Famosos con Santa Claus Mira esto...

¡Santa Claus ha comenzado su gira anual y está golpeando Hollywood con estilo! Y al parecer, el Sr. Claus es toda una estrella, porque las celebridades fueron los primeros en la fila para participar de una foto festiva.

Parece que Sam Asghari entró en la lista de los "simpáticos", porque Papá Noel se sentó en su regazo, mientras que Hilary Duff mostró de qué están hechos sus "sueños navideños", con toda su familia acurrucada junto a San Nicolás.

El Sr. Claus hizo muy felices a Heidi Montag y Spencer Pratt quienes trajeron a sus dos adorables hijos para conocer y saludar al Viejito Pascuero.

¿Y qué sería de la Navidad sin Glen Powell y Sydney Sweeney abrazando a Santa? ¡Vaya que se ven bien!

Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería de imágenes de Papá Noel disfrutando a lo grande en Hollywood.


The winner of "Squid Game: The Challenge" is inching closer to finally seeing her $4.56M payday, but by the terms of her contract ... TMZ has learned she's still gotta play the waiting game.

Sources tell TMZ ... show champ Mai Whelan -- who recently said her winnings from the Netflix series have yet to hit her bank account -- signed a contract alongside all other contestants that stated the jackpot would be disbursed 30 days after the finale aired.

The finale aired December 6, so 30 days later would be Friday, January 5, 2024 -- so Mai won't get those millions until next year.

Basically, Mai knew all along she'd have to wait a while for the big bucks to roll in ... 'cause the contract she signed informed her about the payment plan.

When she revealed last week she still hadn't seen a dime ... everyone took it as her complaining -- but with the full context of her contract, it's more likely she was reminding producers the clock's ticking!

We're also told it's unclear if she'll receive the money as a lump sum or in increments.

Despite not receiving the dough, Mai -- who escaped Vietnam as a young girl during the communist regime -- has already splurged on some luxe items such as Jimmy Choo shoes and a Ralph Lauren dress.

Although, when the check does come through, Mai says she'll be spending it more responsibly ... on a retirement home, and donating to charity.

El ganador de "Squid Game: El Desafío" recibirá sus millones el año que viene

La ganadora de "Squid Game: El Desafío" finalmente verá su pago de $4.56M, aunque ella todavía tiene que esperar un poco más.

Fuentes le dicen a TMZ que la campeona Mai Whelan  —quien recientemente dijo que las ganancias de la serie de Netflix aún no han entrado en su cuenta bancaria— firmó un contrato junto con todos los demás concursantes y declaró que el premio sería desembolsado 30 días después de la final emitida.

La final se emitió el 6 de diciembre, lo que significa que 30 días después es el viernes 5 de enero de 2024, por lo que Mai no verá sus millones hasta el próximo año.

Básicamente, Mai sabía todo el tiempo que tendría que esperar un tiempo para recibir el dinero.

Cuando afirmó la semana pasada que todavía no había visto un centavo, asumimos que ella no sabía cuánto tiempo le tomaría a Netflix transmitir la serie, con la cláusula final añadiéndole 30 días a la retención.

También nos dicen que no está claro si va a recibir el dinero como una suma global o en incrementos.

A pesar de no recibir el dinero, Mai, que escapó de Vietnam cuando era una niña durante el régimen comunista, ya ha derrochado en algunos artículos de lujo como zapatos de Jimmy Choo y un vestido de Ralph Lauren.

Aunque, cuando el cheque llegue, va a gastarlo de manera más responsable en una casa de retiro y donar a la caridad.

'Botched' Dr. Terry Dubrow Praises Oprah For Weight-Loss Meds Honesty ... No More Ozempic Shaming!

"Botched" star Dr. Terry Dubrow is over the moon about Oprah opening up about using weight-loss medication ... 'cause, in his eyes, it's a move that could save lives.

Dr. Dubrow joined us Thursday on "TMZ Live," singing Oprah's praises for admitting she's used meds as part of her weight loss journey ... and telling us the trend of shaming folks for using medication like Ozempic needs to stop.


He says celebs have been hesitant to be as honest as Oprah was ... often attributing their weight loss to working out or hormones, but in the doc's eyes, it's time they felt comfortable to speak candidly.

Dr. Dubrow thinks a really popular celeb, like O, opening up the discussion could start a trend -- or at least a discussion -- that leads to the general public warming to the use of these meds to combat obesity.

As he points out, we wouldn't shame people who take insulin for diabetes ... so doing so for someone who needs it to lose weight is equally ridiculous.

As we reported, Oprah lost 40 lbs this year and told PEOPLE the medicine she was prescribed was a healthier alternative for her -- this after she realized her struggles with weight loss were less about willpower and more about the brain.

Sounds like Oprah's got another doc in her corner ... one who's hoping she changes public attitudes on these kinds of meds.

Dr. Terry Dubrow Elogia a Oprah por su honestidad con los remedios para adelgazar

La estrella de "Botched", el Dr. Terry Dubrow, está encantado con la honestidad de Oprah al decir que usa medicamentos para bajar de peso, ya que desde su perspectiva, se trata de una medida que podría salvar vidas.

El Dr. Dubrow se unió a nosotros el jueves en "TMZ Live", para elogiar a Oprah por admitir que ha usado medicamentos como parte de su viaje para perder peso y nos dice que la tendencia de avergonzar a la gente por usar remedios como Ozempic tiene que parar.

Es cuestión de tiempo!!!

Él dice que las celebridades han sido reacias a ser tan sinceras como Oprah y a menudo atribuyen su pérdida de peso a las hormonas o al ejercicio, pero en los ojos del doctor, es hora de que se sientan cómodas de hablar con franqueza.

El Dr. Dubrow cree que una celebridad tan popular como Oprah Winfrey podría iniciar una tendencia -o al menos un debate- que lleve al público en general a abrirse al uso de estos medicamentos para combatir la obesidad.

Como señala, no avergonzaríamos a las personas que toman insulina para la diabetes, por lo que hacerlo para alguien que lo necesita para perder peso es igual de ridículo.

Como informamos, Oprah perdió 40 libras este año (unos 18 kilos) y le dijo a la gente que el medicamento que le habían recetado era una alternativa más saludable para ella. Esto, después de que se diera cuenta de que sus luchas con la pérdida de peso tenían menos que ver con la fuerza de voluntad y más con el cerebro.

Parece que Oprah tiene a otro médico de su lado, uno que espera que ella ayude a cambiar la actitud del público sobre este tipo de fármacos.

BELOW DECK CHARTER GUESTS ARRESTED Allegedly Filled Prescriptions Using Cast Members' Names

A couple who appeared on the reality show "Below Deck" are now in some serious legal trouble ... after prosecutors claim they engaged in a prescription drug scheme involving using the names of cast members from the show.

Dr. Francis Martinis and his wife, Jessica -- who appeared as chartered guests on an episode of "Below Deck Mediterranean" and "Below Deck Sailing Yacht" -- were indicted in a Long Island court on Thursday, accused of using the names of the Bravo show's cast members to fill out prescriptions for opioids throughout Suffolk County.

According to the Suffolk County District Attorney, Francis and Jessica Martinis have been charged with 4 felony counts of criminal sale of a prescription for a controlled substance by a practitioner -- and 4 felony counts of falsifying business records.

Authorities say they were notified of the alleged scheme back in January ... after Jess allegedly attempted to fill a hand-written prescription for oxycodone at a Long Island pharmacy -- though her name was not the one on the prescription.

Prosecutors say instead of filling the prescription, the pharmacist called the police ... which then kickstarted an investigation by the Drug Enforcement Administration.

And now authorities say they discovered the Martinis electronically transmitted multiple prescriptions to pharmacies across Long Island ... under the name of different former BD cast members despite none living in the vicinity.

It's claimed that Jessica would pick up the prescriptions and pay for them with cash.

The DA blasted the couple ... saying in a statement that their alleged actions violated the oath they took at the start of their careers and the law.

The judge set bail conditions, and the couple is due back in court in January.

La cárcel donde está Todd Chrisley defiende su servicio de comidas tras las denuncias de animales muertos

Todd Chrisley alega que está siendo alimentado con comida infestada de animales, mientras pasa su tiempo detrás de las rejas.

En una declaración a TMZ, la Oficina Federal de Prisiones (FBOP), es inflexible respecto a que operan instalaciones seguras y limpias a pesar de las afirmaciones de Todd, acerca de que las ratas y las ardillas están sueltas en las instalaciones de almacenamiento de alimentos, añadiendo que la calidad de los alimentos consumidos por su población encarcelada es una prioridad.

También refutan las afirmaciones de Todd de que su comida está cargada de moho negro y fuera de fecha por lo menos un año, diciendo que los alimentos caducados se desechan y no se utiliza.

De hecho, trabajan bajo las regulaciones de la Oficina Federal de Prisiones, cuya misión de servicio de alimentos tiene como objetivo proporcionar comidas saludables, nutricionalmente sólidos y apetitosos que satisfagan las necesidades de cada individuo.

Instituciones FBOP, incluyendo FPC Pensacola, están acreditados por la Asociación Correccional Americana, que cubre la vida interior y otras regulaciones esenciales, tales como las condiciones ambientales como la temperatura y la calidad del aire.

Claramente no están emocionados, Todd está hablando acerca de las condiciones de prisión tras las rejas, instando a los reclusos a buscar una revisión formal a través de su Programa de Recursos Administrativos.

Además, la hija de Todd, Savannah, dijo recientemente que había sido objeto de represalias por hablar sobre las condiciones de encierro.

El abogado de Todd, Jay Surgent, le dijo a TMZ que su valentía en hablar sobre el estado de los alimentos y la prisión debería ser felicitado y no criticado.

Su esposa, Julie Chrisley, también está cumpliendo tiempo tras las rejas por lo mismo, no estoy seguro de cómo se está llevando a cabo con las comidas supuestamente cuestionables.


Todd Chrisley is one hungry jailbird ... claiming he's being fed animal-infested meals while behind bars -- though his prison begs to differ.

In a statement to TMZ, the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) is adamant they operate safe and humane facilities despite Todd's claims that rats/squirrels are on the loose in their food storage facility & a dead cat dropped from the ceiling onto their food -- adding the quality of food consumed by their incarcerated population is a priority.

The FBOP also refutes Todd's claims the food is laden with black mold and out of date by at least a year ... saying that expired food is discarded and not utilized.

In fact, they work under FBOP regulations, and tell us ... their food service mission aims to provide healthy, nutritionally sound, and appetizing meals that meet the needs of every individual.

FBOP institutions -- including FPC Pensacola, where Todd is incarcerated -- are accredited by the American Correctional Association, which covers indoor living and other essential regulations such as environmental conditions like temperature and air quality.

Clearly, they're not thrilled Todd is speaking out about prison conditions while behind bars ... and the FBOP says it urges inmates to instead seek a formal review through the prison's Administrative Remedy Program for any concerns.

To add insult to injury, Todd's daughter Savannah recently accused prison officials of retaliating against Todd for speaking out about lock-up conditions.

On that issue, Chrisley's lawyer Jay Surgent, says Todd's bravery in speaking out about the state of the prison should be congratulated, not criticized. The Bureau of Prisons said it thoroughly investigates all claims of employee misconduct.

Remember, Todd's wife Julie Chrisley is serving her time at FMC Lexington, where we haven't heard a peep from her about the grub.

Guess the KPC, Kentucky prison cooking, is just fine with her!

Kroy Biermann Explosiva pelea con Kim Zolciak En cámara policial

Kroy Biermann estaba en un ataque de ira cuando la policía se presentó en su casa después de que las cosas se pudieran tan feas con Kim Zolciak, que uno de sus hijos llamó al 911 para pedir ayuda.

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Los ánimos se caldean

En las nuevas imágenes de la cámara policial obtenidas por TMZ, correspondientes al incidente del 20 de noviembre, Kroy le grita a los oficiales que su vida con Kim ha terminado. Los agentes intentan que Kroy se calme, pero él continúa.

En un momento dado, Kroy dice que Kim es una narcisista total y la acusa de fabricar su drama. El hombre está enfurecido, sigue gritando que la vida de la pareja ha terminado, incluso acusa a Kim de "coger con otros hombres". Finalmente, los oficiales calman a Kroy y lo llevan adentro para seguir hablando las cosas.

La llamada inicial al 911 provino de uno de los 4 niños pequeños de la pareja, quien informó que creía que Kroy había sido agresivo con Kim, pero ninguno de los padres parece darle ninguna validez a esa afirmación.

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No me deja salir

En cuanto a Kim, ella también está bastante histérica, sentada en su Range Rover mientras explica su versión de los hechos y alegando que Kroy explotó en un ataque de ira y se negó a dejarla salir de la casa. Ella dice que comenzó a caminar por la calle en bata y a pedirle ayuda a los vecinos antes de volver a casa.

Kim explica que más temprano ese día Kroy le había pedido que se sentaran y conversaran sobre su divorcio pendiente. Según Kim, Kroy no quiere seguir adelante con la demanda, a pesar de que fue él quien la presentó, y Kim sí quiere.

A través de sus sollozos, Kim afirma que Kroy no es el hombre con el que se casó y cree que es un enfermo mental, alegando que a veces tiene miedo de estar cerca de él.

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Él dijo, Ella dijo...

Los oficiales mantienen a los dos separados mientras hablan las cosas, y tan rápido como se intensifican los ánimos entre ellos, parecen calmarse ... Kim está de acuerdo en salir de la casa por la noche y Kroy se queda con los niños.

Kroy Biermann Explosive Fight with Kim Zolciak On Police Body Cam

Kroy Biermann was in a fit of rage when cops showed up after an explosive fight with Kim Zolciak ... where things got so bad, one of their kids called 911 to get some help.

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In new police body cam footage -- obtained by TMZ from the incident on November 20 -- Kroy screams at officers his life with Kim is over. Officers try to get Kroy to calm down, but he continues on ... yelling about there being no money and no house.


At one point, Kroy calls Kim a total narcissist, and accuses her of manufacturing their drama. He's enraged, continuing to yell the couple's life is over ... and even accusing Kim of "f***ing other men." Eventually, officers calm Kroy down and get him inside to further talk things out.

The initial 911 call came in from one of the couple's 4 young kids who reported they believed Kroy had gotten physical with Kim ... but neither parent seems to give that claim any validity.

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As for Kim, she's pretty hysterical as well ... sitting in her Range Rover as she explains her side of the story, claiming Kroy flew into a fit of rage and refused to let her leave the house. She says she began walking down the street in a robe and asking neighbors for help before returning back home.

Kim explains earlier in the day Kroy had asked her to sit and chat about their pending divorce. According to Kim, Kroy doesn't want to go forward with it -- even though he's the one who filed -- and Kim wants it to be finalized.

Through her sobbing, Kim claims Kroy's not the man she married, and believes he's mentally ill ... claiming she's scared at times to be around him.

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Officers keep the two separated while talking things out, and just about as quickly as things escalated, they appear to cool off ... Kim agrees to leave the house for the night, and Kroy stays behind with the kids.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Friends & Family Attend Funeral

Those who loved Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell the most just had a chance to say goodbye to the reality star ... paying respects at her Georgia funeral only days after she passed away.

Members of Anna's family -- including Alana "Honey Boo Boo" Thompson and Lauryn "Pumpkin" Efird -- showed up at the Williams Funeral Home in Gordon, GA Wednesday.

Mama June and Anna's 11-year-old daughter, Kaitlyn also attended the memorial. TMZ broke the story, Mama June is now in custody of Kaitlyn following her mom's death last week.

Anna's husband, Eldridge Toney, and June's husband Justin Stroud were also in attendance.

As we first reported, the production crew for "Mama June: From Not to Hot" was documenting Anna's cancer struggles, but decided against filming the funeral services. There was also a sign outside the venue prohibiting guests from using phones inside.

As you'll recall, Anna died on Saturday due to complications from her cancer battle ... she was suffering from stage 4 adrenal carcinoma, which doctors told her was terminal.

As we reported, Anna will be cremated after the funeral -- and everyone in her family will get a portion of her ashes. There's been talk about honoring her by making special jewelry or crystals with her remains inside.

La lucha contra el cáncer de Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell documentada en el reality show de Mama June

La batalla de Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell contra el cáncer era algo que estaba bien documentado, TMZ ha indagado y se mostrará a los fans en una próxima temporada de la serie de realidad de Mama June.

Fuentes de la familia le dicen a TMZ que Anna era muy abierta sobre sus problemas de salud y quería que se documentara en la nueva temporada de "Mama June: From Not to Hot" para que la gente pudiera entender mejor las luchas por las que pasó.

Ella también quería que los fans sepan todo lo que enfrentó, ya que siempre fue sincera con ellos.

Nos dicen que Anna no tuvo problemas con el equipo de producción filmando su viaje, la tripulación estuvo a su lado apenas unas horas antes de su muerte. Anna estaba en hospicio por un poco más de tres semanas hacia el final y estaba abierta a documentar todo.

Las fuentes dicen que la producción consideró que era mejor no estar allí en el momento final de Anna, y no estarán allí para filmar el funeral. A pesar de que Anna estaba de acuerdo, el equipo quería darle a la familia un poco de privacidad durante el duelo.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Como informamos, Anna sufría de carcinoma suprarrenal en etapa 4 y murió el sábado, nos dijeron que Anna pidió que sus fans pudieran asistir a su funeral con ataúd abierto, y nuestras fuentes dicen que la familia está honrando que como uno de sus últimos deseos.

También nos han dicho que Anna estaba muy unida a la TikToker Angela Butler, y que quería que ella cantara "Usher Me" de Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers, la misma canción que Angela le cantó a Anna antes de morir.

Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Cancer Battle Documented On Mama June's TV Show

Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's battle with cancer was something that was well-documented, TMZ has learned ... and will be shared with fans in an upcoming season of Mama June's reality series.

Family sources tell TMZ ... Anna was very open about her health issues, and wanted it to be included on "Mama June: From Not to Hot" so people could better understand the struggles she went through, and those of cancer patients, in general.

She also wanted fans to know everything she faced, since she was always candid with them.

We're told Anna had no problems with the production team filming her journey, and the crew was by her side just hours before she passed away -- Anna was in hospice for a little over 3 weeks toward the end, and she was open to documenting everything.

Sources say production felt it was best to not be there when she passed, and they won't be there to record the funeral, either ... despite Anna being alright with it, the crew wanted to give the family some privacy while they mourn.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

As we reported, Anna was suffering from stage 4 adrenal carcinoma and died on Saturday -- we were told Anna requested that her fans be able to attend her open-casket funeral, and our sources say the family's honoring that as one of her last wishes.

We're also told Anna was close with TikToker Angela Butler, and she wanted her to sing "Usher Me" by Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers ... the same song Angela sang to Anna before she passed.

Mama June Gets Custody of 1 of Chickadee's Kids

Mama June is taking over mama duties for one of her late daughter Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's kids ... TMZ has learned.

Family sources tell TMZ ... Mama June is currently in custody of Anna's 11-year-old daughter Kaitlyn.

Anna, who died Saturday after a difficult battle with cancer, had 2 daughters with 2 different men ... and our sources say the younger child, 8-year-old Kylee, is now living with her biological father, Michael.


We're told the family had a plan in place for Kylee to move in with her dad should something happen to Anna, who was diagnosed, back in January, with stage 4 cancer.

Our sources say Kaitlyn and Mama June have a very close bond -- she's June's first grandchild -- so, everyone in the family agrees, moving her to Grandma's house is the best situation for her. We're also told June plans to become Kaitlyn's legal guardian.

As we first told you, Anna secretly married her partner, Eldridge Toney, back in March after learning she had cancer.

We're told Eldridge has a very close relationship with both Kaitlyn and Kylee -- though he's not their biological father -- and he will continue to be involved in both their lives as well.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Our sources also say Kaitlyn and Kylee are close as well, and will continue to see each other.

Mama June se queda con la custodia de una de las hijas de Chickadee tras su muerte

Mama June se hace cargo de la custodia de una de las hijas de Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell, TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes familiares le dicen a TMZ que Mamá junio está en custodia de la hija de 11 años de Anna Kaitlyn.

Anna, que murió el sábado después de una difícil batalla contra el cáncer, tenía dos hijas con dos hombres diferentes y nuestras fuentes dicen Kylee de 8 años de edad, ahora está viviendo con su padre biológico, Michael.

Nos dicen que la familia tenía un plan en marcha para Kylee a vivir con su padre si algo le sucediera a Anna, que en enero fue diagnosticado con cáncer en etapa 4.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kaitlyn y Mama June tienen un vínculo muy estrecho y mudarse a la casa de la abuela es la mejor situación para ella.

Fuimos los primeros en informar que Anna se casó en secreto con su pareja, Eldridge Toney, en marzo después de enterarse de que tenía cáncer. Nos dicen que Eldridge tiene una relación muy estrecha tanto con Kaitlyn como con Kylee, y que seguirá involucrado en la vida de ambas también.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Nuestras fuentes también dicen que Kaitlyn y Kylee están cerca y seguirán viéndose.

Kim and Kroy Divorce Judge Orders Them to Mediation ... Work Out Your Issues!!!

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann have plenty of issues, and now the judge in their divorce case is cracking down ... ordering them to mediation in an attempt to hammer out a settlement.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kim and Kroy are being directed to complete a mediation session by a Jan. 31 deadline.

The judge says Kim and Kroy have "numerous unresolved issues" and thinks they could benefit from mediation through the county's alternative dispute resolution program.

Obviously, mediation does not always work or guarantee Kim and Kroy will resolve their issues ... but the court is at least forcing them to give it the old college try.


As we've told you ... Kim and Kroy are divorcing amid tons of financial woes, and there's been several police visits to their Georgia home over explosive fights.

Kim and Kroy also have 4 young children so working out custody issues through mediation may be no cakewalk.

Stay tuned ...