'Vanderpump Rules' Lala Kent I'm Having Baby No. 2 ... Shows Off Belly Bump

Lala Kent just broke some big baby news ... she's pregnant with baby number 2.

The "Vanderpump Rules" star made the announcement Sunday night on Instagram, writing in a post, "I'm expanding my pod." Lala also posted a black-and-white image of her belly, proving she's got another bun in the oven.

Her first child, 2-year-old Ocean, was standing next to her with excitement in her face as she awaits the arrival of her new sibling!

As you know, Lala shares Ocean with her ex-fiancé Randall Emmett, who she broke up with in 2021 after she accused the film producer of cheating. Randall denied the allegations.

This time, Lala has taken a different road on the baby front, using intrauterine insemination -- a treatment that surgically implants sperm in a uterus to fertilize an egg. Lala has publicly discussed conceiving her second child with this method.

In Sunday's IG post, Lala uploaded another photo showing her holding a spoon out to Ocean, who was standing on a chair at a counter with two vitamin bottles on top.

She captioned this image by celebrating her "new addition" to the family, while receiving a flood of well wishes in the comments section. 'Real Housewives of Orange Country' star Heather Dubrow even gave Lala a shout-out.

Congrats Lala!!!

Heather Gay Body Positivity's a 'Big Lie' ... Ozempic the Way to Go!!!


One of the 'Real Housewives' is saying the quiet part out loud ... Heather Gay is calling BS on all the talk about body positivity -- flat out saying, "It is better not to be overweight."

The "Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" cast member went off about weight issues during a sit down with "20/20" co-anchor and ABC senior national affairs correspondent, Deborah Roberts.

In the Friday night "Impact x Nightline" segment, Heather fired back at critics of Ozempic and other weight loss meds. She said, "I’ve sold out, I’ve given up the banner of you know, accept yourself. And it’s disappointing and sad to know that body positivity was all a big lie. It is better not to be overweight.”

She also admitted, "I didn’t want to show up at another party and see all of my friends 20 pounds thinner and just be resentful."

Once she started shedding pounds, Heather says she noticed treating her differently -- "For the first time, I was being valued by my castmates, by the public, in a way that I had never been valued before. And that felt to me … sad.”

Her overall message here is ... people give a lot of lip service to the idea of body positivity, but the reality is society loves you more when you're in better shape.

Fact is, even the supremely accomplished Oprah Winfrey has said how much better she feels having dropped at least 40 lbs while using medication.

Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Boy George and several other celebs are publicly embracing the use of weight loss meds -- and, for her part, Heather's saying why the hell wouldn't you??

It's a totally relevant point that the National Institutes of Health says obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in America, only behind tobacco.


Una de las "Real Housewives" está dándo de que hablar. Heather Gay está llamando una "mentira" todo lo que tiene que ver con la positividad del cuerpo, diciendo: "Es mejor no tener sobrepeso".

La "Real Housewives de Salt Lake City" miembro del elenco, se refirió a cuestiones de peso con Deborah Roberts de ABC News.

En el segmento del viernes por la noche de "Impact x Nightline", Heather respondió a las críticas sobre Ozempic y otros medicamentos para perder peso. Dijo: "Me he vendido, he renunciado a la bandera de, ya sabes, acéptate a ti misma. Y es decepcionante y triste saber que la positividad corporal era una gran mentira. Es mejor no tener sobrepeso".

También admitió: "No quería aparecer en otra fiesta y ver a todas mis amigas nueve kilos más delgadas y estar resentida".

Una vez que empezó a perder kilos, Heather dice que se dio cuenta de que la trataban de manera diferente, "Por primera vez estaba siendo valorada por mis compañeros de reparto y por el público de una manera que nunca había sido valorada antes. Y eso me pareció... triste".

Su mensaje general es que la gente habla mucho sobre la idea de la positividad corporal, pero la realidad es que la sociedad te quiere más cuando estás en mejor forma.

El hecho es que incluso Oprah Winfrey ha dicho lo mucho mejor que se siente después de haber bajado al menos 40 libras mientras usaba la famosa medicina.

Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Boy George y varias otras celebridades están abrazando públicamente el uso de medicamentos para perder peso, y por su parte, Heather dice ¿por qué diablos no lo harías?

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Es un punto totalmente relevante que los Institutos Nacionales de Salud digan que la obesidad es la segunda causa de muerte prevenible en Estados Unidos, solo por detrás del tabaco.

Brittany Cartwright Would Give Jax Another Chance ... He's Gotta Make Changes

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Brittany Cartwright's not closing the door on reuniting with estranged husband Jax Taylor ... but, she has to see serious changes before reconciliation can truly begin.

We caught up with Brittany out in Los Angeles on Friday ... and we asked her all about her split with her husband of almost five years -- specifically asking if the couple's taking any steps to mend fences.

Cartwright says Jax hasn't made much of an effort to work things out ... adding she's asked Taylor to hit some relationship benchmarks, but nothing's happened yet.

Despite Brittany saying there is a lack of movement on Jax's front, she says she's not giving up on her man yet ... seriously hoping to get back together eventually.

She's also confronting rumors that this separation is a publicity stunt head-on ... saying there's no truth to that online gossip.

Brittany alludes to a ton of fighting between her and Jax as well ... adding both she and the couple's son -- 2-year-old son Cruz -- deserve better.


Romantic issues aside ... Brittany says she and Jax still plan on working together --  cohosting their podcast 'When Reality Hits' and even filming their "Vanderpump Rules" spin-off "The Valley" while dealing with their issues.

We broke the story ... even though Jax claimed the couple was still living together through their separation, sources with direct knowledge told us that just wasn't the case -- and pics of her moving out provided further confirmation.

All this came after Brittany announced the news on an episode of their podcast earlier this week ... seemingly bringing an end to a relationship that began almost a decade ago.

Seems there's some chance the two work things out ... but, it doesn't sound like it's going to happen anytime soon.

Jenelle Evans de "Teen Mom" Publica imágenes de un intento de robo ... Hombre pasea por la propiedad

Jenelle Evans todavía está temblorosa de un intento de robo en su casa que tuvo lugar hace apenas unos días y es fácil entender por qué, pues la peligrosa escena fue capturada en video.

Divagando por la propiedad
TikTok / @jenellelevans

La estrella de "Teen Mom 2" tomó TikTok el sábado para compartir imágenes de vigilancia de su propiedad y le dio a los fans una mirada de primera mano del incidente que recientemente ha estado describiendo.

Jenelle comenzó su video pidiéndole a la gente en las redes sociales que la ayude a identificar a la persona que entró ilegalmente en su propiedad, y que estaba medio caminando sin rumbo alrededor su finca.

Ella comenzó recapituló la situación frente a los fans, antes de mostrar el clip de seguridad, que muestra a un hombre parado en su casa a eso de la 1 AM.

El hombre, que iba vestido con una chaqueta de color naranja brillante, comenzó a golpear la puerta del cuarto de lavado de Jenelle, antes de tirar de una puerta corredera de cristal, de acuerdo con Evans, antes de salir.

Aunque es difícil ver exactamente lo que está pasando, sin duda suena como que el hombre está haciendo algo con un metal, posiblemente una puerta o cerradura. Luego Jenelle dice que saltó hasta su porche delantero y comenzó a gritar la palabra en español para nombrar a la policía.

En lugar de asustar al hombre, parece que Jenelle acaba disuadiéndolo porque comenzó a caminar tranquilamente lejos del cobertizo y le pidió disculpas.

Jenelle dice que está aterrorizada, ya que esta persona no ha sido capturada e incluso afirma que está lidiando con el trastorno de estrés postraumático por el incidente.

La traumática experiencia

Recuerden, Evans nos dijo en un comunicado de su manager que la policía estaba investigando el incidente, pero ella y sus hijos todavía estaban conmocionados. Desde entonces ha revelado poco a poco más detalles sobre el intento de robo, pero esta es la primera vez que comparte imágenes

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Es fácil ver por qué está tan asustada, con este material de archivo muestra que estuvo muy cerca de pasar un gran susto.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Posts Footage From Break-In Attempt ... Man At Ease On Property

Jenelle Evans is still reeling from an attempted break-in that took place just days ago ... and it's easy to see why -- 'cause the scary scene was captured on video.

TikTok / @jenellelevans

The "Teen Mom 2" star took to TikTok on Saturday to share surveillance footage from her property ... giving fans a first-hand look at the incident she's recently been describing.

Jenelle started out her video by asking people on social media to help her identify the person who trespassed on her property, sorta walking aimlessly around the expansive estate.

She began to recap the situation for fans ... before letting the security clip do much of the talking for her -- showing a man walk right up to her house at just after 1 AM.

The man, clad in a bright orange jacket, started banging on Jenelle's laundry room door before pulling a sliding glass door off its hinges, according to Evans -- before walking out to Evans' "she shed" where the video picks back up

Though it's hard to see exactly what's happening, it certainly sounds like the man's rustling with something metal -- possibly a door or lock -- before Jenelle says she hopped out on her front porch and started yelling the Spanish word for police.

Instead of scaring the man, it seems Jenelle just deterred him ... 'cause he starts walking calmly away from the shed -- apologizing but moving at his own pace.

Jenelle says she's terrified since this person hasn't been caught -- and she's even claiming she's dealing with PTSD in the aftermath of the incident.


Remember ... Evans told us in a statement through her manager that the police were looking into the incident, but she and her kids were still shaken up. She's since slowly revealed more details about the break-in attempt -- but this is the first time she's dropped footage.

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It's easy to see why ... with this footage showing a very close call indeed.

Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky Salen juntos en medio de su separación... Por el cumpleaños de su hija

Esta es una imagen rara por estos días: Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky saliendo juntos por la ciudad, aunque esta no es una señal de que sus problemas matrimoniales se hayan suavizado, es solo que son buenos padres.

La separada pareja se reunió públicamente en Bel Air para celebrar el cumpleaños 16 de su hija Portia. La familia fue vista saliendo de un restaurante el jueves por la noche y Mauricio llevaba lo que parecía una caja de regalo o pastel e incluso condujeron a casa juntos.

Kyle estaba detrás del volante de su SUV, y Mauricio viajó en el asiento de copiloto. Esta es la primera vez que los vemos juntos en mucho tiempo, en medio de lo que ha sido una separación muy pública, que anunciaron el verano pasado.

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Se necesitan más esfuerzos

Desde que comenzó a emitirse la nueva temporada de "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", hemos visto a Kyle trazar una línea en la arena, insinuando en el programa que su matrimonio de 27 años podría estar llegando a su fin.

En una escena, le dijo a Dorit Kemsley: "Si no hay esfuerzo, no vamos a terminar juntos".

Mientras Mauricio y Kyle siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo, Kyle ha estado saliendo con Morgan Wade, que ella insiste que es solo una amiga, y hemos visto a Mauricio de fiesta en Aspen con otras mujeres.

La pareja hizo pública su separación en julio de 2023, pero desde entonces han estado de vacaciones un par de veces juntos como familia, incluyendo un viaje de vacaciones a Aspen poco después de la salvaje noche de Mauricio allí.

Tienen 3 hijas juntos, Alexia, Sophia y la cumpleañera Portia, y por ahora, las niñas parecen ser el único pegamento que los mantiene unidos.

Kyle Richards & Mauricio Umansky Step Out Together Amid Separation ... Just for Daughter's Birthday

Here's a rare sight these days ... Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky hitting the town together -- but it's not a sign they've smoothed out their marital issues, it's just that they're great parents.

The separated couple publicly reunited in Bel Air to celebrate their daughter Portia's 16th birthday. The fam left a restaurant together Thursday night -- Mauricio was carrying what seemed like a gift or cake box ... and they even drove home together.

Kyle was behind the wheel of their SUV, and Mauricio rode in the passenger seat. It's the first time we've seen them out together in a long time ... amid what's been a very public separation, which they announced last summer.

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More Effort Needed

Since the new season of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" started airing, we've seen Kyle draw a line in the sand ... hinting on the show that their 27-year marriage might be coming to an end.

In one scene, she told Dorit Kemsley, "If there's no effort, we're not going to end up together."

While Mauricio and Kyle are still living under the same roof, Kyle's been hanging with Morgan Wade, who she insists is just a friend -- and we've seen Mauricio partying hard in Aspen with other women.

The couple went public with their separation in July 2023, but since then they've been on vacay a couple of times together as a family -- including a holiday trip to Aspen ... shortly after Mauricio's wild night out there.

They have 3 daughters together -- Alexia, Sophia and birthday girl Portia -- and, for now, the kids seem to be the glue holding them together.

Megan Fox's Ex, Brian Austin Green 'Love Is Blind' Star Can't Compare ... Megan is 'One of a Kind'

Brian Austin Green is officially weighing in on Chelsea Blackwell comparing herself to Megan Fox in the "Love Is Blind" pods -- and even he's cringing over the situation.

Cut Her Some Slack

We got the "Beverly Hills, 90210" alum at Bristol Farms in Woodland Hills, and the 50-year-old actor told TMZ it wasn't wise of Chelsea to compare herself to his ex-wife. He candidly shared, "It seems like you're opening yourself up to criticism."

ICYMI ... when discussing their physical appearance while on the sight-unseen dating show -- Chelsea informed her future fiancé, Jimmy Presnell, she had previously been compared to the "Jennifer's Body" star.

Infamously, Jimmy did not agree with the comparison upon their first meeting out of the pods.

On whether he feels the comparison has any merit ... Brian told us it was tough to say -- since Megan is a "one-of-a-kind beauty," and "possibly the most beautiful woman in the world."

Brian and Megan were married for 11 years between 2010 and 2021, welcoming 3 children together. He is now engaged to "Dancing With the Stars" alum Sharna Burgess, with whom he shares a son, Zane Walker.

Still, Brian thinks critics should give Chelsea a break, especially since MF won't care one iota about the remark. In fact, the "Anger Management" star told us, "I think Megan would be flattered."

Brian, who just launched a free social media app on the Apple Store called Moviac, encouraged Chelsea not to listen to the haters, which is certainly easier said than done.

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He also suggested she avoid making the comparison again. Solid advice, for anyone, really!

Ex de Megan Fox La estrella de "Love is blind" no se debería comparar... Megan es inigualable

Brian Austin Green está oficialmente sopesando la comparación de Chelsea Blackwell con Megan Fox en "Love is Blind" e incluso le parece un poco incómodo.

Dale un respiro

Conversamos con el actor de "Beverly Hills, 90210" en Bristol Farms, en Woodland Hills, y el actor de 50 años le dijo a TMZ que no fue prudente que Chelsea se comparara con su ex esposa. Lo dijo con franqueza: "Parece que te estás abriendo a la crítica".

Por si no se enteraron, al hablar de su apariencia física en el programa de citas a ciegas, Chelsea le informó a su futuro prometido Jimmy Presnell, que había sido previamente comparada con la estrella de "Jennifer's Body".

Infamemente, Jimmy no estuvo de acuerdo con la comparación en su primer encuentro.

En cuanto a si la comparación tiene algún mérito, Brian nos dijo que es difícil de decir, ya que Megan es una "belleza única en su tipo" y "posiblemente la mujer más bella del mundo".

Brian y Megan estuvieron casados 11 años entre 2010 y 2021, y tuvieron 3 hijos juntos. Ahora está comprometido con la ex alumna de "Dancing With the Stars" Sharna Burgess, con quien comparte un hijo, Zane Walker.

De todos modos, Brian cree que los críticos deben darle un respiro a Chelsea, sobre todo porque a Megan Fox no le importa un ápice el comentario. De hecho, la estrella de "Anger Management" nos dijo: "Creo que Megan se sentiría halagada".

Brian, que acaba de lanzar una aplicación gratuita de redes sociales en Apple Store llamada Moviac, animó a Chelsea a no escuchar a los haters, lo que de todas maneras es más fácil de decir que de hacer.

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También le sugirió que evitara hacer la comparación nuevamente. ¡Sólido consejo, para cualquiera, de verdad!


Alexis Bellino ended up needing Dr. Terry Dubrow's expert help when a piercing left her with a nasty infection ... TMZ has learned.

Alexis tells us her cartilage ear piercing had been giving her grief since she got it a year ago ... but it wasn't until a hairdresser accidentally bumped into it last Thursday that she really felt the agony. Ouch!

She says her hairdresser notified her that the earring was deeply embedded in her ear, and the skin around it was clearly infected and overgrown. Alexis didn't waste any time and dashed straight to urgent care to get it sorted out. Smart move!


However, when docs busted out the scalpel, Alexis told them to hold up ... 'cause the only person she'd trust near her ear was Terry. Of course, the "Botched" star's wife, Heather Dubrow is Alexis' costar on 'RHOC,' so it's all about keeping it all in the Bravo family.

The big removal went down Monday, and Dr. Dubrow, being the champ he is, even skipped his lunch break to help her out.

We're told he managed to pull out Alexis' earring, which was decked out with four diamonds, without having to make any incisions. Now that takes some serious skill.

For his part, Terry tells TMZ he's glad Alexis came to him for help ... especially 'cause messing with infected cartilage in your ear is like playing with fire. He explains to us the area doesn't have much blood flow, so if things go south, it can result in seriously gnarly infections that can straight-up wreck your ear, or even worse. Yeah, no thanks!

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Alexis is showering Terry with gratitude ... telling us he's a top-notch surgeon and a super kind friend. She's also raving about how Terry squeezed her into his busy schedule ASAP and made sure the whole ordeal was as painless as possible. Now that's the definition of having a true friend in high places!

As for getting another cartilage piercing. She's putting her foot down, and saying never again.

What's The Big Frigin' Difference?!

Leave it to "Selling Sunset's" Chrishell Stause, Chelsea Lazkani and Emma Hernan to bring looks and luxury to Sunset Boulevard, but now it's on you to negotiate between the two images and see if you can outbid the discreet changes.

Struttin' in stilettos ... the terrific trio showed up to The Oppenheim Group office earlier this week with the purpose of selling and cashing in ... cha-ching! Yes, these ladies know real estate, but they also know fashion ... especially tops and ear candy 😜 !

Can you close the deal?!

**HINT: There are THREE differences in the above "Selling Sunset" photos!**

Lisa Vanderpump Defends Andy Cohen Amid Claims ... Trashes Rachel Leviss Suit



3/2 9:58 AM PT -- Rachel Leviss' rep is responding to Lisa's dig ... calling the comments, "A disappointing choice for an executive on the show since victim shaming is a defense mechanism often used by abusers and coming from a person in a position of power can cause even further harm to a person's mental health.”

Lisa Vanderpump is coming to the defense of her old friend Andy Cohen amid some new allegations -- and in the same breath ... she's taking a swipe at Rachel Leviss.

The former 'Housewives' star -- who obviously ended up getting up her spinoff show on Bravo -- was arriving at LAX at landing back in town Friday ... where our photog ran into her and asked her all about the latest drama going on in the reality world, and there's a lot.

For starters, our camera guy asked about Leah McSweeney's claims in a new lawsuit she filed this week against the Bravo honcho ... alleging he'd partaken in cocaine, not to mention claiming Bravo at large was a toxic hell hole that coaxed their stars into boozing/debauchery.

Well, Lisa has some thoughts on all that ... and she goes to bat for AC here, telling us she's never seen him do any hard drugs -- nor does she know him to be how Leah described.

On the notion that Bravo is pressuring 'Housewives' into drinking on set ... Lisa says what a lot of her contemporaries have already been making clear -- the stars are adults, and they don't have to do anything they don't want to. Bottom line ... she calls BS on Leah's suit.

Lastly, Lisa weighs in on the legal battle brewing in her own world ... namely, Rachel suing Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix over revenge porn, among other things.

She doesn't have very nice things to say about that either -- noting Rachel probably should've never compromised herself on camera the way she did if she didn't want it out.

We clarify, though, that Tom's alleged to have recorded her from his phone and circulated it with the cast ... but even then, she doesn't have much sympathy for her ex-employee.

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Bottom line ... Lisa's good with Andy, not so much with Leah and Rachel. That much is clear.

Originally Published -- 3/1 6:13 PM PT

'Big Brother' Star Memphis Garrett Files to Divorce Christmas Abbott


3:41 PM -- The divorce docs are in, and it was Memphis Garrett who filed first. According to the filing, obtained by TMZ, the 'BB' star is citing the classic irreconcilable differences for his reason ... and he wants a court to not sign off on giving Christmas Abbott alimony, noting she's gainfully employed.

There's no minor children ... and in terms of assets, Memphis wants a judge to divvy up what they have equitably. Pretty boilerplate -- but the larger message is ... the marriage is over.

No storybook ending for "Big Brother" alums Memphis Garrett and Christmas Abbott ... they are no longer living under the same roof, and they're hurtling toward a divorce.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ … Memphis and Christmas officially split last week when she filed for a temporary DV restraining order against Memphis and a judge granted her court-ordered protection.

We're told infidelity and lying are at the core of the breakup ... with Christmas feeling like Memphis is not the person she thought he was when she married him.

Our sources say Christmas has been asking Memphis for a divorce for several months now, and she's going to follow through soon and file divorce docs.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In the meantime, we're told Christmas has been granted occupancy of the family home in Fort Lauderdale.

We reached out to Christmas for comment and she tells TMZ, "It is unfortunate that the actions and intentions of individuals involved in this situation have led to the exposure of personal and sensitive information. I believe that matters of this nature should be resolved in a private and respectful manner. I ask for privacy at this time to focus on my family."

As for Memphis ... sources connected to his camp tell TMZ that he, too, suspects infidelity has been afoot -- we're told he believes it's actually Christmas who's been unfaithful, including over the past 6 months.

We're told Memphis feels like Christmas made up DV claims to get him caught up with the law -- and we're told cops did indeed escort him from their home with his son, River, in tow.

Memphis tells TMZ, "My heart hurts. I did not want to have to file for divorce. I was doing everything in my power to work on our marriage. I only wish the very best in life for her and Loyal" ... her 5-year-old son.

The couple does not have any children together.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Christmas has been going through a lot lately ... as we first told you, her baby daddy's been arrested for allegedly sharing explicit images of Christmas without her permission.

Our sources say Christmas' custody battle has taken a huge financial and emotional toll and her main concern is her son.

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'BB' fans will remember Memphis and Christmas first met during season 22 of "Big Brother: All-Stars" when they forged an alliance together.

They confirmed they were an item after the season ended, and in 2022 they got hitched.

Originally Published -- 12:45 AM PT

'vanderpump' Alum Jax Taylor Not Living With Brittany After Split ... Despite What He Claims

Brittany Cartwright is NOT moving back in with her estranged husband Jax Taylor in the wake of their separation ... contrary to what Jax is suggesting to the media.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... despite the former "Vanderpump Rules" star's recent claim that he and Brittany are living together again, that's simply not the case. We're told they are, in fact, living separately at the moment.

Instead, our sources tell us Jax and Brittany are still taking time apart after fighting a lot over the past year ... which ultimately ended with them separating. Our sources say both of them need space away from each other -- part of that includes them being under different roofs right now.


Now, Brittany did stop by the family home Thursday ... but we're told she was only there to grab some of her belongings, which she brought over to the nearby home that she's renting.

The reality stars announced their separation Thursday on their joint podcast, "When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany" -- with BC saying she needed time apart for her mental health after a rough time in their marriage.

Our sources tell us the separation was a long time coming, and it was brewing over the past year or so as they fought about a number of different things.

Jax and Brittany have been together romantically for nearly a decade and they got hitched in 2019, and we're told they're going through a tough patch in their marriage ... just like any other couple.

Our sources say the fighting isn't over any one specific issue, and more importantly -- we're told there is NO infidelity from either side here. We're told they need just time apart for their own mental health ... and for the sake of their 2-year-old son, Cruz.

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We're told Cruz is shuttling back and forth between the family home where Jax lives and Brittany's rental home ... and the parents want to keep things amicable for their kid.

On the issue of divorce -- which Jax shut down during his interview this week -- the jury seems to be out on that ... it's too early to tell if they're going down that road or not.

'Love Is Blind's Jessica Vestal Hints at New Romance w/ Costar ... Not Who You Expected!!!

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The Viall Files

Jessica Vestal may have found love after all -- but it ain't with the dude who passed on her in the pods ... at least that's what she's saying now.

The 'Love Is Blind' star -- who exited after Jimmy Presnell chose Chelsea Blackwell (AKA the Megan Fox girl) over her -- gave an interesting update on her love life while appearing on Nick Viall's podcast this week ... namely, that she's dating someone from the show.

Though the single mom didn't name names ... she did say that she's "trying to sort things out" with her fellow cast members. She did hint that fans probably already know the identity of her new boo -- reminding viewers she "had another strong connection" in the pods.

This must have been something that happened off-camera ... because there was no other dude she was shown flirting with or connecting with in the pods. It was just Jimmy.

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Love At LAX

The cat might be out of the bag at this point on who her new lover is.. We broke the story ... Jessica was spotted out in L.A. over the weekend, with one of her season 6 costars.

In our video, Jessica was seen walking shoulder to shoulder through an LAX terminal with castmate Johnny McIntyre. -- who she never appeared with on 'LiB.' Also, Jessica's airport outfit included the same pink top and jeans combo she wore for her 'Viall Files' interview.

Now before we jump to conclusions -- there is no definitive evidence Johnny is Jessica's new suitor. They didn't show PDA at the airport -- but based on her description of the type of dude she likes ... it's kinda adding up, Johnny fits the bill.

Of course, Johnny's current season 6 fiancée, Amy Cortés, whom he picked in the pods, was noticeably absent at the airport outing ... which is telling on how things may shake out.

All eyes are sure to be on the 'LIB' finale next week, as Johnny and Amy are heading to the wedding altar. It'll be interesting to see if Johnny and Amy actually say "I do" -- and what ends up happening at the reunion ... which won't air for another couple weeks.

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They wouldn't be the first couple to get cold feet, FWIW ... and this wouldn't be the first time a couple who didn't hook up on the show swapped and linked after cameras stopped rolling.

Old news is old news!
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