'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Husband David Eason Allegedly Injured Her 14-Year-Old Son ... Led to Child Abuse Charge

We're now learning more about what led to the child abuse charge leveled against Jenelle Evan's husband, David Eason ... who allegedly roughed up Jenelle's 14-year-old son, Jace, leaving marks on his body.

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ, Eason is being accused of inflicting physical injury on Jace ... causing "marks on the right arm and left and right side of the neck." The documents say the injuries weren't sustained by accident.

While the docs don't exactly explain what happened, the timing of the alleged incident is interesting ... stating the whole thing went down on September 28.

September 28 is also the same night Jace ran away from home, slipping out his bedroom window and into the woods nearby. It's possible Jace and David had some sort of exchange before Jace left the property. Remember, we were told there's video both cops and child protective services have in their possession ... which could've led to the charge.

Jace was eventually located, after cops got involved, though the September 28 disappearance marked his 3rd runaway incident in about a month.

It doesn't appear Jace is currently in Jenelle's custody, and it's believed he's with his grandmother, Jenelle's mom, Barbara.

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As for their part, Jenelle released a statement on Instagram shortly after TMZ broke the story of David's misdemeanor child abuse charge. Evans wrote, "I do not trust anyone around me ... I have no idea what human being I can trust anymore, not even my own blood."

She continues ... "I'm being fed all these different stories from different people. People trying to get on my good side.. To then betray me over and over."

Kim & Kroy Hey Judge, Please Stop Foreclosure on Our House!!!

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann know they're in a serious hole, and they're asking the court to prevent that hole from getting any deeper ... by stopping the bank's foreclosure auction on their home, to allow them to sell it on their own.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kim and Kroy say if the bank's planned auction on November 7 is allowed to happen they will suffer "irreparable injury to the marital estate depleting it in its entirety."

Kim and Kroy listed their Georgia mansion for $6 million through a realtor while they hammer out the rest of their divorce ... but the foreclosure auction was scheduled before the estranged couple listed it.

The sale of the home is the first thing we've seen Kim and Kroy agree on in a while. They're both currently still living inside the residence, but the court has ordered Kim to live in the basement and nanny suite, while Kroy has exclusive access to the primary bedroom.

As we've reported, their divorce has been full of drama and nasty accusations ... Kroy's accused Kim of being a gambling addict to blame for their money problems and Kim's said she didn't trust Kroy around their kids when he smokes weed.

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What's more ... Kim recently stated the pair was still having sex, and believed they'd resolve their differences and pull the divorce. However, multiple visits from the police to solve issues between the two seem to say otherwise.

Kyle Richards Ella inició la separación de Mauricio ... Sus fotos con Emma Slater realmente dolieron

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"Fue difícil de ver"

Kyle Richards está revelando que ella inició la ruptura con Mauricio Umansky, y dice que verlo de la mano con su compañera de "Dancing With The Stars" fue más que doloroso.

La estrella de 'Real Housewives' se abrió sobre el estado de su matrimonio el miércoles en "Watch What Happens Live", en donde le contó a Andy Cohen todo sobre su vida después de separarse de su marido de 27 años, sobre todo que la ruptura fue su idea.

También confirmó que siguen viviendo juntos, aunque durmiendo en habitaciones separadas, un movimiento que en broma atribuyó a la decoración masculina de su dormitorio principal, que simplemente no encaja con su estilo.

En cuanto a la reacción de la familia a la separación, Kyle admitió que fue difícil para todos, especialmente para sus hijos.

En la entrevista también ahondó un poco en los rumores de que ella y la cantante de country Morgan Wade están juntas, y admitió que son amigas muy cercanas. Por supuesto, Andy le preguntó sobre las fotos de Mauricio y la bailarina Emma Slater de la mano.

La estrella de televisión dijo que estaba muy dolida después de ver las fotos de ellos juntos, y aunque no los acusó directamente de engaño, sonaba muy seguro de que algo andaba mal. Su amiga, Teddi Mellencamp, incluso enumeró las señales de advertencia.

Por cierto, Kyle también confirmó la historia que publicamos el miércoles, que borró la foto de Mauricio y Emma de sus redes sociales en respuesta a verlos tomados de la mano. Pero dijo que aún tiene pruebas de que votó por ellos, a pesar de sentirse traicionada.

Kyle Richards I Initiated Separation from Mo ... His Pics with Emma Slater 'Really Hurt'

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Kyle Richards is revealing she initiated the breakup with Mauricio Umansky ... and says seeing him holding hands on a dinner date with his 'DWTS' partner was beyond painful.

The 'Real Housewives' star opened up about the state of her marriage on Wednesday's "Watch What Happens Live" ... telling Andy Cohen all about life after splitting from her husband of 27 years -- most notably, saying the split was her idea.

She also confirms they are still living together, albeit sleeping in separate rooms ... a move she jokingly attributed to their primary bedroom's manly decor -- it just doesn't fit her style.


As for the family's reaction to the separation ... Kyle admits it was tough for everyone, especially their kids.

Kyle really let it all out on 'WWHL' -- she danced a bit around the speculation she and country singer Morgan Wade are an item, but admitted they are really close friends ... and of course, Andy had to ask about the pics of Mauricio and pro dancer Emma Slater holding hands.

The reality star says she was pretty hurt after seeing the pics of them together, and while she didn't directly accuse them of cheating, she sounded pretty certain something's fishy. Her pal, Teddi Mellencamp, even pointed out the warning signs.

BTW, Kyle also confirmed the story we broke Wednesday -- that she took down the photo of Mauricio and Emma from her social media in response to seeing them holding hands -- but also claims she has proof she still voted for them, despite feeling betrayed.


¡Las estrellas han estado mostrando sus calabazas festivas y disfrutando de sus semillas! ¿Qué mejor manera de rendir homenaje a estas fotos de calabaza en el Día Nacional de la Calabaza?

Dylan Sprouse posó junto a dos calabazas casi idénticas, mostrando lo imponente que puede ser una calabaza grande.

Kourtney Kardashian hizo alarde de su hermosa panza de bebé junto a un paquete de calabazas decorativas.

De todas las formas y tamaños, las calabazas están por toda la ciudad y merecen ser celebradas ¡Échale un vistazo a nuestra galería de fotos de calabazas de famosos!

Pumpkin Party In Hollywood ... Go Big Or Gourd Home!

Orange you pumped pumpkins are at the forefront of your feeds? Stars have been showing off their festive finds and enjoying their seeds! What better way to honor these gourd-geous pics on National Pumpkin Day?!

Dylan Sprouse posed next to two nearly identical pumpkins, showing how 'suite life' can be with some big ole squash!

And harvesting any day now ... Kourtney Kardashian flaunted her beautiful baby bump next to a pack of decorative pumpkins.

All shapes and sizes ... pumpkins are all a-round town, and they deserve to be celebrated ... Check out our gallery of Celebrity Pumpkin Pics!

Kyle Richards Incómodo intercambio con Mauricio Espera, ¿cuántos tatuajes?

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Mi cuerpo, mi decisión

Estaba escrito en piedra, o en el cuerpo, que la relación de Mauricio Umansky con Kyle Richards se derrumbaría porque el hombre olvidó cuántos tatuajes tiene su esposa.

En un avance de la próxima temporada de "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", que se estrena el miércoles por la noche en Bravo, Kyle le mencionó a Mauricio la cantidad de tatuajes que tenía. Aunque estaba convencido de que tenía 3, se le olvidaron otros dos.

Ella incluso le hizo una broma cuando se dio cuenta del error, diciendo que debería estar prestando un poco más de atención a su cuerpo. 👀

Kyle y Mauricio pusieron fin a su relación después de que la producción terminara el reality show, pero el equipo de cámara volvió a trabajar rápidamente después de que la noticia sobre la ruptura se diera a conocer, por lo que no está claro si esto fue filmado mientras estaban juntos o no, pero la tensión es fuerte.

Como informamos, la pareja se separó en julio después de 27 años de matrimonio y ambos han negado cualquier conversación de seguir adelante con un divorcio. Ambos siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo y fuentes cuentan que su relación es "generalmente amistosa."

Sin embargo, la olla se agitó definitivamente esta semana después de que Mauricio y su compañera de "Dancing With The Stars", Emma Slater, fueran fotografiados tomados de la mano mientras salían a cenar, lo que provocó que Kyle borrara una foto de los dos bailarines de sus redes sociales.

Nos dijeron que la eliminación de Kyle fue intencional. Aunque Mauricio dijo que se tomaron de las manos porque estaba sobrepasado por la emoción de hablar sobre su matrimonio con Kyle, la estrella de 'Real Housewives' no se lo creyó.

Kyle Richards Awkward Exchange with Mauricio ... Wait, How Many Tattoos??

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The writing's on the wall -- or the body -- for the downfall of Mauricio Umansky's relationship with Kyle Richards ... 'cause the guy forgot how many tattoos his wife's got.

Kyle informed Mauricio about her tat count in a preview for the upcoming season of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," which premieres Wednesday night on Bravo -- while he was convinced Kyle only had 3 pieces on her, he forgot about 2 others.

She even threw a playful jab at him when tattoo numbers 4 and 5 slipped his mind ... telling him he should be paying a bit more attention to her body. 👀

Kyle and Mauricio pulled the plug on their relationship after production wrapped for the reality show, but the camera crew got back to work quickly after news broke about the split ... so it's unclear if this was shot while they were still together or not, but the tension is strong.

As we reported, the couple split in July after 27 years of marriage, but both have denied any talk of them going through with a divorce -- they've also been living under the same roof, with sources saying their relationship is "generally amicable."

However, the pot was definitely stirred this week after Mauricio and his 'DWTS' partner, Emma Slater, were photographed holding hands while out to dinner ... resulting in Kyle deleting a pic of the 2 dancers from her social media.

We were told Kyle's deletion was intentional ... while Mauricio claimed they held hands because he was overtaken with emotion while talking about marrying Kyle, the 'Real Housewives' star wasn't buying it.

Kyle Richards Foto de Mauricio de la mano con Emma Slater... Súper irrespetuoso con Kyle

Que Kyle Richards borrara la foto de Mauricio Umansky y su pareja de baile en "Dancing With the Stars" fue algo intencional y se conecta directamente con la imagen de Mauricio saliendo de un restaurante de Los Ángeles de la mano con Emma Slater.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja distanciada dicen a TMZ que Kyle no se cree lo que Mauricio está diciendo sobre las fotos, esto es, que estaba de la mano con Emma porque estaba sobrepasado por la emoción de rememorar los buenos recuerdos con Kyle, mientras comían sushi. La historia y su motivación simplemente no se sostienen.

Como sabrán, Kyle eliminó la foto de Mauricio y Emma apoyándolos en "Dancing With The Stars" de su feed de Instagram, y no por accidente.

La cuestión es... todo el mundo está hablando de una posible relación entre Kyle y Morgan Wade, aunque las dos nunca han confirmado o negado nada. No ha habido fotos de demostración de afecto en público, por lo que la foto de Mauricio y Emma es un nuevo giro  y algunos cercanos a la pareja lo están considerando "súper irrespetuoso" con Kyle.

Dicho esto, los dos siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo y su relación es "en general amigable", dicen las fuentes.

En términos de una posible reconciliación, nos dicen que esta foto podría ser un aguafiestas. Como dijo una fuente: "Es obvio lo que pasa".

Kyle and Mauricio Photo of Mo Holding Hands with Emma Slater ... 'Super Disrespectful' to Kyle

Kyle Richards deleting the photo of Mauricio Umansky and his dance partner on "Dancing With the Stars" was intentional ... it directly connects to the photo of Mauricio walking out of an L.A. restaurant holding hands with Emma Slater.

Sources close to the estranged couple tell TMZ ... Kyle isn't buying what Mauricio is selling over the pics ... he says he was holding hands with Emma because he was overtaken with emotion ... when he talked to Emma over sushi about fond memories of getting married to Kyle. The story and the motivation just don't hold water.

As you may know, Kyle removed the pic of Mauricio and Emma supporting them on 'DWTS' from her Instagram feed, and not by accident.

Fact is ... everyone's talking about a rumored relationship between Kyle and Morgan Wade, although the 2 have never confirmed or denied it. There have been no PDA pics of Kyle and Morgan, so the photo of Mauricio and Emma is a new twist .... some folks close to the couple call it " super disrespectful" to Kyle.


Mauricio and Emma's performance on "Dancing with the Stars" Tuesday night came off as pretty sexy, too ... and people online have been sure to point that out.

That said ... the 2 are still living under the same roof and their relationship is "generally amicable," sources say.

In terms of any possible reconciliation, we're told this photo could be a buzzkill. As one source put it, "It's obvious what's up."


KIM Y KROY El juez divide la casa para mantener la paz ELLA EN EL SÓTANO Y ÉL EN EL DORMITORIO

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann finalmente han vendido su casa y una nueva orden judicial espera mantener la paz mientras viven bajo el mismo techo. Kim tendrá acceso al sótano/suite de niñera y Kroy el dormitorio principal.

Los nuevos documentos de la corte obtenidos por TMZ, establecen los arreglos de vida, diciendo: "Ninguna de las partes entrará en el espacio individual de la otra parte en la residencia marital sin permiso". Los documentos también indican que van a compartir las zonas comunes como la cocina y sala de estar.

En un esfuerzo por proteger a los cuatro pequeños de la pareja, se les pidió a Kim y Kroy actuar civilizadamente entre ellos, diciendo: "Ninguno de los padres menospreciará al otro en presencia o al alcance del oído de los niños menores de edad".

Los documentos también establecen que ninguno de los padres puede escuchar a escondidas mientras el otro tiene tiempo con los niños y los niños no pueden ser utilizados como mensajeros de un padre al otro.

Si bien la orden puede sonar drástica, es sin duda necesaria, ya que las cosas en el hogar Zolciak/Biermann han sido cualquier cosa menos cordial desde que la pareja solicitó el divorcio.

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kim fuera

TMZ publio la historia, Kim llamó a la policía  y acusó a Kroy de encerrarla fuera de su dormitorio principal y se negó a abrir la puerta, incluso para los oficiales.

El nuevo acuerdo oficialmente da luz verde a la venta de la mansión de Georgia de la pareja. Fuimos los primeros en informar cuando la casa llegó al mercado por 6 millones de dólares, dinero que sin duda irá a las grandes deudas de la pareja.

Kim & Kroy Judge Splits House to Keep the Peace ... She's in Basement & He's in Bedroom

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann have finally listed their house, and a new court order hopes to keep the peace while they're still under the same roof ... giving Kim exclusive use of the basement/nanny suite and Kroy the primary bedroom.

New court docs, obtained by TMZ, lay out the living arrangements, stating, "Neither party shall enter the other party’s individually awarded space in the marital residence without permission." The docs also state they'll share common areas like the kitchen and living room.

What's more ... in an effort to protect the couple's 4 young kids, it's ordered both Kim and Kroy act civilly towards one another, further stating, "Neither parent shall disparage the other parent in the presence of or earshot of the minor children."

The documents also state neither parent can eavesdrop while the other has time with the kids ... and the kids can't be used as messengers from one parent to the other.


While the order may sound drastic, it's certainly necessary as things in the Zolciak/Biermann household have been anything but cordial since the couple filed for divorce.

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TMZ broke the story, during one instance where cops were called, Kim accused Kroy of locking her out of their primary bedroom -- and refused to open the door, even for officers.

BTW ... the new arrangement officially gives the green light on the sale of the couple's Georgia mansion. We were first to report when the home hit the market for $6 million ... money that will certainly go toward the couple's massive debts.

Jenelle Evans Husband Charged with Child Abuse In Case Involving 14-Year-Old Son

Jenelle Evans' husband, David Eason, has been charged with child abuse in a case involving Jenelle's 14-year-old son, Jace.

We don't yet know the circumstances surrounding David's charges, but we do know the investigation was opened up after Jace ran away from home. The charge is a misdemeanor.

TMZ broke the story, Jace snuck out a window at David and Jenelle's home back in September ... running off into the woods and prompting a police response. Once he was located, cops started diving into the case as possible neglect as it was the third time Jace had run away in about a month's time.

While it's unclear exactly what happened, we're told there's video of an assault involving Jace ... and both cops and child protective services had the video in their possession.

Our law enforcement sources tell us while Jenelle hasn't yet been charged, there's a possibility she could eventually face charges as well. Jace is David's stepson.

It was earlier this year when Jenelle got custody of Jace from her mother, Barbara, who had cared for him from a young age as Jenelle was deemed an unfit parent.

You might remember the incident from 2019 when Eason shot and killed the family dog after it allegedly bit their young daughter in the face ... Eason was not charged for that incident.

We've reached out to a rep for Jenelle and David ... so far, no word back.

JENELLE EVANS Su marido es acusado de maltrato infantil en un caso relacionado con su hijo de 14 años

El marido de Jenelle Evans, David Eason, ha sido acusado de maltrato infantil en un caso que involucra al hijo de Jenelle, Jace, de 14 años.

Todavía no conocemos las circunstancias que rodean las acusaciones, pero sí sabemos que la investigación se abrió después de que Jace se escapara de casa.

El cargo corresponde a un delito menor.

TMZ publicó la historia, Jace se escabulló por una ventana en la casa de David y Jenelle en septiembre para huir hacia el bosque, lo que provocó una respuesta de la policía. Una vez que fue localizado, los oficiales comenzaron a bucear en el caso como posible negligencia, ya que esta era la tercera vez que Jace se escapaba en un mes aproximadamente.

Si bien no está claro qué pasó exactamente, nos dicen que hay un video de un violento altercado que implica a Jace y que está en manos de ambos policías y de los servicios de protección de menores.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Jenelle no ha sido acusada, pero existe la posibilidad de que eventualmente pueda enfrentar cargos. Jace es el hijastro de David.

Jenelle consiguió la custodia de Jace a principios de este año, de manos de su madre, Barbara, quien lo cuidó desde pequeño, cuando Jenelle fue considerada una madre no apta.

Es posible que recuerden el incidente de 2019 cuando Eason disparó y mató al perro de la familia después de que supuestamente mordiera a su pequeña hija en la cara. Eason no fue acusado por ese incidente.

Nos hemos comunicado con un representante de Jenelle y David, pero hasta ahora no hemos recibido respuesta.

L&HH: Miami's Prince Michael Sorry For Spillin' Lori Harvey Bedroom Deets ... But It's My Truth!!!

"Love and Hip Hop: Miami" star Prince Michael is apologizing for his explicit, and public, deep dive into his past relationship with Lori Harvey -- but he sounds very "sorry not sorry."

The outspoken reality star went into graphic detail on the "We in Miami" podcast earlier this week, sharing details like how he and Lori would Uber to each other's places for sex, and he claims they never used a condom.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Prince claims these trysts went down years ago when, as he puts it, Lori was thick and he clearly misses that 'ol thang.

On the creepier side ... he admitted trying to secretly record one of their hookup sessions but says there was no fooling Lori, who always suspected something. She was right!!!

Prince also took joy in allegedly dismantling Saweetie's family -- he claims he banged her mother and then got a DM from her husband accusing him of breaking up a happy home.

Lori's currently dating Damson Idris and was linked to Quavo, Future, Michael B. Jordan and Diddy in the past. Some fans aren't amused by his bedroom tea ... instead, they're destroying Prince for making his past with Lori public knowledge.

In his apology, he says he attempted to be funny with his responses ... but admits to failing at that, and blames his own insecurities for ruining things with Lori.

Knowing's half the battle ... good luck with the rest!

Mauricio Umansky Holding Hands w/ 'DWTS' Partner

Mauricio Umansky might have turned his dance partner into a real-life romantic partner -- 'cause he's out here looking real cozy with Emma Slater ... or so it seems.

The 'Real Housewives' star -- who's currently separated from his estranged wife, Kyle Richards -- hit up a restaurant in Bev Hills Sunday night with Emma ... who he's sharing screen time with right now during his stint on "Dancing With the Stars" as her celeb plus-1.

Welp, it looks like they're taking their ballroom connection into the outside world -- that is, if these photos on their face are to be believed -- 'cause the 'DWTS' pair walked away from their one-on-one dinner hand in hand, coming across awfully couple-y.

No other signs of PDA between 'em that we can see ... but this feels telling on its own.

Mauricio and Emma have actually been hanging out a lot lately -- dressing up for Halloween as recently as last week. So, yeah ... they've been chummy for a good while now.

Now, our sources with direct knowledge tell us the hand-holding was spurred on by a deep convo the duo had over dinner -- namely discussing their upcoming dance on this week's episode. We're told the theme is "most important year of your life" -- and Mauricio opened up to Emma about why 1996 was so pivotal for him.

Our sources say Mauricio actually revealed a lot to Emma last night on this topic -- '96 was the year he and Kyle married, he was fired from the fashion industry and he pivoted to real estate -- and we're told that, as a result, they felt far more connected and closer than ever ... which, we suppose, explains why they looked like this while exiting.

As for whether this is blossoming into a romance ... the sources couldn't say one way or another.

Of course, there's been tons of speculation about Mauricio and Kyle, whose marriage has come under a microscope this year amid KR's friendship with Morgan Wade.

Kyle has long insisted they're simply partners on a project right now ... as Kyle is producing a documentary on Morgan's life -- but some have still suggested a romance might be afoot.

Meanwhile ... Mauricio and Kyle haven't really cut each other out of their respective lives. They've gone on vacation together with the rest of their family -- and have hung out on a number of occasions for holiday get-togethers and the like. It's been ... interesting.

So, for now, it would appear Mauricio might be ready to move on. Maybe ... or he's just really close with 'DWTS' co-worker.