La familia de Mama June repartirá las cenizas de Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell

Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, la hija mayor de Mama June, será incinerada, TMZ ha indagado, y nos dicen que todos en la familia recibirán una parte de sus cenizas.

Fuentes de la familia le dicen a TMZ que después de los servicios conmemorativos de Anna esta semana, será la cremación, y planean dividir sus restos entre los miembros de la familia. Nos dicen que se ha hablado de hacer joyas especiales o cristales con sus cenizas en el interior.

Nos dicen que la funeraria también está tomando las huellas dactilares de Anna como un recuerdo y la familia también está considerando la posibilidad de hacerse tatuajes de sus huellas.

Las fuentes dicen que Anna pidió un funeral con ataúd abierto y quería que sus fans pudieran asistir al memorial, diciéndonos que estaba cerca de ellos y quería asegurarse de que eran parte de los servicios para tener una oportunidad de cierre.

La familia de Anna también está planeando conseguir un banco conmemorativo en su honor, como un lugar para ir y hablar con ella cuando quieran, aunque la ubicación exacta aún no se ha determinado.

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dando las malas noticias
Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Como informamos, Anna falleció el sábado por la noche debido a complicaciones de su batalla contra el cáncer, como recordarás, ella sufría de carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4. Los médicos le habían dicho que era terminal.

Mama June dio la triste noticia a sus fans en redes sociales, diciendo emocionalmente que murió en paz con su familia a su alrededor. June también estaba en línea pidiendo oraciones el día antes de la muerte de Anna, afirmando que el tiempo de su hija estaba llegando a su fin.

Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Mama June's Fam Will Divide Ashes After Open-Casket Funeral

Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, the eldest daughter of Mama June, will be cremated ... TMZ has learned, and we're told everyone in the family will get a portion of her ashes.

Family sources tell TMZ ... after Anna's memorial services this week, her family will be cremating her, and they plan to split her remains amongst family members. We're told there's been talk about making special jewelry or crystals with her ashes inside.

We're told the funeral home is also fingerprinting Anna as a keepsake, too ... and the family is also considering getting tattoos of her prints.

Sources say Anna requested an open-casket funeral and wanted her fans to be able to attend the memorial -- telling us she was close with them and wanted to make sure they were a part of the services to have a chance at closure.


Anna's family is also planning to get a memorial bench in her honor, as a place to go and talk with her when they want ... although the exact location has yet to be determined.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

As we reported, Anna passed away Saturday night due to complications from her cancer battle -- you'll recall, she was suffering from stage 4 adrenal carcinoma, which doctors had told her was terminal.

Mama June broke the sad news to fans on social media, emotionally saying she died peacefully with her family around her. June was also online asking for prayers the day before Anna's death, claiming her daughter's time was coming to an end.

La hija de Mama June se casó en secreto tras ser diagnosticada de cáncer

La difunta hija de Mama June, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, se casó después de enterarse de que tenía cáncer en etapa cuatro, TMZ ha indagado.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que la estrella de telerrealidad expresó el deseo de casarse con su pareja, Eldridge Toney, en enero, después de haber sido diagnosticada con carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4.

Nos dicen que Anna dejó claro que quería tener su boda mientras todavía se sentía lo suficientemente bien como para participar de una ceremonia.

Según el certificado de matrimonio obtenido por TMZ, Anna y Eldridge ataron el nudo el 4 de marzo en el condado de Wilkinson, Georgia. Además, el marido de la hermana de Anna, Pumpkin, fue el oficiante.

Recordemos que Anna también recibió quimioterapia en marzo, el mismo mes que se casó.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la boda incluyó a familiares cercanos y un equipo de cámaras grabando imágenes para su reality show de WE tv, "Mama June: From Not to Hot".

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Como informamos, Anna murió el sábado después de su difícil batalla contra el cáncer, un poco más de nueve meses después de que ella caminó hacia el altar.

La pareja no tenía hijos en común, pero Anna tenía dos hijos de relaciones anteriores.

MAMA JUNE'S DAUGHTER CHICKADEE Secretly Married After Cancer Diagnosis

Mama June's late daughter, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, got hitched after finding out she had stage 4 cancer ... TMZ has learned.

Our sources tell us the reality TV star expressed her desire to get married to her partner, Eldridge Toney, back in January ... after being diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal carcinoma.

We're told Anna made it clear she wanted to have her wedding while she was still feeling well enough to go through a ceremony.

According to the marriage certificate, obtained by TMZ, Anna and Eldridge tied the knot March 4 in Wilkinson County, Georgia. What's more, Anna's sister, Pumpkin's husband was the officiant.

Remember ... Anna was also undergoing chemotherapy in March, the same month she got married.

Our sources say the wedding included close family and a camera crew recording footage for their WE tv reality show, "Mama June: From Not to Hot."

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

As we reported ... Anna died Saturday after her difficult cancer battle, a little over 9 months after she walked down the aisle.


The couple did not have any children together, but Anna had 2 children from previous relationships.

La estrella de "RHOSLC" Jen Shah quiere que Kim Kardashian la interprete en un posible biopic

De estrella de reality a la cárcel, Jen Shah tiene toda una historia que contar, y TMZ ha descubierto que ella espera que Kim Kardashian pueda contarla en una película biográfica.

Las conversaciones de la aventura en pantalla surgió cuando Emma Stone, en broma, puso en marcha una campaña para que se realizara el biopic de la estrella de "RHOSLC", luego de que un fan de toda la vida de "Real Housewives" le preguntara a la actriz en el estreno de Nueva York de "Poor Things": "¿que Housewife encajaría en una película dirigida por Yorgos Lanthimos?

Lanthimos es conocido por sus personajes inesperadamente extraños y excéntricos, y las pruebas y tribulaciones de Jen son más que suficientes para que Yorgos lleve su viaje a la gran pantalla, según la ganadora del Oscar Emma.

Jen rápidamente se enteró del apoyo de la estrella, cuando su manager Chris Giovanni le dijo a TMZ que estaba "alucinando por teléfono" de la emoción cuando la llamó a la cárcel para decirle el viernes por la mañana.

Chris nos dice Jen reconoció el respaldo de Emma para el proyecto como un honor, pero cuando se trata de quién le gustaría que la interpretara, menciona a Kim.

Chris dice que Jen no entró en muchos detalles acerca de por qué ella quiere a la Kardashian, pero no es ningún secreto que ella es una gran fan de la multimillonaria, recuerde que antes de su condena por fraude electrónico y lavado de dinero, dijo que quería abogado experto en Kim a unirse a su equipo legal.

La participación de Kim puede no ser demasiado descabellada, ella ha estado haciendo progresos serios en el negocio de la actuación. Ganando críticas muy favorables por "American Horror Story", impresionando tanto a su productor Ryan Murphy que la ha enganchado para su nueva serie basada en la famosa abogada de divorcios de celebridades, la reina de la disolución Laura Wasser.

Kim está reservada y ocupada, así que quién sabe si va a tener tiempo para un biopic. Sin embargo, Jen dice que no puede esperar para decirle a todas sus compañeras de prisión sobre Emma.

Aunque por ahora no se habla de una película biográfica, Chris nos dice que si las cámaras ruedan, Jen estaría lista para interrogar a cualquier actriz que se haga con el papel. Ha estado documentando su experiencia en la cárcel y ya ha escrito entre 100 y 150 páginas de notas.

JEN SHAH 'I WANT KIM K TO PLAY ME IN BIOPIC!' ... After Emma Stone Endorsement

From reality star to behind bars, Jen Shah has quite the life story to tell ... and TMZ has learned she's hoping Kim Kardashian can tell it in a biopic.

Talks of the on-screen venture emerged when Emma Stone facetiously kick-started a campaign for the 'RHOSLC' star's biopic ... after the longtime 'Real Housewives' fan was asked at the NYC premiere of "Poor Things" ... which Housewife was worthy of the film treatment by the flick's director Yorgos Lanthimos?

Lanthimos is known for taking on unexpectedly bizarre, eccentric characters -- and Jen's eyebrow-raising trials and tribulations are more than enough for Yorgos to bring her journey to the silver screen, according to Oscar-winner Emma.

Jen quickly caught wind of the A-list backing ... with her manager Chris Giovanni telling TMZ she was "freaking out over the phone" with excitement when he called her in prison to tell her Friday AM.

Chris tells us Jen acknowledged Emma's endorsement for the project as an honor ... but when it comes to who she'd actually like to play her ... that would be Kim K.

Chris says Jen didn't go into much detail about why she wants Kim ... but it's no secret she's a massive fan of the billionaire -- remember, before her sentencing for wire fraud and money laundering she said she wanted lawyer-in-training Kim to join her legal team.

Kim's involvement may not be too far-fetched ... she's been making serious headway in the acting biz -- earning rave reviews for "American Horror Story," impressing its producer Ryan Murphy so much he's snagged her for his new series, based on famous celebrity divorce lawyer, disso queen Laura Wasser.

Kim's booked and busy ... so who knows if she'll have time on her hands for a Jen biopic ... but Jen says, nonetheless, she can't wait to tell all the ladies, AKA, her fellow prisoners, about Emma's fangirling.

While there's no real talk about a biopic for now, Chris tells us that if and when cameras do roll, Jen's ready to debrief whichever actress bags the role ... she's been documenting her prison experience and has already written 100-150 pages of notes.

Adam22 le responde a Joe Budden por criticar su matrimonio con Lena The Plug

¿alguien está celoso?

Adam22 le está respondiendo a Joe Budden luego de que este dijera que su matrimonio con Lena es una farsa, y lo está haciendo hablando de las relaciones pasadas de Joe.

Encontramos a Adam y Lena fuera de su tienda No Jumper el viernes en Melrose, y dijeron que las palabras de Joe son bastante irónicas.

¿falso matrimonio?
The Joe Budden Podcast

Joe afirmó en su podcast que Adán está en una espiral descendente y está enfocado en mantenerse relevante, citando que deja a Lena dormir con diferentes tipos, incluso piensa que la pareja tiene un acuerdo al respecto.

Adam y Lena dicen que eso está lejos de la verdad y realmente hacen cosas normales como una pareja, por no hablar de que tienen un hijo y viven juntos.

Ahora, en el frente menos tradicional, Adam y Lena acaban de concluir su reality show de competencia, "Por el amor de Lena", que tenía a varios chicos compitiendo por tener un trío con Lena y Adam, ¡y qué trofeo fue a la estrella de cine para adultos Lil D!

Estaba con Adam y Lena el viernes, y le preguntamos cuál era su parte favorita de ganar el concurso. Pista: No necesitas adivinar dos veces su respuesta.

Adam22 Calls Joe Budden Out After Marriage Bashing ... What Does He Know About Healthy Relationships?!


Adam22 is putting Joe Budden on blast for saying his marriage to Lena the Plug was a sham ... and he's doing it by calling out Joe's own past relationships.

We got Adam and Lena outside their No Jumper Store Friday on Melrose, and he says the chatter from Joe is pretty ironic ... and he's got a bold reason why.

The Joe Budden Podcast

ICYMI, Joe claimed on his podcast that Adam's on a downward spiral and is doing a lot to stay relevant, citing letting Lena sleep with different dudes as an example ... he even thought the 2 might just have an arrangement going on.

Adam and Lena say that's far from the truth, and really do a lot of normal things as a couple -- not to mention they have a kid, and freakin' live together, too.

Now, on the less traditional front ... Adam and Lena just wrapped their reality competition show, "For the Love of Lena," which had multiple guys vying to have a threesome with Lena and Adam ... and that unique trophy went to adult film star Lil D.

He was with Adam and Lena on Friday, and we asked him what his favorite part was about winning the competition. Hint: You don't need 2 guesses to figure out his answer.

Kristin Cavallari I've Never Banged On a 1st Date ... But Do It If You Want To!!!


Kristin Cavallari says she's never actually had sex on a first date, but still encourages people to bang immediately if they want to ... so, somewhat of a clarification -- but not really.

The reality star chopped it up with a photog at LAX, and got asked all about her podcast remarks from last week ... when she caused a bit of a stir by encouraging women to hook up with dudes if they felt a connection ... or even if they just felt like it.

Let's Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

Her comments at the time were pretty clear, and she's re-explaining here -- saying she thinks there's too much emphasis placed on timing and what society deems appropriate.

Like we said, she makes to sure to be clear on this -- she's not necessarily one to do the deed right away, per se, but by the same token ... still seems to be advocating for open and free love. She even says the reaction she got wasn't as bad as it seemed (mostly bad).

Let’s Be Honest with Kristin Cavallari

Kristin also talks about Tyler Cameron again here ... confirming he was, in fact, the hottest dude she's ever slept with -- but noting they're just friends, and that she may have him on her pod pretty soon.


All's well that ends, we suppose. As for this sex-on-the-first-date stuff -- do you, boo boo.

Truth be told, nobody really cares anyway ... especially if you keep it to yourself. 🤫

Mama June's Daughter Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Dead at 29 ... After Cancer Battle

Mama June's eldest daughter -- Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell -- has died after a difficult cancer battle.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Cardwell passed away Saturday night due to complications from her stage 4 adrenal carcinoma, which had previously been described as terminal. Mama June broke the sad news online, writing ... "With the breaking heart, we are announcing that @annamarie35 is no longer with us. She passed away in my home last night peacefully at 11:12 PM."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

MJ adds, "She gave one hell of a fight for 10 months she passed away with her family around her like she won’t and we will will be updating y’all with more information as we get it today. We love y’all and continued prayers and thoughts for our family doing this difficult time."

Cardwell's passing comes not long after her mother asked the public for prayers on Friday ... when she signaled Anna would be leaving this world soon.

Instagram / @mamajune

June had told her followers in a video that the family was going through a transition, and that while Anna was still technically with them ... her life was in God's hands.

Anna had been diagnosed with cancer in January -- this after doctors did tests and found her lung, liver and kidney had been affected. She's said to have undergone chemotherapy in March, and was documenting her journey as recently as October on social media.

It sounds like things took a turn for the worse, though ... and Mama June's family is gutted.

Anna was a big part of their popularity in reality TV -- she'd appeared in several episodes of their hit shows "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" and "Toddlers & Tiaras." She was very much so online, and had a fair amount of followers of her own ... upwards of nearly 250,000, in fact.

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The last time we saw Anna was on the TMZ Tour, where she was riding like a normie and bantering with our camera person ... spitballing on what nickname she'd give Harvey Levin.


Anna is survived by her mother, June; her husband Eldridge, her two children, Kaitlyn and Kylee; and her three sisters: Lauryn, Alana and Jessica. She was only 29 years old.


Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell fallece a los 29

La hija mayor de Mama June, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, ha muerto tras una difícil batalla contra el cáncer.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Cardwell falleció el sábado por la noche debido a complicaciones de su carcinoma suprarrenal en estadio 4, que previamente había sido descrito como terminal. Mama June dio la triste noticia en línea, escribiendo: "Con el corazón roto, anunciamos que @annamarie35 ya no está con nosotros. Ella falleció en mi casa anoche pacíficamente a las 11:12 PM".

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Añade: "Ella dio una gran lucha durante diez meses hasta que falleció con su familia a su alrededor como ella quería y estaremos actualizandolos con más información a medida que transucrra el día. Los queremos a todos y seguimos rezando y pensando en nuestra familia en estos momentos tan difíciles".

El fallecimiento de Cardwell se produce no mucho después de que su madre le pidiera al público oraciones el viernes, cuando señaló que Anna estaría dejando este mundo pronto.

recen por nosotros
Instagram / @mamajune

June le había dicho a sus seguidores en un video que la familia estaba pasando por una transición y que mientras Anna todavía estaba técnicamente con ellos, su vida estaba en manos de Dios.

Anna había sido diagnosticada de cáncer en enero, después de que los médicos le hicieran pruebas y descubrieran que tenía afectados los pulmones, el hígado y los riñones. Se dice que se sometió a quimioterapia en marzo y documentó su viaje en octubre en las redes sociales.

Parece que las cosas han empeorado y la familia de Mama June está destrozada.

Anna era una gran parte de su popularidad en la televisión realidad - que había aparecido en varios episodios de sus programas de éxito "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" y "Toddlers & Tiaras". Ella era mucho en línea, y tenía una buena cantidad de seguidores de su propia ... más de casi 250.000, de hecho.

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La última vez que vimos a Anna fue en el TMZ Tour, donde ella estaba montando como un normie y bromeando con nuestra persona de la cámara ... escupir en qué apodo le daría Harvey Levin.

A Anna le sobreviven su madre, June; sus dos hijas, Kaitlyn y Kylie; y sus tres hermanas: Lauryn, Alana y Jessica. Sólo tenía 29 años.


Kid Capri Taylor Swift Deserves Kim K Apology ... But Privately, Not for Social


Kid Capri thinks it's time for Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian to end their feud, but not in a grand face-off for public consumption -- instead, he says settling scores behind closed doors is the way to go.

We caught the "World Famous" DJ out in NYC this week shortly after we broke the news Kim still hasn't made nice with TS after the 2016 phone convo between Kanye and Taylor -- the one Kim recorded to make it seem like Taylor was cool with the infamous "Famous" lyrics about her.

Kanye West 2016

Kid Capri looks fondly back at his times hanging with the Kardashians -- he deejayed Khloé Kardashian and Lamar Odom's wedding back in '09 -- but says right and wrong aren't equals and KK should do the right thing like a Spike Lee joint.


Despite the tensions, KC says it would behoove Kim and Taylor to cut out all media -- social included -- from their talks, so a genuine breakthrough can be had.

BTW, he's not excusing Kanye from his role in all this, especially if he never actually got Taylor's green light to include the racy line where calls her a "bitch."

Taylor said the fallout from the secretly recorded phone call made her move to a "foreign country" and mistrust almost everyone around her.

Interestingly, Kanye's now the one living overseas, but it's still near impossible to trust his lyrics.

'DWTS' Judge Derek Hough Wife Recovering After Brain Surgery ... Long Road Ahead

Derek Hough says his wife, Hayley, is recovering after having brain surgery, but it's gonna take quite a while for her to feel 100 percent again.

In a message posted on Instagram Friday, the "Dancing with the Stars" judge gave an update to his fans on Hayley's situation, pointing out that she has a "long road of recovery" after she suffered a "cranial hematoma from a burst blood vessel and required an emergency craniectomy."

The Mayo Clinic defines an intracranial hematoma as blood that forms within brain tissue or below the skull, putting pressure on the cranium. The condition is usually caused by a blood vessel that bursts in the brain as a result of head trauma.

In his IG post, Derek also talked about how Hayley inspires him with her will and strength and "no more so than in the last 48 hrs,” when she suffered her medical emergency.

On Thursday morning, Hayley became disoriented and was rushed to a D.C. hospital after their "Symphony of Dance" performance the night before.

Derek also gave thanks to his fans for their love and support, explaining, "The offers of assistance that have poured in have been so humbling and appreciated."

He added, "Our hope is that as a family, we can somehow and someway pay it forward."

Mama June Asks Fans To Keep Daughter In Their Prayers ... Amid Bleak Cancer Fight

Instagram / @mamajune

Mama June delivered an ominous message on social media Friday, asking her fans to pray for her family as her cancer-stricken daughter, Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell, fights for her life.

In a video posted on Instagram, June explained their world has changed over the past few weeks, and while "Anna is still us," her life is in God's hands.

The reality star called for everyone to pray for Anna as she and her family go through "this transition."

June said they are currently spending their days with Anna and making lasting memories before her time comes.

And when it finally does come, June promised to announce the news via social media because Anna wouldn't want it "any f***ing other way."

June also thanked their fans for reaching out with messages of support for Anna, before signing off with, "We love you guys and we'll see you soon."

In January, Anna was diagnosed with stage 4 adrenal carcinoma -- a rare cancer that begins in the kidneys and causes stomach pain.

Two months later, Anna reportedly went through her first round of chemotherapy. And, in May, Anna gave her last health update, posting on IG that she had a "pretty good day" after completing her third round of chemo.

We're praying for you, Anna.

SHANNON BEADOR Keeping it Sober, Water Only at Party ... 3 Months After DUI Bust

Shannon Beador is making strides in her sobriety journey ... choosing not to be tempted by any alcohol during a celebratory night out on the town.

Witnesses at the season 2 premiere Wednesday night of Amazon's "Hollywood Houselift with Jeff Lewis" tell TMZ ... the "RHOC" star held onto a clear cup filled with water as she mingled in a crowd of more than 100 guests at the Sunset Tower Hotel.

They also say Shannon seemed to be in great spirits, with no man in tow ... only her girlfriends.

Remember, we broke the story ... Shannon vowed to get some treatment following her DUI bust in Sept.

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She was arrested over an alleged drunken car ride ... zipping through a Newport Beach residential area before crashing into the property, which was all caught on surveillance footage.

Cops booked her on 2 misdemeanors, and sources close to Shannon told us she was taking responsibility and accountability for her arrest by enrolling in an outpatient behavioral wellness program with an alcohol component.

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Two months later, it looks like Shannon's still on the straight and narrow.

Shannon Beador sigue sobria y bebe agua en la fiesta de Amazon

Shannon Beador está haciendo grandes progresos en su camino hacia la sobriedad, la elección de no ser tentado por una bebida durante una noche de celebración en la ciudad el miércoles.

Los que pudieron ver el estreno de la segunda temporada de Amazon "Hollywood Houselift con Jeff Lewis", le dicen a TMZ que la estrella de "RHOC" se aferró a un vaso de agua mientras se mezclaba en una multitud de más de un centenar en el Sunset Tower Hotel.

Añaden que Shannon se veía de muy buen humor y sin ningún hombre en el remolque, solo sus amigas.

Recordemos que Shannon se comprometió a recibir tratamiento después de su arresto por DUI en septiembre.

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Ella fue detenida por un presuntamente conducir borracha, comprimir a través de una zona residencial de Newport Beach antes de estrellarse contra la propiedad, todo grabado en imágenes de vigilancia.

Los policías la ficharon por dos delitos menores, con fuentes cercanas a Shannon diciéndole a TMZ en octubre que estaba asumiendo la responsabilidad por su arresto y se inscribió en un programa ambulatorio de bienestar conductual con un componente de alcohol.

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escapando de la escena

¡Y dos meses más tarde, parece que Shannon está mucho mejor después de dejar el alcohol!