Crystal, la viuda de Hugh Hefner dice que se perdió a sí misma durante su matrimonio

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La viuda de Hugh Hefner está mirando hacia atrás, revisando como fue su matrimonio y su vida en la Mansión Playboy y nos dice que se perdió por completo durante la relación.

Crystal Hefner se unió a nosotros el martes en "TMZ Live" y le preguntamos acerca de su deseo de abandonar el famoso apellido de Hef y volver a sus raíces, a pesar de que se ha hecho famosa como Hefner.

La tercera y última esposa de Hugh dice que el cambio de nombre es todo acerca de volver a lo que realmente es, diciéndonos que se convirtió en una persona totalmente diferente cuando estaba con Hef, básicamente moldeándose a sí misma en la imagen que él quería.

Crystal, que estaba casada con Hugh cuando murió en 2017, dice que le tomó años darse cuenta de que su vida en la Mansión Playboy no era todo lo que se creía, ella dice que comenzó a ver las cosas de manera diferente solo hace un par de años, cuando comenzó a escribir un nuevo libro de memorias.

En su nuevo libro, "Only Say Good Things: Sobrevivir a Playboy y encontrarme a mí misma", Crystal destroza un poco a su marido y la vida dentro de la Mansión Playboy. Desde su punto de vista, por supuesto, solo está diciendo su verdad.

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Mirando hacia atrás, Crystal insiste en que estaba hipnotizada por la imagen de Playboy y el estilo de vida de Hef, diciéndonos que ella no esperaba que él fuera un misógino de la manera que ella afirma que era.

Crystal dice que el pensamiento de Playboy era todo acerca de la libertad, pero al final se sintió como si estuviera atrapada en la mansión. Ahora que está fuera y Hef lleva muerto más de seis años, Crystal quiere volver a sus raíces como Crystal Harris.

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Miss Understood with Rachel Uchitel Podcast

Como dijimos por primera vez, Crystal dice que la secretaria de Hef cambió su nombre a Hefner poco después de su matrimonio en 2012 a instancias de Hugh, y ahora siente que el famoso apellido no la está ayudando mucho estos días y quiere un nuevo comienzo.

Es una mirada interesante a un lado diferente de Hef y la Mansión Playboy, Crystal dice que no se sentía físicamente atraída por Hugh y nos cuenta todo sobre el momento en que se dio cuenta de que él no estaba profundamente enamorado de ella.

Escuche usted mismo, ella tiene algunas cosas que aclarar, en sus propias palabras.

Tyreek Hill Files For Divorce ... But I Insist I'm Still Happily Married!!!

Court records show Tyreek Hill filed for divorce from his wife this week -- less than three months after they initially tied the knot -- but the Miami Dolphins star is adamant he's still happily married.

Broward County records in Florida show Hill submitted the petition for the dissolution of his marriage from Keeta Vaccaro on Monday.

But, on Tuesday, he insisted he and Keeta are still together ... despite the filing.

"boy no the heck we didn’t," Hill said on his X page in response to a report that he had filed for divorce, "so don’t put that in the air !!! We are happily married and gone stay that way."

Hill also shared a photo of him and Keeta appearing to be happy together on his Instagram Tuesday too.

Attempts to reach Hill's attorney for comment on Tuesday were unsuccessful.

We broke the story ... Hill married Keeta during the Dolphins' bye week back in November, saying their "I Do's" in Travis County, Texas.

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He spoke just days later about the wedding with reporters, saying he felt it was simply "about time" to get married.

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The two, however, did have to manage a crisis at their Southwest Ranches home earlier this month ... dealing with a major fire that broke out in one of their bedrooms.

Story developing ...


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Hugh Hefner's widow is looking back on their marriage and her life in the Playboy Mansion in a much different light now ... telling us she completely lost herself during the relationship.

Crystal Hefner joined us Tuesday on "TMZ Live" and we asked her about her wanting to drop Hef's famous last name and get back to her roots ... even though she's become famous as a Hefner.

Hugh's third and final wife says the name change is all about getting back to who she really is ... telling us she became a totally different person when she was with Hef ... basically molding herself into the image he wanted.

Crystal, who was married to Hugh when he died in 2017, says it took her years to realize her life at the Playboy Mansion wasn't all it was cracked up to be ... she says she started seeing things differently only a couple of years ago when she started writing a new memoir.

In her new book, "Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself," Crystal kinda trashes her husband and life inside the Playboy Mansion. From her view, of course, she's just speaking her truth.

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Looking back now, Crystal insists she was hypnotized by Hef's Playboy image and lifestyle ... telling us she didn't expect him to be a misogynist the way she claims he was.

Crystal says she went in thinking Playboy was all about freedom, but ultimately felt like she was trapped at the Mansion. Now that she's out and Hef's been dead for over 6 years, Crystal wants to get back to her roots as Crystal Harris.

Miss Understood with Rachel Uchitel Podcast

As we first told you ... Crystal says Hef's secretary changed her name to Hefner shortly after their 2012 marriage at Hugh's behest ... and now she feels like the famous last name isn't helping her much these days, and she wants a fresh start.

It's an interesting look at a different side of Hef and the Playboy Mansion ... Crystal says she wasn't physically attracted to Hugh and tells us all about the moment she realized he wasn't deeply in love with her.

Take a listen for yourself ... she's got some things to clarify, in her own words.

Kyle Richards dispuesta a hablar de Morgan Wade y de la separación de Mauricio En el reencuentro de "RHOBH"

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Kyle Richards no le hará el quite a las preguntas sobre su relación con su marido Mauricio Umansky y la cantante Morgan Wade, al menos no una vez que las cámaras empiecen a rodar en la reunión de "RHOBH".

Tuvimos a la estrella de "Real Housewives" cuando estaba haciendo mandados el lunes en Beverly Glen y le preguntamos si planea hablar de su separación de Mauricio, o sobre cómo están las cosas con Morgan.

Kyle dice que está más que dispuesta a responder a preguntas sobre Mauricio y Morgan, siempre y cuando el anfitrión Andy Cohen y sus compañeros de reparto 'RHOBH' preguntar, que sin duda lo hará.

Como Kyle dijo: "¿Has visto nuestro show?"

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Los programas de reunión de Bravo son notoriamente puntiagudos y directos, por lo que Kyle sabe lo que viene, y ella dice que no ha habido ninguna petición especial de su parte acerca de los temas que se tocarán.

Como ustedes saben, Kyle y Mauricio se han separado por un tiempo y ella está pasando mucho tiempo con Morgan. Ella dice que ha sido abierta respecto a los grandes cambios en su vida, pero definitivamente hay mucho más que decir, y suena como que esas respuestas están llegando.

Kyle también está haciendo otra declaración... la parte posterior de su impermeable dice "Umansky". 🤔

Kyle Richards I'll Talk Mauricio, Morgan At Reunion ... They Ask, I Answer!!!

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Kyle Richards will not shy away from questions about her relationships with estranged husband Mauricio Umansky and singer Morgan Wade ... at least not once cameras start rolling at the 'RHOBH' reunion.

We got the 'Real Housewives' star as she was running errands Monday in Beverly Glen, and asked if she's planning to discuss her separation from Mauricio -- or open up about where things stand with Morgan during Friday's reunion show taping.

Kyle says she's more than willing to answer questions about Mauricio and Morgan ... as long as host Andy Cohen and her 'RHOBH' castmates ask, which they most certainly will.

As Kyle put it, "Have you seen our show?!?"

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Bravo reunion shows are notoriously pointed and direct, so Kyle knows what's coming ... and she says there's been no special request from her about making certain topics off-limits.

As you know, Kyle and Mauricio have been separated for a while now and she's spending a lot of time with Morgan. She says she's been open about the big changes in her life, but there's definitely a lot more to be said ... and it sounds like those answers are coming.

Kyle's also making another statement here ... peep the back of her raincoat, it says "Umansky." 🤔


Amy Robach & T.J. Holmes Argue on Podcast ... Talk 'Pressure' of Relationship

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes got to bickering about their love life on their podcast -- where they talked about the "pressure" in their relationship ... and boy was it awkward!

The former 'GMA3' anchors-turned-lovers trotted out a new episode of "Amy & T.J." Monday which was aptly called 'Things Ain't Right' ... and during the course of their 47-minute long convo, they touched on a number of issues -- including how they're doing personally.

Can't even lie, this is pretty cringeworthy to listen to ... 'cause you can tell there's tension here between the couple, and ya might even say they argue a little bit in their chat.

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The whole thing stems from Amy going on this rant about "choosing love" as it pertains to her career -- and the way it comes out seems to rub T.J. the wrong way ... as he asks her to elaborate, especially when discussing pressure she feels in their situation.

She attempts to clear up what she means ... ultimately landing on something to the effect of -- she feels like she's had her career taken from her, and that it's unfair since she chose him.

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Amy & T.J. Podcast

Eventually, T.J. himself chimes in ... and notes, she obviously feels some type of way -- explaining that he'd been sensing passive-aggressiveness from her even earlier that day. T.J. basically says ... as long as we're good, I'm good. He seems more at ease than she does.

Take a listen for yourself, because from what we can tell ... this for sure sounds like the first signs of trouble in paradise between them that we've seen or heard. Up until now, they've come across as two peas in a pod with no issues at all. But something's bubbling up here.


Actor de "Mi Pobre Angelito" está hospitalizado y aplazan su juicio Por violencia doméstica

El juicio por violencia doméstica por el que está pasando el actor de "Mi Pobre Angelito" —Devin Ratray— se ha retrasado después de que sus abogados le informaron al juez que fue hospitalizado "en estado crítico".

Un miembro de la familia le dice a TMZ que Devin —más conocido por su papel de Buzz McCallister— ha sido dado de alta del hospital de Nueva York y está de vuelta en casa descansando por prescripción médica.

No se sabe la razón por la cual el hombre de 45 años terminó en el hospital, o incluso cuando fue que pasó, pero en los registros judiciales se nota que estaba fuera del estado cuando su emergencia médica fue notificada.

La pesadilla médica del actor provocó un aplazamiento en su caso judicial. La selección del jurado se fijó para comenzar el lunes en un tribunal de Oklahoma, pero ahora, todo el asunto ha sido reajustado para antes del juicio el próximo mes, y todo causa de la hospitalización.

Devin fue detenido tras las acusaciones de que golpeó a su ex novia durante un altercado borracho en diciembre de 2021, con la ex diciendole a la policía que la empujó, le dio un puñetazo en la cara, y presionó sus manos contra la garganta y la boca.

TMZ obtuvo la declaración jurada de causa probable, cuando Lisa le dijo a las autoridades Devin dijo: "Así es como se muere".

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Fue fichado por delito grave asalto doméstico y agresión por estrangulamiento, así como delito menor asalto doméstico. Más tarde fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza de 25.000 dólares.

Devin tuvo su primera comparecencia ante el tribunal en febrero de 2022, entrando en una declaración de no culpabilidad, pero las cosas se han movido lentamente desde entonces.


"Home Alone" star Devin Ratray's domestic violence trial has been delayed ... after his lawyers informed the judge he was hospitalized "in critical condition."

A family member tells TMZ ... Devin -- best known for his role as Buzz McCallister -- has now been released from the NYC hospital and is back home resting on doctor's orders.

No word as to what landed the 47-year-old in the hospital in the first place, or even when -- but court records do note he was out of state when his medical emergency went down.

The actor's medical nightmare triggered a hold-up in his DV case as jury selection was set to begin Monday in an Oklahoma courtroom ... but now, the whole thing's been reset for pretrial next month, all 'cause of the hospitalization.

A rundown of his legal woes ... Devin was arrested following accusations he beat up his ex-GF during a drunk altercation in December 2021 ... with the ex-GF telling cops he pushed her, punched her in the face, and pressed his hands against her throat and mouth.

TMZ obtained the probable cause affidavit at the time ... in which Lisa told authorities Devin said, "This is how you die."

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He was booked for felony domestic assault and battery by strangulation, as well as misdemeanor domestic assault and battery. He was later released on $25K bond.

Devin had his first court appearance in February 2022, entering a not-guilty plea ... but things have moved slowly since then.

Kanye West Check Out Bianca's Behind ... Posts More Racy Pics

Kanye West's a big fan of breakfast ... or maybe he just wanted to show Bianca Censori's such a snack -- 'cause he posted some racy photos of her in the kitchen.

The controversial rapper shared a few snaps of his better half Saturday morning ... and while he might've been thinking about the cream of wheat like he put in his caption -- his followers were definitely distracted by Bianca's lack of pants.

Check out the snap ... BC should avoid using the stove in this getup -- because there's not a lot to protect her if any grease pops up (though her neck looks quite snug in the leather headgear.)

Ye's wife's been adhering to "Just Skin January" btw ... she's stunned in a whole lotta revealing ensembles via IG pics she's posted this month.

Back on Jan. 2, Yeezy tossed up a couple of pics of his lady love ... including one where she went with a fur bra and no pants -- a look Ye seemed to say would be frequent in 2024.

She also showed out in a barely-there bra and a leather jacket she let hang off her shoulders ... proving she looks great from any angle!

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Clearly, the minimalist clothing ain't just for the 'gram either. Remember, we got video of the happy couple at a Vegas Casino and Bianca looked ready to hit the pool ... bikini on and shirt left back in the room.

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Bianca's been keeping up this style for a bit now ... she wore a see-through outfit to Art Basel last month and let her bust shine while touring a Berlin art exhibit -- and do we even need to remind you about Italy???

No word on if the cream of wheat hit the spot ... but these pics certainly did!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Kanye West Miren estas fotos de Bianca... Más fotos casi desnuda

Kanye West es un gran fan del desayuno, o tal vez solo quería demostrar que Bianca Censori es un bombón, pues acaba de publicar algunas sensuales fotos de ella en la cocina.

El controvertido rapero compartió unas imágenes de su media naranja el sábado por la mañana, y aunque podría haber estado pensando en la nata como puso en su pie de foto, sus seguidores definitivamente se quedaron distraídos al ver a Bianca sin pantalones.

Echa un vistazo a la foto, Bianca Censori debe alejarse de la cocina con este atuendo, porque no hay mucho que la pueda proteger si alguna gota de aceite salta (aunque su cuello se ve muy ajustado en ese casco de cuero.)

La esposa de Ye ha estado adhiriendo a "Just Skin January" y ha estado deslumbrando con reveladores conjuntos a través de sus fotos de Instagram.

De vuelta al 2 de enero, Yeezy lanzó un par de fotos de su amada, incluyendo una foto donde ella llevaba un sujetador de piel e iba sin pantalones, un look que Ye pareció insinuar que sería frecuente en 2024.

Ella también se mostró en un sujetador apenas transparente y una chaqueta de cuero de sus hombros, ¡demostrando que se ve muy bien desde cualquier ángulo!

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Paseando en Vegas...

Claramente, la ropa minimalista no es solo para Instagram. Recuerden, que tenemos un video de la feliz pareja en un casino de Las Vegas, donde Bianca parecía lista para ir a la piscina, con el bikini puesto y la ropa en la habitación.

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Bianca ha estado manteniendo este estilo desde hace un tiempo. En Art Basel el mes pasado, llevó un traje transparente y dejó que su busto brillara mientras recorría una exposición de arte, y ¿tenemos que recordarles sobre Italia?

No se sabe si la crema del desayuno le sentó bien, ¡pero estas fotos sí!

Selena Gomez Shows Off Benny Blanco To TV Costars ... Martin Short And Steve Martin

The relationship between Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco is so serious that she's now introducing him to her fatherly figure TV costars Steve Martin and Martin Short.

TMZ obtained these photos of Selena and Benny interacting with Steve and Martin on the red carpet at the 75th Annual Emmy Awards at the Peacock Theater in Los Angeles last Monday.

As you may know, Selena, Steve, and Martin all star in the hit Hulu show, "Only Murders In The Building," which was up for 11 Emmy Awards, but snagged only one statue for Outstanding Production Design For A Narrative Program (Half-Hour).

Eyewitnesses tell us ... the meeting between the four celebs occurred just prior to the kick-off of the gala event. Selena was first to approach Steve and Martin on the red carpet, giving them big hugs before chatting with them a bit.

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Our sources say she then introduced her record producer boyfriend, Benny, to her costars, while the three men shook hands and exchanged pleasantries.

Sources tell us everyone got along great and it seemed as if Selena was presenting her new beau for the first time to a couple of fatherly figures in her life. Of course, we can't be sure if they had ever met before this encounter.

After talking amongst each other for about five minutes, the foursome left the red carpet to go inside the theater for the awards show.

Looks like Selena and Benny are going full steam ahead. Might there be an engagement in the lovebirds' future? We'll just have to see.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Ayuda a Matt Iseman a hacer la gran pregunta...

Propuesta perfecta!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger es un hombre muy multifacético y de cara al fin de semana se puso el sombrero para jugar de cupido, nada menos que de Matt Iseman.

Echa un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ, que muestra al ex Mr. Olympia haciendo su mejor trabajo de director de orquesta el viernes en Austria, donde ha estado de visita por una mezcla de negocios y placer. Como se puede ver, el actor estaba liderando a la banda y cantando una melodía, con un montón de gente alrededor.

Nos han dicho que en realidad se trataba de una fiesta previa a las competencias de Hahnenkamm, un importante evento de esquí que se celebra anualmente y que atrae a grandes multitudes en todo el mundo.

De todos modos, mientras Arnie estaba haciendo lo suyo con la banda, el Sr. Iseman, famoso por ser anfitrión de "American Ninja Warrior", por no hablar de ganar el "New Celebrity Apprentice" con Arnold en 2017, también estaba allí disfrutando de la diversión ... Pero luego las cosas se volvieron románticas con su novia.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Matt acompaña a Arnold en casi todas sus apariciones -recuerden que acaba de ser el anfitrión de la gran subasta que incluía el problemático reloj no registrado- y también es el maestro de ceremonias.

Probablemente por eso Arnold lo ayudó a proponerle matrimonio a la abogada Britton All, que claramente no esperaba comprometerse en ese mismo momento. Arnold estaba obviamente comprometido con la idea. Por cierto ... John Kerry también estaba entre la multitud, como hemos dicho, esta es una fiesta del tipo quién es quién.

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Es seguro decir que Britton dijo que sí y Arnold estaba allí para ayudar. ¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Helps Matt Iseman Pop the Question ... Plays Love Conductor!!!

Pitcher-perfect proposal

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a man of many hats -- and heading into the weekend, he put on his wings and picked up a wand to play a musical cupid for none other than Matt Iseman.

Check out this video, obtained by TMZ, showing the former Mr. Olympia doing his best conductor work Friday out in Austria ... where he's there for a mix of business and pleasure. As you can see, he was leading a band and singing a tune, with a lot of people around.

We're told this was actually at a pre-party ahead of the Hahnenkamm Races -- a major skiing event out there that they do annually ... and which draws big crowds across the world.

Anyway, while Arnie was doing his thing with the band ... Mr. Iseman -- famous for hosting "American Ninja Warrior," not to mention winning the "New Celebrity Apprentice" with Arnold in 2017 -- was also there enjoying the fun ... but then, things turned romantic with his GF.

Our sources say Matt accompanies Arnold for pretty much all his appearances -- remember, he was just hosting this big auction for that troublesome watch -- and he MCs those too.

That's probably why Arnold helped him propose to criminal defense attorney Britton All ... who was clearly not expecting to get engaged right then and there. Arnold was obviously in on it. Oh, BTW ... John Kerry was in the mix there too -- like we said, a who-who type shindig.

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Safe to say ... Britton said yes -- and Arnold was there to lend an assist ... congrats!!!

Ashley Park Hospitalized with Septic Shock ... 'Grateful' and On the Mend

Ashley Park is thankful for her good health ... revealing she was sent to the hospital while on vacation over the holidays with an infection that affected several of her organs.

The actress/musician shared a few snaps to IG on Friday featuring her laid out in a hospital bed ... with her "Emily in Paris" costar and rumored beau, Paul Forman, by her side.

In the caption, AP wrote she had a bout of tonsillitis around New Year's ... normally a relatively routine ailment to deal with -- but unfortunately for Ashley, it spiraled into full-blown critical septic shock. She added she was improving "despite what we had initially been told" ... sounds like doctors thought this was gonna be a whole heck of a lot worse.


She also divulged she was forced to go to three different hospitals and spent a full week in the ICU ... and thanked Forman for being by her side through all of the scary moments -- seemingly confirming their romance by saying she loved him "More than I can ever say."

'EIP's leading lady Lily Collins wished her well, commenting on the post, "I can hardly look at these without crying. I love you sister and I’m forever grateful you’re on the other side" ... she added she couldn't wait to give Park and Forman big hugs when she saw them.

Park's no stranger to hospitals ... she beat leukemia when she was just a teenager -- but still a scary few weeks for the star whose career is taking off like a rocket!

On top of 'Emily,' Ashley starred in the most recent season of "Only Murders in the Building" ... and fans can catch her in theaters teaching French to Regina George and her cronies in "Mean Girls."

So glad you're OK Ashley ... and we hope to see you in Paris soon!!!

Ashley Park Hospitalizada por un shock séptico Agradecida y en vías de recuperación

Ashley Park está agradecida por su buena salud y reveló que fue enviada al hospital mientras estaba de vacaciones por una infección que afectó a varios de sus órganos.

La actriz y músico compartió unas fotos en Instagram el viernes donde aparece acostada en un hospital, con el coprotagonista de "Emily in Paris" y rumoreado novio Paul Forman, a su lado.

En el comentario escribió que tuvo una amigdalitis alrededor de Año Nuevo, una dolencia relativamente rutinaria de tratar, pero que por desgracia para Ashley, se convirtió en un shock séptico crítico en toda regla. Añadió que estaba mejorando "a pesar de lo que nos habían dicho inicialmente". Suena como que los médicos pensaban que esto iba a ser una pesadilla mucho peor.

De buen humor

También divulgó que se vio obligada a ir a tres hospitales diferentes y que pasó una semana completa en la UCI y agradeció a Forman por estar a su lado en los momentos de mayor miedo, aparentemente confirmando su romance diciendo que lo ama "más de lo que puede decir".

La protagonista de "Emily in Paris", Lily Collins, le deseó lo mejor. En el post comentó: "Apenas puedo mirar esto sin llorar. Te quiero hermana y estoy eternamente agradecida de que estés del otro lado". Añadió que no puede esperar a darles un gran abrazo a ambos cuando los vea.

Park no es ajena a los hospitales. Venció la leucemia cuando era solo una adolescente, pero aún así, son unas semanas de miedo para la estrella cuya, carrera está despegando como un cohete.

Además de "Emily in Paris", Ashley protagonizó la temporada más reciente de "Only Murders in the Building" y los fans pueden verla en los cines enseñando francés a Regina George y sus compinches en "Mean Girls".

Nos alegramos mucho de que estés bien Ashley, ¡¡¡y esperamos verte pronto en París!!!

Snoop Dogg OnlyFans Says My 🍆's Worth $100M ... But Wife's Not Goin' For It!!!

Snoop Dogg says OnlyFans recently came a-knockin' with a nutso $100 million offer to show off the family jewels, but his wife's not ready to share his beans or frank with the public ... not even for 9 figures!!!


The legendary rap star has been married for 27 years and told his pal Slink Johnson on his "Wake & Bake With Double S Express" podcast that OF had one simple request -- "pull that thang out" and the $100 million would be all his!!!

Snoop Dogg reminded Slink that his wife Shante Broadus, who also doubles as his manager, was Black BLACK ... and no amount of money would green-light his sexual eruption online.

Still, $100 million's a ton of pretty pennies and Slink seemed determined to figure out some kinda work-around for Snoop to make the big reveal and get the dough.


But, as of now, Snoop -- and Shante -- are clear ... you won't be seeing deez!