Kendall Jenner y Bad Bunny Se reencuentran semanas después de su ruptura... Hacen un viaje con amigos

Kendall Jenner y Bad Bunny pueden haber puesto fin a su relación antes de que terminara el 2023, pero empezaron el 2024 juntos y con un grupo de amigos cercanos, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que los dos siguen siendo cercanos -a pesar de su reciente ruptura- y tienen un grupo de amigos en común. El equipo -que incluye a Justin y Hailey Bieber- se fue de vacaciones juntos cerca de Barbados, para celebrar las festividades de Año Nuevo.

¿Juntos de nuevo?

De hecho, en un clip de Año Nuevo, con fuegos artificiales, publicado por uno de los amigos de Kendall, se escucha a Bad Bunny de fondo desear a todos: "¡Feliz Año Nuevo!"

Aunque el reciente encuentro puede levantar sospechas en algunos, nos dicen que los dos no están oficialmente juntos de nuevo, o no todavía por lo menos. Nos dicen que el viaje ocurrió debido a estos amigos en común y que no hay nada romántico.

bad bunny fixed 2/19/23
¿Cena de Parejas?

Fue un romance relámpago el de Kendall con la superestrella de la música, que se remonta a febrero, cuando salieron en una cita doble con Justin y Hailey. Las cosas se calentaron un mes más tarde, cuando fueron vistos compartiendo un beso y un abrazo después de comer sushi con Kylie Jenner.

En abril, TMZ obtuvo fotos de los dos andando a caballo en solitario, lo que indicaba que las cosas se habían puesto muy serias entre los dos.

A mediados de año, eran oficialmente oficial. Los vimos acurrucados juntos en un show de Drake, sentados en primera fila en el show de Gucci, haciendo una campaña de Gucci juntos y participando en la afterparty SNL después de la actuación de BB en el show.

Sin embargo, a finales de octubre, los fans empezaron a notar que no habían sido vistos juntos en un tiempo y se preguntaron si las cosas habían terminado.

A principios de este mes se supo que la pareja se había separado.

La buena noticia es que parece que todo ha vuelto a la normalidad, y quién sabe lo que nos deparará el 2024.

'Love Is Blind' Renee Poche Forced Me To Match With Violent Addict ... I'm Suing Netflix!!!

"Love is Blind" contestant Renee Poche says the producers behind the Netflix reality show paired her with a walking red flag, and are trying to bankrupt her for speaking out ... so now, she's suing.

Renee, who appears in season five of the popular reality dating show, is going after Netflix and 'LIB' production company Delirium TV ... claiming they matched her with a lying, violent, emotionally unstable drug addict and forced her to spend long stretches alone with him despite her concerns.

According to the lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, Renee says her pre-determined match, Carter Wall, was unemployed, addicted to drugs and alcohol, estranged from his family, homeless, violent and dead broke when producers matched them up for the cameras.

In the show, contestants go to separate pods to meet their dates, flirting and conversing through speakers while unable to see the other person. In order to meet in person, two contestants have to first get engaged and then are swept off to a Mexican resort for a vacation before being sent to their hometowns to plan the wedding.

Renee says she initially hit it off with Carter, but claims she later found out he was lying through his teeth and was far from marriage material.

In her suit, Renee says production put her through a rigorous background check and claims Delirium must have known about Carter's "troubling issues" and "mental instability." She says she became terrified to spend time with him but claims producers forced them to film together for long periods.

Renee claims Carter was emotionally abusive on and off camera, heavily abused drugs and alcohol and physically threatened a camera operator in Mexico.

She says producers threatened her with legal action if she did not move forward with the engagement, and when they got to his Texas hometown, producers warned her to ensure Carter had no access to firearms or weapons because they were concerned he would hurt Renee, himself or others.

Renee also claims producers admonished her for not giving Carter a chance and encouraged her to keep filming with him.

Once the show wrapped, Renee says she was informed her relationship with Carter would be axed from the program ... and she claims it's because Carter threatened to commit suicide if the footage aired.

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Renee's since called off the engagement and spoken out about her experience in various podcasts, and she claims Netflix and Delirium are trying to ruin her for going public.

She says Delirium claims she's violating her NDA and is seeking $4 million from her as a result ... despite her earning only $8,000 to be on the show.

Renee says the NDA is actually unlawful though ... and she wants a declaration from the court that the NDA is illegal, invalid and unenforceable ... and she's going after Netflix and Delirium for damages.

We reached out to Netflix and Delirium ... so far no word back.

GYPSY ROSE BLANCHARD Kim K, Help Me Promote Prison Reform!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard wants to meet with Kim Kardashian to discuss prison reform ... and while a meeting has yet to happen, we're told Gypsy still wants to pick Kim's brain.

Sources close to Gypsy tell TMZ … she's open to working with Kim and feels they are a good fit because of her experience with the justice system and Kim's work on prison reform.

Our sources say Gypsy thinks Kim could provide guidance on how to navigate her newfound platform on social media, and use her voice to affect real change and advance her advocacy work.

Remember ... Gypsy tweeted at Kim back in November when she was still locked up, thanking Kim for recommending an HBO documentary about her case and saying, "maybe we should unite forces together to make real change with the justice system.

Since Gypsy’s release, our sources say Gypsy has not reached out to Kim and KK hasn't reached out to her ... but we're told the door is open for them to get together in the future.

When Gypsy shouted out Kim on social media, some folks accused her of starving for attention ... but our sources say GRB genuinely wants to use her platform for prison reform, and it's something she's going to focus on as she starts her new life after prison. Kim's one of the few people Gypsy follows, but KK's not following back as of now.

Kim's the one who actually got the ball rolling here ... a few years ago she highlighted Gypsy's 2017 HBO doc "Mommy Dead and Dearest" on a list of true crime documentaries she recommended to her followers.

Gypsy's already seen her plans to see Taylor Swift at a football game fizzle, so it will be interesting to see if she makes something happen with Kim.

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In the meantime, Gypsy's new docuseries, "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard," is set to air as a three-night event Jan. 5-7 at 8 PM ET on Lifetime.

'RHONY' Erin Lichy Sued You And Hubby Owe Unpaid Rent!!! But They Claim Landlord Loves 'Em

'Real Housewives of New York City' star Erin Lichy is being dragged to court over a debt ... her landlord claims she and her husband owe five figures in unpaid rent, plus interest.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Erin and her husband, Abraham Lichy, owe $43,950 in unpaid rent for their Big Apple loft.

The landlord says Erin and Abraham have rented their two-story apartment since July 2019 but claims the couple failed to pay the agreed rent and other charges between October 2021 and July 2023 ... racking up a substantial balance.

Erin and Abraham's landlord claims their lease called for them to pay a monthly rent of $13,500 -- due on the first of each month -- for the period in question, but they often paid late, didn't pay late fees, bounced checks and sometimes didn't pay rent at all.

Now, the landlord is going after the Lichys for $43,950 plus interest ... in addition to $12,900 to cover the landlord's legal fees in the case.

We're told the reason two months of rent was being withheld was due to an agreed upon abatement ... due to persistent rodents, unsanitary issues and a nonfunctioning elevator which lasted for several months.

Erin and Abraham are stunned by the lawsuit, because they tell TMZ ... the landlord wrote a glowing letter of recommendation for them when they moved out.

You can read it yourself, but their rep feels the document "furthers that the Lichys were exemplary tenants and left on excellent standing of their own volition. This lawsuit has no grounds and is just an example of someone trying to get their 5 minutes at someone else's expense."


Bachelor Nation's track record of successful couples continues to dwindle ... with 'Bachelorette' star Rachel Lindsay's husband Bryan Abasolo pulling the plug on their marriage.

Bryan beelined it to court Tuesday and filed for divorce after 4 years of marriage ... according to new legal docs obtained by TMZ.

In the docs, Bryan lists their date of separation as Dec. 31, 2023 ... and he's citing the boilerplate "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for their split.

Bryan, a chiropractor, is requesting spousal support. They did not have any children together.

Rachel's estranged husband also shared an official statement Tuesday ... saying "loving himself and his partner meant he had to let go and start anew."

The pair fell for each other on season 13 of "The Bachelorette" in 2017 ... when Rachel made history as the first Black person to lead an ABC reality dating show.

Rachel and Bryan got engaged during the finale ... then tied the knot in August 2019 during a ceremony in Mexico.

In terms of 'Bachelor' years, Rachel and Bryan made it last for a while ... though Rachel has previously mentioned their difficulties navigating their relationship in the public eye.

Rachel went on fellow "Bachelorette" Kaitlyn Bristowe's "Off the Vine" podcast last year, explaining they both felt constant pressure showing fans how they were both doing.

However, it looks like it's onward and upwards for Rachel ... in a New Year's Day IG post she admits she's lived through one of the hardest years of her life and is choosing to focus on gratitude in 2024.

Mama June Wins Temporary Custody of Anna's Oldest Daughter

Mama June scored a legal victory in her custody battle over Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's oldest daughter ... she's been awarded temporary custody of Kaitlyn.

The reality TV star is duking it out in court with Michael Cardwell for custody of 11-year-old Kaitlyn, and a judge just ruled she should be with her grandmother, at least until a future court hearing on the matter ... according to new legal docs.

Michael -- who did have a daughter, Kylee, with Anna -- is not Kaitlyn's biological father.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Mama June says Kaitlyn does not have a legal father, and her biological father is unknown.

Mama says she's been caring for Kaitlyn since Anna's death, and says Kaitlyn moved in with her a month before Anna died from cancer.

As we reported ... Michael filed legal docs last month seeking custody of Kaitlyn, claiming he's taken a parental role in her life over the years despite not being her biological dad.

While there's no battle over 8-year-old Kylee -- she's living with her father -- June's vowed to continue fighting Michael for custody of Kaitlyn ... and so far she's winning.

Radar Online was first to report the news.

Mama June gana la custodia temporal de Kaitlyn la hija de Chickadee

Mama June anotó una victoria legal en la batalla por la custodia de la hija mayor de Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell y se le ha concedido la custodia temporal de Kaitlyn.

La estrella de telerrealidad está en pleno duelo en los tribunales con Michael Cardwell, el padre biológico de la hija menor de Anna —Kylee— por la custodia de Kaitlyn, de 11 años de edad. Un juez acaba de concederle la custodia a Mama hasta una futura audiencia sobre el asunto de acuerdo con nuevos documentos legales.

Michael, que tuvo una hija —Kylee—, con Anna, no es el padre biológico de Kaitlyn.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Mama June dice que Kaitlyn no tiene un padre legal y su padre biológico es desconocido.

Mama dice que ha estado cuidando a Kaitlyn desde la muerte de Anna y dice que Kaitlyn se mudó con ella un mes antes de que Anna muriera de cáncer.

Como informamos, Michael presentó documentos legales el mes pasado en busca de la custodia de Kaitlyn, alegando que ha tomado un papel parental en su vida a lo largo de los años a pesar de no ser su padre biológico.

Aunque no hay batalla por Kylee —de 8 años— que vive con su padre, June ha prometido seguir luchando contra Michael por la custodia de Kaitlyn y de momento va ganando.

Blac Chyna dice que la cirugía de reducción de implantes mamarios le causó complicaciones de salud

dando explicaciones

Angela White, antes Blac Chyna, va por un nuevo look, y dice que la reducción del tamaño de sus implantes mamarios ha sido un proceso doloroso.

Chyna dice que recientemente decidió disminuir sus implantes mamarios con múltiples cirugías que condujeron a algunas complicaciones de salud.

Chyna dice que hizo el cambio porque ya no se sentía que unas grandes tetas falsas encajen con su tipo de cuerpo, pero debido a que ha tenido tantos implantes en los últimos años, tuvo que reducir gradualmente los implantes para llegar a su tamaño deseado.

Chyna dice que ha tenido dos cirugías recientes para pasar de implantes de 585cc a 190cc y uno de los procedimientos resultó en que su seno izquierdo se encapsuló. En otras palabras, su músculo se contrajo alrededor del implante.

La cosa es que Chyna dice que es la primera vez que lidia con los efectos secundarios de los implantes mamarios, calificándolo como el peor resultado posible.

nuevo año, nueva mujer

Aunque Chyna dice que ha sido doloroso, se está recuperando y está amando su nuevo aspecto y se ve feliz por su futuro.

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Chyna dice que va a retomar el atletismo en 2024, con el objetivo de terminar un maratón.

Blac Chyna I Got My Breast Implants Reduced ... Suffered Surgery Complications

Itty Bitty Committee

Angela White, formerly Blac Chyna, is going for a new look ... and she says reducing the size of her breast implants has been a painful process.

Chyna says she recently decided to decrease her breast implants, with multiple plastic surgeries leading to some health complications.

BC says she made the change because she no longer felt large fake boobs fit her body type ... but because she's had so many implants over the years, she needed to gradually reduce the implants to get to her desired size.

Chyna says she's had two recent surgeries to go from 585cc implants to 190cc ... and one procedure resulted in her left breast being encapsulated. In other words, her muscle contracted around the implant.

Thing is ... Chyna says it's the first time she's dealt with side effects from breast implants, calling it the worst possible outcome.


While Chyna says it's been painful, she's on the mend ... and she's loving her new look and happy about her future.

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BC says she's going to pick up running in 2024 ... with her goal to finish a marathon, which may be easier now that she's part of what she calls the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee."

PUMP Restaurant Lisa Vanderpump's Olive Trees Staying ... New Bar Will Keep Iconic Pieces

Lisa Vanderpump's original PUMP restaurant's moved to green pastures, but an iconic part of its decor remains as new owners move into the space ... and we're told her olive trees aren't going anywhere.

Mario Vollera owns Roosterfish, which is taking over PUMP's old location in West Hollywood, and he tells TMZ ... when he and the other owners checked out the space, they all strongly requested that the big trees in the outdoor patio stay put.

We're told the trees ultimately ended up being a big part of the sale agreement, and Mario wanted them untouched because they bring prosperity and good luck ... not to mention, they're beautiful and add a lot to the space's ambiance.

TMZ broke the story back in May that PUMP was closing its doors ... and the "Vanderpump Rules" crew -- along with tons of locals and fans -- all said goodbye during its closing weekend in July.

PUMP didn't totally disappear, it just moved down the street next to TomTom -- Tom Schwartz and Tom Sandoval's eatery -- but if ya want to check out the olive trees, you'll have to stop by Roosterfish when it welcomes folks in after the new year.

La antigua ubicación de PUMP mantiene en su sitio los icónicos olivos de Lisa Vanderpump

El restaurante PUMP, original de Lisa Vanderpump, se ha cambiado de ubicación, pero una parte icónica de su decoración se mantiene mientras los nuevos propietarios se mudan al espacio y nos dicen que sus olivos no van a ninguna parte.

Mario Vollera es dueño de Roosterfish -que se está haciendo cargo de la antigua ubicación de PUMP en West Hollywood- y le dice a TMZ que cuando él y los otros propietarios revisaron el espacio, todos pidieron encarecidamente que los grandes árboles en el patio al aire libre se quedaran.

Nos dicen que los árboles terminaron siendo gran parte del acuerdo de venta y Mario quería que no se toquen, ya que traen prosperidad y buena suerte, por no hablar de lo hermosos que son.

TMZ publicó la historia de que PUMP estaba cerrando sus puertas y junto a un montón de lugareños y aficionados, todos dijeron adiós durante su fin de semana de cierre en julio.

PUMP no desapareció del todo, solo se trasladó a la calle al lado de TomTom -Tom Schwartz y Tom Sandoval- pero si quieres ver los olivos, tendrás que pasar por Roosterfish cuando se le de la bienvenida a la gente después del año nuevo.

Angelina Pivarnick baila en un club de striptease mientras el dinero vuela

¡qué caiga el dinero!
35 XXXV Gentlemen's Club

La estrella de "Jersey Shore", Angelina Pivarnick, sabe como pasar un buen rato. Supimos que se tomó el escenario de un club de striptease durante el fin de semana.

Pivarnick estuvo en 35 XXXV Gentlemen's Club el sábado por la noche en Jersey. Angelina no parecía ni un poco intimidada mientras bailaba, haciendo todos los pasos más atrevidos.

El público también parecía disfrutar del espectáculo mientras le llovían billetes a la bailarina de 37 años.

También es posible que la canción que sonaba en el club reconfortara a Angelina, teniendo en cuenta que era el tema de "Jersey Shore", "Crazy" de LMFAO.

Por supuesto, Angelina sigue siendo un elemento clásico en "Jersey Shore: Family Reunion", así que no es como si ella estuviera haciendo un cambio de carrera exactamente.

En cualquier caso, tanto ella como las decenas de asistentes disfrutaron la candente velada.

'Jersey Shore' Angelina Works the Pole as Dollars Fly In Sexy Strip Club Dance

35 XXXV Gentlemen's Club

'Jersey Shore' star Angelina Pivarnick is no stranger to having a good time ... a skill she put to good use as she worked the stage at a strip club over the weekend.

Pivarnick took center stage at 35 XXXV Gentlemen's Club Saturday night in Jersey. Angelina didn't seem the least bit intimidated as she danced, getting down on all 4s and even working the pole.

The crowd certainly seemed to enjoy the show as well ... as singles rained down on the 37-year-old.

It's also possible the song playing through the club brought Angelina an added sense of comfort, considering it was the "Jersey Shore" theme song ... "Crazy" by LMFAO.

Of course, Angelina is still a staple on "Jersey Shore: Family Reunion" ... so it's not like she's making a career change.

Regardless, both she and the dozens in attendance seemed to enjoy themselves, even without the GTL.

'Survivor' Champs Parvati & Erika Come Out As Members of LGBTQ Community

A couple of "Survivor" fan favorites gave show loyalists an update on their personal lives ... and whether it was a coincidence or not, both announcements came on the same day.

Parvati Shallow, considered one of the all-time best to hit the Survivor islands and winner of Survivor: Micronesia back in 2008, posted a set of cute pics of herself with comedian Mae Martin Saturday with the caption, "We’re here. We’re queer. Happy new year," followed by several emojis including a rainbow.

It's seemingly the first time there's been any indication the two were an item ... Parvati was previously married to Survivor contestant, John Fincher, but they separated in 2021. The two have one child together.

A few hours before Pavarti's post went up, Erika Casupanan, winner of Survivor 41 made a special announcement of her own thanks to a funny TikTok video.

In the video, Erika joked she attempted to do a viral challenge of eating grapes under a table in hopes of scoring a boyfriend, but instead chugged a bottle of wine ... leading her to realize she was a lesbian.

Both announcements have been getting a ton of love and support from Survivor fans ... and both contestants seem super happy.

Here's to new beginnings for both in 2024!!!

Stars Locking Lips Kiss 2023 Goodbye!

These A-listers have been dishing out some sweet smooches over the past year ... so take a look back at these stars locking lips as you kiss 2023 goodbye!

Power couples Justin & Hailey Bieber, David & Victoria Beckham, and Shaun White & Nina Dobrev are just a few of the pairs of lovebirds who have shared snaps of themselves smooching up a storm for the camera.

Gymnast Simone Biles did the same with her boo, Jonathan Owens ...  as did 'Bachelor' star Wells Adams and his "Modern Family" wife Sarah Hyland -- lookin' like a couple of lovers in paradise!

Singer Hayley Kiyoko couldn't keep her lips off "Bachelor" star Becca Tilley ... taking time out of their snowy retreat to show each other some love!

2024's right around the corner ... so if you haven't already, ya better find someone to kiss before the year ends!

Parejas famosas ¡Despídete del 2023 con un beso!

Las estrellas más famosas se han estado besando durante el último año, ¡así que echa un vistazo a estas celebridades mientras te despides del 2023!

Las parejas Justin y Hailey Bieber, David y Victoria Beckham y Shaun White y Nina Dobrev son solo algunas de las parejas de tortolitos que han compartido fotos de sí mismos dándose besos frente a la cámara.

La gimnasta Simone Biles hizo lo mismo con su novio, Jonathan Owens, al igual que la estrella de "Bachelor", Wells Adams, y su esposa de "Modern Family", Sarah Hyland, ¡parecen una pareja de amantes en el paraíso!

La cantante Hayley Kiyoko no pudo mantener sus labios alejados de la estrella de "Bachelor", Becca Tilley, ¡dejando tiempo de su retiro nevado para demostrarse su amor!

2024 está a la vuelta de la esquina, así que si aún no lo has hecho, ¡más vale que encuentres a alguien a quien besar antes de que acabe el año!

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