'Tiger King' Star Doc Antle Pleads Guilty to $$$ Laundering ... Animal Trafficking Too

Doc Antle is facing potential prison time -- 'cause the guy cut a deal with the feds in his criminal case ... pleading guilty to charges of sneaking around animals and conspiring to launder money.

The 'Tiger King' star pled guilty Monday to one count of a wildlife trafficking charge and another count of a conspiracy to launder money ... both of which carry a max penalty of 5 years behind bars, a fine up to $250k and 3 years of supervised release.

It remains to be seen what the judge will ultimately sentence him to ... hizzoner is gonna review a report from the U.S. Probation Office in making that determination.

As we reported ... this whole thing stems from a bust last summer, when FBI agents hauled Antle into custody after he'd been indicted. The indictment alleged Doc engaged in an elaborate scheme to traffic wildlife dating back many years.

Long story short ... prosecutors said Doc concealed financial transactions related to animal trafficking and profited from it over the years.

Among the allegations, prosecutors claimed Doc had directed the sale of some cheetah cubs, lion cubs, tigers and a chimp ... allegedly using bulk payments to hide the transactions and falsifying paperwork. The feds also claimed he tried using his nonprofit in these sales as a way to make them look like donations.

Remember, Doc had his animal sanctuary down in South Carolina that he was running during his 'Tiger King' fame -- so it's possible some of the wildlife mentioned here might've been part of his tourist attraction.

KANYE WEST CON SU HIJA NORTH EN DUBAI No hay señales de otros niños

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¡de compras!

Kanye West ha estado pasando el rato en el Medio Oriente últimamente y ahora, su hija North lo acompaña en sus aventuras.

La hija mayor de Ye —que al parecer le gusta estar con su padre más que su madre, Kim K— fue vista de la mano con su padre el pasado fin de semana, caminando por un centro comercial. Se les ve rodeados por un séquito, sin embargo, parece que lograron tener algo de privacidad.

Otros videos de Kanye y North han circulado en redes sociales los últimos días. Parece que podría haber estado en Arabia Saudita codeándose con los fans.

Vale la pena señalar que no vemos a ninguno de sus otros hijos por ahí y lo mismo ocurre con su esposa, Bianca, por lo que parece que solo North está con él en este momento.

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viviendo una vida sencilla

Últimamente, Kanye tiene a los chicos de uno en uno, y por lo general, todos se quedan con Kim en California.

Por supuesto, también es notable que es North quien está aquí con papá, sabemos que ella es una gran fan de él y al parecer prefiere estar con él, al menos según Kim Kardashian. Recordemos que en un episodio reciente de "Kardashians", Kim reveló que a North le encanta el apartamento desvencijado de Ye.

Eso fue doblemente confirmado por la elección de disfraces de North para Halloween este año. Se disfrazó del famoso oso "Graduation" de Kanye, rindiendo homenaje al legado musical de su padre.

North es una verdadera niña de papá y a los fans de Ye les encanta.

Kanye West QT with Daughter North in Dubai ... No Sign of Other Kids

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daddy-daughter day

Kanye West has been hanging out in the Middle East lately -- and now, his daughter North is there too ... chillin' with her pops in what seems to be some one-on-one quality time.

Ye's eldest kid -- who seems to like being with her dad more than her mom, Kim K -- was spotted hand-in-hand with her father this past weekend ... walking through a mall. They're surrounded by an entourage, but it seems they had some relative privacy here.

Other clips of KW and North have been floating around on social media these past few days -- looks like they might've been in neighboring Saudi Arabia as well, hobnobbing with fans.

Worth noting ... we don't see any of his other children out there -- and ditto for his wife, Bianca -- so, it seems only North's with him at the moment, which kinda jibes with the parenting style Ye shares with his children these days.

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As of late, he tends to bring them along one at a time ... even though they're all usually staying with Kim in California.


Of course, it's also notable that it's North who's here with Dad ... we know she's a huge fan of his and apparently actually prefers to be with him -- at least according to KK. Remember, in a recent 'Kardashians' episode ... Kim revealed North loves Ye's ratty apartment.

That was doubly confirmed by North's costume choice for Halloween this year ... she dressed up as Kanye's famous 'Graduation' bear, paying homage to her father's music legacy.

Just goes to show ... North's a true daddy's girl, and Ye fans sure love to see it.

TERESA GIUDICE at BravoCon FIRES BACK AT FEISTY 'RHONJ' FAN ... Panel Erupts Into Chaos!!


Teresa Giudice went full New Jersey alongside one of her 'RHONJ' costars after a fan poked the bear at BravoCon ... forcing them to tell this lady off in true trash reality TV fashion.

The 'Real Housewives' star was sharing the stage with Jennifer Aydin -- who's also on the show --- when someone in the audience asked them something out of pocket during a Q&A section Sunday in Vegas. The query wasn't very PG at all ... take a look for yourself.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

You can tell this rubbed Teresa and Jen the wrong way ... 'cause they both stood up and started mouthing off to the audience member, telling her they're good friends and that they have each other's backs -- and NOT each other's "ass*****" as this woman suggested.

That wasn't the only drama that unfolded during this panel ... later on, Teresa revealed where she stood in her relationship with her estranged brother, Joe Gorga, and his wife, Melissa ... basically admitting that they were not on good terms.

Whitney Vasquez/RadarOnline

In a brutal swipe ... she added that her and Joe's parents were dead -- meaning, in her eyes, there's no reason to mend their relationship ... a response that got major boos.

One person she has kept in touch with, though ... her ex-husband, Joe Giudice, who now lives in the Bahamas after being deported from the States in 2019 for fraud. They're still tight, apparently.

Teresa went on to confirm her ex was doing great and that she'd be spending New Year's Eve with him in the Bahamas -- along with their daughters, of course ... as both she and Joe have respectively moved on to new significant others.

Teresa also expressed hopes for him to come back to the States because she believed he should not have gotten deported and "it wasn't fair what happened to him."

Long story short ... Teresa's time at BravoCon was about as rowdy as you'd expect.

Kyle Richards Breaks Down in Tears at BravoCon ... Talking Mauricio Split

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Kyle Richards' separation from her estranged husband, Mauricio Umansky, is clearly weighing on her -- 'cause she was reduced to tears talking about it at BravoCon.

The "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star was onstage Sunday in Vegas, where she was doing a Q&A ... and where she was eventually asked point blank, where do things stand between her and Mauricio right now?

The question got her quite emotional. As reported by our sister site, TooFab, Kyle first said she and Mauricio were trying to navigate this as best they could -- explaining ... "We love each other very much and we are family no matter what happens. My three girls still live at home, only Farrah has her own place. [Mauricio] was busy doing 'Dancing with the Stars,' so he wasn't around as much. We’re trying to figure it out. We know we love each other."

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KR then started to choke up, saying she hears everyone telling her to just "fix" the problem -- but as she clearly states here, it's not nearly as simple as it sounds.

Of course, this comes on the heels of Kyle's other interview last night at BravoCon -- where she referred to their separation as an outright divorce ... a slip of the tongue, it seems.

From what we can gather ... things are rocky between the couple at the moment, and while it sounds like she and Mauricio might want to reconcile -- there are obstacles that stand in their way ... even as they continue to live under the same roof and film for 'RHOBH.'


That's something Kyle addressed Sunday too ... saying she didn't want her fights with Mauricio caught on camera, and that Bravo producers noticed something was off.

Adding an extra layer of complexity is the fact that Mauricio continues to get cozy with his 'DWTS' partner, Emma Slater, with whom he was again spotted at dinner this weekend.

Remember, this follows a pretty public outing the two of them shared a couple weeks ago -- where they were seen holding hands -- but people in his world tried explaining it away as merely platonic ... even though Kyle isn't buying it, and found the whole thing disrespectful.

Bottom line ... it's complicated, and Kyle's doing the best she can in uncharted waters.

KYLE RICHARDS ¿"DIVORCIO"? Se refiere a la ruptura con Mauricio como el fin del matrimonio

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Kyle Richards elige sus palabras con cuidado, por lo que es especialmente chocante que utilizara la palabra "divorcio" para describir lo que ella y Mauricio Umansky están pasando.

Kyle estaba en BravoCon el sábado cuando habló con TooFab y otros reporteros sobre su duro 2023: "He pasado por muchas cosas este último año que sí te cambian. Perder a mi mejor amigo por suicidio me cambió. Pasar por mi divorcio... todo eso me ha hecho más fuerte, pero definitivamente te cambia como persona. Me siento bien".

Kyle y Mauricio siempre han llamado a su ruptura una separación, y esta es la primera vez que se refiere al tema con la palabra "divorcio". Recordemos que la pareja lleva 27 años de matrimonio.

tomando la iniciativa

Incluso se le preguntó acerca de la reconciliación, y ella eludió la pregunta diciendo: "Lo estoy viviendo un día a la vez. Todavía estamos viviendo juntos bajo el mismo techo y estoy orgulloso de la forma en que estamos navegando a través de esto".

Como hemos informando, Mauricio ha estado muy unido a su pareja de baile de "DWTS", Emma Slater, e incluso fueron vistos juntos el sábado por la noche luego de ser expulsado del programa, entrando en un club nocturno de Los Ángeles del brazo.

En cuanto a Kyle, lleva meses muy cercana a la estrella del country Morgan Wade, aunque no han definido públicamente su relación más allá de decir que son amigos íntimos y colaboradores en un documental.


Mauricio Umansky y Emma Slater fueron vistos juntos de nuevo. Esta vez el dúo se presentó en un club en Los Ángeles.

La pareja de baile de "Dancing With the Stars" llegó en un Porsche con una acompañante femenina. Salieron los tres del estacionamiento y caminaron hacia el Hotel Line en Koreatown viernes por la noche.

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¿sólo amigos?

Échale un vistazo a estas fotos obtenidas por TMZ. Maurico y Emma están paseando del brazo juntos, mientras otra mujer los acompaña.

Testigos presenciales nos dicen que Mauricio puso su mano en la espalda de Emma en un momento dado, pero al mirar nuestras fotos, es difícil saber si realmente la está tocando.

Nos han dicho que Mauricio y Emma estaban muy cariñosos, sonriendo y charlando, pero no se besaban ni se tomaban de la mano.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que el trío cruzó a través de una entrada lateral en el hotel y desapareció en el interior del club.

Mauricio y Emma han hecho esto antes. Como informamos, la pareja de "DWTS" fue fotografiada de la mano saliendo de un restaurante en Beverly Hills a finales de octubre.

La esposa de Maurico, Kyle Richards, no estaba muy contenta y eliminó intencionalmente una foto de Instagram mostrando así su apoyo a Mauricio y Emma en "DWTS".

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la emoción está a flor de piel
Instagram / @theemmaslater

Mauricio trató de aclarar la situación diciendo que estaba de la mano con Emma porque estaba abrumado por la emoción, mientras hablaba de los buenos recuerdos de su matrimonio con Kyle.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la estrella de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" no creyó la historia de Mauricio y encontró sus acciones "muy irrespetuosas", a pesar de que la pareja está separada y que Kyle estuvo hablando de divorcio durante una reciente entrevista en BravoCon.

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¿solo amigos?

Complicando aún más las cosas; está la supuesta relación entre Kyle y el cantante Morgan Wade. Los dos han sido vistos juntos en todas partes, pero no han confirmado o negado cualquier romance.

Kyle Richards Oops, Did I say 'Divorce?' Refers to Split with Mauricio as Ending Marriage

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Kyle Richards is one to choose her words carefully, so it's especially shocking she used the word "divorce" to describe what she and Mauricio Umansky are going through.

Kyle was at BravoCon Saturday when she talked to TooFab and other reporters, about her tough 2023 ... "I've gone through a lot this last year that does change you. Losing my best friend to suicide changed me. Going through my divorce, all that has made me stronger but it definitely changes you as a person. I feel good."

Kyle and Mauricio have always called their split a separation, and this is the first time her reference was about ending their 27-year marriage.


She was even asked about reconciliation, and she skirted the question ... saying "I just take it a day at a time ... We're still living together under the same roof and I'm proud of the way that we are navigating through this."

As we've been reporting, Mauricio's been super tight with his "DWTS" dance partner, Emma Slater, and even after getting booted from the show, they were seen out together Saturday night, walking into an L.A. nightclub arm in arm.

As for Kyle, she's been super close with country star Morgan Wade for months, although they have not publicly defined their relationship other than to say they're close friends and collaborators on a documentary.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Mauricio Umansky & Emma Slater Hanging Out AGAIN In L.A. Kyle Richards Is MIA

Mauricio Umansky and Emma Slater were seen hanging out AGAIN ... this time the duo showed up at a club in Los Angeles.

The dance partners on "Dancing With the Stars" were driven in a Porsche by a female companion to a parking lot, where they got out and walked toward the Line Hotel in Koreatown Friday night.

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Check out these photos, obtained by TMZ ... Maurico and Emma are strolling arm in arm together, along with the third party.

Eyewitnesses tell us ... Mauricio placed his hand on Emma's back at one point, but it's hard to tell from our images if he's actually touching her.

We're told Mauricio and Emma were very chummy, smiling and chatting, yet there was no kissing or hand-holding.

Our sources say the trio went through a side entrance at the hotel and disappeared inside the club.

Mauricio and Emma have done this dance before. As we reported ... the 'DWTS' pair was pictured holding hands while leaving a restaurant in Bev Hills in late October.


Maurico's wife, Kyle Richards, was none too happy, intentionally removing an Instagram photo, showing her support for Mauricio and Emma on 'DWTS.'

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Instagram / @theemmaslater

Mauricio tried to clarify the situation, saying he was holding hands with Emma because he was overcome with emotion, while discussing fond memories of his marriage to Kyle.

Our sources say the "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star didn't buy Mauricio's story and found his actions "super disrespectful" -- despite the couple being separated and Kyle talking about divorce during a recent interview at BravoCon.

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Complicating matters even more is Kyle's rumored relationship with singer Morgan Wade. The two have been spotted everywhere together, but they have not confirmed or denied any romance.

Kourtney & Travis Welcome Baby Boy Rocky Barker is Here!!!

Kourtney Kardashian is a mommy once again -- she and her boo, Travis Barker, have welcomed a brand new bundle of joy after a scary rollercoaster of a pregnancy.

Kourtney gave birth to a baby boy in Los Angeles, sources confirm to TMZ.

TMZ broke the story -- there were strong signs KK had popped this week ... as Kylie and Travis were both spotted at Cedars-Sinai Thursday, and were possibly there earlier.

As we reported, Kourt first dropped the baby bombshell at Travis' Blink-182 concert in June ... showing off her baby bump at BMO Stadium in L.A. while holding a sign that says, "Travis, I'm Pregnant," a reference to the group's music video for "All the Small Things."

Things took a scary turn for the couple in early September when Kourtney needed emergency surgery to save the child's life. At the time, Travis was in Europe traveling with Blink-182, and he rushed back to be by Kourtney's side. Thankfully the surgery was successful.

Kourtney and Travis had a major Disney-themed baby shower for their kid not long after that health scare -- and all seemed to be well at the shindig ... with everyone celebrating. The big takeaway from that get-together, however, was the fact that the baby's name might've leaked. Remember, somebody threw up a tree ornament that referenced "Baby Rocky."

As it turns out ... that is their child's name -- Travis confirmed as much this past week ... saying their boy will be called Rocky Thirteen Barker. A little anticlimactic, but there you go!

The live concert pregnancy announcement came a little over a year after they got hitched at a Santa Barbara courthouse ... which was followed up with a massive wedding in Italy where they exchanged vows at Dolce & Gabbana's private villa before heading to a medieval castle for their reception.

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Since the big announcement, the lovebirds have been looking happier than ever while waiting for the baby to come ... doing a couple of drummer-themed photoshoots with the bump on full display.

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Instagram / @kourtneykardash

She also showed off her pregnancy glow on a Hawaiian beach in July during a tropical trip.

In case ya forgot, Kourtney's already a mother to 3 kids -- Mason, Penelope, and Reign, all of whom she shares with her ex, Scott Disick. Travis also shares Landon and Alabama with Shanna Moakler.

BTW, Kourtney shared her struggles with IVF in recent years, saying on her family's show that her experience with the process has been "awful."


KOURTNEY Y TRAVIS Dan la bienvenida a su bebé Rocky Barker está aquí!!!

¡Kourtney Kardashian es madre una vez más! La mayor de las Kardashians y Travis Barker acaban de darle la bienvenida a su pequeño, después de un embarazo que se sintió como una montaña rusa de miedo.

Kourtney dio a luz a un niño en Los Ángeles, según fuentes confirmadas por TMZ.

TMZ publicó la historia, había fuertes indicios de que Kourtney había dado a luz, como por ejemplo, que tanto Kylie como Travis fueron vistos en el hospital Cedars-Sinai el jueves, y posiblemente estaban desde allí antes.

Como informamos, Kourtney dio a conocer la noticia de su embarazo en el concierto de Blink-182 de Travis en junio, mostrando su panza en el estadio BMO en Los Ángeles mientras sostenía un cartel que decía: "Travis, estoy embarazada", una referencia al video musical de la canción "All the Small Things".

Las cosas se pusieron feas a principios de septiembre, cuando Kourtney tuvo que ser operada de urgencia para salvar la vida del niño. En ese momento, Travis estaba en Europa viajando con Blink-182, y se apresuró a regresar para estar al lado de Kourtney. Afortunadamente, la cirugía fue un éxito.

Kourtney y Travis tuvieron una gran fiesta temática de Disney para su hijo no mucho después de ese susto, y todo pareció ir muy bien en la fiesta, con todos celebrando.

La gran sorpresa de la reunión fue que el nombre del bebé se filtró, luego de que alguien dejara un adorno en unos de los árboles que decía "Baby Rocky". Resultó ser que ese era el nombre de su hijo. Travis lo confirmó la semana pasada, diciendo que el bebé se llamaría Rocky Trece Barker. ¡Un poco anticlimático, pero ahí lo tienes!

El anuncio del embarazo llegó un poco más de un año después de que la pareja se casara en un juzgado de Santa Bárbara, lo que fue seguido con una boda masiva en Italia, donde intercambiaron votos en la villa privada de Dolce & Gabbana antes de dirigirse a un castillo medieval para su recepción.

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Desde el gran anuncio, los tortolitos se han visto más felices que nunca a la espera del bebé, haciendo un par de sesiones de fotos temáticas con la panza de Kourtney en plena exhibición.

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Instagram / @kourtneykardash

Kourtney también mostró su embarazo en una playa de Hawai en julio durante un viaje tropical.

En caso de que se hayan olvidado, Kourtney ya es madre de 3 niños, Mason, Penelope y Reign, todos los cuales comparte con su ex, Scott Disick. Travis también comparte a Landon, Alabama y Atiana con Shanna Moakler.

Por cierto, Kourtney compartió sus luchas con la fecundación in vitro en los últimos años, diciendo en el programa de su familia que su experiencia con el proceso había sido "horrible."


Ariana Madix Disgusted By Tom/James Push-Up Contest ... BravoCon Drama Heats Up

Tom Sandoval and James Kennedy got really competitive at BravoCon, hitting the floor to see who could do more push-ups ... but there was one person totally turned off by their macho man contest -- Ariana Madix.

TikTok / @bravotv, @katrinacm1

The "Vanderpump Rules" stars took to the stage at the Las Vegas event Friday when host Andy Cohen asked Tom and James how they got into such great shape over the past few months.

Tom credited his incredible physique to his new and improved lifestyle, working out all the time while staying away from booze and cigarettes.

James said he's been pumping iron at the gym and ripped off his t-shirt to show everyone his muscled abs, before challenging Tom to a push-up contest.

After Tom accepted as he wore a kilt, the two dropped to the floor and launched into their competition.

Enter Tom's ex Ariana, who was sitting there the entire time with a look of utter dissatisfaction. Before she turned away from Tom and James, Ariana said, “Jump scare…I needed a trigger warning.”

The push-up contest continued as Ariana fixed her stare on the screen in back of her, trying not to look back at her co-stars.

As James sailed to victory, Ariana asked the hosts if she could take some questions from fans.

Cringy moment indeed, but we understand why it happened. It's no secret -- unless you live under a rock -- that Tom cheated on Ariana with Rachel Leviss during the last season of "Vanderpump Rules." Leviss was not invited to BravoCon and is no longer with the show.

Also on Friday, several “Real Housewives of New Jersey” husbands ran out on stage to do half a striptease in front of the audience.

TikTok / @abbzbon

Frank Catania, Joe Benigno and Joe Gorga stood behind the "Magic Mike" cast and put on their slightly racy performance, tearing off their T-shirts, but keeping on their skinny jeans.

Check it out ... it's all in good fun.

Kourtney Kardashian Pregnancy Travis Returns To Hospital ... More Evidence Baby's Born

There's a fresh round of evidence that Kourtney Kardashian has given birth ... Travis Barker is back at the hospital where her sisters usually have their babies.

The Blink-182 drummer returned Friday to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles ... pulling up in the afternoon behind the wheel of his black Range Rover.

Kourtney's husband has been in and out of Cedars the past few days ... we first saw him going in Thursday, the same day Kylie Jenner visited too.

Travis also shared a food photo Friday on social media, and he got pasta from Crossroads Kitchen ... which is only a few blocks from Cedars.

Friday's return visit from Travis is another strong indication Kourtney gave birth to their son Rocky.


As we've already told you ... tips started pouring in Monday about Kourtney showing up to Cedars. We talked to folks in the Kardashian orbit and they were unusually sketchy on the subject, but we confirmed this week was her due date, with one source telling us labor would be induced.

Then, there's this ... Kourtney and Travis have said they wanted the baby to be born on Halloween, which was Tuesday ... and now Travis has been to Cedars twice in as many days.

Still, there's no official word yet ... so stay tuned.

Tom Sandoval Big Time Boos at BravoCon Lala Kent Comes to His Defense!!!

Tom Sandoval got the pariah treatment at BravoCon over what happened with Ariana Madix -- and while he had many detractors, he did have one key defender ... Lala Kent.

The 'Vanderpump' panel is underway in Vegas Friday as part of the weekend-long convention -- and as we all expected ... the dude walked out onstage to a chorus of boos from the audience, although it sounds like it might've been more fun booing ... if that's even a thing.


Anyway, Tom took it in stride and powered through his questions ... despite the fact that some continued to playfully hiss and jeer as he talked. He's a villain -- and he owns it.

Now, in terms of seating arrangement -- sources on the ground tell TMZ TS and his ex, Ariana Madix, weren't really anywhere near each other while they were up there ... however, we're told that wasn't necessarily done as a result of any sort of request from either of 'em.

In other words ... the higher-ups at Bravo appear to have just plopped the two of them where they ended up by mere chance, probably assuming there's still bad blood over the cheating.

There's certainly unfinished business between AM and Tom -- which was previewed in a sneak peek at Season 11 ... showing Ariana freaking out at somebody, who many have presumed to be Tom. In one particular moment in the trailer, she says ... "Ruin my life, my home, and then fucking attempt to kill my fucking dog. My lawyer will be dealing with you!"

On its face, it would seem she's talking to Tom here ... but time will tell if that's true.


Anyway ... during the Q&A panel, our sources tell us Lala went to bat for him in front of everyone -- telling the crowd they oughta have some respect for Tom considering he showed up, and continues to put himself out there with his band despite the backlash.

Of course, what's interesting about that lies in what Lala was saying about Tom earlier this year -- including during the reunion, where she was one of the fiercest ones dragging him.

We also got her on camera around that same time ... and there, she called Tom a narcissist.

Now, however, she seems to have changed her tune -- and appears to kinda be in his corner here. The two of them have been tight on the show for years now, so perhaps all the outrage fatigue finally kicked in on her end ... as it has for so many others as well.

Feels like Scandoval might be losing its steam -- at least among the castmates, anyway.

Bre Tiesi Yeah, I Banged Michael B. Jordan ... Been There, 'Done That'

makin' the hit list ...

Bre Tiesi is doing a little post-pillow talk about Michael B. Jordan -- 'cause she says she slept with the guy ... and it sounds like she checked him off her list a while ago!

The model -- who was famously married to Johnny Manziel once upon a time -- is now on Netflix's "Selling Sunset" ... and during their Season 7 premiere this week, she and the other girls were fantasizing about which famous hunk they'd love to get in the sack.

Chrishell Stause kicked off the hypothetical, asking the ladies who they'd like a go at -- to which Amanza Smith immediately answered with MBJ ... kinda a no-brainer, right?

Welp, apparently so for Bre ... who shot back right away, saying -- "I could do that -- and I've done that." Quite proudly, we might add ... and with a mouthful of chow, very casual-like.

In other words ... Bre already went around the block with Mike, or so she claims. With that said, she didn't get into details about when/where/how, etc. It's an odd pairing, no doubt -- prior to this confession, there was really no obvious connection between BT and Michael.

Of course, there was nothing on the surface between her and Nick Cannon either ... and yet, she ended up having one of his kids kinda out of the blue a year ago.

What's interesting here about this alleged hookup story is that Michael's recent ex, Lori Harvey, was also just in the middle of an old hanky-panky tale -- namely, 'Love & Hip Hop' star Prince Michael ... who claimed to have banged LH way back in the day.

They might be broken up, but they still share some things in common ... loose-lipped exes!

Kendall Jenner Su cumpleaños 28 tiene a mamá Kris emocionada ¡te adoro, pequeña!

Kendall Jenner está cumpliendo 28 años y su orgullosa madre Kris Jenner está TAN embargada por la emoción... Por favor avísennos pueden darse cuenta 😅.

Kris comenzó los homenajes de cumpleaños efusivos a la modelo en un post sentimental en Instagram, en el que enumera un sinfín de elogios a su hija "hermosa, amable, generosa, inteligente, talentosa, creativa, increíble, reflexiva".

Por supuesto, acompañó la publicación de una colección de adorables fotos de su infancia.

Kris dice que se siente bendecida por ser su madre, y estamos seguros de que algo tiene que ver la incursión de Kendall con 818 Tequila, siguiendo los pasos de sus hermanas en el mundo de los negocios.

No es que lo necesite... con un patrimonio neto de $45 M, ella es una de las celebridades regulares en la lista anual de Forbes de las modelos mejor pagadas después de trabajar con prácticamente todas las marcas de moda.

Mientras tanto, las hermanas de Kendall han estado lentas en sus homenajes de cumpleaños a Kendall, pero todas están ocupadas dirigiendo imperios, así que vamos a dejarlas fuera...

La mejor amiga de la supermodelo, Hailey Bieber, sí pasó toda la noche preparando la masa para hacer bollos helados de calabaza para ella, los que parecían estar medio comidos cuando se los presentaron. Qué "enfermo"... las palabras de Kendall, no las nuestras.

Por si hacía falta decirlo explícitamente, ¡feliz cumpleaños!