Matthew Stafford's Wife Shares Vid Of Lions Fans Booing Her ... 'Own It'

been booed

Kelly Stafford believes she has proof to back her claim that Lions fans were hostile toward her family during the Rams' playoff game against the Lions ... sharing a video of folks directing boos her way.

As we previously reported, Matthew Stafford's wife accused the Detroit fanbase of targeting her young children at last weekend's Wild Card matchup ... saying they crossed the line by sending jeers their way.

But Stafford is seemingly walking back a bit on her original claim ... admitting fans were actually going after her, but the kiddos didn't know the difference.

"I didn't know if I should post this video or not because I truly don't wanna dwell on what happened," Kelly captioned a social media clip of her appearance at the game.

"This was our experience on the field. I know you are booing me, but my kids don't know the difference even if I try to explain it to them."

Earlier this week, Kelly stated she understood why Detroit fans would turn on their family despite 12 years with the organization ... saying it's all part of sports, but anything involving her kids is no longer "fair game."

Kelly alluded to Lions supporters not believing her side of the story ... 'cause she also sent a message to those doubting her experience.

"The whole scenario is hard to accept, but not as hard as the questioning of my integrity," she added.

"It happened, own it, and let's move on."

Hugh Hefner Widow Says She Was 'Brainwashed'

Hugh Hefner's legacy is getting reexamined years after his death -- part of which has to do with what his widow now says about their marriage ... calling it toxic and backwards.

Crystal Hefner -- who was Hugh's 3rd and final wife, and who was still married to him when he died in 2017 -- is coming out with a new memoir soon ... and in it, she kinda trashes her late husband, not to mention the culture she says was cultivated in his Playboy world.

The book's called "Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself" -- and the title, she says, is based on what she claims HH asked to say about him when he was gone.

While Crystal did do that in the immediate aftermath of his passing, she's now singing a different tune -- looking back at their relationship with "regret and disgust" ... as the NYT put it in a new profile. As for why she's flip-flopping, Crystal suggests she was under a spell.

She says, "At the time I must’ve been brainwashed or something." There are a lot of allegations she's floating about how Hugh -- including claims that he was strict about her appearance/weight, not to mention making sure she kept to a curfew he'd set for her.

Crystal even suggests she was somewhat trapped at the Playboy Mansion -- saying she was able to "escape" one time by telling a guard she had to go buy tampons ... but then returned on her own volition because she says she had Stockholm syndrome at the time.

BTW, she isn't the first Playboy model to speak out against Hugh and the company -- in recent years, others have come forward with similar claims ... including Kendra Wilkinson, who just recently revealed she was seriously traumatized from her time with Playboy/Hugh.

Of course, Hugh isn't here to defend himself ... and Playboy itself has acknowledged the allegations against its founder as well, calling the claims against him "abhorrent."

Hugh Hefner Su viuda dice que le 'lavaron el cerebro'

El legado de Hugh Hefner está siendo reexaminado años después de su muerte, en parte por lo que su viuda está diciendo de su matrimonio ahora, llamándolo tóxico.

Crystal Hefner, que fue la tercera y última esposa de Hugh y que todavía estaba casada con él cuando murió en 2017, va a lanzar un nuevo libro de memorias pronto y en él, está destrozando a su difunto marido y la cultura que se cultivó en su mundo Playboy.

El libro se titula "Only Say Good Things: Surviving Playboy and Finding Myself" y el título se debe a lo que Hugh le pidió que dijera sobre él cuando ya no estaba.

Aunque Crystal hizo eso tras su muerte, ahora está en una sintonía completamente diferente, mirando su relación hacia atrás con "arrepentimiento y disgusto", como lo describe el NYT en un nuevo perfil. En cuanto a por qué cambió, Crystal sugiere que estaba bajo un hechizo.

Ella dice: "En ese momento me debieron lavar el cerebro o algo así". Hay un montón de acusaciones que ella está lanzando sobre Hugh, incluyendo afirmaciones de que era estricto sobre su apariencia y su peso y que tenía fijado un toque de queda para ella.

Crystal incluso sugiere que estaba algo atrapada en la Mansión Playboy, diciendo que fue capaz de "escapar" una vez diciéndole a un guardia que tenía que ir a comprar tampones. Pero luego regresó por su propia voluntad, porque, dice, tenía el síndrome de Estocolmo.

Por cierto, ella no es la primera modelo de Playboy que habla en contra de Hugh y la empresa. En los últimos años, otros se han presentado con afirmaciones similares, incluyendo Kendra Wilkinson, quien reveló recientemente que estaba gravemente traumatizada por su tiempo en Playboy y Hugh.

Por supuesto, Hugh no está aquí para defenderse y la propia Playboy ha reconocido las acusaciones contra su fundador también, calificando las afirmaciones en su contra de "aborrecibles".

NeNe Leakes dice que Kim Zolciak lucha contra el divorcio Y le desea felicidad

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A pesar de sus diferencias a lo largo de los años, NeNe Leakes está dejando que su ex compañera de 'RHOA' Kim Zolciak sepa que tiene una amiga, especialmente durante su divorcio.

Encontramos a NeNe en LAX esta semana y ella nos reveló que ella y Kim se encontraron no hace mucho tiempo, señalando que Kim mencionó brevemente que estaba teniendo un momento difícil en lo que respecta a su separación con Kroy Biermann.

Échale un vistazo... NeNe dice que las cosas entre ellas dos están bien. Es bueno saberlo, teniendo en cuenta lo mucho que discutieron en el pasado.

NeNe dice que le desea felicidad a Kim porque nadie quiere ver una ruptura familiar, especialmente cuando hay niños de por medio.

Ya sea que elijan estar juntos o separados, Nene dice que espera que Kim y Kroy puedan llegar a un acuerdo amistoso, porque su felicidad y la paz son lo más importante.

Aparte de eso, NeNe se deshace en elogios sobre la figura de Kim, diciéndonos que se veía muy bien. El poder femenino es bienvenido después de años de animosidad entre ellas.

En todo caso, Kim probablemente está más orientada al distanciamiento de su marido en lugar de reconstruir su amistad con NeNe por ahora.

Kim y Kroy han estado en la boca del otro durante meses y nosotros publicamos la historia... la policía tuvo que ir su casa en Noviembre después de una pelea desagradable entre ellos y las imágenes capturadas por la cámara muestran a Kroy culpando a Kim por sus problemas financieros, mientras que también la acusa de acostarse con otros hombres".

Siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo en su mansión de Georgia, la cual están tratando desesperadamente de vender, aunque han tenido que rebajar el precio un par de veces porque no ha habido interesados serios.

Mientras tanto, están tratando de llegar a fin de mes mediante la venta de sus bolsos de diseño y zapatos. En cuanto a NeNe... simplemente les envía sus mejores deseos a los dos.


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Despite their differences over the years, NeNe Leakes is letting her former 'RHOA' costar Kim Zolciak know she's got a friend in her -- especially during her divorce.

We got NeNe at LAX this week ... and she revealed to us that she and Kim ran into each other not that long ago -- noting KZ briefly mentioned she was having a hard time lately as it pertains to uncoupling with Kroy Biermann.

Check it out ... NNL says didn't elaborate on the statement .... and they kept the rest of their catch-up positive. Good to hear, considering how much they've beefed in the past.

NeNe says she wishes Kim nothing but happiness cause nobody ever wants to see a family break up ... especially when kids are involved.

Whether they choose to be together or apart, Nene says she hopes K&K can come to an amicable agreement ... cause their happiness and peace are most important.

Other than that, Nene gushes over Kim's tiny figure ... telling us she looked great -- the girl power much-welcomed after years of animosity between them.

But Kim's focus is probably geared toward her estrangement from her husband, Kroy ... rather than rebuilding her friendship with NeNe for now.

KZ & KB have been at each other's throats for months -- we broke the story ... police were called to their home in Nov following a nasty fight between them and body cam footage shows Kroy blaming Kim for their financial struggles while also accusing her of "f***ing other men."

They're still living under the same roof at their Georgia mansion ... which they're desperately trying to sell ... though they've had to slash the price a few times cause there's been no serious takers.

In the meantime, they're trying to make ends meet by selling off their designer handbags and shoes. As far as NeNe goes though ... she's sending her best to the both of them.

Giddey sigue bajo la lupa de la NBA después de que la policía le pusiera fin A la investigación sobre menores

Josh Giddey todavía está bajo el microscopio de su empleador, la investigación de la NBA respecto a si tuvo una relación inapropiada con un menor de edad sigue en curso, TMZ Sports ha indagado.

Las fuentes nos dicen que nada ha cambiado en lo que respecta a la Asociación a pesar de que la policía recientemente diera por finalizada la investigación sobre el jugador de 21 años de los Oklahoma City Thunder.

Como informamos anteriormente, el caso Giddey terminó después de que los funcionarios no encontraron pruebas suficientes, ya que la menor y su familia se negaron a hablar con los funcionarios.

"Después de un examen minucioso y exhaustivo, hemos completado nuestra investigación sobre la información que circulaba en las redes sociales que involucra a Josh Giddey", dijo la policía de Newport Beach en un comunicado.

"Nuestros detectives han revisado toda la información disponible y no pudieron corroborar ninguna actividad criminal relacionada con el señor Giddey".

Adam Silver dijo en diciembre que la liga estaría pendiente mientras la policía llevaba a cabo su investigación. Suena como que la NBA se está involucrando una vez más.

Giddey no ha hablado sobre el escándalo y se ha mantenido activo para los Thunder a lo largo de ambas investigaciones.

De hecho, se le preguntó sobre el caso el jueves por la mañana y se negó a comentar una vez más.

Jake Ferguson Cowboys Star Gets Cavinder Shout-Out ... Happy B-Day 'Oldhead!'

An embarrassing playoff loss suddenly got easier to swallow for Dallas Cowboys star Jake Ferguson ... 'cause he just received an adorable birthday shout-out from his smokin' hot GF, Haley Cavinder!!

One half of the famous Cavinder twins dropped the happy b-day wishes to the tight end on her Instagram page Thursday morning ... sharing a collage of pics of her snuggled up with her man to celebrate his 25th trip around the sun.

"Ocho siete day," she wrote with a party emoji. "Twentyyyy five oldhead!"

Ferguson, of course, could use the TLC from Cavinder ... after all, while he did ball out against the Packers in a playoff game on Sunday, his Cowboys team got smacked, 48-32.

Cavinder, meanwhile, seems to have no problem sharing her love for the football player ... after they took their relationship public a few months ago, she's been nothing but a loyal GF.

The 23-year-old TCU women's basketball player -- who's sitting out this season after transferring from Miami -- was at most of his games .... rockin' his jersey number loudly and proudly.

Ferguson now has plenty of time to watch the Horned Frogs with Cavinder -- but first, it seems a big birthday bash Thursday is on the agenda!

Josh Giddey Remains Under NBA Review ... After Police End Probe

Josh Giddey might be in the clear legally, but he is still under his employer's microscope -- the NBA's review into claims he had an improper relationship with a minor remains ongoing, TMZ Sports has learned.

Sources tell us nothing has changed as far as the Association is concerned ... despite Newport Beach PD recently closing its investigation without the 21-year-old Oklahoma City Thunder guard being charged.

As we previously reported, the Giddey case ended after officials found no corroborating evidence ... as the minor and her family declined to speak with officials.

"After a thorough and exhaustive examination, we have completed our investigation into information that was circulating on social media involving Josh Giddey," Newport Beach PD said in a statement.

"Our detectives have reviewed all of the available information and were unable to corroborate any criminal activity related to Mr. Giddey."

Adam Silver said in December the league would take a "backseat" while police conducted its investigation ... so with that being over, it sounds like the NBA is grabbing the wheel once again.

Giddey has not spoken on the scandal ... and has remained active for the Thunder throughout both investigations.

In fact, he was asked about the case being closed Thursday morning ... and declined to comment once again.

Jacob Elordi y Olivia Jade siguen saliendo juntos durante los ensayos de "SNL"

Se rumoreaba que Jacob Elordi y Olivia Jade podrían terminar, pero descubrimos que no es el caso luego de ver a la pareja aún sigue unida.

Fuentes directas nos dicen que están cien por ciento seguros de que la pareja es feliz —a pesar de un informe afirmando lo contrario— y lo más importante, nos dicen que están juntos en Nueva York en este momento. Sabemos que Jake tiene que asistir a los ensayos de esta semana antes de su show en "SNL".

Olivia ha sido vista esta semana alrededor del Rockefeller Plaza e incluso nos dicen que Olivia ha sido vista cerca del camerino de Jacob.

Sabemos que Jacob y el equipo de "SNL" están repasando el show del sábado, evidenciado en fotos, videos y detrás de cámaras que están publicando en las redes sociales y suena como que Olivia Jade está ahí con su novio.

La razón por la que la gente asumió que se habían separado —aparte del informe que afirmaba que lo habían hecho— fue porque Olivia parecía haber dejado de seguir a Jacob en Instagram, aunque no está claro si siquiera se seguían.

Jacob y Olivia han estado saliendo durante al menos un par de años y al parecer terminaron en una una ocasión solo para volver a estar juntos poco después.

Las especulaciones sobre su relación podrían radicar en el hecho de que Jacob ha tenido un gran año en su carrera, protagonizando dos películas aclamadas por la crítica y abriéndose camino.

Una vez más, todo esto comenzó justo después de un supuesto "unfollow"... los rumores se dispararon después de eso. Ahora, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Olivia está junto a Jacob en estos momentos y probablemente estarán juntos durante el fin de semana.

Por supuesto, sería una gran noticia si ella o Elordi entran al club de la soltería, ya que pasarían rápidamente a la categoría de "los más cotizados".

Sin embargo, hay que tomárselo con calma, ya que siguen juntos

¡Lo sentimos por los soñadores de siempre!

Jacob Elordi & Olivia Jade Still Dating ... And She's with Him for 'SNL'!!!

Jacob Elordi and Olivia Jade have been rumored to be on the outs -- but we know that's simply not the case ... 'cause the couple's hanging out as he gets ready for a big show.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us JE and OJ are most certainly not broken up -- despite a report claiming otherwise -- and more importantly ... we're told they're literally together in NYC right now, this as Jake goes through rehearsals this week ahead of his 'SNL' gig.

Per production sources ... Olivia has been seen this week in and around 30 Rockefeller Plaza, and we're even told Olivia's been spotted near Jacob's dressing room.

We know Jacob and the 'SNL' team are running through what they're going to put on Saturday -- evidenced in photos, videos and behind-the-scenes clips they're posting on social media -- and it sounds like Olivia Jade is in the mix back there as well with her BF.

The reason folks assumed they'd split -- aside from the report claiming they had -- was because Olivia appeared to have unfollowed Jacob on Instagram ... but TBH, it's unclear if they were even following each other, to begin with.

Jacob and Olivia have been dating for at least a few years now -- and while they did reportedly break up once before ... they ended up getting back together, and we're hearing they continue to be an item right now.

Part of the reason, perhaps, that people are speculating about their status might lie in the fact that Jacob has had a huge year in his career -- starring in two critically acclaimed films ... and paving a path for himself as a bona fide A-lister, outside of his "Euphoria" run.

Again, this all started with people seeing an alleged "unfollow" and the rumors kicked into high gear after that. From what our sources are telling us though ... Olivia's right by Jacob's side as we speak, and she'll probably be hanging around through the weekend as well.

Of course, it'd be big news if either she or Elordi were single ... they're both smoking hot and would be one of the bigger eligible bachelors/bachelorettes on the young Hollywood market.

For the time being, though ... people oughta hold their horses, 'cause they're still on.

Sorry to all the thirsty dreamers out there!

Jane Seymour Cuenta detalles de su vida sexual a los 72 años 'Es mejor que nunca'

Jane Seymour está follando a los 72 años y teniendo el mejor sexo de su vida con su novio, John Zambetti y echando por tierra las suposiciones de que la posibilidad de echarse un polvo se acaba después de cierta edad.

La ex chica Bond dice que las cosas entre las sábanas son más apasionadas de lo que puede recordar porque ahora se basan en la confianza, el amor y la experiencia, a diferencia de tener relaciones primero y luego conocer a la persona, la forma en que las generaciones más jóvenes lo hacen, según ella.

En un ensayo sex-positive para Cosmopolitan, Jane dice que tener relaciones no tiene por qué terminar a los 60, porque al final del día, "todo el mundo está buscando algo que ponga la sangre en ciertas áreas".

Jane entiende su cuerpo ahora y puede conectar sexualmente con su pareja de 73 años sobre sus alegrías, tristezas, pasiones mutuas y deseos.

Jane bromea diciendo que una de las ventajas de tener sexo a una edad avanzada es que no puedes quedarte embarazada, un incentivo que claramente la mantiene ocupada en el dormitorio.

En última instancia, dice que tuvo que estar soltera después de sus 4 matrimonios fallidos para aprender que no tiene que "desaparecer para que el sexo y el romance calcen".

¡Es bueno saber que el sexo está vivo en la tercera edad y Jane lo está liderando!

JANE SEYMOUR GETS DEEP ABOUT SEX LIFE AT 72 ... It's Better Than Ever Now!!!

Jane Seymour is bangin' away at 72 ... having the best sex of her life with her BF, John Zambetti -- and blasting assumptions that getting laid ends after a certain age.

The former Bond Girl says things between the sheets are more passionate than she can ever remember ... cause it's built on trust, love, and experience now, unlike having sex first and getting to know one someone after, the way younger generations do it, according to her.

In a sex-positive essay for Cosmopolitan, Jane says doing the deed doesn't need to end at 60 ... cause at the end of the day, "everyone's looking for something that puts blood into a certain area."

Jane understands her body now and can sexually connect with her 73-year-old partner over their joy, sadness, mutual passion, and desire.

She jokes a massive bonus to getting it on later in life means you can't get pregnant -- an incentive that's clearly keeping her busy in the bedroom.

Ultimately, Jane says it took being single after all 4 of her failed marriages to learn she doesn't have to "disappear for sex and romance to click."

Good to know that senior sex is alive and well ... and Jane's leading the charge!

Josh Giddey Won't Face Charges ... In Underage Relationship Investigation


1/18 9:35 AM -- The minor's attorney, Gloria Allred, tells TMZ Sports ... "It does not surprise me that law enforcement would close their investigation since our client who is a minor and her parents have chosen not to speak to law enforcement to protect their privacy."

Oklahoma City Thunder guard Josh Giddey will not face charges stemming from a police investigation into whether he had an improper relationship with an underage girl ... TMZ Sports has learned.

Newport Beach PD tells us the case -- which was launched back in November -- is officially closed ... after officials found no corroborating evidence.

In other words, no one involved was willing to talk ... and 21-year-old Giddey is in the clear.

As we previously reported, Giddey was the center of serious allegations made on social media during Thanksgiving weekend ... with photos and videos showing him interacting with a girl believed to be a high school junior at the time.

The NBA looked into the claims at the time ... but once Newport PD got involved, Adam Silver said it would take a "backseat" and let law enforcement do its thing.

Our sources told us at the time that the minor and her family were unwilling to cooperate with investigators ... which was a major roadblock in the process. We were also told the minor even lawyered up with prominent attorney Gloria Allred.

Giddey -- who has not publicly addressed the allegations -- has continued to play for the Thunder throughout the probe ... and has faced jeers from opposing fans on numerous occasions.

Originally Published -- 1/17 2:10 PM PT

Anderson .Paak se relaja en México con la cantante Sterre días después de pedir el divorcio

Anderson .Paak no pierde el tiempo... solo unos días después de terminar oficialmente su matrimonio, se le vio México con una nueva pareja caminando en la playa.

El escriba de Silk Sonic fue visto en Puerto Vallarta el domingo con la cantante holandesa Sterre Marith Tapilatu, y claramente son pareja... tomados de la mano durante un romántico paseo al atardecer.

El impresionante paisaje hace que parezca que están en un video musical de uno de sus clásicos de R & B "Leave the Door Open".

No está claro cuándo se conocieron, pero su salida pública como pareja se produjo pocos días después de que el ganador del Grammy presentara la demanda para poner fin a su matrimonio de 13 años con la cantante Jae Lin.

TMZ publicó la historia, en los documentos de divorcio, Anderson está buscando la custodia compartida de los dos hijos que él y Jae Lin tienen juntos y quiere dividir sus bienes por igual.

Anderson no estaá de vacaciones demasiado tiempo, sin embargo - su Apple Music 1 podcast "Paak House Radio" acaba de lanzar su segunda temporada y parece que podría tener algo más que música para discutir...

Anderson .Paak Jets to Mexican Beach With Dutch Singer Amid Divorce Filing

Anderson .Paak's wasting no time getting back in the dating game ... days after officially pulling the plug on his marriage, he's hitting the beach in Mexico with a new songbird.

The Silk Sonic scribe was spotted in Puerto Vallarta Sunday with Dutch singer Sterre Marith Tapilatu, and they're clearly a couple ... holding hands during a romantic walk at sunset.

The breathtaking scenery makes it seem as if they're in a music video for one of his R&B classics -- cue up "Leave the Door Open."

It's unclear when AP and Sterre first got together, but their public coming out as a couple happened just days after the Grammy winner filed to end his 13-year marriage to singer Jae Lin.

TMZ broke the story, in his divorce docs, Anderson is seeking joint custody of the 2 kids he and Jae Lin have together, and wants to divvy up their assets equally.

AP won't be schmoozing on vacay too long, though -- his Apple Music 1 podcast "Paak House Radio" just launched its 2nd season. Seems like he might have more than music to discuss ... if he chooses.

YG & Saweetie Back To The Streets We Go!!! ... Breakup Is Amicable

YG and Saweetie's relationship won’t have a 2024 encore … the couple reportedly called things quits --  without a hitch.

Sources close to both artists tell The Shade Room the decision to end their roughly 7-month romance came on a mutual decision -- they both think they’re better off as friends.

The West Coast rappers confirmed their union last May amid a steamy Mexican vacation and continued to step out together -- and also collaborate, as they did for Saweetie's "Birthday" single during her birthday month.

Don’t expect to see them bounce out with someone new … they’re both said to be busy with their careers going forward.

Looks like it was fun while it lasted!!!