Kim Kardashian Kanye West Gave Up Life Of Luxury For Stripped Down Apartment

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Kim Kardashian says her ex Kanye West has traded in his luxury crib for an apartment with no lavish amenities, but their daughter, North, is totally down with it, encouraging her famous mom to live the same way.

The SKIMS CEO made the shocking claim as she sat on a couch with sis Kourtney in the latest episode of "The Kardashians," which aired Wednesday on Hulu.

Kim revealed North visits Kanye at his humble abode and their 10-year-old thinks her dad's just the best and has it "all figured out."

She quoted North saying ... "He doesn't have a nanny. He doesn't have a chef. He doesn't have security. He lives in an apartment."

Kim then told Kourt ... North started crying and asked, "Why don't you have an apartment? I can't believe we don't have an apartment."

As everyone knows, Kim lived in deep luxury with Kanye for years while they were married -- and she still does.

Kanye, on the other hand, has been living like a nomad, traveling planet Earth with his new wife, Bianca Censori, after his divorce from Kim was finalized last year.


So, where is Kanye's mysterious apartment? No one exactly knows. But, in May, there were rumors Kanye and Bianca moved into a $20K a month flat in West Hollywood. The building was supposedly tricked out with a heated pool, rooftop café and private cinema.


We'll keep you posted.


Ramona Singer's insisting she is NOT racist, and says she has no ill will toward her former 'Real Housewives of New York' castmate Eboni K. Williams ... who says she nearly quit the show over Ramona's alleged behavior.

Sources close to Ramona tell TMZ ... she's upset she's embroiled in claims of bigotry and racism -- especially because the 'RHONY' production company investigated the allegations 2 years ago, and gave her the all-clear to continue working on various reality TV projects.

We're told she also believes the whole affair's been blown way out of proportion ... referring to this week's Vanity Fair report, which alleged Ramona used a racial slur in conversation with a Black crew member during season 13.

We should point out, multiple sources told us in 2021, Ramona was cleared following a third-party investigation because nothing was found to corroborate Eboni's claims.

Our sources are adamant Ramona never used a racial word during season 13 and she is not racist in any capacity.

The VF piece also featured an interview with Eboni, the show's first woman of color to become a full castmate in its 13-season run.

She claimed Singer had asked why "most" Black people didn't have fathers in their lives during a training call, ironically, centered on racial insensitivity.

Eboni claims Ramona said, "What if they don't have a father? Why can't I say that? Most of them don't." Mind you, she allegedly spoke those words to 2 racial justice representatives, a Bravo publicist and an NBCUniversal communications expert.

Despite the allegations, our sources say Ramona's insisting she always liked Eboni and wishes her nothing but the best.

She is also still friendly with Luann de Lesseps, Sonja Morgan and Dorinda Medley -- as well as all the other ladies featured on the show with her. However, due to fallout from the controversy, she hasn't seen them as often.


She's also been pulled from the upcoming BravoCon in Vegas, after digging a deeper hole for herself while talking to Page Six to refute the VF report allegations.

A source with direct knowledge says Ramona self-sabotaged herself, because her removal from BravoCon was only due to her Page Six remarks, NOT the past racism claims.


Ramona Singer sostiene que no es racista y dice que no tiene mala voluntad hacia su compañero de reparto de "Real Housewives of NY" Eboni K. Williams, quien dice que casi dejó el programa por el supuesto comportamiento de Ramona.

Fuentes cercanas a la producción le dicen a TMZ que Ramona está molesta por las acusaciones de intolerancia y racismo, sobre todo porque la productora de "RHONY" (The Real Housewives of New York) investigó las acusaciones hace dos años y le dio el visto bueno para seguir trabajando en varios proyectos de telerrealidad.

En cuanto a la denuncia de Vanity Fair, que alegó que Ramona había utilizado un insulto racial en una conversación con un miembro afroamericano del equipo durante la producción de la temporada 13 de "RHONY", nuestra fuente añade que ella cree que las cosas se han exagerado.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que sus intenciones nunca fueron ofender o herir a nadie y que ella no es racista de ninguna manera.

El artículo también contó con una entrevista con la ex compañera de reparto de Singer, Eboni, la primera mujer de color en protagonizar "RHONY" durante sus 13 temporadas.

Ella afirmó que Singer había preguntado por qué "la mayoría" de los afroamericanos no tenían padres presentes en sus vidas durante una llamada de entrenamiento centrada en la insensibilidad racial. "'¿Qué pasa si no tienen padre? ¿Por qué no puedo decir eso? La mayoría de ellos no los tienen'", había preguntado Singer a dos representantes de justicia racial, un publicista de Bravo y un experto en comunicaciones de NBCUniversal, según Williams.

A pesar de las acusaciones, las fuentes nos dicen que Ramona es firme en que siempre le gustó Eboni y le desea nada más que lo mejor.

Ella sigue siendo amiga de Luann de Lesseps, Sonja Morgan y Dorinda Medley, así como todas las otras damas que aparecieron en el programa con ella. Sin embargo, no puede verlas tan a menudo dadas las consecuencias de la controversia.

De hecho, también la han retirado de la próxima BravoCon en Las Vegas después de cavar un hoyo más profundo para sí misma al intentar defenderse en Page Six de las acusaciones de comentarios racistas del polémico artículo.

Una fuente directa dice que Ramona se autosaboteó porque su expulsión de BravoCon fue por su comentario a Page Six y NO por el artículo de VF.

En cuanto a cómo se siente Ramona sobre la situación actual en general, ella dice que es difícil ser una figura pública en la sociedad actual.


Khloe Kardashian está siendo acusada de blackfishing... OTRA VEZ. Para aquellos que no lo sepan, el término "blackfishing" se utiliza para describir a las personas blancas que utilizan filtros, maquillaje o bronceado excesivo para hacerse pasar por negros, ya sea para conseguir un valor monetario o beneficio personal.

En varias publicaciones compartidas en su Instagram este martes de Halloween, la fundadora de Good American fue vista posando mientras jugaba a disfrazarse de muñeca Bratz.

Khloe llevaba un minivestido amarillo sobre una camisa blanca de manga larga, una boina amarilla a juego, una peluca rubia platino hasta la rodilla y un bolso de mano con el logo de Bratz incrustado.

Pero, para su desgracia, la atención de los usuarios no se fue a su atuendo, sino a su tono de piel, el que según muchos de sus horrorizados seguidores era "10 veces más oscuro".

"¿Cómo no es esto blackfishing?", echó humo una persona, mientras que otra afirmó que quería "ver cómo se vería negra". Otros remataron diciendo que ni siquiera la reconocían cuestionando: "¿Así que Khloe está haciendo blackface?".

Khloe no ha sido la única de sus hermanas acusada de blackfishing. Kylie Jenner también ha sido criticada a lo largo de los años, más recientemente cuando anunció su colección de muñecas Bratz en agosto.

Por ahora, Khloe no dejó que las acusaciones la afectaran y siguió compartiendo imágenes en su Instagram con sus compañeras Bratz, su hermana Kim y sus amigas Natalie Halcro y Olivia Pierson.

KHLOE KARDASHIAN UNDER FIRE FOR BLACKFISHING AGAIN! ...'You didn't have to be darker to be a Bratz doll'

Khloe Kardashian has found herself at the end of blackfishing accusations ... AGAIN.

In several posts shared to her Instagram for Halloween Tuesday, the Good American founder was seen posing away while playing dress up as a Bratz doll.

Accessorizing with a crystal-encrusted Bratz logo handbag, she wore a yellow minidress atop a long-sleeved white shirt, complete with a matching yellow beret over a knee-length platinum blonde wig.

But, unfortunately for Khloe, the attention was not on her outfit -- it was on her skin tone, which, according to many of her horrified followers, was "10 times darker."

"How is this not blackfishing?" one person fumed, while another claimed that she wanted to "see what she would look like black." Others chimed in they don't even recognize her questioning, "so khloe is doing blackface?"

For those who don't know, the term "blackfishing" is used to describe white people using filters, makeup, or excessive tan to masquerade as Black for monetary value and personal gain.

Khloe hasn't been the only one of her sisters accused of blackfishing ... Kylie Jenner has also come under fire over the years -- most recently when she announced her Bratz doll collection back in August.


As for now, Khloe didn't let the blackfishing accusations get to her as she continued to share images on her Insta with her fellow Bratz dolls ... sister Kim and friends Natalie Halcro and Olivia Pierson.

CRÍTICO GASTRONÓMICO DE TIKTOK Provoca cambios en restaurantes de Atlanta ¡Haremos ajustes!

La escena gastronómica de Atlanta ha estado bajo la lupa desde que un crítico de TikTok con cientos de seguidores llegó a la ciudad y empezó a hacer malas críticas de los restaurantes, y ahora, algunos de esos lugares están prometiendo cambios.

Keith Lee, que tiene un alcance masivo en TikTok y cuyas críticas de comida han hecho que pequeños negocios, usualmente desapercibidos, se conviertan en los favoritos de la gente, trajo su talento a la ciudad de Atlanta la semana pasada y tenía mucho que decir.

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El crítico hizo una serie de comentarios en video y un buen puñado de ellos en realidad terminaron siendo retrospectivas de lo difícil que resultó pedir comida a domicilio en un montón de establecimientos conocidos y populares en la ciudad. Algunos de ellos incluyeron The Real Milk & Honey, y el restaurante Old Lady Gang, de Kandi Burruss, y según cuenta ambas experiencias lo dejaron sin comida.

Al parecer, hay un montón de "reglas" que Keith y su familia tuvieron que pasar para hacer un pedido e incluso para sentarse, algo que caracteriza a un mal servicio al cliente a su juicio, y desde que criticó a estos lugares un montón de personas ha concordado.

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Como resultado de todas estas críticas y comentarios, parece haber un consenso de que es un poco difícil cenar en Atlanta, y por ninguna buena razón.

Esto es lo que pasó

Kandi abordó parte de la crítica de Keith, particularmente el hecho de que Keith y su equipo no pudieron pedir comida para domicilio fácilmente, y dijo que su restaurante pone el foco y los recursos en los que comen en él. Sin embargo, no se refirió a su afirmación de que solo se le ofreció una mesa debido a su nombre.

En cualquier caso, Kandi le abre las puertas nuevamente y espera que el equipo de Old Lady Gang pueda tener otra oportunidad. Los dueños de The Real Milk & Honey (que es un restaurante franquiciado) tomaron un enfoque ligeramente diferente, pero en última instancia salieron a aclarar un poco las cosas y a pedir disculpas también.

Después de que uno de sus dueños criticara a Keith en una estación de radio local, en un intento por defenderse de las prácticas estrictas de su restaurante, el negocio en sí emitió una larga declaración el martes, donde aparentemente admitió estar equivocada.

La cuenta corporativa dice que han hecho un examen de conciencia en el transcurso de la semana y ahora The Real Milk & Honey se compromete a ajustar la forma en que operan.

¿No les interesa el dinero?

No dicen exactamente lo que cambiarán, pero parece que la crítica de Keith los hizo pensar dos veces.

Por cierto, toda esta discusión se tomó las redes sociales durante varios días y dejó a algunas grandes celebridades de peso comentando sobre los "problemas" que existen en la supuesta escena de comida en Atlanta, incluyendo a Cardi B, que en términos inequívocos se puso del lado de Keith y le dio las gracias por exponerlo.

Como muchos han señalado, el efecto Keith Lee es real, para bien o para mal. Tomen nota, amigos, el hombre critica la comida y el servicio al cliente, ¡y les hará saber si no le gusta!

Para más noticias virales, sintoniza el podcast TMZ Verified. Todos los jueves en todas las plataformas de podcast.

TikTok Food Critic Keith Lee Spurs Responses from ATL Restaurateurs ... Changes Are Comin'!!!

Atlanta's food scene has been under the microscope since a viral food critic came to town with bad reviews -- and now, some of these places are promising change.

Keith Lee, who has a massive TikTok following and whose food reviews have turned small, unseen businesses into out-the-door favorites brought his talents to the ATL last week -- and had a lot to say.

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He did a number of video reviews ... and a good handful of them actually ended up being retrospectives into how difficult it turned out to be to order takeout at a bunch of well-known/popular establishments in town. His stops included The Real Milk & Honey, and Kandi Burruss's Old Lady Gang restaurant -- both experiences, he says, left him without food.

Apparently, there are a ton of "rules" Keith says he and his family had to go through to even place an order or to be seated -- stemming from what he characterizes as bad customer service -- and since calling these places out ... a lot of folks have chimed in to agree.

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In the aftermath of these reviews -- and amid all the discourse that's followed -- there seems to be a consensus ... it's kinda difficult to dine in Atlanta, and for no real good reason, either.


Kandi addressed part of Keith's critique -- the fact he and his crew couldn't easily order takeout -- and said her restaurant puts the focus and resources on those who eat in. However, she didn't address his claim he was only offered a table because of his name.

In any case ... Kandi welcomes him back and hopes she and the OLG team can get another shot. The folks who own The Real Milk & Honey (which is a franchised restaurant) took a slightly different approach ... but ultimately landed with a bit of a clarification/apology too.

After one of the RMH honchos reportedly torched Keith on a local radio station -- in trying to defend his restaurant's stringent practices -- the restaurant itself issued a lengthy statement Tuesday ... seemingly admitting to being in the wrong.

The corporate account says they've done some soul-searching over the course of this week-long saga ... and now, The Real Milk & Honey is vowing to tweak how they operate.


They don't exactly say what's in store -- but it appears Keith's review made 'em think twice.

BTW, this whole chapter took over part of the Internet for a good several days ... and it got some big-time celebs weighing in on the supposed Atlanta food scene "problem" -- including Cardi B, who in no uncertain terms sided with Keith ... and thanked him for exposing it.

As many have noted ... the Keith Lee effect is real, for better or worse. Take note, folks -- he critiques food AND customer service ... and he'll let ya know if he's not feeling it!

For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Kim Kardashian North & Saint Made Sweet $$$ On 'Paw Patrol' Movie

Kim Kardashian's little ones made a nice chunk of change for their work on the new "Paw Patrol" flick -- cashing in 5 figures, according to North and Saint's contracts.

For those unaware, 10-year-old North and 7-year-old Saint landed spots along with their mama in last month's children's movie, "Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie" -- and the docs, obtained by TMZ, reveal the sweet paycheck they scored for the whole thing.

According to the docs, North -- who ended up playing the role of Mini, the Pomeranian Junior Patroller -- scored $5,000 per recording session, and she was guaranteed 4 of those ... adding up to $20k.

Saint was given the same rate -- but only guaranteed 2 recording sessions for his work as Meteor Max, meaning he walked away with at least $10k. Not bad!

Fans of the furry flick know Kim reprised her role as Delores the poodle ... so its pretty likely she gave her kiddos a bit of help securing their first voice-acting role.

For more check out the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.


Los pequeños de Kim Kardashian ganaron una buena cantidad de dinero por su trabajo en la nueva película "Paw Patrol", cobrando 5 cifras, según los contratos de North y Saint.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, North, de 10 años, y Saint, de 7, aparecieron junto a su madre en la película infantil "Paw Patrol: The Mighty Movie" y los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, revelan la dulce cifra que cobraron por todo el asunto.

De acuerdo con los documentos, North, que terminó interpretando el papel de Mini, la patrullera juvenil de Pomeranian, anotó $5,000 por sesión de grabación y se le garantizaron cuatro de ellas, sumando un total de $20k.

Saint recibió la misma tarifa, pero solo se le garantizaron dos sesiones de grabación por su trabajo como Meteor Max, lo que significa que se fue con al menos $10k. Nada mal.

Los fans de la película saben que Kim repitió su papel como Delores, el poodle, por lo que es bastante probable que haya ayudado un poco a sus hijos a asegurar su primer papel de actuación hablado.

Para más información, revisa el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Halloween 2023 Celebs Show Off Spooky Looks ... King Size Eye Candy!!!

Halloween is huge in Hollywood ... and celebs from all corners of the industry are showing off their costumes on social media ... setting the bar super high.

Mariah Carey's slaying as Jessica Rabbit ... Kylie and Kendall Jenner are getting creative as Sugar and Spice ... and Barbie Ferreira's getting in the spirit as a ghoul nurse.

Ariana Grande turned back the clock to 1995, dressing up as Elizabeth Berkley's character in "Showgirls" ... with an assist from her friend, Elizabeth Gillies.

Elvira Mistress of the Dark is always a popular -- and sexy Halloween pick -- and this year we've got Lexy Panterra tipping her cap to the cult horror film.

The Kardashians always go all out for All Hallows Eve ... and this year Kim and North West dressed up as Alicia Silverstone and Stacey Dash in "Clueless" ... which came out way before North was born. As if!!!

Over the weekend, stars hit up parties as Paris Hilton did her best Katy Perry impression and Demi Lovato went all Disney princess, and Kate Beckinsale revived Barbarella.

Happy Halloween!!!

Halloween 2023 Celebridades hacen gala de sus mejores atuendos

Halloween es un gran tema en Hollywood y las celebridades de todos los rincones de la industria están sacando a relucir sus mejores trajes en las redes para celebrarlo.

Echa un vistazo a Mariah Carey como Jessica Rabbit, a Kylie y Kendall Jenner como Sugar y Spice o a Barbie Ferreira como una enfermera diabólica.

Ariana Grande retrocedió el reloj a 1995, vistiéndose como el personaje de Elizabeth Berkley en "Showgirls" con la ayuda de su amiga Elizabeth Gillies.

Elvira Mistress of the Dark es siempre popular, y una muy sexy elección para Halloween. Este año tenemos a Lexy Panterra rindiéndole culto a la película de terror.

Las Kardashians siempre apuestan a lo grande en la víspera de Halloween. Este año, Kim y North West se disfrazaron de Alicia Silverstone y Stacey Dash en "Clueless", que se estrenó mucho antes de que North naciera, ¡¡¡como si eso importara!!!

Durante el fin de semana, vimos a Paris Hilton haciendo su mejor imitación de Katy Perry, a Demi Lovato como toda una princesa de Disney y a Kate Beckinsale reviviendo a Barbarella.

¡¡¡Feliz Halloween!!!

Kim Kardashian Son Saint Flips Off Paps Again ... Mom Plays Parental Defense


Kim Kardashian's oldest son is carving out his role in his famous family -- he's the one who's gonna let the paparazzi know they're number one in his book, and he's got just the finger to show 'em!!!

7-year-old Saint was caught yet again flipping the bird to photogs in WeHo ... this as his mom brought him and his buddies to a restaurant after a Friday basketball practice. As they're exiting their vehicle, Saint throws up a quick middle finger to someone across the way.

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Kim, of course, isn't too pleased about it ... and quickly swats his hand down, to Saint's amusement. Sounds like one of the paps who was snapping away also got a laugh out of it.

Remember, he did this last month ... and there, too, KK chastised him.

FWIW ... Saint's annoyance with the media is shared by his older sister, North, 'cause she's also been seen telling them to buzz off in emphatic terms.

You could say both kids got it from their daddy, who's had a knack for chewing out paps over the years. Kim, on the other hand, seems to know the attention comes with being rich and famous.

Perhaps the little ones will eventually adopt her approach. Or not!

Kim Kardashian Su hijo Saint se porta mal con los paparazzis ... Por segunda vez!!!

Vayánse al carajo, parte 2

¡¡¡El hijo mayor de Kim Kardashian está forjando su papel en su famosa familia!!! Él será quien le haga saber a los paparazzi que son el número uno en su lista de más odiados, y solo necesita un dedo para demostrarlo.

Saint, de 7 años, fue sorprendido una vez más siendo grosero en West Hollywood, mientras su mamá lo llevaba a un restaurante con sus amigos después de un entrenamiento de baloncesto el viernes. Mientras salen de su vehículo, Saint le muestra el dedo a alguien.

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Kim, por supuesto, no está muy contenta con ello y rápidamente le baja la mano, para diversión de Saint. Parece que a uno de los paparazzi también le hizo gracia.

Recuerden, Saint hizo lo mismo el mes pasado y Kim también lo reprendió.

Lo que es importante, la molestia del chico con los medios es compartida por su hermana mayor, North, quien ha sido vista diciéndoles que se larguen en términos muy enfáticos.

Se podría decir que ambos niños lo heredaron de su padre, quien ha tenido un don para ladrarle a los paparazzi a lo largo de los años. Kim, por su parte, parece saber que la atención y la prensa viene con ser rica y famosa.

Quizá los pequeños acaben adoptando su enfoque. O no.

Kim Kardashian SKIMS to Be NBA's Undies Partner ... Major Collab Announced

Kim Kardashian's underwear line just teamed up with a huge partner -- it's none other than the freaking NBA -- to be the official underwear of the league.

The announcement came Monday ... SKIMS is now officially collaborating with the National Basketball Association, and the team-up goes well beyond just the men's league -- SKIMS is gonna sprinkled into the WNBA and USA Basketball as well for this.

Their new venture is part of a multi-year deal, and is a huge win for Kim -- as this'll give SKIMS a whole new level of exposure.

She says, "I am incredibly proud of SKIMS partnership with the NBA, as it is a reflection of SKIMS growing influence on culture. Together, SKIMS and the NBA will connect people of all backgrounds through fashion, sport, and talent, and I look forward to seeing the partnership thrive."

The NBA's commish, Adam Silver, is excited too, adding, "SKIMS has quickly become one of our most culturally-influential brands. We look forward to bringing NBA fans and SKIMS users unique experiences, new offerings and premium products through our partnership."

Now, in terms of what they're actually going to do together ... it's a little ambiguous at this point. Silver says fans will start to see SKIMS pop up in creative ways at league events going forward -- including the All-Star Game, in-season tournaments and probably the playoffs.

Basically, get ready to see SKIMS signage all over the place at basketball stadiums and beyond ... you'll likely see some players wearing the gear, too.

Of course, this comes on the heels of KK launching her men's line -- which has been a record-setting bestseller on the digital marketplace ... and which actually roped in some high-profile athletes, such as Neymar Jr., Nick Bosa and even OKC's Shai Gilgeous-Alexander.

Ball don't lie ... and neither do the undies!!!


Paris Hilton está en modo Halloween, disfrazándose y pasenado por Hollywood el viernes y el sábado igual que Katy Perry y Britney Spears.

Paris, junto a Kate Beckinsale, Demi Lovato y otras estrellas acudieron a una divertida fiesta el sábado por la noche en Los Ángeles. Paris copió el look de Katy en un show en Las Vegas hace unos meses con un body rojo de látex y un divertido sombrero.

El día anterior, Paris se puso en plan Britney Spears en la fiesta de Casamigos.


En cuanto a Demi, llegó como Blancanieves de Disney.

¡Kate era una mujer futurista del espacio, lo cual le sentó bastante bien!

Toneladas de estrellas se presentaron... Justin y Hailey Bieber, Billie Eilish, Ashley Benson, Paris Jackson, la pareja de Al Pacino, Noor Alfallah, Paul Wesley, Casey Affleck, Glen Powell, Chord Overstreet, Darren Criss y Jodie Turner-Smith.

Nada necesariamente espeluznante, ¡pero que bien se pasó!

Halloween, 2023 Paris, Demi, Justin Costumed Up for Halloween Bash!!!

Paris Hilton is in full Halloween mode, costuming it around Hollywood Friday and Saturday as both Katy Perry and Britney Spears.

Paris, along with Kate Beckinsale, Demi Lovato and other stars hit up a fun party Saturday night in L.A. Paris copied Katy's look from a Vegas show a few months back with a red latex bodysuit and funny hat.

The day before, Paris was full-on Britney Spears at the Casamigos party.


As for Demi ... she took a page from early life, coming as Disney's Snow White.

Kate was a futuristic space woman ... which suits her just fine!

Tons of stars showed up ... Justin and Hailey Bieber, Billie Eilish, Ashley Benson, Paris Jackson, Al Pacino's baby mama Noor Alfallah, Paul Wesley, Casey Affleck, Glen Powell, Chord Overstreet, Darren Criss and Jodie Turner-Smith.

Not real scary, but looks like it was a blast!