Kourtney Kardashian Shows Off Postpartum Outfit ... Nothin' Fits, But Here Ya Go!

Kourtney Kardashian says she's at that phase after havin' a kid where nothing seems to fit ... so she's showing off her holiday postpartum outfit, and get gettin' tons of praise for it.

KK opened up about her dilemma Tuesday, the day after Christmas ... showing off her holiday fit, which consisted of a bodysuit, tights, a fur coat, and a whole lotta bling -- and according to her, the coat wasn't picked out randomly.

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The caption reads, "When not much in the closet fits yet and the boobs are filled with milk, throw on a cozy coat." Folks in the comments have been hyping her up, too -- including her sis, Khloe, who wrote, "When you’re a baddie no matter what."

As we reported, Kourtney had her baby, Rocky, last month ... and the bump was shown off quite a bit leading up to the big day, including in a racy photo shoot done for Travis' bday.

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She also had her pregnancy belly on full display at Travis' Blink-182 concert, which let the whole world know they were expecting.

You'll recall, Kourt and Travis showed off a first look at baby Rocky on Friday -- hiding the kiddo's face, but showing the happy family cuddling up with the little one.

The Kardashians are known for setting fashion trends ... so we're guessing Kourtney's postpartum fit is one that'll be popular from here on out.

Kyle Richards Shares Snap With Mauricio & Kids ... Merry Christmas??

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky were back to playing nice in front of their kids, posing for a family photo on top of the snow-covered slopes of Aspen.

In a video of images posted Tuesday on Instagram, Kyle, Mauricio and their daughters were bundled up in their winter gear with smiles on their faces. It looks like the fam is having a grand all time in famous ski resort town.

But, in the caption, Kyle left out Mauricio and focused on their 4 daughters, saying they "bring me happiness every day. Thank you for all the love & laughter and for loving each other the way you do."

As we reported, Kyle, Mauricio, and their daughters have been spending time together in Aspen, CO for the holidays after Kyle flew in from her Mexico getaway ... we even got photos of them all out to dinner Saturday night.

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Remember, before the rest of the fam got there, Mauricio was living it up on the snowy mountain -- filming Anitta and Lele Pons skiing in just towels, and he even took his shirt off and was dancing at a bar.


Looks like MU got the rowdiness out of him before the family flew in ... or so it seems.

Kyle Richards Comparte una foto con Mauricio y los niños... ¡¿Feliz Navidad?!

Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky volvieron a hacer de las suyas delante de sus hijos, posando para una foto en familia en lo alto de las pistas nevadas de Aspen.

En un post compartido el martes desde su cuenta de Instagram, Kyle, Mauricio y sus hijas aparecen abrigadas con su ropa de invierno y muy sonrientes. Parece que la familia estaba pasando un gran rato en la famosa ciudad para esquiar.

Pero en el pie de foto, Kyle dejó de lado a Mauricio y se centró en sus cuatro hijas, diciendo que "me traen felicidad todos los días. Gracias por todo el amor y las risas y por amarse las unas a las otras como lo hacen".

Como informamos, Kyle, Mauricio y sus hijas han estado pasando tiempo juntos en Aspen, Colorado, para las fiestas después de que Kyle volara de su escapada en México. Incluso tenemos fotos de todos ellos cenando juntos el sábado por la noche.

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Desatado en Aspen

Recuerden, antes de que el resto de la familia llegara, Mauricio estaba gozando en las montañas, filmando a Anitta y Lele Pons solo toallas mientras esquiaban, e incluso quitándose la camisa y bailando en un bar.

Parece que Mauricio acabó con la juerga antes de que llegara la familia... o eso parece.


Kim Zolciak showered her kids with gifts for Christmas despite her financial hardships.

Sources close to Kim tell TMZ ... she pulled together the dough she's made selling personal items online over the last few months ... ensuring the 4 kids she shares with Kroy Biermann didn't go without Xmas presents this year.

We're told the estranged couple's brood will always be their priority ... and despite the heightened drama between them, they chose not to travel for the holidays and instead were at home for the holiday at their Georgia mansion.

We don't know exactly what gifts she bought, but it must've been a pretty decent haul ... cause K&K have been making some serious $$$ selling designer goods online.

Earlier this month, Kim gave the boot to Kroy's shoe collection, selling them alongside her footwear and handbags ... tempting potential buyers with big names from Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Valentino & more.

Of course, they decided to sell, sell, sell due to their mounting lawsuits over unpaid credit card bills.

They've also put their Georgia mansion on sale ... though they recently slashed the $6 mil price by $500K out of desperation.

Meanwhile, they've been squabbling like cats and dogs for months -- with one of their kids calling the cops on them following an explosive argument at their mansion in Nov. -- though it's heartwarming to know the kiddos ended the year with some festive cheer.

Kim Zolciak tuvo regalos de Navidad para sus hijos en medio de problemas financieros

Kim Zolciak no se quedó atrás bajo el árbol de Navidad, ya que llenó a sus hijos y a los de Kroy Biermann de regalos a pesar de sus dificultades financieras.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja distanciada le dicen TMZ que ella reunió el dinero gracias a la venta de artículos personales en línea los últimos meses, asegurando que los cuatro niños que comparten juntos no se quedaron sin regalos de Navidad de este año.

No dice que sus hijos siempre serán su prioridad y a pesar del drama creciente entre ellos, optó por no viajar para las fiestas y en su lugar de eso celebraron el gran día juntos en su mansión de Georgia.

No sabemos exactamente cuáles fueron los regalos que compró, pero debe haber sido un botín bastante decente porque ha podido hacer buen dinero vendiendo artículos de diseño en línea.

A principios de este mes, Kim se deshizo de la colección de zapatos de Kroy, vendiéndolos junto a algunos bolsos, tentando a los compradores potenciales con grandes nombres de Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Valentino y más.

Por supuesto, decidió vender, vender, vender debido a sus crecientes demandas por impagos de tarjetas de crédito.

También han puesto su mansión de Georgia a la venta a pesar de que recientemente redujo su precio de $6 millones por $500K de la desesperación.

Mientras tanto, han estado discutiendo como perros y gatos durante meses -con uno de sus hijos llamando a la policía después de una discusión explosiva en su mansión en noviembre- aunque es reconfortante saber que los niños terminarán el año con un poco de alegría festiva.


Big Ang's famous Staten Island mural is no more, but the late "Mob Wives" star's sister is vowing to find a new place for a piece of art to honor Ang.

Janine Detore tells TMZ ... her landlord covered the larger-than-life tribute to Ang that had been on the side of her store -- Country Mouse Boutique -- following a dispute over some unpaid bills.

Janine says the turmoil started in September when she underwent tests for some health issues ... and doctors ended up telling her she has severe allergies to mold.

She says the docs suggested checking her store for mold to see if anything in the building was making her sick ... so, earlier this month, she paid someone to do just that.

Janine says she gave her landlord a heads up and got a text back, saying, "Just to let you know, this is coming down" -- referring to the mural.

We're told tensions escalated ... especially 'cause Janine admits she owes $27,000 in back rent. She's convinced the mural cover-up, which Janine says left her granddaughter in tears, was retaliation.

Janine tells us she's committed to finding a new location for the mural ... remaining adamant the city deserves another one, 'cause Ang did a lot for Staten Island.

We spoke to the landlord, who told TMZ a different story ... saying he tried to fix a broken boiler at the store last month, but she wouldn't let his contractors inside. He says when he told Janine she could fix it, and he'd reimburse her, she refused.

The landlord claims she's taking advantage of him and not paying her rent -- adding he thinks she's using the mural cover-up as a publicity stunt.

As for why he painted over it ... the landlord says it's nothing personal, it's just because he's selling the building.

Cubren el mural de "Mob Wives" Big Ang

El famoso mural de Big Ang en Staten Island ya no existe, pero la hermana de la difunta estrella de "Mob Wives" se compromete a encontrar un nuevo lugar para una obra de arte en honor a Ang.

Janine Detore le dice a TMZ que su propietario cubrió el enorme tributo que había estado al lado de su tienda -Country Mouse Boutique- a raíz de una disputa sobre algunas facturas pendientes de pago.

Janine dice que la agitación comenzó en septiembre, cuando se sometió a pruebas para algunos problemas de salud y los médicos terminaron diciéndole que tiene alergias graves al moho.

Ella dice que los médicos sugirieron la comprobación de su tienda de moho para ver si algo en el edificio estaba haciendo su enfermo ... por lo que a principios de este mes, le pagó a alguien para hacer precisamente eso.

Janine dice que le dio a su propietario un aviso y recibió un texto de vuelta, diciendo: "Solo para hacerle saber que esto se viene abajo", en referencia al mural.

Nos dicen que las tensiones aumentaron... sobre todo porque Janine admite que debe 27.000 dólares de alquiler atrasado. Ella está convencida de que el encubrimiento del mural, que Janine dice que dejó a su nieta llorando, fue una represalia.

Janine nos dice que se ha comprometido a encontrar una nueva ubicación para el mural, ya que siente que la ciudad merece otro por que "Ang hizo mucho por Staten Island".

Hablamos con el propietario y nos dijo una historia diferente, diciendo que trató de arreglar una caldera rota de la tienda el mes pasado, pero ella no dejó a sus contratistas en el interior. Dice que cuando le dijo a Janine que podía arreglarlo y que le reembolsaría, ella se negó.

El propietario afirma que ella se está aprovechando de él y no pagar su alquiler - añadiendo que él piensa que ella está utilizando el mural encubrimiento como un truco publicitario.

En cuanto a por qué cubrieron el mural... el propietario dice que no es nada personal, es solo porque él está vendiendo el edificio.

Kim Kardashian Come to My XMAS Party with Coke, Snow and Gingerbread!!!


The Kardashians had their splashy, annual XMAS soiree, and it was pretty glam.

Now that the brood is overrun with kids, it made sense to make it kid-themed, though still swanky. The adults wore cocktail attire, with Kim in a metallic blue, off-the-shoulder gown.

It seems like it was tons of fun, as Kim and the kids sled down a hill with fake snow ... sorry folks, it's the best we can do in SoCal. Check out the vid ... Paris Hilton is right behind Kim.

Even though the snow was fake, North and other kids were pretty chill, waiting their turns to sled down the hill.

At one point Kim and Paris sledded down the hill in an inflatable raft, and busted out laughing when they hit the bottom.


Babyface serenaded the crowd, as the guests, including David Geffen, Nicky Hilton, and O.T. Genasis watched.

And what's a party without Kardashian-branded products ... Coca-Cola bottles with "Kardashian-Jenner Christmas Eve Party 2023" custom written on the back. And check out the gingerbread house with "Candy Shop" written in script above the door.


Kim showed off the amazing forest in her backyard with snow-covered pine trees dotting the impressive property.

As we previously reported, Kim gave fans a sneak peek at all the decor on her Instagram before the big event on Sunday night.

Kim Kardashian organiza una fiesta navideña con nieve, Coca-Cola y una casa de pan de jengibre

una navidad a lo kardashian

Las Kardashian celebraron su espléndida velada anual de Navidad y fue bastante glamurosa.

Ahora que la prole está plagada de niños, tenía sentido hacerla con temática infantil, aunque siempre elegante. Los adultos llevaban un atuendo de cóctel, con Kim en un azul metálico y un vestido con hombros descubiertos.

Parece que fue muy divertido, Kim y los niños se divirtieron en el trineo por una colina de nieve falsa, lo siento amigos, es lo mejor que podemos hacer. Échale un vistazo al video, Paris Hilton está justo detrás de Kim.

A pesar de que la nieve era falsa, Norte y los otros niños disfrutaban el frío y esperaron su turno para deslizarse por la colina.

En un momento dado, Kim y Paris bajaron en trineo por la colina en una balsa inflable y estallaron en carcajadas cuando llegaron al fondo.

Babyface le dio una serenata a la multitud, mientras los invitados, entre ellos David Geffen y Nicky Hilton, miraban.

Y lo que es una fiesta sin productos de marca Kardashian, Botellas de Coca-Cola con "Kardashian-Jenner Fiesta de Nochebuena 2023" personalizado escrito en la parte posterior. Y échale un vistazo a la casa de pan de jengibre con "Candy Shop" escrito en la escritura por encima de la puerta.

¡feliz navidad!

Kim mostró el increíble bosque en su patio trasero con pinos cubiertos de nieve que salpican la impresionante propiedad.

Como informamos anteriormente, Kim le dio a sus fans un adelanto de toda la decoración en su Instagram antes del gran evento del domingo por la noche.

Chrisleys, Joe Exotic, Weinstein Extra Gravy, Hold The Coal ... Christmas Prison Feasts

America's most famous prisoners won't be home for Christmas ... but that doesn't mean it's just another day behind bars ... look no further than their prison menus.

TMZ did some digging, and celebrity convicts are being served traditional Christmas fare ... like Cornish hens.

Here's a breakdown of their Xmas spreads:

Derek Chauvin at Arizona's FCI Tucson:

-- Herbed Cornish hens, cornbread dressing, garlic cheese potatoes, whole kernel corn, chicken gravy, whole wheat bread, holiday dessert

R. Kelly at North Carolina's FCI Butner Medium I

-- Cornish Hens, cream of broccoli, cornbread dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, glazed carrots, dinner rolls, pecan pie

Josh Duggar at Texas' FCI Seagoville

-- Baked Cornish hen, mashed potatoes, chicken gravy, dinner rolls, cheese and rice casserole, holiday pies

Julie Chrisley at Kentucky's FMC Lexington:

-- Roast turkey, baked candied yams with marshmallows, cornbread dressing, macaroni and cheese, cream gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pecan pie

Todd Chrisley at Florida's FPC Pensacola:

-- Baked ham, turkey, macaroni and cheese, green beans, cranberry sauce, whole wheat bread, fresh fruit, pie

Joe Exotic at Texas' FMC Fort Worth

-- Baked Cornish hens, bread stuffing, macaroni and cheese, carrots, chicken gravy, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, holiday pie

Harvey Weinstein at New York's Mohawk Correctional Facility:

-- Baked chicken breast, seasoned chicken gravy, steamed white rice, steamed kernel corn, dinner rolls, margarine, ice cream sundae

Tory Lanez at California Correctional Institution Tehachapi:

-- Pineapple glazed ham, carrot and pineapple salad, mashed potatoes, beef gravy, mixed vegetables, dinner roll, ice cream, blueberry crisp

These celeb convicts aren't just being treated to a special holiday spread, some prisons are offering special games and activities on Christmas Day.

It sounds nice, but it's a safe bet they would all rather be home with their families.

Se revelan las comidas de los presos famosos en la cárcel el día de Navidad de 2023

Los presos más famosos de Estados Unidos no estarán en casa por Navidad, pero eso no significa que sea un día normal tras las rejas.

TMZ investigó y descubrió que los convictos de celebridades se sirven comida tradicional de Navidad.

Aquí está un desglose de sus menús de Navidad:

Derek Chauvin en Arizona's FCI Tucson:

-- Gallinas de Cornualles con hierbas, aderezo de pan de maíz, patatas con queso y ajo, maiz integral, salsa de pollo, pan integral, postre navideño.

R. Kelly en Carolina del Norte FCI Butner Medio I

-- Gallinas de Cornualles, crema de brócoli, aderezo de pan de maíz, puré de patatas, salsa, patatas dulces, zanahorias glaseadas, rollos de cena, pastel de nuez

Josh Duggar en Texas FCI Seagoville

-- Gallina de Cornualles al horno, puré de patatas, salsa de pollo, panecillos, cazuela de queso y arroz, pasteles de vacaciones

Julie Chrisley en el FMC Lexington de Kentucky:

-- Pavo asado, boniatos confitados al horno con malvaviscos, aderezo de pan de maíz, macarrones con queso, salsa de crema, salsa de arándanos, panecillos, pastel de nuez

Todd Chrisley en el FPC Pensacola de Florida:

-- Jamón al horno, pavo, macarrones con queso, judías verdes, salsa de arándanos, pan integral, fruta fresca, tarta

Joe Exotic en FMC Fort Worth, Texas

-- Gallinas de Cornualles al horno, relleno de pan, macarrones con queso, zanahorias, salsa de pollo, salsa de arándanos, panecillos, pastel festivo

Harvey Weinstein en el Correccional Mohawk de Nueva York:

-- Pechuga de pollo al horno, salsa de pollo sazonada, arroz blanco al vapor, maiz al vapor, panecillos, margarina, helado de crema

Tory Lanez en la Institución Correccional de California Tehachapi:

-- Jamón glaseado de piña, ensalada de zanahoria y piña, puré de patatas, salsa de carne, verduras mixtas, rollo de cena, helado, crujiente de arándanos

A estos presos famosos no solo se les agasaja con una comida navideña especial, sino que algunas prisiones ofrecen juegos y actividades especiales el día de Navidad.

Suena bien, pero seguro que todos preferirían estar en casa con sus familias.


Congratulations are in order for former 'Very Cavallari' star Shannon Ford ... who secretly tied the knot earlier this summer.

A county clerk in Williamson, Tennessee, confirmed to TMZ she had a marriage certificate for Shannon and James Middleton -- a training, nutrition & mindset coach from the UK ... NOT to be confused for Kate, Princess of Wales's brother.

Instagram / @probablyshannon

The date of their courthouse marriage is listed on papers as July 25, 2023 -- though it looks like public celebrations began two months later ... with Shannon flashing her humongous engagement ring in IG snaps shared Sept.

Instagram / @james.middleton_

Clearly, Shannon is infatuated ... with her lovey-dovey snaps and clips captioned, "I'll fancy you forever 🤍" and "I'd marry you with paper rings, but I'm so glad I don't have to @james.middleton_ !!! ❤️❤️❤️" -- while showing off her rock up close.

While they're already formally husband and wife ... plans for a more extravagant wedding are well underway ... with podcast host Shannon revealing back in November they'd secured a venue after 48 hours in Italy.

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For now, it's unknown when Shannon's Italian wedding will take place ... but her former friend and boss Kristin Cavallari definitely won't be in attendance.

The pair famously fell out when Kristin fired Shannon from her Uncommon James brand ... with all the drama playing out on the 2018 reality series, 'VC.' Awkward.

Shannon Ford se casa en secreto

Las felicitaciones están en orden para la ex estrella de "Very Cavallari" Shannon Ford, que se casó en secreto a principios de este verano.

Un secretario del condado de Williamson, Tennessee, le confirmó a TMZ que tenía un certificado de matrimonio para Shannon y James Middleton, un entrenador de entrenamiento, nutrición y mentalidad del Reino Unido que no debe confundirse con    Kate, el hermano de la Princesa de Gales.

una gran piedra
Instagram / @probablyshannon

La fecha de su matrimonio en el juzgado aparece en los papeles como el 25 de julio del 2023, aunque parece que las celebraciones públicas comenzaron dos meses más tarde, con Shannon mostrando su anillo de compromiso gigantesco en fotos de Insta compartidas en septiembre.

haciendo la pregunta
Instagram / @james.middleton_

Claramente, Shannon está encaprichada con sus fotos de amor y clips subtitulados, "Te querré para siempre 🤍" y "Me casaría contigo con anillos de papel, pero estoy tan contenta de no tener que hacerlo @james.middleton_ !!!". ❤️❤️❤️" -- mientras muestra su roca de cerca.

Mientras que ya son formalmente marido y mujer, planes para una boda más extravagante están en marcha, con el anfitrión Shannon revelando en noviembre que habían asegurado un lugar después de 48 horas en Italia.

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Por ahora, se desconoce cuándo tendrá lugar la boda italiana de Shannon, pero su ex amiga y jefa Kristin Cavallari definitivamente no asistirá.

La pareja se peleó a los ojos de todos cuando Kristin despidió a Shannon de su marca Uncommon James, con todo el drama puesto en la serie de realidad de 2018, 'VC'. Bastante incómodo, ¿cierto?

Tom Sandoval sale del bar con una mujer misteriosa

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espíritu navideño

Tom Sandoval claramente está de vuelta, porque las chicas vuelven a caer ante sus encantos.

Tom estaba en el Honky Tonk Bar en St. Charles, Missouri, viernes por la noche, apareciendo para divertirse. Y diversión es lo que encontró.

El villano de "Vanderpump Rules" fue fácilmente visto por otros clientes, incluyendo a varias mujeres que trataron de comprometerse con él.  Algunas se tomaron selfies con él, pero una en particular se acercó.

Ambos pasaron un rato en el bar, a ratos ella tenía su brazo sobre el hombro de Tom.

Finalmente, ambos salieron juntos. Ella le dijo algo a sus amigos mientras se reunían fuera del bar y luego se acercó a Tom. Los dos caminaron juntos por la acera.

Tom ha vuelto a ser Tom, con el Scandavol aparentemente en el pasado. La semana pasada estuvo cantando durante la noche de karaoke en el Foxfire Room de Los Ángeles. Por cierto, la canción que eligió fue claramente intencionada: "Loverboy" de Billy Ocean.

el amante

Parecía que a principios de este año Scandoval sería como una carta de Scarlett a Tom, pero como suele pasar, la ira se fue. Hubo muchas cosas que desviaron a los fans de Tom este año.

La vieja historia de Scandoval es una desventaja para Tom, ya que le quita le quita calor al programa que llenó sus bolsillos con mucho dinero.

La mayor beneficiaria de todo esto es la ex de Tom, Ariana Madix quien ha cobrado a lo grande y ha subido su perfil.

¡Feliz navidad!

Tom Sandoval What Can I Say, I'm a Chick Magnet!!!

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Tom Sandoval clearly is no longer radioactive, because the ladies are flocking to him ... again.

Tom was at the Honky Tonk Bar in St. Charles, Missouri Friday night, showing up solo for some fun. And, fun is what he found.

The "Vanderpump Rules" villain was easily spotted by other patrons, including several women who tried to engage him.  A few took selfies with him, but one in particular cozied up.

The 2 hung out in the bar for a while... at times she had her arm on Tom's shoulder.

They eventually both left the bar together. She told her friends something as they congregated outside the bar and then walked over to Tom. The 2 walked off together on the sidewalk.

Tom's back to being Tom, with the Scandavol seemingly as old as stale bread. He was out this past week belting out songs during karaoke night at the Foxfire Room in L.A. BTW, his song choice was clearly intentional -- "Loverboy" by Billy Ocean!


It seemed earlier this year Scandoval would be like a Scarlett letter on Tom, but as is usually the case ... all the anger went away. There were so many others this year who diverted fans away from Tom.

The downside for Tom ... with the Scandoval ancient history, it takes heat away from the show that lined his pockets with lots of loot.

The biggest benefactor of the cheating scandal ... Tom's ex, Ariana Madix who has cashed in big time and raised her profile.

Merry Xmas!!!

Nick & Aaron Carter Sister Bobbie Jean Dead at 41

Nick and Aaron Carter's sister, Bobbie Jean Carter, has died ... TMZ has learned.

Bobbie Jean's mother, Jane Carter, tells us ... "I am in shock from learning of the sudden death of my daughter, Bobbie Jean; and I will need time to process the terrible reality of this happening for the third time.  When I am able to think clearly, I’ll release a fuller statement; but until then I would request to be left to grieve in private."

She adds ... "[H]owever deeply a parent feels the loss of a child, the suffering of a young child at the loss of a parent must be much greater. So, I would ask the sympathetic to say a prayer for my precious eight year old granddaughter Bella, who previously lost her father and is now also left without her mother."

The exact circumstances of Bobbie's death are unclear, but we know she passed away Saturday morning in Florida.

Bobbie Jean -- otherwise known as BJ -- was somewhat involved in the family's music business during the height of her brothers' careers ... especially Aaron, for whom she served as a wardrobe stylist and makeup artist during his tours back in the early 2000s.

She also appeared on the family's E! reality TV show, "House of Carters," on which she was featured in eight episodes. In the years since, Bobbie Jean lived a relatively private life in obscurity, shying away from the spotlight.

Bobbie Jean suffered from addiction and substance abuse over the years ... something that was documented on TV, and which she continued to battle into her later years of adulthood.

She had legal troubles as well, with arrests documented as recently as this year.

BJ's death marks yet another tragedy for the family at large. Not only did they lose Aaron last year due to a drowning at his home -- which was also found to have been drug-related -- but the Carters also lost their other sister, Leslie, in 2012 ... as a result of an overdose.

Now, the only living Carter siblings are Nick and Angel ... there are half-siblings and step-siblings in the family as well. Bobbie Jean is survived by a young daughter, Bella.

Bobbie Jean was 41.