen!

Kevin Costner, Christine Baumgartner Divorce Final

Kevin Costner and Christine Baumgartner have settled their super bitter divorce and finalized the judgment ... TMZ has learned.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kevin and Christine signed a Marital Settlement Agreement, which they filed with the court. Since more than 6 months have passed since Christine filed for divorce -- the required waiting time in California -- the case is over.

Details of the settlement are not yet available, but we're told the judge validated the prenup that became a big bone of contention during the divorce.

Both parties asked for joint custody of their 3 kids, and, as you know, Christine got $63,000 a month in child support. She was asking for an eye-popping $248,000 a month, but her justification was shaky, to say the least. One of the items she put in her expense declaration -- $100,000 for cosmetic surgery. BTW, before the child support ruling, Kevin offered her $75k a month.

Kevin and Christine personally signed the document signaling the settlement, along with their respective lawyers, disso queen Laura Wasser and Marisa Beuoy.

The document also says the parties waive the typical requirement of co-parenting classes.

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Both Kevin and Christine have moved on. He's dating Jewel, and Christine is dating a friend of hers and Kevin's, Josh Connor.

Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner Finalizan su divorcio

Kevin Costner y Christine Baumgartner han resuelto su amargo divorcio, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Según documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kevin y Christine firmaron un acuerdo marital, que fue presentado ante el tribunal. Dado que han pasado más de 6 meses desde que Christine pidió el divorcio, el tiempo de espera que se requiere en California, el caso ha terminado.

Los detalles del acuerdo aún no están disponibles, pero nos dicen que el juez validó el acuerdo prenupcial que se convirtió en un gran objeto de discordia durante el divorcio.

Ambas partes pedían la custodia compartida de sus tres hijos y, como ya saben, Christine recibía 63.000 dólares al mes en concepto de manutención. Ella pedía 248.000 dólares al mes, pero su justificación era, como mínimo, poco convincente. Una de las cosas que puso en su declaración de gastos fue que necesitaba $100.000 para cirugías estéticas. Por cierto, antes de la sentencia final, Kevin le había ofrecido $75k al mes.

Kevin y Christine firmaron personalmente el acuerdo estipulado en el documento, junto con sus respectivos abogados, la famosa abogada Laura Wasser y Marisa Beuoy.

El documento también dice que las partes renuncian al requisito de clases de co-paternidad.

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Tanto Kevin como Christine han seguido adelante. Él está saliendo con Jewel y Christine está saliendo con un amigo de ambos, Josh Connor.

'HOT ONES' HOST SEAN EVANS Breaks Up With Porn Star ... Relationship Too Public?!?

Not the best timing on Valentine's Day ... "Hot Ones" host Sean Evans and porn star Melissa Stratton broke up less than 24 hours after their relationship made headlines.

Sources close to Melissa tell TMZ … Sean called her up on Valentine's Day and broke up with her, telling her he wanted to call it quits because of the media attention they were getting.

We're told Sean expressed to Melissa he wanted to keep his love life more under wraps.

Our sources say Melissa found Sean's reasoning odd for a few reasons ... he knew what she did for a living when they started seeing each other and he invited her to multiple public events in Las Vegas leading up to the Super Bowl, and took photos with her.

TMZ was first to report on Sean and Melissa's relationship after she shared a series of photos with him at Super Bowl LVIII.

We broke the story Monday afternoon, and he broke up with her the following day.

Our sources say Sean was fine with Melissa posting photos of them from their Super Bowl adventures in Las Vegas ... another reason she was caught off guard here.

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We're told Melissa is sad things are over because she believed they really did have a genuine spark ... but she has a hunch Sean was feeling pressure from his side once their relationship went public.

In a sign of the times, Sean and Melissa have both unfollowed each other on IG.

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We reached out to Sean's camp ... so far no word back.

El presentador de "Hot Ones" rompe con la estrella porno Melissa Stratton

No fue un buen Día de San Valentín para el anfitrión de "Hot Ones" Sean Evans y la estrella porno Melissa Stratton. Rompieron menos de 24 horas después de que su relación llegara a los titulares.

Fuentes cercanas a Melissa le dicen a TMZ que Sean la llamó el Día de San Valentín y rompió con ella, diciéndole que quería dejarlo por la atención que estaba recibiendo de los medios.

Nos dicen que Sean le expresó a Melissa que quería mantener su vida amorosa en secreto.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Melissa encontró el razonamiento de Sean extraño por varias razones, él sabía lo que hacía para ganarse la vida cuando empezaron a verse y él la invitó a varios eventos públicos en Las Vegas antes del Super Bowl y se tomó fotos con ella.

TMZ fue el primero en informar sobre la relación de Sean y Melissa después de que ella compartiera una serie de fotos con él en el Super Bowl LVIII.

Dimos la noticia el lunes por la tarde y él rompió con ella al día siguiente.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Sean estaba bien con que Melissa publicara fotos de ellos de sus aventuras en el Super Bowl... otra razón por la que fue sorprendido con la guardia baja.

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Nos dicen que Melissa está triste porque ella creía que realmente tenían algo especial, pero ella tiene la corazonada de que Sean se empezó a sentir presionado una vez que la relación se hizo pública.

En un signo de los tiempos, Sean y Melissa se han dejado de seguir en Insta.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con Sean, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Kanye West Fires Back At Swifties ... I Help Taylor More Than I Hurt Her!!!

Kanye West is firing back at Taylor Swift fans who are trying to block him from a top spot on the music charts ... telling them he's not an enemy, though not exactly a friend either.

Here's the deal ... Swifties are calling on other Swifties to buy and stream Beyoncé's new country music to block Kanye's new music from getting the top spot on the Billboard Hot 100.


Kanye's seen the "SWIFTIE EMERGENCY" on social media and now he's firing back ... and making some interesting counterpoints.

Ye says Swifties shouldn't be coming after him because, in his mind, he's been far more helpful than harmful to Taylor's career. Kanye's views in Wednesday's post jibe with what he's rapped about before ... namely, "I made that b**** famous."

Of course, T-Swift and Kanye have beefed ever since he crashed her 2009 VMA win to say Beyoncé had a better music video ... although, Ye is of the belief the longstanding drama has actually elevated Taylor's profile.

Here, Kanye also points out he was on Taylor's side when Scooter Braun bought her master recordings of which her dad reportedly made $15 million from ... and he says TayTay and Beyoncé are actually big inspirations to all musicians, including himself.

Kanye name-dropping Taylor on his new "Vultures" album seems to have opened up some wounds ... but he says the album is actually super positive and fun.

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Bottom line from Kanye to the Swifties ... "I AM NOT YOUR ENEMY UUUM IM NOT YOUR FRIEND EITHER THOUGH LOL."

Johnny Depp 'Bromance' with Saudi Prince MBS Reportedly Fuels New Films

Johnny Depp has a new powerful, and allegedly dangerous, friend in Saudi Arabia Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman -- and their relationship's being described as a "bromance like no other."

The seemingly odd pairing is detailed in a new profile in Vanity Fair ... which claims Johnny is getting the royal treatment over in Saudi Arabia.

MBS hosted JD in the Saudi Kingdom for nearly 2 months last year, putting Johnny up in royal palaces and transporting him in helicopters, yachts and a private plane ... according to Vanity Fair.

Unsurprisingly, it sounds like money is a huge factor in this "bromance" ... Johnny's shooting movies in Saudi Arabia as he waits on a potential 7-figure deal to make him one of the nation's global cultural ambassadors.

MBS and the Saudis have been trying to buy their way into all sorts of global industries as part of MBS' grand plan to make people overlook his country's reported human rights abuses ... and the Crown Prince has been investing big in movies.

Johnny and MBS are said to have begun their friendship in July 2022 when Depp was shooting "Jeanne du Barry," a film bankrolled by the Saudis.

They've grown closer ever since, to the point where Johnny says he felt comfortable enough to ask MBS about the killing of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

The VF profile says MBS told Depp he didn't order Khashoggi's dismemberment, but took responsibility ... claiming he just wanted the reporter arrested because Khashoggi had become a rogue operative working to undermine the country.

Johnny definitely seems to be buying what MBS is selling in terms of a cultural revolution in Saudia Arabia.

Depp tells VF ... "Though I admit I was somewhat naïve at first to what was transpiring in the region, I’ve since experienced firsthand the cultural revolution that is happening there."

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JD added, "I've had the opportunity to meet people from various parts of the region who have been most welcoming in sharing with me their culture, their traditions, and their stories."

Saudia Arabia is also financing Depp's next crack at directing a movie ... a biopic about Italian artist Amedeo Modigliani starring Al Pacino.

There are some ties that bind here -- both men are remaking their public images ... but it seems doubtful they'd be pals if MBS weren't throwing around insane amounts of oil money.

San Valentín 2024 Famosos se ponen modo Cupido... Rosas, chocolates y besos

Hollywood sabe cómo celebrar y los famosos ya sintonizaron en su modo cupido para este Día de San Valentín, comprando rosas y chocolates y dejando surgir el romance.

El presentador de "Catfish" Nev Schulman está desnudando su amor por todos mientras luce abriendo una caja de bombones en la cama con su esposa Laura Perlongo. Los dos están en topless, así que se ve que están de humor.

Al igual que Nev y Laura, hay otras parejas que dan ganas de imitar como Alicia Keys y Swizz Beatz.  Mientras tanto, Victoria y David Beckham se están besuqueando en la playa con una hermosa puesta de sol de fondo. Romance en su máxima expresión.

No te olvides de las flores, Charlie Puth se aseguró de enviarle a su novia Brooke Sansone un hermoso ramo de rosas. Bien hecho, Charlie.

Los solteros también están compartiendo su amor. Sam Asghari, por ejemplo, todavía tiene sus rosas y chocolates y, por supuesto, hay un montón de reuniones Galentine's también.

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Echa un vistazo a la galería. Hollywood está pintando la ciudad de rojo.

Larsa Pippen y Marcus Jordan interrumpen su relación Para solucionar sus problemas

Larsa Pippen y Marcus Jordan se están dando un tiempo... y la ruptura se produce después de algunos problemas personales, los cuales esperan solucionar pronto.

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que Larsa y Marcus están cada uno por su cuenta en estos momentos debido a problemas de pareja. Larsa llegó a la conclusión el fin de semana de que tenían que darse un tiempo.

Larsa y Marcus fueron vistos juntos por primera vez en septiembre de 2022, y nos dicen que habían estado viviendo juntos y pasando 24 horas al día en compañía del otro, como nuestras fuentes dicen, era un noviazgo que iba viento en popa.

Ahora, ha habido una desaceleración importante, aunque nos dicen que Larsa y Marcus todavía se hablan y están tratando de arreglar los problemas.

El sexo parecía ser siempre algo importante para ellos, recordemos lo mucho que a Larsa le gustaba presumir de lo mucho que lo hacían. Por lo tanto, el problema no era por ese lado.

El hecho de que todavía se comunican llama la atención, como informamos, se dejaron de seguir en redes sociales y borraron todas las fotos en las que salían juntos de sus respectivas páginas.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la ruptura no fue por una cosa en particular, en cambio, como todas las relaciones, nos dicen que Larsa y Marcus simplemente están pasando por una mala racha. Pero sabemos que están tratando de superarlo.

Recuerde, Larsa es 16 años mayor que Marcus, y Michael Jordan es ha sido muy abierto en decir que no aprueba su relación. El ex marido de Larsa es Scottie Pippen, pero nos dicen que nada de eso tuvo que ver con la ruptura.

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un padre desepcionado

Será interesante ver si Larsa y Marcus resuelven las cosas y vuelven a estar juntos. Nuestras fuentes dicen que podría pasar.

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El tiempo lo dirá, estén atentos.

Valentine's Day 2024 Celebs Going All Cupid ... Roses, Chocolates, Kisses

Hollywood knows how to do holidays ... and celebs are going all cupid for Valentine's Day ... breaking out the roses and chocolates, and pouring the romance on thick.

"Catfish" host Nev Schulman is baring his love for all ... opening a box of chocolates in bed with his wife Laura Perlongo ... they're both topless, so you know they're in the mood.

Like Nev and Laura, there's some serious #CoupleGoals vibes from Alicia Keys and Swizz Beatz ... these lovebirds are catching flights and feelings.

Meanwhile, Victoria and David Beckham are smooching on the beach with a beautiful sunset background. Romance at its finest.

Don't forget the flowers ... Charlie Puth made sure to send his fiancée Brooke Sansone a beautiful rose bouquet. Nicely done, Charlie.

Single celebs are sharing the love too ... Sam Asghari's still got his roses and chocolates ... and of course, there's a bunch of Galentine's get-togethers too.

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Check out the gallery ... Hollywood is painting the town red.

LARSA PIPPEN, MARCUS JORDAN Pause Relationship Amid Rough Patch ... But, They're Still Talking

Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan are calling a timeout on their relationship ... and the split comes after some issues cropped up between them -- ones they're hoping to smooth out.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … Larsa and Marcus recently put a pause on dating while they work through a bump in the road, with Larsa coming to the conclusion over the weekend that they needed to call things off -- at least for the time being, anyway.

Larsa and Marcus were first spotted together in September 2022, and we're told they had been living together and spending 24 hours a day in each other's company ... as our sources put it, their courtship was moving 100 MPH.

Now, it's all grinding to a halt - or at the minimum, a major slow-down -- although we're told Larsa and Marcus are still talking to each other as they try to figure out how they can move forward romantically.

Sex seemed to always be a big deal for them ... remember, Larsa liked to brag about how much they were banging. So, on its face that wasn't the problem.

The fact they're still communicating is interesting ... as we reported, they unfollowed each other on social media and scrubbed pics of them together from their respective pages.

Now, our sources say the split wasn't caused by one specific thing ... instead, like all relationships, we're told Larsa and Marcus are simply in the middle of a rough patch. Something we know they're trying to get on the same page about ... trust.

Remember, Larsa is 16 years older than Marcus and Michael Jordan famously said he didn't approve of their relationship -- Larsa's ex-husband is Scottie Pippen -- but we're told none of that played a role in the split.

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It will be interesting to see if Larsa and Marcus work things out and get back together somewhere down the line ... right now, our sources are suggesting that may happen.

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Time will tell ... stay tuned.

The TMZ Podcast: Meghan Markle's New Podcast Deal & Taylor Swift Gets Back to Touring!

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Meghan Markle has signed a new deal to produce a podcast series with Lemonada Media after the $20 million Spotify agreement failed last year.

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez showed up to the premiere of her new film "This Is Me... Now" on Tuesday night, and Ben was incredibly chatty.

Taylor Swift reportedly touched down in Melbourne, Australia to resume her tour, disappointing Kansas City fans who eagerly anticipated an appearance at the Chiefs' celebration parade.

Speaking of Taylor ... Kanye West is denying the rumor that Swift "kicked" him out of the Super Bowl after he bought tickets in front of her.

Plus, Todd and Julie Chrisley are prohibited from contacting each other on Valentines Day amid their lengthy prison stays! 😬

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Nikki Hendry


No such thing as TMI for Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker ... 'cause they're letting us all know how special Valentine's Day was for them last year ... which ended with a baby.

KK shared a slew of IG snaps reminiscing on her Utah getaway with Trav in 2023 ... and while the pics seemed innocent enough, the Blink-182 drummer made it a point to tell fans that baby Rocky was conceived during that very trip.

"We made baby Rocky 🖤," Travis wrote in the comments -- but many fans weren't necessarily charmed ... urging him to keep their intimate deets to themselves.

While some were a little grossed out ... others acknowledged the admission was hardly surprising since there's no way Travis would be able to keep his hands off KK, considering how bangin' she looked in her teeny-weeny bikini. Plus, the timing of the birth makes sense.

It's no surprise they got it on and conceived a baby in this setting -- from the looks of it, the whole vibe was very lovey-dovey ... and perfect for doing it.

Safe to say, their relationship is rock solid ever since their 2022 marriage ... especially with little 3-month-old Rocky in the mix now.

They're clearly into reminiscing about their love fest -- and lord knows we've seen a lot of it over the years.

Kourt also shared insight into the lead-up to V-Day this year ... which was a joint family occasion with 6 heart-shaped cakes featuring names of both their kids.

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All in all, it's reassuring to know that Rocky's origins stem from a special holiday. We're sure he'll love that fun fact when he's older. 😅