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¡vas muy bien!

Britney Spears tiene una relación tormentosa con su hermana, Jamie Lynn, pero el exmarido de Britney está totalmente del lado de Jamie mientras compite en "Dancing With the Stars".

Kevin Federline dice que su familia, incluyendo a sus dos hijos con Britney, han estado viendo a Jamie Lynn en el programa de concurso de baile de ABC y ella tiene su voto.

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un buen comienzo

K-Fed, Jayden James y Sean Preston se mudaron recientemente a Hawai junto con la esposa de Kevin, Victoria, por lo que la diferencia horaria hace que sea difícil ver a Jamie Lynn en vivo en "Dancing With the Stars", pero le dijo a un fotógrafo en Oahu que la familia vio a Jamie Lynn después en una repetición.

Britney y Jamie Lynn han tenido sus idas y vueltas los últimos años, pero como informamos  la primera vez, cuando Britney supo que su hermana iba a participar en el programa la apoyó tal como K-Fed y los chicos lo hacen ahora.

Han pasado cerca de dos meses desde que Kevin trasladó a los chicos a Hawai, donde están viviendo en una nueva casa de alquiler, y K-Fed dice que no tiene ninguna queja acerca de su nuevo entorno.

Kevin y Victoria estaban en su camino a The Lei Stand, un salón de cócteles en Honolulu, con otra pareja el lunes por la noche cuando habló con un fotógrafo ... y ya está dando vibraciones de la isla.

Mientras que Kevin está feliz de hablar de Jamie Lynn ... tienes que ver su reacción a una pregunta directa sobre Britney.

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Mansion Falls Victim to Fake Real Estate Listing Amid Ongoing $$$ Woes

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann certainly have some serious money issues, but they're not listing their home for sale ... despite an apparent real estate listing that went live last week.

Folks noticed the Georgia estate -- which has been at the center of Kim and Kroy's ongoing divorce -- appeared on sites like Zillow and Trulia Wednesday for $3.2 million ... just a smidge above its estimated online value of about $2.9 mil.

Thing is ...  our sources say Kim and Kroy never listed the home, so whoever posted the sale created a fake page to seemingly mess with the estranged couple.

Fake listing aside -- Kim and Kroy are still facing serious money problems -- and Kroy's been begging a judge to let him unload this property so that they can take care of mounting debts. He's repeatedly said there's still equity in the home, and that selling it would take care of a lot of their money problems -- and it'd also let them get their own spots.

However, a judge has not yet made a decision on whether or not to allow the sale ... more evidence the current listing isn't real.

Kim has appeared ambivalent about the sale of the home ... at times suggesting they were on the same page in selling it but also seemingly holding up the process in court.

As for the home itself -- its 7 bedrooms and 9 baths, not to mention the 9,500 sq. feet.


Of course, it also features all the bells and whistles of Southern luxury -- the home has its own wine cellar, a pool, an indoor 2-person elevator, a 6-car garage ... plus, all the peace and comfort of being inside a ritzy gated community near a golf course and a lake.

Certainly a hot ticket item if and when it hits the market ... but that time just hasn't come yet.

Kevin Federline My Fam's Rooting For Jamie Lynn ... Hope She Wins 'DWTS'

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Britney Spears has a rollercoaster relationship with her sister, Jamie Lynn ... but Britney's ex-husband is fully on Team Jamie Lynn as she competes on "Dancing With the Stars."

Kevin Federline says his family -- including his two sons with Britney -- have been watching Jamie Lynn on the ABC dancing competition show and she's got their vote.

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K-Fed, Jayden James and Sean Preston recently moved to Hawaii ... along with Kevin's wife, Victoria ... so the time difference makes it hard to watch Jamie Lynn live on 'DWTS' ... but he told a photog on Oahu the fam watched Jamie Lynn after the fact.

Britney and Jamie Lynn have had their share of beef over the years ... but as we first reported, Britney got a heads up her little sister was going to be on 'DWTS' and Britney was fully supportive and, apparently, even excited for JLS ... and now we know K-Fed and the boys feel the same way.

It's been about two months since Kevin moved the boys to Hawaii, where they're living in a new rental home, and K-Fed says he's got no complaints about their new surroundings.

Kevin and Victoria were on their way to The Lei Stand, a cocktail lounge in Honolulu, with another couple Monday night when he talked to a photog ... and he's already giving off island vibes.

While Kevin's happy to talk about Jamie Lynn ... ya gotta see his reaction to a direct question about Britney.

Lil Baby Quit Trolling Me, Chrisean ... We've Never Had a Thing!!!

Lil Baby's done playing a supporting role in the ongoing Blueface and Chrisean Rock reality series drama, and he's telling people ... don't @ him or dap him with any of their updates!!!

An incensed Baby let off some steam Monday through several posts on X ... admitting he indeed did "talk" to Chrisean at a party, but not in a sexual way and says that has never been his intention.

Baby and Chrisean first connected at the Super Bowl back in February, and there's been nonstop speculation ever since then -- Blueface even took a small jab at him on his latest single.

The 4PF rapper doesn't use social media that often, but he is now ... simply to let fans, and Chrisean, know the trolling has got to stop today!!!

Both Blueface and Chrisean were busy earlier fanning the flames before Baby lashed out ... Blueface shouted out Rock's sister, to which Chrisean replied by shouting out Baby and posting a pic of them ... just to fuel the rumors.

After Baby's rebuttal, it appears Blueface is ending his back and forth with Chrisean with the last laugh, for now.

It's interesting he's taking time out for pettiness, considering he was just sentenced a few hours ago for that 2022 Las Vegas shooting.

Kim Kardashian Stuns In Gucci Bikini ... After Kendall and Bad Bunny's Campaign

Kim Kardashian isn't about to let Kendall Jenner have all the fun in Gucci, posing in a bikini after KJ and Bad Bunny starred in the latest campaign for the fashion giant.

Kim posted a series of night-cam-esque photos Monday -- showing off a shiny Gucci bikini while lounging in bed.

KK's snaps come after Kendall and Bad Bunny's latest gig for the fashion line's latest campaign, Gucci Valigeria.

The couple rocked big smiles while showing off their Gucci luggage -- and the shoot marked the two going Instagram official ... an announcement that wasn't all that surprising.

The timing of Kim's post is interesting, and it's something folks have already been sounding off on in the comments of her post.


Don't forget, Kim got into it with her other sister, Kourtney, on "The Kardashians" ... about how Kim's collab with Dolce & Gabbana had similarities to Kourtney's wedding with Travis Barker.

That disagreement ended up with a serious fight over the phone at the start of the show's latest season, with Kourtney saying she hates Kim and thinks she's a "f***ing witch."

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Unclear how Kendall feels about Kim's photo shoot ... but we certainly aren't complaining.

KIM KARDASHIAN POSA EN BIKINI GUCCI Después de la campaña de Kendall y Bad Bunny

Kim Kardashian no está dispuesta a dejar que Kendall Jenner tenga toda la diversión en Gucci, posando en bikini después de que KJ y Bad Bunny protagonizaron la última campaña para el gigante de la moda.

Kim publicó una serie de fotos nocturnas el lunes, mostrando un bikini brillante de Gucci mientras descansaba en la cama.

KK's snaps vienen después de la última actuación de Kendall y Bad Bunny para la última campaña de la línea de moda, Gucci Valigeria.

La pareja lució grandes sonrisas mientras mostraban su equipaje Gucci. El rodaje quedó marcado con la noticia de que ambos están juntos en Instagram oficial. Un anuncio que no fue tan sorpresivo.

El momento en que Kim hizo la publicación es interesante y es algo que la gente ha estado comentando en la sección de comentarios del post.

No olvidemos que Kim se metió con su otra hermana, Kourtney, en "The Kardashians, acerca de cómo la colaboración de Kim con Dolce & Gabbana tenía similitudes con la boda de Kourtney con Travis Barker.

Ese desacuerdo terminó con una seria pelea por teléfono al comienzo de la última temporada del programa, con Kourtney diciendo que odia a Kim y piensa que es una "jodida bruja".

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¡eres una bruja!

No está claro cómo Kendall se siente acerca de la sesión de fotos de Kim... pero ciertamente no nos quejamos.

KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN desmiente la afirmación de Kim sobre el grupo de chat

Kourtney Kardashian está desmintiendo la afirmación de Kim de que existe un grupo de chat secreto de personas que hablan mal sobre la mayor de las Kardashian, ¡y tiene pruebas!

La pelea durante el estreno de "The Kardashians" continuó durante el fin de semana, con Kourtney recurriendo a Instagram para responder a los fans que se preguntaban si la sugerencia de Kim en pantalla sobre un grupo de texto llamado "Not Kourtney" era realmente cierta o no.

Según Kourt es mentira, al menos según algunas investigaciones que ha estado haciendo por su cuenta. Kourtney respondió a una persona, escribiendo: "Creo que solo fueron mis hermanas según las encuestas que he estado haciendo".

Agregó esto mientras respondía a otro fan que le preguntaba: "Los miembros de ese chat son principalmente Kim, Khloé, Kendall y Kylie. Caso cerrado". Parece que Kourtney consultó con sus amigos reales y comenzó un nuevo grupo de chat con ellos.

Publicó una captura de pantalla de su conversación y es bastante claro que están a favor de Kourtney. Además, han estado contactando a estos amigos suyos y preguntando si están en el supuesto grupo "Not Kourtney" y todos parecen negarlo.

Por supuesto, la razón por la que se está discutiendo esto es porque Kim alegó en el programa que algunos de los amigos de Kourtney se han estado acercando secretamente a ella y a otros miembros de la familia para expresar sus quejas sobre Kourtney.

estrés en los chats segundarios

Kim lo hizo parecer bastante dramático, diciendo: "Todos tus amigos nos llaman quejándose. Aunque pienses que son ellos los que van hacia ti, en realidad vienen hacia nosotros, diciendo lo contrario".

Añadió: "Estamos todos confundidos y estamos en un grupo de chat llamado "Not Kourtney", así que sabemos y tenemos que canalizar lo que tus amigos nos dicen. Además tenemos que descubrir por qué eres una persona tan diferente y por qué tienes esta vendetta".

las kardashian al rojo vivo

Esto fue parte de una discusión mucho más amplia que las dos hermanas tuvieron por teléfono, en la que Kourtney acusó a Kim de ser una narcisista y de siempre querer robar el protagonismo.

Ya han peleado en cámara antes y a este ritmo, ¡podrían volver a hacerlo! 😬

Kourtney Kardashian Shuts Down Kim's Group Chat Claim ... Friends Back Her

Kourtney Kardashian is shutting down Kim's claim that there's a group chat of secret haters who all gossip about the eldest Kardashian sister is ... and she's got receipts!

The back-and-forth bickering from last week's premiere of "The Kardashians" bled into the weekend -- with Kourtney taking to Instagram to respond to fans who wondered if Kim's on-screen suggestion of a "Not Kourtney" text group was actually true or not.

According to Kourt, it's BS ... at least based on some digging she's been doing on her end. KK responded to one person, writing ... "I believe it was just my sisters from the surveys I've been taking."

She added this while replying to yet another fan who inquired about it ... "the members of that chat are namely Kim, Khloe, Kendall and Kylie. Case closed." It looks like Kourtney checked in with her actual friends ... and started a new group chat with them.

She posted a screen shot of their conversation ... and it's pretty clear they're pro-Kourtney. Also, folks have apparently been contacting these pals of hers and asking if they're in the alleged "Not Kourtney" group -- and they all seem to be denying it.

Of course, the reason this is even being discussed is because Kim alleged on the show that some of Kourtney's buddies have been secretly cozying up to her and other family members to air their grievances about Kourt.


Kim made it seem pretty dramatic, too ... saying, "- "All of your friends call us complaining. Whether you think they're the ones going to you, they're all coming to us on the side, saying the opposite to us."

She added, "We're all confused, and we're on a group chat labeled 'Not Kourtney' so we know, and have to funnel what your friends are saying to us, and have to figure out why you're such a different person and why you have this vendetta."


This was part of a much larger argument the two siblings has over the phone ... in which Kourtney accused Kim of being a narcissist and always wanting to steal the spotlight.

They've brawled on camera before ... and at this rate, they might go at it again. Yeesh ... 😬


El marido de Mia Thornton, Gordon, no vio venir su separación. El hombre pensó que todo estaba bien hasta que recibió las malas noticias. TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes cercanas al esposo de la estrella de 'RHOP' nos dicen que a Gordon le entregaron documentos judiciales a nombre de Mia a mediados de agosto, los cuales señalaban el deseo de ella de separarse. Nos dicen que el movimiento lo sorprendió por completo y que no tenía ni idea de lo que se avecinaba.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Gordon también está molesto en este momento sobre el manejo público de Mia de la situación. Nos informan que siente que ella ha estado engañando a todo el mundo.

El hecho es que hasta el viernes (cuando Mia anunció que se estaban separando) ella había hecho parecer que estaban perfectamente bien en redes sociales, sin dejar de publicar fotos de los dos juntos e incluso gritándole un puñado de veces ... llamándolo una influencia positiva en sus hijos.

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Nuestras fuentes dicen que Gordon está irritado por esto ... y no sólo eso, sino que nos dicen que ni siquiera ha firmado los papeles todavía. Que ella lo haga público puede verse como una presión para que él lo haga.

Mia dio la noticia a People, diciendo ... "Como todos los matrimonios, el nuestro ha tenido sus altibajos. En este momento, Gordon y yo estamos separados, pero mi familia es mi prioridad número uno, y estoy comprometida a hacer lo que sea necesario para asegurarme de que estamos bien. Les pedimos que respeten nuestra privacidad y nos den el tiempo y el espacio para resolver las cosas."

Por supuesto, el telón de fondo de todo esto es el hecho de que "Real Housewives of Potomac" tiene una nueva temporada en el horizonte ... se estrenará en noviembre, y esto seguramente será cubierto.

¡Manténgase en sintonía!

'RHOP' Star Mia Thornton Husband Blindsided by Separation ... Thought Everything Was OK

Mia Thornton's estranged husband, Gordon, did not see their separation coming -- 'cause the guy thought everything was fine and dandy until he got served ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the hubby of the 'RHOP' star tell us Gordon was handed court docs on Mia's behalf back in mid-August ... which signaled her desire for legal separation. We're told the move completely blindsided him -- and that he had no clue it was coming.

Our sources tell us that Gordon is also peeved right now over Mia's public handling of the situation -- namely because we're told he feels like she's been BSing everyone.

Fact is ... until Friday -- when MT announced they were separating -- she'd made it seem like they were A-OK on social media, continuing to post photos of the two of them together and even shouting him out a handful of times ... calling him a positive influence on their kids.

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Our sources say Gordon is irritated by this ... and not just that, but we're told he hasn't even signed the papers yet. Her going public can be viewed as pressure on him to do so.

Mia broke the news to People, saying ... "Like all marriages, ours has had its ups and downs. At this time, Gordon and I are separated, but my family is my number one priority, and I am committed to doing whatever it takes to make sure we are okay. We ask that you respect our privacy and give us the time and space to figure things out."

Of course, the backdrop of all this is the fact that "Real Housewives of Potomac" has a new season on the horizon ... it's set to premiere in November, and this is sure to be covered.

Stay tuned ...


Kim Kardashian y Tom Brady compartieron un divertido momento mientras hacían ofertas por una obra de arte muy cara ¡¡incluso coquetearon un poco!!

Según un testigo, Kim y Tom se presentaron a pujar por una pintura de George Condo en la Caridad de la Alianza de Reforma en Atlantic City, Nueva Jersey, el sábado por la noche

Nos dicen que Kim inició la puja en $500K y luego Tom hizo una oferta más alta antes de que entraran en una batalla campal.

Durante sus idas y venidas las celebridades se reían y se miraban, haciéndolo todo "superdivertido y coqueto", según dice nuestra fuente.

Cuando la puja alcanzó los 2 millones de dólares, los anfitriones del evento intervinieron y decidieron que ambos recibirían su propio cuadro de George Condo.

Cada uno pagó $2 millones por sus lienzos. Algo habitual en la vida de Kim y Tom.

Mientras tanto, Jay-Z, Michael Rubin y Meek Mill presidieron la Noche de Casino de la Reform Alliance, cuyo objetivo era "recaudar fondos para transformar las leyes de libertad condicional y libertad bajo palabra". Las entradas para la gala costaban 500.000 dólares.

Kim Kardashian And Tom Brady Laugh And Flirt Together ... Bid On Multi-Million $$$$ Painting

Kim Kardashian and Tom Brady shared a fun-filled moment while bidding on a very pricey piece of art -- and the two even got a bit flirty!!

According to eyewitnesses... Kim and Tom showed up to bid on a George Condo painting at the Reform Alliance Charity in Atlantic City, New Jersey, Saturday night.

We're told Kim kicked off the bidding at $500K, and then Tom put in a higher bid before they got into a full-on bidding war.

During their back and forth, the celebs giggled and kept looking at each other, and it was all "super fun and flirty," our sources tell us.

When the bid reached $2 million, the event hosts stepped in and decided both would receive their own George Condo painting.

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But there was a caveat ... Kim and Tom each had to pay $2 million for their canvases, which for them is just chump change.


Meanwhile, Jay-Z, Michael Rubin and Meek Mill chaired the Reform Alliance’s Casino Night, which was aimed "to raise funds to transform probation and parole laws." Tickets for the gala event started at $500K.

Hollywood Bigwigs Touch Down In Paris For Fashion Week ... Kardashian, Tatum, Rock, Etc.

Some of Hollywood's biggest stars flew into Paris for Fashion Week ... and they all ended up having a fancy dinner together with Kim Kardashian, Chris Rock and Channing Tatum at the center of it.

The celebrity-studded meal took place inside a gourmet restaurant/bar at the five-star Costes Hotel in the French capital.

Other bold-faced names in attendance included Emily Ratajkowski, Natasha Poly, Joel Edgerton, Zoe Kravitz, Jared Leto, Kris Jenner, Jordyn Woods, Shay Mitchell, Olivia Wilde, Venus Williams, Shanina Shaik, Irina Shayk, and Naomi Campbell.

We're told Kravitz and Tatum were seen hanging out with Shayk, and then leaving arm and arm from the hotel in the early morning hours.

Before their succulent supper, most of the VIP crew watched Victoria Beckham's fashion show featuring her spring/summer 2024 womenswear collection.

Seated in the front row were Beckham's family, best friend Eva Longoria and "Vogue" editor-in-chief Anna Wintour.

Estrellas de Hollywood Aterrizan en París para la Semana de la Moda Kardashian, Tatum, Rock...

Algunas de las estrellas más grandes de Hollywood volaron a París para la Semana de la Moda, y todos terminaron teniendo una cena de lujo juntos con Kim Kardashian, Chris Rock y Channing Tatum al centro de la reunión.

La comida tuvo lugar en un restaurante gourmet en el hotel cinco estrellas Costes en la capital francesa.

También asistieron Emily Ratajkowski, Natasha Poly, Joel Edgerton, Zoe Kravitz, Jared Leto, Kris Jenner, Jordyn Woods, Shay Mitchell, Olivia Wilde, Venus Williams, Shanina Shaik, Irina Shayk y Naomi Campbell.

Nos dicen que Kravitz y Tatum fueron vistos pasando el rato con Shayk, y luego yéndose tomados del brazo a primera hora de la mañana.

Antes de su suculenta cena, la mayoría de la tripulación VIP asistió al desfile de moda de Victoria Beckham, con su colección de ropa de mujer primavera/verano 2024.

Sentados en primera fila estaban la familia de Beckham, su mejor amiga Eva Longoria y la editora jefe de "Vogue" Anna Wintour.

'MARRIED TO MEDICINE' LIA DIAS Settles Divorce With Colin ... Long Road To See Kids Again

"Married to Medicine: Los Angeles" star Lia Dias reached a settlement in her nasty divorce ... but she's got work to do if she wants to have some quality time with her children.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, a judge recently signed off on a settlement in the Lia and Colin Dias divorce ... which gives Colin sole legal and physical custody of their kiddos, Kaylin and Colin Jr.

Lia used to have monitored visitation with the children three days a week, but that order has been suspended ... instead, Lia can only see the kids for weekly sessions, with a therapist.

The settlement also calls for Lia to have phone calls and video calls with both kids ... but only for 15 minutes per kid and only during a single weekday.

There's a path for Lia to spend more time with her kids ... but it's complicated by the restraining order Colin got against her in November 2021, when he claimed she threatened to kill him before attacking him a few days later while he was shopping at a PetSmart with their kids.

In order to be able to spend time with her kids again, Lia has to comply with the restraining order ... and if she keeps her nose clean for a year, time with the kids will be back on the table.

Meanwhile, the settlement leaves Colin with the former couple's home in Beverly Hills and a few other properties ...while Lia walks away with a residential property in Las Vegas, an Inglewood, CA watering hole, and a couple other properties.

The docs say Colin's also leaving the marriage with a 2019 Chevy Tahoe, plus a 1967 Ford Mustang and a 2018 Mercedes-Benz Maybach ... with Lia getting a 2021 Mercedes-Benz A 220.

Lia Dias de "Married to Medicine" Se divorcia de Colin... Largo camino para ver a sus hijos de nuevo

La estrella de "Married to Medicine: Los Angeles", Lia Dias llegó a un acuerdo en su desagradable divorcio, pero aún tiene trabajo por hacer si quiere tener algún tiempo de calidad con sus hijos.

Según nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, un juez firmó recientemente un acuerdo de divorcio entre Lia y Colin Dias, que le da a Colin la custodia legal y física de sus hijos, Kaylin y Colin Jr.

Lia solía tener visitas supervisadas con los niños tres días a la semana, pero esa orden ha sido suspendida. Ahora, en cambio, Lia solo podrá ver a los niños para las sesiones semanales con un terapeuta.

El acuerdo también prevé que tenga llamadas telefónicas y videollamadas con ambos niños, pero solo de 15 minutos con cada uno y durante un único día de la semana.

Hay un largo camino para que Lia pueda pasar más tiempo con sus hijos, ya que es complicado por la orden de restricción que Colin obtuvo en su contra en noviembre de 2021, cuando afirmó que Lia amenazó con matarlo antes de atacarlo unos días después mientras compraba en un PetSmart con sus hijos.

Para poder pasar más tiempo con ellos, Lia tiene que cumplir con la orden de restricción y mantenerse limpia durante un año, si lo hace, el tiempo con los niños será una posibilidad.

Mientras tanto, el acuerdo deja a Colin con la casa de la ex pareja en Beverly Hills y algunas otras propiedades, mientras que Lia se queda con una propiedad residencial en Las Vegas, otra en Inglewood, California, y un par más.

Los documentos dicen que Colin también está dejando el matrimonio con un Chevy Tahoe de 2019, además de un Ford Mustang de 1967 y un Mercedes-Benz Maybach de 2018, mientras que Lia se quedará con un Mercedes-Benz A 220 del 2021.