Kristin Cavallari Goes Public with New Boyfriend ... After Mexico Getaway


3:08 PM PT -- Kristin Cavallari just took her relationship to the next level, going IG official with her new boo in a cute selfie. She captioned the post, "He makes me happy."

Kristin Cavallari has a new stud in her orbit -- and it looks like she brought the young buck with her on vacation south of the border ... and TMZ has the first picture of this hunky fella!

Check out this photo we obtained, which was taken last Friday down in Cabo -- where we're told she'd just landed with dude ... whom we've identified as 24-year-old model Mark Estes. Eyewitnesses tell us this is them on the tram at the airport in Cabo heading to customs.

Even before this, though, we're told Kristin and Mark were very flirty on the flight over -- showing a lot of PDA ... and certainly looking like a couple.

Sources familiar with the situation tell us Kristin and Mark have been spending time together for about a month now -- but it's unclear if things are exactly romantic or not.

We're told Kristin was down in Mexico last week to work on her Uncommon James jewelry line ... and our sources say Mark tagged along for the quick trip. No word on how exactly they met ... but we're told they're hanging out right now, and that it ain't that serious.

Remember ... the last high-profile relationship Kristin was in -- post-Jay Cutler, of course -- was actually Tyler Cameron ... another model who's hobnobbed in and around Hollywood.

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Doesn't look like Mark's as famous as him ... but he's definitely just as good-looking.

Originally Published -- 1:52 PM PT


Kristin Cavallari tiene un nuevo semental en su órbita y parece que se lo llevó con ella de vacaciones al sur de la frontera. TMZ tiene la primera foto de este chico guapo.

Échale un vistazo a esta foto que obtuvimos -que fue tomada el viernes pasado en Cabo- donde nos dicen que acababa de aterrizar con el chico a quien hemos identificado como el modelo de 24 años de edad, Mark Estes. Testigos oculares nos dicen que son ellos en el tranvía del aeropuerto de Cabo en dirección a la aduana.

Incluso nos dicen que Kristin y Mark estaban muy cariñosos en el vuelo y sin duda parecían una pareja.

Fuentes familiarizadas con la situación nos dicen que Kristin y Mark han estado pasando tiempo juntos durante un mes, pero no está claro si las cosas son exactamente románticas o no. Probablemente podemos asumir que están juntos.

Nos dijeron que Kristin estaba en México la semana pasada para trabajar en su línea de joyería Uncommon James y nuestras fuentes dicen que Mark la acompañó a lo largo del viaje. No se sabe exactamente cómo se conocieron, pero nos dicen que están pasando el rato en este momento.

Recordemos que la última relación de alto perfil de Kristin -post Jay Cutler por supuesto- fue Tyler Cameron, otro modelo con el que se codeaba en Hollywood.

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No parece que Mark sea tan famoso como él, pero definitivamente es igual de guapo.

Wendy Williams Doc Producers We Didn't Know About Dementia ... We Wouldn't Have Filmed!!!

The producers behind the new Wendy Williams documentary are making it clear they would not have filmed the controversial project if they had known the full extent of her health crisis.

As you know, Wendy's dementia diagnosis was made public mere days before her Lifetime doc premiered on Saturday ... highlighting the 59-year-old's intimate struggles with alcohol abuse and a myriad of other health issues.


In the doc, the full extent of Wendy's struggles were revealed ... specifically, that she's dealing with frontotemporal dementia -- which may sound familiar as A-list actor Bruce Willis is also currently suffering from the same disease.

In the wake of the doc airing, there's been backlash against Lifetime/the production company that proceeded with the project -- but now the creative team is defending themselves.

Producer Mark Ford told The Hollywood Reporter ... the original plan was to follow Wendy between August 2022 and April 2023 while she sobered up and launched a new podcast.

Once it became clear, however, that this wasn't the story that was going to be told -- he says they just went with it and saw what they could capture ... but he insists they were never privy to an official medical diagnosis like the one that came down from her team last week.

MF adds, [I]f we had known that Wendy had dementia going into it, no one would’ve rolled a camera."

The original narrative, he says, was scrapped as Wendy's health deteriorated ... prompting concern from the filmmakers. Wendy's son Kevin Hunter Jr. later claimed to the cameras that his mother had "alcohol-induced" dementia -- different than what had been announced ... and well after they were in the thick of production.

And, while Mark is defending that they never would've picked up the cameras if they had known about the TV personality's diagnosis ... he's ultimately pleased that Wendy's temporary guardian Sabrina Morrissey was unsuccessful in blocking the doc's premiere.

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Obviously, they're happy with the end result ... and while some think they might've crossed a line, the producers seem to be saying they only proceeded with what they knew at the time.

Documental de Wendy Williams No sabíamos sobre el diagnóstico de demencia... Dicen los productores

Los productores detrás del nuevo documental de Wendy Williams están dejando claro que no habrían filmado el proyecto si hubieran sabido el alcance de sus problemas de salud.

Como bien saben, pocos días antes de que se estrenara el documental de Lifetime el sábado se dio a conocer que Wendy había sido diagnosticada con demencia. En el documental, justamente se destacan las luchas personales de la celebridad de 59 años, así como sus problemas de abuso con el alcohol y una veintena de otros asuntos de salud.

Atrapada tomando vodka

En el documental, se revelan todas las luchas de Wendy, en concreto, que está lidiando con una demencia frontotemporal, al igual que Bruce Willis, quien tiene la misma enfermedad.

Luego de su emisión este sábado, ha habido reacciones en contra de Lifetime y la productora que procedió con el proyecto, pero ahora el equipo creativo se defiende.

El productor Mark Ford le dijo a The Hollywood Reporter que el plan original era seguir a Wendy entre agosto de 2022 y abril de 2023, mientras ella estaba sobria y había lanzado un nuevo podcast.

Una vez que quedó claro que esta no sería la historia que iban a contar, dice que vieron lo que podían capturar, pero insiste en que ningún momento supieron de un diagnóstico médico oficial como el que dio a conocer su equipo la semana pasada.

Mark Ford añade: [S]i hubiéramos sabido que Wendy tenía demencia, nadie habría filmado".

Dice que la narrativa inicial fue desechada cuando la salud de Wendy empezó a deteriorarse, lo que causó preocupación entre los cineastas. El hijo de Wendy, Kevin Hunter Jr. más tarde dijo frente a las cámaras que su madre tenía demencia "inducida por el alcohol", algo distinto de lo que se ha anunciado y mucho después del momento grueso de la producción.

Aunque Mark se está defendiendo diciendo que nunca habría filmado si hubiera sabido sobre el diagnóstico de Wendy, dice que está satisfecho con que la tutora temporal de Wendy, Sabrina Morrissey, no tuviera éxito intentando bloquear el estreno del documental.

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Obviamente, están contentos con el resultado final y aunque algunos piensan que podrían haberse pasado de la raya, los productores parecen estar diciendo que solo procedieron con lo que sabían en ese momento.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Man Tried To Break Into My House ... We're Safe, But Shaken Up

Scary moment at home for Jenelle Evans ... cops say was the victim of an attempted break-in at her place in North Carolina this past weekend, and she tells us her family is rattled.

Jenelle, through her manager August Keen, tells TMZ … "With everything going on already this couldn't have happened at a worse time. Me and my children are safe, but a bit shaken up, the local community and police department are doing everything to ensure the capture of this person"

She adds, "I'll soon be exposing the details of what exactly happened that night. For now, we ask for prayers and privacy until me and my family recover from this terrifying experience. Thank you to everyone who is helping us to catch this perpetrator."

The attempted break-in comes only days after Jenelle regained custody of her 14-year-old son, Jace -- who's been at the center of a lot of drama in her family life lately.

At this point, police in North Carolina have confirmed to TMZ there was an attempted breaking and entering at Jenelle's place.

The Columbus County Sheriff’s Office tells us … on Sunday, a deputy responded to Jenelle's home for a call about a breaking and entering, but when they got there the suspect had fled the property.

Cops say an unidentified man attempted to force his way into Jenelle's home from the back of the residence, and when he was unable to get inside he went into her garage and began throwing her personal items into the yard.

The Sheriff's Office says when the deputy arrived, no items appeared to be missing ... though the lock on the back door where the man tried to enter the home was damaged.

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In case it wasn't clear, Jenelle was home during this terrifying incident. We're told an investigation is ongoing.

North West Takes Private Jet Home Back to L.A. After Paris 'Vultures' Gig

North West is living the good life ... jetting back home in a private jet after performing her chart-topping collab with Kanye West in Paris.

Kanye and Kim Kardashian's oldest daughter touched down Monday in Los Angeles aboard a PJ, hustling back home after doing her thing Sunday at a "Vultures" listening event halfway across the world.

North's traveling party included her nanny and at least one bodyguard ... and it looks like she did some shopping in Paris, because they walked off the plane with bags from Chanel and Celine, two French luxury fashion houses.

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The private flight home caps off a big week for North and her pops ... all 16 tracks from Kanye and Ty Dolla Sign's "Vultures 1" album cracked the Billboard Hot 100, including North's feature on the song "Talking."

North's little brother is doing big things too -- the same day North was performing in Paris, Saint West escorted soccer star Lionel Messi to the field at the Inter Miami vs. L.A. Galaxy match.

Inter Miami CF

Time to reboot that ol' TV show ... (rich) kids do the darndest things!!!

TRISTAN THOMPSON Granted Guardianship Over Little Brother

Tristan Thompson is officially taking over as caregiver for his younger brother... because a court signed off on him becoming Amari Thompson's guardian.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the ruling came in Monday, about 5 months after Tristan first filed a petition to become his little bro's guardian.

Remember ... Tristan and Amari lost their mother, Andrea, about a year ago when she died suddenly in Toronto. Tristan's been looking after Amari ever since ... and now he's officially been appointed his brother's legal guardian.

As we reported ... in his original petition, Tristan claimed their father, Trevor, has been absent from Amari's life ... leaving Tristan as the closest family member available to step up and provide the care Amari needs.

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Tristan's got a lot of responsibility here ... Amari is unable to care for himself because he's been diagnosed with epilepsy.

Amari's also getting $103,475 in inheritance from his mother's estate ... and Tristan said in his earlier petition that he would protect the money from loss and provide for Amari's care.

Good on Tristan.


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amor en el aeropuerto

Jessica Vestal y Johnny McIntyre de "Love Is Blind" se unieron en la vida real en el aeropuerto, lo que es muy curioso, ya que nunca se cruzaron en el programa.

Échale un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ que muestra a las dos estrellas de Netflix -que no interactúan en la serie de realidad- caminando a través de una terminal en LAX el domingo por la mañana, donde estaban hombro con hombro.

Esto ha hecho que muchos se pregunten qué es lo que se traen entre manos, ya que no hay evidencia directa de que sean pareja o algo parecido

La ausencia notable aquí es la prometida de Johnny, Amy Cortés, a quien seleccionó en el programa y que han pasado a ser una pareja muy popular.

Para aquellos que no han sintonizado todavía, Johnny se rodilló frente a Amy a pesar de nunca haberla visto en persona (lo cual es todo el concepto de la serie). De hecho, han surgido como la pareja más fuerte de la temporada, duchándose juntos y todo.

Su único contratiempo fue un desacuerdo sobre el control de la natalidad, ya que Johnny no está listo para ser padre.

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Jessica, por otro lado, no tuvo tanta suerte como Johnny. Se sabe que abandonó el experimento después de que su pretendiente, Jimmy Presnell, decidiera seguir a Chelsea Blackwell (la chica de Megan Fox). Recordemos que él enloqueció después de enterarse de que Jessica era una madre soltera y que técnicamente fue expulsada de la serie después de eso.

Por supuesto, se han burlado de su regreso estos últimos episodios.

Lamentablemente, el  final de la temporada 6 de "Love Is Blind" no se estrenará hasta el 6 de marzo, por lo que tendremos que esperar y ver si Johnny y Amy llegan al altar. De hecho, una actualización de Jessica ni siquiera podría venir hasta la reunión, que no estará aquí hasta el 13 de marzo.

¡Estaremos atentos!


Brandi Glanville is laying into Andy Cohen for his apology over her sexual harassment claims -- saying he hasn't really made it right with the one person who matters ... her!

The ex-'Real Housewives' star hopped on X Monday to slam the Bravo honcho -- who oversees all things 'Housewives -- over his tweet last week that addressed her allegations of once sending her an inappropriate video ... which he characterized as just a joke.

She wrote ... "I have not received a personal apology from anyone. I saw an apology that Andy posted TO HIS FANS for his mistreatment of me and inappropriateness."

You'll recall ... last week we revealed Brandi's lawyers had sent a demand letter to NBC Universal threatening a lawsuit on her behalf after claiming they mistreated her. In the doc, Brandi made some serious claims against Andy ... saying he was straight-up boasting about plans to hook up with another Bravo star in 2022 while inviting her to watch the whole thing via FaceTime.

Andy promptly responded to Brandi's claims ... writing on X it was a joke that she'd blown out of proportion. He even stated Brandi's initial response seemed like she was in on the joke, but he still went on to say sorry for the whole thing being inappropriate.

Meanwhile, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Brandi's attacks against Andy seem to be coming out of the blue -- as she hadn't said anything for 2 whole years. We're told that it was only when she found herself caught up in harassment accusations from Caroline Manzo that she seems to have flipped the script on Andy ... almost out of nowhere.

We're told there are many in the Bravo world who feel like Brandi's whole case against Andy is a personal vendetta ... especially since not too long ago she was singing his praises in public interviews. That's the feeling by some, anyway.

Of course, the drama all goes back to the infamous "Girls Trip: Morocco" debacle ... which was the primary basis of Brandi's demand letter written up by Mark Geragos and Bryan Freedman -- some of Hollywood's biggest hotshot lawyers.

Brandi's lawyers didn't hold back ... spelling out exactly why she was considering taking legal action -- saying she's been nothing but loyal to NBCU, but in return, claiming all she's received in return is mistreatment.

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Basically, Brandi's ready to fight tooth and nail to set the record straight ... and the escalating tensions between herself and her former network might turn into a very messy legal battle.

'Love Is Blind' Stars Jessica & Johnny Seen at Airport ... Together ... But Are They???

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Love At LAX

Jessica Vestal and Johnny McIntyre from 'Love Is Blind' linked up in real life at the airport ... which may prove to be a big twist, 'cause they never really crossed paths on the show.

Check out this video, obtained by TMZ, that shows the two Netflix stars -- who did not interact on the reality series from what we know, whether in the pods or outside of them -- walking through a terminal at LAX Sunday morning ... where they were shoulder to shoulder.

While them popping up at LAX together might raise eyebrows among some -- there's no direct evidence here that they're actually a couple or romantically involved ... aka, no PDA.

The noticeable absence here, of course, is Johnny's fiancée, Amy Cortés, whom he selected in the pods ... and who have gone on to be a fan-fave couple so far in the show.

For those who haven't tuned in yet ... Johnny got on bended knee for Amy, despite never seeing her in person ... which is the whole concept of the show. They've actually emerged as the season's strongest couple, routinely showering each other with love and PDA.

Their only hiccup ... a disagreement over birth control, since Johnny is not ready to be a dad.

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Jessica, on the other hand, wasn't as lucky as Johnny in the pods. She famously exited the experiment after her would-be boo, Jimmy Presnell, decided to pursue Chelsea Blackwell instead (the Megan Fox girl). Remember, he notably freaked out after learning Jessica was a single mom ... and she was technically bounced off the show after that.

Of course, they've been teasing her return these past few episodes.

Sadly, the "Love Is Blind" season 6 finale doesn't drop until March 6 -- so we'll have to wait and see if Johnny and Amy actually make it to the wedding altar. In fact ... an update for Jessica might not even come until the reunion drops, which won't be here until March 13.

Safe to say ... we'll be tuning in!

Alexis Bellino 'RHOC' Wanted Her Back Before She Started Dating Shannon's Ex

Alexis Bellino dating Shannon Beador's former flame makes for some juicy 'RHOC' storylines ... but it's not the main reason she's coming back to the reality TV show.

Sources connected to the show tell TMZ … Alexis was already in talks with 'RHOC' producers to return to the show before she started dating Shannon's ex, John Janssen.

While Alexis' return and her new relationship with John seem intertwined, we're told it's just coincidental ... because by the time they started dating in Dec. 2023, Alexis was pretty deep in negotiations to come back.

TMZ broke the story ... Alexis is returning for the upcoming season as a friend of the show, more than a decade after walking away from 'RHOC' in 2013 as a fan fave.

Our sources say Heather Dubrow is a big reason Alexis is coming back.

Alexis and Heather infamously had a nasty falling out on 'RHOC' back in the day, but we're told in the last couple years they've rekindled their friendship.

Sources say Heather's been in the ear of show producers for years, suggesting they consider bringing Alexis back into the fold ... with Heather even pushing for Alexis' return as recently as last season.

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So, the Alexis and Shannon beef is just a bonus ... and we're told Alexis has already been a standout early on in filming.


Rick Harrison's late son Adam won't be discussed on the new season of "Pawn Stars" ... TMZ has learned.

A Harrison family spokesperson tells us ... with Rick personally addressing Adam's tragic passing last month, there will be no further comment in future episodes. Also, Adam wasn't a cast member of the show.

We're told the Harrison family are keeping themselves busy amid the unfathomable tragedy ... and have started filming new episodes this month.

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Adam -- one of Rick's three boys -- helped out at the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop back in the day, despite not being featured on the show.

TMZ broke the story ... Adam died from a fentanyl overdose last month, with Rick posting an emotional IG tribute saying, "You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam. 💔"

Rick attributed his son's death to fentanyl freely flowing across the border, emphasizing to us the urgent need to address this crisis in our country.

The Harrison family has since established an education fund for Adam's son ... after being inundated with pleas from people asking how they can show support.

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As for now, "Pawn Stars" will stick to business as usual, as the Harrison family copes during this difficult time.

Rick Harrison de "Pawn Stars" La serie no abordará la muerte de su hijo

La muerte del hijo de Rick Harrison, Adam, no será tratada en la nueva temporada de "Pawn Stars", según ha indagado TMZ.

Un portavoz de la familia Harrison nos dice que luego de que Rick abordara personalmente el trágico fallecimiento de Adam el mes pasado, no habrá más comentarios en futuros episodios. Además, él no era un miembro del elenco de la serie.

Nos dicen que la familia Harrison se mantiene ocupada en medio de la inconmensurable tragedia y ha comenzado a filmar nuevos episodios este mes.

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Adam, uno de los tres hijos de Rick, ayudó en el World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop en su momento, a pesar de que no aparecía en el programa.

TMZ dio a conocer la noticia: Adam murió de una sobredosis de fentanilo el mes pasado. Rick publicó un emotivo homenaje en IG diciendo: "¡Siempre estarás en mi corazón! Te quiero Adam. 💔"

Rick atribuyó la muerte de su hijo al libre tránsito del fentanilo en la frontera y enfatizó en la urgente necesidad de abordar esta crisis en nuestro país.

La familia Harrison estableció desde entonces un fondo de educación para el hijo de Adam, después de ser inundado con súplicas de personas que querían demostrar su apoyo.

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Mientras tanto, "Pawn Stars" se mantendrá como de costumbre, en la medida que la familia Harrison hace frente a este difícil momento.

Tom Sandoval Ariana Owes Me $90k Wants Cash Before Sale of House

Tom Sandoval is fighting Ariana Madix as she tries to force a sale of their home ... claiming he loaned her a big chunk of change that he wants back before selling the crib they shared.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Tom alleges he loaned Ariana $90,000 and that she hasn't paid him back.

More importantly, Tom wants Ariana to fork over the dough before a judge potentially orders them to sell the house and split the proceeds.

In his response to Ariana's lawsuit, he also says he has a lien on the house that's directly tied to this alleged loan to her -- and he says no sale can go down until this is dealt with.

As we first told you ... Ariana is suing Tom over the Los Angeles house they co-own. They lived there when they were a couple, but Ariana wants to sell it and split the money now that they've broken up as a result of his cheating scandal.

Tom's so far resisted ... and now it looks like he's digging his heels in even further and claiming she needs to settle up with him over this loan before selling the house. As for the other allegations Ariana made in her original suit ... he issues general denials against them.

The Viall Files

Remember ... Tom and Ariana bought the place back in 2019 for around $2 million, and like most real estate in Los Angeles it could probably sell for more now.

Tom's also recently said he's offered to buy out Ariana, making a $3.1 million cash offer to keep the place for himself.

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Based on their history, though ... this is shaping up to be a big fight.

Vicki Gunvalson Returns to 'RHOC' in New Cameo ... Over 'Tres Amigas' Drama!!!

Vicki Gunvalson is coming back to Bravo ... returning to "The Real Housewives of Orange County" to confront her former friend Tamra Judge over the fallout of "Tres Amigas" -- and reconciliation attempts already led to an explosive confrontation ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the production tell us Vicki, an OG on 'RHOC,' was recently brought back by the network as a guest -- not a full-time housewife or friend -- to film a takedown between her and Tamra.

We're told Vicki was brought by fellow cast member Shannon Beador to a big group outing Thursday -- where all cast members were present -- to confront TJ. Our sources say show producers were hoping the women would hash out their issues and move on ... but, it doesn't seem that happened, 'cause instead we're told the whole night turned into an explosive fight between the trio.

By evening's end, our sources tell us the three ladies left with their friendship more broken than ever before.

BTW ... the Thursday gathering came after Vicki filmed a lunch earlier this week with Shannon and Heather Dubrow -- where Tamra was the hot topic, we're told.

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It's pretty shocking to hear how fractured Tamra, Vicki, and Shannon's group friendship has become -- y'know, given how tight they were before TJ dropped out of "Tres Amigas" ... a live comedy project featuring all three women.

On her podcast, Tamra blamed her exit from "Tres Amigas" on scheduling conflicts and a desire not to enable Shannon following her DUI arrest and her frustrations with Vicki and Shannon ... who she thinks have been talking badly about her behind her back.

For Vicki's part, she claimed Tamra blindsided her and Shannon, who have since announced their own comedy tour. Meanwhile, Tamra hit the road to live tape her podcast "Two Ts In A Pod" with cohost Teddi Mellencamp -- who is one of Vicki's sworn enemies.

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Seems like the bad blood's running hot these days ... and it'll all play out when season 18 of the show premieres later this year.

'Love Is Blind' Sarah Ann Seems to Have Spoiled ... Jeramey's Whole Storyline!

Jeramey Lutinski might have found a real connection on "Love Is Blind" ... but, it doesn't seem to be with the woman he proposed to -- at least that's what the internet thinks.

Here's the deal ... while still in the pods on this season of 'LiB,' Lutinski forged a connection with two women -- Laura Dadisman and Sarah Ann. Ultimately, he chose to propose to Laura, and fans thought he and Sarah Ann were officially finito.


Fast forward to the latest episode of the Netflix show ... when Laura confronted Jeramey for being out ‘til 5 AM. Jeramey tried to argue he only saw Sarah Ann at a bar ... but Laura said she checked his location and he was nowhere near the bar.

Instead, he was hanging out way closer to Sarah Ann's house ... so, LD basically implied the two were doing a lot more than just having a drink at a bar together -- something Jeramey denied on the show.

Fast-forward to Thursday ... where, in real life, Sarah Ann posted to IG ... laughing off accusations that she and Jeramey hooked up while he was engaged to Laura and saying the world will soon know the truth.

But, eagle-eyed fans may have already uncovered what they believe to be the truth of the matter ... 'cause in another vid she posted, viewers noticed the tiniest sliver of a black and white picture hanging behind her in the clip.

Yes, it looks awfully familiar ... especially to people who've been following along.

Indeed, the room Sarah Ann posted from online looks to have incredibly similar decorations to the ones hanging in Jeramey's freakin' house -- something we've already seen on 'LiB,' as they've shown his room, and Laura in it ... rolling around on his bed and being flirty.

Now, we don't know for a fact that this is Jeramey's house ... but the similarities alone, combined with the recent bombshell allegations, make the whole thing seem pretty possible -- if not likely.

Bottom line ... people think Jeramey ended up with Sarah Ann after all -- which, if true, would mean he's about to break Laura's heart on the show ... which we'll see soon enough.

Of course, Netflix is probably pissed about Sarah Ann spilling a potential spoiler, even inadvertently -- they obviously want all this to be revealed on the finale (where they can snag eyeballs/ratings, etc.) but it looks like the contestants are screwing up by posting live!

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Safe to say ... we're all in for a big reunion episode. But, everything might already be out by then. Whoops! 😅

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