TMZ TV Recap Travis & Patrick Bad Optics in KC ... Taylor/Travis, Larsa & Marcus Jordan

Big day at TMZ, and we're almost at the finish line in the week ... but just getting started on our TV coverage which was chock-full of good stuff.

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Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes were taking lumps -- at least by some -- in the court of public opinion -- this after we reported that they were both in attendance at a restaurant/bar for a private party they'd booked as a team in the aftermath of the Kansas City shooting.

We know Patrick had actually organized this -- having booked the spot well before the shooting -- but they're catching flak for actually having gone ... even after the tragedy.

We talked about it all on "TMZ Live" Thursday ... and yeah, it got pretty intense.



Over on "TMZ on TV" ... we were also talking about Travis Kelce, but in a much less serious way -- here, we just got into this new clip of him and Taylor Swift being "so magical."

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Finally, on 'TMZ Sports' ... Mike and Mojo talked about Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan seemingly rekindling their romance -- this on the heels of their "breakup." How 'bout that?!?

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Larsa Pippen, Marcus Jordan 'Pause' Can't Keep Us Apart ... Duo Breaks Bread On V-Day

Pause, shmause -- Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan spent the most romantic night of the year together on Wednesday ... enjoying a Valentine's Day dinner fresh off putting their romance on ice.

Sources tell TMZ Sports ... the couple hit up ZZ's Members Club in Miami's Design District, where they looked very much like a couple throughout their meal.

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Break Up Or Make Up?

Of course, this all comes on the heels of the two pumping the breaks on their romance ... as our sources told us earlier this week they had some trust issues to work on, among other snags.

But the two apparently stayed attached at the hip the entire day -- as we reported, they were also spotted buying roses at a Miami flower shop and Larsa's house on Wednesday.

So either Larcus figured out their problems and are back to normal, or they can at least put their drama on the back burner in the public eye.

Larsa and Marcus were first spotted together back in 2022 ... and have even sparked engagement rumors in the past, and Michael Jordan's son has consistently said a marriage is in the works.

Regardless, it sounds like this relationship hit a detour ... but it ain't heading for Splitsville.


Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan are hanging out in public again -- the first time, in fact, since we revealed they'd taken a break amid a rough patch ... and boy, that was fast!

The couple was spotted together at Trias Flowers & Gifts in Miami on Wednesday -- AKA, Valentine's Day -- confirming our earlier report that they are very much on amicable, talking terms while figuring things out romantically. As it turns out, they're still seeing each other too.

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Break Up Or Make Up?

The duo was photographed waiting in line at the flower shop ... and eyewitnesses tell us they appeared to leave the store with a huge vase and bouquet of 1-2 dozen roses.

From the looks of it, they're putting in the work to get their relationship back on track, and quite quickly ... seems V-Day's giving them the perfect opportunity to do exactly that.

BTW, Marcus and Larsa were also seen going to her pad in Miami on Wednesday -- so they were out and about together ... and weren't really hiding it either. On its face, it seems to suggest that their "break" might be coming to an end ... or at least nearing that anyway.

Again, they were at the florist ... and also at her house. Ya gotta figure they'll be spending the evening together as well.

We broke the story ... MJ and LP pressed pause in their relationship and were figuring out how to move forward romantically while remaining on good terms -- but they appear to have figured out some things in short order.

Our sources told us their split wasn't caused by one specific thing. Instead, they've just hit a difficult patch in their relationship.

But the fact that they're still communicating and going out to get flowers is a promising sign that things are bloomin' back into place.

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It's almost like they never even broke up in the first place.

Larsa Pippen y Marcus Jordan interrumpen su relación Para solucionar sus problemas

Larsa Pippen y Marcus Jordan se están dando un tiempo... y la ruptura se produce después de algunos problemas personales, los cuales esperan solucionar pronto.

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que Larsa y Marcus están cada uno por su cuenta en estos momentos debido a problemas de pareja. Larsa llegó a la conclusión el fin de semana de que tenían que darse un tiempo.

Larsa y Marcus fueron vistos juntos por primera vez en septiembre de 2022, y nos dicen que habían estado viviendo juntos y pasando 24 horas al día en compañía del otro, como nuestras fuentes dicen, era un noviazgo que iba viento en popa.

Ahora, ha habido una desaceleración importante, aunque nos dicen que Larsa y Marcus todavía se hablan y están tratando de arreglar los problemas.

El sexo parecía ser siempre algo importante para ellos, recordemos lo mucho que a Larsa le gustaba presumir de lo mucho que lo hacían. Por lo tanto, el problema no era por ese lado.

El hecho de que todavía se comunican llama la atención, como informamos, se dejaron de seguir en redes sociales y borraron todas las fotos en las que salían juntos de sus respectivas páginas.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la ruptura no fue por una cosa en particular, en cambio, como todas las relaciones, nos dicen que Larsa y Marcus simplemente están pasando por una mala racha. Pero sabemos que están tratando de superarlo.

Recuerde, Larsa es 16 años mayor que Marcus, y Michael Jordan es ha sido muy abierto en decir que no aprueba su relación. El ex marido de Larsa es Scottie Pippen, pero nos dicen que nada de eso tuvo que ver con la ruptura.

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un padre desepcionado

Será interesante ver si Larsa y Marcus resuelven las cosas y vuelven a estar juntos. Nuestras fuentes dicen que podría pasar.

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El tiempo lo dirá, estén atentos.

LARSA PIPPEN, MARCUS JORDAN Pause Relationship Amid Rough Patch ... But, They're Still Talking

Larsa Pippen and Marcus Jordan are calling a timeout on their relationship ... and the split comes after some issues cropped up between them -- ones they're hoping to smooth out.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ … Larsa and Marcus recently put a pause on dating while they work through a bump in the road, with Larsa coming to the conclusion over the weekend that they needed to call things off -- at least for the time being, anyway.

Larsa and Marcus were first spotted together in September 2022, and we're told they had been living together and spending 24 hours a day in each other's company ... as our sources put it, their courtship was moving 100 MPH.

Now, it's all grinding to a halt - or at the minimum, a major slow-down -- although we're told Larsa and Marcus are still talking to each other as they try to figure out how they can move forward romantically.

Sex seemed to always be a big deal for them ... remember, Larsa liked to brag about how much they were banging. So, on its face that wasn't the problem.

The fact they're still communicating is interesting ... as we reported, they unfollowed each other on social media and scrubbed pics of them together from their respective pages.

Now, our sources say the split wasn't caused by one specific thing ... instead, like all relationships, we're told Larsa and Marcus are simply in the middle of a rough patch. Something we know they're trying to get on the same page about ... trust.

Remember, Larsa is 16 years older than Marcus and Michael Jordan famously said he didn't approve of their relationship -- Larsa's ex-husband is Scottie Pippen -- but we're told none of that played a role in the split.

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It will be interesting to see if Larsa and Marcus work things out and get back together somewhere down the line ... right now, our sources are suggesting that may happen.

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Time will tell ... stay tuned.

Tom Sandoval tiene una acalorada discusión con Lisa Vanderpump sobre su vida después del affair

¡es mi vida!

La reunión de Tom Sandoval con Lisa Vanderpump se convirtió en un caos en la entrega del martes de "Vanderpump Rules", con un interrogatorio bastante tenso.

Recordemos que Tom fue arrestado por engañar a Ariana Madix con Rachel Leviss en marzo de 2023, con las cámaras rodando la nueva temporada unos meses más tarde y por lo que parece, en el momento de la filmación, que todavía estaba en el ojo de del huracán.

Los ánimos se caldearon cuando Lisa le preguntó a Tom por qué seguía viviendo con su ex Ariana en la casa que compartían... instándole a hacer lo caballeroso de mudarse, darle espacio a ella y vender el lugar. Tom no estuvo de acuerdo, diciendo que quería que Ariana le permitiera comprar su salida y agregó: "Uno de nosotros puede mantenerlo porque es una gran casa. He invertido mucho trabajo y dinero en ella".

Claramente no iba a cambiar de opinión, diciendo que ya le había enviado a Ariana una carta de intención y su agente de bienes raíces también había hablado con ella al respecto, pero hasta ahora, ella había guardado silencio.

Tom se puso nervioso cuando Lisa le preguntó si estaba haciendo lo posible para solucionar el escándalo que había creado en primer lugar, levantando la voz para dejar claro que él sabía que era responsable del lío, pero estaba haciendo todo lo posible por superarlo.

Sin embargo, a Lisa claramente no le gustó su tono, instándole a parar, tener algo de remordimiento y a dejar de estar enfadado... pero él dijo que su furia estaba justificada porque ella lo estaba atacando.

En cuanto a la posición de Tom con sus compañeros del show, parece que las cosas no estaban muy bien en ese frente tampoco. Criticó a todos por su mentalidad mafiosa... diciéndole a Lisa que cada vez que se disculpó no tuvo respuesta, y cuando lloró, lo acusaron de derramar lágrimas de cocodrilo.

Él le instó a ver las cosas desde su punto de vista, diciendo que no es exactamente vivir un estilo de vida de rockstar, añadiendo que ha luchado con pensamientos suicidas sobre las secuelas de la aventura.

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Las cosas finalmente se calmaron y Lisa le ofreció algunos consejos para seguir adelante de la mejor manera.



Tom Sandoval's meet-up with Lisa Vanderpump descended into chaos on Tuesday's installment of "Vanderpump Rules" ... with her post-affair grilling not sitting well with him.

Remember, Tom was busted for cheating on Ariana Madix with Rachel Leviss in March 2023 ... with cameras rolling on the new season a few months later -- and by the looks of it, at the time of filming, he was still in the thick of it all.

Tempers flared as Lisa quizzed Tom on why he was still living with ex Ariana in their shared home ... urging him to do the gentlemanly thing of moving out, giving her space, and selling the pad. Tom wasn't having any of it, saying he wanted Ariana to let him buy her out instead, adding, "One of us can keep it because it is a great house. I put a lot of work and money into it."

There was clearly no changing his mind ... telling LVP he'd already sent AM a letter of intent and his real estate agent had also spoken to her about it ... but so far, there'd been radio silence from her.

Tom became more wound up when Lisa asked him if he was doing his best to move on from the scandal he'd created in the first ... raising his voice to get his point across that he knew he was responsible for the mess but was doing his best to navigate it.

Though, Lisa clearly didn't like his tone, urging him to stop, have some remorse, and stop being angry ... but he said his fury was warranted 'cause she was attacking him. Yikes.

As for where Tom stood with his VPR costars ... looks like things weren't great on that front either. He blasted them all for their mob mentality .. telling Lisa whenever he apologized, it fell on deaf ears ... and when he cried, they accused him of shedding crocodile tears.

He urged her to see things from his POV, saying he's not exactly living a rockstar lifestyle, ... adding he's battled with suicidal thoughts over the aftermath of the affair.

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Things eventually calmed down, with Lisa offering him some fair advice on moving forward in the best way.



8:13 AM PT -- BOP tells TMZ that Todd and Julie actually could've communicated on Valentine's Day -- but they just had to get it approved and planned out beforehand. They also tell us inmates get their mail in a prompt timeframe, despite Todd's claims.

Todd and Julie Chrisley won't be sending their love to each other on Valentine's Day ... which their attorney says is coming as a huge drag.

The couple's attorney, Jay Surgent, tells TMZ the duo won't be able to communicate with one another on Valentine's Day 'cause inmates aren't permitted to get in touch while in different federal prisons.

You'll recall ... Todd was given a 12-year sentence at FPC Pensacola for a slew of fraud charges, while Julie was sent to FMC Lexington in Kentucky for 7 years -- so not only are they in separate prisons, but they're also in different states.

Their attorney tells us the Federal Bureau of Prisons has a no-crossover/contact policy... but Jay doesn't quite understand it, telling us it creates zero security problems or cause for concern.

Jay says the Chrisleys being unable to communicate during V-Day will be a real bummer ... especially cause their love for each other is unwavering and distance has only made the heart grow fonder.

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Meanwhile, Jay says when he last spoke with Todd last week, TC said he wanted to pursue an investigation against FPC Pensacola prison administration for mail theft and general corruption ... among other things. He also claims he still hasn't received the mail he's been expecting, which raises further concerns with him.

As we all know by now, Todd's been vocal about the living conditions at his new digs ... ripping them apart for their disgusting food, possible mold, and bad plumbing.

But as it relates to the heart ... it seems like Todd and Julie's love is under lock and key for the time being.

Originally Published -- 1:00 AM PT

Katy Perry Anuncia que deja "American Idol" Tiene nuevos planes musicales...

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Hacia un nuevo capítulo

Katy Perry acaba de hacer un anuncio sorprendente y es que planea dejar atrás su capítulo con "American Idol".

La icónica cantante estuvo en "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" el lunes por la noche, donde dejó caer la bomba después de 7 años como jueza junto a Lionel Richie y Luke Bryan.

Jimmy dio el pistoletazo de salida al preguntarle si iba a continuar en el programa o no.

Al principio, Katy no respondió tan directamente y dijo que estaba deseando actuar en el festival de música Rock in Río de Brasil este otoño.

Y luego dio la inesperada noticia: "Creo que este será mi último show, mi última temporada para 'Idol'. Me encanta 'Idol', me ha conectado con el corazón del país. Pero siento que necesito salir para sentir ese pulso de mi propio latido".

Muchos en la audiencia sonaban desanimados por la noticia, pero Katy lo manejó como una profesional experimentada con sus sonrisas y su comportamiento optimista, haciendo que todos volvieron a un estado anímico positivo.

De salida

Sin embargo, Jimmy parecía un poco sorprendido y presionó a Katy sobre lo que sus compañeros Lionel y Lucas pensaban de su salida.

Katy respondió: "Bueno, ellos se enterarán esta noche", indicando que los dos solo sabían que tenía algunos nuevos proyectos en marcha.

TMZ investiga
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Está programado que la última temporada de "American Idol" comience el 18 de febrero y el programa de competencia de canto, en tanto, ya lleva 22 años en marcha.

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No hay palabra todavía sobre quién podría sustituir a Katy en la silla del juez, pero debería saberse en algún momento.

Katy Perry Moving On From 'American Idol' ... Announces New Music Plans

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Onto The Next Chapter

Katy Perry just made a stunning announcement ... she's dunzo with "American Idol."

The iconic singer appeared on Monday night's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" dropping the bombshell after 7 years as an 'Idol' judge alongside Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan.

Jimmy kicked things off, asking Katy point blank if she was going to continue with the show.

At first, Katy didn't answer the question directly, responding that she was looking forward to performing in Brazil's Rock in Rio music festival this fall.

Then she delivered the 'Idol' shocker ...  "I think this will be my last show, my last season for 'Idol.' I love 'Idol' so much, it’s connected me with the heart of America. But I feel like I need to go out to feel that pulse of my own beat."

Many in the audience sounded bummed by the news, but Katy handled it like a seasoned pro with her smiles and upbeat demeanor, turning the mood back to a positive vibe.


Yet, Jimmy seemed a bit startled, pressing Katy on what her fellow judges -- Lionel and Luke -- thought about her exit.

Katy replied, "Well, they'll find out about it tonight," indicating the two were only aware she had some new projects in the works.

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Her last season is scheduled to start on February 18 as the singing competition TV series hits the 22-year mark.

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No word yet on who might replace Katy in the judge's chair ... but that should be coming down the pike at some point.

Kim Kardashian at Super Bowl LVIII Celeb-Packed Suite, But ... Looking Kinda Meh Next to Taylor's 👀

No shocker that Kim Kardashian locked down a luxury suite at the Super Bowl, and even had it filled with A-listers -- but what is surprising is how NOT lit it was compared to Taylor Swift's.

The photos showing off their respective suites are out, and we gotta say ... the KarJenner box -- at least for some parts of the game -- comes across as a little bit of a snooze fest when ya see the lively scene in T-Swift's area.

Check out the pics for yourself and we'll let you decide which suite feels like the better time.

In Kim's suite, there are people slumped over and leaning on their hands as if they're just running out the clock -- and one dude in there looks like he's about to take a long nap.

The opposite vibe was happening across the way at Tay Tay's suite ... where Blake Lively, Ice Spice, Miles Teller and a few other stars were losing their minds and celebrating a ton. Of course, Taylor herself was leading the charge on the partying ... pounding beers, etc.


Kim's suite was just as star-studded, of course, with Justin and Hailey Bieber and other KarJenner sisters, Russell Wilson and Ciara, La La Anthony, Texans QB C.J. Stroud, Winnie Harlow and Michael Rubin all attending, but things looked sorta quiet.

Now, this ain't a competition or anything -- but the differences are notable because of the history of bad blood between Taylor and Kim ... which, as we recently learned, is still fresh on T-Swift's mind, something she commented on in her TIME Person of the Year cover story.

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As we reported ... Taylor said she still feels like Kanye/Kim were wrong over the whole 2016 recorded-convo thing -- and even today, it sounds like she'd appreciate an apology.

One last thing we'll point out about the Super Bowl suites -- when the CBS broadcast went around highlighting the different stars at Allegiant Stadium, they conspicuously did NOT cut to the Kardashians and their whole crew. It was ... fairly noticeable.

El palco de Kim Kardashian parece aburrido Comparado con el de Taylor Swift

No es ninguna sorpresa que Kim Kardashian haya reservado un palco de lujo para ver el Super Bowl. Tampoco es raro que esté lleno de estrellas. Lo que sí es sorprendente es lo poco iluminado que estuvo en comparación con el de Taylor Swift.

Las fotos que muestran sus respectivos palcos y tenemos que decir que el de Kim parece a ratos un cementerio, sobre todo si lo comparamos con la fiesta que se vivía en el palco de Taylor.

Échale un vistazo a las fotos por ti mismo y te dejaremos decidir qué palco te parece que está pasando un mejor momento.

En el de Kim, hay gente sentada y apoyada como si estuvieran agotados todo el tiempo, incluso hay un tipo que parece estar a punto de tomar una larga siesta.

El ambiente opuesto se vivíoa en el palco de Tay Tay, donde Blake Lively, Ice Spice, Miles Teller y algunas otras estrellas estaban perdiendo la cabeza y celebrando. Por supuesto, la propia Taylor estaba a la cabeza de la fiesta, bebiendo cervezas, etc.

Kim también estuvo rodeada de estrellas, con Justin y Hailey Bieber y otras hermanas KarJenner, Russell Wilson y Ciara, La La Anthony, Texans QB C.J. Stroud, Winnie Harlow y Michael Rubin, pero las cosas parecían un poco más tranquilas.

Sabemos que esto no es una competencia ni nada, pero las diferencias son notables debido a la historia de mala sangre entre Taylor y Kim, que, como hemos sabido recientemente, todavía está fresco en la mente de Taylor, algo que ella comentó en su aparición en la portada del Times.

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Como informamos, Taylor dijo que todavía siente que Kanye y Kim estaban equivocados sobre el asunto del 2016, e incluso hoy en día, suena como ella apreciaría una disculpa.

Una cosa más... cuando la transmisión de CBS destacó las diferentes estrellas en el Estadio Allegiant, curiosamente NO nombraron a las Kardashians... fue bastante notable.


Tamra Judge is giving up the goods for "Real Housewives of Orange County" -- she was in the mood to let loose, and luckily for you, she made sure cameras captured the wild night in a bar.


TMZ obtained this clip of the reality star -- after she appeared to have had a few too many drinks -- falling back on her ass while dancing on the bar top at The Boulevard in Costa Mesa.

One customer took full advantage of the tumble ... pouring a drink on Tamra's crotch after she went down.

Tamra was intent on continuing her good time, leaping to her feet and grinding up against another brunette girl ... while Vicki walked away in the background.

The night out had to be some light relief for Tamra and the rest of the 'RHOC' cast ... especially because filming for the 18th season has been more dramatic than ever -- mainly due to former cast member Alexis Bellino's return.

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TMZ confirmed her comeback last month, with show producers jumping on the drama between her and Shannon Beador -- mostly stemming from dating the same dude, John Janssen.

As for Tamra, it looks like she's bringing the party this upcoming season -- and we're sure 'RHOC' producers ain't hatin' ... just appreciatin'.

Kim K and Odell New Video Puts Dating Rumors in Overdrive!!!

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Kim Kardashian and Odell Beckham Jr. have said they're just friends, but there's plenty of smoke that it's more than that ... and this video is adding fuel to what has become a fire.


Kim and Odell were at The Wynn in Las Vegas Saturday night, ahead of Super Bowl LVIII. Kim was shepherded through the hotel with Odell staying close.


You see them both in a crowded elevator, with Kim seemingly hiding in the back.


The duo had just left Michael Rubin's Fanatics Super Bowl party which had tons of stars, including Ice Spice, Khloe Kardashian, Tiffany Haddish, Karrueche Tran and many others.

K&O have never confirmed the relationship, but the dating rumors have been circulating since the Summer ... after his breakup with LoLo Wood.

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They were also spotted at a pre-Grammy party last weekend thrown by Jay-Z.

Kim's been super careful keeping her dating life as much under wraps as possible ... Kanye was more than triggered when she started dating Pete Davidson.

Kim Kardashian y Odell Beckham Jr. se reencuentran en Las Vegas Entre rumores de noviazgo

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encuentro en el ascensor

Kim Kardashian y Odell Beckham Jr. han dicho que son solo amigos, pero hay muchos rumores de que es algo más que eso y este video está dando de que hablar.

kardashians relax

Kim y Odell estaban en The Wynn en Las Vegas el sábado por la noche, antes del Super Bowl LVIII. Kim se paseó por el hotel con Odell bastante cerca.

Se les ve a ambos en un ascensor lleno de gente, con Kim aparentemente escondida en la parte trasera.

dándolo todo

El dúo acababa de salir de la fiesta Fanatics Super Bowl de Michael Rubin que tenía toneladas de estrellas, tales como Ice Spice, Khloe Kardashian, Tiffany Haddish, Karrueche Tran y muchos otros.

Kim y Odell nunca han confirmado la relación, pero los rumores circulan desde el verano, después de su ruptura con LoLo Wood.

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También fueron vistos en una fiesta pre-Grammy el pasado fin de semana organizada por Jay-Z.

Kim ha sido muy cuidadosa manteniendo su vida amorosa lo más en secreto posible, recordemos que Kanye fue bastante molesto cuando ella comenzó a salir con Pete Davidson.

Cynthia Bailey Kandi's Gonna Be Fine Post-'RHOA' ... Time For Phaedra Return?!?


Cynthia Bailey says her friend Kandi Burruss is gonna be just fine after leaving "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" ... but she adds the show itself needs some help.

We spoke to the 'RHOA' mainstay outside WeHo hotspot The Henry, just days after her friend and longtime costar Kandi announced at the Grammys she was exiting 'Housewives.'

CB says she's a little surprised, but noted she talks to KB a lot when cameras aren't rolling ... so, she kinda saw this coming.

Cynthia's not worrying about her pal -- who joined the show before its second season in 2009 -- adding Kandi does so well while still juggling the show, and Bailey can't wait to see how high the "badass bitch" will fly without it on her plate.

She also thinks Kandi has a safety net, telling us she's on great terms with Bravo ... so, returning to 'RHOA' will always be an option. As Cynthia sees it, the show's OGs can "come and go" as they please.

However, she does say the show could use a few fresh faces to improve ratings -- not a complete blow-up of the cast, but a little something ... a notion former 'Housewife' NeNe Leakes also thinks needs to happen.

She also shouted out Phaedra Parks' role on "The Traitors" -- a reality competition/murder mystery show taking the TV world by storm, and said she should definitely come back to 'RHOA' now that Kandi's eyeing greener pastures.

Remember ... Kandi and Phaedra had an epic falling out during their time on the show -- with Phaedra even going as far as starting a rumor Kandi wanted to drug and sexually assault Porsha Williams during season 9. PP was fired at the end of the season.

Cynthia says any issues between Phaedra and Kandi are their business, she just knows Phaedra is "great TV" ... so she wouldn't be opposed to her return.

Cynthia also touched on Kim Zolciak-Biermann potentially coming back ... and while she thinks Kim is also must-see TV, Cynthia says it hurts to watch the downfall of Kim's marriage to Kroy.

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We'll have to wait and see which, if any, OG cast members get tapped for a homecoming.

Stay tuned ...

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