Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott's son's name change is now official in the eyes of the law.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the judge signed off on the famous parents legally changing their child's name from Wolf Jacques Webster to Aire Webster.

The docs say Kylie showed face in court virtually Friday ... and while Travis did not make an appearance, the docs say he didn’t file any objection to the switch so the judge ultimately granted the petition.

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TMZ broke the story ... Kylie filed docs to change the kid's name back in March, noting they regretted the initial name choice of Wolf Jacques and saying they thought Aire was a better fit.

Remember ... Kylie and Travis announced as far back as March 2022 they were scrapping Wolf ... and in January 2023, a few weeks before the kid's first birthday, Kylie revealed they were now calling him Aire.

The name has Hebrew origins and it's said to mean "Lion of God."

KYLIE AND TRAVIS Oficialmente cambian el nombre de su hijo a Aire

El cambio de nombre del hijo de Kylie Jenner y Travis Scott ya es oficial a ojos de la ley.

Según nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, el juez dio el visto bueno para que los famosos padres cambien legalmente el nombre de su hijo de Wolf Jacques Webster a Aire Webster.

Los documentos dicen que Kylie dio la cara en la corte el viernes, mientras que Travis no hizo acto de presencia, pero de acuerdo a los documentos no presentó ninguna objeción para el cambio, por lo que el juez finalmente concedió la petición.

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Oficialmente aire

TMZ dio la noticia, Kylie presentó documentos para cambiar el nombre del niño en marzo, señalando que lamentaban la elección inicial de Wolf Jacques y que piensan que Aire se ajusta mejor.

Recuerden, Kylie y Travis anunciaron ya en marzo de 2022 que estaban desechando el nombre de Wolf y en enero de 2023, unas semanas antes del primer cumpleaños del niño, Kylie reveló que le estaban diciendo Aire.

El nombre tiene origen hebreo y se dice que significa "León de Dios".

Khloe Kardashian Keep That Whale Tail Away from Me ... I'm Terrified!!!

Khloe Kardashian may have grown up on the coast, but that doesn't mean she's down with the creatures of the sea ... in fact, she's TERRIFIED of whales.

If you missed it, Khloe revealed her fear during the season 4 premiere of "The Kardashians" this week when the family took a trip to Mexico and could see whales nearby in the ocean. Khloe exclaimed, “I am really freaking out ... I feel like I am going to cry. I don’t think I am comfortable seeing it.”

Khloe further explained her phobia Friday, getting on X to say, "This has been a phobia of mine for years. I don’t want anything bad to happen to whales and I know the phobia is totally irrational, but we don’t pick our phobias. I low-key have a fear of the ocean, but a whale I can’t even look at, it freaks me out so much."


She continued, "They are ginormous, and we discover new species all the time. Over 80% of our oceans are unchartered. That’s f***ing bananas! We don’t even know what’s in there."

The whole thing is kinda hilarious, but there's also a lot of Kardashian fans relating to Khloe's fear ... so maybe she ain't the only one!!!

Mauricio Umansky Kyle and Morgan Aren't Having Sex Not Romantic Relationship

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Mauricio Umansky says he's positive ... Kyle Richards has not cheated on him and she and Morgan Wade are not having sex. In fact, he says their relationship is all friendship and business, and that's it.

We got Mauricio on his way into "Dancing with the Stars" rehearsal Friday and our photog asked him about the rumored relationship between Kyle and Morgan.

As you know, Kyle and Morgan have been hanging out a ton during Kyle's separation from Mauricio ... with the women filming lots of things together, like documentaries, reality TV segments and music videos.

But, Mauricio says that's where Kyle and Morgan's relationship ends.


Sounds like Mauricio would know, because he's still communicating with Kyle during their time apart. He says she actually texted him Friday so he could clear up some recent comments he made about their relationship timeline.

Mauricio raised eyebrows this week in his appearance on The Agency's 'Red Mic' podcast when he said, "We were dealing with our own things, kind of, super quietly and internally, just our own issues, I mean, certainly, we're not separated. We're not divorced at this point. We are not any of that stuff."

Kyle and Mauricio have been separated for months now ... but he says the answer was in response to a question about whether he and Kyle planted the initial story of their separation back in July to boost TV ratings, which he denies.

Mauricio tells us People, which was first to report their separation, actually got the story wrong, at least technically ... insisting he was NOT separated from Kyle at the time the story broke. Of course, they separated shortly after.

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Mauricio is super pissed at whoever was the source behind the People story ... he says he tried to get the outlet to give him a name, telling us if he finds out the source is someone who works for him they're getting fired ... and if it's a member of their inner circle, the person is getting booted.

Obviously, there's a lot of drama around Mauricio and Kyle right now ... and it's been a rough year for them both, which he says is a factor in their separation ... but he says 'DWTS' has been a great outlet to relieve stress.

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Kyle would seem to agree ... showing up to support Mauricio in his big 'DWTS' debut.

Mauricio has a lot to say here ... and he tells us why he's not ready to give up on his marriage.

Mauricio Umansky Kyle y Morgan no tienen sexo Ni una relación romántica

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Dejando las cosas claras

Mauricio Umansky dice que está seguro de que Kyle Richards no lo ha engañado y, que ella y Morgan Wade no tienen relaciones sexuales. De hecho, dice que su relación es solo amistad y negocios. Eso es todo.

Encontramos a Mauricio de camino a su ensayo en "Dancing with the Stars" este viernes y nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó acerca de la rumoreada relación entre Kyle y Morgan.

Como ustedes saben, Kyle y Morgan han estado saliendo un montón durante la separación de Kyle y Mauricio. Han estado filmando diferentes cosas juntas, como documentales, segmentos de reality shows y videos musicales.

Pero Mauricio dice que ahí es donde termina la relación entre ambas.

La estrella del show

Suena como si Mauricio supiera, ya qué aún se comunica mucho con Kyle durante su tiempo separados. Él dice que en realidad le envió un mensaje de texto el viernes para que pudiera aclarar algunos comentarios recientes que hizo sobre la línea de tiempo de la relación.

Mauricio levantó cejas esta semana en el podcast 'Red Mic' de The Agency cuando dijo: "Estábamos lidiando con nuestras propias cosas, un poco en silencio e internamente, solo nuestros propios problemas, quiero decir, ciertamente, no estamos separados. No estamos divorciados en este momento. No somos ninguna de esas cosas".

Kyle y Mauricio han estado separados desde hace meses, pero dice que su respuesta fue en réplica a una pregunta acerca de si él y Kyle situaban la historia inicial de su separación en julio para aumentar los ratings de televisión, algo que él niega.

People fue el primero en informar sobre su separación, aunque en realidad se equivocó en la historia, al menos técnicamente, e insistió en que no estaba separado de Kyle en el momento en que esta salió a la luz. Por supuesto, se separaron poco después.

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¿Se percibe el amor?

Mauricio está supercabreado con quienquiera que fuera la fuente detrás de la historia de People. Dice que trató de conseguir la historia para hacerse un nombre, y nos dice que si se entera de que la fuente es alguien que trabaja para él, será despedido. Y si se trata de un miembro de su círculo íntimo, la persona será expulsada.

Obviamente, hay un montón de drama en torno a Mauricio y Kyle en este momento y ha sido un año difícil para los dos, lo cual se dice es un factor en su separación. Pero 'DWTS' ha sido una gran oportunidad para aliviar el estrés.

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Una fan en el público

Kyle parece estar de acuerdo, ya que estuvo presente para apoyar a Mauricio en su gran debut en 'DWTS'

Mauricio tiene mucho que decir aquí y nos dice por qué no está listo para renunciar a su matrimonio.

Estrella de "Teen Mom" Hijo se escapa por una ventana... Reportado como persona desaparecida

La policía está tras la pista del hijo de 14 años de Jenelle Evans, Jace, después de que el adolescente supuestamente se escapara por una ventana en la noche.

Fuentes policiales dicen a TMZ que fueron llamados a la casa de la estrella de "Teen Mom" el jueves alrededor de las 8 PM. Jenelle le dijo a los oficiales que Jace se escabulló de la casa a través de una ventana y que no llevaba su celular con él.

Lo más aterrador es que la casa de Jenelle está rodeada de bosques y Jace se fue en la noche.

Han pasado cerca de 16 horas desde que Jace desapareció por primera vez, y todavía está afuera en algún lugar. Los policías nos dicen que ha sido añadido a una base de datos nacional de personas desaparecidas.

La fuga del jueves no es la primera vez que Jace desaparece. TMZ dio la noticia a principios de agosto cuando Jace desapareció después de la escuela y fue encontrado unas horas más tarde. También fuimos los primeros en contarles cuando desapareció de la casa de Jenelle a finales de agosto y localizado un poco después de eso también.

Jenelle ha calificado las fugas de Jace como las de un adolescente normal y enojado con sus padres, pero está claro que hay algo más pasando.

Historia en desarrollo ...

'Teen Mom' Jenelle Evans Teenage Son Sneaks Out Window ... Reported as Missing Person

Police are on the hunt for Jenelle Evans' 14-year-old son, Jace, after the teen allegedly slipped out a window and into the night.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ they were called to the "Teen Mom" star's home Thursday night around 8 PM about the missing teen. Jenelle told officers Jace snuck out of the home through a window, and didn't have a cell phone with him.

What's most frightening, Jenelle's home is surrounded by woods, and Jace left in the night.

It's been close to 16 hours since Jace first went missing, and he's still out there ... cops tell us he's been added to a nationwide database for missing persons.

Thursday's escape isn't the first time Jace has gone missing. TMZ broke the story in early August when Jace went missing after school, he was found a few hours late. We were also first to tell you when he went missing from Jenelle's home again in late August but was located shortly after that as well.

Jenelle has chalked the runaways as Jace being a normal teenager, mad at his parents ... but there's clearly something more going on.

Do you think Jenelle Evans should still have custody of her child Jace after his 3rd attempt to run away? Vote below.

Story developing ...


Tom Sandoval dice que estuvo a punto de quitarse la vida durante las secuelas de su romance con Rachel Leviss.

La estrella de "Vanderpump Rules" dice que hubo momentos durante el "Scandoval" cuando "se sentía muy, muy cerca" de suicidarse.

tiempos oscuros
Everybody Loves Tom

Tom hizo la revelación el jueves durante el primer episodio de su pódcast, "Todo el mundo ama a Tom". Dice que le resaca que sintió al terminar la relación lo puso en un lugar oscuro que generó un efecto dominó que lo llevó al borde del suicidio.

Después de "Scandoval", Tom dice que su mundo empezó a derrumbarse y que no podía ver más allá de sus sentimientos. Dice que las cosas llegaron a un punto crítico un día que regresó a la casa que comparte con su ex, Ariana Madix.

Tom también recuerda una historia sobre encontrarse con el fallecido cantante de Linkin Park, Chester Bennington, unos días antes de que se suicidara en julio de 2017. Tom dijo que nunca entendió cómo Chester podría estar en ese estado de ánimo hasta que se encontró en medio del "Scandoval".

Afortunadamente, Tom dice que tuvo algunos amigos que estuvieron ahí para él a pesar de todo el drama, y él les está dando las gracias por básicamente salvar su vida.

Recordemos que Rachel también tuvo que lidiar con sus propios problemas de salud mental causados por la misma razón. Incluso tuvo que pasar unos meses en un centro de salud mental.

Rachel terminó dejando el programa, pero Tom estuvo de vuelta filmando la temporada más reciente y será interesante ver si habló de sus pensamientos suicidas en cámara o si se lo guardó todo para su pódcast.

Si tú o alguien que conoces tiene problemas o estás en crisis, hay ayuda disponible. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea con

Tom Sandoval I Was Very Close To Committing Suicide ... In Wake of Scandoval

Tom Sandoval says he was close to taking his own life during the aftermath of his affair with Rachel Leviss.

The "Vanderpump Rules" star says there were times during the Scandoval when he "felt very, very close" to committing suicide.

Everybody Loves Tom

Tom makes the sobering revelation Thursday in the first episode of his podcast, "Everybody Loves Tom," and says the backlash from the affair put him in a bad headspace that had a domino effect that brought him to the brink of suicide.

Following Scandoval, Tom says his world started collapsing and he couldn't see outside his feelings. He says things reached a head one day when he got back to the home he shares with his ex, Ariana Madix.

Tom also recalls a story about running into late Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington a few days before he committed suicide in July 2017 ... with Tom saying he never understood how Chester could be in that frame of mind until he found himself in the middle of the Scandoval.

Thankfully, Tom says he had a few friends who were there for him despite all the drama ... and he's giving them props for basically saving his life.

Remember ... Rachel also dealt with mental health issues over the bombshell affair, spending a few months in a mental health facility.

Rachel ended up quitting 'VPR' but Tom was back filming the most recent season ... and it will be interesting to see if he talked about his suicidal thoughts on camera or if he just saved it for his podcast.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Kourtney Kardashian Calls Kim A Selfish 'F***ing Witch' In Drama-Fueled Brawl

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Kourtney Kardashian had some brutal words for her sister, Kim, during a white-hot fight ... calling her "egotistical, selfish" and even a "f***ing witch."

The beef went down on the new season of "The Kardashians," which premiered Thursday -- with the 2 sisters getting into a heated argument over Kourtney's displeasure over Kim's Dolce & Gabbana collab, which mirrored the trappings of Kourtney's wedding.


It was a big issue at the end of season 3, and it still seems to be a sore subject ... while Kim claims she did everything to not rip off her sis' big day, Kourtney claimed she's "talking about the bulls*** details cause it's all your egotistical, selfish mind can think about."

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Kourt says Kim spoiled the mood at her and Travis' 2022 wedding, complaining all day long. Kourtney says she's only happy when she gets "the f*** away" from her family, "Specifically you."

Kim pushes back on her sister's harsh claims -- and Kourtney claps back, saying "It's you and my friends and my kids and everyone against me. You're just a f***ing witch and I f***ing hate you."

A lot of drama's already going down -- and we're just on episode 1!

Are you team Kim or Kourtney in the Kardashian sisters' latest feud? Vote below.

KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN Llama a Kim "maldita bruja egoísta" En una explosiva pelea

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Eres una bruja

Kourtney Kardashian tuvo algunas palabras brutales para su hermana Kim durante una pelea al rojo vivo, en la que la llamó "egoísta, egoísta" e incluso una "maldita bruja".

La pelea se produjo en la nueva temporada de "The Kardashians", que se estrenó el jueves, con las 2 hermanas teniendo una acalorada discusión sobre el descontento de Kourtney con la colaboración de Kim con Dolce & Gabbana, que reflejaba los adornos de su boda.

Fue un gran tema en el final de la tercera temporada, y todavía parece ser un asunto delicado. Mientras Kim asegura que hizo todo lo posible para no sabotear el gran día de su hermana, Kourtney dice que estuvo "hablando de los p*** detalles porque es todo lo que su mente egoísta y egoísta puede pensar."

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Kourt dice que Kim estropeó el ambiente de su boda con Travis en 2022, quejándose todo el día. Al final de la discusión, Kourtney le dice que ella solo consigue ser feliz cuando está lejos de su familia, y especialmente de ella.

Kim se defiende de las duras afirmaciones de su hermana y Kourtney contraataca diciéndole: "Eres tú y mis amigos y mis hijos y todo el mundo en mi contra. No eres más que una p*** bruja y te odio".

Un montón de drama ya está sucediendo, ¡y solo estamos en el episodio 1!

Bam Margera Gets Britney Spears-Inspired Tat ... We've Been Through Similar Battles

Bam Margera got some fresh, new ink while on the road to recovery, and this piece pays homage to Britney Spears ... someone with whom he says he has alarming similarities.

The former "Jackass" star hit up First Hand Tattoo in Pennsylvania and got the Brit-inspired tattoo, which reads, "Britney Spears ❤️ Oops they did it to me too!"

He says the meaning behind it is all about the "Florida shuffle" -- a phrase used to describe substance abusers with good health insurance in the Sunshine State. They're constantly sent to various rehab centers which repeatedly charge their insurance.


Bam says that describes him to a T, and points to Britney's time in her conservatorship as being painfully similar to what's been going down with him -- he's dragging his interventionalist for allegedly cashing in by keeping Bam in rehab.

Bam says he's done "the Guinness book of world records of longest Florida shuffle of nearly 2 years" ... which includes 10 back-to-back rehab stays that cost a total of $660,000.00.

He adds he's sick of the "controlling c***suckers that act like they care for your well-being when it's all about money."

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BTW, this isn't the first time he's compared himself to Britney -- he called himself "the Britney Spears of 'Jackass'" while working on standup material with Steve-O earlier this year.

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As we reported, Bam recently celebrated being 1 month sober after going in and out of rehab this year, and sources told us he's been spending his time with his girlfriend, Dannii, on a farm outside Philadelphia.

Bam Margera

We were told he's been losing weight, getting back into skateboarding and has kept a tight circle of positive influences around him ... all good things for the guy.


Bam Margera se hizo un nuevo tatuaje mientras se recuperaba, rindiendo homenaje a Britney Spears, alguien con quien afirma que comparte algunas alarmantes similitudes.

La ex estrella de "Jackass" fue a First Hand Tattoo en Pennsylvania y se hizo un tatuaje inspirado en Brit que dice: "Britney Spears ❤️ ¡Uy, me lo hicieron a mí también!"

Dice que el significado detrás de todo esto es el "Florida shuffle", un término que se utiliza para describir a los adictos a sustancias que tienen un buen seguro de salud en el estado. Estos son enviados constantemente a diversos centros de rehabilitación que cobran repetidamente su seguro.

¡también me lo hicieron a mí!

Bam dice que eso lo describe perfectamente y señala que el tiempo que pasó Britney bajo tutela es dolorosamente parecido a lo que ha estado viviendo. Él está acusando a su intervencionista de supuestamente sacar provecho al mantenerlo en rehabilitación.

Bam dice que ha hecho "el libro Guinness de los récords mundiales por la más larga lista de internaciones en Florida en casi dos años", que incluyen diez estancias de rehabilitación consecutivas que costaron un total de 660.000 dólares.

Añade que está harto de los "hijos de puta controladores que actúan como si se preocuparan por su bienestar cuando todo es cuestión de dinero".

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los chicos han vuelto

Por cierto, esta no es la primera vez que Bam se compara con Britney. Se llamó a sí mismo "la Britney Spears de 'Jackass'", mientras trabajaba en material de standup con Steve-O a principios de este año.

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Como informamos, Bam celebró recientemente estar 1 mes sobrio después de entrar y salir de rehabilitación este año, y fuentes nos dijeron que ha estado pasando su tiempo con su novia (Dannii) en una granja en las afueras de Filadelfia.

Bam Margera
viendose bien

Nos dijeron que ha estado perdiendo peso, que ha vuelto al skate y que ha mantenido un estrecho círculo de influencias positivas a su alrededor, todas cosas buenas para el chico.

Brittany Renner 'I've Had Sex With 35 Guys' ... Stuns Shannon Sharpe

Club Shay Shay

Brittany Renner just opened up about her sex life to Shannon Sharpe in a big way ... revealing she's slept with 35 men -- a number that stunned the Pro Football Hall of Famer so much, he had to take a big swig of booze.

The "Basketball Wives" star made the remark while chatting with Sharpe on his "Club Shay Shay" podcast about Derek Jeter's dating life.

Renner said to Sharpe her roster of partners was very comparable to the Yankees legend's ... and then she told the former Denver Broncos star her body count.

Sharpe then reacted as if he had seen a ghost ... nearly spitting up his water -- before shooting some booze.

"Oh, lord!" the ex-NFLer said. "Anybody else need a shot of this?! We are in a bar, so help yourself!"

Renner took the intimate conversation even further moments later ... telling Sharpe she once caught a yeast infection after having sex with three men within 24 hours.

The deep convo didn't just stop there, though ... 'cause the two then dove into her relationship with her ex, NBA player P.J. Washington.

Renner explained she had been on birth control for a decade prior to getting with the Charlotte Hornets forward ... but she decided to go off of it to have a child with Washington because she thought he "was my guy."

"I thought I was doin' it right," she said.

Club Shay Shay

Renner went on to say she's cool with Washington despite their split ... lauding his recent engagement to Alisah Chanel.

"I've sat down with his fiancée," Renner said. "We've had a four-hour conversation out for brunch."

"I think they're a perfect match for each other, quite frankly."


Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann están a punto de vivir bajo el mismo techo de nuevo. Todo esto porque ella va camino de regreso a Georgia luego de algunos nuevos acontecimientos desagradables relacionados a su divorcio.

Fuentes directas nos comentaron que Kim estuvo volando de regreso a Atlanta el miércoles después de filmar para MTV "The Surreal Life" en Colombia durante las últimas semanas. Nos dicen que está en el aire ahora y que en cuestión de horas, va a estar de vuelta en casa con Kroy y sus hijos.

A pesar de esta situación tumultuosa, nuestras fuentes nos informan que el plan (por ahora), es que Kim y Kroy sigan cohabitando, ya que ninguno de ellos realmente tiene otro lugar donde ir por el momento. Sin embargo, teniendo en cuenta todo lo que ha pasado últimamente en su divorcio, podemos imaginar que el escenario está preparado para la acción.

¡pidiendo el divorcio!

Recordemos que Kroy ha reconocido abiertamente que están en apuros económicos.

Como hemos informado, Kroy ha estado apelando constantemente a un juez últimamente, pidiendo permiso para vender su mansión para que puedan empezar a pagar algunas deudas importantes. También ha argumentado que el dinero les ayudará a conseguir su propio camino y resolver el ambiente tóxico.

También nos dicen que Kim y Kroy podrían estar teniendo relaciones de nuevo, al menos eso es lo que creen las personas cercanas. Puede ser que la pasión todavía esté en el aire.

Kim insiste en que todo está bien entre ella y Kroy. Incluso pidió que su divorcio fuera desestimado, señalando que habían tenido relaciones sexuales recientemente y argumentando que eso demuestra que su relación sigue en pie. Kroy lo ha dejado de lado y planea seguir adelante.

Todo lo que sabemos es que estos 2 tienen mucho para ponerse al día, y tendrán esa oportunidad pronto.

Kim Zolciak Back Under the Same Roof w/ Kroy Amid Latest Divorce Barbs

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are about to get under each other's skin under the same roof all over again -- 'cause she's on her way back to Georgia -- after some nasty new developments in their divorce.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Kim is flying back to Atlanta Wednesday after filming for MTV's "The Surreal Life" in Colombia over the past couple weeks. We're told she's in the air now, and, within hours, is set to be back home with Kroy and their kids.

Despite this tumultuous sitch, our sources say that the plan -- for now, anyway -- is for Kim and Kroy to continue cohabiting ... as neither one of them really has anywhere else to go at this point. However, considering everything that's gone on of late in their divorce case ... you can imagine the stage is set for fireworks.


Remember, Kroy has openly acknowledged they're in dire straits financially.

As we've reported .... Kroy has been consistently appealing to a judge lately, begging for permission to sell their mansion so they can start paying off some major debts. He's also argued that the money will help them get their own pad ... and resolve a toxic environment.

We're also told that Kim and Kroy could very well bang again ... at least that's how people close to them feel. Of course, whether they actually do it again is still up in the air.

Kim, for her part, has been insisting everything's fine between her and Kroy -- she even asked for their divorce to be dismissed, noting they'd had sex recently ... and arguing that it proves their relationship is still on. Kroy's brushed that aside and plans to move forward.

All we know is ... these 2 have much to catch up on, and they'll have that opportunity soon.