Travis Kelce Taylor's Played Me Some Of Her New Album ... 'It Is Unbelievable!!!'

Her #1 Fan
Kansas City Chiefs

Great news, Swifties ... Travis Kelce says he's heard some of Taylor Swift's new album -- and so far, "it is unbelievable!!"

The Chiefs star made the revelation while chatting with reporters at Super Bowl Opening Night at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas on Monday ... sharing with the world that he's grown so close to his pop star girlfriend, she's actually allowed him to listen to some of her top-secret, unreleased tunes.

And, Kelce said he's been loving what he's been hearing up to this point.

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"I can't wait for her to shake up the world when it finally drops," he said.

Swift revealed at the Grammys on Sunday night that her new project, "The Tortured Poets Department," will be dropping on April 19. On Monday afternoon -- just before Kelce took the podium in Sin City -- she unveiled the titles of the songs ... sending the internet into a frenzy.


Kelce didn't want to say much more about his GF's new work -- adding only "I can't give you anything; I leave that up to her" -- but he did heap a ton of praise on her throughout his Monday evening Q&A regardless.

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The Kansas City tight end said he was proud of her for winning her 13th and 14th Grammys ... saying, "She's rewriting the history books herself." He then said he was hoping to add another Lombardi Trophy to match her new honors.

"I told her I'll have to hold up my end of the bargain and come home with some hardware too," he said.

Kelce did not confirm whether or not Swift would be in attendance Sunday ... though he called her the Chiefs' "No. 1 fan" -- implying that she'd somehow make the lengthy trek from Tokyo to watch him in action.

We'll be talking all things Tay Tay on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea" podcast -- which hits our podcast network starting today!!

Taylor Swift no sabía Que Calvin Harris estaba en los Grammys

Taylor Swift se cruzó brevemente con su ex novio -Calvin Harris-, en los Grammys este fin de semana, y mientras que él puede haberla visto, ella definitivamente no lo notó.

Los aficionados se apresuraron a notar que las dos estrellas de la música estuvieron brevemente a pocos metros el uno del otro el domingo dentro del Arena, en concreto, cuando Taylor estaba haciendo su gran entrada y consiguiendo una ronda de aplausos de todo el mundo.

Hay videos y fotos de este momento que han estado circulando y se puede ver Tay Tay caminando justo al lado de Calvin, quien estaba sentado en una mesa de espaldas a ella.

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En un clip se puede ver que Calvin vio a Taylor, pero giró la cabeza para evitar el contacto visual. Esto llevó a los fans a lanzar teorías de que Taylor lo vio también y que, tal vez, había un poco de incomodidad entre ellos, ya que ambos estaban en el edificio.

Por desgracia para los chismosos, no hay nada más de que hablar. Los testigos que estaban allí nos dicen que Taylor y Calvin no hablaron ni tuvieron ningún tipo de encuentro que les obligaría a charlar y mucho menos reconocer la presencia del otro.

Nos dicen que Taylor y Calvin ni siquiera estuvieron en el mismo espacio durante el show. Fuera de este momento fugaz, cuando ella pasó junto a él, testigos presenciales insisten en que estaba preocupado con su bella esposa -Vick Hope- y no le estaba prestando atención a Taylor.

Por suerte para él, ese sentimiento se aplica a Taylor también. Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que ella ni siquiera registro que estaba en la asistencia, por lo que bien podría no haber estado allí en lo absoluto.

Taylor y Calvin salieron por un minuto en 2015 y 2016. Estuvieron juntos por un poco más de un año.

Teniendo en cuenta que Taylor siempre tiene algo que decir de sus exes, ver la conexión entre Joe Alwyn y su nuevo álbum tiene sentido, por qué algunos asumirían que hay mala sangre aquí.

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Sin embargo, no es el caso, Calvin está en su retrovisor y nadie parece estar dando un paso en falso.

Taylor Swift Didn't Know Calvin Was at Grammys ... No Awkwardness At All

Taylor Swift briefly crossed paths with her ex-boyfriend, Calvin Harris, at the Grammys this weekend -- and while he may have seen her ... she didn't notice him.

Fans were quick to notice the two music stars briefly coming within feet of one another Sunday inside of Arena -- specifically, when Taylor was making her big entrance and getting a round of applause from everyone.

There's video and photos of this moment that have been circulating ... and you can see Tay Tay walking right past CH -- who was sitting at a table with his back turned to her.

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In a clip of this, it appears Calvin saw Taylor but turned his head to avoid eye contact -- and this led fans to run wild with theories that Taylor saw him too ... and that there, perhaps, was a little awkwardness between them since they were both in the building and mingling.

Unfortunately for the gossip crowd, there's nothing to speculate on. Eyewitnesses who were there tell us Taylor and Calvin didn't talk -- nor did they have any kind of specific run-in that would require them to chat ... let alone acknowledge one another's presence.

We're told T-Swift and Calvin weren't even in the same space during the show -- outside of this one fleeting moment when she happened to pass by him -- and eyewitnesses insist ... he was preoccupied with his beautiful wife, Vick Hope, and was paying no mind to Taylor.

Lucky for him ... that feeling applies to Taylor too. Sources with direct knowledge tell us she didn't even register he was in attendance -- so he might as well have not been there at all.

Taylor and Calvin dated for a hot minute in 2015 and 2016 -- they were together for a little over a year ... and then their romance flamed out before they each moved on to the next.

Considering Taylor still seems to have it for some exes -- see the Joe Alwyn connection to her new album -- it makes sense why some would assume there was bad blood here.

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That's just not the case though ... Calvin is in her rearview, and wasn't even invisible in her side-view mirrors for this brief reunion of sorts.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms!

Tate McRae y Kid LAROI se dan la mano durante el fin de semana

Tate McRae parece tener una nueva llama en The Kid LAROI, es decir, si su apretón de manos durante el fin de semana puede tomarse en serio.

La cantante fue vista muy cariñosa con el artista australiano. Fueron fotografiados de la mano saliendo de una cena con Justin y Hailey Bieber el sábado, esto en los talones de su cabeza de cartel en el partido de la NHL All-Star de manera espectacular.

en el vecindario

Desde la demostración de amor en público, la gente está asumiendo lo obvio... que están saliendo.

El lenguaje corporal de Tate y TKL definitivamente parecía estar telegrafiando una relación entre ellos y Kid parecía feliz de jugar al caballero, llevando Tate en su carro de forma romántica.

La pareja dio inicio a los rumores de citas apenas el mes pasado, apareciendo de vacaciones juntos en México, y más tarde fueron vistos disfrutando de un tiempo a solas en Los Ángeles en un restaurante italiano de lujo llamado Giorgio Baldi.

Tate estaba saliendo con la estrella de hockey sobre hielo Cole Sillinger, que supuestamente inspiró su mega-éxito "Greedy" de 2023 que filmó reveladoramente en una pista de hockey sobre hielo.

Su actuación el pasado fin de semana fue un poco irónico en ese sentido, pero ahora, ella tiene un nuevo amor.

En cuanto a Kid, estuvo saliendo con la influencer Katarina Deme durante tres años antes de borrar todo rastro de ella de su Insta en agosto de 2023. A primera vista, todos se atraen mutuamente.

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Hay que reconocer que hacen una pareja muy linda, sobre todo cuando están en el Canadá natal de ella. Hablando de amor codicioso de nuevo, ¿eh?


Tate McRae seems to have a new flame in The Kid LAROI -- that is, if their hand-hold over the weekend is any indication ... and it most certainly seems to be.

The singer was spotted getting cozy with the Aussie entertainer ... as they were photographed hand in hand while exiting dinner with Justin and Hailey Bieber Saturday -- this on the heels of her headlining the NHL All-Star game in dramatic fashion.

On The Town

From the PDA alone, most everyone is assuming the obvious ... they're dating.

Tate's and TKL's body language definitely seemed to be telegraphing a new relationship status between them ... and the Kid was happy to play gentleman, leading TMR to their car through a massive pap crush.

This has been a long time coming if you've been following along -- the pair kicked off dating rumors just last month ... they appeared to vacation in Mexico together, and were later spotted enjoying some alone time at L.A.'s upscale Italian restaurant Giorgio Baldi.

Tate was previously dating ice hockey star Cole Sillinger ... who supposedly inspired her 2023 mega-hit "Greedy" ... which she tellingly filmed at an ice hockey rink.

Her performance this past weekend was a bit ironic in that sense -- but now, she's got a new boo.

As for Kid, he was dating influencer Katarina Deme for 3 years ... before scrubbing all traces of her from her IG in August 2023. On the face of it, they're all in on each other.

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Gotta say, they make a cute couple ... especially when they're in her native Canada. Talk about greedy love again, eh?

El nuevo disco de Taylor Swift podría ser un troleo a Joe Alwyn "Tortured Man Club"

Taylor Swift podría tener una indirecta más para su ex novio -Joe Alwyn- es decir, si su nuevo álbum está relacionado con un club de chicos... y parece que es así.

Fans con ojos de águila se dieron cuenta de que el próximo proyecto de Tay Tay -que ella ha titulado "The Tortured Poets Department"- suena extrañamente similar a un grupo que Joe admitió una vez que había creado entre sus amigos en el mundo virtual, y Taylor podría estar troleándolo en su cara.

La razón por la que muchos están llegando a esa conclusión es que Joe contó este pequeño detalle hace un par de años durante una entrevista que le hizo Paul Mescal en un segmento de "Actors on Actors".

En la entrevista, Paul y Joe -que son amigos- revelaron que forman parte de un grupo de WhatsApp llamado "Tortured Man Club" (Club del Hombre Torturado)... donde, al parecer, comparten sus problemas con sus parejas. Se rieron de ello, señalando que ya no estaban tan torturados.

Esto fue durante una época en la que Paul y Joe estaban ambos en relaciones. Joe estaba obviamente todavía con Tay Tay a finales de 2022, y el propio Paul estaba saliendo con la cantante Phoebe Bridgers.

Por supuesto, el nombre de su club es una broma y suena inquietantemente similar al título del nuevo álbum de Taylor. Hay que tener en cuenta que Paul rompió con Phoebe no mucho tiempo después de esta charla con Joe (por no hablar de Joe y Taylor rompiendo), aparentemente todo está conectado.

Curiosamente, Taylor y Phoebe son mejores amigas estos días, así que sí, es una indirecta.

Mientras que sus fans se deleitan con esta nueva amistad, básicamente se viene otro álbum post-ruptura con Taylor quemando a su ex. Algunos están levantando una ceja si esta es de hecho la ruta que está siguiendo, porque ella está metida hasta las rodillas en una relación con Travis Kelce.

El hecho es que si Taylor va a utilizar un álbum entero (o una buena parte de él) para destrozar a Joe y airear sus sentimientos acerca de su ruptura -lo cual la mayoría de la gente está asumiendo- entonces hace que te preguntes... ¿cómo se sentirá Kelce al respecto?

No es el tipo de persona que se muerde la lengua, y tienes que imaginar que si le molestara, lo haría saber. Su álbum saldrá en unos dos meses, así que ya veremos que es lo que pasa.


Por cierto, recientemente nos encontramos con  la estrella de "Million Dollar Matchmaker" -Patti Stanger- y nos dieron sus impresiones acerca de Taylor y Travis, y si ella piensa que van a continuar juntos.

Resulta que Patti cree que van a terminar casándose, y compartió algunas especulaciones de como debe ser la vida sexual de la pareja. Según ella, ¡tienen muy buen sexo!

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Una cosa más Swifties... tenemos un nuevo pódcast que sale esta semana en el que tocaremos todas las cosas relacionadas a Taylor Swift, que se llama "TMZ Swift-Tea" y vamos a estar hablando todo sobre Tay Tay... TODO, lo bueno o malo.

Llegará a nuestras redes de pódcast a partir del martes seis de febrero, así que ¡atentos Swifties!

Taylor Swift New Album Might Be Riff On Ex's 'Tortured Man Club'

Taylor Swift might have one more dig for her ex-boyfriend, Joe Alwyn -- that is, if her new album is in any tied to a boy's club he admitted to have created ... and it sure seems to be.

Eagle-eyed fans noticed that Tay Tay's forthcoming project -- which she's titled "The Tortured Poets Department" -- sounds eerily similar to a group that Joe once admitted he'd created among his buddies in the virtual world ... and on its face, Taylor might be trolling it.

The reason many are jumping to that conclusion -- Joe spilled this little detail a couple years ago during an interview he did with Paul Mescal on an 'Actors on Actors' segment.

In the sit-down, Paul and Joe -- who are friends, BTW -- reveal they're part of a WhatsApp group called the 'Tortured Man Club' ... where they apparently share their woes about their significant others. They had a good laugh about it, noting they weren't so tortured anymore.

This was during a time when Paul and Joe were both in relationships -- Joe was obviously still with Tay Tay in late 2022, and PM himself was dating singer Phoebe Bridgers.

Of course, the name of their joke-y club sounds eerily similar to Taylor's new album title ... almost to a T. And considering that Paul broke up with Phoebe not too long after this chat with Joe (not to mention Joe and Taylor hitting Splitsville) ... it's all seemingly connected.

Funny enough, Taylor and Phoebe are low-key BFFs these days ... so yeah, it's a dig.

While her fans are reveling in this perceived connection -- basically, it's yet another post-breakup album with Taylor torching her ex -- some are raising an eyebrow if this is in fact the route she's pursuing ... 'cause she's knee-deep in a relationship with Travis Kelce.

Fact is ... if Taylor's gonna use a whole album (or a good portion of it) to trash Joe/air out her feelings about their breakup -- which most people assume is the case at this point -- then it makes ya wonder ... how does TK feel about that???

He's not the type to hold his tongue -- and you gotta imagine if he's bothered by it, he'd let it be known. Her album is coming out in about 2 months ... so we'll see, we suppose.


BTW, we recently ran into "Million Dollar Matchmaker" star Patti Stanger ... and we got her thoughts about Taylor and Travis, generally, and whether she thinks they'll go the distance.

As it turns out ... PS does think they'll get hitched eventually, and had some other interesting insights -- including what their sexual chemistry might be like between the sheets. According to her, they have great sex!

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One more thing we'll leave you with regarding TS -- we actually have a new podcast coming out this week that touches on all things T-Swift ... it's called "TMZ Swift-Tea" and we're going to be talking all about Tay Tay and everything that comes with her ... good or bad.

It'll hit our podcast network starting Tuesday Feb. 6 -- so keep an eye out, Swifties!

RAE SREMMURD's SLIM JXMMI Baby Mama Arrested ... Allegedly Punched Him!!!

Rae Sremmurd's Slim Jxmmi told cops the mother of his child socked him in the face during a heated argument ... and she ended up getting popped for domestic violence.

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, cops were called to the "Black Beatles" rapper's Doral, FL home on January 22 for a domestic disturbance ... and that's when Slim told them Kiara Danielson hit him.

Officers say Slim told them the dispute started with an argument over social media, with Slim trying to get Kiara to leave his place ... but things allegedly spiraled from there.

Slim told cops he threw Kiara's belongings into the yard, and that's when she got aggressive ... punching him in the face 3 times.

Kiara's telling a different story, though -- police say she claimed she whipped out her phone to record Slim during the dispute and he reached for it ... they struggled and she scratched his eye.

Cops also say she told them Slim grabbed her at one point during the fight.

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The officers say Slim had a scratch on his eye, and Kiara had no visible injuries ... so they deemed her the primary aggressor, and arrested her for domestic violence.

She was hauled off to jail and booked for misdemeanor battery.

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"Leave Me Alone!"

The incident went down the day after the couple had another explosive fight ... this one while at her Miami apartment.

We obtained video of that argument, showing Slim taking his belongings from her place -- so, maybe not all that shocking things boiled over 24 hours later.

It's interesting, the domestic violence arrest comes about 2 years after Slim was arrested for battery ... when he allegedly attacked Kiara during a fight that started over ... once again, social media.

That case went away when Kiara recanted her story -- but there's a disturbing pattern here.

Luann de Lesseps Great Chemistry With Joe Bradley ... But We're Not Hooking Up

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Luann de Lesseps says she hit it off with Joe Bradley, but they're not banging ... at least not yet.

We got "The Real Housewives of New York" star at ABC Studios in NYC and our photog asked her about rumors Joe slept over at her house after they got super flirty on Andy Cohen's show.

Luann says they went out to have drinks after the taping and there was great chemistry between them ... but he didn't spend the night and they're not hooking up.

It's not that Luann doesn't want to sink her cougar claws into Joe ... she says the "Southern Hospitality" hunk has a girlfriend, "Summer House" star Danielle Olivera.

Luann's respecting whatever Joe and Danielle have going on ... though he's recently said they aren't official. Danielle was in the audience at Andy's show while Luann and Joe were getting flirty on camera.

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But, if Joe comes back to Luann as a very single man ... she's going to pounce at the opportunity.

After all, Luann tells us she considers herself a bit of a cougar.

Your move, Joe!!!

Madre de Blueface Mi hijo necesita a Stallion!!! Que se empareje con Megan

La mamá de Blueface, como la mayoría de las madres, sabe exactamente lo que su hijo necesita en una pareja, ¡¡¡y ha puesto sus ojos en Megan Thee Stallion!!!


Conversamos con Karlissa Saffold afuera de la Cárcel Central de Hombres en Los Ángeles, donde su hijo está en custodia, y le dijo a nuestro fotógrafo que está manifestando a una nueva mujer en la vida de Blue para cuando sea liberado.

Blueface tiene un par de baby mamas y un montón de chicos malos en su vida, pero Karlissa quiere que eso cambie y explica por qué las mujeres que han estado con él lo están agobiando, claramente refiriéndose a Chrisean Rock.

Karlissa dice que Megan está más al nivel de Blueface, y se los imagina galanteando juntos por Europa.

Como hemos informado, Blueface estará entre rejas hasta el verano por violar su libertad condicional debido a una agresión en 2021, por lo que Karlissa se está adelantando un poco a los hechos, pero una madre puede soñar.

El verano es el momento perfecto para visitar Europa. Por si acaso ...

De todos modos, Karlissa está enviando estas vibraciones al universo, pues piensa que los signos astrológicos de Megan y Blueface son un buen partido.

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No está claro si Megan se siente de la misma manera, no es que ella tenga un gran historial con los raperos.

Cixot: La real family blues

Por supuesto, si Megan está interesada, Karlissa seguramente tiene espacio para ella en su reality show familiar, "CixoT: LA Real Family Blues".

Blueface's Mom My Son Needs a Stallion!!! Matchmakin' with Megan

Blueface's mom, like most moms, knows exactly what her son needs in a mate ... and she's set her sights on Megan Thee Stallion!!!


We got Karlissa Saffold outside Men's Central Jail in L.A., where her son is in custody, and she told our photog she's manifesting a new woman in Blue's life ... for when he's released, of course.

Blueface has a couple baby mamas and a bunch of baddies in his life, but Karlissa wants him to trade up ... explaining why the women he's been with are weighing him down, and clearly referring to Chrisean Rock.

Karlissa says Megan's more on Blueface's level, and she's envisioning them gallivanting across Europe together.

As we've reported, Blueface is stuck behind bars until the summer at least -- the result of violating his probation for a 2021 assault -- so, Karlissa's getting a little ahead of herself, but a mother can dream!

Summer is the perfect time to visit, Europe. Just sayin' ...

Anyways, Karlissa is sending the vibes out into the universe, and she thinks Blueface and Megan's astrological signs are a good match, too.

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Unclear if Megan feels the same way -- it's not like she has a great track record with rappers.

CixoT: LA Real Family Blues

Of course, if Megan's interested ... Karlissa's surely got room for her on their family reality show, "CixoT: LA Real Family Blues."

Travis Kelce's Teammate Justin Reid Raves Over Taylor Swift ... 'She's Very, Very Sweet!!!'

"she's very, very sweet"
TMZ Sports

Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift clearly have the support of those in Kansas City's locker room ... 'cause Chiefs star Justin Reid tells TMZ Sports he's a huge fan of the pop star and her relationship with his teammate.

The K.C. defensive back said this week he has been able to interact with Swift since she and Kelce went public with their romance earlier this season ... and he had nothing but nice things to say about their encounters.

In fact, he said the 34-year-old "Love Story" crooner paid compliments to everyone he's seen her meet so far this year.

"She's very, very sweet," Reid told us ... "I don't understand why she's getting all the hate. She's an awesome person, awesome artist all around."

As for if Reid, Kelce and the rest of the Chiefs will get a private concert from Swift if they're able to beat the San Francisco 49ers in Super Bowl LVIII next week ... Reid says he isn't exactly holding his breath on that one.

"I'm sure she'll be busy celebrating with her man," he said with a laugh.

Of course, it's not yet for sure if Swift will even attend Kelce's Big Game -- after all, she has a concert in Tokyo just a day before kickoff ... though given the way she's already traveled this year for Travis, it seems likely at this point.

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And, it appears Reid and the rest of the Chiefs will be more than happy to have her around if and when she makes it to Vegas.

Taylor Swift Dominates Super Bowl Prop Bets ... How Many TV Shots?!

Taylor Swift could help put some money in your pockets this Super Bowl ... 'cause there are a ton of prop bets surrounding the pop superstar!!

The folks over at BetOnline revealed their list to TMZ Sports ahead of the big game between the 49ers and Chiefs at Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas ... and naturally, Travis Kelce's girlfriend is at the center of attention.

Check out some of the most interesting -- and straight-up silly -- prop bets that fans can drop some dough on in hopes of cashing in:

Which will be higher?

  • Taylor Swift live shots   +150
  • Travis Kelce catches    -200

Where will Travis Kelce propose to Taylor Swift?

  • Vacation                   -200
  • Field (non-end zone)    +400
  • Podium                    +500
  • End Zone                  +600
  • After-party                 +800
  • Tunnel                     +2000
  • Locker Room             +2500

Who will be shirtless first?

  • Jason Kelce  -10000
  • Taylor Swift   +2000
  • Olivia Culpo   +2500

Some other bets will be on the color of Tay's 'fit, if she'll be sitting next to Patrick Mahomes' wife, Brittany ... and if one of her songs will be played during a broadcast break.

There's even post-Super Bowl bets ... like if Swift and Kelce will still be together by the 2024-25 season or if she'll be pregnant before the New Year.

Usher also got some love ... with over 10 options for special guests who could join the R&B sensation during his halftime show -- including Swift (but it may be best to stay away from that one, given TMZ's recent report stating she will not join him during the performance).

Even if the "Cruel Summer" crooner doesn't take the stage, peeps could be feelin' rich if Ursher gives her a shoutout!!

Of course, President Joe Biden will be watching the biggest sports event of the year ... and there are several bets to see if he'll mention Mahomes or Swift in his pre-game interview.

Take a look at all the prop bets and put some money down by Feb. 11!!

As the saying goes ... there's always money in the banana stand Super Bowl!!

BRITNEY SPEARS & SAM ASGHARI Divorce Nearing Finish Line ... Key Step Just Took Place

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari could be on the verge of settling their divorce, 'cause Sam just filed some information that usually signals ... the end is near.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Sam's legal team turned over his financials to Britney's attorneys, including the declaration of income and expenses among the required paperwork, as well as a list of assets and separate and community properties.

It looks like he's just ready to say goodbye to this chapter once and for all -- 6 months after filing for divorce from the singer in August. Filing financial disclosures is often the last step taken in a divorce that suggests all parties are coming to an agreement.

As we reported, Sam cited "irreconcilable differences" for their split -- 14 months after tying the knot at her Thousand Oaks home. They'd been together as a couple for much longer than that, of course.

On her end, Brit reflected on the failed marriage on IG in December ... saying they'd endured many ups and downs and that it was strange being single again.

But, it doesn't seem like Sam's on Brit's mind too much recently ... she's been having a bit of a back-and-forth spat with her ex, Justin Timberlake. She hasn't uttered Sam's name in a while.

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Anyway, this thing should be tied up pretty soon here. We already know they have an ironclad prenup -- which leaves Sam with nothing. Unclear why the divorce has dragged on as long as it has with this in mind -- but it appears they're buttoning it up once and for all.

Britney Spears y Sam Asghari Su divorcio está muy cerca de terminar...

Britney Spears y Sam Asghari podrían estar a punto de resolver su divorcio, pues Sam acaba de presentar una información que suele indicar que el final está cerca.

Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, el equipo legal de Sam entregó sus finanzas a los abogados de Britney, incluyendo la declaración de ingresos y los gastos, así como una lista de activos y propiedades separadas y comunitarias.

Parece que está listo para despedirse de este capítulo de una vez por todas, a seis meses de solicitar el divorcio de la cantante, en agosto del año pasado. La presentación de las declaraciones financieras es a menudo el último paso en un proceso de divorcio y sugiere que ambas partes están llegando a un acuerdo.

Como ya informamos, Sam alegó "diferencias irreconciliables" como motivo de su separación, 14 meses después de casarse en su casa de Thousand Oaks. Habían estado juntos como pareja durante mucho más tiempo que eso, por supuesto.

Por su parte, Brit reflexionó sobre su fallido matrimonio en Instagram en diciembre, diciendo que habían soportado muchos altibajos y que era extraño estar soltera de nuevo.

Pero no parece que Sam esté en la mente de Brit últimamente. Ella ha estado en medio de unos dimes y diretes con su ex Justin Timberlake y no se ha pronunciado sobre Sam en un tiempo.

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De todos modos, este asunto debería estar listo muy pronto. Ya sabemos que tienen un acuerdo prenupcial blindado y que deja a Sam sin nada. No está claro por qué el divorcio se ha alargado tanto, teniendo esto en cuenta, pero parece que están por cerrar el acuerdo.


Sofia Vergara couldn't wipe the smile from her face, and for good reason ... 'cause it looks like things with her new fella are going swimmingly!

The "Griselda" star headed on a romantic date night Thursday with the dashing orthopedic surgeon Justin Saliman at Beverly Hill's Cipriani -- and they looked happy as hell. The couple turned heads, not only with their palpable chemistry but their synced-up 'fits too.


Sofia, of course, looked incredible in her sheer black corset top and coat -- while Justin exuded laid-back charm in a black leather jacket. Must say, they complement each other well.

The duo seemed to be having a blast in each other's company ... laughing, smiling and interacting with the paps while exiting the upscale Italian eatery. It's interesting that we're seeing them out right now ... for one big reason.

For starters, we haven't seen Sofia with Justin in a while -- at least not publicly -- and there's some who thought they might've split. Clearly, that's not the case ... they're going strong.

S&J were first linked in October when they were spotted on a date ... and the fact that months later, they're still going strong rubbishes whispers he was just a rebound for Sofia post-Joe Manganiello.

Remember ... the "Modern Family" star and "Magic Mike" hunk split in July 2023 ... mainly cause of their differences in wanting kids. Joe wanted 'em, she didn't.

Hopefully, Joe will be on the same page with his new squeeze, Caitlin O'Connor -- they went public as a couple in December. Each of them seems to be moving on just fine.

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In the meantime, Sofia is riding high on her Netflix debut ... things are looking up for her.