Simone Biles Fans Bombard Jonathan Owens' IG ... After His Controversial Remarks

Simone Biles' fans are going after her hubby, Jonathan Owens ... relentlessly trolling him on Instagram after the NFL player controversially said he was the "catch" in their relationship.

The Green Bay Packers safety made the remarks on "The Pivot" podcast last week -- saying he didn't know who Biles was when he first met her ... while going on to call himself the real prize in the couple.

The Pivot Podcast

The comments were met with outrage -- because, after all, Biles is one of the greatest female competitors to ever walk the Earth -- and her fans are still clearly pissed over them ... with many taking to his social media page recently to throw barbs.

"Merry Christmas to Mr. & Mrs. Simone Biles❤️," one commenter wrote on Owens' Christmas Day post.

"I don’t even know his name," another fan said. "I just know him as Simone Biles's husband."

Others took shots at Owens' bank account ... writing, "Girl have him sign a prenup."

The couple, however, seems unbothered by the backlash -- in fact, Biles actually rushed to his defense days ago, supporting Owens in an IG post.

As for "The Pivot" cohost Ryan Clark, he clearly believes the whole drama is overblown ... saying he thinks Owens' remark was nothing more than an "innocent joke."

Kyle Richards Shares Snap With Mauricio & Kids ... Merry Christmas??

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky were back to playing nice in front of their kids, posing for a family photo on top of the snow-covered slopes of Aspen.

In a video of images posted Tuesday on Instagram, Kyle, Mauricio and their daughters were bundled up in their winter gear with smiles on their faces. It looks like the fam is having a grand all time in famous ski resort town.

But, in the caption, Kyle left out Mauricio and focused on their 4 daughters, saying they "bring me happiness every day. Thank you for all the love & laughter and for loving each other the way you do."

As we reported, Kyle, Mauricio, and their daughters have been spending time together in Aspen, CO for the holidays after Kyle flew in from her Mexico getaway ... we even got photos of them all out to dinner Saturday night.

122223-mauricio-umansky-tmz-kal-v2 December 2023

Remember, before the rest of the fam got there, Mauricio was living it up on the snowy mountain -- filming Anitta and Lele Pons skiing in just towels, and he even took his shirt off and was dancing at a bar.


Looks like MU got the rowdiness out of him before the family flew in ... or so it seems.

Kyle Richards Comparte una foto con Mauricio y los niños... ¡¿Feliz Navidad?!

Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky volvieron a hacer de las suyas delante de sus hijos, posando para una foto en familia en lo alto de las pistas nevadas de Aspen.

En un post compartido el martes desde su cuenta de Instagram, Kyle, Mauricio y sus hijas aparecen abrigadas con su ropa de invierno y muy sonrientes. Parece que la familia estaba pasando un gran rato en la famosa ciudad para esquiar.

Pero en el pie de foto, Kyle dejó de lado a Mauricio y se centró en sus cuatro hijas, diciendo que "me traen felicidad todos los días. Gracias por todo el amor y las risas y por amarse las unas a las otras como lo hacen".

Como informamos, Kyle, Mauricio y sus hijas han estado pasando tiempo juntos en Aspen, Colorado, para las fiestas después de que Kyle volara de su escapada en México. Incluso tenemos fotos de todos ellos cenando juntos el sábado por la noche.

122223-mauricio-umansky-tmz-kal-v2 December 2023
Desatado en Aspen

Recuerden, antes de que el resto de la familia llegara, Mauricio estaba gozando en las montañas, filmando a Anitta y Lele Pons solo toallas mientras esquiaban, e incluso quitándose la camisa y bailando en un bar.

Parece que Mauricio acabó con la juerga antes de que llegara la familia... o eso parece.

Patrick Schwarzenegger Pops the Question to Longtime GF Abby Champion ... 'We're Engaged!!!

Patrick Schwarzenegger and Abby Champion are finally engaged after 7 years of dating.

The longtime lovebirds posted a joint Instagram sharing the big news one day after Christmas with a series of photos showing the happy couple together.

In one picture, Patrick plants a big kiss on Abby's cheek, while posing next to a large red heart covered in roses on the beach.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

What's more, Patrick and Abby went on a Christmas morning stroll, jumping on the phone to seemingly tell friends and family about their engagement. Abby was beaming with joy as she rocked her sparkling new engagement ring.

After the phone conversation, the two continued their walk wearing matching pajamas and were later photographed with Abby's parents, who joined in all the happiness.

Patrick and Abby were first seen together in September 2015, making their relationship Instagram official the following year. At the time, Abby posted a photo of them posing with their arms wrapped around each other.


Congrats you two!!

Patrick Schwarzenegger y Abby Champion ¡se comprometen!

Patrick Schwarzenegger y Abby Champion finalmente se han comprometido después de 7 años de noviazgo.

La pareja publicó un Instagram conjunto compartiendo la gran noticia con el mundo el día después de Navidad. Patrick le da un gran beso en la mejilla a Abby en una foto, mientras posan junto a un gran corazón rojo cubierto de rosas en la playa.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Patrick y Abby estaban de paseo durante la mañana de navidad cuando comenzaron a dar las buenas nuevas a amigos y familiares. Abby se veía radiante de alegría mientras mostraba su flamante anillo de compromiso.

Tras su conversación, los tortolitos continuaron su paseo en pijamas y fueron fotografiados junto a los padres de Abby, que se unieron a la feliz pareja.

Échale un vistazo a las imágenes... Abby fue invadida por la emoción mientras hablaba con alguien por facetime y mostraba su hermoso anillo de diamantes.

Como ya sabrás, Patrick y Abby fueron vistos juntos por primera vez en septiembre de 2015, haciendo oficial su relación en Instagram al año siguiente. Por aquel entonces, Abby publicó una foto de ambos posando abrazados.



Kim Zolciak showered her kids with gifts for Christmas despite her financial hardships.

Sources close to Kim tell TMZ ... she pulled together the dough she's made selling personal items online over the last few months ... ensuring the 4 kids she shares with Kroy Biermann didn't go without Xmas presents this year.

We're told the estranged couple's brood will always be their priority ... and despite the heightened drama between them, they chose not to travel for the holidays and instead were at home for the holiday at their Georgia mansion.

We don't know exactly what gifts she bought, but it must've been a pretty decent haul ... cause K&K have been making some serious $$$ selling designer goods online.

Earlier this month, Kim gave the boot to Kroy's shoe collection, selling them alongside her footwear and handbags ... tempting potential buyers with big names from Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Valentino & more.

Of course, they decided to sell, sell, sell due to their mounting lawsuits over unpaid credit card bills.

They've also put their Georgia mansion on sale ... though they recently slashed the $6 mil price by $500K out of desperation.

Meanwhile, they've been squabbling like cats and dogs for months -- with one of their kids calling the cops on them following an explosive argument at their mansion in Nov. -- though it's heartwarming to know the kiddos ended the year with some festive cheer.

Kim Zolciak tuvo regalos de Navidad para sus hijos en medio de problemas financieros

Kim Zolciak no se quedó atrás bajo el árbol de Navidad, ya que llenó a sus hijos y a los de Kroy Biermann de regalos a pesar de sus dificultades financieras.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja distanciada le dicen TMZ que ella reunió el dinero gracias a la venta de artículos personales en línea los últimos meses, asegurando que los cuatro niños que comparten juntos no se quedaron sin regalos de Navidad de este año.

No dice que sus hijos siempre serán su prioridad y a pesar del drama creciente entre ellos, optó por no viajar para las fiestas y en su lugar de eso celebraron el gran día juntos en su mansión de Georgia.

No sabemos exactamente cuáles fueron los regalos que compró, pero debe haber sido un botín bastante decente porque ha podido hacer buen dinero vendiendo artículos de diseño en línea.

A principios de este mes, Kim se deshizo de la colección de zapatos de Kroy, vendiéndolos junto a algunos bolsos, tentando a los compradores potenciales con grandes nombres de Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Valentino y más.

Por supuesto, decidió vender, vender, vender debido a sus crecientes demandas por impagos de tarjetas de crédito.

También han puesto su mansión de Georgia a la venta a pesar de que recientemente redujo su precio de $6 millones por $500K de la desesperación.

Mientras tanto, han estado discutiendo como perros y gatos durante meses -con uno de sus hijos llamando a la policía después de una discusión explosiva en su mansión en noviembre- aunque es reconfortante saber que los niños terminarán el año con un poco de alegría festiva.

Paseo por la naturaleza en Nochebuena con la familia de Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sanchez

Jeff Bezos y Lauren Sánchez aterrizaron en Miami justo a tiempo para la Navidad, pero su "País de las Maravillas Invernal" parece un día normal de verano... basta con echarle un vistazo a sus atuendos.

La pareja fue a dar un paseo con los miembros de su familia el domingo en un parque cerca de su propiedad en Indian Creek Island, que ahora es la base de Bezos después de dejar atrás Seattle a principios de este año. Parece que están disfrutando bastante ya que se les vio muy felices.

tomando aire fresco

Además, estaban vestidos como si fuera junio en lugar de diciembre, suponemos que tiene que ver con el clima en Florida, ya que es bastante caliente durante todo el año por lo que puede salirse con la suya con esto.

Lauren llevaba un top que dejaba al descubierto sus tonificados brazos y hombros, mientras que Jeff mostraba sus piernas en pantalones cortos. Por supuesto, también llevaban gafas de sol, de hecho, toda la familia las llevaba. Es notable la vibra que desprenden como unidad.

Recordemos que Jeff y Lauren estuvieron en el Caribe la semana pasada disfrutando de una escapada de vacaciones juntos, pero parece que querían estar de vuelta en los Estados Unidos para la víspera de Navidad.

Han sido unas semanas salvajes para ellos, donde han estado navegando en alta mar y celebrando cumpleaños con amigos estilosos y dinero de sobra. Sin embargo, ahora podemos verlos en un ambiente más discreto.

Ciertamente, se ven con los pies en la tierra y felices, mentalizados en su matrimonio por venir. Debe ser agradable ser estos dos en el nuevo año ya que tienen todo un mundo por conquistar.

Felices excursiones.

Bezos & Sanchez Nature-Filled Xmas Eve Stroll ... Back in Town After Vacay

Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez touched down in Miami just in time for Christmas -- but their "Winter Wonderland" looks like a regular summer day ... just peep their walking attire.

The couple went for a stroll with their family members Sunday at a park near their Indian Creek Island property -- which is now Bezos' home base after leaving Seattle behind earlier this year. Looks like they're enjoying it out there ... 'cause they had some pep to their step.


Plus, they were dressed like it was June rather than December ... which we suppose comes with the territory in Florida -- it's pretty warm all year round, so they can get away with this.

Lauren was rocking a top that exposed her toned arms and shoulders ... whereas JB was showing off his legs in shorts. Of course, they were sporting shades too ... the whole fam was in fact. Talk about a power family -- that's the kind of vibe they give off as a unit.

Remember, Jeff and Lauren were just in the Caribbean last week enjoying a little holiday getaway together ... but it seems they wanted to be back stateside for Xmas Eve/Xmas.

It caps off a wild past few weeks for them, where they've been sailing the open seas and ringing in birthdays with friends in style ... with flash and cash to spare. Seeing them in a more low-key environment here seems to be them finally coming down off a year-long high.

They certainly look grounded and in lockstep unison ... telegraphing their marriage to come. It must be nice to be these two going into the new year -- they got a whole world to conquer.

Happy (hiking) trails, y'all.

Taylor Swift con su madre en el partido de Navidad de Travis Kelce


12:04 PM PT -- Taylor fue vista animando a Travis y compañía desde su palco de lujo y parece que Santa estuvo a su lado todo el tiempo. Además está su hermano, Austin, así que podemos decir que es un asunto de familia.

No hay señales de la madre de Travis, Donna, pero dicen que su padre está presente. También parece que los fans sacaron sus mejores carteles.

Taylor Swift está de vuelta para ver a Travis Kelce, solo que esta vez un par de cosas son diferentes, es Navidad y su mamá está allí por primera vez.

Gran día para Kansas City, porque Taylor podría ser visto en el Arrowhead Stadium antes de que el juego comience como ella normalmente lo hace, pero el lunes por la mañana, Andrea Swift estaba justo a su lado a caballo en el asiento del pasajero delantero de un carrito de golf privado conducirlos alrededor.

Taylor estaba en él también, pero en la parte de atrás y ambos saludaron a la gente como si estuvieran en un desfile, ya que pasaron espectadores alegres. Ah, ¡y Papá Noel también estuvo ahí!

Como hemos dicho, Andrea nunca ha estado en uno de los partidos de Travis con Taylor (por lo que sabemos claro) y honestamente no hemos visto mucho de ella durante el romance de T-Swift con el tight end de los Chiefs. Hemos visto a su padre, Scott, un puñado de veces, pero no a Mamá Osa hasta ahora.

Por si no lo sabías, los padres de Taylor están divorciados, así que es por eso que Andrea no suele estar al lado de Scott en este tipo de salidas.

Hoy, sin embargo, parece que van a ser una familia unida delante de las cámaras, porque dicen que Scotty también está por ahí... estamos seguros de verlos muy pronto aquí en la suite.

Este será el octavo partido de Travis al que Taylor ha asistido, ella lo ha convertido en algo regular esta temporada y sus apariciones son siempre memorables. Sobre todo cuando está realmente concentrada en el juego.

Recordemos que ella está en medio de un descanso en este momento y no tiene que subir al escenario de nuevo hasta febrero, cuando volará a Tokio para más espectáculos "Eras". Mientras tanto, ha estado pasando mucho tiempo con Travis, incluidas las vacaciones, menos Acción de Gracias.

¡Se perfila a ser todo un año para ella!

Taylor Swift Mom Andrea Joins at TK's Xmas Game ... Merry Swiftmas!!!


12:04 PM PT -- Taylor was seen cheering on Travis and co. from her luxury box, and it looks like Santa was by her side the entire time. Word is, that's her broski, Austin ... so it's a whole family affair.

No sign of Travis' mom, Donna, here ... but they're saying his dad Ed is in attendance. It also looks like the fans brought out their best Swiftmas posters for the game as well, per usual.

Taylor Swift is back in the building to watch Travis Kelce -- only this time, a couple things are different ... it's Christmas, and her mama is there too for the very first time.

Big day in Kansas City ... 'cause Taylor could be seen cruising through Arrowhead Stadium ahead of kickoff like she normally does -- but on Monday morning, Andrea Swift was right next to her -- riding in the front passenger seat of a private golf cart driving them around.

Taylor was in it too, but she was in the back ... and both of them waved at people like they were in a parade as they passed cheerful onlookers. Oh, and Santa was there too!

Like we said, Andrea's never been to one of Travis' games with Taylor (that we're aware of anyway) and we honestly haven't seen much of her during T-Swift's romance with the Chiefs tight end. We have seen her dad, Scott, a handful of times ... but no Mama Bear 'til now.

Unclear why that might be the case, but in case it wasn't clear already -- Taylor's parents are divorced ... so that's why Andrea isn't usually right by Scott's side at these sorta outings.

Today, however, it looks like they'll be a united family in front of cameras -- 'cause Scott is said to be there as well ... and we're sure to see them soon enough here in the suite.

This will be the 8th game of Travis' that Taylor's attended ... she's made it a regular thing this season, and her appearances are always memorable -- especially as she gets more into it.

Remember, she's on a break from work at the moment ... and doesn't have to hit the stage again until February when she'll fly to Tokyo for more 'Eras' shows. In the meantime, she's been spending a lot of time with Travis ... including the holidays, minus Thanksgiving.

It's shaped up to be quite a year for her, to say the least. Here's to a couple more games to finish 2023!

Originally Published -- 10:12 AM PT

Kroy Biermann Excludes Kim in Xmas Post ... It's Just Me & the Kiddos!!!

Kroy Biermann is highlighting his holiday by snubbing his estranged wife, Kim Zolciak ... and her exclusion is jarring.

The retired NFL'er threw up a snap of him and his 4 kids with KZ -- Kroy Jr., Kash, Kaia and Kane -- with Papa Bear standing proudly behind them and grinning from ear to ear. His caption was also pretty telling on how he's feeling about his marriage/divorce right now.

He wrote, "Merry Christmas from the Biermann’s!!🎄 (-2 😢) I didn’t get a picture of the family enjoying @arianabiermann ‘s church service and I had this taken after @briellebiermann and Billy had departed in the direction of their car as we were almost outside from our service."

KB added, "I couldn’t be a more proud father of you 2 and the littles! ❤️ Got to do better at remembering to capture more pictures." Interesting ... he noted Brielle and Ariana here -- who are actually Kim's biological daughters -- but not their mother.

BTW, no posts from Kim herself ... she hasn't thrown anything up since mid-December.

This marks just the latest up-and-down moment for them ... for now, it seems like Kim and Kroy are on the outs -- this after sending signals of reconciliation just a month ago. Of course, they also had a huge blowout fight that required the cops to called over.

It's proven to be a difficult year, for sure ... and it seems Kroy wants to turn the page.

Gwen Stefani & Blake Shelton Skiing & Tubing with the Kiddos!!! ... Holiday Trip to Utah

Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are making up for some future lost time ahead of New Year's Eve -- when they'll be apart -- and did so by hitting the slopes with their kids.

The couple hit up Woodward Park City ski resort out in Utah Friday and Saturday with Gwen's 3 boys -- and the whole family was out and about, tubing one day ... and skiing the next. In photos obtained by TMZ, you can see GS and BS in lock step with the teens close behind.


Eyewitnesses tell us the family wasn't shying away from the attention they drew, nor were they opposed to taking pictures with fans ... by all accounts they were pretty cheerful.

Interestingly, it sounds like Gwen was the one going down the hills here -- on Friday, she could be seen tubing with her boys, while Blake looked on and filmed. On Saturday, she and the kiddos went skiing ... and we're told Blake did not attend. Seems she's the active one!

Anyway, like we said ... these love birds won't be by each other's side come midnight next week -- 'cause Blake's booked to perform in Nashville, and she got hired for a Vegas gig.

Even when they're not on 'The Voice,' they always seem to be working hard/playing hard.

Ryan Clark Stop Hatin' on Owens For Saying He's the 'Catch' for Simone

Ryan Clark is weighing into all the discourse that's gone on since Jonathan Owens said he was a catch for Simone Biles -- not the other way around -- by saying ... ease up, folks.

The ex-Steelers safety recorded a video addressing the backlash Owens is facing in the wake of an interview he did on RC's pod last week ... in which he described how he first met Simone, how they got together, and who he thought was the lucky one in the relationship.

The Pivot Podcast

It came off a little ineloquent at the time, but essentially ... he said he thought he was a catch for Simone -- and that he didn't necessarily "pull" her, but rather ... she pulled him.

JO also confessed he didn't know who Simone was when they matched on an app -- apparently, he wasn't tuned in to her Olympic run -- and says she made the first move.

BTW, as Owens was saying this to Clark and his podcast cohosts -- SB herself was in the room, and she didn't even flinch. The Internet, on the other hand, was up in arms over his comments ... as they felt he was being disrespectful for suggesting he was the prize here.

Simone and Jonathan have each addressed the heat he's catching ... and they both seem to be over it, and not nearly as mad as Twitter was when they first caught wind of this.

Now, Ryan himself is speaking up ... and he's got words for the collectively outraged.

We'll let you hear him out for yourself -- but essentially, he says people turned this into a negative thing ... when in reality, Jon and Simone are happily married and clearly in love.

Tori Spelling Chats Up Mall Mystery Man ... Next to Daughter Stella

Tori Spelling might've found new love for Christmas -- 'cause she was hanging out with a mystery stud during last-minute shopping ... and he seems to be cool with her kid too.

The '90210' star was out at a mall just outside of L.A. Friday, and she was rolling with her teenage daughter, Stella, whom she shares with estranged husband Dean McDermott. The two of them had company here ... some middle-aged dude who was part of the pack.

cuffing season???

He was seen chatting up Tori and Stella inside the building, especially TS ... staring deep into her eyes. Eventually, he left with them too -- and drove away with Tori riding passenger.

No word on who this guy is, or what his relationship to Tori might be -- there's no sign of PDA here or anything, so it could just be a pal or maybe even a relative. Still, considering everything going on with her these days ... it's interesting to see a new face in the mix.

Remember, Tori just recently talked about experiencing her first "single mom Christmas" ... this in the wake of her splitting with Dean earlier this year. Now, she's not so alone, it seems.

The fact Stella was with them for this outing also speaks to a familiarity that might explain something -- namely, this guy might not be a romantic partner ... 'cause you'd figure Mama Bear wouldn't bring around a fresh fella like this without some groundwork being laid first.

Like we said, it's a bit of a mystery for now -- but in any case, good to see Tori has some people in her corner for the holidays ... familial or otherwise.

Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky Reunidos... y se siente tan incómodo En Aspen con la familia

Kyle Richards se ha unido al resto de su familia en Aspen justo a tiempo para pasar las fiestas, pero ella y Mauricio Umansky están manteniendo la distancia, a pesar de estar técnicamente juntos.

La pareja, que actualmente está separada, se reunió el sábado en la lujosa ciudad de esquí de Colorado, en donde Mauricio ha andado por su cuenta en los últimos dos días, yendo de fiesta y pasándolo bomba.

Tiempo en familia

Por supuesto, Kyle ha estado en México últimamente, pero puede que haya aterrizado anoche. Ahora, ella, Mauricio Umansky y sus hijos están de paseo como una familia, con lo que parece ser un instructor privado y un guía que los lleva arriba y abajo de las montañas.

Como hemos dicho, Kyle y Mauricio parecían estar alejados el uno del otro mientras paseaban. Aunque ambos se sonrieron respectivamente, en un momento, se encontraron cara a cara y parecía cualquier cosa menos agradable.

Recuerden, la pareja había estado actuando como una familia a principios de este año, sobre todo el verano. Kyle incluso apareció para apoyar a Mauricio durante su participación en 'DWTS', pero a medida que fueron pasando los meses, se hizo evidente que su relación era tensa.

Aunque han evitado el término "divorcio", a veces incluso sugiriendo que están trabajando en su matrimonio, estos últimos días han sido reveladores, especialmente para Mauricio.

122223-mauricio-umansky-tmz-kal-v2 December 2023
Desatado en Aspen

El tipo ha parecido un soltero, con ningún otro objetivo que disfrutar.

Kyle, mientras tanto, ha estado preocupada con su documentalista Morgan Wade y otras empresas, incluyendo lo que está pasando en Bravo. Es de suponer que todo este drama se emitió en la nueva temporada de 'Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills', incluyendo, tal vez, una respuesta en cuanto a lo que está por venir.

Por el momento, parece que van por caminos diferentes y que solo los niños los logran mantener reunidos, si es qué.