Maury Povich ayuda a anunciar el nacimiento de un bebé orangután

El zoológico de Denver tenía una seria disputa de paternidad en sus manos y recurrió al experto, Maury Povich, para que ayude a resolver las cosas de una vez por todas.

Denver Zoo

El icono televisivo que ha resuelto cientos de disputas de paternidad en su programa de entrevistas fue llamado para un caso de un nuevo bebé orangután. Los funcionarios del zoológico no estaban seguros de si Berani (de 30 años de edad) o Jaya (de 16) eran los padres del bebé de 4 meses llamado Siska.

Povich, de 84 años —siempre dispuesto a entretener— grabó un video para  da a conocer la gran revelación, sacó un trozo de papel de un sobre marrón y pronunció su icónica frase: "Berani... ¡tú ERES el padre!".

Jaya está fuera del drama, a pesar de que la madre de Siska, Eirina, disfrutó de "alguna actividad de apareamiento" con él también.

El sitio web del zoológico de Denver dice que Berani vive con otras tres hembras y fue aprobado para la cría a través del Plan de Supervivencia de Especies de Orangutanes de Sumatra. Recordemos que los orangutanes de Sumatra son una especie en peligro.

Por ahora, esperamos que Berani cumpla con su deber de padre.


The Denver Zoo had a serious paternity dispute on its hands, and turned to the expert, Maury Povich, to help settle things once and for all.

Denver Zoo

The TV icon who has gotten to the bottom of hundreds of paternity disputes on his talk show was called in for a case of a new baby orangutan ... zoo officials weren't sure whether 30-year-old Berani or 16-year-old Jaya was the baby daddy of 4-month-old Sumatran orangutan, Siska.


Always a showman, a suited and booted 84-year-old Povich recorded a video for the big reveal, pulling out a piece of paper from a brown envelope and delivering his iconic line: "Berani ... you ARE the father!"

Jaya's off the hook -- even though Siska's mother, Eirina, enjoyed "some courtship and mating activity" with him too.

Denver Zoo's website says that Berani lives with 3 other females and was approved for breeding through the Sumatran Orangutan Species Survival Plan -- which is a big deal cause Sumatran orangutans are a critically endangered species.

As for now, we're hoping Berani steps up to his fatherly duties.

Mauricio Umansky Graba a Anitta y Lele Pons esquiando en toallas... En medio de su soltería

Mauricio Umansky parece estar disfrutando su vida de soltero porque se lo estaba pasando como nunca en las pistas de esquí con la cantante Anitta y la YouTuber Lele Pons.

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Pendientes sencillas

En un video subido a sus redes sociales el miércoles, Mauricio dijo: "Algo de diversión está a punto de ocurrir", mientras mostraba a las damas sonriendo en Aspen y le decía a la gente que era el camarógrafo de Anitta y Lele y que fueran a sus redes sociales para comprobar lo bien que lo estaban pasando.

Bueno, Anitta compartió algunos clips detrás de cámara también y ambas decidieron sacarse el equipo de nieve y ponerse una toalla mientras Mauricio filmaba todo el asunto.

Parece que las chicas decidieron bajar de la montaña mientras usaban solo una toalla y bebían champán, con Mauricio capturando todo. Anitta lo llamó "el mejor camarógrafo"

Por supuesto, la diversión en la nieve de Mauricio viene mientras su ex, Kyle Richards, parece estar relajándose en Punta Mita, México. La estrella de televisión compartió una foto de ella en la playa con el comentario: "A veces solo necesitamos escapar de la realidad por un rato".

Por lo general, Kyle y Mauricio van juntos a Aspen y el hecho de que no lo hagan este año parece un acontecimiento importante en sus casi seis meses de separación.

Ahora, las travesuras de Mauricio con las influencers podrían ser solo eso: Lele está casada y a Anitta se la ha relacionado con el productor musical Murda Beatz.

Por otro lado, Mauricio, de 53 años, también fue visto cenando con la influencer Alexandria Wolfe, de 33 años, hace apenas un par de días en Aspen y ella está soltera. Sea lo que sea, el tipo está disfrutando mucho de su tiempo en la montaña.

Mauricio Umansky Films Anitta, Lele Pons Skiing In Towels ... Amid Single Life

Mauricio Umansky seems to be enjoying life as a single man ... 'cause he was having the time of his life on the ski slopes with singer Anitta and YouTuber Lele Pons.

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Mauricio said, "Some fun [Shenanigans] about to occur," in a video uploaded on his social media Wednesday, showing off the ladies with big smiles in Aspen -- telling folks he's Anitta and Lele's videographer and to go to their socials to check out the fun.

Well, Anitta shared some BTS clips of her and Lele stripping off their snow gear and donning a towel instead ... with Mauricio filming the whole thing.

Looks like the girls decided to head down the mountain while rocking just a towel and sipping on champagne, with Mauricio capturing it -- Anitta called him "the best videomaker."

Of course, Mauricio's snow fun comes as his ex, Kyle Richards, appears to be relaxing in Punta Mita, Mexico ... sharing a snap of her on the beach with the caption, "Sometimes we just need to escape reality for a bit."

Typically, Kyle and Mauricio do Aspen together, and the fact they're not this year seems like a significant event in their nearly 6-months of separation.

Now, Mauricio's hijinks with influencers might be just that -- Lele is married, and Anitta's been linked to music producer Murda Beatz.

On the other hand ... 53-year-old Mauricio was also spotted having dinner with 33-year-old influencer Alexandria Wolfe in Aspen just a couple of days ago, and she is single. Whatever's going on, the guy's really enjoying his time on the mountain.

The Kardashians Family Christmas Pic Throwbacks!!!

The Kardashians and Jenners are never one to shy away from the cameras ... especially when it comes to family Christmas photos!!!

TMZ did some digging and uncovered some throwback family snaps from Decembers past ... and it's amazing to see Khloe, Kourtney, Kim, Rob, Kendall and Kylie back in their younger days ... posing with Santa Claus and Kris Jenner.

Naturally, there are some super cute outfits ... like matching sweaters with reindeers, Christmas trees and presents ... plus some traditional flannel pajamas. Oh and don't forget the bows in their hair!

The throwback pics really show how much Kris' kiddos have grown up over the years ... and it's really sweet to see the joy and smiles on their faces during the holidays when they were kids ... we all remember how that feels.

Check out the gallery for a stroll down candy cane memory lane

Las fotos navideñas de la familia Kardashian

Las Kardashians y las Jenners no son de las que se alejan de las cámaras, ¡especialmente cuando se trata de fotos familiares de Navidad!

TMZ investigó y descubrió algunas fotos familiares del diciembre pasado y es increíble ver a Khloe, Kourtney, Kim, Rob, Kendall y Kylie en sus días de juventud posando con Santa Claus y Kris Jenner.

Naturalmente, hay algunos trajes de Navidad súper lindos, como suéteres a juego con renos, árboles de Navidad y regalos, además de algunos pijamas de franela tradicionales. ¡Ah, y no te olvides de los lazos en el pelo!

Las fotos muestran lo mucho que los hijos de Kris han crecido con los años y es muy dulce ver la alegría y las sonrisas en sus caras durante las fiestas cuando eran niños, todos recordamos lo que se siente.

Échale un vistazo a la galería para un paseo por el carril de la memoria de bastón de caramelo.

Bam Margera I'm Engaged!!!

Bam Margera proposed to his girlfriend Dannii Marie  ... and she accepted!!!

The former "Jackass" star and pro skateboarder tells TMZ ... he popped the question Oct. 27 in New Hope, PA at the home of pro skater Ed Duffy.

Bam and Dannii dated for about 6 months before he dropped to one knee and proposed ... and Bam tells us he kept the engagement mostly under wraps, only telling a few people.

It's unclear when Bam and Dannii will be walking down the aisle ... but the engagement is another sign things are looking up for Bam.

As we first reported ... Bam is now 100 days sober and counting, he's working out and skateboarding again and just got granted monitored visits to see his son Phoenix.

Us Weekly was first to report Bam's engagement, and he told the outlet Dannii is the main reason why he's sober and turning his life around.

Mazel Tov!!!

Randall Emmett revende su casa de Los Ángeles por 5 millones de dólares

La estrella de "Vanderpump Rules" Randall Emmett ha vuelto a poner a la venta su preciosa casa de Los Ángeles por otro precio muy alto. Es el mismo lugar al que él y Lala Kent solían llamar hogar.

La espaciosa casa de Randall en el icónico Mulholland Drive, se ha enumerado una vez más por $4.995 millones. La propiedad de 4.276 pies cuadrados viene con una larga piscina, una cancha de pickleball y enormes ventanales que ofrecen una gran vista de los alrededores.

TMZ publicó la historia, Randall publicó el lugar por primera vez en mayo del año pasado, pidiendo $6.295M, desde entonces, ha pasado por numerosos cambios de precios, cayendo a $5.7M y luego tan bajo como $5 mil.

También ha suspendido temporalmente la venta de la propiedad y la ha puesto en alquiler durante un tiempo. Al parecer nadie ha aceptado la oferta porque la venta sigue adelante.

Usted recordará, el listado OG se produjo después de Randall y Lala canceló su compromiso de 3 años, lo que resultó en su mudanza. Una fuente nos dijo que Randall estaba buscando una casa más grande para su familia después de la separación.

David T. Kessler de Coldwell Banker Realty es el propietario.

'Vanderpump Rules' Randall Emmett Relists L.A. Home ... $5 Million Price Tag

"Vanderpump Rules" star Randall Emmett has put his beautiful L.A. pad back on the market, a place he and Lala Kent used to call home is now discounted ... relatively speaking, anyway.

Randall's spacious house, on the iconic Mulholland Drive, has been listed once again for $4.995 million -- yes, nearly $5 mil can be a deal in L.A.'s crazy market.

The 4,276-square-foot property comes with a long swimming pool, a pickleball court and huge windows offering a great view of the surrounding area.

TMZ broke the story, Randall first listed the spot in May of last year, asking $6.295M for the pad ... since then, it's gone through numerous price changes -- dropping to $5.7M, then a flat $5 mil and now even lower!.

He's also temporarily pulled the plug on selling the property, and ended up listing it for rent for a while. It's unclear if anyone ever took him up on the rental offer, but now the sale goes on.

You'll recall, the OG listing came after Randall and Lala called off their 3-year engagement, which resulted in her moving out. A source told us Randall was looking for a bigger home for his family after the split.

David T. Kessler of Coldwell Banker Realty holds the listing.

Kim & Kroy Slash Mansion Price by $500k ... We Gotta Sell, Sell, Sell!!!

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are desperate to unload their Georgia mansion to mitigate their money woes ... evidenced by the fact they just dropped their asking price by a serious chunk of change.

The on-and-off couple -- who are still in the middle of a divorce -- are now asking $5,500,000 for their Milton, GA estate ... after initially listing it for $6 mil in October.

Not the biggest slash in the world, but it is substantial ... and obviously, they hope the move will get someone to bite. Time will tell if it works -- fact is, the housing market is a bit sluggish right now, and interest rates are quite high.

The other thing to consider here, comparable houses in their immediate area -- in some cases, on the same street -- are going for considerably less money ... so they might need to go even lower than this.

Remember, Kroy was recently begging a judge to allow him to put the house up for sale as a way to deal with the mounting debt they find themselves in ... and it looks like he and Kim finally got on the same page, despite their ongoing back-and-forth feuding/making up.

Whether they end up sticking at $5.5M or dropping their price to a bit less, they'll still clean up compared to what they bought this crib for back in 2012 ... just $880,000 at the time.

At this point, ya figure they'll have to take what they can get ... but it seems like they're trying to maximize that. KZ and KB are deep in the red, and need every penny they can muster.

Kim y Kroy Rebajan el precio de su mansión en $500K... Tenemos que vender, vender, vender!!!

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann están desesperados por vender su mansión en Georgia para mitigar sus problemas financieros, lo que queda en evidencia al ver que acaban de bajar su precio de venta por un buen monto.

La pareja, que todavía está en medio de un divorcio, ahora está pidiendo $5,500,000 por su propiedad en Milton, Georgia. En octubre estaba listada en $6 millones.

No es el mayor recorte del mundo, pero es sustancial y obviamente esperan que el movimiento atraiga a algún comprador. El tiempo dirá si funciona, la verdad es que el mercado de viviendas está un poco lento en este momento y las tasas de interés bastante altas.

Otra cosa que hay que tener en cuenta es que las casas comparables de la zona, en algunos casos en la misma calle, se venden por muchísimo menos dinero, así que puede que tengan que bajar el precio aún más.

Recuerden, Kroy recientemente le rogó a un juez que le permitiera poner la casa a la venta como una manera de hacer frente a la creciente deuda que tienen, y parece que él y Kim finalmente están en la misma página, a pesar de sus continuas idas y venidas.

Ya sea que terminen rebajando en $550k o un poco más, aún así van a ganar bastante en comparación al precio de compra de 2012, de solo $880,000 en ese momento.

A esta altura, ya parece que tendrán que aceptar lo que puedan conseguir, pero parece que están tratando de maximizar la ganancia lo más posible. Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann están en números rojos y necesitan cada centavo que puedan reunir.

RENEE GRAZIANO 40 DAYS SOBER!!! Doing Trauma Therapy at Lamar Odom's Facility

"Mob Wives" star Renee Graziano is 40 days sober following a stint at a Texas rehab ... and is now continuing to receive treatment thanks to the assistance of Lamar Odom.

A rep for Renee tells TMZ she's now focusing on trauma therapy at Lamar's wellness facility -- which aims to fight substance abuse, a cause near and dear to Lamar following his own near-fatal overdose in 2015.

A rep for Lamar says he actually reached out to Renee via IG when she made headlines for her rehab stay in November ... telling her if she needed anything while in treatment, to just let him know.

We're told the ex-NBA star also informed her of the services offered at Vanity Wellness Treatment Center, his facility in Sherman Oaks, CA.

Two weeks ago, Renee reached back out to Lamar ... saying she needed treatment for extensive trauma, and the program she currently was in at that time didn't offer that type of care.

Lamar immediately put the gears in motion ... connecting Renee with admissions for his facility -- and she checked in last Thursday after flying to Cali from Texas.

So far, so good ... Renee is loving the program and plans on staying for another 60+ days while working on her mental health, sobriety and physical health.

This isn't the first celeb backing she's had ... seeking assistance from "The Hills" star Jason Wahler's foundation, Red Songbird, which works with those struggling with substance abuse and trauma-related mental health issues.

Renee Graziano estrella de "Mob Wives" lleva 40 días sobria y en terapia por traumas

La estrella de "Mob Wives", Renee Graziano, lleva 40 días sobria después de una temporada en un centro de rehabilitación en Texas, y sigue recibiendo tratamiento gracias a la ayuda de Lamar Odom.

Un representante de Renee le dice a TMZ que ahora se está centrando en la terapia de trauma en el centro de bienestar de Lamar, donde espera luchar contra el abuso de sustancias, una causa por la que ha prometido luchar después de su sobredosis casi fatal en 2015.

Un representante de Lamar dice que esto viene luego de que él se acercó a Renee a través de IG cuando ella llegó a los titulares por su rehabilitación en noviembre, diciéndole que si necesitaba algo en el transcurso del tratamiento, se lo hiciera saber.

Nos dicen que la ex estrella de la NBA también le informó de los servicios ofrecidos en su lujoso centro de tratamiento de Sherman Oaks, el Vanity Wellness Treatment Center.

Hace dos semanas, Renee se puso en contacto con Lamar, diciendo que necesitaba tratamiento para el trauma extenso y el programa en el que se encontraba actualmente no ofrecía ese tipo de atención.

Lamar inmediatamente puso los engranajes en movimiento y conectó a Renee con las admisiones de su instalación. Ella se registró en el pasado jueves después de volar a California desde Texas.

Hasta ahora, todo bien. Renee está amando el programa y planea quedarse por otros 60 días mientras trabaja en su salud mental, la sobriedad y la salud física.

Este no es el primer apoyo que ha tenido, buscando ayuda de la fundación de la estrella de "The Hills" Jason Wahler, Red Songbird, que trabaja con las personas que luchan con el abuso de sustancias y problemas de salud mental relacionados con el trauma.

Mama June Custody Battle Brewing Over Anna's Daughter ... Vows To Fight In Court

Mama June is being dragged to court in a custody battle for Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's oldest daughter ... and Mama says she's prepared to duke it out.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the biological father of Anna's youngest daughter, Kylee, is suing Mama June for custody of Anna's 11-year-old daughter, Kaitlyn.

Michael Cardwell already took custody of 8-year-old Kylee, who he had with Anna, after her recent death ... and he says he's taken a parental role in Kaitlyn's life over the years despite not being her biological dad.

In the docs, Michael says Anna fostered and supported his relationship with Kaitlyn when Anna was still alive ... he says he behaved as though he were Kaitlyn's dad and claims Anna was on board with him continuing to spend time with Kaitlyn even after he and Anna separated. He also says he's paying for Kaitlyn's education.

Mama June tells TMZ … she hasn't been served with any legal papers yet but said she "can see him in court." The reality TV star says Kaitlyn wants to stay with her and her husband, Justin, and insists a change in custody "would be going against her wishes."

As we first told you ... Mama June took custody of Kaitlyn in the wake of Anna's death and was planning to try to become her legal guardian.

Mama June tells us Anna, who died from cancer, wanted Kaitlyn to live with MJ ... and she claims Michael knew the plan beforehand.

Michael claims Kaitlyn's biological father has never been involved in her life ... but Mama June says that means she should be the one to step into the parent role.

In the docs, Michael opens up some old family wounds, saying ... "Anna has had a very sorted [sic] relationship with her mother throughout her life and went various periods of time without speaking to her." He says Mama's presence in Kaitlyn's life has also been inconsistent.

But, Mama June's ripping the brewing custody battle, telling us ... "At the end of the day, the girls have lost their mother so why put them through this."

'Jersey Shore' Star Mike Sorrentino My Addiction Situation Was Dire And It's All In My New Book


Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino was addicted to pills for a long time during his heyday -- a dark period he's now shining a light on with his new book.

The "Jersey Shore" star's memoir "Reality Check: Making the Best of the Situation -- How I Overcame Addiction, Loss, and Prison" drops Tuesday, and dives into just about all of Mike's ups and downs during his TV career -- including his battle with drugs.

As it turns out, The Situation was actually hooked on painkillers for years ... much of which overlapped with his time on the hit MTV reality series, up to and including Season 5.

Mike came on 'TMZ Live' Monday to break down the infamous cement self-KO headbutt he did on camera, saying it was actually tied to him going through withdrawals at the time. Seeing how deep into the belly of the beast he was, MS counts himself lucky to be alive.

He also tells us the MTV team came to him often during filming and asked if he needed help -- but, at one point, his addiction got so bad ... he says they gave him an ultimatum, which is detailed in his new book.

We asked Mike what the lowest point for him was during this saga -- and while you might think his prison stint would be in the ballpark of contenders ... he actually says another time he tried a new drug was when he hit rock bottom. As MS explains ... he once tried heroin.

The guy has lived a lot of life, and has been through a lot as well ... thankfully, he's 8 years sober and ready to share his story honestly with fans. Lots to unpack here, no doubt.

Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino habla de su lucha contra la adicción en un nuevo libro

altos y bajos

Mike 'The Situation' Sorrentino fue adicto a las pastillas durante mucho tiempo en su apogeo, un período oscuro que ahora está descrito en su nuevo libro.

Las memorias de la estrella de "Jersey Shore" tituladas "Reality Check: Making the Best of the Situation - How I Overcame Addiction, Loss, and Prison" se publica el martes y se sumerge en casi todos los altibajos de Mike durante su carrera en la televisión, incluyendo su batalla con las drogas.

Resulta que The Situation fue en realidad adicto a los analgésicos durante años, gran parte de los cuales se superponen con su tiempo en el exitoso reality de MTV.

Mike llegó a 'TMZ Live' el lunes para conversar sobre el infame cabezazo que lo noqueó en cámara, explicando que todo tiene que ver con haber estado en abstinencia en aquel momento.

También nos dice que el equipo de MTV se acercó a él a menudo durante el rodaje y le preguntó si necesitaba ayuda, pero un momento dado, su adicción se puso tan mal que le dieron un ultimátum, el cual detalla en su nuevo libro.

Le preguntamos a Mike cuál fue el punto más bajo para él durante este período, y aunque se podría pensar que su estancia en la cárcel estaría en primer lugar, en realidad dice que la vez que probó una nueva droga fue cuando tocó fondo... esta vez fue la heroína.

El chico ha vivido mucho de la vida, y ha pasado por mucho, así ... por suerte, es de 8 años sobrio y listo para compartir su historia honestamente con los fans. Mucho que contar, sin duda.