Brielle Biermann Not Pregnant, Despite Mom's Post ... Kim Zolciak Posts Clickbait For $$$

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann's financial situation is so dire the family is turning to trick pregnancy announcements involving Brielle Biermann as a way to make money.

Here's the deal ... in a social media post, Kim strongly suggested daughter Brielle was pregnant, sharing a sonogram and saying she was "SO EXCITED TO BE A GRANDMA."

Kim turned comments off on the post and it links back to a clickbait news article reading, "Oh baby! Brielle Biermann spilled to us about having kids and how she feels about her mom Kim Zolciak becoming a grandma."

Turns out, it's all bogus and just a way for Kim to make a quick buck.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Brielle isn't actually pregnant despite Kim's post suggesting otherwise, and Kim is getting a financial kickback from the clickbait article.

Kim and Kroy's financial struggles have been well documented ... starting with the alleged $1 million they owe the IRS and various lawsuits against them for unpaid bills.

As we first told you ... earlier this month Kim was sued by Bank of America for over $50K in credit card debt. Kim was also sued in August by SAKS/CAPITAL ONE for failing to pay a $156K credit card bill.


We reached out to reps for Kim and Brielle ... so far no word back.

'Bachelorette' Alum Tyler Cameron Older Women Might Be the Ticket ... I See You, 'Golden' Gerry!!!

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Tyler Cameron knows a thing or 2 about dating -- his 'Bachelorette' run proved that -- and based on how popular the 'Golden Bachelor' is, he now seems open to trying his luck with older women.

We talked to the reality TV star at LAX, and asked what he made of the fact so many people are taken by Gerry Turner's TV journey as a senior citizen trying to find love in his sunset years ... and Tyler tells us it's a reflection of dating trends these days.

Watch ... he says there's been an upswing of young bachelors dating up in age lately, and he thinks it's great ABC is finally putting a spotlight on that for the mainstream.

He doesn't really indicate whether he would necessarily be interested in wooing an older woman, but he does appear to be cosigning on the value of seeking wisdom/experience beyond mere beauty -- something to which the 'Bachelor' franchises have been known to fall victim.

That's not to say the seniors can't be fun themselves ... Tyler even says 'Bachelor in Paradise' producers should consider inviting some of the more "seasoned" set to the beach soon!

We'll see if that ends up happening. One arthritic step at a time.

Tom Sandoval "Special Forces" fue mi salvación... Sin teléfono, sin troles, sin drama

Escapándose del drama

Tom Sandoval sabe dominar el arte del escondite y pudo encontrar paz a cientos de kilómetros de distancia en Nueva Zelanda, mientras el denominado Scandoval estaba en erupción, y todo gracias al rodaje de la serie "Fuerzas Especiales: World's Toughest Test".

La estrella de los reality shows le dice a TMZ que el espectáculo fue una salvación para él, pues le permitió estar lejos de su teléfono, silenciar a los troles de Internet y concentrarse en las personas y las tareas frente a él en el show.

La estrella de "Vanderpump Rules" dijo que apenas pensó en el circo mediático que rodeó el escándalo durante el rodaje del programa de Fox y que su situación allí ni se compara con las dificultades de sus compañeros de equipo en Special Forces, responsabilizando a los medios de comunicación por hacer estallar las cosas cuando no era necesario.

Se sintió bien tomarse un descanso

Recién salido del programa después de su estreno este lunes, Tom dice que se sintió increíble poder trabajar en algo que no estuviera relacionado con la controversia con Ariana Madix.

El romance de Tom con su coprotagonista Rachel Leviss fue una de las mayores controversias de celebridades del año, apodado #Scandoval por los fans de "Vanderpump Rules", después de que TMZ publicara la historia por primera vez en marzo.

Ambas damas están viviendo sus mejores vidas después de haberlo pateado cuando estalló el escándalo. En cuanto a Tom, nos dice que está contento de que el rodaje de la temporada 11 de "Vanderpump Rules" esté en el pasado, y claramente todavía está buscando una forma de redimirse para corregir sus errores.

"Fuerzas Especiales: World's Toughest Test" temporada 2 se puede ver en Hulu.



Tom Sandoval mastered the art of hide-and-seek as Scandoval erupted ... ironically finding peace thousands of miles away in New Zealand while filming for the grueling series, "Special Forces: World's Toughest Test."

The reality star tells TMZ the show was a saving grace for him ... allowing him to be away from his phone, silence the haters and zero in on the people and tasks in front of him on the show.

Barely thinking about the media circus surrounding the scandal while filming the Fox show, the "Vanderpump Rules" star adds his situation was just a blip compared to his SF teammates' hardships ... with the media frenzy responsible for blowing things up when they didn't need to be.


Fresh off the show after getting the boot during Monday's episode, Tom says it felt fantastic working hard for something that wasn't related to the Ariana Madix-related controversy.

Tom's affair with costar Rachel Leviss was one of the biggest celebrity controversies of the year ... dubbed #Scandoval by 'VPR' fans after TMZ first broke the story in March.

Both ladies are living their best lives, having kicked him to the curb since the scandal erupted -- and as for Tom, he tells us he's glad filming Season 11 of 'VPR' is behind ... and he's clearly still on a redemption quest to right his wrongs.

"Special Forces: World's Toughest Test" season 2 can be streamed on Hulu.

Kroy Biermann Sued by Chase ... Your Credit Card Balance is Fat!!!

Kroy Biermann is being dragged to court by Chase over what the bank says is more than $10,000 in credit card debt ... and Chase wants a judge to make him pay.

Kim Zolciak's hubby just got hit with a lawsuit by the banking giant -- and in the docs, obtained by TMZ, Chase is alleging he owes a total of $13,071.88 ... which the bank says is way past due.

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Chase attached Kroy's credit card statements in their complaint, which show the fat balances starting to rack up since summer.

Kroy and Kim's financial issues have been well documented ... starting with the alleged seven-figure sum they owe the IRS.

As we've told you, BMW just won a case against Kroy over non-payment of a Rolls-Royce ... and just this month a judge ordered Kroy to return the $400,100 SV to the car company.

Kroy was also sued by Sky Warrior over a $52,500 gambling debt from a bad run at a casino down in the Bahamas.

We reached out to Kroy ... so far no word back.

Kroy Biermann Demandado por Chase... ¡¡La deuda de tu tarjeta de crédito es abultada!!

Kroy Biermann está siendo arrastrado a los tribunales por Chase por una deuda que ellos dicen asciende a más de $10,000 en su tarjeta de crédito y, por eso, quiere que un juez se haga cargo y consiga que les pague.

El marido de Kim Zolciak acaba de ser golpeado con una demanda del gigante bancario y en los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Chase alega que debe un total de $13,071.88 y que, según dicen, se encuentra muy atrasado.

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En su demanda, Chase adjunta los estados de cuenta de la tarjeta de crédito de Kroy, que muestran los saldos adeudados, que han empezado a acumularse desde el verano.

Los problemas financieros de Kroy y Kim han sido bien documentados, a partir de la supuesta suma de siete cifras que deben al IRS.

Como les hemos contado, BMW acaba de ganar un caso contra Kroy por una factura impaga de un Rolls-Royce y justo este mes un juez ordenó que Kroy le devolviera $400,100 a la compañía de automóviles.

Kroy también fue demandado por Sky Warrior por una deuda de 52.500 dólares en apuestas, en una mala racha en un casino en las Bahamas.

Nos pusimos en contacto con Kroy, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.

FARRAH ABRAHAM Met New BF On OnlyFans!!! Makes Him Sign NDA

Farrah Abraham's taking another shot at love, courtesy of her OnlyFans page -- where she first linked with her boo -- but she's taking steps to make sure he isn't using her for fame for online clout.

After posing a collage of Thanksgiving clips with the mystery guy -- set to the tune of Doja Cat's "I wanna show you off" -- the ex-"Teen Mom" star confirms the new romance started in 2021 when they communicated on OF ... but really got serious this year when they matched on a dating app.

Farrah tells us she's enjoying getting to know her man, now that she's overhauled her dating habits following 3 months of training with a dating/relationship coach. She's aiming for zero drama this time around, after a string of questionable flings ... hence making the new guy sign a non-disclosure agreement.

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As of now, she isn't too worried as her BF isn't a public figure. All she'll say about him is they are similar in age and he works in tech, business sales and marketing ... and he purchased a second home near to where she lives after they went official in late September.

Farrah did add that her new squeeze is sober, and they're "inspiring each other" and deepening their connection through meditation, swimming and travel.


The reality star, and mother to 14-year-old Sophia, says she's holding off till winter break before introducing him to her family ... but is grateful they first got to know each other as friends.

All this is a far cry from last year ... when she called off her brief fling with guitarist Mack Lovat after venting that "sometimes people turn into monsters with the press."

FARRAH ABRAHAM Conoce a su nuevo novio en OnlyFans Lo hace firmar un acuerdo de No Divulgación

Farrah Abraham se está dando otra oportunidad para el amor, cortesía de su página de OnlyFans, donde se conectó con su chico, pero está tomando medidas para asegurarse de que no la esté utilizando por fama o ganar notoriedad en línea.

Después de publicar un collage de clips de Acción de Gracias con el chico misterioso, acompañado con la canción "I Wanna Show You Off" de Doja Cat, la ex estrella de "Teen Mom" confirma que el nuevo romance comenzó en 2021, cuando se comunicaron en OnlyFans… pero se volvió serio este año cuando coincidieron en una aplicación de citas.

Farrah nos cuenta que está disfrutando de conocer a su hombre, ahora que ha renovado sus hábitos de citas después de 3 meses de entrenamiento con un coach de citas/relaciones. Buscando evitar el drama en esta ocasión, después de una serie de relaciones cuestionables… de ahí que haya hecho que el nuevo chico firme un acuerdo de no divulgación.

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Hasta ahora, no está demasiado preocupada, ya que su novio no es una figura pública. Todo lo que dirá sobre él es que son similares en edad, trabaja en tecnología, ventas y marketing, y compró una segunda casa cerca de donde ella vive después de que oficializaron su relación a finales de septiembre.

Farrah añadió que su nueva pareja está sobria, y se están "inspirando mutuamente" profundizando su conexión a través de la meditación, la natación y los viajes.

La estrella de reality, y madre de Sophia de 14 años, dice que está esperando a las vacaciones de invierno antes de presentárselo a su familia… pero está agradecida de que primero se conocieron como amigos.

Todo esto contrasta bastante con el año pasado… cuando canceló su breve relación con el guitarrista Mack Lovat después de desahogarse diciendo que "a veces la gente se convierte en monstruos con la prensa".

KIM KARDASHIAN TRAE LA NAVIDAD… ¡¡¡Deslumbra Con Una Alocada Exhibición De Luces En Su Hogar!!!

Si la decoración navideña fuera un deporte, la casa de Kim Kardashian se clasificaría entre las mejores del año… esta vez, fue su deslumbrante exhibición de luces navideñas la que deja boquiabiertos a sus fans de redes sociales.

Instagram / @kimkardashian

Kim ofreció a sus 364 millones de seguidores de Instagram un vistazo de su decoración navideña de este año. Tiene una serie de árboles llenos de decenas, o incluso cientos de miles de luces a lo largo de su entrada hasta la puerta de seguridad.

A medida que la puerta se abre, se revelan aún más árboles, acompañados de muchas más luces, mientras suena "It's beginning to look a lot like christmas" en el video de Kim.

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Instagram / @kimkardashian

Por supuesto, no es la primera vez que Kim derrocha en sus decoraciones navideñas… fue hace solo unas semanas cuando mostró su casa momificada de $60 millones llena de decoraciones de Halloween por dentro y por fuera.

Kim tiene mucho en sus manos con 4 hijos, la gestión de su negocio y muchos otros compromisos, así que ella no es quien decora la casa… no obstante, luce bastante espectacular.

Kim Kardashian Bring on XMas ... Shows Off Insane Home Light Display!!!

If holiday decorations were a sport, Kim Kardashian's pad would rank among the best each year ... this time, it's her Christmas light display wowing fans on social media.

Instagram / @kimkardashian

Kim gave her 364 million followers on Instagram a quick peek at this year's holiday set up. She's got a bunch of trees filled with tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of lights lining her driveway and leading up to the security gate.

As the gate pulls back, even more trees -- and a bunch more lights -- are revealed and "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas" plays over Kim's video.

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Instagram / @kimkardashian

Of course, it's not the first holiday Kim's pulled out all the stops for her decorations ... it was only a few weeks ago when she showed off her mummified $60 million home filled with Halloween decor inside and out.

Kim's got a lot on her hands with 4 kids, running her business and a bunch of other commitments, so she's not the one to decorate the house herself ... but it still looks pretty damn good.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Kim Kardashian Coming to Netflix w/ Comedy Film ... After Studio Bidding War

Kim Kardashian is jumping from Hulu to Netflix -- at least for movies, anyway -- 'cause she sold a forthcoming comedy she'll star in to the streaming giant ... this after a ton of interest.

Deadline broke the news Sunday ... a new flick called "The Fifth Wheel" just got sold to Netflix after an apparent bidding war to snap up the rights among 5 different studios. In the end, Netflix made the winning offer ... although it's unclear how much they shelled out.

This film isn't written or shot yet ... Kim K and the 2 co-writers who came up with the concept -- Paula Pell and Janine Brito -- simply sold the idea ... and now they'll actually make it. Kim's gonna play the lead ... a "fifth wheel" among an ensemble of female actors.

The rest of the plot deets are being kept under wraps ... but word is, Pell and Brito immediately thought of Kim for this and pitched her. After she came aboard, they started hitting the town as soon as the actors' strike ended and collectively shopped it around.

Deadline says Kim's been present at a lot of the meetings, and her involvement spurred a lot of studios to open their doors and take the movie under consideration. BTW, she's not only gonna act in this thing ... but she'll produce as well, alongside Pell and possibly others.

Pell is a well-known and established TV comedy writer ... as is Brito. Pell's got a lengthier resume, with tons of 'SNL' credits. She also wrote the Amy Poehler/Tina Fey movie "Sisters." Paula also notably EP'd Judd Apatow's 'This Is 40.'

Considering Pell's extensive history with 'SNL' stars ... you can probably expect that same type of mid-2010s humor for this new movie -- just with a little Kim K star power twist.

Of course, the bigger takeaway here is the fact that Kim's diving further into the acting pool. She already had a run on 'AHS' this year ... plus all the other smaller roles she's done in the past. This would be an even greater flex, though ... her straight-up leading a comedy.

We'll see how it turns out ... Deadline says this got picked up by Netflix's "mid-budget" team -- and according to reports, Netflix is aiming to spend between $30-$80 million on those.


The empire grows, still.

Paris Hilton I Have a New Baby Girl!!! Big Fans of Paris and London

Paris Hilton had a solid reason to give thanks Thursday ... she announced a new addition to her fam.

Paris and hubby Carter Reum have a new little girl!


Based on pics of Paris over the last few months, it's pretty clear the baby was born via surrogate, just like their other child, Phoenix.

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The baby's name -- London. We're guessing that's the name because Paris posted a pic of a pink getup with that name emblazoned on the garment.

London and Phoenix are contemporaries ... he was born less than a year ago.

Paris is already asking her son if he's ready to be a big brother. Hopefully, that doesn't mean she's angling to put him on the reality show!

Paris was all over social media, asking her niece and nephew, "You guys excited for your new cousin?" Caspian, her nephew, asked, "You have two babies?" She replied in the affirmative.


Paris Hilton ¡¡¡Tiene una nueva niña!!! Fans de Paris y London

Paris Hilton tenía una razón muy sólida para dar gracias este jueves y es que anunció una nueva adición a su familia.

¡Paris y su marido Carter Reum tienen una nueva niña!

Hermano mayor Phoenix

Si miramos las fotos de París de los últimos meses, es bastante claro que el bebé nació a través de un vientre de alquiler, al igual que su otro hijo, Phoenix.

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El nombre del bebé es London. Suponemos que ese es el nombre porque Paris publicó una foto de un atuendo rosa con ese nombre estampado en la prenda.

London y Phoenix son contemporáneos. Él nació hace menos de un año.

Paris ya le está preguntando a su hijo si está preparado para ser hermano mayor. ¡Esperemos que eso no signifique que esté tratando de ponerlo en el reality show!

Paris estuvo también por todas las redes sociales preguntando a sus sobrinos: "¿Están emocionados por su nuevo primo?". Caspian, su sobrino, preguntó: "¿Tienes dos bebés?". Ella respondió afirmativamente.


Chrisleys, Lanez, Joe Exotic, R. Kelly Thanksgiving Prison Meals ... No Pardons For These Turkeys!!!

America's most famous prisoners are chowing down on turkey and gravy this Thanksgiving ... but Tory Lanez, Todd and Julie Chrisley are about to find out what R. Kelly already knows ... the bird is better at home.

TMZ obtained prison menus from across the country, where celebrity convicts are being treated to your typical Thanksgiving staples ... turkey, stuffing and cranberry sauce.

Here's a breakdown of their Turkey Day feasts:

Todd at Florida's FPC Pensacola:

-- Roast turkey, glazed ham, mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, assorted pies

Julie at Kentucky's FMC Lexington:

-- Roast turkey or baked turkey ham, baked candied yams, cornbread dressing, macaroni and cheese, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pie

Tory at California Correctional Institution Tehachapi:

-- Roast turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, cornbread dressing, diced carrots, dinner roll, green salad, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie

Suge Knight at San Diego's Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility:

-- Same menu as Tory

Harvey Weinstein at New York's Mohawk Correctional Facility

-- Roast turkey, gravy, dressing, whipped potatoes, sliced steamed carrots, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, ice cream sundae

R. Kelly at North Carolina's FCI Butner Medium I

-- Roast turkey, baked candied sweet potatoes, cornbread dressing, green beans, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, pumpkin pie

Josh Duggar at Texas' FCI Seagoville:

-- Roast turkey, glazed ham, cornbread dressing with turkey gravy, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, cranberry sauce, dinner rolls, assorted pies

Joe Exotic at Texas' FMC Forth Worth:

-- Smoked turkey legs, cornbread stuffing, macaroni and cheese, sweet potato casserole, green beans, turkey gravy, dinner roll, pecan or sweet potato pie

In addition to all the traditional food, prisons are offering several activities on Thanksgiving Day.

We're not saying the above inmates deserve special holiday festivities, but card games, relay races, bingo, checkers, chess and team sports will be available to some of 'em.



Taylor Swift grooved her way onto the "Dancing with the Stars" stage ... surprising contestants and the audience with a special video message for the night's theme ... "A Celebration of Taylor Swift.”

"Hey guys, it’s Taylor. I just want to say thank you so much for having this me-themed night on 'Dancing With the Stars,'” the pop star said Tuesday ... explaining she couldn't be there due to tour commitments in Brazil.

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Let's not forget ... Travis Kelce has also kept her preoccupied during their whirlwind, headline-grabbing romance ... but there was no mention of him as she encouragingly told the remaining stars they were in good hands with her choreographer Mandy Moore -- not the "This Is Us" star, FYI -- with their routines.

Taylor's best chart-topping tunes such as "Lover", "Shake It Off", "Look What You Made Me Do", "Cruel Summer", "August" and "Lavender Haze" were given the dancefloor treatment ... but even the star's good vibes couldn't save Harry Jowsey and Rylee Arnold from elimination.

The evening was anticipated since October when pro Peta Murgatroyd let slip of the Taylor-themed evening ... with cohost Alfonso Ribeiro finally confirming the news on November 7.

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The star herself has appeared on the show three times to perform ... first "Jump Then Fall" and "Love Story" in 2009, then "Mine" and "White Horse" in 2010 and finally "We Are Never Getting Back Together" in 2012.

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And, though she hasn't been back on the 'DWTS' since, one thing is certain ... Taylor will always steal the spotlight even if she's not onstage herself.

Taylor Swift Sorprende con video en "DWTS" ... noche de homenaje a su música

Todo sobre mí

Taylor Swift estuvo presente en el escenario de "Dancing with the Stars", sorprendiendo a los concursantes y al público con un video para festejar su noche temática: "Una celebración de Taylor Swift".

"Hola chicos, es Taylor. Solo quiero darles las gracias por tener esta noche temática en "Dancing With the Stars"", dijo la estrella del pop el martes, explicando que no pudo estar presente debido a sus compromisos de gira en Brasil.

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No olvidemos, Travis Kelce también la ha mantenido preocupada durante su agitado romance, pero no hubo mención a él mientras animaba a las estrellas que estaban en buenas manos de su coreógrafa Mandy Moore, que no es la estrella de "This Is Us".

Algunas de las mejores canciones de Taylor, como "Lover", "Shake It Off", "Look What You Made Me Do", "Cruel Summer", "August" y "Lavender Haze", fueron tocadas en la pista de baile, pero ni las buenas vibras de la estrella pudieron salvar a Harry Jowsey y Rylee Arnold de la eliminación.

La noche dedicada a Taylor había sido anticipada en octubre por la profesional Peta Murgatroyd. Luego la confirmaron el 7 de noviembre con el coanfitrión Alfonso Ribeiro.

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La propia estrella ha aparecido tres veces en el programa para actuar, primero en 2009, donde tocó "Jump Then Fall" y "Love Story", luego en 2010, donde interpretó "Mine" y "White Horse" y finalmente en 2012, cuando tocó "We Are Never Getting Back Together".

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Y, aunque no ha vuelto a Dancing with the Stars desde entonces, una cosa es cierta... Taylor siempre se robará el protagonismo, aunque no esté en el escenario.