Sofía Vergara Tiene una cita romántica con el doctor Justin Saliman

Sofía Vergara no podía quitarse la sonrisa de la cara y por un buen motivo, ¡parece que las cosas con su nuevo novio van viento en popa!

La estrella de "Griselda" tuvo una cita romántica el jueves con el cirujano ortopédico Justin Saliman en el restaurante Cipriani de Beverly Hills y ambos se veían muy felices. La pareja llamó la atención, no solo por su evidente química, sino que también por su sincronización.

Griselda en acción

Sofía, por supuesto, se veía increíble en su corsé negro transparente y abrigo, mientras que Justin exudaba encanto en una chaqueta de cuero del mismo color. Hay que decir que se complementan muy bien.

El dúo parecía estar disfrutando muchísimo en la compañía del otro, riendo, sonriendo e interactuando con los paparazzi a la salida del lujoso restaurante italiano. Es interesante que los estemos viendo ahora y por una gran razón.

Para empezar, no hemos visto a Sofía con Justin en un tiempo, al menos no públicamente, y algunos pensaban que habían terminado. Claramente, ese no es el caso.

Sofía y Justin fueron vinculados por primera vez en octubre, cuando fueron vistos en una cita. Verlos juntos nuevamente, meses más tarde, significa que siguen en serio y desmiente los rumores de que solo era un romance post Joe Manganiello.

Recuerden, la estrella de "Modern Family" y el galán de "Magic Mike" se separaron en julio de 2023, principalmente por sus diferencias en querer tener hijos. Joe los quería y ella no.

Esperemos que Joe esté en la misma página con su nueva pareja Caitlin O'Connor. La pareja dio a conocer su romance públicamente en diciembre, así que como vemos, cada uno parece estar dando vuelta la página muy bien.

TMZ investiga
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Mientras tanto, Sofía está volando alto con su debut en Netflix, así que parece que las cosas están mejorando para ella.

Lenny Kravitz I'LL NEVER STOP LOVING LISA BONET ... As Friends, Though!!

Lisa Bonet will always have Lenny Kravitz's heart, and although they've been apart for 3 decades ... he says his ex-wife still has a heavy influence on him.

The 59-year-old singer says Lisa is a massive part of his life -- telling People they never lost their connection because he is who he is today "'cause of our experience, because of everything that I was, everything that she was, and everything that came together."

Lenny got all philosophical about love and stuff ... as he believes romance can end, but love for one another never truly leaves, it just finds a new way to funnel into your life -- something he says he and LB both made a conscious effort to do.

He added she'll "never leave his heart, soul or my spirit." Heavy.

Lenny's early years with Lisa -- after meeting in 1985, backstage at a New Edition concert -- inspired his iconic bohemian look.

He explains when they were moving in together, he brought his instruments and other things with him but somehow forgot his comb -- basically, he never planned on having dreadlocks, but Lisa was digging his matted hair after a few months.

The duo married in 1987, when Lisa was starring on "The Cosby Show" and "A Different World" ... but he didn't mind being labeled Mr. Bonet by the press 'cause he was paying attention to his music, not the fact he was married to the most "beautiful woman on the planet."

Daughter Zoë came along in 1988, a time he recalls as beautiful and all about peace, love and spirit.

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Despite his marriage with Lisa ending in 1993, the era obviously left a lasting impact on him ... inspiring his upcoming album "Blue Electric Light" -- which is all about "positive energy, God, spirit, light."

Deep, bro.

Lenny Kravitz Nunca dejaré de querer a Lisa Bonet Como amigos, claro...

Lisa Bonet siempre tendrá el corazón de Lenny Kravitz, y aunque han estado separados por 3 décadas dice que su ex esposa todavía tiene una gran influencia sobre él.

El cantante de 59 años dice que Lisa es una parte muy importante de su vida y que nunca perdieron su conexión, porque él es la persona que es hoy, "debido a su experiencia, a todo lo que él era, a todo lo que ella era y todo lo que confluyó", le dijo a People.

Lenny se puso filosófico sobre el amor... y piensa que el romance puede terminar, pero el amor por el otro nunca se va realmente, solo encuentra una nueva forma de ser canalizado, algo que él y Lisa intentaron hacer conscientemente.

Añadió que ella "nunca dejará su corazón, su alma o su espíritu". Guau.

Los primeros años de Lenny con Lisa, después de conocerse en el backstage de un concierto de New Edition en 1985, inspiraron su icónico look bohemio.

El cantante cuenta que cuando se mudaron juntos, trajo sus instrumentos y otras cosas con él, pero de alguna manera se olvidó de su peineta. Básicamente, nunca planeó tener rastas, pero Lisa estaba entusiasmada con su pelo enmarañado después de unos meses.

El dúo se casó en 1987, cuando Lisa protagonizaba "The Cosby Show" y "A Different World". A él no le importó ser etiquetado como el Sr. Bonet por la prensa, pues estaba enfocado en su música, no en el hecho de estar casado con la mujer más "hermosa del planeta".

Su hija Zoë llegó en 1988, una época que él recuerda como hermosa y llena de paz y amor.

TMZ investiga
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A pesar de que su matrimonio con Lisa terminó en 1993, su tiempo juntos obviamente causó un gran impacto en él e inspiró su siguiente álbum "Blue Electric Light", que es todo sobre "la energía positiva, Dios, el espíritu, la luz."

Profundo, hermano.

Tom Sandoval sale con la modelo Victoria Lee Robinson

Tom Sandoval tiene una nueva mujer en su vida y es una modelo que fue vinculada a Leonardo DiCaprio cuando era más joven.

Fuentes cercanas a la estrella de "Vanderpump Rules" le dicen a TMZ que Tom está saliendo oficialmente con Victoria Lee Robinson durante un mes más o menos.

¿nuevo amor?
Instagram / @tomsandoval1

También nos dicen que están disfrutando de su tiempo juntos y se lo están tomando con calma. Básicamente no es nada realmente serio, pero se están dando la oportunidad de que así sea.

Tom ha presentado Victoria en sus historias de Instagram un par de veces, incluyendo la noche del miércoles, cuando publicó un video y una foto de ellos en el Schwartz y Sandy coctel salon y restaurante en Los Ángeles.

En diciembre, Tom y Victoria fueron a un festival de comida en Los Ángeles, pero nos informan que fueron solo como amigos. Desde entonces, un romance ha florecido claramente.

Victoria es una modelo de moda de alta costura y ha trabajado con Ford Modeling Agency.

Al igual que muchas grandes modelos en este negocio, ella tiene una historia con Leonardo DiCaprio. Fueron vinculados en el verano de 2016 cuando fueron fotografiados saliendo de una fiesta posterior a la gira de Justin Bieber en Nueva York, cuando ella tenía 23 años. Sí, justo en el terreno de Leo.

Ahora está con Tom, quien parece haber dejado el Scandoval en el pasado.

Hemos visto a Tom salir de bares con mujeres al azar un par de veces el año pasado -en Missouri y Tennessee- y en septiembre, negó un romance rumoreado con el cantante y compositor Tii.

Con Tom de vuelta en Hollywood y su reality show comenzando una nueva temporada en televisión - que ha dejado atrás el Medio Oeste, por ahora, y vinculado con una modelo de la Costa Oeste. ¡Buen movimiento!

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Tom no es exactamente conocido por ser hombre de una sola mujer, pero parece que está dandose una oportunidad con Victoria.

Tom Sandoval Dating Model Victoria Lee Robinson

Tom Sandoval has a new woman in his life ... and it's a model who was linked to Leonardo DiCaprio when she was younger.

Sources close to the "Vanderpump Rules" star tell TMZ ... Tom is officially dating Victoria Lee Robinson. We're told Tom and Victoria have been hanging out lately and have been officially dating for about a month or so.

Instagram / @tomsandoval1

We're also told they're enjoying their time together and seeing where things take them -- so it's not super serious, but it has potential to get there.

Tom's featured Victoria on his Instagram Story a few times recently ... including Wednesday night, when he posted a video and a photo of them at his Schwartz and Sandy's cocktail lounge and restaurant in Los Angeles.

Back in December, Tom and Victoria went to a food festival in L.A. together ... but word was they went as friends. Since then, a romance has clearly blossomed -- 'cause they're bangin'.

Anyhoo, in terms of who this gal is -- Victoria is actually a fashion model ... and she's worked with Ford Modeling Agency.

Like a lot of big-time models in this biz, she's got a history with Leonardo DiCaprio. They were linked back in the summer of 2016 when they were photographed leaving a Justin Bieber tour after-party in NYC, when she was 23. Yeah, right in Leo's wheelhouse.

Now, however, she's with Tom ... who has firmly put the Scandoval behind him.

We've seen Tom leaving bars with random women a few times last year -- in Missouri and Tennessee -- and in September, he denied a rumored fling with singer-songwriter Tii.

With Tom back in Hollywood, though -- and as his reality show starts a new season on TV -- he's left the Midwest behind for now, and linked up with a West Coast model. Good move!

TMZ Studios

Tom's not exactly known as a one-woman man ... but it seems he's giving it a shot with Victoria.

Sophie Turner Sus fans la defienden de quienes la critican como madre

Sophie Turner está recibiendo una buena dosis de críticas por su rol como madre, a partir de un viaje que hizo con algunos amigos a la nieve, y por suerte para ella, sus fans la están apoyando, o al menos algunos de ellos.

Todo este lío comenzó cuando la estrella de "Game of Thrones" compartió unas fotos en Instagram esquiando con su novio Peregrine Pearson y sus amigos, con el comentario: "¿Alguien quiere Jägerbomb?". Claramente, solo era un post divertido donde aparecía disfrutando y viviendo su vida, aunque los trolls de Internet no pensaban lo mismo y se lo hicieron saber en masa en sus comentarios.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Por desgracia para ella, se despertó una intensa indignación hacia Sophie por tener la audacia de disfrutar de su tiempo libre sin la presencia de sus hijas, sobre todo porque sus últimos meses han estado llenos de drama con el divorcio de Joe Jonas.

Sus comentarios estaban plagados de preguntas sobre el paradero de sus hijas, con algunos incluso exigiendo que "fuera una madre", y aunque Sophie al parecer trató de eliminar algunos de estos comentarios, varios se filtraron y otros fans saltaron en su defensa.

Un leal fanático puso el recordatorio de que a las mujeres se les permite tener una identidad fuera de ser madre, otro, en tanto, criticó la doble moral sexista diciendo que no había ninguna indignación relacionada con los niños en el Instagram de Joe Jonas.

Otros señalaron que en una situación de acuerdo de custodia, una madre tiene vía libre para salir y disfrutar de su vida cuando no tiene a los niños, no está condenada a estar lejos del mundo tejiendo y horneando galletas, como sus enemigos parecen pensar.

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Enamorados en Londres

En el caso de Sophie, ella recientemente llegó a un acuerdo amistoso de custodia con Joe después de meses de turbulencias luego de la solicitud de divorcio en septiembre pasado.

TMZ investiga
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Las cosas se complicaron un poco después. Sophie citó una ley de "secuestro de menores", alegando que Joe estaba impidiendo que sus dos hijas viajaran al Reino Unido reteniendo sus pasaportes, a pesar de que pidió a un juez que desestime la demanda el mes pasado.

En medio del caos, la pareja siguió adelante [...] Sophie con su aristócrata británico y Joe con la modelo Stormi Bree.


Sophie Turner's getting a serious dose of mommy shaming over a skiing trip with some pals -- and luckily for her, her fans have got her back ... well, some of them do anyway.

This whole mess kicked off when the 'GoT' star recently shared IG snaps of herself hitting the slopes with her boyfriend, Peregrine Pearson, and their pals ... writing, "Jägerbomb anyone?" Clearly just a fun post showing her enjoying herself and living her life ... although, trolls felt very differently about it, and they let her know en masse in her comments.


Unfortunately for her, there was intense outrage over Sophie having the audacity to enjoy some downtime without the presence of her kiddos -- especially since her last few months have been rife with Joe Jonas divorce drama.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Her comments were rife with questions about children's whereabouts -- with some demanding she oughta "be a mom" -- and while ST reportedly attempted to delete some of these remarks, some still filtered through ... and other fans jumped to her defense.

One loyal supporter put out a reminder that women were allowed to have an identity outside of being a mother -- and another called out the sexist double standard ... saying there was no kid-related outrage over on JJ's IG.

Others pointed out that in a custody agreement situation, a mother has free reign to go out and enjoy her life when she didn't have the kids -- not be locked away from the world while knitting and baking cookies, which the haters seem to think was normal.

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In Sophie's case, she recently came to an amicable custody agreement with Joe after months of turbulence put in motion by his divorce filing in September last year.

TMZ Studios

Things got messy soon after ... Sophie cited a whole "child abduction" law, claiming Joe was preventing their 2 children from traveling to see her in the UK by allegedly withholding their passports -- though she asked a judge to dismiss the claim last month.

Amid the chaos, the pair moved on ... Sophie with her British aristocrat boo and Joe with model Stormi Bree.

Usher detalla su trabajo de "niñero" con Beyoncé Y rechaza la etiqueta

algo especial
Club Shay Shay

Usher reafirma que fue niñero de Beyoncé por un momento a principios de los 90s, aunque no se siente cómodo llamándose a sí mismo "niñero".

El cantante y compositor próximo a presentarse en el Super Bowl estuvo en el pódcast Shannon Sharpe "Club Shay Shay", publicado el miércoles, cuando surgió el tema de ser "niñera".

Por si no lo sabías, Usher reveló en agosto que había cuidado de Beyoncé cuando ella tenía solo 11 o 12 años de edad, aunque no dijo si alguien le pagó por sus servicios.

Así que Sharpe le preguntó acerca de ser "niñera de Beyoncé", y después de bromear Usher dijo que ese título es demasiado grande para la situación.

El artista de 45 años explicó que Bey llegó a Atlanta con Destiny's Child cuando estaba en su adolescencia y se le encomendó la tarea de cuidar a los niños mientras pasaban el rato en la casa del músico Daryl Simmons.

Usher explicó que sus responsabilidades eran simples, ¡asegurarse de que ninguna de las chicas rompiera nada! Por lo tanto, tuvo que estar muy atento durante toda una jornada.

Usted se preguntará si Usher siempre ha tenido ojo para el talento, y dice que sí, afirmando que vio una "brillantez" en Bey y todos estaban seguro de que llegaría lejos.

Sobre Beyoncé, añadió: "Es realmente genial para mi hermana ver que lo ha hecho tan increíble y seguir prosperando y simplemente ser más grande y mejor".

Obviamente tanto Usher como Beyoncé han despegado desde entonces con cada uno ganando múltiples Grammys y la venta de millones de discos en todo el mundo y pronto Usher empatará a Beyoncé en dos shows de medio tiempo en el Super Bowl.

tmz investiga
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¿Habrá ganado algún dinero decente en sus días de niñera?

Usher Yes, I Babysat Beyoncé ... But Def Not Her 'Manny!!!'

Something Special
Club Shay Shay

Usher's doubling down on his claim he was Beyoncé's babysitter for a second in the early '90s ... though he's not comfortable calling himself a "manny."

The singer-songwriter, and upcoming Super Bowl Halftime performer, stopped by Shannon Sharpe's "Club Shay Shay" podcast, released Wednesday, when the question of babysitting Queen Bey herself came up again.

ICYMI ... Usher revealed back in August that he'd watched over Beyoncé when she was just 11 or 12-years-old -- though he didn't say if anyone paid him for his services!

So, Sharpe asked him about being "Beyoncé''s nanny" and, after joking he'd actually be a "manny" ... Usher said it's probably a step too far to give him that title.

The 45-year-old explained Bey came to Atlanta with Destiny's Child -- before they "became Destiny's Child," as Usher describes it -- when he was in his teens, and he was tasked with watching the kids while they hung out at musician Daryl Simmons' house.

The way Usher explained it, his responsibilities were simple ... make sure none of the girls broke anything! So, more like a chaperone on a school field trip than a full-time caretaker, it sounds like.

And, if you're wondering if Usher's always had an eye for talent ... he says he did, claiming he saw a "brilliance and brightness" to Bey and the rest of DC that he was sure would take them all far.

On Beyoncé, he added, "[It’s] really great for my sister, to see that she’s done so amazing and continue to thrive and just get bigger and better."


Obviously, both Usher and Beyoncé have taken off since then with each winning multiple Grammys and selling millions of records worldwide ... and soon, Usher will tie Beyoncé in two Super Bowl Halftime Show performances a piece.

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And, maybe he'll even have saved up enough for a new car with all his babysitting jobs!

'RHOBH' Star Kyle Richards Puts Her Foot Down With Mauricio ... I Want More Or It's Over!

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More Effort Needed

Kyle Richards is seemingly giving her husband Mauricio Umansky an ultimatum -- shape up or ship out.

"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star draws her line in the sand in a preview for an upcoming episode of the reality show ... though, interestingly, she makes the statement to castmate Dorit Kemsley -- not Mauricio -- saying, "If there's no effort, we're not going to end up together."

She's clearly discussing the elephant in the room this season ... the fact she and Mauricio have been estranged for several months now, but still living under the same roof with their children.

In the teaser clip, Mauricio leaves Kyle to go show some homes for The Agency -- and then she meets with Dorit to give her the lowdown on her marital struggles.

The issue, according to Kyle, is Mauricio's major focus on his booming real estate company, which touts itself as a billion-dollar brokerage firm.

Kyle grumbles to Dorit ... "He has to say yes to more things because the Agency is expanding so much. So I'm like, if we're having an issue why can't you give that energy that you give to the company?"

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Obviously, Kyle is not mincing words. She wants a lot more from Mauricio or their relationship could be kaput.

What she doesn't discuss -- at least, in the clip -- is the fact they've both been seen out with other people, boosting rumors about divorce. Kyle's been hanging with Morgan Wade, who she insists is just a friend, and Mauricio partied hard in Aspen with other women.

Kyle and Mauricio officially separated after 27 years of marriage in July 2023. They have 3 daughters: Alexia, 27, Sophia, 23, and Portia, 15.

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'RHOBH' season 13 has been hinting at marital strife between Kyle and Mauricio since its premiere in October. The first episode showed Mauricio arguing with Kyle over the number of tattoos on her body.

Kyle Richards Se pone firme con Mauricio... ¡¡Quiero más o se termina!!

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Se necesitan más esfuerzos

Kyle Richards parece estar dando un ultimátum a su marido Mauricio Umansky, o se pone las pilas o se va.

La estrella de "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" ("RHOBH") está trazando sus límites en un avance de un próximo episodio del reality show, aunque curiosamente le hace la declaración a su compañera de reparto Dorit Kemsley, no a Mauricio, a quien le dice: "Si no hay esfuerzo, no vamos a terminar juntos".

Ella claramente está abordando "el elefante en la habitación" esta temporada, y es que ambos han estado separados desde hace varios meses, pero todavía viven bajo el mismo techo con sus hijos.

En el clip, Mauricio deja a Kyle para ir a mostrar algunas casas para The Agency, y luego se reúne con Dorit para contarle la verdad sobre sus dificultades matrimoniales.

El problema, según Kyle, es que la principal prioridad de Mauricio es su empresa de bienes raíces, que se promociona como una empresa de corretaje de mil millones de dólares.

Kyle se queja con Dorit: "Él tiene que decir que sí a más cosas porque la Agencia se está expandiendo mucho. Y yo estoy como, si estamos teniendo un problema, ¿por qué no puedes darle la misma energía que le das a la empresa?"

TMZ investiga
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Obviamente, Kyle no tiene pelos en la lengua. Ella quiere mucho más de Mauricio o su relación podría acabarse definitivamente.

Lo que ella no discute, al menos en el clip, es que ambos han sido vistos con otras personas, creando rumores de divorcio. Kyle ha estado saliendo con Morgan Wade, aunque ella insiste que es solo una amiga, y Mauricio salió de fiesta duro en Aspen con otras mujeres.

En julio de 2023, Kyle y Mauricio se separaron oficialmente tras 27 años de matrimonio. Tienen 3 hijas: Alexia, de 27 años, Sophia, de 23 y Portia, de 15.

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Mi cuerpo, mi decisión

La temporada 13 de "RHOBH" ha estado insinuando conflictos matrimoniales entre Kyle y Mauricio desde su estreno en octubre de 2023. En el primer episodio, aparecieron discutiendo sobre el número de tatuajes que tenía Kyle en su cuerpo.

T.J. Holmes y Amy Robach Ambos tenemos miedo de quedarnos "encerrados" ¿Nos están diciendo algo?

Compartiendo sus miedos
Amy & T.J. Podcast

T.J. Holmes y Amy Robach han estado compartiendo muchos detalles de su relación, y la última bomba es un tanto extraña, pues ambos admitieron que no pueden soportar estar atrapados en algún lugar.

Los ex presentadores de "GMA3", que ahora son amantes, abordaron un nuevo tema en el último episodio de "Amy & T.J.", donde cada uno profundizó en un particular miedo que comparten, que se llama cleitrofobia y básicamente es el miedo a estar atrapado.

T.J. tomó la iniciativa en explicar la diferencia entre esta fobia y la claustrofobia, diciendo que este último miedo se relaciona con quedarse atrapado en un espacio pequeño, pero el primero solo es temor de no poder salir de un determinado lugar o ambiente.

Dice: "Si eres claustrofóbico, ves un espacio pequeño, ves ese ascensor y dices: 'Oh, Dios'. Y te entra ansiedad, eso es claustrofobia. La otra es, cuando veo el espacio pequeño, no tengo ningún problema en entrar allí. Pero si ese timbre suena y estoy atrapado ahí, es una situación totalmente diferente".

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Algo estaba pasando
Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy se hizo eco de eso, añadiendo que lo que acababa de explicar describía su propio miedo. En otras palabras, los dos están en la misma página acerca de estar aterrorizados por no poder escapar de algún sitio, y aunque probablemente ellos piensen que están conectados, otros lo están viendo de manera diferente.

Seguimos juntos

La verdad es que ambos han sido increíblemente honestos sobre su vida amorosa, a veces para bien o para mal. Los oímos discutir la semana pasada y ahora, tal vez inconscientemente, parecen estar abordando su propia situación en la vida real.

Quién sabe, tal vez estamos leyendo demasiado entre líneas, pero ciertamente puede haber algo aquí y podría estar insinuando problemas en el paraíso, a pesar de lo que proyectan.

TMZ investiga
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Esperemos que todo esté yendo bien.

T.J. Holmes & Amy Robach We Both Have Fear of Being 'Trapped' Y'all Telling Us Something?

Amy & T.J. Podcast

T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach have been spilling their guts about their relationship -- and the latest truth bomb is strange ... 'cause they both admit they can't stand being confined.

The former 'GMA3' anchors-turned-lovers got into a new topic on the latest episode of their 'Amy & T.J.' podcast -- where they each delved into a specific type of fear they share, which is called cleithrophobia ... basically, the fear of being trapped.

T.J. took the lead in explaining the difference between this and claustrophobia -- noting the latter is a fear of being stuck in a small space, but the former is just being afraid of not being able to get out of a certain place or environment.

He says, "So if you're claustrophobic, you see a small space, you see that elevator and you go, 'Oh God.' And you get anxiety, that's claustrophobia. The other is, when I see the small space, I got no problem getting in that space. But if that buzzer goes off and I'm trapped in here now, it's a totally different situation."

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy echoed that, adding what he'd just explained described her own fear to a T. In other words, they're both on the same page about being terrified over not being able to escape something ... and while they probably think they're bonding, others view this differently.

Keep Coming Back

Fact is, they've been incredibly honest about their shared love life ... sometimes for better or worse. We heard them argue just last week, and now -- they're addressing a new element that, perhaps subconsciously, seems to be addressing their own real-life situation.

Who knows, maybe we're reading too into this ... but we certainly think we're picking up on something here -- and it might be hinting at trouble in paradise, despite what they project.

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Here's hoping everything's alright with them!


Courtney Stodden has a new man in her life -- one who has connections in Hollywood, making beaucoup bucks as a big-time film and TV producer!

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Courtney is dating 41-year-old Jared Safier, a driving force behind soap opera "The Bay" and a ton of horror flicks.

We're told the couple's been together for about 6 months now, after meeting last August on a movie set. They've kept their relationship on the DL for a while now, as only a few close friends know they're a thing.

Our sources say there are even limited pics of them together in public ... like the one we obtained of Court and the 4-time Emmy winner at a showbiz event.

It's nice to see CS back in the dating pool 'cause her last relationship didn't end like she thought it would. We broke the story ... she and fiancé Chris Sheng broke things off about a year ago after almost 8 years together.

And, remember that wouldn't have been Courtney's first walk down the aisle ... Courtney married 51-year-old Doug Hutchison in 2011, when she was just 16 years old.

They separated in 2017 and their divorce finalized in 2020.

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As for things with Jared ... it's still early, but we'll see if that ol' saying about the third time's true.



Blueface's mom is tired of Chrisean Rock's antics -- she has her fingers crossed the new face tat she got of Blue is fake, and that she finally leaves her son alone. Spoiler ... at least one of those wishes won't come true.


TMZ got Karlissa Saffold outside L.A's Men's Central Jail on Wednesday, following a failed attempt to see her son, and she tells us Chrisean's enormous tattoo of Blueface's mug on her cheek is "absolutely f***ng crazy" ... and she thinks it's a shady ploy to make Blue feel obligated to deal with her once he gets out of jail.

She also has a very simple, passionate reaction to CR moving back into Blue's pad -- "Hell motherf***ing no!" Karlissa says, again, the move will give Blue zero chance of escaping Chrisean's shenanigans ... when he should be focusing on getting his mind right.

What's more, she believes the face ink stems from mental issues ... and her son isn't trained to unpack Chrisean's baggage for her.

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For her part, Karlissa's tried to support Chrisean for the sake of her grandbaby ... but is now taking a step back after seeing her on IG live saying she wants Karlissa to die.

TMZ Studios

But of course, as any doting grandma ... she's still willing to take care of the baby if it comes to that point.

For now, Karissa tells us she's devastated Blue's in jail for a probation violation -- in fact, it's her worst nightmare, especially cause her eldest son served 13 years behind bars, too ... and now history's repeating itself.

Basically, she's got a lot on her plate, and says CR needs to go find someone else's family to play "Fatal Attraction."

CixoT: LA Real Family Blues

Blueface's jail time is sure to play out in their family reality show, "CixoT: LA Real Family Blues."


Morgan Wade's Instagram page was scrubbed clean of almost all of her posts, including snaps of her and Kyle Richards, but despite speculation ... we've learned they're all good.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ everything's totally fine between the pals ... and the country star archived all but two posts on her page including Kyle pics because she's gearing up to release new music.

In case you didn't know, singers/actors have made it a trend to wipe their social media accounts clean when getting ready to promote a new project -- and that's exactly what's happening here with MW.

Fans clearly missed Morgan's memo ... raising particular concern her music video featuring Kyle was removed from Kyle's page as well, making people think Kyle removed the music video from her own page but that's not the case ... we're told because Morgan archived the video that pulled it down from Kyle's profile.

We should point out, Kyle still has all of her Morgan posts still up -- all 10 of them, in fact ... they're just tucked away in her picture carousels ... so unless fans are going through each and every one of her snaps, they may miss them.

TMZ Studios

We can safely say there's no brewing rift between them ... and they're still good friends!

BTW, this ain't the first time their friendship status has come under the microscope -- they've also long been subjected to dating rumors.

Kyle also told us last week she was willing to talk about her relationship with Morgan -- as well as her estranged one with husband Mauricio Umansky during the 'RHOBH' reunion.

There's no topics off-limits during Bravo reunion shows ... so it'll be interesting to see exactly what she says about her romantic life when it airs.