Kendall Jenner Paseando en solitario y con estilo en Aspen Una vez más sin Bad Bunny

Kendall Jenner ha estado paseando sola desde hace algún tiempo, incluyendo este último viaje a Aspen, donde por cierto se ve muy bien, pero igual nos hace preguntarnos, ¿dónde diablos está Bad Bunny?

La supermodelo está pasando el rato con amigos y luciendo un montón de atuendos de moda en la lujosa ciudad de Colorado este fin de semana, como el que llevaba el viernes por la noche mientras paseaba por la calle.

Parece que aquí estaba con sus amigos Lauren Pérez y David Waltzer y se veía contenta, sonriendo de oreja a oreja y disfrutando de su compañía, mientras los fotógrafos disparaban con sus cámaras desde lejos.

Más temprano el viernes, estuvo paseando en un crucero también.

Nada nuevo aquí. Kendall va a Aspen cada año, ya sea con la familia o con sus amigos, pero cuanto más tiempo pasa sin su novio, más personas han empezado a preguntarse si terminaron. Francamente, ha pasado un buen tiempo desde que no los vemos juntos.

Bad Bunny fue visto y fotografiado por última vez en público a mediados de noviembre, no mucho después de que Kendall fuera filmada haciendo una especie de anuncio en las calles de Los Ángeles. En esa oportunidad, Bad Bunny estaba pasando el rato con un amigo y definitivamente tratando de mantener un bajo perfil, con una capucha cubriéndole la cara.

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No ha sido visto desde entonces y con las vacaciones encima, muchos están especulando que Bad Bunny y Kendall Jenner podrían haberse separado, especialmente a la luz de un post bastante críptico que ella compartió alrededor de esas fechas.

El 14 de noviembre, Kendall publicó una foto de un atardecer con el comentario: "Lo que está destinado para mí, simplemente me encontrará". Como se pueden imaginar, la gente inundó sus comentarios preguntando si ella y Bad Bunny seguían juntos, pero ninguno ha comentado nada al respecto oficialmente.

Recuerden, la última vez que nosotros (o cualquier otra persona) los vio juntos fue justo después de Halloween, cuando llegaron a tomar desayuno cerca del Hotel Beverly Hills después de una buena fiesta la noche anterior. Fueron vistos yéndose juntos en un coche y rehuyendo las cámaras.

Antes de eso, eran prácticamente inseparables. Caminaban por L.A. juntos como una pareja en pleno derecho, luego de varios meses saliendo que se remontan a la primavera.

Si se terminó, fue genial mientras duró y sin duda se sentía como algo serio en comparación con todos los otros romances de Kendall en los últimos años. Parecía perdidamente enganchada de este chico.

Bad Bunny tiene una gran gira el próximo año y podría estar preparándola. Sin embargo, eso no impedirá que la gente siga cotilleando mientras tanto.

Como se suele decir, yo perreo sola por Navidad. O algo así, de todos modos.

Kendall Jenner Stylin' & Profilin' Solo in Aspen ... Month+ Without Bad Bunny

Kendall Jenner's been flying solo for a little while now, including this latest trip to Aspen where she's looking damn good -- which begs the question ... where the hell's Bad Bunny?

The supermodel is out in the ritzy Colorado city this weekend, where she's hanging with friends and rolling around town in a lot of very fashionable outfits -- like the one she was wearing Friday night as she cat-walked her way down the street.

Looks like she was with pals Lauren Perez and David Waltzer here, and she sure seemed happy ... smiling ear to ear and enjoying their company as photogs flashed away.

Earlier Friday, she was out and about as well ... cruising with a group and holding java.

Nothing new here, per se ... Kendall hits up Aspen every year -- whether it's with family or friends -- but the longer she goes without her boyfriend, the more people have started to wonder if they're off ... frankly, it's been quite a while since we've seen them together.

BB was last spotted/photographed in public back in mid-November ... not long after KJ was shot doing some kind of new snow ad in the streets of L.A. There, he was rolling with just a pal, and was definitely trying to maintain a low profile -- with his hood covering his face.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

He hasn't been seen since ... and with the holidays upon us, many are speculating BB and KJ have split -- especially in light of a not-so-cryptic post she threw up around this time.

On Nov. 14, Kendall threw up a shot of sun setting ... and her caption read, "what’s meant for me, will simply find me." As you can imagine, people flooded her comments asking if she and Bad Bunny were dunzo -- but neither of them have commented on it officially.

Remember, the last time we (or anyone else) saw them side by side was right after Halloween ... when they hit up a breakfast joint near the Beverly Hills Hotel after a rager the night prior, where they were seen leaving together in a car -- shying away from cams.

Before that, they were practically inseparable ... walking all over L.A. together coming across as a full-blown couple -- this after months of dating going all the way back to the spring.

If it is over, it was great while it lasted ... and certainly felt like the real deal compared to all of Kendall's other romances over the years. She looked head over heels for this fella.

Granted, they could well still be an item -- BB has a big tour coming up next year, and might be prepping that. That ain't gonna stop people from gossiping in the meantime, though.

As they say ... yo perreo sola for Xmas. Something like that, anyway.

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann MARRIAGE BEYOND REPAIR ... Pals Urge 'Em Both To Move On

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are back to their squabbling ways ... with things so toxic their marriage is now completely beyond repair ... so say sources close to them.

Our sources tell TMZ, the pair's latest falling out doesn't have anything to do with the newly released police body cam footage emerging of their explosive fight from Nov. 20 -- instead, it's over their continued money woes, their home, and the overall state of their marriage.

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The pair appeared to have reconciled after the explosive incident at their home ... even enjoying a hibachi lunch date ... though, it didn't last long.

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In fact, our sources say their close friends say no amount of therapy will fix things between them ... they just need to accept that and move on with their lives separately -- adding it's the healthiest thing that can happen for them and their kids.

One of their kids actually made the 911 call alerting cops to their infamous fight weeks at their home earlier ... and recently released footage showing police struggling to calm down a fuming Kroy.


Clearly, for the sake of their sanity, these two need to sign those divorce papers and keep things moving.

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann Su matrimonio no tiene arreglo Sus amigos les suplican que lo acepten!!!

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann están de vuelta con sus peleas, pero las cosas son tan tóxicas que su matrimonio ya es completamente irreparable, o eso dicen fuentes cercanas a ellos.

Nuestras fuentes dicen a TMZ que la última pelea de la pareja no tiene nada que ver con el reciente registro policial que se publicó y muestra su explosiva pelea del 20 de noviembre. Las discusiones son sobre sus continuos problemas de dinero, su casa y el estado general de su matrimonio.

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Los ánimos se caldean

La pareja parecía haberse reconciliado después del explosivo incidente en su casa, incluso disfrutando de un rico almuerzo hibachi. Sin embargo, la paz no duró mucho tiempo.

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Él dijo, ella dijo...

De hecho, nuestras fuentes dicen que sus amigos cercanos dicen que ninguna terapia puede arreglar las cosas entre ellos y solo tienen que aceptarlo y seguir adelante con sus vidas por separado, añadiendo que es lo más saludable para ellos y sus hijos.

Uno de sus hijos, de hecho, hizo la llamada al 911 para alertar a la policía de su fuerte pelea en casa, y recientemente imágenes que publicamos muestran cómo la policía intenta calmar a un Kroy evidentemente exaltado.

Explosiva pelea a gritos

Claramente, por el bien de su cordura, estos dos necesitan firmar los papeles de divorcio y avanzar con sus vidas.

Diddy Wishes Late Ex Kim Porter Happy B'day ... Amid Sexual Assault Allegations

Diddy is wishing his late partner Kim Porter a happy birthday amid his growing legal troubles involving multiple sexual assault allegations.

In an Instagram post Friday night, Diddy wrote, “We miss you so much Kim! Happy Birthday Beautiful! Love forever.” He accompanied the caption with an old photo of him giving Kim a big smooch on the cheek.

As you know, Kim died from pneumonia after she became bedridden due to a lung infection at her L.A. home in 2018. She was 47.

Diddy and Kim dated on and off for 13 years, sharing three children: son Christian and twin sisters D’Lila Star and Jessie James. Over the years, Diddy has spoken passionately about his love for Kim and, after her death, he revealed his regret for not tying the knot with her.

Meanwhile, Diddy is dealing with a ton of legal issues around claims that he sexually assaulted several women. His former girlfriend, Cassie, was first to file a bombshell lawsuit against the music legend in November, accusing him of years of rape and sexual abuse. The two quickly settled the matter.

But then Diddy was hit with other civil suits containing similar allegations. Those suits are still winding their way through the courts.

Diddy has denied any wrongdoing.

Diddy Le desea feliz cumpleaños a su difunta novia En medio de acusaciones de agresión sexual

Diddy le deseó un feliz cumpleaños a su difunta pareja Kim Porter en medio de sus crecientes problemas legales relacionados con múltiples acusaciones de agresión sexual.

En un post de Instagram del viernes en la noche, Diddy escribió: "¡Te echamos mucho de menos, Kim! ¡Feliz cumpleaños, preciosa! Amor para siempre". Acompañó el pie de foto con una vieja foto de él dándole un gran beso a Kim en la mejilla.

Como se sabe, Kim murió de neumonía después de quedar postrada en cama debido a una infección pulmonar en su casa de Los Ángeles en 2018. Tenía 47 años.

Diddy y Kim salieron de forma intermitente durante 13 años, compartiendo tres hijos: Christian y las hermanas gemelas D'Lila Star y Jessie James. A lo largo de los años, Diddy ha hablado apasionadamente sobre su amor por Kim y después de su muerte reveló que se arrepentía de no haberse casado con ella.

Mientras tanto, Diddy está lidiando con un montón de problemas legales por las denuncias de agresión sexual contra varias mujeres. Su ex novia Cassie fue la primera en presentar una demanda contra la leyenda de la música en noviembre, acusándolo de años de violación y abuso sexual. Ambos llegaron rápidamente a un acuerdo.

Sin embargo, desde entonces Diddy ha sido golpeado con otras demandas civiles que contienen acusaciones similares. Estas siguen su curso en los tribunales.

Diddy ha negado cualquier delito.

'L&HH' Star Vonshae Officially Over Gunplay ... Wealthy New Boo Treats Me Right!!!

"Love & Hip Hop: Miami" cast member Vonshae Taylor-Morales had a rocky year amid a split from her hubby Gunplay ... but a new relationship has her going into 2024 on Cloud 9.

Fans have noticed Vonshae popping out with a mystery man these past few weeks, and the reality star tells TMZ Hip Hop his name is Franck Njonkou Seudio -- a 26-year-old multi-millionaire businessman from Africa, and they've been dating for one month.

Vonshae tells us she had been depressed during the Gunplay fiasco -- the rapper was arrested for DV back in August -- but says she's now in a great state of mind.

She and Franck first met when he DM'ed her a few weeks after Gunplay got arrested, and their first date consisted of going for pizza and a casual walk in Florida.

Instagram / @lifewithvonshae

Things have been clicking so far -- Vonshae tells us Franck owns multiple businesses that sprawl across media, e-commerce, Airbnb properties and cars. Plus, she says Mr. Lover-Lover is also fluent in French and has already expressed his wishes to marry her and adopt her 9-month-old daughter!!!

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Vonshae says Franck has no issues with her staying at home, raising her child and spending his money -- he's paid for Vonshae's legal bills and also handled her child's medical bills.

Franck was originally studying to be a pharmacist tech after moving to Miami but figured the business route was the best way to get paid.

In the case of her old relationship, Vonshae admits she'll always love Gunplay, but says he's not the same person she married in August 2022, so she's moved on -- even if he hasn't.

Gunplay recently had his bond revoked for attempting to pressure Vonshae not to testify against him ... and was sentenced to 28-36 months for violating the court-appointed restraining order as a result.

Britney Spears Sin faltarte el respeto J, pero... Llorabas cuando te di una paliza de baloncesto!!!

Britney Spears está disparando contra Justin Timberlake y lo que ella considera su falta de habilidades en el baloncesto, afirmando que era un mal perdedor cuando ella lo derribaba en la cancha.

La estrella del pop usó su Instagram el viernes para molestar un poco al cantante de "Suit & Tie". Sin dar nombres, dijo: "Nunca mencioné cómo le gané en el baloncesto 🏀 y él lloraba... sin faltar el respeto 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ !!!"

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'Cry him a river'
TikTok / @Chynnatok

La frase de Britney no es una coincidencia. Como recordarán, Justin abordó la controversia que lo rodea a partir del libro de memorias de Britney, "The Woman In Me", durante su actuación en Las Vegas el miércoles por la noche.

Justo antes de cantar "Cry Me a River" Justin miró a la multitud y dijo: "Sin faltar el respeto", y la canción había sido criticada por Britney por estar relacionada a su fallida relación. Se piensa que Justin la escribió después de descubrir que Britney lo engañaba.

Así que sí, Brit hablando de Justin llorando después de perder un juego, dos días después de que él interpretara "Cry Me a River". El enigma está prácticamente escrito en la pared.

Por cierto, Britney estaba en el equipo de baloncesto cuando iba a la escuela y ha demostrado sus habilidades antes, por lo que es posible que Justin haya perdido contra ella durante su tiempo en las canchas.

Britney Spears No Disrespect to JT, But ... He'd Cry When I Whooped Him On The B-Ball Court!!!

Britney Spears is firing a shot at Justin Timberlake and what she considers his lack of basketball skills, claiming he was a sore loser when she'd take him down on the court.

The pop star took to Instagram Friday to throw some shade at the "Suit & Tie" singer ... without naming names, she writes, "I never mentioned how I beat him in basketball 🏀 and he would cry … no disrespect 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ !!!"

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Cry Him A River
TikTok / @Chynnatok

Britney's phrasing is no coincidence ... you'll recall, Justin addressed the controversy surrounding him and Britney's memoir, "The Woman In Me," during his performance in Las Vegas Wednesday night.

Right before singing, "Cry Me a River," JT looked to the crowd and said, "No disrespect" ... and the song was one Britney slammed for the connection to their broken relationship. It was alleged Justin wrote it after he had caught Britney cheating.

So yea ... Brit talking about Justin crying after losing a game, two days after Justin performed "Cry Me a River" -- the writing's practically on the wall.

BTW, Britney was on the basketball team in high school and has shown off her skills before ... so it's possible JT took a few Ls during their time on the court together.

Jerry O'Connell Stamos Calling Out My Wife Feels Like a 'Betrayal' to Me

Jerry O'Connell's providing more context as to why John Stamos' memoir -- in which he grouses about ex-wife Rebecca Romijn -- didn't sit well with Jerry and Rebecca, but also says he knows it comes with the territory.

Jerry, who's of course married to Rebecca now, joined us Friday on "TMZ Live" to explain why, personally, he would never write a book like John's "If You Would Have Told Me."

He says a celebrity tell-all book that drags someone who was once a part of your life feels like "betrayal."


The "Pictionary" host and "Stand By Me" star tells us his wife was definitely "bummed out" when she found out about the negative things John wrote about their marriage.

Jerry admits he's generally a fan of celeb memoirs, and acknowledges it's just part of showbiz. Still, he says the people who are written about in those books can still feel "disappointed."

By the way, he's not just talking about Rebecca -- he also mentions King Charles, Meghan Markle and Justin Timberlake, to name just a few.

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As we reported, we got Jerry out in NYC Thursday when we first talked with him about the memoir drama ... and he thought it would've been a good idea for JS to give his wife a heads-up about the things he wrote about her.

You'll recall, John called Rebecca "the devil" in the tell-all ... and also told Howard Stern he was convinced there was no way their marriage could have worked out in the end.

Sounds like Jerry's fully aware of what sells memoirs, but that doesn't mean he's giving John a pass.

Tekashi 6ix9ine GF Arrested For Felony Charge ... Appears to Hit Him On Camera!!!

Tekashi 6ix9ine's girlfriend got arrested on a felony charge after video appeared to show her smacking him with a 2x4 multiple times, and damaging his Bentley.

Dominican rapper Yailin La Más Viral was busted Thursday following a domestic dispute at Tekashi's Florida home.

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The Fight Footage

According to the police report, obtained by TMZ, cops were called to 6ix9ine's pad and when they got there Tekashi told them he had been arguing with Yailin all day and it escalated to the point where she hit him and his Bentley.

Cops say Tekashi told them Yailin grabbed a 2x4 during the fight and started hitting him ... and he accuses her of kicking his Bentley's sideview mirror and using a ground stake to break the windshield.

The police report says Tekashi also claimed Yailin pulled his hair ... and he showed officers cell phone footage of the fight.

Tekashi ended up posting some of the video on social media ... and it appears to show Yailin wailing on him with a 2x4, hitting him at least 4 times before being taken away in handcuffs.

Cops say Yailin told them Tekashi was withholding her money and passport from her, causing her to become upset. Police say she told them she tried to leave Tekashi's pad but he stopped her, and that's when she decided to damage his car "to cause him financial hardship."

In the end, police say the video footage gave them probable cause to arrest Yailin for aggravated battery, witness tampering and felony criminal mischief. She was taken into custody and transported to central jail.


It's not the first time Tekashi and Yailin have been seen fighting on camera ... but it appears this is the first time a dispute has escalated to violence and an arrest.

Justin Timberlake Addresses Britney Backlash ... 'Cry Me a River' Is Nothing Personal

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Cry Him A River
TikTok / @Chynnatok

Justin Timberlake seemed to address the controversy around him in Britney Spears' recent memoir during his Sin City performance -- using just two words to make his cryptic point.

As you know, JT hit the stage to perform in a theater at the grand opening of the posh Fontainebleau Las Vegas Wednesday night -- but, as he teed up his hit, "Cry Me A River," he suddenly made his very brief comment.

Check out this new footage ... Before launching into the song, JT turned to the packed crowd and said, "No disrespect," apparently referring to Britney, who slammed the track for its link to their shattered relationship in her book, "The Woman In Me," published in October.

JT created the tune after his 2002 breakup with Brit, alluding to infidelity in the lyrics and, in an accompanying video, he shared the spotlight with a woman who looks a bit like Brit.

In her memoir, Brit revealed several of the secrets they kept as a couple for years, shocking the world with her claim that Justin got her pregnant and they agreed to get an abortion.


Brit wrote that they didn't want the news to leak to the media, so they opted for an at-home abortion -- which BS described as an excruciatingly painful procedure.

She also said infidelity was a 2-way street in their relationship.

As for JT, he has yet to release an official statement addressing the controversy. But his two-word comment at his Vegas show might be all he has to say.

Justin Timberlake Aborda el drama en el libro de Britney 'Cry me a river' no es nada personal

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TikTok / @Chynnatok

Justin Timberlake pareció abordar la controversia que le rodea en las recientes memorias de Britney Spears durante su actuación en la ciudad del pecado, utilizando solo dos palabras para hacer su enigmático punto.

Como ustedes saben, Justin subió al escenario para actuar en la gran apertura del elegante resort Fontainebleau en Las Vegas el miércoles por la noche, y cuando se preparaba para cantar su éxito, "Cry Me A River", de repente hizo un breve comentario.

Echa un vistazo a estas nuevas imágenes. Antes de lanzar la canción, el cantante se dirigió a la multitud y dijo: "Sin faltar el respeto", aparentemente refiriéndose a Britney, quien criticó la pista por estar conectada a su difícil relación en el libro, "The Woman in Me", publicado en octubre.

Justin Timberlake creó la melodía después de su ruptura con Brit en 2002, aludiendo a una infidelidad en la letra y en un video que la acompaña. En este video, además, compartió protagonismo con una mujer que se parecía un poco a Brit.

En sus memorias, ella reveló varios secretos entre ellos durante años, conmocionando al mundo con su afirmación de que Justin la dejó embarazada y acordaron abortar.

Britney revela una bomba

Brit escribió que no querían que la noticia se filtrara a los medios, por lo que optaron por un aborto en casa, el que Britney describió como insoportablemente doloroso.

También dijo que la infidelidad era algo que corría para ambos lados en su relación.

En cuanto a Justin, aún no ha emitido ninguna declaración oficial sobre la polémica. Pero su comentario de dos palabras en su show de Las Vegas podría ser todo lo que tiene que decir.

Selena Gomez Lockin' Lips With Benny Blanco

Selena Gomez is all in with Benny Blanco ... because they clearly can't keep their lips off each other!

SG posted some pics showcasing some of her "favorite moments" in New York this week -- starting with a photo celebrating her pal Taylor Swift's birthday.

And then there's the kiss ... celebrating her love for Benny as she plants a big one on his lips

As you know, Selena's been putting BB on her socials, defending her relationship with Benny after some of her wonky fans blasted her for "dating down" ... referencing her prior relationships with guys like Justin Bieber and Nick Jonas.

Selena's fired back, saying she'll never date "a f***boy ever again," and that he's been treating her "better than any human being."

Good on her ... only thing is, don't give those jerks oxygen.

We covered the drama on the latest episode of TMZ Verified, available on all podcast platforms.

Selena Gomez Besuqueándose con Benny Blanco

Selena Gomez va muy en serio con Benny Blanco, ¡porque claramente no pueden mantener sus labios separados el uno del otro!

Selena Gomez publicó algunas fotos de sus "momentos favoritos" en Nueva York esta semana, comenzando con una foto del cumpleaños de su amiga Taylor Swift.

A continuación, compartió una foto celebrando su amor por Benny, en la que se ve dándole un tremendo beso.

Como ustedes saben, Selena ha estado compartiendo fotos de Benny Blanco en sus redes sociales para defender su relación después de que algunos malpensados fans la criticaran por "estar retrocediendo" en sus relaciones, luego de haber salido con chicos como Justin Bieber y Nick Jonas.

Selena ha respondido de vuelta, diciendo que nunca volverá a salir con "un chico de mier***" y que él la ha tratado "mejor que cualquier ser humano".

Bien por ella... lo único es que no le dé oxígeno a esos imbéciles.

Cubrimos el drama en el último episodio de TMZ Verified, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Kanye West Disney Day With Bianca & North

Kanye West is back home in California with his family ... taking his daughter North to Disneyland, a place that's practically her playground, but there were some big differences on this trip.

Ye spent part of his Thursday visiting the Mouse House with North and his new wife, Bianca Censori.

North's been to Disneyland a bunch with her famous parents, and other family members, over the years -- but this is the first time she's been with stepmom Bianca -- instead of Kim Kardashian -- as far as we've seen.

TMZ obtained photos of the trio making their way through the huge Disneyland holiday crowds with a personal Disney tour guide, of course, and some security in tow.

Folks in the park tell us Kanye, Bianca and North went the back way into the Haunted Mansion -- reserved for VIPs -- and North looked happy as she held Bianca's hand.

On their way into the Haunted Mansion, which currently has a "Nightmare Before Christmas" holiday overlay, we're told North and Bianca were talkative ... while Kanye remained silent.

Kanye and Bianca have been married about a year now, and all evidence points to his kids totally warming up to her.

After riding the Haunted Mansion, we're told the West trio hoofed it over to nearby Frontier Land for more fun.

As you can see, Kanye is covering up in a black hoodie, and we're told the group went largely unnoticed -- which, as you'd expect, never happens when Kim's there. Interestingly, Bianca was rocking one of her standard bodysuits, but a much more conservative, non-see-through, family-friendly one.

Kanye and Bianca have been all over the world this year -- Japan, all over Europe and then Dubai ... where, earlier this week, Kanye unveiled his new album, "Vultures."

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North has a verse on the record, so you could view the trip to Anaheim as a celebration of her rap debut. Miss Westie loves her some Disneyland!