Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann painted the picture of a happy family during a low-key outing with their kids Monday ... a scene that drastically changed 2 hours later when cops were called to settle an explosive fight.

Both were seen together leaving a barbershop in Alpharetta, Georgia, with some of their kids in tow before making a stop at a nearby Starbucks.


On the surface, all seemed well -- but on closer inspection, Kim and Kroy were without their wedding rings again. As we first reported, not long after the errands all peace was shattered when one of their kids called the cops over their "extremely loud" argument.

Law enforcement sources told us 3 officers and a supervisor arrived at the estranged pair's mansion to try to settle the verbal domestic dispute ... eventually calming things down.

Officers are practically seasoned guests at the duo's home ... first arriving to the property in August when Kim accused Kroy of locking her out of their bedroom ... and a month later telling them she didn't feel safe in her own home.

October brought another revelation by TMZ ... with us breaking the story of a court mandate ordering them to keep their distance at home -- Kim gets the basement and nanny suite and Kroy gets the primary bedroom.


One thing's clear -- despite the pair's efforts to salvage their marriage -- even celebrating their wedding anniversary together recently -- they can't help but find themselves amid conflict ... which we hope they resolve ASAP for their children's sake.

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann Tienen una pacífica salida familiar Antes de explosiva pelea...

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann pintaron la imagen de una familia feliz durante una salida de bajo perfil con sus hijos el lunes, una escena que cambió drásticamente dos horas más tarde cuando la policía fue llamada para resolver una explosiva pelea entre ellos.

Ambos fueron vistos saliendo juntos de una peluquería en Alpharetta, Georgia, con algunos de sus hijos en el carro antes de hacer una parada en un Starbucks cercano.

Se van por separado

Por fuera, todo parece andar bien, pero si hacemos una inspección más cercana podemos ver que Kim y Kroy estaban nuevamente sin sus anillos de matrimonio. Como informamos por primera vez, la paz entre ellos se rompió apenas unas horas después, cuando uno de sus hijos decidió llamar a la policía por una discusión "extremadamente fuerte".

Fuentes policiales nos dijeron que tres oficiales y un supervisor llegaron a la mansión de la pareja para tratar de resolver una disputa doméstica, que finalmente lograron contener.

Los oficiales son prácticamente invitados de temporada en la casa de Kim y Kroy. La primera vez que los visitaron fue en agosto, cuando Kim acusó a Kroy de dejarla fuera de su dormitorio y un mes más tarde les dijo que no se sentía segura en su propia casa.

Y en octubre nos enteramos de más noticias, como por ejemplo, que un mandato judicial los obliga a mantener una cierta distancia en casa. Kim se está quedando en el sótano y la suite de niñera y Kroy en el dormitorio principal.

Una cosa está clara, a pesar de sus esfuerzos por salvar su matrimonio, incluso celebrando su aniversario de boda recientemente, no pueden evitar encontrarse en medio de un conflicto, el que esperamos resuelvan lo antes posible por el bien de sus hijos.

TODD CHRISLEY 1st Holidays Behind Bars Won't Be Easy ... I Wanna See My Family!!!

Todd Chrisley won't be celebrating the coming weeks as the most wonderful time of the year ... he's disgruntled about not being able to spend the holidays with his family while locked up.

Todd's attorney, Jay Surgent, tells TMZ ... Todd's very upset about his situation as his first holiday season behind bars begins and he's around other inmates instead of loved ones.

We're told Todd's daughter, Savannah, is planning to visit both Todd and Julie in prison at some point over the holidays ... but it obviously won't be their normal holiday routine.

Remember, Julie's locked up too ... with the Chrisleys sentenced to hard time after being convicted last year in their bank fraud and tax evasion trial.

Savannah, of course, wants her parents home for the holidays ... but it's not happening for a while, even though Todd and Julie have been able to get their 12 and 7-year sentences reduced -- Todd got 2 years off, and Julie got 1 off.

Todd's going to be served a special Thanksgiving spread at FPC Pensacola in Florida ... but it's a far cry from the home cooking he's used to.

While it sounds like reality is starting to sink in, Todd's attorney tells us they are still exploring legal strategies for how to get him home early ... Surgent says Todd has a new court date in March where his legal team will try to reverse his conviction.

Regardless, it sounds like Todd has been making the most of his time in prison ... we're told he's been a leader amongst prisoners, giving them advice and direction as he believes he's on a mission from God.

Kris Jenner Fake 'KUWTK' House for Sale Again ... Price Goe$ Way Up!!!

The house Kris Jenner pretended to live at on "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" is back on the market, and this time the owner's looking for a king's ransom to transfer the deed.

The Studio City home -- which was famously used for exterior shots of Kris's would-be mansion on the hit E! show -- is for sale once again ... only now, the value has experienced about 5 years worth of appreciation, so it's listed for $8,888,888.

That's quite a jump from what the current owner paid back in 2018, when they got it for $5.25 mil. If it sells for they get their asking price, that'll be more than a $3 million profit ... minus whatever they invested in the place, of course.

Considering the history of this swanky pad ... we'll see if that helps them hook a buyer in the near future, and more importantly, if it ends up going for listing.

Fact is, every time the home has hit the market -- which has been a lot over the past 9 years or so -- the numbers almost always end up fluctuating quite a bit when all the papers are signed.

For instance, while it sold for just over $5M in 2018 ... the asking price at the time was closer to nearly $8 mil at first, so the owner slashed their ask by a lot.

We'll see what the current title holder ends up accepting ... fact is, the housing market is rough right now, with interest rates through the roof and not nearly as much movement as there was 2-3 years ago during the pandemic.

As for the specs, it's a typical luxurious L.A.-area home -- 7 bedrooms, 9 baths and all the bells and whistles of fancy living. The question ... is it worth almost $9 million to snap up?!?

Just in case it wasn't clear from the top ... this was NOT Kris's actual house. They just used it to pose as her crib -- obviously, they didn't show her real home for security reasons.

Sarah Greenberg of Realty One Group West holds the listing.


La casa en la que Kris Jenner fingió vivir en "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" está de vuelta al mercado, y esta vez el propietario está buscando algo de ayuda del rey para transferir la escritura.

La casa de Studio City  —que fue famosa por ser utilizada para las tomas exteriores de la mansión de Kris en el exitoso programa de E!— está a la venta una vez más, solo que ahora el valor ha experimentado cerca de 5 años de apreciación, por lo que está en la lista por $8.888.888.

Eso es un gran salto desde lo que el actual propietario pagó en 2018, cuando lo obtuvieron por 5.25 millones de dólares. Eso representa una ganancia de $3 millones menos lo que invirtieron en el lugar.

Teniendo en cuenta la historia de la lujosa vivienda, veremos si eso les ayuda a enganchar a un comprador en un futuro próximo, y lo que es más importante, si termina saliendo a la venta.

El hecho es que cada vez que la casa ha llegado al mercado —que ha sido bastante habitual en los últimos 9 años— los números casi siempre terminan fluctuando un poco cuando todos los papeles se firman.

Por ejemplo, mientras que se vendió por poco más de $5M en 2018, el precio de venta en el momento estaba cerca de los $8 millones en un comienzo, por lo que el propietario recortó lo que pedía bastante.

Vamos a ver lo que el titular actual termina aceptando. El hecho es que el mercado de la vivienda es difícil en este momento, con las tasas de interés por las nubes y no tanto movimiento como lo fue hace 2 o 3 años durante la pandemia.

En cuanto a las especificaciones, es una típica casa de lujo de la zona de Los Ángeles: 7 dormitorios, 9 baños y todas las comodidades de una vida lujosa. La pregunta es, ¿vale la pena gastar casi $9 millones en algo así?

Solo para que quede claro, esta no era la casa real de Kris. Solo la usaron para hacerla pasar por su hogar, obviamente no mostraron su casa real por razones de seguridad.

Sarah Greenberg de Realty One Group West tiene el listado.


Más problemas para Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann en su feo divorcio, ya que las cosas se pusieron tan mal durante una pelea en casa, que su propio hijo tuvo que llamar a la policía.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que los policías recibieron una llamada a la mansión de la pareja separada en Georgia el lunes por la noche por una disputa doméstica verbal. Nos dicen que en total, tres oficiales y un supervisor llegaron para tratar de resolver las cosas con Kim y Kroy.

Lo que es más preocupante, nuestras fuentes policiales dicen que fue uno de los cuatro hijos pequeños de la pareja quien llamó a la policía debido a que la pelea fue "extremadamente fuerte".

Finalmente, nos dicen que los policías fueron capaces de calmar las cosas entre los dos.

No es la primera, ni la segunda, ni la tercera vez que los oficiales han sido llamados a la casa de Kim y Kroy mientras continúan negociando su divorcio. Fue en agosto cuando Kim llamó a la policía y acusó a Kroy de dejarla fuera de su dormitorio. Ella llamó de nuevo a finales de septiembre para decir a los oficiales que no se sentía segura en casa.

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¡por nuestros 12 años!

Los fans se sorprendieron al ver a Kim y Kroy celebrando su aniversario de boda juntos hace un par de semanas, pero las cosas (obviamente), se han agriado una vez más.

TMZ lo dijo primero, tanto Kim y Kroy han sido ordenados por el tribunal para mantener su distancia en casa, él se queda con el dormitorio principal y ella con el sótano y la suite de laniñera.

Como informamos, ambos fueron vistos fuera por separado en Georgia durante el fin de semana sin sus anillos de boda.

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann Child Calls Cops After Explosive Fight at Home

More trouble for Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann in their ugly divorce, as things got so bad during a fight at home, their own kid had to call the cops.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ cops got a call to the estranged couple's Georgia mansion Monday night for a verbal domestic dispute. We're told in all, 3 officers and a supervisor arrived on the call to try and settle things out with Kim and Kroy.

What's most disturbing, our law enforcement sources say it was one of the couple's 4 young kids who called cops -- and the fight was "extremely loud."

Eventually, we're told, cops were able to calm things down between the two.

It's not the first, second or even the third time officers have been called to Kim and Kroy's house while they continue to hammer out their divorce. It was back in August when Kim called cops and accused Kroy of locking her out of their bedroom. She called again late September to tell officers she didn't feel safe at home.

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here's to 12 years!!!

Fans were surprised to see Kim and Kroy celebrating their wedding anniversary together a couple weeks ago, but things have obviously turned sour once again.


TMZ broke the story -- both Kim and Kroy have been ordered by the court to keep their distance at home, he gets the primary bedroom and she gets the basement and nanny suite.

As we reported, both were spotted out separately in Georgia over the weekend without their wedding rings.

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Son in Hospital, Under CPS Care ... After Running Away Again

The teenage son of "Teen Mom" star Jenelle Evans is hospitalized after running away once again, and this time Child Protective Services is taking custody of Jace ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us, Jenelle's 14-year-old son ran away from his grandmother's home Saturday, and wasn't found until 11:45 PM Sunday. Jace had previously run away from Jenelle's home several times and was placed under the care of Jenelle's mom, Barbara.

Our sources say Jace is now in a hospital, and CPS will place him in foster care as he's run away so many times.

Our sources say Jace, was recently busted for vaping at his school ... and when grandma found out, she took away his phone. We're told Barbara had been advised by Jenelle, CPS and the foster care team not to give Jace a phone in the first place, but she thought he could handle it.

When Barbara took the phone away as punishment, we're told Jace split, prompting this latest search for the teen.

Running away has become a trend with Jace ... as we've reported, this is at least the fourth time he's run away from home ... including the time in September when he slipped out a window on the same day Jenelle's husband, David Eason, is accused of roughing him up.

Remember ... Jace spent most of his childhood in Barbara's care, but Jenelle regained custody earlier this year, only for him to run away from home a bunch of times, and end up at Barbara's house again.

As we told you a couple weeks ago, Jace is keeping his distance from Jenelle and David.

Our sources say CPS officials are exasperated by the case -- they're worried about Jace, but at this stage, if he gets in any more trouble, he could end up in a juvenile detention facility.

Estrella de "Teen Mom" Su hijo está en el hospital y bajo cuidado de protección infantil

El hijo adolescente de la estrella de "Teen Mom", Jenelle Evans, se encuentra hospitalizado después de huir nuevamente y esta vez los Servicios de Protección Infantil (CPS) están tomando la custodia de Jace, según ha indagado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que el hijo de 14 años de Jenelle se escapó de la casa de su abuela el sábado y no fue encontrado hasta las 11:45 PM del domingo. Jace ya se había escapado de la casa de Jenelle varias veces y fue puesto bajo el cuidado de su madre, Barbara.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que ahora Jace está en un hospital y los servicios de protección infantil lo colocarán al cuidado de un tercero, luego de haberse escapado tantas veces.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Jace fue arrestado recientemente por fumar a través de un vaporizador en su escuela y cuando la abuela se enteró, le quitó su teléfono. Nos cuentan que Barbara había sido aconsejada por Jenelle, los servicios de protección social y el equipo de cuidado de crianza, que no le dieran un teléfono a Jace en primera instancia, pero ella pensó que podía manejarlo.

Cuando le quitó el teléfono como castigo, Jace se separó, lo que provocó esta última fuga y la posterior búsqueda del adolescente.

Huir se ha convertido en una tendencia para el chico, como hemos informado, esta es al menos la cuarta vez que lo hace, incluyendo la vez una en septiembre cuando se deslizó por una ventana el mismo día en que el marido de Jenelle, David Eason, fue acusado de maltratarlo.

Recuerden, Jace pasó la mayor parte de su infancia al cuidado de Barbara, pero Jenelle recuperó la custodia a principios de este año. Desde entonces se ha escapado un montón de veces, lo que llevó a que terminara en la casa de Barbara de nuevo.

Como ya les contamos hace un par de semanas, Jace está manteniendo la distancia con Jenelle y David.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que los funcionarios de CPS están exasperados por el caso, preocupados por Jace, pero en esta etapa, si se mete en más problemas, podría terminar en una correccional de menores.

Paul Mullin I Didn't Know About Wrexham TV Show ... Before Signing W/ Club!

Men In Blazers

Paul Mullin isn't just a star on the pitch for Wrexham, he's a TV star, too, thanks to the docuseries, "Welcome to Wrexham" ... which the footballer says he didn't know about until the moment he was literally signing his contract to join the club.

29-year-old Mullin was the first guest on the new Men In Blazers show, "This Week In Wrexham" ... where the star soccer player talked about his decision to sign with the then-fledgling team, and his decision to appear on the hit show.

"People think that the documentary might be a selling point, but I can tell you now that I didn't know about the documentary until I was signing the contract, sat at the table, and there were cameras in the room.  And I was like, 'Who's this?' And they told me then, 'We're filming a documentary,'" the former Cambridge United star explained.

"It had nothing to do with my decision whatsoever. I didn't even know it was happening. I just signed the form as I was signing my contract to give them obviously the opportunity to record me. At that time obviously, you don't know how big it's gonna be. It's just something we've gotten used to. There are cameras everywhere, but you don't notice them because they're blending in, but also 'cause we're used to them, too."

Of course, "Welcome to Wrexham" premiered last summer on FX ... after Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney bought the Welsh team. The show has been a smash hit ... and was recently renewed for a third season, set to air in 2024.

If not for the docuseries, why did Mullin sign with Wrexham when other higher-profile clubs were available?

Paul explained his decision.

"It wasn't even [soccer] to begin with, it was my son. Obviously, it's well documented now but he's autistic, and I've been away in Cambridge for the majority of the season, obviously coming home whenever I could, and I just wanted to be at home with him every night, and Wrexham was the perfect opportunity to do that, and ultimately, it was perfect for me, as well in the [soccer] sense because it was a club with real ambition, a club going somewhere," Paul told Roger Bennett.

Wrexham has done incredibly well since Reynolds and Mullin's arrival ... they not only won the National League championship with a 3-1 win over Boreham Wood in April, but they were also elevated to League 2.

Wrexham is currently 4th out of 24 clubs ... with 9 wins, 6 draws, and 3 losses in 18 games this season.

JARED LETO Twinning with SCOTT DISICK ... 'We Might Be Related!!!'

Jared Leto is so here for people comparing him to Scott Disick ... he's practically crossing his fingers and hoping they're long-lost relatives, because who wouldn't want a dose of Kardashian drama in their life?

The Oscar winner finally responded to the long-standing familial rumors while he was on  Sirius XM’s TikTok Radio, and host Davis Burleson held up side-by-side images of Scott and Jared ... prompting the actor to gush, "Wow, Really? Lucky me. Thank you."

Sirius XM TikTok Radio

Davis asked Jared if he, too, saw his uncanny resemblance to the 'KUWTK' star ... but Jared wasn't entirely convinced -- "It’s hard when you look at yourself. But they do say that people who look alike actually share a lot of DNA, sometimes."

Getting deep, the spiritual guru continued: "You know, if there’s someone like, 'Oh my god, you look exactly like this guy,' you actually might be related somehow."

Perhaps overestimating Lord Disick's net worth compared to his, Jared said it "would be nice" to have a rich relative!


Jared has actually crossed paths with members of the Kardashian-Jenner family before, even Scott's ex, Kourtney Kardashian -- but he's never met the man himself.

Hopefully, they'll link up soon -- and then we can move on to another look-alike mystery: the late, great Gene Wilder and "The Bear" star Jeremy Allen White! Seriously. What's the deal?

JARED LETO responde a las afirmaciones de que Scott Disick es su gemelo

Jared Leto está aquí para que la gente lo compare con Scott Disick y prácticamente está cruzando los dedos y esperando que sean parientes perdidos hace mucho tiempo, porque ¿quién no quiere una dosis de drama Kardashian en su vida?

El ganador del Oscar finalmente respondió a los rumores familiares de larga data mientras estaba en TikTok Radio de Sirius XM, y el anfitrión Davis Burleson mostró imágenes de Scott y Jared, lo que provocó que el actor dijera: "Wow, ¿En serio? Qué suerte tengo. Gracias".

Sirius XM TikTok Radio

Davis le preguntó a Jared si él también veía su asombroso parecido con la estrella de "KUWTK" (Keeping Up with the Kardashians), pero Jared no estaba del todo convencido, "Es difícil cuando te miras a ti mismo. Pero dicen que las personas que se parecen, en realidad comparten mucho ADN".

Profundizando, el gurú espiritual continuó: "Ya sabes, si hay alguien como, "Oh Dios mío, te ves exactamente como este tipo", en realidad podría estar relacionado de alguna manera".

Tal vez sobreestimando el valor neto de Lord Disick en comparación con el suyo, Jared dijo que "estaría bien" ¡tener un pariente rico!

Jared ha cruzado caminos con los miembros de la familia Kardashian/Jenner antes, incluso la ex de Scott, Kourtney Kardashian, pero nunca se reuniron.

Esperemos que se relacionen pronto y entonces podremos pasar a otro misterio de parecido: ¡el fallecido, gran Gene Wilder y la estrella de "El Oso", Jeremy Allen White! Ahora en serio. ¿No creen que son iguales?

Kim Zolciak Sued By B of A I Got Credit and Credit Was Due

Kim Zolciak has been sued yet again for not paying her bills ... this time by Bank of America, which claims she's delinquent on more than $50,000.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kim had a $50,000 line of credit over at B of A, and then racked up a bill that reached the limit. B of A claims it sent periodic notices, demanding payment, but got zippo.

With interest and penalties, the balance is now $56,224.07 and growing. So B of A is now the latest in a long line of creditors who have resorted to the legal system to get Kim and Kroy to fork over cash.

BMW just won a case against Kroy over non-payment of a Rolls-Royce. A judge ordered this month that he return the $400,100 SUV to the car company.

Kim and Kroy have also been ordered to pay Simmons Bank approximately $230,000 for defaulting on a home equity line of credit.

Kim was sued back in August by SAKS/CAPITAL ONE for $156,080 ... again, failing to pay her credit card bill.

And Kim was also sued by Target for $2,400 for failing to make good on her credit card bill.

Kroy was sued by Sky Warrior over a gambling debt -- $52,500 -- over a bad run at a casino in the Bahamas.

They've also teetered on the edge of foreclosure.


Short story ... B of A, get in line.

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann Seen Without Wedding Rings Divorce Still on Track???

It appeared Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann's marriage still had some signs of life ... but there's new evidence things still might be trending in the wrong direction.

Kim and Kroy were spotted out in Georgia separately over the weekend -- Kim hit a convenience store while Kroy was out with one of their kids to grab some grub. However, neither Kim nor Kroy were wearing their wedding rings.

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here's to 12 years!!!

It's kind of surprising given the recent state of things between Kim and Kroy -- including the fact they celebrated their wedding anniversary together just a week ago. Kim also recently added Biermann back to her name on Instagram.

Of course, at times, things between the two have gotten super nasty in their divorce -- he's accused her of a serious gambling issue and both have filed for sole custody of their 4 young kids -- not to mention the more than $1 million they owe to the IRS.

TMZ broke the story, Kim and Kroy recently put their GA mansion on the market for $6 million ... and have apparently kept it out of foreclosure auction.


We're not saying the missing wedding rings are a sure sign the two can't work their way out of their marriage woes, but you'd think wearing the jewelry is an easy step in getting things back to normal.


Parecía que Kim Zolciak y su matrimonio con Kroy Biermann todavía tenía algunas señales de vida, pero hay nuevas pruebas de que el divorcio sigue en pie.

Kim y Kroy fueron vistos en Georgia por separado durante el fin de semana. Kim fue a una tienda de conveniencia, mientras que Kroy estaba fuera con uno de sus hijos para comer algo. Sin embargo, ni Kim ni Kroy llevaban sus anillos de boda.

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¡por nuestros 12 años!

Esto es un tanto desconcertante, ya que las cosas entre Kim y Kroy parecían estar arreglandose —hace unos días celebraron su aniversario de boda juntos. Kim también añadió recientemente "Biermann" a su nombre en Instagram.

Por supuesto, las cosas entre los dos se han puesto desagradables en ciertas ocasiones durante el divorcio. Él la ha acusado de un grave problema de juego y ambos han solicitado la custodia exclusiva de sus 4 hijos pequeños, por no hablar de los más de 1 millón de dólares que deben a Hacienda.

TMZ lo dijo primero, Kim y Kroy recientemente puso su mansión en el mercado por $6 millones y al parecer se han mantenido fuera de la subasta de ejecución hipotecaria.

No estamos diciendo que los anillos de boda que faltan sean una señal de que los dos no puedan trabajar en sus problemas matrimoniales, pero hay que admitir que las cosas no han sido fáciles para la pareja hace bastante tiempo.

Kim, Kylie, Beyoncé, T-Swift Check Out Our Private Jets ... It's The Only Way We Fly!!!

Hollywood's biggest stars are flying high these days ... eschewing commercial air travel for a more luxurious and lavish experience ... in their own private aircrafts.

Big-time celebs like Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, John Travolta, Lady Gaga, Kylie Jenner, Rick Ross, Drake and Floyd Mayweather are among those who own their own jets ... and they get around.

For starters, Kim's private jet is a $150 million G650ER aircraft ... the same model Jeff Bezos owns.

Kim's customized her jet to her liking ... she calls it "Kim Air." She likes to serve her guests waffles, among other in-flight goodies.

Kylie, meanwhile, dropped $72 million on her private jet back in 2020 ... it's decked out with a master suite, closet, entertainment suite, two bathrooms and has her initials embroidered on the seats.

Like her big sister, Kylie calls her jet "Kylie Air" ... and the in-flight menu includes salads and pasta, plus cocktails and wine.

Beyonce's not only the Queen B, she's also the queen of the skies ... her private plane is huge, with room for 15 to 19 passengers aboard the Bombardier Challenger 850.

Bey bought the plane way back in 2012 for $40 million as a Father's Day gift for husband Jay-Z ... and it's been whisking their family around ever since.

Taylor's got a fleet of private jets at her disposal ... which she put to good use during her 'Eras' tour.

T-Swift has two multimillion-dollar planes, which she's used for over 100 flights this year alone ... with more trips likely on the way as her tour goes overseas.

Hollywood's flush with private jet use ... check out the gallery to see who else owns their own plane.