Timothée Chalamet No hay drama entre Kylie y Selena Todos están bien!!!

Timothée Chalamet no puede creer que se encontró con TMZ afuera y alrededor de Los Ángeles, pero por suerte para nosotros, lo hizo y se refirió a todo el drama entre Kylie Jenner y Selena Gomez también.

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Todo bien!!!

Nos encontramos con el actor caminando por Beverly Hills el lunes por la noche, mientras trataba de pasar desapercibido con su capucha puesta y andando a paso ligero por la acera con una amiga, pero nuestro fotógrafo lo vio y trató de conversar con él sobre todas las cosas que pasaron en los Globos de Oro y la percepción de bronca entre los auditores.

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Cotilleo en los Golden Globes

Miren esto, le preguntamos si eran verdad los rumores de que su novia Kylie le negó una foto suya a Selena y después de un montón de ida y vuelta, Timbo dijo que era mentira.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

Nuestro fotógrafo le pregunta si él y Selena están bien, y Timmy dijo: "Por supuesto." Y cuando le preguntamos si hay algo de verdad en que Kylie sea una chica mala y desprecie a Selena, dijo que claramente no. En otras palabras, el propio Timothée Chalamet está cerrando el chisme de una vez por todas. No hay mala sangre.

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"Yo te amo también"

Todo el asunto comenzó cuando los fans intentaron leer los labios de Selena hablando con Taylor Swift, donde supuestamente le decía que había sido despreciada por Kylie. Incluso Tim y KJ fueron objeto de lectores de labios para averiguar lo que estaban susurrándose.

Curiosamente, un lector de labios profesional saltó a TikTok para opinar sobre la última conversación y al parecer creen que Timmy le estaba profesando su amor a su novia.

Han habido informes de que estos dos van muy en serio en su relación y si lo que vimos en los Globos es una señal, bien podría ser cierto. Pero en términos de la bronca entre Selena y Kylie... Timmy dice que no te creas esas tonterías, ¡porque están muy bien!




9:16 AM PT -- We got some new information that might explain why Joe Gorga got as riled up as he did. An eyewitness at the wrestling match tells TMZ ... Gino's opponent that day excessively slammed him on the mat not once, but twice -- and not just that, but he shot a dirty look at Joe upon being declared the winner.

We're told the kid stuck his tongue out right at Joe at this moment, and it was essentially fired off as a F-U -- that's how Joe took it anyway. Joe's rep, BTW, confirms this account.

Joe Gorga is officially one of those parents after losing it on the referee of his son's wrestling match -- a nose-to-nose showdown that ended with Joe getting booted outta the gym.

In video, obtained by TMZ, Joe can be seen losing his cool Saturday at Parsippany Hills High School in NJ -- where his son Gino was in the middle of a match that ended with him getting pinned by his opponent.

That made Dad leap from the stands and charge at the ref, but not before staff members and other parents jumped in to make sure it didn't turn into a brawl.

Par Hills TV

As Joe's led away, the ref blows his whistle in disgust and repeatedly orders him to leave the gym altogether for the remainder of the wrestling action.

Days later, Joe's still heated -- a rep for the 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' star tells TMZ Joe felt the ref made some bad and unfair calls during the match, and Gino's opponent was mistreating him ... at least in Dad's eyes.


The rep says Joe never had any intentions of hurting anyone or getting physical. He just let his emotions get the best of him.

In the end, the rep says Joe believes his son's opponent was conducting himself in an unsportsmanlike manner throughout the match, and the ref let it slide.

We're told Joe's proud of how his son handled everything ... labeling him a class act despite his own emotions getting the best of him.

Eyewitnesses at the event tell TMZ Joe was immediately ejected from the gym, and he left without any further duress, while the competition continued.

Hard to say cooler heads prevailed, though, based on the video.

Originally Published -- 1:00 AM PT


enrollándose en ref

Joe Gorga es oficialmente uno de esos padres tras perder los estribos con el árbitro de la lucha de su hijo, un cara a cara que terminó con Joe siendo expulsado del gimnasio.

En el video obtenido por TMZ, se puede ver a Joe perdiendo los estribos el sábado en Parsippany Hills High School en Nueva Jersey, donde su hijo Gino estaba en medio de una lucha que terminó con él siendo derrotado por su oponente.

Eso llevó al papá a saltar desde las gradas y dirigirse hacia el árbitro, pero no antes de que miembros del personal y otros padres intervinieran para asegurarse de que no se convirtiera en una pelea.

pillado en el acto
Par Hills TV

Mientras se llevaban a Joe, el árbitro sopla su silbato disgustado y le ordena repetidamente que abandone por completo el gimnasio durante el resto de la acción de lucha.

Días después, Joe sigue enfadado. Un representante de la estrella de ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ declaró para TMZ que Joe sintió que el árbitro hizo algunos llamados malos e injustos durante la lucha, y que el oponente de Gino lo estaba tratando mal… al menos a los ojos de un papá.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

El representante comentó que Joe nunca tuvo la intención de lastimar a nadie ni de ponerse físico. Simplemente, sus emociones lo dominaron.

Al final, el representante comentó que Joe cree que el oponente de su hijo se comportó de manera antideportiva durante toda la lucha y que el árbitro lo permitió.

Nos comentan que Joe está orgulloso de cómo su hijo manejó la situación… considerándolo un verdadero caballero a pesar de que sus propias emociones se salieron de control.

Testigos presenciales en el evento comentaron a TMZ que Joe fue expulsado inmediatamente del gimnasio y se fue sin más problemas, mientras la competencia continuaba.

Sin embargo, es difícil decir si las aguas se calmaron, según el video.

Farrah Abraham Sues Club Security Guard for Assault After Different Guard Sued Her Over 2022 Clash


7:47 PM PT -- Not shockingly, Farrah Abraham has a much different memory of what happened at the restaurant/club, and, in fact, she's filed her own lawsuit over the 2022 incident.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Farrah's suing because a security guard named George Velazquez allegedly "flung her down to the ground like a ragdoll." We can't confirm Velazquez is the guy seen pinning her down in the video from that night ... but, in the suit, she does say it was captured on camera.

She also claims he held her down with his knee and repeatedly said, "You are going to jail" -- a description that matches up with the video.

Farrah is suing Velazquez and the venue, Grandmaster Recorders, for assault, battery and emotional distress.

Farrah Abraham is being taken to court by a security guard who claims she slapped her back in 2022.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Farrah is being sued by a female security guard -- claiming she suffered lost wages and incurred a bunch of medical expenses for what she says went down 2 years ago.

She says she was working at Grandmaster Recorders when she was advised by other security officers of a fight on the roof, and was working on escorting Farrah off the property "due to her assaultive behavior with other customers."

The docs say it was during the escort that things turned physical -- with Farrah allegedly striking the security guard on the side of the face, which she says left her with an eye injury, other facial injuries, and psychological trauma.

As we reported, Farrah was accused of acting belligerently at the venue and was asked to leave, but refused. We were told paramedics on the scene called cops for backup, and a citizen's arrest for battery was ultimately made.

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Our sources say Farrah was quickly released after being taken into custody ... and the security guard is now seeking unspecified damages over it all.

We reached out to Farrah for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 3:21 PM PT


Larsa Pippen pone a la venta su elegante penthouse en Miami mientras busca un nuevo nido de amor con su novio Marcus Jordan… según sabemos en TMZ.

Fuentes inmobiliarias nos dicen que la estrella de “Real Housewives” puso en el mercado el penthouse de 3,312 pies cuadrados el sábado por la impresionante cifra de $4.199 millones, y los nuevos propietarios pueden comprarlo totalmente amueblado.

Ella compró el lugar en 2022 por $3.375 millones, así que espera obtener una buena ganancia.

Nos comentan que el edificio en el centro de Miami, que fue ampliamente destacado en “The Real Housewives of Miami”, cuenta con 5 piscinas, una sala de juegos, estudio de boxeo, gimnasio e incluso un estudio de grabación, por lo que está bien equipado para una amplia variedad de hobbies.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Larsa actualizó y mejoró el penthouse con cosas elegantes como papel tapiz intrincado y persianas de alta calidad.

El porqué se muda, fuentes cercanas a Larsa informan que está en busca de un nuevo lugar en Miami con más espacio para ella y Marcus, aunque nos dicen que aún no han encontrado algo que ambos amen.

Marcus y Larsa están pasando tiempo juntos en Los Ángeles, pero no parece que se estén volviendo demasiado cómodos en la costa oeste, porque Florida todavía está en sus planes.

Seth Semilof de Haute Real Estate, Inc. tiene la propiedad en venta.

Larsa Pippen Selling Miami Pad For Over $4 Mil ... New Home Shopping with Marcus Jordan

Larsa Pippen's putting her swanky Miami pad on the market, while also looking for a new place to nest with boyfriend Marcus Jordan ... TMZ has learned.

Real estate sources tell TMZ ... the 'Real Housewives' star listed the 3,312 square foot penthouse Saturday for a cool $4.199 million, and the new owners can buy it fully furnished.

You'll recall, she bought the spot in 2022 for $3.375M, so she's hoping to make a sweet profit.

We're told the downtown Miami building, which was heavily featured on "The Real Housewives of Miami," comes with 5 freaking pools, a game room, boxing studio, fitness center, and even a recording studio -- so it's well-equipped for a wide variety of hobbies.

Our sources say Larsa updated and upgraded the penthouse with bougie things like intricate wallpaper and top-of-the-line window blackouts.

As for why she's moving, sources close to Larsa tell us she's in the market for a new Miami spot with more room for her and Marcus to live in -- although, we're told they haven't found anything they both love, yet.

Marcus and Larsa have been spending time together in L.A. recently, but it doesn't sound like they're getting too comfortable on the West Coast ... 'cause Florida is still in their sights.

Seth Semilof of Haute Real Estate, Inc. holds the listing.

'RHOBH' Star Kyle Richards Lunch Date With Morgan Wade ... Twin Cowboy Hats, Italian Food

Kyle Richards was together again with country singer Morgan Wade, going out for a leisurely Friday lunch in L.A. amid constant rumors of them dating.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star was photographed with Morgan standing arm and arm on a sidewalk, looking all caszh and stylish in their sunglasses, jeans and twin cowboy hats.

Kathy Hilton also made a cameo, walking across the street with the two besties to chow down on some Italian delicacies at La Scala Beverly Hills restaurant.


We caught up with Kyle and Morgan after their meal ... and our cam asked Kyle about being open to dating other women. Check out the clip ... at first, Kyle kind of deflects the question, but then she says, "things can change." Interesting language for sure.

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The outing comes at an interesting time for Kyle, who confirmed she would date a woman in a newly released trailer for upcoming "RHOBH" episodes.

In the video clip, Kyle is seated around a table having drinks with castmates Dorit Kemsley and Crystal Kung Minkoff.

Out of the blue, Kyle brings up the prospect of dating a woman, causing Dorit to almost spit her wine back into her glass.

Crystal asks Kyle point blank if she would date someone of the same sex. Kyle thinks about it for a moment before giving a blunt, one-word response, "Yup."

Complicating matters even more, Kyle is still married, yet separated from Mauricio Unmasky, while living under the same roof with their children.

There seems to be no end in sight for this drama, but it's certainly making for some good TV!!!


Magnolia Network stars Gray and Mike Benko have been separated since April 2023 ... spending time apart to work through their marital difficulties ... TMZ has learned.

We've obtained the court docs ... Mike vacated their marital home on the date listed as their separation, and Gray is requesting an Order of Separate Support & Maintenance -- when one spouse receives court-ordered support from the other spouse, without a divorce.

The request also allows her to live apart from Mike without further interference from him.

The docs say she's hopeful the parties will be able to negotiate a settlement agreement to resolve all the issues of their marriage and separation ... though by the looks of it, divorce appears to be imminent.

She believes the court should review the agreement, approve it, and make the terms a part of the court's final order in this action.

The estranged pair, who share 2 children, were compared to Chip & Joanna Gaines, aka the gurus of home makeovers ... following the release of their successful show, "Happy to Be Home With the Benkos" last year.

It'll be interesting to see how they'll rebrand themselves separately.

Ariana Madix Sue You, Sandoval ... Let's Just Sell Our House, Already!!!

New legal fallout from 'Scandoval' -- Ariana Madix is suing Tom Sandoval over the Los Angeles house they co-own, and still live in together.

The "Vanderpump Rules" star filed suit against her ex-bf in L.A. Superior Court ... and the docs make it clear they are at loggerheads over how to split up the house.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Ariana says she wants a "partition by sale" ... which means she wants a judge to order them to sell the house, and divide the proceeds.

What she doesn't want is a "division in kind." That would allow each of them to retain their ownership interest in the property ... and one of them could, theoretically, sell to a third party.

Translation: She just wants to sell the place, and have them both move on with their lives.

Back in better times, Tom and Ariana bought the San Fernando Valley home in 2019 for about $2 million.

Despite their relationship blowing up very publicly last year when she found out Tom was having an affair with Rachel Leviss ... they've both continued to live in the home together.

That's about to end ... if Ariana gets her way.



The "Golden Bachelor" is a bachelor no more!!

Gerry Turner, 71, officially tied the knot with Theresa Nist during a live 'Golden Wedding' special Thursday night ... with the New Jersey grandmother, 70, looking drop-dead gorgeous in an off-the-shoulder Badgley Mischka gown.

Theresa's son, Tommy, walked her down the aisle during the Palm Springs ceremony ... and dapper Gerry couldn't keep his eyes off her!!

During his vows, Gerry gushed Theresa was a love that came to him silently, and without warning ... expressing he couldn't live without her.

During her vows, the bride said she loved him with all her heart, and couldn't wait to be his wife -- and was ready to comfort him through sadness and laughter.

Other stars from the 'Golden' series came out to show their support, such as Kathy Swarts, Faith Martin, Joan Vassos, and runner-up Leslie Fhima ... with Susan Knowles officiating their wedding.

Gerry proposed to Theresa during the finale of "The Golden Bachelor" last year.

The premise of the 'Bachelor' spin-off was it's never too late to find love, and with the ratings success of the series, it's also never too soon for a second 'Golden' bachelor ... or bachelorette!


Tom Sandoval is getting some sweet revenge on a recently shut down L.A. bakery ... for selling "Sandoval's A Liar" and "Team Ariana" cakes following his Scandoval controversy last year.

News that L.A.'s Sweet Lady Jane bakery was closing down came as a real treat for Tom ... after his "Vanderpump Rules" costar Billie Lee tagged him in the comments of their sad IG announcement, writing "karma!?" with a laughing emoji.

Tom went all in ... commenting everything he'd tried from the bakery had been super dry ... suggesting that others had finally caught on ... leading to their dwindling sales and subsequent closure.

He added their attempts to make money selling cakes negatively using his name hurt his feelings and pushed him over the edge ... and for that, good riddance.

Tom appeared to be in the minority, though, as the bakery was clearly a Hollywood staple ... with Blake Lively commenting she was heartbroken and Chrissy Teigen and Sophia Bush also making their devastation known.

Even though the cake shop hurt his ego, it was probably the least of his concerns ... as he found himself in the biggest celebrity controversy of 2023.

It was tagged #Scandoval by 'VPR' fans when TMZ first broke the story in March ... he'd been cheating on longtime GF Ariana Madix with costar Rachel Leviss ...


Both ladies have kicked him to the curb since the scandal erupted.

'RHOBH' Star Kyle Richards Yup, I'd Date a Woman!

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"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Kyle Richards continues to show she's into women amid rumors she's dating country singer Morgan Wade after separating from hubby Mauricio Umansky.

In a sneek peek of an upcoming 'RHOBH' episode, Kyle is sitting around a table having drinks with her castmates, including Dorit Kemsley and Crystal Kung Minkoff.

Seemingly out of the blue, Kyle asks if the other housewives would ever date a woman. While taking a sip from her glass, Dorit almost spits out her wine in shock over the question Kyle posed.

Minkoff throws the words back at Kyle, asking, "Would you?" Kyle thinks about it for a moment before nodding and giving a short, yet revealing response, "Yup."

In another scene from the trailer, Kyle seems anxiety-ridden over an obscure decision she must make, while staring at her phone with Morgan next to her. Biting her lip, Kyle says, "I'm so anxious. I really don't know if I can do it."


But, Morgan has Kyle's back, telling her, "You got it."

In February 2022, Kyle and Morgan met in person after first communicating over social media, quickly becoming friends and hanging out all the time. Speculation began to grow the two were an item as Kyle's marriage to Mauricio hit the skids.

Talk about drama. We'll have to see how all of this shakes out.

Stay tuned!

Estrella de 'RHOBH' Kyle Richards ¡Sí, saldría con una mujer!

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Simple y claro

La estrella de "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" Kyle Richards sigue demostrando que le gustan las mujeres en medio de los rumores de que está saliendo con la cantante de country Morgan Wade después de separarse de su marido Mauricio Umansky.

En un breve clip de avance de los nuevos episodios de 'RHOBH', Kyle está sentada alrededor de una mesa tomando unas copas con sus compañeras de reparto, entre ellas Dorit Kemsley y Crystal Kung Minkoff.

Aparentemente de la nada, Kyle pregunta si las otras amas de casa saldrían alguna vez con una mujer. Mientras tomaba un sorbo de su copa, Dorit casi escupió su vino en estado de shock por la pregunta que Kyle planteó.

Minkoff le devuelve las palabras a Kyle y le pregunta: "¿Lo harías?". Kyle se lo piensa un momento antes de asentir y dar una respuesta corta pero reveladora: "Sip".

En otra escena del tráiler, Kyle parece angustiada por una oscura decisión que debe tomar, mientras mira fijamente su teléfono con Morgan a su lado. Mordiéndose el labio, Kyle dice: "Estoy tan ansiosa. Realmente no sé si puedo hacerlo".

Pero, Morgan cubre la espalda de Kyle, diciéndole: "Tú puedes".

En febrero de 2022, Kyle y Morgan se conocieron en persona después de comunicarse por primera vez a través de las redes sociales, convirtiéndose rápidamente en amigas y pasando mucho tiempo juntas. La especulación de que las dos eran algo más comenzó a crecer cuando el matrimonio de Kyle y Mauricio empezó a tambalear.

Hablando de drama. Habrá que ver cómo acaba todo esto.

Estén atentos.

Tom Sandoval PETA Rips Him For Posing with Tiger ... Says Zoo Visit Endangers Big Cats

Tom Sandoval's back in his all-too-familiar villain role ... he's under fire from fans and castmates for interacting with a captive tiger, and PETA is schooling him on why it's bad for big cats.

The animal rights organization fired off a letter to the "Vanderpump Rules" star after footage emerged showing him inside an animal enclosure at Tiger World Thailand, where a tiger put its massive front paws on Tom's shoulders.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In the letter, obtained by TMZ, PETA scolds Tom for the photo op ... explaining, "When popular folks like you pose with wild animals, people are moved to support pay-to-play animal experiences, for which big-cat cubs are torn away from their mothers prematurely and denied their freedom as well as anything remotely natural and important to them."

More specifically, PETA's also schooling Tom on tigers ... it says wild tigers avoid humans and are naturally solitary and reclusive, adding, "Any human interaction with big cats poses dangers for both humans and the felines, and captive big cats have attacked and killed their captors and visitors."

While Tom walked away from the visit physically unscathed ... he's taking heat online from fans and his 'VPR' cast members, Lala Kent and James Kennedy.


PETA's telling him to consult them the next time he has the urge to hit up a zoo.

Nigel Lythgoe 'SYTYCD' Sex Assault Claims Spark Sony Investigation

Nigel Lythgoe is in the crosshairs of an investigation by the studio that produces his long-running show "So You Think You Can Dance" ... with his job possibly hanging in the balance.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the embattled EP of the hit reality competition show is at the center of an internal probe being conducted by Sony Pictures Television -- which co-produces 'SYTYCD' under its subsidiary 19 Entertainment, alongside Dick Clark Productions.

We're told Sony's looking into recent claims of sexual assault and harassment made against Nigel -- who created 'So You Think' with Simon Fuller, and has served as an executive producer since its inception, not to mention a consistent judge until he stepped away in '22.

Of course, what Sony's investigating here is Paula Abdul's allegations -- which she made in an explosive lawsuit ... claiming she'd been sexually assaulted by Lythgoe twice, once in the early 2000s during her 'Idol' stint and again in the 2010s while she judged on 'SYTYCD.'

Remember, as it pertains to the latter allegation -- which is what Sony's concerned with here -- she alleged Lythgoe invited her to his pad to discuss work opportunities ... only to allegedly pounce on her in an attempt to kiss her. PA also claimed Lythgoe groped one of her assistants during her time on the dance show.

Lythgoe denies Paula's claims, saying they're "deeply offensive" to everything he stands for and totally false.

Our sources say that while Sony digs into this matter, no decision has been made on whether Nigel will be allowed to stay on as an EP. It also remains to be seen if he'll serve as a judge -- this despite the fact he was announced to return to his chair last month for Season 18 ... which will start airing in March. He wasn't a judge during this past season.

Probably worth noting ... Paula named 19 Entertainment as a defendant in her suit too -- alleging sexual assault and battery, sexual harassment, gender violence and negligence.

Kendall Jenner & Bad Bunny Reunite Weeks After Split ... NYE Trip with Friends

Kendall Jenner and Bad Bunny may have called it quits on their relationship before the end of 2023, but they rang in 2024 together with a crew of close pals ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us the two remain close -- despite their recent breakup -- and have a group of mutual friends. The crew -- including Justin and Hailey Bieber -- were all vacationing together near Barbados, taking in New Year's Eve festivities.


In fact, in a clip of NYE fireworks posted by one of Kendall's pals, you hear Bad Bunny in the background wish everyone, "Feliz Año Nuevo!"

While the recent reunion may raise some eyebrows, we're told the two aren't officially back together, not yet at least, we're told the trip happened because of mutual friends ... there's nothing romantic.

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It was a whirlwind romance for Kendall and the music superstar, spotted back in February leaving a double date with Justin and Hailey. Things heated up a month later when they were seen sharing a kiss and hug after sushi with her sis, Kylie Jenner.

In April, TMZ obtained photos of the two on a solo horseback riding date ... indicating things had gotten really serious between the two.

By the middle of the year, they were officially official -- cuddling up together at a Drake show, sitting front row at the Gucci show, doing a Gucci campaign together and hitting up the 'SNL' after-party following BB's gig on the show.

However, come late October, fans started to notice the two hadn't been spotted together in a while and questioned if things had fallen apart.

Fast forward to last month, and news broke of the couple's reported split.


The good news -- they're seemingly all good now -- and who knows what 2024 could bring.

Old news is old news!
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