Anderson .Paak Files to Divorce Wife Jae Lin ... Wants to Share Custody

Anderson .Paak is getting divorced -- ending a lengthy and very private marriage that seems to have fallen apart very suddenly ... TMZ has learned.

The singer just filed legal docs asking for a dissolution of marriage from his wife, Jae Lin ... to whom he's been hitched for a long time. In fact, contrary to the year the public seems to have thought they tied the knot (2011) ... AP cites 2010 as the year they got married.

Now, as far as their separation date ... it doesn't sound like Anderson even knows when that was -- 'cause he leaves it blank here in the paperwork, and simply writes "TBD."

Still, he makes no bones about the fact that he wants a straight-up divorce -- as opposed to a legal separation -- and goes on to list their two minor children as individuals they'll need to hash out custody over ... and right off the bat, he seems willing to share parenting duties.

Anderson notes in his filing that he wants himself and Jae to have joint legal and physical custody of their kids ... with a visitation schedule for both of them. In terms of divvying up their assets/property ... AP says he and his legal team still need to ascertain who owns what.

Like we said, they've been a couple for a while now -- and Anderson's pretty low-key about his private life ... even though, professionally, he's been skyrocketing over the past few years.

There's been no indication that we can see there was trouble on the horizon, but clearly ... some issues were brewing behind the scenes.

Tom Holland Denies Zendaya Breakup Rumors As She's Out With Brother

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"absolutely not"

Tom Holland is speaking up about all the speculation he and Zendaya are dunzo, and he's saying it simply isn't true ... issuing an outright denial to the notion they've split.

The 'Spider-Man' star was out and about Friday in L.A., walking through an alley with a pal as they made their way to Tom's parked car ... and a photog was waiting to chat him up about all the breakup buzz..

Dude tried congratulating TH on a new 'Back to the Future' gig -- which isn't real, BTW -- but then finally asked the obvious question ... are y'all broken up or not? Tom says "No, absolutely not." He doesn't elaborate further, but that's about as clear as he can be on this issue.

Of course, this all comes on the heels of what a lot of people took as red flags in the past couple weeks -- including Zendaya unfollowing everyone (Tom as well) ... not to mention the fact Tom and Zendaya haven't been photographed together in public in literally months.


Meanwhile, Zendaya herself was also out and about Friday -- we got video of her cruising around Culver City with her brother, Austin.

Unclear if they ended up buying anything, but as you can see ... they were pretty chipper on the way out as they headed back to their car, with Zen once again in the driver's seat.

Remember, Zendaya and Austin were photographed Wednesday as well -- driving around town and doing their own things ... solo. It is allowed when you're dating, but for what it's worth she was driving with her brother, and Tom was mobbin' around WeHo that night.

Fast-forward a few days, and they're still not together, but now ... Tom's saying they continue to be a couple.

Frankly, there's no smoking gun on them splitting up, anyway -- in fact, we'd been told by people with direct knowledge the duo spent NYE together. The fact they haven't been hanging out together in public these past couple weeks doesn't necessarily mean they're done.


It just means they've got individual lives -- plus, Zendaya and Tom are notoriously private as it is ... so this might just be par for the course.

Anyway, fans of Zom (or Tondaya, as we're dubbing them) gotta be happy to hear this. Your fave Gen-Z couple's going strong, according to Tom.

Tom Holland Niega los rumores de ruptura con Zendaya Mientras ella sale con su hermano...

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"Definitivamente no"

Tom Holland está hablando sobre los rumores de que él y Zendaya han terminado, y está diciendo que simplemente no es cierto y negando rotundamente de que hayan roto.

La estrella de "Spider-Man" andaba paseando por Los Ángeles el viernes, caminando por un callejón con un amigo mientras se dirigían al carro aparcado de Tom y un fotógrafo estaba esperando para hablar con él sobre todas estas especulaciones.

El tipo trató de felicitar a Tom por su nueva actuación en "Regreso al Futuro", -que no es real, por cierto- pero al final le hizo la pregunta obvia, ¿terminaron o no? Tom dice: "No, en absoluto". No da más detalles, pero es lo más claro que se puede ser en este tema.

Por supuesto, todo esto viene después de que mucha gente advirtiera malas señales en las últimas semanas, incluyendo el hecho de que Zendaya dejó de seguir a todo el mundo, incluyendo a Tom. Eso, por no mencionar que Tom y Zendaya no han sido fotografiados juntos en público en literalmente meses.

Paseo de hermanos

Mientras tanto, la propia Zendaya también andaba fuera el viernes. Tenemos un video de ella paseando por Culver City con su hermano, Austin.

No está claro si terminaron comprando algo, pero como se puede ver, estaban bastante contentos de regreso a su carro, con Zen, una vez más en el asiento del conductor.

Recordemos que Zendaya y Austin fueron fotografiados el miércoles también, conduciendo por la ciudad y haciendo sus propias cosas en solitario. Se permite cuando estás saliendo con alguien, pero si vemos lo que realmente importa, ella estaba conduciendo con su hermano y Tom estaba cerca de West Hollywood esa noche.

Avancemos algunos días y ellos todavía no están juntos, pero ahora ... Tom está diciendo que siguen siendo una pareja.

Francamente, no hay ningún indicio de que han terminado, de hecho, personas con conocimiento directo nos han dicho que el dúo pasó la noche de fin de año juntos. El hecho de que no hayan sido vistos en público no significa necesariamente que rompieron.

Solo significa que tienen vidas individuales. Además, Zendaya y Tom son notoriamente privados, por lo que esto podría ser solo lo normal.

De todos modos, los fans de Zom (o Tondaya, como los estamos apodando) tienen que estar felices de escuchar esto. Su pareja favorita de la Gen Z sigue viento en popa, según Tom.

Sam Asghari Postea una foto con Brad Pitt ... ¿trolea a Britney Spears?

Sam Asghari posó junto a nada más ni nada menos que Brad Pitt esta semana y la foto podría ser una indirecta a su ex Britney Spears, que históricamente ha estado encaprichada con la mega estrella de la lista A.

Sam publicó algunas fotos suyas junto a Brad Pitt en la exposición de arte del director de "Moneyball", Bennett Miller, en Beverly Hills el jueves por la noche, afirmando que obtuvo "un montón de buenos consejos sobre el cuidado de la piel del mismo hombre". La foto muestra a un Sam muy brillante, junto a un prístino Brad.

Por cierto, la galería de Bennett combina la inteligencia artificial con la historia de la fotografía y trabaja con un generador de imágenes DALL-E para hacer sus piezas. La razón por la que esto es importante es porque algunos han levantado una ceja de sospecha... preguntándose si realmente era el verdadero McCoy.

Algunas personas han dicho que la foto de Sam y Brad parece un poco retocada. No está claro si ese es el caso, pero definitivamente ese es el verdadero Brad Pitt. Hay otras fotos suyas circulando por Internet en este momento. Así que Sam no está aprovechándose.

Ahora, sobre el tema de Britney, ella ha admitido que Brad fue su primer amor con una celebridad y ha estado un poco obsesionada con él durante décadas, francamente, ¿quién no?

Cuando Sam y Britney se comprometieron en 2022, Sam se tropezó con una foto sin camisa de Brad en "Thelma & Louise" y enmarcada en su casa, a lo que Britney respondió: "The one and only". Él se lo tomó con humor y ha hecho bromas sobre Brad en línea también.

10 veces mejor que ese tipo!!!

Brit también publicó -y luego borró- una foto de Brad Pitt joven en su Instagram el año pasado y dijo que lo hizo "porque se parece mucho a su tío". Interpreten eso como quieran. El caso es que... parece que Sam tuvo la oportunidad de conocer al hombre y la aprovechó.

Teniendo en cuenta que sabe mucho del amor de Britney por Brad, hay que preguntarse si estaba muy ansioso por publicar estas fotos, tal vez para restregárselo en la cara un poco después del divorcio. Quién sabe.

De todos modos, Brad todavía se ve muy bien, así que les dejamos una pequeña galería del hombre para disfrutar de sus formas de ensueño.

Que lo disfruten.

Sam Asghari Posts Picture With Brad Pitt ... Trolling 'Obsessed' Britney Spears?

Sam Asghari posed alongside none other than Brad Pitt this week -- and the snap could be a dig at his ex, Britney Spears ... who's historically been infatuated with the mega A-lister.

Sam posted some pics of himself and BP at "Moneyball" director Bennett Miller's art exhibit in Beverly Hills Thursday night -- claiming he got "a lot of great skin care tips with the man himself." The photo itself features a very glossy-looking Sam, next to a pristine Brad.

BTW, Bennett's gallery combines AI with the history of photography, working with a DALL•E image generator to make his exhibit pieces -- and the reason that's relevant is because some have raised an eyebrow on this photo ... wondering if it's actually the real McCoy.

Some folks have pointed out the fact that the snap of Sam and Brad looks a little touched up -- unclear if that's the case, but this is definitely the real BP ... other photos of him there are circulating online right now. So Sam isn't pulling a fast one.

Sam's rep, Brandon Cohen of BAC Talent, tells TMZ ... Sam was honored to be in the room of great talent and artists to support Bennett Miller. Sources at the event tell us Sam and Brad bonded over the acting business.


Now, on the subject of Britney ... she's admitted in the past that Brad was her first celebrity crush ... and has been a bit obsessed with him for decades -- frankly, who hasn't, right?

When Sam and Britney were engaged back in 2022, Sam stumbled upon a framed, shirtless pic of Brad in "Thelma & Louise" inside their home ... to which Britney responded, "The one and only." He kinda poked fun at her about ... and he's made jokes about Brad online too.


Brit also posted -- then deleted -- a photo of young Brad Pitt on her Instagram last year, and said she shared it "because he looks so much like my uncle" ... so take that for what you will. The point is ... it looks like Sam got his opportunity to meet the dude and he took it.

Considering he very much knows about Britney's love for Brad ... you gotta wonder if he was extra eager to post these pics -- perhaps to rub it in her face a bit post-divorce. Who knows!

Anyway, Brad still looks great ... so here's a little look back at the guy and his dreamy ways.

Enjoy, y'all.

Jason Sudeikis De fiesta con Elsie Hewitt... Se ven muy cariñosos

Jason Sudeikis se ha visto como un verdadero soltero últimamente, aunque en una noche en Hollywood esta semana parecía estar muy cariñoso con un potencial nuevo romance.

La estrella de "Ted Lasso" fue al popular Bird Streets Club en West Hollywood el jueves por la noche con la actriz Elsie Hewitt, donde le dio un pequeño abrazo que ella le correspondió. Elsie también agarró su brazo de una manera un tanto tierna y entraron juntos.

Rápida entrada

No más de expresiones de afecto que las que se ve en las fotos, pero sin duda parece indicar que son amigos y tal vez algo más. Después de todo, ambos están solteros.

Jason Sudeikis supuestamente se separó de la coprotagonista de "Ted Lasso", Keeley Hazell, hace un par de años. Esto, por supuesto, solo un poco después de la ruptura con su novia desde hace mucho tiempo y madre de su bebé, Olivia Wilde, lo que fue ampliamente cubierto. Ahora está aquí conversando con Elsie, pero es difícil saber lo que significa.

Si, de hecho, están saliendo --algo de lo que no estamos seguros en este momento-- sería una tendencia interesante para Jason en lo que se refiere a la edad. Ella tiene 27 años, Keeley; 37, mientras que Olivia tiene 39 años.

Se siente como que podría estar yendo con chicas un poco más jóvenes como sus parejas.

Aunque Jason y Olivia claramente han superado su separación, siguen llevando bastante bien el cuidado de sus hijos. Constantemente se los ve juntos con sus 2 hijos.

De todos modos, en cuanto a Elsie... Ella es una sin duda un buen partido, vamos a darle eso. También es una de esas jóvenes estrellas en ascenso en la industria, con papeles en "Dave" y otros programas y películas.

Una última cosa. Elsie estaba saliendo recientemente con Benny Blanco, que obviamente está con Selena Gomez ahora. Así que, como hemos dicho, ella parece estar disponible y Jason también.

Contactamos a su equipo para que hicieran comentarios. Hasta ahora, no hay nada oficial de vuelta.

Jason Sudeikis Hanging Out with Elsie Hewitt ... Looking Real Cozy!!!

Jason Sudeikis has been looking like a real single fella lately -- and during a night out in Hollywood this week ... he looked to be getting cozy with a potential new flame.

The 'Ted Lasso' star hit up the popular Bird Streets Club in WeHo Thursday night -- where he linked up with actress Elsie Hewitt ... giving her a nice little hug, and her reciprocating. She also grabbed his arm in a somewhat tender way ... and they went inside together.


There isn't much more PDA here beyond what you see in the pics -- but they certainly seem to indicate the two of them are friendly ... and perhaps more. They are, after all, both single.

JS reportedly split with 'Lasso' costar Keeley Hazell a couple years back -- this, of course, on the heels of his ugly breakup with longtime girlfriend/baby mama Olivia Wilde ... which was widely covered. Now, here he is chatting it up with Elsie -- but it's hard to tell what this is.

If they are, in fact, dating -- which we're just not sure of at this point -- it'd be an interesting trend for Jason in the age department. She's 27, and Keeley is 37 ... whereas Olivia's 39.

On its face, it feels like he might be going a little younger with his pool of potential partners.

While Jason and Olivia have both clearly moved on since splitting up -- they continue to co-parent pretty well ... they're constantly seen getting together with their 2 kids in tow.

Anyway, as for Elsie here ... she sure is a hot ticket, we'll give her that. And, she's also one of these young rising stars in the biz -- with roles on 'Dave' and other shows/movies.

One last thing of note ... Elsie was recently dating Benny Blanco, who's obviously now with Selena Gomez. So, like we said ... she appears to be available and ditto for Jason.

We've reached out to his camp for comment ... so far, no official word back.

Ariana Grande's New Single Why Do You Care Who I Bang??? Talks Love Life in 'Yes, And?'

Ariana Grande has been the focus of a lot of gossip as it pertains to her romantic relationships lately -- something she tackles head on in her new single ... in raunchy terms.

The pop star dropped her new single, 'Yes, And?,' Friday ... and it's stirring up buzz for many reasons -- but one of the biggest takeaways fans are noticing right away is the fact that she addresses all the scrutiny over her split with Dalton Gomez/hookup with Ethan Slater.

The lyrics kinda speak for themselves here ... AG sings this during the bridge, "My face is sitting, I don't need no disguise // Don't comment on my body, do not reply // Your business is yours and mine is mine // Why do you care so much whose d**k I ride?"

The chorus is also telling in terms of how she deals with all the noise aimed her way, with her crooning ... "'Yes, and?' // Say that shit with your chest, and // Be your own fuckin' best friend // Say that shit with your chest // Keep moving like, "What's next?'"

Of course, her words here reflect what's been a whirlwind romance for her and her new Broadway boyfriend -- which dovetailed with her divorce to Dalton ... all of which came together somewhat messily last year. Despite that, AG's apparently tuning out the haters.

Now, the track itself is quite solid -- an upbeat dance-friendly, '90s-esque bop ... and it's certainly a good introduction into her solo comeback ahead of her new album dropping.

However, even on the musical front ... there are some heads turning over what some think is a familiar sound here -- namely, the fact that the beat feels very 'Vogue'-coded, if not a rendition of it. As far as we can tell, Ari didn't sample Madonna ... but damn, it is similar.

Anyway, it's just a footnote of analysis of the song -- by and large, everyone is digging it.

It'll be interesting to see if other tracks of hers on this project touch on the Dalton/Ethan drama any further. Ya gotta imagine she'll open up about it more ... she's usually quite honest in her art, and she hasn't shied away from name-dropping exes in old songs either.

Ariana Grande ¡¿Por qué te importa con quién me acuesto?! Habla de su vida amorosa en su nuevo single

Ariana Grande ha sido el centro del cotilleo en lo que respecta a sus últimas relaciones amorosas, algo que la cantante está abordando de frente en su nuevo single... y en términos bastante cachondos.

La estrella del pop lanzó su nuevo single, "Yes, And..." el viernes y está dando que hablar por muchas razones, pero una de las más importantes es que los fans inmediatamente notaron que en la pista se estaba refiriendo a todo el escrutinio sobre su ruptura con Dalton Gomez y su nueva relación con Ethan Slater.

La letra habla por sí sola. Ariana Grande canta: "My face is sitting, I don't need no disguise // Don't comment on my body, do not reply // Your business is yours and mine is mine // Why do you care so much whose d**k I ride?".

El estribillo también es revelador en cuanto a cómo se enfrenta a todo el ruido que recibe, canturreando: "'Yes, and?' // Say that shit with your chest, and // Be your own fuckin' best friend // Say that shit with your chest // Keep moving like, "What's next?'"

Por supuesto, sus palabras aquí reflejan lo que ha sido su turbulento romance con su nuevo novio de Broadway y su divorcio de Dalton, todo lo que ha significado un tiempo un poco desordenado. A pesar de eso, AG aparentemente está haciendo oídos sordos a sus haters.

Ahora, la pista en sí es bastante sólida. Tiene algo del upbeat dance y pop de los 90 y es sin duda una buena introducción de lo que será su regreso con su nuevo álbum

Sin embargo, incluso en el frente musical, hay algunos dudando sobre lo que piensan es un sonido familiar. En otras palabras, que el ritmo se siente muy parecido a Vogue. Por lo que sabemos, Ari no sampleó a Madonna, pero vaya que es parecido.

De todos modos, es solo una nota al pie en el análisis de la canción. En general, a todo el mundo le está gustando mucho.

Será interesante ver si otras canciones de este proyecto tocan el drama de Dalton e Ethan. Tienen que imaginarse que ella se abrirá más al respecto, por lo general es muy sincera en su música y no ha evitado nombrar a sus ex en viejas canciones.

Zendaya y Tom Holland Ella deja de seguirlo, pero pasan juntos el Año Nuevo ... Su estatus bajo la lupa

Zendaya dejando de seguir a todo el mundo, incluyendo a su novio Tom Holland, está despertando rumores de ruptura y aunque no han sido vistos en meses, no saquen demasiadas conclusiones de eso... según lo que hemos averiguado de sus vacaciones.

Como se habrán enterado, la actriz apretó el botón dejar de seguir, literalmente, a todo el mundo en su cuenta de IG la semana pasada, algo que salió de la nada. Zendaya no dio ninguna explicación y lo más alarmante para los fans es que su purga incluyó a Tom.

Tom no está abordando el tema, pero por su parte, él aún está siguiendo a su pareja.

Eso por sí solo no es suficiente evidencia de que hayan terminado, aunque algunos están saltando a esa conclusión. Hay más que tener en cuenta. Hicimos algunas investigaciones y resulta que Tommy y Zen no han sido fotografiados juntos desde justo antes de Halloween.

Sus últimas fotos públicas son del 25 de octubre, cuando estaban haciendo una compra en Los Ángeles con mascarillas puestas. Desde entonces, sin embargo, no ha habido ni rastro de ellos en público.

El miércoles, una semana después de la oleada de unfollows, por fin pudimos verlos de nuevo juntos en Los Ángeles, pero en solitario. Zen fue vista conduciendo por la ciudad durante el día con un amigo en el asiento del pasajero.

Tom, por su parte, salió el miércoles por la noche al Members Club, un lugar elegante en West Hollywood, y parecía andar solo también.

Ahora, si estos dos rompen, sería noticia para algunos en su círculo íntimo. Una fuente con conocimiento directo le dice a TMZ que pasaron juntos la noche de Año Nuevo, lo que demuestra que solo porque no los vemos juntos no significa que hayan terminado.

Por supuesto, es posible que se hayan separado desde entonces, pero si es así ... Nos dicen que no han compartido esa noticia con sus seres queridos.

En cuanto a la masiva jugada de Zendaya en Instagram, es demasiado pronto para decir lo que significa porque es algo que las celebridades a menudo realizan para llamar la atención antes de anunciar un nuevo proyecto.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

Entonces, ¿dónde nos deja esto? No hay pruebas fehacientes de que estén juntos, pero tampoco de que se hayan separado. Algo así como volver al principio.

Nos pusimos en contacto con sus representantes para preguntarles si se separaron... pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Zendaya & Tom Holland Status Scrutinized After Unfollowing ... But, Together On NYE

Zendaya unfollowing everyone -- including her boyfriend Tom Holland -- is stirring breakup rumors, and while they haven't been seen together in months, don't read too much into that ... based on what we've learned about their holiday.

As you might've heard, the actress hit the unfollow button on, quite literally, everybody on her IG account last week, which came outta nowhere. She's offered no explanation, and most alarming to fans is the fact her purge included Tom.

TH isn't addressing it, but on his end, he's still following his significant other.

That alone is hardly a smoking gun they've split -- though some are jumping to that conclusion -- but there's also this ... we did some digging and turns out, Tommy and Zen haven't been photographed together since right before Halloween.

Their last public pics were on October 25, when they were making a grocery run in L.A. and wearing protection -- both were masked up. Since then, however, no sign of them in public.

Fast-forward to Wednesday -- about a week after the unfollow spree -- and we finally saw them out in L.A. again, but solo. Zen was seen driving around town during the day with a pal in the passenger seat.

Tom, meanwhile, was out Wednesday night at Members Club -- a swanky WeHo spot -- and appeared to be rolling solo.

Now, IF these 2 are broken up, it's news to some in their inner circle. One source with direct knowledge tells TMZ the couple spent NYE with each other, which proves just because we don't SEE them together ... it doesn't necessarily mean they're not.


Of course, it's possible they've split since then, but if so ... we're told they haven't shared that news with loved ones.

As for Zendaya's mass unfollow -- too early to tell what that indicates, because that's also a thing celebs often do to grab attention ahead of announcing a new project.


So, where does that leave us? No hard proof they're together, but also no evidence they've split. Kinda right back at the beginning.

We've reached out to both of their reps to ask if they've split ... so far, no word back.

Modelo de OnlyFans Nuevo video muestra violento altercado con su novio... 2 meses antes de matarlo

La modelo de OnlyFans Courtney Clenney tuvo una violenta y explosiva discusión con su novio solo 2 meses antes de apuñalarlo y provocarle la muerte... y TMZ tiene el video nunca antes visto hasta ahora.

Courtney y Christian Obumseli estaban en un viaje de contenido de OnlyFans en Aspen en febrero de 2022, cuando ella se puso furiosa después de que se enterara de que Christian había estado coqueteando con otras mujeres en el viaje.

En el video se la oye arremeter contra él y luego empieza a pegarle y a empujarlo. Fue una escena lo suficientemente impactante como para que otras modelos se detuvieran a mirar.

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Detención sangrienta

El video, que acaba de ser desvelado por los fiscales, es parte del caso de asesinato contra Courtney. El 3 de abril de 2022, la modelo lo apuñaló en su departamento de Miami y los fiscales planean usar el video de Aspen para demostrar que ella era volátil y violenta.

Courtney está alegando defensa propia, pues dice que Christian era violento con ella y el día en que murió tenía miedo de que la matara.

Courtney le dijo a la policía que lanzó el cuchillo contra Christian en defensa propia, pero el médico forense testificó en su audiencia que habría sido casi imposible para alguien que no es experto en lanzar cuchillos, que lo arrojara y diera justo en el cuerpo de alguien.


La defensa no está de acuerdo y realizó un video con un cadáver de cerdo para probar que si es posible darle a una persona al lanzar un cuchillo.

Meses antes del asesinato

La fiscalía también tiene un video de una pelea en un ascensor más o menos de la misma época que la discusión en Aspen, en que Courtney golpea a Christian. Ella dice que le tenía miedo y estaba tratando de sacarlo del ascensor para que no la siguiera hasta su casa.

OnlyFans Model Courtney Clenney New Video Shows Violent Altercation with BF ... 2 Months Before She Killed Him


OnlyFans model Courtney Clenney was in an explosive, physical argument with her boyfriend less than 2 months before she stabbed him to death, and TMZ has the never-before-seen video.

Courtney and Christian Obumseli were at an OnlyFans content trip in Aspen back in February 2022, when she went ballistic after she got wind Christian was flirting with other women on the trip.

You hear her go off on him and then she begins hitting and pushing him. It was enough of a scene that other models stopped in their tracks to watch.

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The video, which was just unsealed by prosecutors, is part of the murder case against Courtney. She stabbed him in their Miami apartment on April 3, 2022, and prosecutors plan to use the Aspen video to show she was volatile and violent.

Courtney is claiming self-defense ... she says Christian was violent toward her and the day he died she was afraid he would kill her.


Courtney told cops she threw the knife at Christian in self-defense, but the Medical Examiner testified at her bond hearing it would have been almost impossible for someone who is not an expert knife thrower to throw and knife that plunged into someone's body.

pig plunge

The defense begs to differ, and has produced a video of a pig carcass where someone throws a knife at it and it does indeed stick.


The prosecution also has a video of a fight in an elevator around the same time as the Aspen fight, where Courtney beats on Christian. She says she feared him and was trying to get him out of the elevator so he did not follow her upstairs to her unit.

Kali Uchis & Don Toliver We Collaborated ... On A Baby!!!

Kali Uchis and Don Toliver are the latest musical couple expecting a bundle of joy -- the R&B stars popped the lid off their baby-making secret with an IG reveal on Thursday.

The soon-to-be parents both shared a heartfelt video that not only chronicled their baby's journey in their womb but also included footage of them both as children.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Kali capped off the vid with a loving message to their newborn ... "Starting our family❤️‍🩹 don’t take too long to get here little pooks, mom & dad can’t wait to share our life with you."

The two began dating in 2020 and are also frequent in-studio collaborators with one another.

Kali also drops her "Orquídeas" album tomorrow ... '24 is looking like a monumental year for them both.

Kali Uchis y Don Toliver Esperan su primer hijo juntos!!!

Kali Uchis y Don Toliver son la última pareja musical que está esperando un bebé. Las estrellas del R&B destaparon el secreto en Instagram el jueves.

Los futuros padres compartieron un emocionante video que no solo muestra el embarazo de Kali, sino que también incluye imágenes de cuando ambos eran niños.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Kali culminó el video con un cariñoso mensaje a su recién nacido: "Empezando nuestra familia ❤️‍🩹 no tardes mucho en llegar pequeño, mamá y papá no pueden esperar para compartir su vida contigo".

Los dos comenzaron a salir en 2020 y también son colaboradores frecuentes en el estudio.

Kali también va a lanzar su álbum "Orquídeas" mañana, por lo que parece que el 2024 será un año monumental para ambos.

Dua Lipa Sexy Slow Dance With Hot Hunk ... At 'Masters of the Air' Party


Paps got Callum Turner on the way out of the party last night, and it looks like a few people caught wind of his and Dua Lipa's dance -- asking him if they were together or not.


The dude breezes right by without saying a thing -- which is interesting. If he wasn't involved with her, you figure he'd just say so straight up ... his silence here is pretty telling.

Dua Lipa appears to have a new love interest -- at least that's what it looks like from this slow dance she shared with this stud ... whose identity might not be all that mysterious.

TMZ has obtained video of the British pop star at an after-party in L.A. Wednesday night -- where a private bash was being held to celebrate the "Masters of the Air" premiere. It's a new limited series on Apple ... and it's got a ton of big stars, including Austin Butler, etc.

011124_dua_lipa-kalV3 1/11/24
new boo?

Unclear why Dua was there -- she doesn't have any official tie to this show as far as we can tell -- but she was front and center at the shindig that was being held at Avra in Bev Hills ... the back entrance which was slightly cracked open, leading to a room where Dua could be seen getting cozy with a dude ... and slow dancing the night away, albeit briefly.

They're only swaying here for a bit -- and at one point ... it even looks like she may have gone in for a kiss, although it's hard to tell for sure. It sure looks romantic, though.

In the clip, you never see the guy's face -- but he's wearing a dark suit ... and word is, this may have been an actor on the 'MOTA' show -- namely, fellow Brit Callum Turner.


He was also obviously at the premiere ... and his suit certainly seems to match up.

Again, this is kinda in the weeds -- but Callum's all-black getup certainly looks like our mystery man here ... especially with the white collar popping out as he and Dua eventually walk back into the party. We should note ... DL is reportedly recently single (again).

She was dating director Romain Gavras last year, but they supposedly split last month.

If that's true, then she certainly would be on the market ... and CT is an eligible bachelor as an up-and-coming actor. Of course, their dancing could also be much ado about nothing ... but it's interesting they're all cuddled up here the way they are.

Anyway, Dua eventually left the party through this same back entrance ... and she was being trailed by another mystery dude -- however, different than the one she was dancing with ... seems to just be a pal of hers. She sure seemed to have fun ... smiling ear to ear.

If there is a new couple alert between Dua and Callum ... it'd be a pretty big deal. She's arguably one of the biggest stars in the world -- especially post-"Barbie" -- and she's landing movie roles too now herself. Time will tell if we see them out together again anytime soon.

Originally Published -- 7:58 AM PT