KIM, KYLIE, BEYONCÉ, T-SWIFT Echa un vistazo a sus jets privados ¡¡¡Es la única forma en que volamos!!!

Las estrellas más famosas de Hollywood están volando alto en estos días, evitando los viajes comerciales para tener una experiencia más lujosa en sus propios aviones privados.

Grandes celebridades como Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, John Travolta, Lady Gaga, Kylie Jenner, Rick Ross, Drake y Floyd Mayweather están entre los que poseen sus propios jets y se mueven en ellos.

Para empezar, el jet privado de Kim es un avión G650ER de 150 millones de dólares, el mismo modelo que posee Jeff Bezos.

Kim ha personalizado su jet a su gusto. Lo llama "Kim Air". A ella le gusta servir golosinas y otras delicias a sus invitados en sus vuelos.

Kylie, por su parte, desembolsó $72 millones de dólares por su jet privado en 2020. Este está engalanado con una suite principal, un armario, una suite de entretenimiento, dos baños y tiene sus iniciales bordadas en los asientos.

Al igual que su hermana mayor, Kylie llama a su jet "Kylie Air" y el menú a bordo incluye ensaladas y pasta, además de cócteles y vino.

Beyonce no es solo la Queen B, también es la reina de los cielos. Su avión Bombardier Challenger 850 es enorme, con espacio para entre 15 a 19 pasajeros a bordo.

Bey compró el avión en 2012 por 40 millones de dólares como un regalo para su marido Jay-Z por el Día del Padre y ha estado llevando a su familia en él desde entonces.

Taylor tiene una flota de jets privados a su disposición, los que ha dispuesto muy bien durante su gira "Eras".

Taylor Swift tiene dos aviones multimillonarios, que ha utilizado para más de 100 vuelos solo este año, y probablemente serán más con su gira en el extranjero.

Hollywood está lleno de aviones privados. Echa un vistazo a la galería para ver quién más posee su propio avión.

'Extreme Weight Loss' Star's Death Brandi Mallory 911 Caller ... 'I Don't Do Dead People'

Brandi-Mallory-audio-1 November 2023

The guy who called 911 to report finding "Extreme Weight Loss" star Brandi Mallory in her car, told dispatchers he was keeping his distance ... 'cause he doesn't mess with dead folks.

TMZ obtained audio of the 911 call and you hear the dispatcher ask the caller if he's with Brandi ... prompting him to quickly reply, "Nooo, she's in her car. I don't do dead people."

The audio also includes the caller, who owns a nearby deli, describing Brandi as being motionless and unresponsive in her car, which was in the parking lot of a strip mall where he runs his biz.

TMZ broke the story ... cops say Brandi was last seen alive Nov. 8 when she parked her car, went into a Chipotle to grab food, and then returned to her car and never drove off or exited the vehicle.

The deli owner told cops he realized something was off after noticing Brandi's car sitting in the parking lot for hours on end ... and that's when he checked on her and decided to dial 911.

Authorities have not determined Brandi's cause of death yet. However, we should note there's no evidence her Chipotle meal had anything to do with it, and cops have said there's no sign of foul play.

Estrella de "Extreme Weight Loss" Llamada al 911 por Brandi Mallory "No me gustan los muertos"

Brandi-Mallory-audio-1 November 2023
Audio del 911

El tipo que llamó al 911 para informar de la muerte de la estrella de "Extreme Weight Loss" Brandi Mallory le dijo a los asistentes que estaba manteniendo la distancia con el cuerpo porque él no se mete con gente muerta.

TMZ obtuvo el audio de la llamada al 911, en él se escucha al telefonista preguntarle al hombre si se encuentra con Brandi, lo que provocó esta respuesta, "Nooo, ella está en su carro. No me gusta la gente muerta".

En el audio, la persona que llama, que es un propietario de una tienda de delicatessen cercana, describe que Brandi está inmóvil y sin respuesta en su carro, que estaba estacionado en un centro comercial donde dirige su negocio.

TMZ publicó la historia, los policías dicen que Brandi fue vista por última vez con vida el 8 de noviembre cuando aparcó su carro, entró a un Chipotle para comprar comida y luego regresó al vehículo y nunca más salió.

El dueño de la tienda de delicatessen le dijo a la policía que se dio cuenta de que algo andaba mal cuando notó que el carro de Brandi estuvo aparcado por horas y horas en el estacionamiento. Fue entonces cuando decidió ir a verla y marcó 911.

La causa de muerte de Brandi sigue siendo poco clara. También debemos señalar que no hay pruebas de que la comida de Chipotle tenga algo que ver con ella y la policía ha dicho que no hay indicios de crimen violento.

'Big Brother' Winner Jun Song Son Was Ill w/ Meningitis ... Starts GoFundMe Over Sky-High Bill

Jun Song, the winner of 'Big Brother' Season 4, has been facing every mother's worst nightmare after her son fell seriously ill ... and she's asking the public for help.

The former reality TV star recently revealed that her little boy, Noah, has had a lengthy stay at a hospital lately ... all over a meningitis diagnosis that took its toll and left him in a medical bed for nearly two weeks.

After sharing an image of her 11-year-old hooked up to a hospital ventilator, Song has now sought out financial assistance on GoFundMe ... emotionally reflecting on Noah falling ill with what she thought was the flu -- but which turned out to be mycoplasma pneumoniae that spiraled into the deadly viral infection.

She says the slowest hours of her life were watching him lose consciousness and lay in the children's ICU, where she had no idea if he'd be left with permanent brain damage or whether he'd even wake up.

Song says it took 11 days for Noah to return to everyday tasks, such as going to the bathroom and eating solid food ... and while it sounds like he's been released, their family isn't out of the woods just yet.

As a result of all the work that was done on Noah ... his mom says there's a massive bill she has to deal with -- and her insurance doesn't cover a majority of it. As a single mom, she's now trying to raise money to help with her tab.

Jun explains she always knew life would be hard but didn't expect the avalanches of hardships tossed her way ... and after years of helping others, hopes to be on the receiving end of assistance during this challenging time.

Savannah Chrisley Ex Nic Kerdiles Had Alcohol in System At Time of Crash Death

Savannah Chrisley's ex-fiancé, Nic Kerdiles, had alcohol in his system when he died earlier this year after a fatal motorcycle crash ... this according to the medical examiner.

According to the autopsy report, obtained by TMZ, the ME in Nashville found evidence of ethanol in Kerdiles' bloodstream after toxicology tests were done ... and they estimate his BAC at about 0.124, well over the legal limit.

Officials note Kerdiles' body was pretty banged up as a result of the accident -- including multiple broken bones, bruising of the brain and other abrasions. The Medical Examiner found the cause of death to be multiple blunt traumatic injuries ... ruling it as accidental. Radar Online was the first to report the news.

TMZ broke the story ... Kerdiles -- a former NHL player for the Anaheim Ducks -- collided with a car while riding late at night one weekend back in September, when cops say he blew past a stop sign and struck the side of a crossing BMW.

It was an absolute tragedy, especially considering his last official photo on social media -- which literally showed him riding his bike, and labeling himself a "Night rider."

Savannah, who'd been engaged to Nic between 2018 and 2020, was devastated by the news ... and posted a tribute to Nic in the aftermath, writing -- "Heaven gained the most beautiful angel today ... I miss you and I love you," while adding, "We loved hard ... and I can't wait to ride bikes with you along the beaches of heaven one day."

Before they ended their relationship, Nic had been featured on her family's show, "Chrisley Knows Best" ... and his proposal to her was even captured on camera.

He was only 29.

Estrella de "Extreme Weight Loss" Brandi Mallory murió en un estacionamiento ... Tras comprar en Chipotle

Brandi Mallory murió de una forma extraña, la que por ahora sigue siendo un total misterio. Pero una pieza del rompecabezas acaba de ser respondida y es que Mallory murió después de haber ido a comprar algo para cenar.

TMZ obtuvo el informe policial relativo a la muerte de la estrella de "Extreme Weight Loss" y es bastante impactante ver lo que los policías dicen que precedió a su repentina muerte. De acuerdo al papeleo de la policía de Atlanta, Mallory fue vista por última vez con vida mientras compraba algo de comida en un Chipotle de la zona.

El informe dice que el vehículo de Mallory fue visto en el estacionamiento de un centro comercial temprano el 9 de noviembre. El propietario de una tienda de delicatessen que estaba solo en su negocio se dio cuenta de ello.

El dueño del negocio le dijo a la policía que también vio a una mujer al interior del vehículo que parecía estar dormida, pero las alarmas se activaron cuando vio el carro allí mismo mucho más tarde en el día, lo que le hizo pensar que algo andaba mal. Como resultó siendo ... Brandi Mallory fue encontrada sin vida.

El informe dice que los policías revisaron las imágenes de vigilancia que muestran a Mallory estacionando en el lote la noche anterior, alrededor de las 5:53 PM, momento en el cual, ella entró a un Chipotle, salió con su comida y luego entró en el vehículo. Pero nunca se fue o salió del carro después de eso.

Los policías señalan que no hay signos de crimen violento y que su causa de muerte exacta todavía está bajo investigación. Debemos señalar que no hay evidencia de que la comida que compró en Chipotle haya tenido algo que ver con su muerte.

Como informamos, Mallory compitió en el programa "Extreme Weight Loss" de ABC en 2014, y todavía estaba haciendo apariciones para ellos. La fecha más reciente había sido en 2018. Solo tenía 40 años.

'Extreme Weight Loss' Star Brandi Mallory Died After Fast-Food Run

Brandi Mallory died in a bizarre manner that, for now, remains a total mystery -- although one piece of the puzzle has been answered ... she died after a dinnertime food run, though there's no evidence her Chipotle meal had anything to do with her death.

TMZ has obtained the police report pertaining to the "Extreme Weight Loss" star's death -- and it's fairly shocking to see what cops say preceded her sudden passing. Per the Atlanta PD paperwork, Mallory was last seen alive while buying some grub from a local Chipotle.

The report notes that Mallory's vehicle was spotted in the parking lot of a strip mall early on Nov. 9 -- this while the owner of an adjacent deli noticed it just sitting there all by itself.

The deli owner told cops he also saw a female inside who appeared to be asleep -- but the alarm bells started ringing when he says he saw the car there much later in the day ... which signaled to him something was wrong. As it turns out, there was ... BM was found deceased.

The police report says cops reviewed surveillance footage that showed Mallory pulling into the lot the night prior around 5:53 PM ... at which point, she went into the Chipotle, came out with her food, and then went into her vehicle -- but never left or came out after that.

The cops note there's no sign of foul play, and her exact cause of death is still under investigation.

As we reported ... Mallory competed on ABC's 'EWL' show back in 2014, and was still making appearances for them as recently as 2018. She was only 40 years old.


Kendall Jenner ayudó a traer la nieve al soleado sur de California, bombeando un montón de nieve falsa en el set de su sesión de fotos.

Kendall fue vista en el set el martes para un nuevo proyecto desconocido, luciendo una falda, top, botas y una gran sonrisa en su rostro mientras tomaba el control de la manguera.

No está claro si el trabajo de nieve era parte del papel de Kendall en el rodaje, o si simplemente quería probar la tarea por sí misma, pero está claro que le encantó cada minuto.

Si te lo estabas preguntando, el novio de Kendall —Bad Bunny— no fue visto con ella en la sesión de fotos, pero la última vez que los vimos juntos fue tomando el desayuno cerca del Hotel Beverly Hills después de organizar una gran fiesta de Halloween.

Entre los muchos sombreros que Kendall lleva como modelo y empresaria, hay un montón de cosas que la joven de 28 años puede hacer, y le podemos añadir: "Hacer que nieve en Los Ángeles" a esa impresionante lista.

Kendall Jenner Spray Time in L.A.

Kendall Jenner helped to bring the snowfall to sunny southern California ... pumping a bunch of the fake stuff right onto the set of her photo shoot!

Kendall was spotted on set Tuesday for an unknown new project  ... rocking a skirt, top, boots and a big smile on her face as she took control of the hose.

Unclear if the snow job was part of Kendall's role in the shoot, or if she just wanted to try out the task for herself, but she's clearly loving every minute of it.

If you were wondering, Kendall's boo, Bad Bunny, wasn't spotted with her at the photo shoot ... but we last saw them together grabbing some breakfast near the Beverly Hills Hotel after hosting a massive Halloween party.

Between the many hats Kendall carries as a model and entrepreneur, there's a whole lot the 28-year-old can do -- and you can add "Make it snow in L.A." to that impressive list.

Estrella de "Extreme Weight Loss" Brandi Mallory muere a los 40

Brandi Mallory, ex participante del programa de televisión "Extreme Weight Loss" ha muerto en Georgia.

Mallory falleció en Atlanta el 9 de noviembre, según la Oficina del Médico Forense del Condado de Fulton.  No se ha revelado la causa de su muerte.

La ex estrella de realities hizo su aparición en 2014 en la cuarta temporada de la serie de ABC. En una entrevista de 2018 reveló por qué se unió a "Extreme Weight Loss".

Mallory le dijo al periodista que estaba motivada por perder kilos después de que su compañera de hermandad, que también tenía sobrepeso, muriera a los 29 años.

Dijo que también se le pasó por la mente que podía morir si no hacía algo con sus 329 libras.

La maquilladora dijo que fue a un casting para "The Biggest Loser", pero fue rechazada, sin embargo, los productores la ayudaron a ganar un lugar en "Extreme Weight Loss".

El programa mostraba el viaje que atravesaban diversas personas con obesidad por perder peso, siguiendo una dieta saludable y una rutina de ejercicios.

Mallory tenía 40 años.

Que en paz descanse.

'Extreme Weight Loss' Star Brandi Mallory Dead At 40

Brandi Mallory -- a former cast member on the TV show "Extreme Weight Loss" -- has died in Georgia.

Mallory passed away in Atlanta on November 9, according to the Fulton County Medical Examiner's Office.  Her cause of death has not been disclosed.

The ex-reality star made her 2014 appearance on season 4 of the ABC series. She revealed why she joined "Extreme Weight Loss" during a 2018 interview uploaded to YouTube.

Mallory told a journalist she was motivated to shed pounds after her overweight sorority sister died at age 29.

She said it played on her mind that she could die too if she didn't do something about her 329-pound frame.

The makeup artist said she went on a casting call for "The Biggest Loser," but was rejected, yet the producers helped her win a spot on "Extreme Weight Loss."

That show featured obese people on their journey to shed weight with a healthy diet and workout routine.

Mallory was 40.


Kyle Richards Think My Separation Is For Clicks? You're an IDIOT!!!

Bravo’s Hot Mic Podcast

Kyle Richards is comin' after folks who think her marriage trouble with Mauricio Umansky is a clever way to stay relevant ... saying a popularity contest for a "dumb TV show" is the last thing on her mind.

The 'RHOBH' star dragged her doubters during Tuesday's episode of Bravo's "Hot Mic" podcast, telling Emmy-Nominated Executive Producer, Alex Baskin one of the dumbest things she's heard since joining the 'Real Housewives' cast is the idea that she'd put her family through hell so the show could get a boost in ratings.

She shot down claims she's fabricating the issues she and Mauricio are facing lately in their relationship -- adding she's got no real reason to try and stay relevant by pointing out she's already been on TV for 13 seasons.

Kyle's also addressed the so-called gold digger theory ... people who think she's just staying with her real estate mogul husband to spend his money. Well, she's got a bold response -- you really gotta see how she puts that one to bed.

As we reported, Kyle and Mauricio announced they were separating back in July, after 27 years of marriage ... but denied they were getting a divorce. They admitted they've been facing a "challenging" year, but said there was no wrongdoing on anyone's part.

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Since then, they've gone on family vacations together and continue to live under the same roof. Mauricio's denied there's anything going on with his 'DWTS' partner Emma Slater, but Kyle seems skeptical -- and even referred to their split as a "divorce" during BravoCon.


Hard to say where they stand today, but Kyle, at least, is making it clear all the drama is very real, and NOT manufactured for clout.


Kourtney Kardashian celebrated hubby Travis Barker's 48th birthday with a heartfelt tribute ... and a carousel of topless pregnancy pics.

The Blink-182 drummer took on the role of bump cradler during Kourtney's revealing shoot -- and when she ditched the clothes, he channeled his inner Janet Jackson circa 1993 with a strategic boob-cupping move.

The Polaroid IG images caught some heat online with fans likening it to a "prison conjugal visit" and others saying it was way too much PDA for their liking - "We could've lived happily without seeing these pics."


But, the star made it obvious she wasn't holding back on displaying her infatuation ... going on to gush in the caption: "To my husband, the keeper of my heart, my partner in crime, my personal heartthrob, the daddy to our little mischief-maker, my all-encompassing joy… Here's to another year of putting up with me! Happy birthday, love!"

Ensuring to express her gratitude to Travis further, Kourtney took things one step further by throwing him a Thanksgiving-themed birthday bash.


She offered a glimpse of the festive atmosphere with a series of snaps and clips with Frank Sinatra's "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" playing in the background. She captioned it, "vegan thanksgiving for my baby's birthday @travisbarker ❤️."

This will be the couple's first holiday season as new parents ... as the pair welcomed their first child, Rocky, into the world last week.

Kourtney Kardashian Topless para una sesión de fotos con Travis ¡Feliz cumpleaños, amor!

Kourtney Kardashian celebró el cumpleaños 48 de su marido Travis Barker con un sentido homenaje y un carrusel de fotos de su embarazo en topless.

El baterista de Blink-182 está abrazando a Kourtney y acunando cariñosamente su panza durante sesión, y cuando ella se quitó la ropa, él canalizó su Janet Jackson interior por ahí por 1993 con un movimiento estratégico de tetas.

Las imágenes fueron un poco criticadas en las redes con los fans comparándolo con una "visita conyugal en prisión" y otros diciendo que era demasiada demostración de afecto en público para su gusto: "Podríamos haber vivido felizmente sin ver estas fotos."

Sin embargo, la estrella dejó claro que no se contenía a la hora de mostrar lo enamorada que está, y se deshizo en elogios en el pie de foto: "Para mi marido, el guardián de mi corazón, mi compañero de aventuras, mi rompecorazones personal, el papá de nuestro pequeño travieso, mi alegría que todo lo abarca. ¡Este es por otro año de aguantarme! Feliz cumpleaños, amor!".

Para asegurarse de expresar aún más su gratitud a Travis, Kourtney le organizó una fiesta de cumpleaños con la temática de Acción de Gracias.

Una cena para Travis

En las fotos se aprecia un poco la atmósfera festiva. En un clip se escucha "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas", de Frank Sinatra sonando de fondo. Ella lo subtituló, "acción de gracias vegana para el cumpleaños de mi bebé @travisbarker ❤️".

Estas será las primeras fiestas de la pareja como nuevos padres. Kourtney y Travis le dieron la bienvenida a su primer hijo, Rocky, la semana pasada.


"Mob Wives" star Renee Graziano has checked in to a Texas rehab facility following a drug relapse.

Renee's manager, Chris Giovanni, tells TMZ ... she called him Monday from the treatment center, where she was accompanied by a counselor and only had 10 minutes to talk.

He says Renee told him she overdosed back in mid-September on what she described as a "bad batch" of an unspecific drug she'd gotten from a dealer. She didn't give Chris any other details about the OD.

Chris says what she did tell him, though, aligns with his struggles to get in touch with Renee from September to now ... adding any contact they had during that period was sporadic and brief.

Chris says Renee attributes her relapse to struggles related to the death of her father, Anthony Graziano, who passed away in May 2019.

Renee's life in the spotlight has been marred by hardship -- particularly in January 2022, when she was arrested for driving while impaired after crashing her car into a parked SUV on Staten Island.

Soon after, Renee pledged to kick her sleeping pill addiction by seeking treatment from "The Hills" star Jason Wahler and his Red Songbird Foundation ... in the hopes of getting her life back on track.

While Renee's getting treatment once again, there's no apparent investigation into her September OD. Chris says she did not report it, or the "bad batch" of drugs to police.

Renee Graziano Ingresa a rehabilitación Después de una sobredosis de drogas

La estrella de "Mob Wives" Renee Graziano ingresó a un centro de rehabilitación en Texas tras una recaída en las drogas.

El manager de Renee, Chris Giovanni, le dice a TMZ que ella lo llamó el lunes desde el lugar, donde estuvo acompañada por un consejero. Solo tuvo 10 minutos para hablar.

Dice que Renee le dijo que tuvo una sobredosis a mediados de septiembre, con lo que ella describió como un "lote malo" de una droga no especificada que consiguió de un distribuidor. No le dio más detalles a Chris sobre la sobredosis.

Chris dice que la historia coincide con sus dificultades para ponerse en contacto con Renee desde septiembre. Añade que el contacto entre ellos fue esporádico y breve durante ese periodo.

También dice que Renee atribuye su recaída a las luchas relacionadas con la muerte de su padre, Anthony Graziano, quien falleció en mayo de 2019.

La vida pública de Renee se ha visto empañada por las dificultades, sobre todo en enero de 2022, cuando fue detenida por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol tras estrellar su carro contra un todoterreno aparcado en Staten Island.

Poco después, Renee se comprometió a dejar su adicción a las pastillas para dormir, buscando ayuda con la estrella de "The Hills", Jason Wahler y su Red Songbird Foundation, con la esperanza de poner en marcha su vida nuevamente.

Aunque Renee está recibiendo tratamiento una vez más, no hay ninguna investigación aparente sobre su sobredosis de septiembre. Chris dice que ella no informó del incidente ni del "mal lote" de medicamentos a la policía.