Kristin Cavallari y su novio Mark Estes claramente van en serio, porque no solo le ha presentado a sus hijos, además están en una relación.

La madre de tres compartió una foto por Instagram el domingo, con su nuevo novio de 24 años de edad compartiendo con uno de sus hijos. Parecen inmersos en la conversación mientras que Mama Cavallari los sigue unos pasos atrás.

Kristin no añadió comentarios en la foto, pero puso un emoji de corazón blanco, lo que quiere decir que claramente está muy feliz al respecto.

Por cierto, no está claro cuál de los hijos de Kristin es el del video, pero puedes imaginar que les presentó a Mark al mismo tiempo. Podemos deducir que se los presentó hace un buen rato porque se ven muy cómodos. Kristin comparte tres hijos con su ex, Jay Cutler.

Parece que las cosas avanzan rápidamente entre Kristin y Mark. Recuerde que Cavallari solo reveló que estaban saliendo a finales de febrero, por lo que las cosas han progresado bastante rápido entre los dos.

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Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

Al parecer el destino quería que la pareja se conociera. Kristin reveló recientemente en su pódcast "Let's Be Honest", que vio por primera vez a Mark en TikTok con su equipo The Montana Boyz.

Semanas después de ver al bombón, Kristin recibió un mensaje de uno de los chicos. Invitó al grupo a su pódcast, congenió con Estes y empezaron a verse. Un cuento de hadas del siglo XXI.

Parece que un mensaje en la bandeja de entrada se ha convertido en cupido, y solo queda esperar y ver como sigue esta linda relación.

Mauricio Umansky Separation Coming to Reality TV ... Vulnerable Moments on 'Buying Beverly Hills'


Mauricio Umansky and Kyle Richards' separation is coming to television in its rawest form ... with Umansky saying footage from right after the news broke will appear in "Buying Beverly Hills."

We spoke with Mauricio last week while he was building homes in South Los Angeles in coordination with Habitat for Humanity alongside his daughters ... who are featured heavily in the season 2 trailer for the hit Netflix reality show.

Apparently, the convos in the trailer aren't staged ... instead, Mauricio says cameras were set to roll on the family in Aspen last summer -- the same weekend news of the separation blew up online.

MU says the fam decided not to hide their issues from the cameras ... and instead allowed themselves to be vulnerable for the show -- something he's hoping will help members of the audience who might be going through a similar situation.


Of course, our talk with Mauricio comes on the heels of the shocking 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' reunion ... where Kyle revealed Mauricio is looking to move out of their home.

This seems to be a long time coming ... the two separated last July, and both Kyle and Mauricio have been linked to new partners -- though they've both denied any new romantic relationships.

Umansky explained he's not super far into the moving process when we asked about it ... but added he's not totally ready to open up about specifics just yet either.

It seems like fans will get an inside look at the tumultuous relationship soon enough. "Buying Beverly Hills" season 2 premieres March 22.

Kristin Cavallari Shares Pic of Mark Estes w/ Son ... Bonding Weeks After Relationship Reveal

Kristin Cavallari and her boyfriend Mark Estes are clearly pretty serious ... 'cause not only has she introduced him to her kids -- but it seems they've got a rapport!

The mother-of-three shared a picture to Instagram Sunday featuring her new 24-year-old beau with one of her kids ... and they seem deep in conversation while Mama Cavallari is able to hang back a few steps.

KC didn't add anything in the way of words to the pic ... but she did drop a white heart emoji on the photo -- so clearly she's pretty happy with the chummy bonding going on.

BTW ... unclear which of Kristin's sons this is -- but, ya gotta imagine she introduced Mark to them at or around the same time, and it was long enough ago that one of her kids can seemingly hold a convo with him comfortably. Kristin shares three children with her ex, Jay Cutler.

It seems like things are movin' along quickly between KC and ME ... remember, Cavallari only revealed they were dating at the end of February -- so things have seemingly progressed quickly between the two.

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Like A High School Girl
Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

It makes sense when you consider it seems almost like fate was pushing these two together ... Kristin recently revealed on her 'Let's Be Honest' podcast that she first spotted Mark on TikTok with his crew The Montana Boyz.

Weeks after spotting the hottie, Kristin got a DM from one of the guys. She invited the group on her podcast, hit it off with Estes and they started seeing each other. Talk about a 21st century fairytale!

Anyway, it seems a stray DM has now turned into contact with the kids ... and, we'll just have to wait and see where the loved-up couple goes from here.

FRÉDÉRIC PRINZ VON ANHALT Lookin' To Knock Up A Woman ... To Carry On Zsa Zsa's Legacy


Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt wants to have a child, but he says he's a bit too old to adopt ... so he's looking for a Gen-Z'er to carry his baby.

We spoke with Zsa Zsa Gabor's widow in Bev Hills, and he told us he's gotten lots of marriage proposals since Gabor died back in 2016 ... but he's not looking to shack up with some older woman. Instead, he wants someone young and ready to pop out his child.

Frédéric -- who just turned 80 -- says he's been scouring Europe, and now the United States, for the right person to carry his child and carry on his legacy, and Zsa Zsa's too.

As for the baby-makin' part ... Frédéric assures us everything is in working order down there -- adding Viagra's been an absolute miracle for him.

FPVA points out tons of older dudes are gettin' their younger women pregnant ... just take Robert De Niro and Al Pacino for example, who were both around the same age as von Anhalt when they had their kids last year.

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Hold your horses, potential suitors ... 'cause this playboy's not just looking for any woman -- he's got a few must-haves on his list. Take a listen for yourself ... sounds like von Anhalt's got a particular kinda girl in mind.

Frédéric's not wasting any time either ... he says he's already been on a few dates and wants the bun in the oven within the next year!

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You may remember, von Anhalt adopted a 27-year-old back in 2022 to carry on his legacy ... but -- after the A&E "Adults Adopting Adults" reality show was canceled -- von Anhalt told us he didn't want to be an adoptive father anymore. Kinda strange because Thursday he said that actually wasn't the truth, and insisted his adopted son Kevin actually ran off on him.

In any case, Frédéric clearly wants to go a different route to fatherhood this time ... and he's confident he's going to find the perfect woman.

SCOTT DISICK COMIENDO ALGO EN L.A. En medio de una notable pérdida de peso

Scott Disick salió para disfrutar de una comida abundante con algunos amigos cercanos en un lugar muy popular de L.A., y podemos percatarnos de que ha perdido mucho peso.

La estrella de telerrealidad y ex de una Kardashian llegó a Catch Steak en Los Ángeles el viernes, y a juzgar por las fotos... parece que llegó con un gran grupo.

También parece que Scott ha perdido un poco de peso -más sobre esto a continuación- ya que se paseaba por la calle con su amigo, Jordan Barrett, un modelo de moda muy famoso y muy guapo.

Además, estaba sentado junto a una mujer misteriosa. Ni idea de si hay algo entre ellos, pero Scott es un soltero bastante elegible, por lo que no hay que descartar todas las posibilidades.

Ahora, en cuanto a la pérdida de peso, está claro que Scott se ve mucho más delgado que en el pasado. Él está usando ropa holgada, lo cual podría exagerar las cosas, pero sigue siendo evidente que algo ha cambiado.

Sabemos que Scott ha estado centrado en su peso los últimos meses, un tema que se tocó en la temporada más reciente de "The Kardashians".

en el doc

Recordemos que Khloé Kardashian lo llevó a un médico para hablar sobre su lesión en la espalda, la cual se lastimó durante un accidente de carro bastante intenso en 2022. Le dijo al médico que el accidente le hizo ganar algo de peso y también disminuyó su destreza sexual.

No está claro qué es exactamente lo que ha motivado su pérdida de peso, pero Scott parecía estar disfrutando la noche del viernes, así que todo parece ir relativamente bien.

En cuanto a si su desempeño sexual está al 100%... es posible que tengamos que esperar a otro episodio de "The Kardashians" para obtener una respuesta.

Scott Disick Grabbing A Bite To Eat in L.A. ... Amid Visible Weight Loss

Scott Disick stepped out for a hearty meal with some close companions ... hitting up a popular L.A. hot spot alongside friends -- and it seems he's lost lots of weight.

The reality star and Kardashian ex hit up Catch Steak in Los Angeles Friday, and just check out the pics ... looks like a pretty deep crew chowed down with the father-of-three.

It also seems Scott's lost a bit of weight -- more on that later -- as he cruised down the street with his homie Jordan Barrett ... a pretty famous fashion model and real good-lookin' dude.

He was also seated next to a mystery woman ... no idea if there's anything going on between the two, but Scott's a pretty eligible bachelor, so it's not outside the realm of possibility.

Now as for the weight loss ... it seems clear Scott's a good deal skinnier than he's been in the past. He is wearing some baggy clothes, so it could easily be overblown by the wardrobe, but it's still evident.

We know Scott's been focused on his weight in recent months ... a topic broached during the most recent season of "The Kardashians."


Remember ... Khloé Kardashian took him to a doctor to talk about his back injury -- one he says he sustained during a pretty nasty car crash back in 2022. He told the doc the crash led to him gaining some weight and also diminished his sexual prowess.

Unclear exactly what's motivated the weight loss ... but Scott seemed to be enjoying himself Friday night -- so all seems relatively normal with him.

As for whether his sex game's 100% ... we may have to wait on another episode of "The Kardashians" to get an answer.


manteniendo las cosas en privado

Jason Tartick dice que está tratando de mantener su vida amorosa en privado, y se nota, porque está esquivando preguntas sobre Kat Stickler.

Hablamos con el gurú financiero y personalidad de la televisión el miércoles en Nueva York, preguntándole acerca de los rumores en línea acerca de su enredo con la estrella de redes sociales Stickler... pero Jason simplemente evadió las preguntas.

En lugar de abordar los rumores de frente, Tartick decidió recomendar su pódcast, "Trading Secrets", diciendo que ella será la invitada para su próximo episodio. Claramente esto no hizo nada para enfriar los rumores.

Jason dice que está tratando de mantener su vida romántica en privado, así que podemos olvidarnos de escuchar acerca de Kat Stickler.

Los rumores comenzaron a tomar fuerza luego de que el sitio de chismes DeuxMoi, compartiera una información anónima sobre los dos saliendo a comer. Kat aparentemente grabó un episodio de pódcast con Tartick, así que tal vez fue solo una cena de negocios...

De cualquier manera, parece que Jason está listo para seguir adelante en el mundo de las citas, o al menos parece estar pensando en ello si nos basamos en nuestra conversación con él. Una gran noticia teniendo en cuenta que él y su ex-novia Kaitlyn Bristowe rompieron hace solo siete meses.

La pareja le dio la noticia a sus miles de seguidores en un post de Insta, diciendo que se respetan mutuamente y querían seguir siendo amigos, además de la responsabilidad de cuidar de sus dos perros.

Jason también tiene un consejo para todos los influencers que podrían verse afectados por la posible prohibición de TikTok en los EE.UU., échale un vistazo al video para ver ese consejo útil.

Jason Tartick Zips Lips on Kat Stickler Rumors ... Keepin' Love Life Private

Keeping Things Private

Jason Tartick says he's trying to keep his love life more private these days ... and he's sticking to that resolution so far -- 'cause he's dodgin' Kat Stickler questions.

We spoke with the financial guru/television personality Wednesday in NYC, asking him about all the online buzz about his entanglement with social media star Stickler ... but JT's not kissin' and tellin' -- if he's kissin' Kat at all, that is!!!

Instead of addressing the rumors head-on, Tartick decided to plug his podcast "Trading Secrets" ... saying she's a guest on an upcoming episode. That did nothing to cool rumors.

Jason says he's trying to keep his romantic life closer to the vest these days, pretty much leaving all the Kat Stickler talk at that.

Rumors began to catch heat after gossip site DeuxMoi shared an anonymous tip about the two going out for some grub. Of course, KS apparently recorded a podcast episode with Tartick -- so maybe it was just a business dinner? Nah.

Either way ... it seems Jason's ready to move on in the dating world -- or, at least he seems to be thinking about it based on our convo with him. Pretty big news given he and his ex-fiancée Kaitlyn Bristowe broke things off just seven months ago.

The pair broke their news to their thousands of followers in an IG post ... saying they respected each other, wanted to remain friends, and would co-parent their two dogs together.

BTW ... Jason's also got advice for all the influencers who might be affected by TikTok possibly getting banned in the U.S. -- check out the vid for that helpful hint.

Teresa Giudice y Luis Ruelas Se besan fuera de un restaurante en Los Ángeles

Teresa Giudice y su marido Luis Ruelas parece que están en una fase de luna de miel sin fin, porque la pareja no puede quitarse las manos de encima.

La pareja salió a comer en Nusr-Et Steakhouse en Beverly Hills la noche del viernes, y se llenaron de caricias y besos para que toda la cuadra los viera.

Echa un vistazo a las fotos, el dúo claramente está conectando bien aquí, literal y figurativamente, mientras fueron a comer a un rico restaurante.

Todo es un poco chocante teniendo en cuenta que uno de los más recientes tráileres de "Real Housewives", parecía mostrarlos peleando en medio de supuestos problemas en el hogar, incluyendo alguien que dijo que Louie está gastándose todo su dinero.

Un fotógrafo le preguntó a la pareja sobre su vida matrimonial a la luz de todo esto, y los dos no tenían nada más que comentarios positivos de su relación.


Ruelas dijo que están más que bien, y que de hecho son tan felices que la gente siente la necesidad de querer derribarlos.

Echa un vistazo al video, Teresa dice que está emocionada por la nueva temporada de "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" porque todos los que andan diciendo mentiras sobre ellos finalmente serán expuestos, y que ella va a ser reivindicada.

Mientras tanto, la feliz pareja se mantiene ocupada en Los Ángeles con Giudice trabajando en un proyecto que mantiene en secreto por ahora, mientras que Ruelas está lanzando Vinivia, una nueva plataforma para personas influyentes que dice que podría llenar el espacio dejado atrás por TikTok.

Parece que están poniendo fin a sus rumores, ¡feliz besuqueo, chicos!

Teresa Giudice & Luis Ruelas Lockin' Lips Outside L.A. Eatery ... New 'RHONJ' Season Will Expose 'Liars'

Teresa Giudice and her husband Luis Ruelas look like they're in a never-ending honeymoon phase ... 'cause the pair just can't keep their hands off each other.

The lovestruck couple went out to eat at Nusr-Et Steakhouse in Beverly Hills Friday night, and they packed on the PDA ... lockin' lips for the whole block to see.

Check out the pics ... the duo's clearly connecting well here -- literally and figuratively -- while grabbing a high-quality bite to eat.

It's all a bit shocking given one of the most recent 'Real Housewives' trailers ... which appeared to show them fighting amid supposed trouble at home -- including someone claiming Louie's blowing all their money.

A photog asked the couple about married life in light of all that, and the two had nothing but glowing comments to make about their relationship.


Ruelas said the two are so much better than good ... in fact, he says they're so happy people feel the need to try and tear them down.

Check out the vid ... TG says she's excited for the new season of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" to come out because everyone telling lies about them will finally be exposed ... going as far as saying she's finally going to be vindicated.

Meanwhile, the happy couple's stayin' busy in L.A. with Giudice working on a project she's keepin' secret for now ... while Ruelas is rolling out Vinivia -- a new platform for influencers that he says could fill space left behind by TikTok.

Seems like they're putting those rumors to rest ... happy smooching, you guys!

Honey Boo Boo Mama's Got No Money For Me ... Jewelry Over My College???


"Mama June: Family Crisis" is staying true to its name ... 'cause Mama June and Honey Boo Boo are fightin' over money -- specifically cash for college.

On Friday night's episode of the hit reality TV show, Mama June told her daughter Alana -- better known as Honey Boo Boo -- that she didn't have the money to help pay for her college tuition ... info that totally shocked the rest of the family.

While MJ said during the ep that she couldn't give her daughter any money because she's still trying to rebuild her finances, Alana pointed out she spent money on her husband Justin Stroud's thick gold chains.

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Alana's not the only one feeling like Mama June's cheaping out when it comes to her BTW ... her sister Lauryn "Pumpkin" Efird called out her mom for not helping Alana during a confessional.

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Remember ... Lauryn and her husband Josh took on caring for Alana while Mama June was in the throes of her drug addiction -- so, it's not surprising LE's taking her sis' side on this one.

Honey Boo Boo basically summed up her feelings in a later confessional ... straight-up saying Mama could help everyone else, but when it came to her, she said her mom's never got anything for her.

BTW ... Alana started college back in the fall. She's studying nursing at Regis University in Colorado, and she says she got a $21,000 scholarship -- enough to make a dent in those college expenses for sure.

As for the dent in her relationship with Mama June ... unclear if they've worked that one out yet.

'90 Day Fiancé' Stars Claim 'Rock of Love's Daisy de la Hoya is Stalking Them

"90 Day Fiancé" stars Mariah Fineman and Tom Brooks are accusing 'Rock of Love' alum Daisy de la Hoya of stalking them in their Las Vegas neighborhood … according to cops.

In a police report ... obtained by TMZ ... Mariah and Tom allege the first instance of harassment occurred in January. The couple told cops Daisy chased Tom in their neighborhood, got in his space, sniffed him, and declared her love for the TV personality.

Tom claims she would call out his name in the weeks following ... often inviting him inside for dinner. He says he was told by maintenance Daisy learned his name through his appearance on "90 Day Fiancé."

Tom alleges Daisy continued to appear wherever he was in the apartment complex for the next few weeks.


The report says Daisy also followed Mariah and Tom while they were out for a walk and repeatedly asked Tom if she could call him a Lyft or Uber -- an offer he declined.

Things allegedly escalated a few days later ... Tom claims Daisy chased Mariah and him out of their building as they made their way to their car and then got into Tom and Mariah's ride -- as the pair said they had unlocked their car in an attempt to escape the situation quickly.


Tom told officers Daisy rushed by the duo, jumped into the backseat and refused to leave for 20 minutes until officers were called to the scene. No arrests were made.

The couple says they eventually asked management to move them to a different building.

There may even be footage of the whole thing. Tom claims he has multiple videos of his exchanges with Daisy.

Flavor Flav Taylor & Billie Earned Clocks ... I'm Earning My Diploma!!!

let's collab billie

Flavor Flav blessing Billie Eilish with a personalized clock chain on Oscars night was no PR stunt ... instead, the Public Enemy rapper tells us he wanted to crown her a winner, even if she didn't win the Academy Award.

TMZ Hip Hop linked up with Flav this week following his big night out on the town, post-Oscars ... where he was the life of the party per usual.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

Flav absolutely floored Billie when he surprised her with a personalized Rock N Stones clock after the 22-year-old became the youngest 2x Oscar winner ... courtesy of her "Barbie" track, "What Was I Made For?" winning Best Original Song.

He calls Billie a generational talent and is proud to know her. Who knows, maybe they'll hit the studio one day???

Taylor Swift is also lucky enough to have a Flav clock in her possession -- he reserves them for the best of the best, and made sure TS got one at all costs!!!


Flav's saving some flowers for himself, too, as he'll be returning to reality TV this year to document himself earning his high school diploma!!!

Shout out to Adam Sandler ... his movie "Billy Madison" made it a gimmick, but Flav says he's never stopped dreaming of getting his diploma despite all his hip hop success and no, he won't settle for a GED.

And, watch out André 3000, Flav's dropping an instrumental jazz album to give the field some competition!!!

Jon Taffer 'Rescue' ME From Creepy Copycat!!! Claims Preacher Preying on FL Women

Jon Taffer says there's some guy prowling around Florida bars and restaurants pretending to be him ... and pulling some sketchy moves with women while he does it ... according to the federal lawsuit Jon just filed.

The "Bar Rescue" star says Vic Caroleo's been passing himself off as Jon Taffer in and around Naples, FL for more than 3 years -- and even brags openly all over social media about their resemblance.

He even boldly commented on one of Jon's posts about his new book, writing "My Twin ... so they say."

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Caroleo's primary gig is as a television preacher ... and in parts of NY, his sermons air just a few hours after "Bar Rescue" on the same channel. Taffer says that's no coincidence, accusing Caroleo of trying to bolster his ruse ... that HE is actually Taffer.

Jon says Caroleo has even gotten credit cards with the name "Jon Taffer" ... and he allegedly used one of them during a dinner date in Naples back in January -- a move the woman he was out with found fishy enough to rat him out.

In the docs, filed by Jon's attorneys Bradford Cohen and Michael McMullen, they say the woman contacted Taffer's office, texting that "Caroleo, while acting as Mr. Taffer, 'was extremely touchy and inappropriate.'"

And, there was another similar incident ... when a different, anonymous, woman claimed she'd been sexually assaulted by Taffer in Naples. Jon says he was actually filming in San Diego at that time, but the woman lawyered up and sent a letter describing the alleged sexual assault -- claiming the guy reached under her skirt, and also tried to force her to perform oral sex on him.

These 2 very serious allegations were apparently the final straws for Taffer, whose lawyers Bradford M. Cohen and Michael J. McMullen say, "It has become all too common now for Mr. Taffer to be blamed for or associated with various acts committed by Caroleo as he continues to impersonate Mr. Taffer in Florida, unchecked."

Taffer also claims Caroleo's freeloading off his name ... attempting to secure free products and discounted services in various establishments.

He's suing Caroleo for invasion of privacy, and wants a judge to ban him from continuing to pass himself off as Taffer.

Mauricio Umansky Giving Back With Brand New Homes ... Charity Work w/ the Fam!!!


Mauricio Umansky's not just trying to sell homes ... he's also creating them from the ground up for folks who need them most -- and he's putting in the hard work with his own kids.

We caught up with The Agency founder and CEO Thursday at a construction site in South Los Angeles -- where the reality star and his daughters were helping build brand new houses alongside Habitat for Humanity.

Umansky says they're in the middle of one of their many build days -- a partnership with Habitat and Giveback Homes that sees members of The Agency dedicate their own time and money to offer affordable housing for folks in need. Now, there are eligibility qualifications.

In order to live in one of these houses, there's criteria -- like demonstrating a financial need; falling within the average median income between 50%-120%; having good credit; being willing to contribute sweat equity; being able to drop a small down payment, among others.

Anyway, MU made Thursday's work sesh a family affair ... with his daughters helping out at the building site with drills and staple guns in hand. Mauricio couldn't help but give them a hard time -- saying dad's not comin' to the rescue next time they need a lightbulb changed!


In fact, Umansky's daughter Alexia -- whom he shares with Kyle Richards -- even gave us a tour of the soon-to-be-finished house ... including the heartfelt messages she and her dad wrote on one of the kitchen walls

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Ultimately, Mauricio noted how great it is to give back to the community ... almost certainly thinking of his own humble beginnings before The Agency took off. And just so you know, Mauricio and co. have built these types of homes for a wide variety of people ... everything from firefighters and teachers to vets and families with disabilities, etc. It's a good cause.

BTW ... Mauricio didn't mention Kyle during our talk Thursday -- instead choosing to focus on the great work The Agency's doing.

House is lookin' great Umansky fam ... but, careful with that staple gun!!! 👷

Wendy Williams Guardian Lawsuit Against A&E Doc Unsealed ... Insight Into Her Condition


6:35 PM PT -- A rep for A+E tells TMZ ... "We look forward to the unsealing of our papers as well, as they tell a very different story."

Wendy Williams' guardian sued unsuccessfully to block the release of the new documentary following her struggles ... and now the lawsuit's unsealed -- and it gives an inside look at Williams' day-to-day.

Here's the deal ... the former talk show host's temporary guardian Sabrina Morrissey sued back in February to stop the “Where is Wendy Williams?" doc from coming out -- an attempt that ultimately failed, as we now know.


Those legal docs were originally sealed ... but now, they are available for anyone to peruse -- and they provide a look into both Morrissey's argument and her description of Williams' recent condition.

In the paperwork, obtained by TMZ, Morrissey argued Williams was incapable of handling her own business affairs when she signed the documentary contract. Same goes for her executive producer role -- Morrissey says Williams wasn't able to handle such a job effectively ... including not being able to properly shape how she was portrayed.

SM said WW's ability to care for herself has deteriorated since beginning the guardianship too ... and she says now Wendy needs constant daily supervision to "ensure her safety, well-being, and comfort, and to preserve her dignity."

Morrissey claimed she was originally told the doc would present Williams' comeback story, ultimately showing Wendy in a positive light -- and Morrissey said she was under the impression she would get to see the finished product before it was released.

Sabrina added she was totally blindsided when the trailer came out ... because she said she never saw a final cut of the doc.

Of course ... days before the doc came out, Wendy's team revealed she was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia and aphasia last year, and she entered a treatment center to deal with her health issues as well.


The creative team behind the documentary said they never would've made it had they known about the diagnosis ... though it seems hard to believe they had no indication of her health struggles given the kind of care Morrissey detailed in her suit.

Bottom line ... the story behind "Where is Wendy Williams?" just got a whole lot murkier.

Originally Published -- 4:53 PM PT

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