Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann puede que no estén teniendo tantas explosiones públicas como el año pasado, pero el divorcio sigue en marcha, y hay fuentes que nos dicen que la lucha nunca se detiene.

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que Kim y Kroy todavía están luchando con su divorcio, a pesar de que no ha habido mucho en las noticias acerca del tema.

Nos informan que los dos son el uno al otro mucho, con sus peleas intermitentes persistiendo, pero la policía no ha tenido que responder por un tiempo, por lo que parece ser algo civil en la casa.

Nos dicen que Kim y Kroy tienen días buenos y malos, pero tienen una tendencia a entrar en discusiones verbales sobre cosas muy pequeñas, debido -según nuestras fuentes- a que se están divorciando y, sin embargo, todavía viven en la misma casa.

Los problemas de dinero de la pareja han sido bien documentados, el IRS y una serie de otros cobradores de deudas están exigiendo dinero que aseguran que la pareja les debe.

Para empeorar las cosas, Kim y Kroy parece que no pueden vender su casa... una entrada potencial de dinero en efectivo que podría aliviar algunos de sus problemas de dinero. Han bajado el precio dos veces ya, bajando desde el precio origial de $6M a $ 4.5M.

El divorcio ha sido bastante turbulento, con Kim y Kroy corriendo a la corte para presentarse de nuevo en mayo del año pasado. Ellos cancelaron el divorcio un par de meses más tarde antes de que Kroy volviera a presentarlo en septiembre.

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momentos intensos

El momento más importante llegó en noviembre, cuando una gran explosión entre los dos llevó a uno de sus hijos a llamar a la policía. Nadie fue arrestado, pero el video parecía mostrar una casa en crisis.

Parece que todo está un poco más tranquilo hoy... veamos cuanto dura.

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Divorce Still On ... Non-Stop Bickering

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann might not be having as many public explosions as last year ... but the divorce is still going on, with sources telling us the fighting never stops.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Kim & Kroy are still on the divorce track, even though there hasn't been much in the news about the soon-to-be exes.

We're told the two are at each other a lot, with their on-and-off fighting persisting ... but, police haven't had to respond for a while, so it seems to be somewhat civil in the house.

Tom Sandoval Heralding A Whole New Year ... 'Happy Bday' on Trumpet

serenading the bar

Tom Sandoval's celebrating a milestone in a loud way ... blasting "Happy Birthday" on a trumpet -- and, we're told not everyone was diggin' it.

Check out the video, obtained by TMZ ... there's Tom, right behind the bar at Fox Fire -- a local Los Angeles hot spot -- gettin' the place to quiet down before lifting up the brass and playing the first few notes.

Some of the crowd gets into it, singing along to the beginnings of the tune ... but, our sources say some of the people closer to the back weren't loving the serenade -- seemingly annoyed with TS.

BTW ... we're told Tom was with a lovely lady at the bar -- unclear what their relationship might be, but Sandoval is one of the most eligible bachelors around.


Also ... unclear where Tom got the trumpet from -- but, we don't imagine he's lugging it around on a bar crawl. So, it's possible the bar had one, and it was just calling his name.

Obviously, Tom's super talented ... he's the frontman of a pretty popular cover band "Tom Sandoval & The Most Extras" -- so, he's just proving once again he's got that talent for music.

FWIW ... Tom's talked about playing his trumpet before -- saying playing it's always a deep, meaningful expression of himself. Some of his costars were less enthusiastic.

We'll have to see if this leads anywhere ... trumpeter Cameo vids anyone???


"nos vemos en la corte mamá"

Honey Boo Boo no se anda con chiquitas cuando se trata de su dinero, ya que está amenazando a Mama June por "robar" su dinero.

Así es la cosa, las estrellas de reality tuvieron otra discusión relacionada con el dinero en el episodio de esta semana de "Mama June: Family Crisis", con June entregándole cheques a su hija Alana, más conocida como Honey Boo Boo.

La pequeña cantidad de dinero que recibió sorprendió a las hijas de Mama, quienes la interrogan al respecto antes de admitir finalmente que gastó algo de dinero en gastos... como ropa y comida.

Eso sin duda molesto a su hija, que afirma en un confesionario que puede que tenga que considerar la posibilidad de tomar acciones legales contra su madre, añadiendo que se siente que le robó.

Parece que Alana está harta de su madre, porque esta no es la primera vez que han discutido por dinero en efectivo.


Recordemos que la semana pasada, salió un episodio donde Honey Boo Boo dijo que sentía que su mamá siempre tenía dinero para todos los demás, pero nunca para ella, y acusó a su madre de gastar más en las cadenas de oro de su marido que su propia universidad.

Ahora, sabemos que estos episodios se rodaron hace un tiempo, porque la familia habla del dinero de la matrícula universitaria de Alana, y sabemos que ella ya está en la escuela. Ella está estudiando enfermería en Colorado, y dice que recibió una beca de $21.000.

Teniendo en cuenta cómo Honey parece estar sintiéndose en estos episodios, puede que vaya tras su madre para que le devuelva lo que le pertenece.

Honey Boo Boo Might Be Time to Lawyer Up, June ... Threatens Mom w/ Court


Honey Boo Boo ain't messin' around when it comes to her cash ... threatening Mama June with some legal drama for "stealing" her money.

Here's the deal ... the reality stars sat down for another money-related discussion on this week's episode of "Mama June: Family Crisis" -- with June handing over checks for her daughter Alana -- better known as Honey Boo Boo.

The small amount of money HBB receives shocked Mama's daughters who interrogate her about it ... before eventually admitting she spent some cash on cost of living expenses, like clothes and food.

That certainly upset her daughter ... who says in a confessional that she may need to consider legal action against her mom -- adding she feels June's stolen from her.

It seems like Alana's fed up with her mom ... 'cause this isn't the first time they've quarreled over cash.


Remember ... just last week, an episode came out where Honey Boo Boo said she felt her mom always had money for everyone else, but never for her -- and she accused her mom of spending more on her husband's gold chains than her own college.

Now, we know these episodes were shot a while ago ... 'cause the family's talking about Alana's college tuition money, and we know she's already in school. She's studying nursing in Colorado, and she says she received a $21,000 scholarship.

Given how Honey seems to be feeling in these episodes though ... she may be coming after her mom to cover the rest of her expenses.

Corey Feldman, Jennifer Gimenez Instrumental In Getting Daisy de la Hoya Into Treatment

Daisy de la Hoya received a helping hand from some fellow Hollywood stars who are also sober and familiar with what she experienced during a mental health breakdown.

Jennifer Gimenez, formerly of "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" fame and her husband, Tim Ryan from A&E's "Dope Man" tell TMZ ...  they teamed up with actor Corey Feldman and his manager, Dave Altman to help get Daisy into a mental health treatment center.

Jennifer and Tim tell us Daisy's seeing a therapist daily and is going through the 12-step program. This, of course, comes after Daisy was accused of stalking "90 Day Fiancé" stars Mariah Fineman and Tom Brooks ... which she denies.


Jennifer and Tim say Daisy is journaling a lot, working on music, and has already acknowledged she had a problem -- which Jennifer and Tim say is a huge step in the right direction, and one that takes a whole lot to admit.

Corey's manager is currently caring for her dog.

Jennifer and Tim -- both recovering addicts who care for people in long-term recovery -- say Daisy was fragile when she entered treatment, but they're already seeing her turn the corner.

It's great to hear she's doing much better now ... all thanks to some great celeb friends!

If you need Jennifer or Tim's help visit or call 844-611-HOPE (4673).

Corey Feldman, Jennifer Giménez Ayudan a Daisy de la Hoya a recibir tratamiento

Daisy de la Hoya recibió el apoyo de algunas estrellas de Hollywood que también están sobrias y familiarizadas con lo que experimentó durante una crisis emocional.

Jennifer Gimenez, ex participante de "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" y su marido, Tim Ryan, anfitrión de A&E le dicen a TMZ que se asociaron con el actor Corey Feldman y su manager Dave Altman para ayudar a conseguir un centro de salud mental donde Daisy pueda recibir tratamiento.

Jennifer y Tim nos dicen que Daisy está viendo a un terapeuta diariamente y pasando por el programa de 12 pasos. Esto, por supuesto, viene después de que Daisy fuera acusada de acosar a las estrellas de "90 Day Fiancé", Mariah Fineman y Tom Brooks, algo que ella niega.

Invitación a comer

Jennifer y Tim dicen que Daisy está escribiendo mucho, trabajando en la música y que ya es consciente de que tenía un problema, algo que Jennifer y Tim consideran un gran paso en la dirección correcta, pues significa mucho hacerlo.

El manager de Corey está actualmente cuidando de su perro. Nos dicen que la Fundación MusiCares está pagando por el tratamiento de Daisy.

Jennifer y Tim, que en el pasado tuvieron problemas de adicción y ahora ayudan a personas en recuperación, dicen que Daisy estaba muy frágil cuando comenzó el tratamiento, pero que ya la ven mucho mejor.

Es bueno saber que ahora está mucho mejor, ¡y todo gracias a algunos grandes amigos famosos!

Kristin Cavallari Hot Date Night w/ New Man ... Hand in Hand, Big Smiles

Kristin Cavallari's lookin' head over heels for her new man Mark Estes, holding hands and flashing sweet looks on their way to dinner in L.A.

The happy couple strolled into Sugarfish -- a classy sushi joint in ritzy Beverly Hills ... and KC was dressed to impress, hot leather pants pulled up high.

The couple grabbed a bite to eat before having a car pick them up ... and, Cavallari even helped a pap figure out who the 24-year-old looks like -- pointing to one legendary actor.

date night

Watch the clip yourself to hear the comparison ... and, check out the demeanor too. Lots of laughin' and flirtin' -- great to see the new couple's still in that honeymoon phase.

Remember ... Cavallari went public with her relationship not long after we posted photos of her and Estes hangin' out down in Cabo -- lookin' fabulous while riding a tram at the airport headed for customs.

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Like A High School Girl
Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

Cavallari's since detailed more specific info about her new dude ... taking to her podcast to talk about how fate seemingly brought the two together.

And, the happy couple seems to be gettin' serious -- 'cause Cavallari shared a snap where Estes appeared to be deep in convo with one of her three kiddos ... definitely looks like more than just casual dating.

Anyhoo ... Kristin and Mark are clearly lovin' the new relationship -- and Hollywood's definitely got a new "it couple."

Leah McSweeney Andy Cohen le debe una disculpa a Kate... Es "cruel" con las mujeres

Leah McSweeney le está pidiendo a Andy Cohen que se retracte, diciendo que le encanta ir tras las mujeres y que debería pedirle disculpas a Kate Middleton.

La ex estrella de "Real Housewives of New York", que presentó una demanda contra Cohen en febrero, lo criticó por Instagram el viernes, solo unas horas después de que se supiera el anuncio que la Princesa de Gales ha sido diagnosticada con cáncer.

En el comunicado, compartido en su historia de Instagram, Leah dice que Cohen disfruta siendo "cruel" con las mujeres y que Kate no fue una excepción a la regla. Continúa diciendo que este debería disculparse con Catherine y termina pidiendo que las personas que están en posiciones de poder practiquen un mejor liderazgo.

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De compras con William
TMZ / The Sun

Por si no lo saben, Andy compartió un tweet después de que TMZ obtuviera un video del Príncipe William y la Princesa Catherine caminando en la granja de Windsor, en el que decía: "Esa no es Kate ...".

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Reveladoras noticias
X / @KensingtonRoyal

También habría hablado sobre los rumores de infidelidad de parte de William en su podcast, todo antes de que Kate anunciara que está lidiando con el cáncer.

Con todo, esto no se ve bien para Cohen, que es solo una de las muchas celebridades que ha recibido críticas en las últimas horas por las bromas y comentarios que hicieron sobre Kate antes de la reveladora noticia.

Blake Lively ya se ha disculpado por hacer una broma sobre la foto familiar "photoshopeada" de Middleton, mientras que Kim Kardashian ha estado callada respecto a su propio post en el que se refería a la princesa Kate en el pie de foto.

Por cierto, McSweeney está demandando a Cohen y a Bravo por crear un ambiente de trabajo tóxico, en el que su salud mental y sus dificultades asociadas al consumo de alcohol fueron explotadas por el show. Por lo tanto, ella tiene sus propias razones para estar criticando los comentarios de Cohen.

Dicho esto, McSweeney ha estado diciéndole a la gente que deje tranquila a Kate por un tiempo. El domingo 17 de marzo publicó un mensaje en el que le deseaba lo mejor a Middleton mientras le pedía a la gente que respetara la privacidad de la princesa y dejara de cotillear sobre ella.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el equipo de Andy, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

Leah McSweeney Andy Cohen Owes Kate an Apology ... Being 'Cruel' to Women

Leah McSweeney's taking Andy Cohen to task ... claiming he loves viciously going after women -- and calling on him to apologize to Kate Middleton.

The former 'Real Housewives of New York' star -- who filed a lawsuit against AC back in February -- called out Cohen on Instagram Friday hours after the Princess of Wales' shocking cancer announcement.

In the statement, shared to her Instagram story, LM says Cohen enjoys being "cruel" to women, and adds Kate was no exception to the rule. She continues by saying Cohen needs to apologize to Catherine ... and finishes by calling on people in power to practice better leadership.

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TMZ / The Sun

ICYMI ... Andy shared a tweet after TMZ obtained video of Prince William and Princess Catherine walking at a farm stand in Windsor, writing, "That ain't Kate..."

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X / @KensingtonRoyal

He also reportedly spoke about rumors of infidelity between William and on his podcast earlier this week ... all before Kate announced she's dealing with cancer.

All in all ... not a great look for Cohen -- who's just one of many celebs who have caught some flak for jokes and comments they made about KM before her video Friday.

'RHOP' Star KAREN HUGER Reeked of BOOZE AFTER CRASH ... According to Cops

Karen Huger was swaying and had a strong odor of alcohol on her breath following her frightening crash Tuesday night in Potomac, MD ... this according to the police report.

According to the report, obtained by TMZ, officers noted the 'Real Housewives of Potomac' cast member also had slurred speech and bloodshot eyes when they arrived on scene -- and they say she didn't answer when cops asked her twice how much she had to drink.

Officers also noted she had 2 closed bottles of the alcoholic beverage Stella inside her vehicle.

The report adds that while cops thought Karen appeared to be intoxicated ... she declined to undergo a field sobriety test or a breathalyzer.

Fire rescue, which also responded to the scene, tried to get her to sit on a stretcher -- but the report says she refused both the stretcher and any medical care.

According to officers, Karen also made it clear she did not wish to be recorded when officers told her she was on their bodycam footage.

She was ultimately arrested for DUI, and driven to the police station where she was issued citations ... and later released to her husband, Raymond.

As we reported ... cops told us Karen hit the median and a street sign late Tuesday night while driving her 2017 Maserati -- and a security guard in the neighborhood called the police after witnessing the whole thing.

Huger hasn't addressed the charges yet.

BTW, we spoke with Karen's 'RHOP' costar Candiace Dillard Bassett ... who filled us in on the folks showing her tons of support following her crash -- as well as what it might mean for Karen's future on the series.

She's Being Supported

Pretty interesting insight from a reality bedfellow ... take a look for yourself.


Backplate Busted

Kylie Jenner was all pumped up to push her new canned vodka soda venture ... but things fizzled right out of the gate.

The makeup mogul's driver accidentally crashed into her mom Kris Jenner's $400k Rolls-Royce Ghost while arriving at WeHo's Catch Steak Thursday for the brand's launch party -- and the collision's aftermath is captured in this wild clip.

Check it out ... as the KarJenners were arriving for Kylie's big launch event -- where she was plugging her new booze Sprinter -- one of the drivers behind the wheel in their fleet of SUVs, believed to be that of Kylie's, rammed into Kris's very pricey whip.

As the driver reverses ... you can see the impact was so strong that it left Kris's license plate dangling off the RR's bumper. It amounted to a fender-bender -- but it was still shocking.

Luckily, Kris's luxury ride doesn't seem too messed up ... and it looks like it'll just need a quick trip to the repair shop. That's a relief ... especially seeing how Kris was the first person to snag keys to the ride in 2021.

After the little vehicle run-in, the rest of the evening went on without a hitch for the Sprinter Soda bash, with host Kylie rocking a killer black plunging PVC dress.

Another thing to note -- this outing was the first one Kris made after the tragic news that her sister Karen Houghton recently passed just days earlier. She was all smiles for this, putting on a brave face no doubt.

Despite her personal grief, Kris rocked her momager hat like a boss ... showing up with her trademark support at her daughter's shindig.

As for the bumper thing ... leave it to the insurance.

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Kylie Jenner Su chofer choca contra el Rolls Royce de Kris!!!

Choque en la parte trasera

Kylie Jenner estaba con toda la adrenalina en el cuerpo para impulsar su nueva empresa de refrescos de vodka, pero las cosas se salieron de control al salir nada más del carro.

El conductor de la magnate del maquillaje se estrelló accidentalmente contra el Rolls-Royce Ghost de su madre Kris Jenner, avaluado en $400K, mientras estaban llegando a Catch Steak en West Hollywood para la fiesta de lanzamiento de su marca el jueves, y las consecuencias del choque fueron capturadas en este loco video.

Compruébalo tú mismo, las KarJenners estaban llegando al gran evento de Kylie, donde ella lanzó su nueva bebida Sprinter, cuando uno de los conductores al volante de su flota de SUVs, que se cree que era de Kylie, embistió contra el lujoso vehículo de Kris.

Mientras el conductor estaba dando marcha atrás, se puede ver que el impacto fue tan fuerte que dejó la matrícula de Kris colgando del parachoques del Rolls Royce. Al final fue un accidente menor, pero aun así impactante.

Por suerte, el carro de lujo de Kris no quedó demasiado estropeado y parece que solo necesitará un viaje rápido al taller mecánico, lo que es un alivio.

Después del pequeño incidente, la noche transcurrió sin problemas para celebrar el lanzamiento de Sprinter Soda, con la anfitriona Kylie luciendo un vestido negro de PVC.

Otra cosa a tener en cuenta es que esta fue la primera salida de Kris desde que se supo la trágica noticia de la muerte de su hermana Karen Houghton hace unos días. La personalidad televisiva estaba muy contenta, seguramente haciéndose la fuerte.

A pesar de su dolor personal, Kris sacudió su sombrero de matriarca para apoyar el lanzamiento de la marca de su hija.

En cuanto a lo del parachoques, déjenlo en manos del seguro.


Christine Quinn no está sentada en el banquillo en medio de la detención de su marido por presunta agresión con un arma mortal, y se prepara para pedir una mayor protección, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que la estrella de "Selling Sunset" está hablando activamente con sus abogados en este momento, y nos dicen que está dispuesta a exponer su historia con Christian Dumontet, la cual ha sido muy turbulenta.

Nos dicen que está pensando que hacer con su matrimonio -incluyendo la posibilidad de considerar el divorcio- la protección de ella y su hijo es su máxima prioridad en este momento, razón por la cual nuestras fuentes dicen que ella quiere una orden de restricción.

Se nos dice que Christine parece preparada para hacer más acusaciones contra Christian, y es por eso que se está reuniendo con sus abogados. Nos dicen que hay mucho que detallar sobre lo que ella afirma que pasó a puertas cerradas, incluso antes del incidente que ocurrió el martes.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que, por ahora, la relación de Christine y Christian se siente irrevocablemente rota, pero hasta que exista una demanda de divorcio, nunca se sabe lo que podría suceder. Todo lo que sabemos es que Christine quisiera tener un campo de fuerza de ser posible.

Como informamos, la orden de protección de emergencia proporcionada por la policía caduca en 7 días, por lo que el miércoles, Christine tendrá que solicitar una orden de restricción temporal si quiere protección legal adicional.

Christian fue detenido dos veces en 2 días. Esto comenzó con el incidente en el cual le lanzó una bolsa con vidrios que terminó golpeando a su hijo.

Hemos tratado de llegar a Christian, pero no hemos tenido suerte.

'Selling Sunset' Christine Quinn Gunning for Extra Protection Against Husband ... Talking to Lawyers for TRO

Christine Quinn isn't sitting on the sidelines amid her husband's arrest for alleged assault with a deadly weapon -- she's going on the offensive and gearing up to ask for further protection ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the "Selling Sunset" star is actively speaking with attorneys right now -- as we're told she's prepared to lay out her history with Christian Dumontet ... something our sources say has been up-and-down through their marriage.

We're told that before she even entertains what to do with her marriage -- including the possibility of considering divorce -- protecting her and her son is her top priority right now ... which is why our sources say she wants a restraining order.

We're told Christine seems primed to make further allegations against Christian -- which is why she's meeting with lawyers ... because we're told there's lots to detail about what she claims went on behind closed doors, even before the incident that went down on Tuesday.

Our sources do tell us that, for now, Christine and Christian's relationship feels irrevocably broken -- but until a divorce filing is in ... you never know what might happen. All we know is that Christine is dead-set on getting an additional legal forcefield around her ASAP.

As we reported ... the emergency protective order provided to her by police lapses in 7 days -- so by Wednesday, Christine will need to file for a TRO if she wants additional legal protection.

Christian, of course, was arrested twice in 2 days this week stemming from an alleged incident that cops say involved him throwing a sack with glass at her .. and hitting their kid.

We've tried reaching out to Christian without any luck.

Karen Huger First Photos From Crash Site ... Shows Extent of Damage

Karen Huger's scary Tuesday night crash seems to have left its mark on the area ... with the first photos from the scene appearing to show just how close Karen came to disaster.

The pics, obtained by TMZ, show where the 'Real Housewives' star swerved off the road in Potomac, MD -- leaving lots of skids and torn-up grass before slamming into a tree ... taking a big chunk of the bark with her. We've confirmed these were taken at the specific location mentioned in the court docket that laid out all of Karen's charges and traffic violations.

The photos and video we got give a clear indication of how serious the wreck was -- honing in on the point of contact where Karen went off the roadway -- which she says she did to avoid an oncoming car -- this after having a very emotional dinner with a friend of hers.

Police however tell a different tale ... with Montgomery County PD now offering another update on what they say went down after Karen had her accident.

As we reported ... cops had told us Karen hit the median and a street sign late Tuesday night while driving her 2017 Maserati -- and we're now told a security guard in the neighborhood saw the whole thing and called the police.

A MCPD rep says fire rescue and police officers responded to the call with an ambulance ... but, police say Huger refused to go to the hospital or be evaluated.

We're told KH was then taken into custody and transported to a district station ... with police telling us she was actually arrested and cited for DUI that evening ... but wasn't booked into their jail. Instead, they tell us she was released to her husband, Raymond.

Karen was also cited for other traffic violations before being released.


Huger hasn't addressed the DUI/DWI charges yet ... the only thing she mentioned to us Wednesday was a car going straight for her while she was driving ... which she says caused her to swerve to dodge it -- explaining she miraculously walked away without injuries.

Given how the crash scene looks ... Huger may actually have a guardian angel on her side like she says.

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