Chelsea habla sobre volver con Jimmy

Chelsea Blackwell se mantiene en silencio sobre si está oficialmente de vuelta con su ex prometido Jimmy Presnell. Ella no está lista para declarar públicamente una reunión romántica a pesar de su reciente encuentro en Florida.

La estrella de "Love is Blind" -que acaba de aparecer en la reunión de la sexta temporada- se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live", donde trató de mantener la calma en lo que respecta al tema de Jimmy.

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muy cariñosos

Mientras que Chelsea dice que está tratando de mantener el estado actual de su relación en secreto, ella estaba radiante mientras insinuaba que saldría más información a la luz en "Love Is Blind: Después del altar". Así que sí, ella sabe como mantener a la gente atenta.

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Confirmó que la reunión de "LIB" se grabó hace 3 semanas, así que está claro que han pasado muchas cosas desde entonces. Recordemos que obtuvimos un video en el que ella y Jimmy se veían muy cariñosos la semana pasada en Fort Lauderdale, y Chelsea habló acerca de por qué estaban allí juntos.

Ella hizo una referencia no tan sutil a la "vida de animal de fiesta" de Jimmy, que podría haber sido más una indirecta a él que otra cosa.

Durante esta temporada de "LiB", las fiestas de Jimmy fueron un tema polémico para la pareja, y sin duda jugó un papel en su ruptura antes de llegar al altar.

Dicho esto, Chelsea dice que ella y Jimmy están en un buen lugar ahora y disfrutando de la compañía del otro, a diferencia de algunos de sus otros compañeros de reparto.

Sí, ¡te estamos mirando a ti, Trevor!

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También nos recordó que tiene un trabajo de día como azafata de vuelo, y es hora de volver a su vida normal, fuera del mundo del espectáculo.

Ella estará de vuelta en los vuelos a partir del viernes, y ya está anticipando algunos grandes cambios cuando se trata de sus interacciones con los pasajeros.

No se sorprenda si Chelsea está dando el discurso de seguridad en el inicio de su próximo vuelo.

'Love Is Blind' Chelsea Speaks on Jimmy Reunion ... It's a 'Sticky Situation!!!'

Chelsea habla sobre volver con Jimmy

Chelsea Blackwell is staying tight-lipped on whether she's officially back with ex-fiancé Jimmy Presnell -- despite their recent hookup in Florida, she's not ready to publicly declare a romantic reunion.

The "Love is Blind" star -- who just appeared on the Season 6 reunion -- joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live," where she tried to play it cool when it comes to the subject of Jimmy.

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While Chelsea says she's trying to keep the current status of her relationship under wraps ... she was beaming as she hinted at more information to come on ... perhaps on the "Love Is Blind: After the Altar" special. So yeah, she got the showbiz plug thing down pat.

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She did confirm the 'LIB' reunion was filmed 3 weeks ago ... so a lot's clearly happened between now and then. Remember, we got video of her and Jimmy getting very cozy last week in Fort Lauderdale -- and Chelsea did spill some tea about why they were down there together.

She made a not-so-subtle reference to Jimmy's "party animal life" -- which might have been more of a dig at him than anything else.

During this 'LiB' season ... Jimmy's partying was a contentious topic for the couple, and definitely played a role in them breaking up before they even got to the altar.

That being said, Chelsea says she and Jimmy are in a good place now and enjoying each other's company -- unlike some of their other castmates.

Yeah, we're looking at you, Trevor!

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She also reminded us she's got a day job as a flight attendant, and it's time to get back to her normal life ... outside of showbiz.

She'll be back on flights starting Friday, and is already anticipating some big changes when it comes to her interactions with passengers.

Don't be surprised if Chelsea is giving the safety speech at the start of your next flight.


La reunión de "Love Is Blind" dejó a los espectadores rascándose la cabeza, ya que quedaron con más preguntas que respuestas sobre el estado de las estrellas de la sexta temporada, sobre todo porque han pasado muchas cosas desde que las cámaras dejaron de rodar.

Mientras que el episodio del jueves fue sin duda más exitoso que la reunión de la temporada 4 el año pasado, la reunión no dejó ningún tema saldado.

No es ningún secreto que Netflix tarda una eternidad en estrenar sus reality shows, reservándolos con mucha antelación para que nunca les falte contenido. Sin embargo, esta estrategia ha permitido que se estropeen muchas cosas a medida que se desarrolla una nueva temporada... por lo que la gente se quedó con las ganas esta vez.

Por ejemplo, la revelación de anoche de que Jessica Vestal se uniría a la segunda temporada de "Perfect Match" no fue una sorpresa. Recordemos que TMZ ya había obtenido fotos de la belleza morena pasando el rato con la estrella de "Too Hot to Handle" -Harry Jowsey- desde el pasado mes de septiembre. Así que, en realidad, no es noticia.

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muy cariñosos

Los ex Jimmy Presnell y Chelsea Blackwell, afirmaron ser solo amigos en la reunión, pero sabemos que se reunieron el fin de semana pasado en Florida. Así que, de nuevo, es noticia vieja, porque parece que en la vida real están juntos de nuevo.

Lo que probablemente está sucediendo es que Netflix está tratando de retener cualquier actualización real para la nueva temporada de "Love Is Blind: After The Altar", pero eso no significa que la reunión sea menos frustrante.

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A pesar de ser inicialmente uno de los favoritos de los fans, Trevor Soa fue puesto en la mira por los fans después de que se reveló que tenía una novia durante el rodaje. Su defensa ... aunque le dijo a la otra mujer que la amaba antes y después del rodaje ... nunca fueron oficialmente una pareja.

Reconoció que era "tóxico" y que necesita terapia. Por desgracia para él, Nick Lachey lo echó de la reunión.

Hablando de engaño, Jeramey Lutinski y Sarah Ann Bick confirmaron que son oficialmente una pareja después de manejar hacia el atardecer en motos de agua juntos. Recordemos que fueron vinculados cuando Jeramey todavía estaba comprometido con Laura Dadisman.

La pareja -que anunció que están viviendo juntos... cosa que ya sabíamos- una vez más negó que se engaron durante su reunión fuera de cámara. La ex prometida de Jeramey, Laura, dijo que no tenía ningún interés en escuchar sus excusas, tachando a ambos de "repugnantes".

Jeramey también se refirió a los rumores de que tenía una prometida justo antes del inicio de la producción. Confirmó que había estado comprometido antes, pero negó haber cancelado su compromiso para unirse al espectáculo.

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En cuanto a Jimmy y Chelsea, su reconciliación no fue la única que hubo después del rodaje. Si bien esto no se compartió en el reencuentro, una entrevista entre bastidores mostró a Chelsea explicando cómo ella y Jimmy intentaron salir durante cuatro días después de cancelar su compromiso.

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Chelsea dijo que "nada cambió realmente", lo que llevó a los dos a seguir siendo amigos. Sin embargo, desde esta confesión, los hemos visto juntos de nuevo, así que quién sabe.

Un momento destacado de la reunión fue cuando Clay Gravesande intentó reconciliarse con su ex-prometida Amber Desiree 'AD' Smith. Confesó que dejó que sus inseguridades sacaran lo mejor de él y compartió que comenzó a ir a terapia.

Clay trató de disparar su tiro con Amber -a quien llamó el amor de su vida- pero ella se mantuvo tímida acerca de sus sentimientos actuales. Sin embargo, confesó que le dio una oportunidad a Matthew.

Brittany Mills y Kenneth Gorham no se reconectaron románticamente después de su ruptura, sin embargo, confirmó que hablan todos los días como amigos. Johnny McIntyre y Amy Cortés, los únicos que llegaron al altar y se dieron el "sí, quiero", y siguen felizmente casados.

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amor en el aeropuerto

Aunque, de nuevo, hace poco vimos a Johnny en el aeropuerto de Los Ángeles con Jess... así que estamos confundidos. 😅


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Kyle Richards is trying to shut down the gossip about her split from Mauricio Umansky ... by declaring the real reason behind their separation doesn't concern anyone else.

She got choked up as she tackled a fan question on why she's been avoiding the truth about their split during Wednesday night's 'RHOBH' reunion finale .. and as you can see from the clip, it hit a nerve with her!

Even though they've been openly airing their relationship on the show for years, Kyle suddenly flipped the script ... straight-up telling host Andy Cohen, "It's nobody's f***ing business!"

She made it crystal clear that nobody needed the nitty-gritty details about their marriage falling apart after 27 years ... but with her sister Kathy by her side, she did offer a bit more insight into what went down leading up to the split.

Kyle explained like in any marriage, theirs had its highs and lows over the years, especially when kids came into the mix ... but their problems never went away. She also reveals there was a specific incident that shattered her trust in Mauricio.

Andy also asked if the ongoing rumors about Mauricio cheating bothered her ... and she admitted they did, especially when she listened to that nagging voice in her head questioning whether the rumors held any truth.


However, Kyle tried to salvage the relationship 'cause she cared deeply about her family -- only to hit breaking point when her efforts didn't pay off.

Kyle confessed she initially believed the split would be a temporary situation ... but things have now evolved into a surprisingly amicable friendship between them, making it difficult for them to pull the trigger on an official divorce.

It remains to be seen how much Mauricio will reveal about the split on season 2 of his reality show, "Buying Beverly Hills."

It seems like Kyle's done discussing it for now.

'Love Is Blind' Reunion Leaves Viewers Underwhelmed More Qs Than Answers

The "Love Is Blind" reunion left viewers scratching their heads ... as they were left with more questions than answers regarding the status of the Season 6 stars -- especially since a lot has unfolded since cameras stopped rolling, including for the reunion itself.

While Thursday's episode was certainly more successful than Season 4's live stream debacle last year ... the reunion danced around giving anyone any real closure -- especially after so much drama played out offscreen.

It's no secret that Netflix takes forever to release their reality shows -- banking it well in advance so they are never without content. Yet, this strategy has allowed for so much to get spoiled as a new season unfolds ... which is why people were left yearning here.

For example ... last night's reveal that Jessica Vestal would be joining "Perfect Match" season 2 was no surprise -- as TMZ had already obtained photos of the brunette beauty gettin' hot and heavy with "Too Hot to Handle" star Harry Jowsey -- from this past September. So, not really news.

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Exes Jimmy Presnell and Chelsea Blackwell claimed to be just friends at the reunion ... but we know that they reunited for a very friendly weekend in Florida just last week. So, again ... that was a bust too, 'cause it appears (in real life) they're actually together (again).

What's likely happening is that Netflix is trying to hold back any real updates for the new season of "Love Is Blind: After the Altar" ... but it doesn't make their relatively nothing-burger of a reunion any less frustrating. Anyway, here's what happened on the 'LiB' reunion.

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Despite initially being a fan-favorite, Trevor Soa was later put on blast by fans after it was revealed he had a girlfriend while filming. His defense ... even though he told the other woman he loved her before and after filming ... they were never officially a couple.

He acknowledged he was "toxic" and that he needs therapy. Unfortunately for him, Nick Lachey booted him from the reunion.

Speaking of deception ... Jeramey Lutinski and Sarah Ann Bick confirmed they are officially a couple after riding off into the sunset on jet skis together. Remember, they linked up after leaving the pods -- when Jeramey was still engaged to Laura Dadisman.

The pair -- who announced they are living together, which BTW we already knew too -- once again denied hooking up during their off-camera meetup. Jeramey's ex-fiancée, Laura, said she had no interest in hearing their excuses ... slamming both of them as "disgusting."

Jeramey also addressed the rumors he had a fiancée just before the start of production. He confirmed that he had been engaged before, but denied calling off his engagement in order to join the show.

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As for Jimmy/Chelsea ... their recent reunion wasn't the only reconciliation they had post-filming. While this wasn't shared on the reunion, a backstage interview showed Chelsea explaining how she and Jimmy tried to date for four days after calling off their engagement.

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Chelsea said that "nothing really changed," prompting the two to stay friends ... at that time. Since this confession, though ... we've obviously seen them together anew, so who knows.

One highlight of the reunion was when Clay Gravesande attempted to reconcile with ex-fiancée Amber Desiree 'AD' Smith. He confessed that he let his insecurities get the better of him and shared that he started going to therapy.

Clay tried to shoot his shot with AD, who he called the love of his life ... but AD stayed coy about her current feelings. She did, however, confess that she gave former pod connection Matthew a chance by going on a couple of dates.

Happier moments ... Brittany Mills and Kenneth Gorham did not romantically reconnect after their breakup, yet confirmed that they speak every day as friends. Johnny McIntyre and Amy Cortés, the only ones to make it to the altar and say "I do" ... and are still happily married.

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Love At LAX

Although, again, we recently saw Johnny at LAX with Jess ... so we're all confused. 😅

Kathy Hilton Critica a Mauricio por robarles personal... Kyle se retuerce al escucharla

Tensión familiar

Kathy Hilton finalmente está dando a conocer algunas pistas de la disputa familiar con Mauricio Umansky, acusando al marido de Kyle Richards de haber maquinado cosas en secreto cuando dejó el negocio de la familia para lanzar su propia empresa.

La matriarca Hilton contó todo durante la reunión del miércoles de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", donde afirmó que su cuñado salió de Hilton & Hyland -la inmobiliaria de su marido Rick Hilton- con solo un día de aviso y que también les robó personal.

Según Kathy, Rick no tenía ningún problema con que Mauricio se fuera a hacer sus cosas, pero solo le pidió que no se llevara a ningún empleado con él, ¡una petición que, según ella, ignoró!

No todo fue color de rosa después de este movimiento. Kathy incluso admitió que las cosas estuvieron "rancias" entre ella y Kyle por algún tiempo.

Parece que la familia Hilton está mucho más dispuesta a compartir su verdad en medio de la separación de Kyle del fundador de The Agency.

Recordemos que Paris Hilton salió en defensa de su padre después de que Mauricio intentara pintar una imagen diferente de su desencuentro con los Hilton en un clip de la segunda temporada de "Buying Beverly Hills" de Netflix.

En el clip, Mauricio dijo que "fue un poco jodido por Hilton y Hyland", a lo que Paris respondió que su tío estaba usando el nombre de su familia para su carrera de reality show.

Ella lo criticó por hacer público un asunto familiar privado y agregó: "Ya es suficiente".

A pesar de su separación de Mauricio, Kyle todavía parece estar en la esquina de su marido. Durante la reunión, Kyle lo defendió por llevarse a algunos empleados de Hilton & Hyland cuando se fue, antes de cerrar el tema por completo.

Los Hilton pueden perdonar, pero no olvidan cuando se trata de Mauricio.

Kathy Hilton Slams Mauricio for Poaching Staff ... Convo Makes Kyle Squirm


Kathy Hilton's finally giving insight into her family's feud with Mauricio Umansky ... accusing Kyle Richards' estranged husband of shadiness when he left their family biz to launch his own.

The Hilton matriarch spilled it all during Wednesday's 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' reunion ... where she claimed her brother-in-law exited Hilton & Hyland -- her husband Rick Hilton's real estate biz -- with only a day's notice, and poached their staff too.

As Kathy put it, Rick had no problem with Mauricio leaving to do his own thing -- but only asked that he not take any employees with him ... a request she claims he ignored!

All was not hunky dory in the aftermath ... with Kathy even admitting that things were "funky" between herself and Kyle for some time.

It appears the Hilton family is far more willing to share their truth amid Kyle's separation from The Agency founder.

Remember, Paris Hilton came to her dad's defense after Mauricio attempted to paint a different picture about his fallout with the Hiltons in a teaser clip for Netflix's season 2 of "Buying Beverly Hills."

While Mauricio claimed he "got kind of f***ed by Hilton & Hyland" ... Paris hit back on Instagram Tuesday -- accusing her uncle of using her family's name to plug his reality TV career.

She torched him for going public with a private family matter, and added ... "It is enough already."

Despite her separation from Mauricio, Kyle still seems to be in her estranged hubby's corner. During the reunion, Kyle defended Mauricio for taking some Hilton & Hyland staffers when he bolted ... before shutting down the topic altogether.

The Hiltons might forgive, but they're not forgetting when it comes to Mauricio.

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'Sister Wives' Fans Honoring Garrison with Donations ... Thousands to Cat Shelters

Garrison Brown's legacy as a cat dad will never be forgotten, as "Sister Wives" fans give buckets of money to the cause near and dear to the late TLC personality ... TMZ has learned.

Liz Olson of High Country Humane tells TMZ ... people from all over the world have donated to the animal shelter in the week since Garrison died by suicide. The cat org received donations totaling more than $13K ... and counting!

She confirms she's the one who alerted Garrison's mother, Janelle Brown, to the outpouring of support ... and then, Janelle shared her emotional reaction this week to that uplifting news.

Garrison and High Country Humane knew each other well -- Liz tells us he adopted 3 of his cats -- including new addition Ms. Buttons -- from the shelter in the last 2 years.

In response to the generosity displayed by Garrison's followers, HCH has launched an initiative in his name that will help cats get adopted throughout the month of March.

Specifically, the money will cover adoption fees for any of the cats rescued during this effort.

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The tributes don't stop there ... Liz tells us the org also plans to rename its cat adoption room in his honor. There will be a plaque unveiling and everything at their 5-year anniversary celebration this month.

Ark Cat Sanctuary is also getting monetary support after Garrison's passing. Cat Roberts, yes that's really her name, tells TMZ ... the org's  received more than $500 in donations from people all over the globe, including some in Australia and Scotland.

Cat believes the support from Garrison's fans will help them stay open this year ... after receiving $30K less in grant money for 2024. She says the biggest help has been people purchasing items like wet food and kitten milk replacement from the sanctuary's Amazon wish list.

It's a small silver lining on an otherwise tragic story.

BTW, if you're wondering what's happening with Garrison's cats -- we're told his siblings are taking custody of them..

Janelle Brown, de "Sister Wives" Llora por las donaciones a refugios de gatos Homenaje a su hijo Garrison

Janelle Brown dice que está conmovida por la emoción después de que los fans honraran a su difunto hijo Garrison, donando dinero a refugios de animales en su nombre, y todo como una forma de destacar su pasión por sus gatos.

La estrella de "Sister Wives" compartió fotos de Garrison y sus gatos en Instagram el martes, diciendo que le saltaron las lágrimas cuando supo que High Country Humane y Ark Cat Sanctuary en Flagstaff, la ciudad natal de Garrison, habían recibido varias donaciones a raíz de su fallecimiento.

Janelle, que tuvo a Garrison y a otros cinco niños con su ex marido Kody Brown, dejó claro que esta era la manera perfecta de honrar a Garrison, quien amaba ser un "papá gato".

Y añadió: "Los gatos que adoptó de ambas agencias eran muy importantes para él".

Recuerden, Garrison había rescatado a un gato de nueve años al que llamó Ms. Buttons justo antes de su muerte a principios de este mes. En ese momento, Garrison compartió que el gato estaba "en la línea para la eutanasia" antes de que él interviniera.

Fuimos los primeros en contarles que Garrison falleció de un aparente suicidio la semana pasada. Como señalamos, la policía dice que su hermano Gabriel fue quien descubrió a Garrison sin vida en su casa.

Más tarde, Janelle confirmó la desgarradora noticia a través de un comunicado a nombre de ella y su ex marido Kody que decía: "Su pérdida dejará un agujero tan grande en nuestras vidas que nos quita el aliento".

Otros homenajes de la familia Brown, que documentó su alguna vez polígamo estilo de vida durante 18 temporadas, también llovieron sobre Garrison.

Solo tenía 25 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea con 988lifeline.org.

'Sister Wives' Janelle Brown Brought to Tears Over Cat Donations Honoring Late Son Garrison

Janelle Brown says she's overwhelmed by emotion after fans honored her late son, Garrison, by donating to animal shelters in his name ... all as a way to highlight his pet cats.

The "Sister Wives" star shared photos of Garrison and his cats on Instagram Tuesday ... saying she was brought to tears after learning High Country Humane and Ark Cat Sanctuary in Garrison's hometown of Flagstaff received several donations in the wake of his passing.

Janelle -- who shared Garrison, as well as five other kids, with her ex-husband Kody Brown -- made it clear that this was the perfect way to honor Garrison ... who she said loved being a cat dad."

She adds, "The cats he adopted from both agencies were so important to him."

Remember, Garrison had rescued a nine-year-old cat -- which he named Ms. Buttons -- just before his death earlier this month. At the time, Garrison shared that the cat was "on the line for euthanasia" before he intervened.

We broke the story ... Garrison passed away in an apparent suicide last week. As we noted, cops say his brother Gabriel was the one who discovered Garrison deceased in his home.

Janelle later confirmed the heartbreaking news ... issuing a statement on behalf of herself and her ex-husband, Kody. She wrote ... "His loss will leave such a big hole in our lives that it takes our breath away."

Other tributes from the Brown family -- who documented their once polygamist life for 18 seasons -- soon poured in for Garrison as well.

He was only 25.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.


Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann tienen que desembolsar aún más dinero en efectivo en medio de su divorcio, y esta vez, tienen que pagar para que vaya alguien a evaluar sus aptitudes como padres... TMZ ha indagado.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos judiciales -obtenidos por TMZ- se le asignó una persona que los va a evaluar como padres, supervisándolos mientras comparten con sus 4 hijos menores de edad, Kroy Jr., Kash, y los gemelos Kaia y Kane.

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Los servicios del evaluador consisten en entrevistar a Kim, Kroy y a sus hijos. Hacer visitas domiciliarias, observar al dúo y a sus pequeños y ver como transcurren las cosas en la escuela.

Además, el evaluador tiene el derecho -y la autoridad- para investigar todos los aspectos del caso. Esto significa que el profesional designado puede inspeccionar todos los registros, ya sea desde el Departamento de Familia y Servicios para Niños, la escuela de los niños, un hospital, los proveedores médicos, la policía, y más... básicamente cualquier cosa relacionada a Kim y Kroy.

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momentos de intensidad

El evaluador puede incluso hacer copias de los registros accedidos y no necesitan el permiso de Kroy o Kim para hacerlo... ninguna piedra se quedará sin remover aquí.

Como informamos, Kim y los niños de Kroy fueron arrastrados a su polémica ruptura cuando uno de ellos llamó a la policía en noviembre para ponerle fin a una acalorada discusión entre los padres. Esta fue la tercera vez que los oficiales fueron llamados a su casa de Georgia, la cual se enfrenta a la ejecución hipotecaria.

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no deja que me vaya

Este servicio no será barato para las estrellas de Bravo... cada uno tiene que pagar una sola vez $2.500 para el evaluador, por lo que son $5.000 en total. Recordemos que Kim y Kroy han tenido algunos problemas financieros notables los últimos tiempos y se han enfrentado a demandas por deudas de tarjetas de crédito sin pagar, etc.

No es demasiado dinero en todo caso, pero en la posición actual en la que están, cada centavo cuenta. En cuanto a este evaluador, el tribunal considera que esto es lo mejor para los niños.

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann Parental Fitness to be Evaluated ... And They Gotta Pay for It!!!

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann have to shell out even more cash amid their divorce -- this time, paying for someone to come by and see if they're good parents ... TMZ has learned.

According to new court documents, obtained by TMZ, the embattled exes were recently appointed a parent fitness evaluator who will monitor the on-and-off couple and their 4 minor children ... Kroy Jr., Kash, and twins Kaia and Kane.

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The evaluator's services include interviewing Kim, Kroy and their kids, home visits, observing the duo and their youngsters, potential school observation, and consulting with professionals who have worked with the family.

Plus, the evaluator has the right -- and the authority -- to investigate all aspects of the case. This means the appointed pro can inspect all records ... whether it be from the Department of Family and Children Services, the kids' school, a hospital, medical providers, the cops, and more -- any and everything related to Kim and Kroy's brood, basically.

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The evaluator can even make copies of the records accessed -- and they don't need Kroy or Kim's permission for any of it. Translation ... no stone will be left unturned here.

As we reported ... Kim and Kroy's kids were dragged into their contentious split when one of them called the police in November to break up a heated argument between the parents. This was the third time officers were called to their Georgia home -- which is facing foreclosure.

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This service will not come cheaply for the Bravo stars, BTW ... they each have to pay a one-time $2,500 for the evaluator -- so $5,000 total. Remember, Kim and Kroy have had some notable financial trouble of late -- and have faced lawsuits over unpaid credit card debt, etc.

Not too much cash when it's all said and done -- but during these hard times for them, every penny counts. As for this evaluator, the court clearly feels this is what's best for the kids.

KIM KARDASHIAN Y ODELL BECKHAM cariñosos en la fiesta Después de los Oscar

Kim Kardashian y Odell Beckham Jr. se veían como toda una pareja este fin de semana, así lo muestra este video a continuación.

Échale un vistazo a estas imágenes obtenidas por TMZ, que muestran a Kim y Odell en la fiesta de Jay-Z y Beyonce después de los Oscar el domingo por la noche en el Chateau Marmot en Los Ángeles, y se les puede ver en una zona similar al vestíbulo del lugar muy cariñosos.

juntos en backstage

Como se puede ver, Kim estaba charlando con Odell de una manera muy coqueta, yendo y viniendo con él y aparentemente comparando sus trajes. En un momento, ella pone sus manos sobre Odell, agarrando su cara casi como si le fuera a dar un beso.

En realidad, nunca se besaron, pero es lo más cerca que los hemos visto interactuar el uno con el otro en público desde que se rumoreaba que están saliendo desde hace meses.

No parece que ellos supieran que los estaban filmando tampoco, pero en este punto, es bastante obvio que están juntos como pareja. Incluso aparecieron juntos en todas las fiestas posteriores a los Oscars, primero en la fiesta de Vanity Fair y más tarde en lo de Jay y Bey.

Recordemos que también fueron vistos juntos en Las Vegas el mes pasado durante el Super Bowl, donde parecían tratar de pasar desapercibidos,  distanciándose un poco.

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juntos y cerca de los fans

Se sintió la misma vibra aquí cuando estuvieron frente a las cámaras en la fiesta, pero ya no están haciendo un muy buen trabajo en despistar a la gente. Ahora, con este nuevo video, parece que ya no les importa ocultar nada.

Los rumores de que Kim y Odell son pareja han circulado durante meses, y todos los informes han sugerido que no es real. Sin embargo, parecen muy interesados el uno por el otro, y el hecho de que siguen saliendo todo este tiempo después indica que esto podría ser serio.

Kim aún no ha declarado públicamente a nadie como su pareja oficial desde que se separó del comediante Pete Davidson en agosto de 2022. Por supuesto, anteriormente estuvo casada con Kanye West, con quien comparte a sus hijos North, Saint, Chicago y Psalm, pero eso se acabó.

En cuanto a Odell, se separó de su novia de mucho tiempo Lauren Wood a principios de 2023, y ha estado soltero desde entonces.

Aunque Kim y Odell aún no han confirmado el rumoreado romance sobre el papel (o en IG, más bien)... está claro que disfrutan de la compañía del otro, y tal vez un poco más.

Kim Kardashian & Odell Beckham Jr. Oscars Party PDA-Filled Flirt Sesh Soft Launch as Couple???

Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham Jr. are looking more like a couple by the day -- and they seemed to soft-launch their relationship this weekend ... that's what this video suggests.

Check out this footage, obtained by TMZ, that shows Kim and OBJ at Jay-Z and Beyonce's Oscars after-party Sunday night at the Chateau Marmot in L.A. -- and you can see them mingling in a lobby-like area of the venue ... getting touchy-feely with each other.


As you can see ... Kim was chit-chatting with Odell in a pretty flirty manner -- going back and forth with him and seemingly comparing their outfits. At one point she actually puts her hands on Odell too ... going up and grabbing his face, almost as if she's going in for a kiss.

You never actually witness them lock lips ... but this is the most we've seen them interact with one another in public since they've been rumored to be dating ... going back months now.

Doesn't look like they knew they were being filmed either -- but at this point ... it's pretty obvious they're together as a couple. They even showed up together for all the post-Oscars shindigs ... first hitting the Vanity Fair after-party, and later swinging by Jay and Bey's thing.

Remember, they were also spotted out together in Vegas last month during the Super Bowl -- and there, too, they seemed to be trying to lay low ... and distance themselves a bit.

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Same vibe here when they were outside heading into a party -- namely, trying to stagger a bit -- but they're not doing a very good job at throwing people off the scent anymore. Now with this new video -- it seems cat's outta the bag ... they're straight up dating each other.


Rumors of Kim and Odell being an item have swirled for months -- and all reports thus far have suggested that it's not that serious. However, they seem pretty into each other ... and the fact they continue to hang out all this time later indicates this might be the real deal.

Kim has yet to publicly declare anyone as her official significant since splitting from comedian Pete Davidson in August 2022. Of course, she was previously married to Kanye West, who she shares kids North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm with ... but that's over.

As for Odell ... he split from his longtime girlfriend Lauren Wood earlier in 2023, and has been single since.

While Kim and Odell have yet to confirm the rumored romance on paper (or on IG, more like) ... it's clear they enjoy each other's company. Perhaps a little bit more than that, TBH.

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'BIG BROTHER' CHRISTMAS ABBOTT Revenge Porn Case Against Baby Daddy Dropped

The father of Christmas Abbott's kid is off the hook in his revenge porn case ... as prosecutors in North Carolina have dropped all the charges against him.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, prosecutors dismissed the case against Benjamin Bunn -- who shares a 5-year-old son with the 'Big Brother' alum -- due to insufficient evidence.

We broke the story ... Bunn was arrested back in October, and hit with 3 counts of disclosure of private images after Christmas told cops Bunn was behind a fake online profile pretending to be her, and posting her adult content she published behind a paywall.

Police investigated and got a warrant to arrest Bunn, but now prosecutors say there just isn't enough evidence to bring this case before a jury.

Meanwhile, Christmas has also made domestic violence claims against her estranged husband Memphis Garrett, and even got a temporary restraining order against him before he filed for divorce.

Memphis denies the DV allegation and sources close to him told us he feels Christmas made it all up to get him in trouble with the law.


El padre del niño de Christmas Abbott puede estar tranquilo, ya que los fiscales de Carolina del Norte han retirado todos los cargos en su contra.

De acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, los fiscales desestimaron el caso contra Benjamin Bunn -que comparte un hijo de 5 años de edad con la estrella de "Gran Hermano" alumbre- debido a la insuficiencia de pruebas.

Publicamos la noticia... Bunn fue detenido en octubre y acusado de tres cargos de divulgación de imágenes privadas luego de que Christmas le dijera a la policía que Bunn estaba detrás de un perfil falso en línea, haciéndose pasar por ella, y publicó contenido para adultos en un muro de pago.

La policía investigó y obtuvo una orden de arresto contra Bunn, pero ahora los fiscales dicen que simplemente no hay pruebas suficientes para llevar este caso ante un jurado.

Mientras tanto, Christmas también ha hecho denuncias de violencia doméstica contra su marido Memphis Garrett, e incluso obtuvo una orden de restricción temporal contra él antes de que pidiera el divorcio.

Memphis niega la acusación de violencia doméstica y fuentes cercanas a él nos dijeron que siente que Christmas lo inventó todo para meterlo en problemas con la ley.

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