NeNe Leakes dice que Kim Zolciak lucha contra el divorcio Y le desea felicidad

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A pesar de sus diferencias a lo largo de los años, NeNe Leakes está dejando que su ex compañera de 'RHOA' Kim Zolciak sepa que tiene una amiga, especialmente durante su divorcio.

Encontramos a NeNe en LAX esta semana y ella nos reveló que ella y Kim se encontraron no hace mucho tiempo, señalando que Kim mencionó brevemente que estaba teniendo un momento difícil en lo que respecta a su separación con Kroy Biermann.

Échale un vistazo... NeNe dice que las cosas entre ellas dos están bien. Es bueno saberlo, teniendo en cuenta lo mucho que discutieron en el pasado.

NeNe dice que le desea felicidad a Kim porque nadie quiere ver una ruptura familiar, especialmente cuando hay niños de por medio.

Ya sea que elijan estar juntos o separados, Nene dice que espera que Kim y Kroy puedan llegar a un acuerdo amistoso, porque su felicidad y la paz son lo más importante.

Aparte de eso, NeNe se deshace en elogios sobre la figura de Kim, diciéndonos que se veía muy bien. El poder femenino es bienvenido después de años de animosidad entre ellas.

En todo caso, Kim probablemente está más orientada al distanciamiento de su marido en lugar de reconstruir su amistad con NeNe por ahora.

Kim y Kroy han estado en la boca del otro durante meses y nosotros publicamos la historia... la policía tuvo que ir su casa en Noviembre después de una pelea desagradable entre ellos y las imágenes capturadas por la cámara muestran a Kroy culpando a Kim por sus problemas financieros, mientras que también la acusa de acostarse con otros hombres".

Siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo en su mansión de Georgia, la cual están tratando desesperadamente de vender, aunque han tenido que rebajar el precio un par de veces porque no ha habido interesados serios.

Mientras tanto, están tratando de llegar a fin de mes mediante la venta de sus bolsos de diseño y zapatos. En cuanto a NeNe... simplemente les envía sus mejores deseos a los dos.


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Despite their differences over the years, NeNe Leakes is letting her former 'RHOA' costar Kim Zolciak know she's got a friend in her -- especially during her divorce.

We got NeNe at LAX this week ... and she revealed to us that she and Kim ran into each other not that long ago -- noting KZ briefly mentioned she was having a hard time lately as it pertains to uncoupling with Kroy Biermann.

Check it out ... NNL says didn't elaborate on the statement .... and they kept the rest of their catch-up positive. Good to hear, considering how much they've beefed in the past.

NeNe says she wishes Kim nothing but happiness cause nobody ever wants to see a family break up ... especially when kids are involved.

Whether they choose to be together or apart, Nene says she hopes K&K can come to an amicable agreement ... cause their happiness and peace are most important.

Other than that, Nene gushes over Kim's tiny figure ... telling us she looked great -- the girl power much-welcomed after years of animosity between them.

But Kim's focus is probably geared toward her estrangement from her husband, Kroy ... rather than rebuilding her friendship with NeNe for now.

KZ & KB have been at each other's throats for months -- we broke the story ... police were called to their home in Nov following a nasty fight between them and body cam footage shows Kroy blaming Kim for their financial struggles while also accusing her of "f***ing other men."

They're still living under the same roof at their Georgia mansion ... which they're desperately trying to sell ... though they've had to slash the price a few times cause there's been no serious takers.

In the meantime, they're trying to make ends meet by selling off their designer handbags and shoes. As far as NeNe goes though ... she's sending her best to the both of them.

Tom Sandoval se muestra confiado en un bar Después del estreno de "Vanderpump Rules"


Tom Sandoval está de vuelta y aparentemente mejor que nunca a medida que nos dirigimos a una nueva temporada de "Vanderpump Rules" ¡y hay que ver cómo sirve copas después del show!

La estrella de reality fue el centro de atención la noche del miércoles en su establecimiento en Hollywood, Schwartz & Sandy's, donde estaba haciendo de camarero para un montón de gente que pasó después del estreno de la temporada 11 de "VPR", donde Tom también estuvo presente.

Échale un vistazo a este video en el que se le puede ver sirviendo tragos al puro estilo Tom Cruise en "Cocktail". Nos recuerda a la forma en que se presentó en el Hollywood Palladium.

Tom se mostró sonriente y confiado, y lo más importante, la gente se dio cuenta de que llevaba otro collar de rayo... algo que lo puso en problemas el año pasado.

Usted recordará que este collar era la mitad de otro accesorio a juego que Rachel Leviss había estado usando antes de que su aventura fuera expuesta. De seguro sirve como recordatorio de que Tommy engañó a Ariana Madix... en fin, recuerdos de Scandoval.

Por eso es fascinante verle lucir una similar casi un año después con tanto orgullo. Aún más revelador el hecho de que testigos presenciales nos dicen Tom se le preguntó sobre el rayo y el hecho de que todavía lo llevaba ... todo lo que dijo fue "¡Yup!"

bueno como el oro

En cuanto al estreno en sí, fue un evento muy intenso que contó con todo el elenco. Sin duda estaban excitados de reunirse y mostrar lo que habían estado filmando los últimos meses.

De hecho, Scheana Shay bailó su canción, "Good as Gold", y también pudimos ver un clip. Y respecto al episodio —que se emitirá en una fecha posterior— mejor creer que Sandoval sigue estando en la mente de todos.

Parece que Tom sabe que sigue siendo el hombre, ¡y lo está demostrando en la vida real con mucho estilo!

Tom Sandoval Peacock Bartending After 'VPR' Premiere ... Lightning Bolt is Back!!!


Tom Sandoval is back and apparently better than ever as we head into a new season of "Vanderpump Rules" -- just look at how this dude serving up drinks after the show!!!

The reality star was front and center Wednesday night at his establishment in Hollywood, Schwartz & Sandy's, where he was playing bartender for a bunch of people who swung by after the premiere for Season 11 of 'VPR' ... where Tom was also in attendance.

Check out this video we got of him slinging drinks and feeling himself -- he's got that Tom Cruise 'Cocktail' vibe ... which echoes how he presented himself at the Hollywood Palladium.

Tom was flashing smiles and posing confidently -- and more importantly ... folks noticed he was rocking another lightning bolt necklace, which got him in hot water last year.

You'll recall ... this style of necklace was one half of another matching accessory that Rachel Leviss had been wearing before their affair was exposed ... so it serves as a bit of an in-your-face reminder that Tommy boy cheated on Ariana Madix -- a relic of Scandoval.

That's why it's fascinating to see him rock a similar one almost a whole year later so proudly. Even more eye-opening ... the fact that eyewitnesses tell us Tom was asked about the lightning bolt and the fact he was still wearing it ... all he said was "Yup!"


As for the premiere itself ... it was a buzzy event that featured the whole cast, who certainly seemed to be giddy to get together and show off what they'd been filming in recent months.

In fact, Scheana Shay busted a move to her song, "Good as Gold," and we got a clip too. And in terms of the actual episode -- which will air at a later date -- best believe Sandoval is still top of mind for everyone ... although, he himself doesn't show 'til the very end.

Seems like TS realizes he's still very much the leading man here ... and he's showing it in real life with flair to spare!

Todd Chrisley Concerned About Potential Prison Transfer

Todd Chrisley's disgusted by his living conditions in prison, but he's still really worried about a potential prison transfer ... TMZ has learned.

The reality star's attorney Jay Surgent tells TMZ ... his client doesn't want to move prisons because he's afraid guards and officials within the new facility will retaliate against him for speaking out against living conditions in his current pad, FPC Pensacola.

Basically, Todd -- who's doing a 12-year bid for a slew of fraud charges -- thinks his well-documented criticism of FPCP will have other prison officials taking aim at him ... and he's keeping his head on a swivel.

Jay says TC's heard through the grapevine he could be on his way out after ripping on Pensacola for disgusting food, possible mold and bad plumbing ... among other issues.

It's all hypothetical currently -- Jay hasn't received formal notice of transfer or anything like that -- but says if Todd is booted out of Florida, he'll most likely stay in the federal system, not a state prison ... as his daughter, Savannah, said he might be.

Family is another reason Todd's lookin' to stay in Pensacola ... Savannah's consistently visiting him and her mom, Julie, who's locked up in Kentucky. Todd's worried they'll move him too far away, and it'll make it harder for Savannah to visit him.

Plus, Surgent says Chrisley's become a mentor to Pensacola's other inmates ... a good thing too since Surgent told us a few months ago Todd believes God sent him to prison to help other inmates.

For its part, a spokesperson for the Federal Bureau of Prisons said it doesn't comment on individual prison transfers, but explained it reassigns prisoners for a variety of reasons including medical needs and or security reasons.

The FBOP spokesperson adds the government agency's top priority is providing safe, secure and humane accommodations for prisoners. The org encourages incarcerated individuals to go through the proper channels when voicing their concerns.

For now, Todd's opting for the devil he knows, as opposed to one he doesn't -- but, unfortunately for him, he won't get to make the final call.

Kylie Jenner Vuelve a la era 'King Kylie' con el cabello rosado

Kylie Jenner está volviendo a su era "King Kylie", ¡porque la Kardashian está comenzando el año con el pelo rosado de nuevo!

La magnate de la belleza y el maquillaje mostró su nuevo look en un clip de TikTok el martes, claramente sintiéndose bien con ella misma mientras posaba en su carro. En el pie de foto añadió que este año va a ser todo sobre las vibraciones de 2014.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

También compartió selfies en IG con el nuevo peinado y le preguntó a los fans si la recordaban y por supuesto que lo hicieron, pues dejaron un montón de comentarios emocionados sobre su look, que también ha revisitado en 2016 y 2018.

Kylie le debe mucho a su caballera rosada, la que significó el punto de inicio de su salto a la fama en Instagram una década antes, con sus rellenos de labios sumándose a la histeria colectiva que rodeó a la imagen de la entonces adolescente.

Aunque ha experimentado mucho con su peinado, las extravagantes salpicaduras de color pasaron a un segundo plano en el último año, mientras lucía un look de pelo castaño oscuro más natural.

Se puede argumentar que optó por este cambio para mantener las cosas frescas y picantes con su aclamado novio y actor de Hollywood, Timothée Chalamet. Sea cual sea la razón de este cambio, a sus fans les encanta. "King Kylie" es tendencia ahora mismo en Twitter.

Todo ese período de su pelo colorido ocurrió cuando estaba saltando a la fama y cuando la gente realmente llegó a conocerla por derecho propio como una KarJenner prometedora.

Vamos a decir esto, ella definitivamente está atrayendo un montón de atención de nuevo, y mostrando un poco de personalidad.

Hablando de estar en rosa, ¿eh?


Kylie Jenner is throwing it back to her "King Kylie" era ... cause she's rocking pastel pink hair again!

The beauty/makeup mogul showed off her new bubblegum-pink dye job in a TikTok clip Tuesday ... clearly feeling herself as she posed away in her car -- adding in the caption this year was all about rocking 2014 vibes.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

She also shared IG selfies of the new hairdo ... asking fans if they remembered her -- and sure enough, they did as they left thrilled comments over her comeback look, which she's also revisited in 2016 and 2018.

Kylie owes her candy-colored hair a lot ... it kickstarted her IG fame a decade earlier ... with her lip fillers adding to the mass hysteria surrounding the then-teenager's image the following year.

While she's experimented heavily with her hairstyle, the quirky splashes of color took a backseat over the last year ... as she sported a more natural dark brown hair look.

You could argue she might've opted for this to keep things fresh and spicy with her acclaimed Hollywood actor BF, Timothée Chalamet. Either way, whatever the reason is for the switch-up ... her fans are loving it online ... "King Kylie" is trending right now on Twitter.

This whole period of her rockin' colorful hair was a time when she was blowing up in fame -- and when people really got to know her in her own right as an up-and-coming KarJenner.

We'll say this ... she's definitely making a splash again, and showing off some personality.

Talk about being in the pink, huh?

Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Luce radiante en las fotos de su boda antes de morir

La memoria de Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell sigue viva, especialmente a través de las impresionantes fotos de su boda en marzo de 2023.

Tenemos las imágenes, en donde la hija de Mama June se ve resplandeciente en su vestido blanco, en la íntima boda con Eldridge Toney. La ceremonia se llevó a cabo en el condado de Wilkinson, Georgia, un poco después de ser diagnosticada con un carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4.

Anna llevaba un vestido blanco y Eldridge una camisa blanca y pantalones. Sus damas de honor -que fueron sus hermanas- sus 2 hijas y Mama June, los acompañaron sonriendo frente a la cámara.

TMZ dio la noticia, la pareja obtuvo un certificado de matrimonio, que muestra que el marido de una de las hermanas de Anna, Pumpkin, ofició la ceremonia.

El rodaje de "Mama June: From Not to Hot" también estaba sucediendo en ese momento. Equipos de cámara estaban presente.

Anna, que estaba recibiendo quimioterapia en el momento, no podría haber estado más radiante durante la ceremonia.

Un millón de recuerdos, todos ahora atesorados tras el trágico fallecimiento de Anna el mes pasado.


Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's memory is living on -- especially through her stunning wedding pictures from March 2023.

We've got the snaps ... Mama June's daughter looks glowing in bridal white from her intimate wedding to Eldridge Toney in Wilkinson County, Georgia ... shortly after her stage 4 adrenal carcinoma diagnosis.

She's in a plunging white gown, Eldridge wears a white shirt and trousers ... with the bridesmaids, aka Chickadee's sisters, her 2 daughters, and Mama J, smiling big for snaps.

TMZ broke the story, the two obtained a marriage certificate ... which shows the husband of Anna's sister Pumpkin was the officiant during the day.

Filming for "Mama June: From Not to Hot" was also happening ... with camera crew present.

Anna, who was undergoing chemotherapy at the time, couldn't have looked more radiant during the ceremony.

A million memories made ... all now cherished following Anna's tragic passing last month.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Lamar Odom le ofrece un cambio de imagen dental Ella lo está considerando

Entre sus glamorosas selfies y su activa vida sexual, Gypsy Rose Blanchard tiene un montón de razones para sonreír por estos días y Lamar Odom espera que lo siga haciendo, con un nuevo tratamiento para su dentadura.

Fuentes cercanas a la ex estrella de la NBA le dicen a TMZ que ha contactado a Gypsy a través de las redes sociales para ofrecerle un cambio de imagen dental completo, como cortesía de su nueva compañía Oxy Dental.

Nos dicen que Lamar es como la mayoría de las personas en Estados Unidos y está fascinado con la historia de Gypsy. Por eso se sintió obligado a ayudar después de enterarse de que su lucha dental fue una gran parte de su viaje.

Gypsy está agradecida por el gesto y se comunicó con Lamar a través de las redes sociales, donde se siguen mutuamente.

El procedimiento normalmente costaría alrededor de $30K, pero Lamar le dijo que esto correría por su cuenta. Nos dicen que ella es receptiva a la idea, pero que aún no está claro si la va a aceptar.

Lamar ha ayudado regularmente a otras estrellas de reality en su centro de rehabilitación para el bienestar, por lo que esto no debería ser una sorpresa.

Se dio cuenta de que algunos pacientes en su centro de rehabilitación necesitaban opciones dentales asequibles y eso lo llevó a abrir su propio consultorio dental el mes pasado en Lomita, California.

Lamar te tiene cubierta
Oxy Dental

Lamar sabe de este proceso, él mismo derrochó unos $80.000 en sus propios dientes en 2022 después de confesar en 'KUWTK' que no había visitado al dentista en 7 años.

En cuanto a la terrible experiencia de Gypsy, varios de sus dientes y glándulas salivales fueron retiradas cuando su madre Dee Dee afirmó que sufría de caries dental.

Se quedó solo con 16 dientes y actualmente tiene postizos y coronas de acero inoxidable.

GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD LAMAR ODOM OFFERS Dental Makeover ... She's Considering It!!!

Between her glam selfies and active sex life, Gypsy Rose Blanchard has loads of reasons to smile these days, and Lamar Odom's hoping she continues grinning ... with a new set of teeth.

Sources close to the ex-NBA star tell TMZ he's reached out to Gypsy on social media ... offering her a full dental makeover from his new company Oxy Dental.

We're told Lamar's just like most of America -- he's been fascinated with Gypsy's story and felt compelled to help after learning her dental struggle was a big part of her journey.

Gypsy's responded ... she's thankful for the gesture, and is communicating with Lamar via social media, where they follow each other.

The procedure would normally cost about $30K, but Lamar's told her this one's on the house. We're told she's receptive to the idea, but it's still unclear if she'll accept.

Lamar's regularly helped out other reality stars with his rehab wellness facility ... so this shouldn't come as a surprise.

He noticed some patients at his rehab facility needed affordable dental options, and that prompted him to open his own dental office last month in Lomita, CA.

Oxy Dental

Lamar knows the drill himself ... splashing out $80,000 on his own teeth in 2022 after previously confessing on 'KUWTK' that he hadn't visited the dentist in 7 years.

As for Gypsy's ordeal -- several of her teeth and salivary glands were removed when her mother, Dee Dee, claimed she was suffering from tooth decay.

She was left with just 16 teeth and currently has false teeth and stainless crowns.

Hot Babes In Cold Snow Guess Who!

These bodacious babes may be ice cold but they sure are keepin' things HOT in the snow -- shedding layers and strippin' down to pretty much nothin'! Put your celeb knowledge to the test and guess which chilly chick is on snow patrol!

Hollywood hotties like Kendall Jenner, Anitta and Kourtney Kardashian will send shivers down your spine with these sexy snow shoots as they drop trout in the dropping temps .... talk about a winter wonderland 😜!

Scroll through our gallery of stripped-down stars in the snow and see if you can guess the frosty babe before they melt away!

Cynthia Bailey Ex Peter Thomas Arrested For DUI


10:55 AM PT -- Peter Thomas has broken his silence on his recent arrest ... taking full responsibility for what went down last week.

In the clip, filmed from a plane and posted on his Instagram Friday, Peter says his phone has been blowing up and wanted to address the incident -- claiming he refused to blow for a breathalyzer test during the ordeal, and was in the hospital due to his high blood pressure.


He says he willingly turned himself in, and it was a quick process ... thanking the Cobb County Police Department for how they handled the whole thing.

Peter admits he's never been arrested for DUI and is mindful -- adding his younger brother died as a result of drunk driving in the past ... before thanking everyone for their concerns.

Cynthia Bailey's ex-husband, Peter Thomas, has been arrested for DUI, TMZ has confirmed ... after allegedly weaving between lanes and flying through a red light.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, officers in Atlanta say they spotted Peter weaving without tags on his SUV last week, so they followed him -- claiming he blew through a red light after exiting the interstate.

PD then pulled him over, and said they detected "a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage" coming from his car ... and said Peter had "watery, glassy, and bloodshot eyes."

After some field sobriety tests, Peter was placed under arrest for DUI -- they say he agreed to a blood test, but when he and cops arrived at the hospital, they say he changed his mind.

They initially brought him to Cobb Adult Detention Center, but he was denied due to blood pressure ... so he was brought back to the hospital and was left with staff -- what a night.

Cops later obtained an arrest warrant for Peter, and he was charged with DUI alcohol, as well as a slew of other traffic-related charges. According to journalist Kiki Monique, Peter was released later on the same day after posting his $3k bail.

The former "Real Housewives of Atlanta" first got in front of the camera in season 3 along with his girl, Cynthia Bailey -- the 2 got engaged and married on the show, but he bowed out of the series in season 9 when he and the model got divorced.

Originally Published -- 8:47 AM PT

Kim and Kroy Bank Says It Has Right To Foreclose

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are still beefing with a bank over their Georgia mansion ... and now the bank says it has every right to foreclose on the place to collect the money it’s owed.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Truist Bank claims the couple defaulted on their mortgage … and now the bank has the right to foreclose on their mansion.

Kim and Kroy are going through a messy divorce, but they're still living inside the family residence ... remember, Kroy's got the primary bedroom and Kim has the nanny suite and basement.

Truist Bank says it's well aware of the divorce proceedings, but it claims that's not enough to block its foreclosure rights.

TMZ broke the story ... in October, Kim and Kroy asked a judge to stop the bank's foreclosure auction so they could sell it on their own ... and they've slashed the price on the estate to $5.5 million.

Truist Bank says it voluntarily delayed the auction in November ... but Kim and Kroy haven't been able to sell it themselves, and now the bank is apparently getting impatient and intends to exercise its foreclosure rights so it can collect on the debt.

Kim & Kroy's Cove
Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

Meanwhile, Kim and Kroy remain at each other's throats over their finances and divorce proceedings ... that is, when they're not banging.

We reached out to reps for Kim and Kroy ... so far no word back.

Todd & Julie Chrisley Sell Tennesse Estate On the DL ... $5.2 Mil Price Tag

Todd and Julie Chrisley are locked up, but still making some dough in real estate -- TMZ has learned they unloaded their Tennessee mansion months after starting their prison sentences.

Property records show the Chrisleys sold their 13,279 square foot Brentwood, TN property for $5.2 million in April 2023. The place was sold off-market, which is why the sale has flown under the radar for so long... but, even on the down-low, the buyer picked a fantastic spot.

Todd and Julie's former property comes with an indoor sports court, a professional chef's kitchen, a sprawling pool with a jacuzzi, and gorgeous architecture throughout.

It's the same place Todd spent his days on house arrest in 2022 following his guilty verdict for tax evasion and bank fraud ... while he was awaiting his sentencing.

Remember, Todd and Julie were sentenced to a combined total of 19 years in prison at the end of 2022, starting their prison time about a year ago.

BTW, they bought the huge home in 2019 for $3.375M ... so, they likely made a bit of a profit, but it doesn't look like they're pocketing any of that cash.

As part of their sentencing, they were also ordered by a judge to cough up $17.2 million in restitution for their crimes ... so this likely was to start paying down their debt. They also have another home in Nashville, but it's unclear if they sold that property as well.

Just like losing in Monopoly, folks -- just hurts more IRL!!!

Sean Rad, cofundador de Tinder, vende su casa de Los Ángeles por 28.5 millones de dólares

El cofundador de Tinder, Sean Rad, ha puesto a la venta su gran mansión de Los Ángeles, y puede que te interese, eso si eres alguien que tiene 8 cifras extra por ahí.

El gurú de la aplicación de citas tiene su casa de más de 10.000 pies cuadrados a la venta de nuevo, con la friolera de $28.5 millones, y como se puede imaginar, los 5 dormitorios y 9 baños no son las únicas ventajas del lugar.

Hay un montón de comodidades que vienen con este inmueble de 3 pisos; incluyendo una piscina, cocina de un chef completo, un camino de entrada de adoquines, un bar speakeasy completo, 2 chimeneas, un patio cubierto, una bodega, un gimnasio, una biblioteca y un teatro privado... solo para nombrar unos pocos.

Por cierto, la finca de Sean ha estado en el ojo de algunas personalidades notables de Hollywood como Jason Oppenheim y Mary Fitzgerald...

Sean puso su casa en el mercado en julio, pidiendo $32M por el lugar, esto después de comprar originalmente la morada no tan humilde en 2018, recogiéndolo de Kurt Rappaport por $26.5 millones. Ahora está buscando un par de millones para llenarse los bolsillos.

Obviamente ha bajado el precio desde que trató de venderla el verano pasado, pero sigue siendo una ganancia que no dejaríamos escapar.

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