El Super Bowl LVIII ya está atrayendo a las estrellas a Las Vegas, incluyendo los pilares de los reality shows, las KarJenners, quienes al parecer han traído con ellas a un cantante súper famoso.

El avión del clan Kardashian aterrizó en la Ciudad del Pecado temprano el sábado por la mañana, con Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian y Kendall Jenner bajando abrigadas de su jet privado.

En la ciudad del pecado

Las chicas mantuvieron un perfil bastante bajo. Kim estaba cubierta con un gorro, mientras que las otras damas utilizaron sus gafas de sol para cubrir parte de sus rostros, mientras iban desde el aeropuerto hasta su alojamiento de lujo.

¡¡¡Gran revelación en el hotel, sin embargo, cuando apareció un hombre en un enorme abrigo puffy, gorra blanca decorada con una palmera negra y vaqueros azules... y por esas decisiones de estilo no puede ser otro que Justin Bieber!!!

Al menos, estamos bastante seguros de que es Biebs ... Echa un vistazo a las fotos. Definitivamente, se ve como Justin Bieber desde atrás y está llevando lo que parece ser un portador de perro de Louis Vuitton. Solo sabemos de una celebridad que suele andar con eso regularmente.

Por supuesto, Justin está muy unido a la familia Kardashian, en particular a Kendall y Kylie Jenner a través de su esposa Hailey, por lo que volar con ellas no es totalmente sorprendente.

Y, nosotros se los contamos primero, Usher ha estado en contacto personalmente con su protegido sobre la posibilidad de que actúen juntos durante el espectáculo de medio tiempo del Super Bowl. Sin intermediarios ni nada, solo comunicación directa.

Por lo tanto, parece que Justin aceptó la oferta de Usher o simplemente quiere disfrutar del partido con sus amigos. ¡De cualquier manera, estamos definitivamente probablemente seguro de que es Justin!

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En pocas palabras, las celebridades que no se llaman Taylor Swift también están llegando a Las Vegas antes de que inicie el partido a las 3:30 el domingo, y puede haber algunas sorpresas más en las próximas horas.

Manténgase en sintonía ...

Super Bowl LVIII KarJenners Touch Down in Vegas ... Justin Bieber in Tow?!?

Super Bowl LVIII's already bringing the stars to Las Vegas ... including reality TV mainstays, the KarJenners -- and it seems they've brought a super famous crooner with them.

The Kardashian clan's jet touched down in Sin City early Saturday morning ... with Kim Kardashian, Khloe Kardashian and Kendall Jenner all bundled up and clambering out of their private jet.

Landed In Sin City

They kept a fairly low profile ... Kim covering up with a hat while all three of the ladies used big sunglasses to cover parts of their faces as they made their way from the airport to their luxurious accommodations.

Big reveal at the hotel though ... because a man in a huge puffy coat, white beanie decorated with a black palm tree, and blue jeans on -- and with style choices like those this could only be Justin Bieber!!!

At least, we're pretty sure it's Biebs ... check out the pics for yourself. It definitely looks like JB from the back, and he's carrying what seems to be a Louis Vuitton dog carrier -- and we only really know one celeb who regularly schleps that around.

Of course ... Justin's tight with the Kardashian family -- particularly Kendall and Kylie Jenner through his wife Hailey, so flying with them isn't totally surprising.

And, we broke the story ... Usher's personally been in contact with his protégé about performing during the Super Bowl Halftime show -- not handlers passing messages between the two, but direct communication.

So, it looks like Justin took Usher up on his offer ... or he just wants to take in the game with his pals. Either way, we're definitely probably sure that's Justin!

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Bottom line ... celebs not named Taylor Swift are trickling into Vegas before Sunday's 3:30 kickoff -- and there may be a few more surprises in store for fans.

Stay tuned ...

Kylie Jenner Bobbin' New 'Do, Just Like Mom!!!

Kylie Jenner is mother's girl ... and she now has the look to prove it.

Kylie uploaded a photo of herself, showing her freshly cut black hair in a bob just like her mom Kris Jenner, who's been rockin' that style forever.

Kylie wrote in the caption, "Kris Jenner is quaking."

Of course, Kris didn't seem worried at all and played along with her daughter. In fact, Kris made a joke about the hairy situation in the comments section, telling Kylie, "You're not even the fart," which are some of the lyrics to rapper Ice Spice’s song, “Think U The S*** (Fart).”

Pretty cute stuff from the Jenners and their fans thought so too, bringing Kylie's actor-boyfriend, Timothée Chalamet, into all the fun.

One person wrote in the comments, “She and timothee really twinning now,” referring to Chalamet's short-cropped hair.

Another said, “Boyfriend effect screaming in."

A third added, “She’s turning into timmy."

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They're now a trio!

Kylie Jenner Nuevo peinado, ¡igual que mamá!

Kylie Jenner es la niña de mamá... y ahora tiene el look para demostrarlo.

Kylie subió una foto suya mostrando su nuevo corte de cabello de estilo bob, igual al de su mamá Kris Jenner, quien ha estado llevando ese estilo desde siempre.

Kylie escribió en el pie de foto: "Kris Jenner está temblando".

Por supuesto, Kris no parecía preocupada en absoluto y le siguió el juego a su hija. De hecho, hizo una broma sobre el corte de cabello en la sección de comentarios, diciéndole a Kylie: "Ni siquiera eres el pedo", que es parte de la letra de la canción de la rapera Ice Spice, "Think U The S*** (Fart)".

Muy lindo lo de las Jenner y sus fans también pensaron lo mismo, metiendo al actor y novio de Kylie, Timothée Chalamet, en todo el asunto.

Una persona escribió en los comentarios: "Ella y Timothee realmente se están hermanando ahora", refiriéndose al pelo corto de Chalamet.

Otro dijo: "Efecto novio gritando".

Un tercero añadió: "Se está convirtiendo en Timmy".

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¡Ahora son un trío!

Caitlyn Jenner no tiene planes de demandar a Disney Con el apoyo de Elon Musk

Caitlyn Jenner parecía suplicar el apoyo legal de Elon Musk para luchar contra Disney después de ser despedida de "The Kardashians", aunque no es algo que realmente está persiguiendo, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Caitlyn no tiene planes de demandar a la Casa del Ratón y que simplemente estaba haciendo visible su experiencia con el estudio al comentar bajo el post original de Elon, donde dijo explícitamente que proporcionaría apoyo legal (es decir, financiación) a aquellos que se sintieran discriminados por Disney o sus filiales.

El comentario de Caitlyn decía: "Hulu (filial de Disney) nunca me puso en el programa de mi familia. Yo estuve desde el día 1 cuando se cambió de E!". A primera vista, parecía que hablaba en serio... sobre todo porque Elon parecía estar atento.

Ahora, mientras que nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Caitlyn no tiene planes recibir ayuda de Elon en este momento, si existe algún tipo de ataque de parte de las Kardashians en contra Caitlyn, nos dicen que posiblemente volvería a considerar la idea.

Protagonizó casi las 20 temporadas de "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" de E!, junto a su exesposa Kris Jenner, sus hijastras Kourtney, Kim y Khloé, y sus hijas biológicas Kendall y Kylie. Caitlyn nunca apareció en la serie renovada -"The Kardashians"- cuando se trasladó a Hulu en 2022.

El mes pasado, Caitlyn expresó una frustración similar por su despido de Disney al responder a una publicación en X del consultor político Richard Grenell, quien arremetió contra la cadena por su postura "partidista".

La estrella del reality comentó en su momento: "Me pregunto si es por eso que me despidieron del reality show de mi familia cuando se cambió a Hulu (@Disney), de E!. No debo estar lo suficientemente progre (woke)".

Cailyn añadió: "Qué pena... Recuerdo cuando Bob Iger era un joven y trabajador aparcacoches que me llevaba las maletas justo después de ganar las Olimpiadas".

Por si no lo sabías, Elon está financiando la demanda de la ex actriz de "Mandalorian" Gina Carano, en la que afirma que Disney + y LucasFilm la despidieron injustamente de su trabajo después de que publicara sus opiniones políticas en redes sociales.

Es por eso que esta conversación sobre Caitlyn está sucediendo, porque Elon está legítimamente poniendo su dinero en medio de este asunto contra Disney.

Volviendo a Caitlyn -las cosas pueden no haber funcionado con "The Kardashians", pero ella se ha cambiado de la telerrealidad a FOX, trabajando para la cadena como colaboradora de Fox News, lo que realmente está disfrutando.

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Así que tiene eso a su favor... y no hay ninguna futura cita judicial contra Disney, al menos por ahora.

CAITLYN JENNER Not Suing Disney W/ ELON'S BACKING ... Despite Joke-y Tweet Reply

Caitlyn Jenner seemed to plead for Elon Musk's legal backing to fight Disney after being dropped from "The Kardashians" -- but she's not actually pursuing it ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us Caitlyn has zero plans to sue the Mouse House and was simply shining a light on her experience with the studio by commenting under the EM's original post ... where he explicitly said he would provide legal support (namely, funding) to those who felt they'd been discriminated against by Disney or its subsidiaries.

Caitlyn's comment under Elon's post read ... "Hulu (Disney subsidiary) never put me on my family's show - I had been on since day 1- when it switched from E!" On its face, it certainly sounded like she was serious ... especially since Elon seemed to be seriously baiting.

Now, while our sources tell us CJ has no plans to take Elon up on his offer to sue right now, if any bombshell information surfaces from the Kardashians' reality show on Hulu that pushes the envelope against Caitlyn ... we're told she would possibly revisit the idea.

You'll recall ... Caitlyn starred in almost all 20 seasons of E! 's "Keeping Up With The Kardashians" alongside her ex-wife Kris Jenner, her stepkids Kourtney, Kim, and Khloé, and biological daughters Kendall and Kylie. Caitlyn never appeared in the revamped series though, "The Kardashians," when it moved over to Hulu in 2022.

Last month, CJ expressed similar frustration over the Disney non-invite when replying to an X post from political consultant Richard Grenell, who blasted the network for its "partisan" stance.

The reality star commented at the time ... "I wonder if that's why they fired me from my family's reality show when it switched over to Hulu (@Disney), from E!. I must not be woke enough."

Cailyn added -- "Too bad… I remember when Bob Iger was a young, hard working, valet, carrying my bags, for me right after I won the Olympics."

ICYMI ... Elon is funding former "Mandalorian" actress Gina Carano's lawsuit ... where she claims Disney+ and LucasFilm wrongfully terminated her from her job after she posted her political views on social media.

That's why this Caitlyn convo is even happening -- because Elon is legitimately putting his money where his mouth is on this issue against Disney.

Back to Caitlyn ... things may not have worked out with "The Kardashians" -- but she's gone from reality TV to FOX, working for the network as a Fox News contributor, which she's really enjoying.

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So, she's got that going for her ... and there's no future court date against Disney, at least not right now.

Kardashians, Gisele Bündchen Not 'Snubbed' by British Vogue ... Despite Missing Farewell

British Vogue editor Edward Enninful put 40 models on his final cover, and while there's no KarJenner or Gisele Bündchen featured ... it's not some big snub, as some have speculated.

Here's the deal ... Edward is stepping down at British Vogue after 40 years as magazine editor, and the March issue is a farewell of sorts ... with 40 fashion icons joining forces for a photo shoot. It's a big deal -- he's been heading up British Vogue for years now.

The cover page just dropped and folks on social media seem shocked at the lack of Kardashians and Jenners ... there's no Kim, Khloe, Kourtney, Kris, Kylie or Kendall -- and while some were gleefully rejoicing, many were genuinely curious about their absence.

Ditto for Gisele -- people were scratching their heads over her not being among the 40 models ... especially considering how she's the highest-paid supermodel of all time.

So the obvious question ... what gives? And more importantly ... is this a snub/slight????

TMZ did some digging and as it turns out, none of the Kardashians or Jenners have ever appeared on the cover of British Vogue ... hence them not being among the "Vogue icons" in this sweet farewell to Ed.

Ya can't really be snubbed from something if you were never involved in the first place -- so that answers that. Yes, the KarJenners have graced multiple Vogue covers over the years -- from many different counties -- but none have ever been on British Vogue specifically.

Of course, Gisele is the more glaring hole ... you see, she's huge in the modeling world, period, and appeared in the 2022 edition of British Vogue. So she does have history.

We have an answer for that as well -- sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Gisele was actually invited to take part in this photoshoot, but she wasn't available on the day the shoot happened. In other words ... no snub for Gisele either -- just scheduling conflicts.

Pitchforks down, folks ... all things have explanations, and not everything is drama.

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Tell that to those in the comments ... 'cause they're the ones who seem to need to hear it!

La tienda "Pawn Stars" vende los anillos del Super Bowl por Decenas de miles

Rick Harrison y su equipo de "Pawn Stars" están buscando sacar provecho del Super Bowl que viene a la ciudad, su tienda está pregonando algunos anillos de campeonato de los últimos Super Bowls.

La buena gente de Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, que aparece en el reality show, le dice a TMZ que están vendiendo un anillo del Super Bowl de los Giants de Nueva York 2007 por $77.500.

Los Giants vencieron a Tom Brady y los New England Patriots en el Super Bowl XLII, arruinando la temporada invicta de los Patriots. Este anillo era propiedad de un empleado del equipo y está hecho por Tiffany & Co.

La casa de empeños Gold & Silver también tiene en su poder un anillo de los Rams de Los Ángeles de 2021, y va por unos mucho más asequibles de 20.000 dólares. Los Rams vencieron a los Bengalíes de Cincinnati en LVI gracias a un touchdown de Matthew Stafford a Cooper Kupp en los minutos finales.

El anillo de campeonato de los Rams es también el de un miembro del equipo y nos dicen que está a la venta por menos que el anillo de los Giants, porque hay muchos más fans de NYG que de los Rams, y los anillos de los Giants históricamente se venden a precios más altos que los anillos de los Rams.

Rick le dice a TMZ que reciben una gran cantidad de consultas acerca de sus anillos de campeonatos deportivos, pero el interés en los anillos del Super Bowl es siempre mayor cuando se avecina el Gran Juego.

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Con el Super Bowl LVIII en Las Vegas, Rick espera que los fans de los Giants y los Rams ganen mucho dinero apostando este fin de semana. Él dice: "Supongo que podríamos encontrarlos en nuestra puerta una vez que se despierten de celebrar la noche del domingo en busca de poseer un anillo de su equipo favorito".

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Gold & Silver Pawn también está vendiendo anillos del Campeonato de la AFC, anteriormente propiedad de jugadores de la NFL, incluyendo uno de los Patriots de 2011 por $32.500, y otro de los Broncos de Denver de 1989 por $40.000.

Vale la pena señalar que los anillos de los jugadores son un poco diferentes que los anillos del personal, y los anillos de los jugadores son más valiosos, y por lo tanto, vienen con etiquetas de precios más altos.

Nos dicen que la casa de empeño de Rick no da nombres de los jugadores a menos que los compradores potenciales muestren que son serios.

'Pawn Stars' We Got Your Super Bowl Rings!!! Serious Giants, Rams Swag

Rick Harrison and his "Pawn Stars" crew are looking to capitalize on the Super Bowl coming to town -- their shop's hawking some championship rings from recent Super Bowls.

The good folks at Gold & Silver Pawn Shop, featured on the reality show, tell TMZ ... they're selling a Super Bowl ring from the 2007 New York Giants for $77,500.

The '07 Giants beat Tom Brady and the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLII ... ruining the Patriots' undefeated season. This SB ring was owned by a team staffer, and it's made by Tiffany & Co.

Gold & Silver Pawn shop also has a ring from the 2021 Los Angeles Rams in its possession ... and it's going for a much more affordable $20,000. The Rams beat the Cincinnati Bengals in LVI on the strength of a touchdown pass from Matthew Stafford to Cooper Kupp in the final minutes.

The Rams championship ring is also from a team staffer, and we're told it's on sale for less than the Giants ring because there are way more NYG fans than Rams fans ... and Giants SB rings historically sell for higher prices than Rams rings.

Rick tells TMZ ... they get a lot of inquiries about their sports championship rings, but interest in Super Bowl rings is always higher around the Big Game.

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With Super Bowl LVIII going down in Vegas, Rick is hoping Giants and Rams fans win big money gambling this weekend. He says, "I'm guessing we might find them at our door once they wake up from celebrating Sunday night looking to own a ring from their favorite team."

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Gold & Silver Pawn is also selling AFC Championship rings previously owned by NFL players ... including one from the 2011 Patriots for $32,500, and another from the 1989 Denver Broncos for $40,000.

It's worth noting ... player rings are a little different than staff rings, and player rings are more valuable, and thus, come with higher price tags.

We're told Rick's pawn shop does not give out player names unless potential buyers show they're serious.

Las estrellas del reality "Mujercitas" ofrecen una fiesta para ver el Super Bowl En Las Vegas

Hay una GRAN fiesta en la Ciudad del Pecado para ver el Super Bowl, con estrellas de la franquicia de telerrealidad "Mujercitas" ¡mezclando bebidas y sirviendo tragos!

Little Jess le dice a TMZ que ella es camarera de un evento en el Bar Nerd en Fremont Street con otras dos estrellas del reality, y hay barra libre.

Little Jess dice que los otros camareros incluyen a Tiffani y a Jordanna James, quienes se hacen llamar las "Tiny Tenders" (pequeñas camareras).

Con todas las damas por debajo de los 5 pies de altura, Jess dice que son "pequeñas personas calientes" y "las chicas más calientes que jamás conocerás por debajo de 5 pies". Van a utilizar una plataforma elevada para que puedan estar a la altura de la mirada de los clientes.

Las chicas tienen experiencia. Little Jess dice que todas han sido camareras en el pasado y ella mimsa cuenta con 15 años de experiencia, y llevarán pantalones cortos negros a juego con pequeñas camisetas negras con el lema "Tiny Tenders".

Los boletos van por los $60 por adelantado o $100 en la puerta y Little Jess dice se han vendido 50 entradas hasta ahora y que esperan que varios cientos de personas aparezcan en el lugar con una capacidad máxima de 1.000.

Las puertas se abren a la 1 PM el domingo del Super Bowl y la barra libre es de 3 PM a 5 PM, que debe cubrir la primera mitad del Super Bowl LVIII.

Little Jess dice que la barra libre incluye bebidas, cervezas de barril, Capri Suns, chupitos de gelatina y tragos de tests de drogas servidos en vasos de orina. La barra libre también tiene descuentos en bebidas de primera calidad, como 5 dólares por un Jack Daniels.

Una vez que Usher suba al escenario para el espectáculo del descanso del Super Bowl, volverán los precios normales.

La pequeña Jess dice que apuestan por un ambiente tipo "Coyote Ugly" y que van a ir por ahí sirviendo tragos y bailando. Ella dice Jordanna James trabajó en el bar "Coyote Ugly" original en Nueva York.

Ninguna buena fiesta del Super Bowl está completa sin comida, y Little Jess dice que servirán aperitivos como patatas fritas, cerdos en una manta y de pizza.

Un bar abierto en Las Vegas el domingo tiene el potencial de ser ruidoso, pero Little Jess dice que las damas estarán atentas por si alguien cruza la línea y causa problemas.

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Little Jess dice: "Haremos sonar los silbatos tres veces para indicar que hay problemas y luego nuestros guardias de seguridad de 6 pies se harán cargo de la situación".


'Little Women' Reality TV Stars We're Bartending Super Bowl Party ... Booze With Us In Vegas!!!

There's a BIG party going down in Sin City for the Big Game ... a Super Bowl watch party with stars from the 'Little Women' reality franchise mixing up drinks and pouring shots!!!

"Little Women: NY" star Little Jess tells TMZ ... she's bartending a ticketed event at the Nerd Bar on Fremont Street with two other reality stars, and there's an open bar.

Little Jess says the other bartenders include "Little Women: Dallas" star Tiffani and "Little Women: NY" star Jordanna James ... they're calling themselves the "Tiny Tenders," short for bartenders.

With all of the ladies under 5 feet tall -- Jess says they are "hot little people" and "the hottest chicks you will ever meet under 5 foot" -- they are going to use a raised platform so they can be eye-level with customers and reach the bottles.

The ladies are experienced ... Little Jess says they've all bartended in the past and she has 15 years under her belt ... and they'll be wearing black booty shorts with matching black tiny crop tops emblazoned with "Tiny Tenders."

Tickets are going for $60 in advance or $100 at the door ... and Little Jess says 50 tickets have been sold so far and they're expecting several hundred folks to show up to a venue with a 1,000 max capacity.

Doors open at 1 PM on Super Bowl Sunday and the open bar is from 3 PM to 5 PM ... which should cover the first half of Super Bowl LVIII.

Little Jess says the open bar includes well drinks, draft beers, Capri Suns, Jell-O shots and failed drug test shots served in urine cups. The open bar also has discounts on premium booze, like $5 for Jack Daniels.

Once Usher hits the stage for the Super Bowl halftime show, it's back to regular pricing.

Little Jess says they're going for a "Coyote Ugly" vibe ... and they'll be going around serving up body shots and doing some go-go dancing. She says Jordanna James worked at the OG 'Coyote Ugly' bar in NYC.

No good Super Bowl party is complete without food ... and Little Jess says they'll be serving up appetizers like tater tots, pigs in a blanket and pizza nuggets.

An open bar in Las Vegas on Super Bowl Sunday has the potential to get rowdy ... but Little Jess says the ladies will all be wearing whistles which they use if anyone steps out of line and causes trouble.

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Be warned ... Little Jess says, "We will blow the whistles three times to indicate there is trouble and then our 6-foot all-male security guards will take care of the situation."


'Love & Hip Hop's' Mona Scott Young Issa Rae Going Indie Is Best Move For Sake of Black Audiences


Issa Rae's jump into independent filmmaking is something more Black creators might have to explore ... according to Mona Scott-Young, who says it's all about maximizing your value!!!

We spoke to the "Love & Hip Hop" architect as she was shimmering outside of Clive Davis' pre-Grammy party, and she was confident Issa would continue to be a powerhouse in Hollywood, one way or another.

Issa recently predicted a doomsday for future Black programming on major TV networks after her HBO series "Rap Sh!t" got canceled ... publicly accusing studios for making Black shows less of a priority.

Several shows geared towards Black audiences -- "Southside," "A Black Lady Sketch Show," "The Game" reboot, and Issa's other HBO series, "Sweet Life: Los Angeles" all recently got the axe ... so, it feels like a shift is real.

Mona has operated several variations of 'L&HH' with VH1 for over a decade, so her experience with big wig execs isn't necessarily the same -- but she says if Issa needs to go indie to get the job done, then so be it!!!


When we asked Vivica A. Fox about this very subject, the actress could only speak positively of her travels through Tinseltown, so there are plenty of different perspectives hovering around the testy topic.

You can play the cards you're dealt, or in Issa's case, buy a new deck!!!

Kim Zolciak Kroy's Leaking to Press ... Put Our Case Behind The Curtain!!!

Kim Zolciak is apparently sick of reading about herself in the press -- something she believes Kroy Biermann may be behind ... and now she wants a judge to step in and rectify.

The reality TV star just filed new court docs, obtained by TMZ, in which she's asking the court to issue a protective order in their ongoing divorce case ... so she can redact sensitive info like certain names and financial records in the docs she's handing over as she and Kroy continue to hash out their issues.

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Long story short ... Kim says there's a lot of interest in this case -- and sure, there is -- and notes that there's been press coverage at every juncture as their divorce continues to play out.

Along the way, however, Kim says some embarrassing info about herself and Kroy has surfaced amid these proceedings ... stuff that she claims she most definitely doesn't want out for the masses to read, but which she says is getting out anyway.

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Thing is ... Kim here in her new docs claims she's attempted try and get on the same page with Kroy over a confidentiality order that she says she's attempted to get Kroy to agree to.

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According to her ... KB flatly rejected her proposed confidentiality order ... and she says that led her to believe Kroy is actually the one leaking things to the media.

As a result, she's now begging a judge to step in with some court-ordered discretion that would help ensure sensitive info doesn't make its way into the public record.


A judge has yet to rule.

Luann de Lesseps Great Chemistry With Joe Bradley ... But We're Not Hooking Up

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Luann de Lesseps says she hit it off with Joe Bradley, but they're not banging ... at least not yet.

We got "The Real Housewives of New York" star at ABC Studios in NYC and our photog asked her about rumors Joe slept over at her house after they got super flirty on Andy Cohen's show.

Luann says they went out to have drinks after the taping and there was great chemistry between them ... but he didn't spend the night and they're not hooking up.

It's not that Luann doesn't want to sink her cougar claws into Joe ... she says the "Southern Hospitality" hunk has a girlfriend, "Summer House" star Danielle Olivera.

Luann's respecting whatever Joe and Danielle have going on ... though he's recently said they aren't official. Danielle was in the audience at Andy's show while Luann and Joe were getting flirty on camera.

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But, if Joe comes back to Luann as a very single man ... she's going to pounce at the opportunity.

After all, Luann tells us she considers herself a bit of a cougar.

Your move, Joe!!!

Kyle Richards en el concierto de Morgan Wade

¡es mi amiga!

Kyle Richards estuvo presente en el concierto de Morgan Wade el sábado en Tennessee, grabando casi cada momento de la cantante country en el escenario.

La estrella de "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" se presentó en el pequeño auditorio en el County Music Hall of Fame en Nashville y se estacionó en un asiento de segunda fila entre otros 100 asistentes. Su marido, Mauricio Umansky, no estaba a la vista.

Unos minutos después de que Kyle llegara al local, Morgan subió al escenario con su compañero de banda, Clint Wells y ofrecieron una actuación de una hora.

TMZ obtuvo un video de la actuación que capturó a Kyle usando un teléfono celular para acercarse y grabar a Morgan cantando sus canciones. Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kyle parecía disfrutar de la música, moviendo la cabeza al ritmo de los sonidos.

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Nos informan que Morgan reconoció a su familia en medio de la multitud. Kyle no lo hizo, pero de todas formas no se entiende como un desprecio.

Podemos decir que las cosas van de maravilla para las dos mejores amigas, pero no tanto para Kyle y Mauricio.

Todo el drama que rodea a sus problemas matrimoniales ha estado jugando en los últimos episodios de RHOBH. Kyle incluso ha aludido a terminar su matrimonio de 27 años con Mauricio si él no le presta más atención a ella en lugar de trabajar.

Kyle Richards Shows Up For Morgan Wade Concert ... Records Her Performance


Kyle Richards was sitting front and center at Morgan Wade's concert Saturday in Tennessee ... recording almost every moment of the country singer on stage.

"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star showed up to the small auditorium at the County Music Hall of Fame in Nashville and parked herself in a second-row seat among 100 other attendees. Of course, her estranged husband, Mauricio Umansky, was nowhere in sight.

A few minutes after Kyle arrived solo to the venue, Morgan stepped on stage with her bandmate, Clint Wells, and they put on an hour-long performance.

TMZ obtained video of the gig, which captured Kyle using a cell phone to zoom in and record Morgan belting out her tunes. Our sources say Kyle seemed to enjoy the music, bopping her head to the sounds.

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We're told Morgan in between tracks acknowledged her family who was also in the crowd, but not Kyle, although it was not meant as a diss.

Safe to say things are going just swimmingly for the two BFFs ... but not so much for Kyle and Mauricio.

All the drama surrounding their marital issues has been playing out in the latest episodes of RHOBH. Kyle has even alluded to ending her 27-year marriage to Mauricio if he doesn't pay more attention to her rather than work.

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