
Brooke Hogan's nuptials were under wraps for 1 1/2 years ... and just days after we broke the happy news, she's telling us why she waited so long to reveal she's a married woman.

We got Brooke on "TMZ Live" Tuesday ... where she says she delayed announcing her marriage to ice hockey player Steven Oleksy on June 8, 2022, 'cause she was never a big fame person -- despite her family's reality TV background and her music career.

Florida-based Brooke adds it's been easy for them to keep it a secret as they're not parading up and down the streets of Hollywood -- noting if celebs truly wanted to keep things a secret, they could easily take measures to do so.

On a deeper note, Brooke tells us she's been through so much heartbreak in her life ... that she didn't want to let the claws of fame sink their teeth into something that was so untouched and pure.

She says she wanted to ensure she was with the right person and marrying her soulmate.

She says she asked her family and friends to respect their decision to keep it hush-hush -- and they happily obliged.

We broke the news of her marriage first ... with a stunning first-look image of the pair shortly after being pronounced husband and wife.

They met through mutual friends ... and it was just the 2 of them during their wedding ceremony in Orlando, FL. Steven's fam finally celebrated with them during a reception party last month.

Meanwhile, Steven made an appearance at the end of our interview with Brooke ... and the pair couldn't look more in love, even if they tried.

Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift They're The Real Deal!!! ... Chiefs Star's Team Debunks Conspiracies

Take off the tinfoil hats, folks -- Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift's romance is NOT a publicity stunt ... this according to the Kansas City Chiefs superstar's managers, who claim the relationship was never part of their "plan" to make him famous.

Of course, there has been speculation surrounding Tayvis ever since the pop superstar started showing up to Kelce's games earlier this season ... with many questioning if the coupling was actually all for clout.

Andre and Aaron Eanes -- who handle Kelce's business affairs -- did an interview with the New York Times about their client skyrocketing to fame over the past year ... and they say they've always had their sights set on getting the two-time Super Bowl champ bigger than the average athlete.

"People say to me, 'Man, it's been a crazy year,'" Aaron told the outlet. "When I say, 'Actually, it's not that crazy,' people look at me funny. It's because it's easy when you have a plan. We're executing that plan."

Their strategy has led to countless commercials, an expanded business portfolio and a "Saturday Night Live" hosting gig ... but Kelce's team insists dating the biggest musician on the planet wasn't on their 2023 bingo card.

Swift previously told Time her new relationship was the result of Kelce putting her "on blast" for not meeting him before or after her Arrowhead Stadium concert ... and they got to know each shortly after -- becoming a full-on couple, even spending the holidays together.

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Now that Kelce is even more famous for being Swift's boyfriend, his team revealed they're worried people could grow tired of him ... so now they're going to be choosy with his off-field deals moving forward.

Travis Kelce, Taylor Swift ¡¡Son reales!! ... El equipo de la estrella de los Chiefs desmiente las conspiraciones

Ey, amantes de las teorías conspirativas, el romance de Travis Kelce y Taylor Swift NO es un truco publicitario, de acuerdo con los managers de la superestrella de los Kansas City Chiefs, quienes afirman que la relación nunca fue parte de su "plan" para hacerlo famoso.

Por supuesto, ha habido especulaciones en torno a Tayvis desde que la superestrella del pop comenzó a aparecer en los partidos de Kelce a principios de esta temporada. Muchos han cuestionado si su relación es en realidad una estrategia para ganar popularidad.

Andre y Aaron Eanes, encargados de manejar los asuntos de negocios de Kelce, le concedieron una entrevista al New York Times sobre el salto a la fama de su cliente en el último año y dicen que siempre han tenido en la mira que el dos veces campeón del Super Bowl se convierta en algo más grande que el atleta promedio.

"La gente me dice: 'Hombre, ha sido un año de locos'", dijo Aaron. "Cuando digo: 'En realidad, no es tan loco', la gente me mira raro. Es porque es fácil cuando tienes un plan. Estamos ejecutando ese plan".

Su estrategia ha dado lugar a innumerables comerciales, una cartera de negocios ampliada y un concierto como anfitrión de "Saturday Night Live". Pero el equipo de Kelce insiste en que salir con la estrella más grande del planeta nunca estuvo en su plan de 2023.

Swift le dijo anteriormente a Time que su nueva relación fue el resultado de que Kelce la "expusiera públicamente" por no reunirse con él antes o después de su concierto en el Arrowhead Stadium, razón por la que llegaron a conocerse poco después. Desde entonces se han convertido en una pareja de pleno derecho, incluso pasaron las fiestas juntos.

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¿Se lo dijo?

Ahora que Kelce es aún más famoso por ser el novio de Swift, su equipo reveló que están preocupados de que la gente pueda cansarse de él, por lo que desde ahora en adelante van a ser exigentes con sus ofertas fuera del campo de juego.

TRAVIS KELCE Dropping L-Bomb on Taylor on NYE?!? Fans Reading His Lips

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Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are really feeling the love now -- this video of them kissing to ring in the New Year also shows him saying "I love you" to her ... in the view of Swifties, that is.

Fans are certainly convinced he dropped the L-word just as they smooched at midnight. Watch and decide for yourself -- the speculation is it happens in the first few seconds of the clip.

However, we've checked with a few professional lip readers -- some who've testified in high-profile court cases -- and they tell TMZ ... the video is far too blurry to confirm the public declaration of love.

So, we'll never know precisely what sweet nothings the NFL star whispered to the singer while packing on the PDA -- unless they reveal it -- but, it wouldn't be all that weird if they did exchange 'I love yous" ... they've been dating at least 6 months now.

It's also not clear where they rang in the New Year -- but a fellow partygoer shared the clip ... and it looks like others at the bash respectfully left the two to get on with their smoochin'.

The couple was partying somewhere in the Kansas City area Sunday night ... after Travis and the Chiefs played the Bengals.

As we reported, TS arrived at Arrowhead Stadium solo Sunday afternoon to cheer on her beau ... which she's been doing since they went public a few months ago.

Diehard football fans have become increasingly vexed over the attention Taylor commands at games -- but it looks like she's not going anywhere in 2024.

So, there will be plenty of chances for fans to witness an 'I love you" between them in the future ... hopefully with a clearer video!

Travis Kelce ¿Pronuncia la palabra que empieza con A en Año Nuevo? Los fans leen sus labios...

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¿Se lo dijo?

Travis Kelce y Taylor Swift realmente están sintiendo las mariposas en este momento. Este video de ellos besándose para darle la bienvenida al Año Nuevo también demuestra que Travis le dijo "Te amo" a ella, al menos a los ojos de los Swifties.

Los fans están convencidos de que le dijo la palabra que empieza con A justo cuando se estaban besando a medianoche. Mira el video y decide por ti mismo, la especulación en disputa transcurre en los primeros segundos del clip.

Sin embargo, hemos comprobado con algunos lectores de labios profesionales -algunos de ellos han testificado en casos judiciales de alto perfil- y le dicen a TMZ que el video es demasiado borroso como para confirmar la declaración pública de amor.

Por lo tanto, nunca sabremos con exactitud lo que la estrella de la NFL le susurró a la cantante mientras se estaban abrazando, a menos que ellos lo revelen, pero no sería tan extraño que se hayan dicho "Te amo", ya que han estado saliendo por lo menos 6 meses.

Tampoco está claro donde pasaron el Año Nuevo, pero un compañero de fiesta compartió el clip y como otros en la fiesta parece que dejaron que se siguieran besando tranquilos.

La pareja estuvo de fiesta en algún lugar de la zona de Kansas City el domingo por la noche, después de que Travis y los Chiefs se enfrentaran a los Bengals.

Como informamos, Taylor Swift llegó sola al estadio Arrowhead el domingo en la tarde para animar a su novio, algo que ha estado haciendo desde que hicieron pública su relación hace unos meses.

Los fanáticos acérrimos del fútbol americano están cada vez más molestos por la atención que recibe Taylor en los partidos, pero parece que no se irá a ninguna parte en 2024.

Por lo tanto, habrá un montón de oportunidades para que los fans sean testigos de un "Te amo" entre ellos en el futuro, ¡esperemos que con un video más claro!

Cardi B celebra el año nuevo con Offset y niega haber vuelto con él

Cardi B y Offset comenzaron el año nuevo juntos, pero ella dice que eso no significa necesariamente que hayan vuelto como pareja.

La pareja distanciada apareció en 2024 en un club de striptease en Miami, arrojando dinero y bailando y todo está en video.

Cardi dice que la reunión de NYE no significa que se hayan besado, hecho las paces ni mucho menos.

De hecho, Cardi tiene un mensaje para la gente que piensa que ella está de vuelta con Offset: "no estamos juntos... estamos juntos cuando yo lo digo, no cuando tú lo PIENSAS".

Cardi y Offset estuvieron trabajando en Miami, cada uno tenía conciertos en el Fontainebleau Miami Beach, haciendo este encuentro bastante fácil.

navidad con los niños

Cardi y Offset pasaron tiempo juntos en medio de su ruptura y luego ella negó que estuvieran envueltos en un romance, sin embargo, las reuniones se están convirtiendo en algo habitual... sucedió durante la Navidad y una vez más después de que fueron vistos en Nueva York.

señales divididas

Cardi también dijo que dejará la energía tóxica en 2023 y está claro que Offset no entra en esa categoría.


Será interesante ver si Cardi y Offset de hecho arreglan las cosas de nuevo ... manténgase en sintonía.

Cardi B Celebrates NYE With Offset ... Denies They're Back Together


2:51 PM PT -- Cardi B says she and Offset banged on NYE ... but again denies they are back together.

In a social media post, Cardi reveals she had sex with her estranged husband but says they are still working on their issues, going to therapy and aren't officially ending their split.

Cardi B and Offset started off the new year together ... but she says that doesn't necessarily mean they are together again.

The estranged couple rang in 2024 at a strip club in Miami, throwing money around and dancing ... and it's all on video.

But Cardi says the NYE hangout -- which was a group hang -- isn't a sign they've kissed and made up ... far from it.

In fact, Cardi has a message for folks thinking she's back with Offset ... "we not together.. we together when I say so not when you THINK so."

Thing is ... Cardi and Offset were both in Miami for work ... they each had NYE gigs at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach - Offset performed at LIV and Cardi poolside - making this rendezvous pretty easy.


Cardi and Offset spending time together amid their split and then her denying they're back together is quickly becoming a thing ... it happened during Christmas and once again after they were spotted in NYC.


CB also said she's leaving toxic energy in 2023 ... and it's clear Offset doesn't fall in that category.


It will be interesting to see if Cardi and Offset do in fact patch things up again ... stay tuned.

Originally Published -- 1:00 PM PT

AJ McClean de los Backstreet Boys se divorcia de su mujer

El cantante de los Backstreet Boys AJ McLean está empezando de nuevo en el nuevo año... diciendo que se está divorciando después de separarse previamente de su esposa.

AJ y Rochelle DeAnna McLean acaban de publicar un comunicado conjunto en las redes sociales anunciando sus planes de divorcio.

La pareja distanciada dice: "Como todos ustedes saben, hemos estado separados por más de un año y aunque hemos esperado una reconciliación, hemos decidido ponerle fin oficialmente a nuestro matrimonio".

AJ y Rochelle continúan: "Es con profundo amor y respeto que hemos tomado esta decisión. Nuestro enfoque ahora es seguir adelante de la manera más saludable posible con la amistad y la co-crianza de nuestras hijas a la vanguardia de este próximo capítulo".

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dando declaraciones

TMZ publicó la historia, AJ y Rochelle nos dijeron en marzo de 2023 que iban a separarse para trabajar en sí mismos y su matrimonio. En ese momento, nos dijeron que estaban planeando volver juntos.

A raíz de la separación, AJ nos dijo que estaba usando el tiempo separados para trabajar en sus propios demonios y convertirse en una mejor versión de sí mismo.

Parece que no habrá reconciliación y será interesante ver quién presenta los documentos de divorcio en primero.

AJ y Rochelle se casaron en 2011 después de 6 años de noviazgo ... con su tripulación Backstreet Boys asistir a su boda en el Hotel Beverly Hills.

Tienen 2 hijos menores juntos, Ava y Elliott.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Tastes Like Freedom ... NYE Kiss With Hubby!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard rang in the new year with a kiss and some confetti ... and TMZ has it all on video.

Gypsy and her husband, Ryan, shot off confetti and smooched as the clock struck midnight ... embracing before sharing the moment with family.

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Family sources tell TMZ … Gypsy had a last-minute NYE bash in Louisiana, making the most of it with a small party at her and Ryan's home.

Gypsy's dad, Rod Blanchard, and her stepmom, Kristy, were also in the house ... with Kristy helping Gypsy get ready, curling her hair.

GRB even had press on nails ... and we're told Ryan bought her NYE dress and shoes.

Our sources say Gypsy's dad and husband grilled steak together ... and the tender family moment warmed her heart ... after all, this is the family she's always wanted.

Our sources say Gypsy's enjoying a low-key New Year's Day ... the first thing she did was fold clothes and put things away in her home ... but we're told it's these simple tasks that make her feel grateful for her new life post-prison.


As for Gypsy's resolutions for 2024 ... we're told she wants to enjoy being in the moment, believe in herself, be more confident and not worry about what others say or think about her.

Remember ... Gypsy and Ryan were planning to go to the Kansas City Chiefs game Sunday for a chance to meet Taylor Swift, but her parole officers wanted her out of Missouri and she went back home to Louisiana.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Next up for Gypsy is her upcoming Lifetime docuseries ... "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard" ... a three-night event Jan. 5-7 airing at 8 PM ET on Lifetime.

AJ McLean We're Getting Divorced

Backstreet Boys singer AJ McLean is starting fresh in the new year ... he says he's getting divorced after previously separating from his wife.

AJ and Rochelle DeAnna McLean just released a joint statement on social media, announcing their plans to divorce.

The estranged couple says ... "As you all know we have been separated for over a year now. While we have hoped for reconciliation we have decided to officially end our marriage."

AJ and Rochelle continue ... "It is with deep love and respect that we have made this decision. Our focus now is moving forward in the healthiest way possible with friendship and co-parenting our girls at the forefront of this next chapter."

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TMZ broke the story ... AJ and Rochelle told us back in March 2023 they were "temporarily" separating to work on themselves and their marriage. At the time, they told us they were planning to come back together.

In the wake of the separation, AJ told us he was using the time apart to work on his own demons and become a better version of himself.

Sounds like there will be no reconciliation though ... and it will be interesting to see who files divorce docs first.

AJ and Rochelle got hitched back in 2011 after 6 years of dating ... with his Backstreet Boys crew attending their wedding at the Beverly Hills Hotel.

They have 2 minor children together ... daughters Ava, who goes by Elliott, and Lyric.

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce Hot and Heavy Midnight Make Out Happy New Year to Us!!!

Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce started 2024 off with a bang ... or at least a steamy kiss in a now-viral video sweeping social media.

The songstress and the NFL star grabbed each other at midnight with Taylor wrapping her arms around Travis' neck and pulling him in close for a smooch.

While partygoers around them noticed the two going at it, the happy couple seemed too preoccupied with one another to care.

It's not clear exactly where the lovebirds rang in the New Year, but it's likely they stuck around Kansas City after Travis' game against the Bengals.

As we previously reported ... T-Swift pulled up to Arrowhead Stadium solo Sunday afternoon to cheer on her beau, a common occurrence these days.

Taylor has become a staple at Chiefs games since she and Travis went public back in September. She's even traveled to the frigid Northeast to take in a couple games this season.

As for what the pair's plans for the new year might be, that's anyone's guess. We know Taylor and Travis wanted to spend the holidays together after being apart for Thanksgiving, and T-Swift's got shows in Japan coming up in February.

In the interim though, Tayvis seems content on enjoying their time together ... and each other's mouths as well.

Happy kissing, you too!

Taylor Swift acude al partido de los Chiefs de Travis Kelce para despedir el año

Taylor Swift está terminando el año viendo a su novio, Travis Kelce, jugar al fútbol, cerrando un año lleno de emociones tanto en el escenario como en el campo de juego.

La estrella del pop estuvo una vez más en el estadio Arrowhead el domingo para ver a los Chiefs de Travis jugar un último partido en casa contra los Bengalíes de Cincinnati y como ya es tradición, se pudo ver a la cantante en el palco vip.

Parece que estaba sola esta vez, mientras que la semana pasada estuvo acompañada por su madre y su hermano, quien se unió a ella para el gran juego de Navidad en la ciudad.

Swift se veía muy elegante para el partido. Vestía de negro y lucía una chaqueta blanca Chiefs letterman mientras se dirigía a las gradas. Es evidente que va a pasar el Año Nuevo allí en Kansas City.

Como dijimos, Taylor asistiendo a los juegos se ha convertido en algo común este año, desde que ella y Travis hicieron pública su relación hacia el comienzo de la temporada, ha ido en persona a verlo varias veces e incluso en ciudades totalmente diferentes.

Taylor ha sido vista gritando por su hombre, ya sea maldiciendo por una mala decisión o celebrando con apretones de manos.

Mientras que ella y Travis se separaron brevemente durante el Día de Acción de Gracias -cuando ella viajó a Brasil para algunos shows como parte de su gira "Eras"- han pasado la mayor parte de las vacaciones juntos. Por lo que parece podría tratarse de una relación seria.

Por el lado de la NFL, podemos decir que la liga los ha amado como pareja, especialmente cuando Taylor aparece en persona, ¡ya que las audiencias se han disparado en la mayoría de sus juegos!

Algunos fans acérrimos de fútbol se han mostrado algo molestos con la atención Taylor comandos - pero bueno, es entretenimiento al final del día ... y aquí es donde los mundos chocan por grandes $$$.

De todos modos, es bastante seguro decir que ella probablemente ha tenido el año más grande de cualquier persona en el mundo del espectáculo.

Desde un nuevo novio a una gira totalmene vendida, Taylor deja el 2024 en la cima del mundo. Nos preguntamos cual será su siguiente paso... ¡ya veremos!

Taylor Swift Hits Up One Last Chiefs Game in 2023 Spending NYE w/ Travis!!!

Taylor Swift is ending the year watching her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, play football -- capping off what's been a whirlwind romance full of memories ... not to mention NFL appearances.

The pop star was once again in the building at Arrowhead Stadium Sunday to catch the K.C. Chiefs play one last home game against the Cincinnati Bengals ... and just like she usually does, she rolled up in a golf cart down below and made her way to her luxury box suite.

Looks like she was cruising solo this time around, whereas last week ... she had some company in her mom and brother, who joined her for the big Christmas game there in town.

T-Swift was looking pretty stylish here for the NYE matchup ... dressed in all black, aside from a sweet white Chiefs letterman jacket she was rocking as she made her way up to the stands. If it wasn't obvious by now, she'll be spending New Year's there in Kansas City.

Like we said, Taylor attending games has become a bit of a pastime this year -- ever since she and TK went public with their relationship toward the start of the season ... she's gone in person to watch him several different times, and sometimes in totally different cities too.

At each stop, Taylor has been seen rooting and screaming her heart out for her man ... oftentimes memorably, whether it's cursing at a bad call or celebrating with handshakes.

While she and Travis were apart for a bit during Thanksgiving -- when she jetted on down to Brazil for a few shows as part of her 'Eras' tour -- they've spent the majority of the holidays together ... and their bond is going strong. From the looks of it, this could be the real deal.

From the NFL side ... you best believe the league has loved them as a couple, especially when Taylor shows up in person. The ratings have ballooned at most of her games ... as she seems to have drawn in a whole new audience who might've otherwise not watched.

Some diehard football fans have become annoyed with the attention Taylor commands -- but hey, it's entertainment at the end of the day ... and this is where worlds collide for big $$$.

Anyway, it's pretty safe to say she's probably had the biggest year out of anyone in showbiz.

From a new boyfriend to a record-setting tour/concert film ... Taylor's going into 2024 on top of the world. Gotta wonder what might be next for her down the road ... guess we'll see!

Mariah Carey cierra Gucci Aspen la vida de soltera le sienta bien

Mariah Carey tiene la prueba de que es la reina de las fiestas de Navidad... ¡cerró Gucci!

Carey estaba en Aspen -como ya sabemos- se paseó por las tiendas de lujo de la calle principal en su furgoneta Sprinter.

Mariah dio algunas vueltas y luego entró a la tienda, y para hacer su experiencia más cómoda, los empleados de Gucci cerraron las puertas para que pudiera comprar sin distracciónes.

carey en colorado

Gucci puede haber tenido una buena razón para hacer esto, un grupo de curiosos se asomó a través de las ventanas para echarle un vistazo a la cantante.

Algunos clientes ya estaban dentro de la tienda cuando Mariah llegó con su vestido largo, gafas de sol, orejeras y, en particular, sin su novio de toda la vida, Bryan Tanaka, que recientemente rompió su silencio sobre la separación de la pareja.

Los testigos nos dicen que Mariah estaba relajada mientras miraba casualmente los artículos expuestos con sus cuidadores a su alrededor, incluyendo un guardaespaldas. No está claro si compró algo.

¡Qué escena! Mariah sabe cómo atraer a una multitud y atraer la atención, incluso en una ciudad que ahora está llena de celebridades.

¡Feliz Año Nuevo, Mariah!

Mariah Carey Single Shopping Trip In Aspen ... Gucci Shuts Down for Royal Treatment

Mariah Carey now has a golden receipt to prove she's the Queen of the XMAS holidays ... she shut down Gucci!!!

MC was in Aspen -- solo as you know -- as she rolled past the fancy stores on the main drag in her Sprinter van.

Her entourage at the ready, Mariah hopped out and entered the store, but to make her experience more comfortable, the Gucci honchos locked the doors so she could shop without distraction.


Gucci may have had good reason to batten down the hatches ... a gaggle of gawkers peered through the windows to get a look at the singer.

Some customers were already inside the store when Mariah arrived in her long dress, sunglasses earmuffs ... and notably, without her longtime boyfriend, Bryan Tanaka, who recently broke his silence on the couple's split.

Witnesses tell us Mariah was chill as she casually checked out the items on display with her handlers all around her, including a bodyguard. It's unclear if she bought anything.

What a scene! Mariah knows how to draw a crowd and steal the show ... even in a city that's now packed to the gills with celebs.

Happy New Year, Mariah!!!

Cardi B 2024 Will Be a Toxic-Free Zone!!!

Cardi B seems a little annoyed by her fans ... many of whom don't believe her when she says she's moving on -- presumably from Offset.

Cardi tweeted, "I must be a lil toxic cuz I enjoyed cursing ya out today… but we not taking that into 2024. Now have a good day. No make it a bad day!"

It's actually mild compared to the video she posted on social, telling her legion of fans to "shut the f*** up" about her relationship status.

Fans started questioning her after Cardi and Offset were seen together on Xmas day ... unfair, because they spent it with the kids, and that doesn't mean she's backing down.


Cardi said as much, when she liked a post essentially saying people were making up stories about a reconciliation.

Thing is ... AFTER Xmas, they were spotted in the same store in NYC, which led some fans to double down, suggesting Cardi was fully back with her hubby.

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Instagram / @iamcardib

We will see, but she's been sending the same message now for a month ... seems it's over.