Kyle Richards dispuesta a hablar de Morgan Wade y de la separación de Mauricio En el reencuentro de "RHOBH"

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Kyle Richards no le hará el quite a las preguntas sobre su relación con su marido Mauricio Umansky y la cantante Morgan Wade, al menos no una vez que las cámaras empiecen a rodar en la reunión de "RHOBH".

Tuvimos a la estrella de "Real Housewives" cuando estaba haciendo mandados el lunes en Beverly Glen y le preguntamos si planea hablar de su separación de Mauricio, o sobre cómo están las cosas con Morgan.

Kyle dice que está más que dispuesta a responder a preguntas sobre Mauricio y Morgan, siempre y cuando el anfitrión Andy Cohen y sus compañeros de reparto 'RHOBH' preguntar, que sin duda lo hará.

Como Kyle dijo: "¿Has visto nuestro show?"

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Los programas de reunión de Bravo son notoriamente puntiagudos y directos, por lo que Kyle sabe lo que viene, y ella dice que no ha habido ninguna petición especial de su parte acerca de los temas que se tocarán.

Como ustedes saben, Kyle y Mauricio se han separado por un tiempo y ella está pasando mucho tiempo con Morgan. Ella dice que ha sido abierta respecto a los grandes cambios en su vida, pero definitivamente hay mucho más que decir, y suena como que esas respuestas están llegando.

Kyle también está haciendo otra declaración... la parte posterior de su impermeable dice "Umansky". 🤔

Kyle Richards I'll Talk Mauricio, Morgan At Reunion ... They Ask, I Answer!!!

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Kyle Richards will not shy away from questions about her relationships with estranged husband Mauricio Umansky and singer Morgan Wade ... at least not once cameras start rolling at the 'RHOBH' reunion.

We got the 'Real Housewives' star as she was running errands Monday in Beverly Glen, and asked if she's planning to discuss her separation from Mauricio -- or open up about where things stand with Morgan during Friday's reunion show taping.

Kyle says she's more than willing to answer questions about Mauricio and Morgan ... as long as host Andy Cohen and her 'RHOBH' castmates ask, which they most certainly will.

As Kyle put it, "Have you seen our show?!?"

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Bravo reunion shows are notoriously pointed and direct, so Kyle knows what's coming ... and she says there's been no special request from her about making certain topics off-limits.

As you know, Kyle and Mauricio have been separated for a while now and she's spending a lot of time with Morgan. She says she's been open about the big changes in her life, but there's definitely a lot more to be said ... and it sounds like those answers are coming.

Kyle's also making another statement here ... peep the back of her raincoat, it says "Umansky." 🤔


El hijo de Rick Harrison murió por fentanilo Y culpa a la crisis fronteriza

El hijo de Rick Harrison murió trágicamente por una sobredosis de fentanilo, TMZ ha indagado.

La estrella de "Pawn Stars", a través de su representante, le dice a TMZ: "Sí, puedo confirmar que Adam murió de una sobredosis de fentanilo. La crisis del fentanilo en este país debe ser tomada más en serio. Parece que simplemente está fluyendo a través de las fronteras y no se está haciendo nada al respecto. Debemos hacerlo mejor".

TMZ publicó la historia, la familia Harrison se enteró el viernes que Adam murió de una sobredosis fatal. En ese momento, las circunstancias que rodearon la muerte no estaban claras y La Policía de Las Vegas nos dijo que estaban investigando el caso.

La familia Harrison nos dijo: "Nuestra familia está muy triste por la muerte de Adam. Pedimos privacidad mientras lloramos su pérdida".

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Rick más tarde publicó un emotivo homenaje a Adam en su Instagram, diciendo: "¡Siempre estarás en mi corazón! Te quiero Adam. 💔"

Adam es uno de los tres hijos de Rick - y su segundo hijo con su primera esposa, Kim. Él había sido en su mayoría fuera del radar en términos de espectáculo de Rick y la tienda ... al parecer, después de haber optado por no aparecer en ninguno de los episodios.

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Debido a que nunca estuvo involucrado en el programa, no se sabía mucho sobre él, pero oímos que trabajaba profesionalmente en algún tipo de comercio.

Adam solo tenía 39 años.

'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Son Overdosed on Fentanyl ... He Blames the Border Crisis

Rick Harrison's son tragically died from overdosing on fentanyl ... TMZ has learned.

The "Pawn Stars" star, through his rep, tells TMZ ... "Yes, I can confirm Adam died from a fentanyl overdose. The fentanyl crisis in this country must be taken more seriously.  It seems it is just flowing over the borders and nothing is being done about it. We must do better."

TMZ broke the story ... the Harrison family found out on Friday that Adam died from a fatal overdose. At the time, the circumstances surrounding the death were unclear and Las Vegas Metro PD told us they were investigating the case.

The Harrison family told us ... "Our family is extremely saddened by the death of Adam. We ask for privacy as we grieve his loss."

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Rick later posted an emotional tribute to Adam on his IG, saying: "You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam. 💔"

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Adam is one of Rick's three kids -- and his second son with his first wife, Kim. He'd mostly been off the radar in terms of Rick's show and store ... seemingly having chosen not to appear in any of the episodes.

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Because he was never involved in the show, not too much was known about him ... but we heard he worked professionally in some type of trade.

Adam was only 39.


Kim Kardashian is Balenciaga's newest mouthpiece ... a partnership that's raising eyebrows following the French fashion house's controversial campaign almost 2 years ago.

In a statement Monday, Kim was announced as the fashion house's latest brand ambassador -- and KK herself gushed over Balenciaga's impact on some of her most memorable looks to date ... adding she's a massive fan of their creative director Demna's modernity, craftsmanship, and innovative design approach.

She says she's excited about the brand's next chapter with herself as a face for the brand -- which she called a fitting link-up given their longstanding relationship. Interestingly, Kim also seemed to allude to the mess Balenciaga found itself in 2022 ... saying she their relationship is based on mutual trust and "commitment to doing what's right."

You'll recall ... Kim spoke out at the time after Balenciaga attempted to roll out a kid-featured BDSM shoot -- after which said she was re-evaluating her connection to the brand, which she suggested had left her disturbed. Ditto for the rest of the Internet, BTW ... lots of backlash.

Not only did the photos themselves piss people off ... but there were also court docs featured in the spread that referenced a famous child porn case pictured in the background.

That's why Kim seemingly changing her tune here has some surprised -- although, it's possible she and the honchos there at Balenciaga have come to some kind of agreement on this sort of stuff ... namely, don't get my ass in hot water again by pulling this sorta stunt.

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Balenciaga went into damage control in the aftermath of the BDSM thing -- and on its face, it would appear they were able to calm her nerves and get her to agree to a major team-up.

No word on what kind of dough Kim's seeing for this ... but ya gotta imagine it's lucrative.

Kim Kardashian es la nueva embajadora de Balenciaga

Kim Kardashian es el nuevo rostro de Balenciaga, una asociación que está levantando cejas después de la polémica campaña de la casa de moda francesa hace casi dos años.

En un comunicado el lunes, Kim fue anunciada como la última embajadora de la marca de la casa de moda y la propia Kim habló sobre el impacto de Balenciaga en algunos de sus looks más memorables hasta la fecha, añadiendo que ella es una gran fan de su director creativo Demna modernity, la artesanía, y el enfoque de su diseño innovador.

Ella dice que está emocionada por el próximo capítulo de la marca con ella misma como imagen y dijo que era la unión perfecta dada su larga relación. Curiosamente, Kim también parecía aludir al lío en el que Balenciaga se vio envuelto en 2022, diciendo que su relación se basa en la confianza mutua y "el compromiso de hacer lo correcto".

Usted recordará que Kim habló después de que Balenciaga intentara lanzar una sesión de fotos con niños, a lo que ella dijo que estaba reevaluando su conexión con la marca, ya que sugirió que la había dejado perturbada. Lo mismo ocurrió en el resto de Internet y hubo muchas reacciones.

No solo las fotos en sí cabrearon a la gente, también había documentos judiciales que figuran en la propagación de un famoso caso de pornografía infantil en la foto en el fondo.

Es por eso que el Kim cambio de tono tiene a algunos sorprendidos, aunque es posible que ella y la gente de Balenciaga hayan conversado y llegado a un jugoso acuerdo.

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Balenciaga entró en el control de daños a raíz del problema legal, y parecería que fueron capaces de calmar sus nervios y conseguir que Kim estuviera de acuerdo en formar un equipo.

No se sabe exactamente cuanto dinero está viendo Kim por esto, pero puedes apostar que es muchísimo.

Kim and Kanye Icy Interaction ... During Saint's B-ball Game

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West showed up for their son Saint's basketball game Friday night – and the former couple came together and did their best to hide the multitude of issues between them.

Kanye arrived separately from Kim and their daughter, Chicago, at the sporting event in LA Friday night. While rooting on Saint during the match-up, Kim and Kanye had an interaction, which was photographed by paparazzi.

Check out the images, obtained by TMZ ... Kim is standing beside Kanye with Chicago between them, talking to the rapper about something. What they discussed is anyone's guess.

Saint's Supporters

Other pictures captured the exes sitting in the same row but several chairs apart with Kanye texting on his phone and Kim chatting with Saint. Their other kids -- North and Psalm — did not attend the game.

As we reported, Kim and Kanye finalized their divorce in 2022 after 7 years of marriage and have been co-parenting ever since. The pair have reunited before at various gatherings, but only in support of their children.


Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... behind the scenes there have been problems with various child-rearing issues ... where Kim and Kanye don't see eye to eye. And, we're told, Kim is super upset over Kanye's latest torrent of antisemitic rants, praising Hitler and the Nazis.

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They're doing their best ... but it's clearly a challenge.

Kim y Kanye Tienen una fría interacción... Durante un partido de Saint

Kim Kardashian y Kanye West se presentaron para el partido de básquetbol de su hijo Saint el viernes por la noche e hicieron todo lo posible por ocultar la gran cantidad de problemas que hay entre ellos.

Kanye llegó por separado de Kim y su hija, Chicago, al evento deportivo de Los Ángeles. Mientras animaban a Saint durante el partido, ambos tuvieron una interacción, que fue fotografiada por los paparazzi.

Echa un vistazo a las imágenes obtenidas por TMZ. Kim está de pie junto a Kanye con Chicago entre ellos, hablando con el rapero sobre algo. Lo que discutieron es una incógnita.

Apoyando a Saint

Otras imágenes capturaron a los ex sentados en la misma fila, aunque había varias sillas de distancia entre ellos. Kanye estaba enviando mensajes de texto en su teléfono y Kim estaba charlando con Saint. Sus otros hijos, North y Psalm, no asistieron al partido.

Como informamos, Kim y Kanye pusieron fin a su divorcio en 2022 después de 7 años de matrimonio y desde entonces han criado a sus hijos juntos. La pareja se ha encontrado antes para otras reuniones, pero solo para apoyar a sus hijos.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que detrás de cámaras ha habido varios problemas respecto a la crianza de sus hijos, en los que Kim y Kanye no se ven cara a cara. Y nos dicen que Kim está súper molesta por la última diatriba antisemita de Kanye, alabando a Hitler y los nazis.

TMZ investiga
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Están haciendo todo lo posible, pero es claramente un desafío.

'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison Son Adam Dead at 39 After Overdose


1/20 10:23 AM PT -- Rick Harrison posted a tribute to Adam on his Instagram saying "You will always be in my heart! I love you Adam. 💔"

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Fans and celebs left supportive comments on his post, including Donald Trump Jr., who stated "I'm so sorry man."

And, his brother Corey also took to Insta to post a sweet message with a pic of the two in the tub together as kids.

6:46 PM PT -- The Harrison family tells TMZ ... "Our family is extremely saddened by the death of Adam. We ask for privacy as we grieve his loss."

Rick Harrison's son Adam has died under tragic circumstances ... TMZ has learned.

A rep for the 'Pawn Stars' reality star tells us Adam recently died from a fatal overdose ... and we're told the family only just found out today. At this time, it's unclear where Adam was exactly when he passed -- and the specific circumstances are also unknown at this time.

Las Vegas Metro PD tells us they're investigating the case.

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Adam is one of Rick's three kids -- all boys -- and he's been mostly off the radar in terms of Rick's show and store. Word is ... Adam helped out at the World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop once upon a time -- but has since stepped away to do his own thing.

He doesn't appear to have been featured in any of the episodes from what we can see.

Rick had two kids with his first wife Kim ... Corey and Adam -- and he also had a son, Jake, with his second wife, Tracy.

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While Rick's oldest son Corey is heavily involved in "Pawn Stars," first appearing on the reality show way back in 2009, Adam mostly remained out of the spotlight.

With Adam never really getting involved on the show, there's not a lot known about him ... though some folks have claimed he made a living as a plumber. We've heard he worked professionally in some kind of trade, but no word on what kind of job specifically.

Adam was only 39.


Originally Published -- 1/19 6:19 PM PT

Rick Harrison de 'Pawn Stars' Su hijo Adam muere a los 39 años de una sobredosis


6:46 PM PT -- La familia Harrison le dice a TMZ: "Nuestra familia está muy triste por la muerte de Adán. Pedimos privacidad mientras lloramos su pérdida".

El hijo de Rick Harrison, Adam, ha muerto en trágicas circunstancias ... TMZ ha averiguado.

Un representante de la estrella del reality 'Pawn Stars' nos dice que Adam murió recientemente de una sobredosis fatal y que la familia acaba de enterarse hoy. En este momento, no está claro dónde estaba Adam exactamente cuando murió y las circunstancias específicas también son desconocidas por ahora.

Las Vegas Metro PD nos dice que están investigando el caso.

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Adán es uno de los tres hijos de Rick, todos hombres, y ha estado en su mayoría fuera del radar en términos del espectáculo de Rick y su tienda. Se dice que Adam ayudó en el World Famous Gold & Silver Pawn Shop alguna vez, pero desde entonces se había alejado para hacer sus propios proyectos.

No parece haber aparecido en ninguno de los episodios por lo que podemos ver.

Rick tuvo dos hijos con su primera esposa Kim, Corey y Adam, y también tuvo un hijo, Jake, con su segunda esposa Tracy.

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El hijo mayor de Rick, Corey, ha estado muy involucrado en "Pawn Stars". Su primera aparición  en el reality show fue en 2009. Pero Adam se mantuvo siempre fuera de los focos.

Como nunca se involucró realmente involucrarse con el programa, no hay mucha información sobre su vida, aunque algunas personas han afirmado que se ganaba la vida como plomero. Hemos oído que trabajó profesionalmente en algún tipo de comercio, pero no se sabe qué tipo de trabajo en concreto.

Adam solo tenía 39 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Publicado originalmente -- 6:19 PM PT

NeNe Leakes 'RHOA' Needs Reset ... Sayonara To Half The Cast!!!


The ladies of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" better thank their lucky stars NeNe Leakes isn't a Bravo producer ... cause a bunch of them would be out of a job if she was.

We got the former 'RHOA' star at LAX Wednesday, and she didn't take it easy on the show that made her famous ... saying quite easily that the dip in ratings means showrunners need to blow the damn thing up!!!

NL says it's a bad look for the show to keep running out the same cast over and over, and she thinks some fresh blood might be good for the 15-year-old program.

Now, she's not talking about a total reset (a la "The Real Housewives of New York" after season 13) ... but Leakes says she thinks "at least half" the girls have to get the boot.

She's not talking about anyone in particular though -- since NeNe doesn't even watch the show anymore! Instead, Leakes says she sees the clips via social media ... adding it's simply "not the same" as it was back in the day.

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NeNe adds she could definitely help with the show's ratings ... but she doesn't seem super interested in coming back -- saying she has no message for Andy Cohen or the 'Housewives' team ... remember, she's got a pretty fraught relationship with the show after accusing executives (and Kim Zolciak) of racism in 2022.

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A reunion isn't the craziest idea in the world though -- NeNe's clearly gotten over her issues with KZ, talking her up a ton during the same convo with our photog ... maybe she's ready to mend a couple more fences?

Leakes' final advice to producers ... keep the fans in mind while making the show -- the biggest priority should be to please the audience.

You know, firing half the cast would give producers a ton of opportunities to bring back NeNe AND Kim ... just sayin'.

David Tutera 'My Fair Wedding,' Now My Divorce Hubby Files to End It

David Tutera is famous for having planned celebrities' weddings over the years -- but now, he's gonna have to plan his divorce ... 'cause his husband's throwing in the towel.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Joey Toth just signaled in court that he wants a dissolution of his marriage -- citing irreconcilable differences ... and also listing the date of their separation as the same day he filed for divorce -- and that would be today.

There are a few things Joey wants right off the bat in his petition -- for starters, he wants David to be ordered to pay spousal support to him ... and for a judge to make it so David himself can't receive any alimony from Joey.

As far as their kids -- the couple shares two young children, aged 4 and 10 -- Joey has some thoughts on that too ... but on that front, he's more open to sharing. Joey is asking for joint legal and physical custody.

One last thing ... he's asking for is David being ordered to pay his attorney fees. The other interesting thing worth noting is the fact Joey actually filed for divorce from David in 2020 -- this after they got hitched in 2017 -- but he withdrew that at the time, per court records.

Sounds like things have gotten rocky again, 'cause he's pulling the plug officially.

Tough break for a guy whose whole life has been organizing people's happiest days. Better luck next time, we suppose ...

Bre Tiesi I'm Coming Back To 'Selling Sunset' ... I Walked, Money Talked!!!


Bre Tiesi is sharing her reasons for coming back to "Selling Sunset" after walking off the set in last season's finale ... and it sounds like money's a deciding factor.

We got the model/real estate agent Friday leaving The Oppenheim Group office in West Hollywood ... and our photog asked Bre why she's back on the Netflix series.

Remember ... Bre stormed off at the end of Season 7, and as recently as November she was undecided about returning for a third season, complaining about her pay.

Paparazzi saw Bre arriving to set earlier in the day, and when we got her leaving, she told us "maybe the money's a little different" ... and she also didn't want to leave the rest of the ladies on the 'Selling' cast.


Fact is ... the women do have a lot of fun on the show, and the girl talk is hard to beat ... like the time last season when Bre bragged about banging Michael B. Jordan.

Speaking of famous exes ... we also asked Bre about her baby daddy Nick Cannon saying he has no plans for a 13th baby.

No complaints from Bre! She says she doesn't want another kid, with or without Nick -- in fact, she even explained why she's a one-and-done mom.

'RHOM' STAR JULIA LEMIGOVA Ride Like 'The Real Housewives' ... Classic Mustang For Sale

Julia Lemigova is trading in the horsepower in her classic Mustang for goat power ... and one lucky buyer -- with a whole lot of cash -- can benefit from a sweet new ride.

"The Real Housewives of Miami" star is selling her vintage 1966 Ford Mustang 2+2 Fastback ... a car decked out in gorgeous maroon paint with a heck of a lot of features and just 12,486 miles on it.

The car's got a 289 V8 engine, vintage air conditioning, custom aluminum wheels -- that look just like the OGs -- and a custom grill, parchment pony interior, wood steering wheel, retro sound custom stereo and fold-down rear seat ... talk about a blast from the past!

Of course, another major selling point is its previous owner ... JL's got the car up for $42,500, and she doesn't really wanna part with it -- but she tells TMZ she needs the space for hay and animal food now that her goat, Elvis, is staying with her a few nights a week.

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Julia tells us she loved the idea of riding around South Beach with her wife, tennis legend Martina Navratilova, in the passenger seat ... but found she's more of a pickup truck girl instead.

Not only is she not getting enough miles out of it, but Lemigova says it's taking up space -- space she needs to store Elvis' hay and animal food since he's staying with the couple a few nights a week now ... he used to stay full-time at their farm but apparently he's more of a house goat now.

Don't worry animal lovers ... JL and MN have arranged temporary accommodations for their happy friends while they unload the car -- so he's not out wandering the streets of Miami.

Potential owners beware -- the car's got a manual transmission which Julia tells us she learned to drive while still living in Europe -- so you'd better know how to drive a stick!!!

Sounds like a fantastic deal for one lucky driver ... one might even say the Greatest Of All Time 🐐.

Arnold Schwarzenegger Ayuda a Matt Iseman a hacer la gran pregunta...

Propuesta perfecta!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger es un hombre muy multifacético y de cara al fin de semana se puso el sombrero para jugar de cupido, nada menos que de Matt Iseman.

Echa un vistazo a este video obtenido por TMZ, que muestra al ex Mr. Olympia haciendo su mejor trabajo de director de orquesta el viernes en Austria, donde ha estado de visita por una mezcla de negocios y placer. Como se puede ver, el actor estaba liderando a la banda y cantando una melodía, con un montón de gente alrededor.

Nos han dicho que en realidad se trataba de una fiesta previa a las competencias de Hahnenkamm, un importante evento de esquí que se celebra anualmente y que atrae a grandes multitudes en todo el mundo.

De todos modos, mientras Arnie estaba haciendo lo suyo con la banda, el Sr. Iseman, famoso por ser anfitrión de "American Ninja Warrior", por no hablar de ganar el "New Celebrity Apprentice" con Arnold en 2017, también estaba allí disfrutando de la diversión ... Pero luego las cosas se volvieron románticas con su novia.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Matt acompaña a Arnold en casi todas sus apariciones -recuerden que acaba de ser el anfitrión de la gran subasta que incluía el problemático reloj no registrado- y también es el maestro de ceremonias.

Probablemente por eso Arnold lo ayudó a proponerle matrimonio a la abogada Britton All, que claramente no esperaba comprometerse en ese mismo momento. Arnold estaba obviamente comprometido con la idea. Por cierto ... John Kerry también estaba entre la multitud, como hemos dicho, esta es una fiesta del tipo quién es quién.

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Es seguro decir que Britton dijo que sí y Arnold estaba allí para ayudar. ¡¡¡Felicidades!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Helps Matt Iseman Pop the Question ... Plays Love Conductor!!!

Pitcher-perfect proposal

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a man of many hats -- and heading into the weekend, he put on his wings and picked up a wand to play a musical cupid for none other than Matt Iseman.

Check out this video, obtained by TMZ, showing the former Mr. Olympia doing his best conductor work Friday out in Austria ... where he's there for a mix of business and pleasure. As you can see, he was leading a band and singing a tune, with a lot of people around.

We're told this was actually at a pre-party ahead of the Hahnenkamm Races -- a major skiing event out there that they do annually ... and which draws big crowds across the world.

Anyway, while Arnie was doing his thing with the band ... Mr. Iseman -- famous for hosting "American Ninja Warrior," not to mention winning the "New Celebrity Apprentice" with Arnold in 2017 -- was also there enjoying the fun ... but then, things turned romantic with his GF.

Our sources say Matt accompanies Arnold for pretty much all his appearances -- remember, he was just hosting this big auction for that troublesome watch -- and he MCs those too.

That's probably why Arnold helped him propose to criminal defense attorney Britton All ... who was clearly not expecting to get engaged right then and there. Arnold was obviously in on it. Oh, BTW ... John Kerry was in the mix there too -- like we said, a who-who type shindig.

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Safe to say ... Britton said yes -- and Arnold was there to lend an assist ... congrats!!!

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