Jamie Foxx Hits Up Halloween Horror Nights ... And So Do Other Stars!!!

Jamie Foxx was in the mood for some late-night scares this weekend -- hitting up Universal Studios' creepy theme park after hours ... finding both fans and monsters.

The actor swung by Halloween Horror Nights Sunday, posing for a cool pic while standing around a bunch of the costumed actors, who seemed more star-struck than they did frightful. That might have to do with Jamie's stance here ... full-on bad ass mode!

Indeed, JF set the tone ... and the HHN crew followed, it seems. That's pretty different than how most guests get treated when they enter the spooky grounds -- usually, folks get followed around and terrorized by the employees ... and celebs aren't exempt.

BTW, Jamie wasn't the only famous face who was enjoying the evening ... other stars like Ariana Madix of 'Vanderpump' fame were in attendance with some pals, as was former "Euphoria" star Barbie Ferreriera and the great Nicole Richie. They all seemed to get the VIP treatment.

We'll probably see a lot more A-listers drop in over the next few weeks -- Halloween Horror Nights is a fall time tradition here in SoCal ... and that goes for Hollywood's elite too.

Now, whether they all get an awesome photo-op like this, though, remains to be seen.

Here's hoping they got some real screams in during the mazes -- lord knows those aren't a walk in the park by any stretch, and they're certainly not for the faint of heart either. 😱


Las estrellas más importantes de Hollywood han mostrado su apoyo a Israel en el actual conflicto de Oriente Medio, pero casi ninguna ha respaldado a Palestina, al menos públicamente.

Durante todo el fin de semana se han sucedido los homenajes en las redes sociales, hablando del violento enfrentamiento y denunciando el ataque terrorista de Hamás contra Israel. Algunas de las celebridades que han expresado su solidaridad con Israel incluyen Gal Gadot, Madonna, Ashley Tisdale, Mark Hamill, Amy Schumer, Natalie Portman, Kris Jenner, Jamie Lee Curtis y más.

Mientras que muchas de estas personas famosas están publicando simples mensajes de "Estamos con Israel", otros están ofreciendo una visión un poco más matizada, diciendo que es razonable estar en desacuerdo con el trato de Israel a los palestinos y repudiar la violencia desquiciada contra los ciudadanos israelíes.

Ese es un sentimiento que ha sido ampliamente adoptado por la gente en los últimos tiempos y hemos estado viendo que se refleja en las calles de todo EE.UU. con muchos estadounidenses ondeando banderas palestinas y gritando "Palestina libre". Sin embargo, en lo que respecta a Hollywood, no son muchos los que adoptan una postura tan firme al respecto, a excepción de unos pocos elegidos como Mia Khalifa, etc.

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Hay dos personas en concreto de las que muchos famosos esperan noticias y son Gigi y Bella Hadid, que han permanecido en silencio a pesar de que han apoyado abiertamente a Palestina a lo largo de los años y simpatizan con su causa.

Es interesante... el hecho de que no han hablado parece haber erizado las plumas en Hollywood, con la actriz Sara Foster aparentemente llamando la atención pero sin dar nombres.

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muestra de solidaridad
Twitter/@theswtd, Instagram/@bellahadid

Ella escribe: "Ver a influencers palestinos aquí negarse a denunciar a Hamás, negarse a hablar en contra del tratamiento bárbaro de los niños, negarse a esperar la paz, todo mientras viven en la comodidad de los EE.UU. con cero intención de estar alguna vez en Palestina porque nunca podrían ser abiertamente homosexuales o publicar abiertamente sus fotos en bikini no es, por desgracia, chocante. Es fácil ser franco desde la comodidad de tu cálida cama democrática." Suena bastante relacionado con Hadid.

Curiosamente, algunos han especulado que la relación con Hadid puede ser la razón por la que Kylie Jenner publicó y luego borró su Instagram "Apoya a Israel" este fin de semana.

Claramente, este es un tema divisivo a la vez que delicado. Casi todas las figuras públicas están enviando sus pensamientos y oraciones a las personas inocentes que están siendo empujadas a esta pesadilla.

El debate continuará.

Middle East Conflict Stars Show Support for Israel Little to None for Palestine

Hollywood's biggest stars have come out in support of Israel amid their ongoing conflict in the Middle East -- but there are hardly any backing Palestine ... at least not publicly.

The A-list crowd has been pouring out with social media tributes all weekend -- speaking on the violent clash ... and denouncing the terrorist attack on Israel by Hamas. Some of those celebs who've voiced their solidarity with Israel include Gal Gadot, Madonna, Ashley Tisdale, Scooter Braun, Mark Hamill, Amy Schumer, Natalie Portman, Kris Jenner, Jamie Lee Curtis and more.

While a lot of these famous folks are posting simple "We Stand With Israel" messages -- others are offering a bit more of a nuanced take ... saying it's reasonable to both disagree with Israel's treatment of Palestinians AND disavow the unhinged violence on Israeli citizens.

That's a sentiment that's been widely embraced by people of late ... and we've been seeing that reflected in streets all over the U.S. -- with many Americans waving Palestinian flags and screaming "Free Palestine." As far as Hollywood's concerned though ... not very many are taking that firm of a stance on the issue -- save for a select few like Mia Khalifa, etc.

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There's 2 people, specifically, a lot of celebs are waiting to hear from ... and that would be Gigi and Bella Hadid, both of whom have remained silent -- this despite the fact they've been very vocal supporters of Palestine over the years, and sympathetic to their cause.

It's interesting ... the fact they haven't spoken up seems to have ruffled feathers in H'wood, with actress Sara Foster apparently calling them out -- but without naming names.

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Twitter/@theswtd, Instagram/@bellahadid

She writes, "Watching Palestinian influencers on here refuse to denounce hamas, refuse to speak out against the barbaric treatment of children, refuse to hope for peace, all while living in the comfort of the US with zero intention of ever being in Palestine because they could never be openly gay or openly post their bikini pics is sadly not shocking. It's easy to be outspoken from the comfort of your warm democratic bed." Sure sounds Hadid-related.

Interestingly enough, some have speculated the Hadid connection may be why Kylie Jenner posted but then deleted her "Support Israel" Instagram this weekend. She's pals with them.

In any case, it's clearly a divisive issue ... but just about every public figure is sending their thoughts and prayers to the innocent people being thrust into the middle of this nightmare.


The debate is sure to continue.


Hay un Umansky saliendo actualmente con una mujer que trabaja para el imperio de bienes raíces de Mauricio, pero él no es quien sale con ella.

Mira esta foto de Mauricio y Leslie Bega, quien además de trabajar para La Agencia, es actriz. Se ve que ella lo rodea con el brazo. Los padres de Mauricio (que están divorciados) también están comiendo en Il Pastaio en Beverly Hills.

La foto fue tomada el pasado martes luego de la actuación en directo en "Dancing With the Stars". No ha sido facil, pero Mauricio todavía sigue en la competición.

Pudimos notar que Leslie fue al show con su cita, el papá de Mauricio (Eduardo Umansky) quien también trabaja para La Agencia. La madre de Mauricio, la Dra. Estella Sneider, también estaba en el show.

Nos dicen que Leslie, Eduardo y Estella fueron a Il Pastaio juntos y Mauricio se unió a ellos a mitad de la comida.

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dejando las cosas claras

TMZ habló con Mauricio hace unas semanas y lo dejó claro, él y Kyle están separados y dice que ella no está saliendo con nadie.

Como ustedes saben, Kyle ha estado pasando el tiempo con la estrella del country Morgan Wade y han estado en la zona de Santa Bárbara en los últimos días. Kyle está produciendo un documental sobre la vida de Morgan.

Mauricio Umansky Not Dating Co-Worker Leslie Bega ... But His Dad Is!!!

There's an Umansky who's now dating a woman who works for Mauricio's real estate empire, but he's not the one going out with her.

Check out this pic, of Mauricio and Leslie Bega, who, in addition to working for The Agency, is an actress. You see she has her arm around him. Mauricio's parents, who are divorced, are also chowing down at Il Pastaio in Bev Hills.

The pic was snapped last Tuesday, after the live performance of "Dancing With the Stars." Mauricio is struggling, but still in the competition.

We have good recon here, folks, and turns out Leslie went to the show with her date -- Mauricio's dad, Eduardo Umansky, who also works for The Agency. Mauricio's mom, Dr. Estella Sneider, was also at the show.

We're told Leslie, Eduardo and Estella went to Il Pastaio together and Mauricio joined them mid-meal.

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TMZ spoke to Mauricio a few weeks ago and he made it clear ... he and Kyle are separated and he says she's not dating anyone.

As you know, Kyle's been spending a ton of time with country star Morgan Wade ... they've been in the Santa Barbara area the last few days. Kyle's producing a documentary on Morgan's life.

Teresa Giudice Offered Cop Family Biz Cards ... During April Traffic Stop

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Riverdale Police Department

Teresa Giudice seemed to have tried the old "Don't you know who I am?" trick during a traffic stop ... and while it's unclear if it worked, she lucked out with a friendly cop.

The 'RHONJ' star got pulled over back in April out in Riverdale, NJ ... this after a police officer apparently saw her swerving in and out of lanes during a night drive. The body cam footage -- which seems to have just been released -- shows his interaction with her.

Check it out ... the cop asks for Teresa's driver's license, and she forks it over -- but also tries sneaking some extra identifying information in the form of "family business cards."

The officer laughs it off, saying those won't be necessary ... and then heads back to his car to dive into her background. He's perusing her record for a bit, and then eventually heads back to talk to Teresa -- at which point he lets her off the hook with a simple warning.

Teresa sounds grateful ... telling the officer that she tends to drive a little crooked, and she even makes a random mention of her father dying. The whole chat is super chummy.

Again, we're not sure if the cop here realized who he was dealing with -- a celeb, especially around those parts in NJ -- but in any case ... he cut TG a break. She should count herself lucky ... especially since she famously ran into serious legal trouble once upon a time.

Teresa's attorney, James Leonard, tells TMZ ... "There is no family business card. That is ridiculous. No such card exists or has ever existed. She was referring to a New Jersey State PBA card that was given to her by an acquaintance who is a law enforcement officer and issued her the card."


Leonard goes on ... "the bigger issue here is why is a video of a woman being pulled over, who did absolutely nothing wrong, being released to the public more than five months after the actual motor vehicle stop happened."

tom sandoval baila con una misteriosa mujer

Nueva cita

Tom Sandoval le mostró sus pasos prohibidos en la pista de baile a una misteriosa mujer en un bar de Tennessee. Al parecer funcionó ya que se fueron juntos.

TMZ obtuvo un video de la estrella de "Vanderpump Rules" en la pista de baile con una morena misteriosa.

La gente que estuvo allí nos dijo que Tom estaba en el Whiskey Row de Dierks Bentley en Nashville, donde Tom se acercó por primera vez a la mujer mientras bailaba con sus amigos.

Nos informaron que la mujer parecía dudar al principio, pero luego empezó a bailar con Tom. Poco a poco se acercaron el uno al otro y estuvieron así durante unos 30 minutos.

Como se puede ver en el video, el baile es un poco incómodo al principio, ya que no pueden ponerse de acuerdo en como es que se debe girar con la pareja.

Suena como que pueden haber congeniado sin embargo ... porque se nos dice Tom y la mujer terminó dejando el bar juntos.

La última vez que vimos a Tom fue a principios de septiembre, cuando salía de un bar en West Hollywood con la cantante y compositora Tii tomados de la mano y entrelazando los dedos mientras volvían a su casa.

No hay declaraciones acerca de cómo fueron las cosas entre Tom y Tii, pero él no es conocido precisamente por ser monógamo.

Tom Sandoval Dancing With Mystery Woman ... Nashville Bar Pickup?!?


Here's Tom Sandoval putting the moves on a woman he took an interest in at a Tennessee bar ... dancing with her before leaving together.

TMZ obtained video of the "Vanderpump Rules" star hitting the dance floor with a mystery brunette ... and it looks like there were sparks.

Folks who were there tell us Tom was at Dierks Bentley's Whiskey Row in Nashville, where Tom first approached the woman as she was dancing with her friends.

We're told the woman seemed hesitant at first, but then she started dancing with Tom ... and they started warming up to one another and things got wilder and wilder as they danced for about 30 minutes.

As you see in the video, it's a little awkward at first as they try and feel each other out ... with Tom trying to get her to twirl.

Sounds like they may have hit it off though ... because we're told Tom and the woman ended up leaving together. We don't know where they went.

The last time we saw Tom out was in early September when he was leaving a bar in West Hollywood with singer-songwriter Tii ... holding hands and interlocking fingers as they went back to his place.

No word about how things worked out with Tom and Tii ... but he's not known as a one-woman man.

Do you think Tom Sandoval will announce a new relationship in the next 6 months? Vote below.


Caitlyn Jenner parece decidida a pasar el resto de su vida sola. Asegura que el romance no está en sus futuros planes.

La ex atleta olímpica habló sobre su vida amorosa en una entrevista con The Times, diciendo que no está saliendo en este momento y que no tiene ningún problema en mantenerse así.

Aquí está su cita: "Estoy bien. Ni siquiera estoy cerca de buscar una relación. Nunca voy a tener una relación en el futuro. Simplemente no veo eso en mi vida. No es algo que estoy buscando". Caitlyn añade que está "muy soltera" y bastante contenta por el momento.

En cuanto a la soledad, Caitlyn dice está muy lejos de eso, citando a sus perros como buena compañía, por no hablar de su gran familia, con la que todavía está en buenos términos diciendo: "Cada noche de la semana podría ir a casa de alguien a cenar".

Caitlyn termina señalando que hace muchas cosas para mantenerse ocupada (pasatiempos y panoramas) y que ella está en el momento de su vida que se llama "diversión". Sin embargo, señala que otros capítulos pueden aparecer en el camino. En otras palabras, mantiene la mente abierta.

La última persona con la que se rumoreaba que Caitlyn había estado involucrada era Sophia Hutchins, pero desde entonces han disipado las especulaciónes diciendo que no hay "nada de nada".

Caitlyn Jenner I Won't Be In a Relationship Again ... Not In the Stars

Caitlyn Jenner is on track to spend the rest of her life by herself -- because romance just isn't in the cards for her ... so says CJ herself.

The former Olympian dished about her love life in an interview with The Times -- saying she's not dating right now ... and that she might not even date ever again, 'cause she apparently doesn't see or need that in her future going forward.

Here's her quote ... "I’m fine. I’m not even close to looking for a relationship. I’ll never have a relationship in the future. I just don’t see that in my life. I am not looking for that." Caitlyn adds she's "very single" and quite content with that status at the moment.

As far as loneliness, CJ says she doesn't experience it ... citing her dogs as good enough company -- not to mention her big family, with whom she suggests she's still on good terms with ... saying, "Every night of the week I could go to somebody’s house and have dinner."

Caitlyn ends her thoughts on her romantic life by noting she does a lot to keep herself busy -- hobbies and such -- and that she's simply in her "fun" chapter in life ... while noting other chapters may follow down the road. In other words, she's keeping an open mind.

The last person Caitlyn was rumored to have been involved with was Sophia Hutchins -- but they've since distanced themselves from that speculation ... saying there's no "hanky panky."

Of course, her other very famous relationship was with Kris Jenner -- with whom she had two children (Kylie and Kendall) ... and then there's Linda Thompson, they had kids too.

PUBLICA Y LUEGO BORRA SU APOYO A ISRAEL Otras celebridades se mantienen firmes

Kylie Jenner no pudo soportar el hate por apoyar a Israel. La celebridad publicó su apoyo hacia el país que acaba de soportar un ataque terrorista tipo 9/11, pero luego de que algunas personas la criticaron, ella borró el post.

Jenner compartió el post: "Ahora y siempre estamos con el pueblo de Israel, COMPARTE si estás con el pueblo de Israel mientras se enfrentan a una de las situaciones más aterradoras en muchos años. Miles de cohetes fueron disparados desde Gaza hacia los israelíes. Cientos de civiles han sido heridos y más de 300 asesinados. Terroristas se han infiltrado en Israel desde Gaza y hay informes no confirmados que soldados de las FDI han sido secuestrados y llevados a Gaza".

Algunos de los seguidores de Jenner comenzaron a poblar su Instagram con fotos de banderas palestinas e instaron a otros a dejar de seguirla. Al parecer, eso fue demasiado para Kylie, porque el post no aparecía por ninguna parte en su cuenta una hora más tarde.

Otras celebridades se mantienen firmes en su apoyo a Israel, incluyendo Sarah Silverman, Gal Gadot, Amy Schumer y Jamie Lee Curtis.

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rehenes en israel

Ahora hay una guerra en toda regla, con Hezbolá disparando misiles contra Israel desde el Líbano.

Israel ha jurado vengarse y ya está bombardeando partes de Gaza. Es una situación problemática para los israelíes porque hay docenas de rehenes israelíes que se encuentran ahora en Gaza, y Hamás los está utilizando como escudos humanos para frustrar el contraataque.

Kylie Jenner Posts, then Deletes Support for Israel ... Other Celebs Stand Strong After Terror Attack

Kylie Jenner apparently can't take the heat for supporting Israel, because she posted her support for the country that just endured a 9/11-type terrorist attack, but after some people criticized her she 86'd the post.

Jenner shared a post, "Now and always we stand with the people of Israel SHARE if you stand with the people of Israel as they face one of the most frightening situations in many years. Thousands of rockets were fired from Gaza towards Israelis, hundreds of civilians have been injured and more than 300 murdered, terrorists have infiltrated Israel from Gaza, and there are unconfirmed reports that IDF soldiers have been kidnapped and taken into Gaza."

Some of Jenner's followers started populating her Instagram with photos of Palestinian flags and urged others to unfollow her. Apparently, that was enough for Kylie, because the post was nowhere to be seen on her account an hour later.

Other celebs are standing strong in their support for Israel, including Sarah Silverman, Gal Gadot, Amy Schumer and Jamie Lee Curtis.

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There is a full-blown war now, with Hezbollah firing missiles at Israel from Lebanon.

Israel has vowed revenge and is already bombing parts of Gaza. It's problematic for the Israelis ... there are dozens of Israeli hostages who are now in Gaza, and Hamas is using them as human shields to thwart a counterattack.

Kim Zolciak Flirtin' With Chet Hanks Amid Divorce ... While Filming MTV's 'The Surreal Life'

Kim Zolciak was certainly havin' fun filming her reality show amid her divorce from Kroy Biermann ... hitting it off with Chet Hanks during production in Colombia.

Multiple sources connected to the show tell TMZ ... Kim and Tom Hanks' son were acting flirty toward each other while cameras were rolling in Medellín for MTV's "The Surreal Life."

We're told they really hit things off, with others in the house thinking they might've caught feelings for each other during the 2 weeks of production ... at least, that was the vibe while under the same roof.

It's unclear, however, if Kim and Chet ever exchanged digits before the show came to an end ... and it's unknown if they're staying in touch today, but one thing's for sure -- sparks were flying.

TMZ broke the story, sources told us Kim signed a deal to appear on the 8th season of the reality series ... joining folks like Chet, Johnny Weir, Josie Canseco, Ally Brooke and many more.

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She flew back to ATL last week after production wrapped ... and called 911 on Kroy a day later for allegedly snatching her cell phones.

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Don't forget, we got body cam footage from before Kim left for 'TSL,' with Kim claiming Kroy locked her out of their bedroom ... where she said she was trying to get her meds and personal belongings.

Kim Zolciak Coquetea con Chet Hanks en medio del divorcio ... Mientras grababa "The Surreal Life" de MTV

Kim Zolciak ciertamente lo pasó muy bien mientras filmaba su reality show en medio del divorcio con Kroy Biermann, pues sabemos que estuvo coqueteando con Chet Hanks durante la producción del show en Colombia.

Múltiples fuentes relacionadas con el espectáculo dicen a TMZ que Kim y el hijo de Tom Hanks estuvieron coqueteando mientras rodaban "The Surreal Life" de MTV en Medellín.

Nos dicen que ambos se cayeron muy bien, y que otros en la casa también pensaron que podrían haberse encariñado durante las dos semanas de producción, o al menos, esa era la vibración mientras compartían el mismo techo.

No está claro, sin embargo, si Kim y Chet llegaron a intercambiar números antes de que terminara la producción y no se sabe tampoco si se mantienen en contacto ahora. Pero una cosa es segura... hubo algunas chispas entre los dos.

TMZ dio la noticia, las fuentes nos dijeron que Kim firmó un acuerdo para estar en la 8ª temporada del reality show, en el que también participan celebridades como Chet, Johnny Weir, Josie Canseco, Ally Brooke y muchos más.

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Audio del 911

Ella voló de regreso a Atlanta la semana pasada después de terminar las grabaciones y llamó al 911 un día después, luego de que Kroy presuntamente robara sus celulares.

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Me echó de la pieza...

No se olviden, tenemos imágenes de Kim, de antes de que se fuera a "The Surreal Life", donde la vemos alegarle a Kroy por haberla dejado fuera de su dormitorio. En él dice que estaba tratando de conseguir sus medicamentos y objetos personales.

Zak Bagans Exorcism Box, Journal Are Mine ... Terrifying Backstories!!!

Zak Bagans is exercising his right to scare the crap out of folks at his Haunted Museum ... by bringing in some creepy-ass artifacts from famous exorcisms!!!

The "Ghost Adventures" star tells TMZ ... he recently got his hands on the fabled "Exorcism Box," which was used during the 1970s real-life exorcisms of Anneliese Michel ... whose story is the inspiration behind 2005's "The Exorcism of Emily Rose."

Zak tells us he got the box from filmmaker Christopher Saint Booth, who wanted to get rid of it after a disturbing experience, to put it mildly. While he had the box, Booth says he felt something growing inside him, and a doctor determined the growth contained teeth and stem cells.

Booth says he had an archbishop exorcise the box ... and while doing so, he saw a dark figure dart past him. Booth believes it was Anneliese, who died way back in 1976 following 67 catholic exorcism rites.

Zak says Booth told him the archbishop saw the figure too, which appeared to have Anneliese's face, and it was shaking uncontrollably as if being pushed away from the box by a dark energy. Booth believes the "Exorcism Box" absorbed all the energy from Anneliese's exorcisms.

If that doesn't give you enough chills ... Zak also obtained a copy of the infamous Exorcist Diary, which inspired the 1974 movie "The Exorcist."

There are only 6 copies of the diary, 2 of which remain in a vault at the Vatican. The diary documents a 3-month period of exorcisms on a 13-year-old boy in St. Louis way back in 1949 and includes a map of Hell.

Zak says Booth had the diary while working on a documentary called "The Exorcist File" ... and Booth says he felt very oppressed and suicidal whenever the diary was nearby.

And, get this ... Zak says Booth told him he had the diary with him in a hotel room when he saw a horned, shadowy figure appear just before something scratched his ankle and pulled him out of bed. 😱

Since bringing the items to his Haunted Museum in Las Vegas, Zak says countless guests are refusing to enter the new Exorcism Room Exhibit before they even know what's inside ... with some saying they felt light-headed.

Zak is not new to the exorcism world -- he filmed the 100th episode of "Ghost Adventures" in the house where the notorious St. Louis exorcism was performed.

It's a timely acquisition for Zak with Halloween lurking, and "The Exorcist: Believer" just hitting theaters.

No thanks. Nope. No way. But, that's just us.

ZAK BAGANS La caja de exorcismo es mía... ¡¡Espeluznantes historias!!

Zak Bagans está ejerciendo su derecho a asustar a la gente en su Museo Embrujado, ¡¡¡trayendo algunos famosos artefactos para practicar exorcismos a su colección!!!

La estrella de "Ghost Adventures" le dice a TMZ que recientemente adquirió una "caja de exorcismo" que se utilizó en los exorcismos de Annalise Michel en los infames años 70, y cuya historia inspiró la película "El exorcismo de Emily Rose".

Zak nos dijo que consiguió la caja del cineasta Christopher Saint Booth, quien quería deshacerse de ella después de una experiencia perturbadora.

Booth dice que mientras tenía la caja consigo sintió que algo raro crecía dentro de él y un médico determinó que ese crecimiento contenía dientes y células madre. Luego le pidió a un arzobispo que la exorcizara, y al hacerlo, vio pasar a una figura oscura que cree era de Annalise, quien murió en 1976 después de 67 ritos de exorcismo católico.

Booth le dijo a Zak que el arzobispo también vio a la figura sacudiéndose incontrolablemente, como si una energía oscura la empujara fuera de la caja. Booth cree que la "caja del exorcismo" absorbió toda la energía de los exorcismos de Annalise.

Zak también nos cuenta que obtuvo una copia del infame Diario del Exorcista, que inspiró la película de 1974, "El Exorcista."

Solo hay seis copias de los diarios, dos de los cuales permanecen en una bóveda en el Vaticano y documenta un período de 3 meses de exorcismos a un niño de 13 años en St. Louis allá por 1949, que también incluye un mapa del infierno.

Zak dice que Booth tuvo el diario mientras trabajaba en un documental llamado "The Exorcist File", y que se sentía muy oprimido y suicida cuando estaba cerca de él.

Y escuchen esto... Booth le dijo que tenía el diario consigo en un hotel cuando vio aparecer una sombra con cuernos, justo antes de ser arañado en el tobillo y sacado de la cama.

Desde que trajo los objetos a su Museo Embrujado de Las Vegas, Zak dice que innumerables visitantes se niegan a entrar en la nueva exposición de la Sala de Exorcismos, antes incluso de saber lo que hay dentro. Algunos dicen haber sido tocados o haberse sentido mareados.

Zak no es nuevo en el mundo del exorcismo. Él fue quien filmó el episodio 100 de "Ghost Adventures" en la casa donde se realizó el famoso exorcismo de St. Louis.

Es una adquisición oportuna para Zak, con Hallowen acercándose y "El Exorcista: Believer" en los cines. En lo que respecta a nosotros, no gracias, de ninguna manera...