Kyle Richards Acompaña a Mauricio en "DWTS" ... En medio de separación

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Mostrando todo su apoyo

La separación de Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky es la más amable en la historia de Hollywood, pues ella incluso se presentó en persona para verlo bailar en televisión.

La estrella de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" llegó para la grabación del martes de "Dancing With the Stars", cuya última temporada debutó en ABC, mostrando a todos los concursantes y sus pasos en la primera ronda, incluyendo el número de Mauricio y su pareja de baile Emma Slater.

Su primera presentación no fue tan buena en cuanto a números. Obtuvo solo un 15/30 de parte de los jueces, pero de todos modos Kyle estaba allí para verlo hacer lo suyo, sentada al frente y en el centro y animándolo a muy viva voz. También llevó a sus dos hijas para que Mauricio recibiera aún más apoyo.

Obviamente, esto es interesante, teniendo en cuenta que actualmente están "separados", a pesar de que claramente están en buenos términos y siguen viviendo en la misma casa.

En el video pre-grabado de introducción, Mauricio se refirió a su relación con Kyle. Dijo que había sido un año difícil y que esperaba que 'DWTS' sirviera como una buena distracción.

Recuerden, la gente de 'DWTS' en un principio no solo quería a Mauricio para esta temporada, sino que hizo una jugada para conseguir que Kyle y su buena amiga Morgan Wade estuvieran también. Pero la idea no se materializó.

La estrecha relación de Kyle y Morgan ha llevado a algunos a sospechar que podrían ser algo más que amigas, pero nos han dicho en repetidas ocasiones que solo son amigas y socias de negocios. Kyle está trabajando en un documental sobre la vida/carrera de Morgan.

En cuanto a Mauricio, él ya nos ha dicho que está bien con Morgan y claramente sigue llevándose muy bien con Kyle, pues siguen pasando las vacaciones todos en familia.

Ciertamente no es el tipo de separación que estamos acostumbrados a ver en el mundo del espectáculo. Así y todo, la ex pareja se está mostrando frente a toda América como un equipo unido. Bien por ellos, suponemos.

Kyle Richards Shows Out for Mauricio on 'DWTS' ... Amid 'Separation'

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Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky's separation is the nicest one in Hollywood history -- 'cause the guy's estranged wife showed up in person to watch him dance on live TV.

The 'RHOBH' star arrived for Tuesday's taping of "Dancing With the Stars" -- which debuted its latest season on ABC ... showing off all the contestants and their round-1 moves, including Mauricio and his dance partner Emma Slater's jive number.

His first outing wasn't all that great numbers-wise -- he scored just a 15/30 from the judges -- but either way ... Kyle was out there to see him do his thing, sitting front and center and loudly cheering MU on. She also brought out their two daughters for extra support.

Obviously, this is interesting ... y'know, considering they're currently "separated" and all -- even though they're clearly on good terms and continue to live in the same home all kumbaya.

Mauricio's little pre-taped introduction video actually touched on his relationship with Kyle ... he said it'd been a rough year and that he was hoping 'DWTS' could serve as a good distraction.

Remember ... the 'DWTS' folks actually wanted not just Mauricio on this season, but they actually made a play to get Kyle and her good female pal Morgan Wade as well -- but that didn't materialize in the end.

Kyle and Morgan's close relationship has led some to suspect they might be more than friends -- but we've been repeatedly told they're just friends and business associates. Kyle is working on a documentary about Morgan's life/career.

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As for Mauricio ... he's already told us he's cool with Morgan -- and he clearly remains cool with Kyle too, as they continue to spend holidays together with the whole family.

It's certainly not the traditional uncoupling we're used to seeing in showbiz ... and yet, they're proceeding with a united front in front of all of America. Good for them, we suppose.

Charli D'Amelio Blows Up At Dixie, Storms Out Over Dog-Killing Joke ... 'WTF Is Wrong With You?!'

Charli D'Amelio was in attack mode after her sister, Dixie, joked about killing her dog, Rebel ... dramatically storming out of a family meeting about Rebel's eating habits.


The sisters went at it on the latest episode of their Hulu series, "The D'Amelio Show" ... 19-year-old Charli and 22-year-old Dixie were talking with their parents, Marc and Heidi, about moving houses when the focus shifted to Charli's pup.

Dixie calls "Charli's fat dog" a monster, with Heidi agreeing Rebel is pretty big, adding, "She's gonna die" and they need a plan.

That's when Dixie dropped the sarcastic bombshell, quietly saying, "Execute her?" -- which didn't sit well with Charli, at all.

She immediately blew up, telling Dixie, "What the f*** is wrong with you? That's so mean, you can't put that out in the world." Mom agreed.

The younger sister left a lot of tension behind as she walked out of the convo ... and Dixie rolled her eyes, calling her sister "a bitch."

BTW, Marc obviously didn't want to fuel the fire ... telling producers the fam "can't afford them not to be speaking."

Lots of drama in the D'Amelio household, and cupcake-snatching Rebel's caught in the middle of it!

For more influencer news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Jamie Lynn Spears Mommy Lynne Cheers Her On ... During 'DWTS' Debut

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Jamie Lynn Spears had her mom, Lynne, front and center for her debut on "Dancing With the Stars" -- but one person went unaddressed during her time on screen ... Britney.

The former Nickelodeon child star -- and BS's famous little sister -- did her one, two-step Tuesday for Season 32's premiere of 'DWTS' ... performing a tango with her dance partner Alan Bersten, which ended up receiving a somewhat average score of just 15/30.

Of course, the real focus seemed to be what was happening offstage -- namely, with who showed up in person to support JLS ... including her mama and other family members.

Lynne was out there cheering her head off for her daughter -- which is awesome ... but the sweet moment was unfortunately somewhat overshadowed by looming concern for Britney, who's been posting disturbing videos over the past 48 hours.

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Instagram / @britneyspears

Of course, we're referring to Britney's knife dance clips that have gone up on her social media ... including one just yesterday that appeared to show her injured, with a bandaged arm, a nicked though, and some sort of red mark on her hip.


Some have speculated they could be from the knives she's been wielding during these at-home dance routines ... and it's spurred a lot of commentary about her well-being.

Like we said ... Jamie Lynn didn't talk Britney at all during Episode 1, nor did she even allude to her. We know JLS and Britney have had a rocky relationship over the past year and change, but despite this ... our sources say BS knew her sis would be on TV here.

Whether Brit actually watched or not ... it's anyone's guess. She hasn't publicly acknowledged Jamie Lynn's casting whatsoever.


Charli D'Amelio estaba en modo furia luego de que su hermana —Dixie— bromeara sobre matar a su perra Rebel. Salió furiosa de una reunión familiar acerca de los hábitos alimenticios de la mascota.

drama por un perrito

Las hermanas se enfrentaron en el último episodio de su serie de Hulu, "The D'Amelio Show". Charli de 19 años y Dixie de 22 estaban hablando con sus padres —Marc y Heidi— sobre mudarse de casa cuando el foco de atención pasó a la mascota de Charli.

Dixie llama a la "perrita gorda de Charli" un monstruo. Heidi está de acuerdo con que Rebel es bastante grande y agregó: "Ella va a morir" así que necesitan un plan.

Fue entonces cuando Dixie soltó una bomba sarcástica diciendo en voz baja: "¿Ejecutarla?". Claramente la broma no sentó bien con Charli.

Estalló inmediatamente, diciéndole a Dixie: "¿Qué mier... te pasa? Eso es horrible, no puedes decir esas cosas". Mamá le dio la razón.

La hermana menor dejó mucha tensión en el aire al salir del lugar y Dixie puso los ojos en blanco llamando a su hermana "perra".

Obviamente Marc no quería avivar el fuego y le dijo a todos que "no pueden darse el lujo de no hablarse".

Mucho drama en la casa D'Amelio y Rebel —la ladrona de cupcakes— está en medio de todo.

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JAMIE LYNN SPEARS durante su debut en "dancing with the stars"

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un buen comienzo

Jamie Lynn Spears tuvo a su mamá (Lynne) en primera fila viendo su debut en "Dancing With the Stars", pero una persona no fue abordada durante su tiempo en pantalla ... Britney.

La ex estrella infantil de Nickelodeon —y la famosa hermana pequeña de Britney— hizo su paso el martes para el estreno de la temporada 32 de "Dancing With The Stars". Bailaron un tango con su pareja Alan Bersten y recibieron una puntuación media de sólo 15/30.

La atención estuvo principalmente fuera del escenario, sobre todo hacia los seres queridos que fueron a ver a la famosa concursante incluyendo a su mamá y otros miembros de la familia.

Lynne estaba allí animando a su hija, lo cual es genial, pero el momento dulce fue por desgracia un poco eclipsado por la preocupación por Britney, quien ha estado publicando videos inquietantes durante las últimas 48 horas.

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un baile peligroso
Instagram / @britneyspears

Por supuesto, nos referimos a los clips de Britney bailando con cuchillos que ha subido a sus redes sociales, incluyendo uno ayer que parecía mostrarla herida, con un brazo vendado, un golpe y una especie de marca roja en la cadera.

preocupación general por britney

Algunos han especulado que las lesiones podrían ser causadas por los cuchillos que ha estado utilizando durante estas rutinas de baile en casa y que han generado una gran cantidad de comentarios acerca de su bienestar.

Como dijimos, Jamie Lynn no habló de Britney en absoluto durante el primer episodio, ni siquiera hizo alusión a ella. Sabemos que Jamie Lynn y Britney han tenido una relación difícil el último año, pero a pesar de esto nuestras fuentes dicen que Britney sabía que su hermana estaría en televisión.

Si Brit realmente miró o no el programa, es una incógnita. Ella no ha reconocido públicamente el casting de Jamie Lynn en absoluto.


Kroy Biermann dice que no tiene ningún deseo de cancelar su divorcio de Kim Zolciak a pesar de haber tenido relaciones hace un par de semanas. Afirma que haber pasado la noche no significa que haya cambiado de opinión.

El jugador retirado de la NFL acaba de enviarle un mensaje a su esposa, dejándole claro que todavía está tratando de divorciarse de ella, además de vender su mansión en Georgia y mudarse a otro lugar con sus hijos.

En los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kroy dice que el hecho de que tuvo relaciones sexuales con Kim "no indica un deseo de reconciliarse" y que "sigue firme en su deseo de divorciarse" de ella.

TMZ publicó la historia; Kim afirma que la última petición de divorcio de Kroy es todo una farsa porque están viviendo juntos y teniendo un montón de sexo. Ella está tratando de conseguir un juez para terminar con todo el asunto.

Kroy dice que la gente no debe pensar que el hecho de que tuvieron relaciones sexuales a principios de este mes vaya a significar algo.

En los documentos, Kroy dice que su casa está lista para ser entregada en noviembre y acusa a Kim de tratar de alargar las cosas para evitar la venta del lugar (todo para pagar su gigantesca deuda).

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Kroy suena como si tuviera un poco de claridad después de todo; afirmando que la situación actual es tóxica para sus hijos y quiere seguir adelante con el divorcio, alegando que Kim ha llamado a la policía a la casa 4 veces en 4 meses, con el último incidente siendo presenciado por su hija menor.

Kroy Biermann Sex With Kim Won't Change My Mind ... I Still Want To Divorce Her!!!

Kroy Biermann says he has no desire to call off his divorce from Kim Zolciak despite having sex a couple weeks ago ... claiming banging her doesn't mean he's changed his mind.

The retired NFL player just fired back at his estranged wife ... making it clear he is still gung-ho about divorcing her, selling their Georgia mansion and moving somewhere else with their kids.

In new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kroy says the fact he had sex with Kim "does not indicate a desire to reconcile" and he "remains steadfast in his desire to divorce" her.

TMZ broke the story ... Kim claims Kroy's latest divorce petition is all a sham because they're living together and having a ton of sex, and she's trying to get a judge to toss the whole thing.

But Kroy says folks shouldn't put a whole lot of stock into the fact they had sex earlier this month ... he says it doesn't change his position.

In the docs, Kroy says their home is set to be foreclosed on in November and he accuses Kim of trying to drag things out to stop him from selling their place to pay off their mountain of debt.

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Kroy sounds like he has some post-nut clarity ... he claims their current situation is toxic for their kids and he wants to push forward with the divorce, claiming Kim's called the cops to the home 4 times in 4 months, with the latest incident being witnessed by their youngest daughter.

We covered the drama on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

'Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta' Brown Table Talk All About Erica's Firing ... As She Puts VH1 On Blast!!!


Erica Mena's ousting from "Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta" is giving the cast plenty of content for an upcoming special ... which Erica says is pretty hypocritical, considering everything was all good until her controversial episode aired.

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VH1's airing a special roundtable discussion Tuesday, hosted by "colorism expert" Dr. Sarah L. Webb and featuring cast members such as Lil Scrappy, Yung Joc and Spice, ... who was the target of EM's "monkey" comment, which led to Erica's firing.


After tonight's episode was announced, Erica posted a video claiming she'd been on the set several days after her explosive argument with Spice aired and says the network "proudly" put it out for the world to see.

Her point is "L&HH" producers were fine with her, and only fired her in response to the public backlash that came once the episode aired.

A source close to Erica tells TMZ Hip Hop ... she feels the network is trying to silence her, after the fact, by not letting her participate in the roundtable.

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We're also told Erica continued working on the show for 7 months after the "monkey" argument -- another reason she feels producers are only shutting her out to avoid public backlash.

We reached out to Viacom, but no word back yet.

KYLIE JENNER Y TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET De negro y con un toque incógnito En su paso por la Semana de la Moda de París

Kylie Jenner y Timothée Chalamet son como dos tortolitos caminando por la ciudad del amor, luciendo atuendos muy similares en su paso por la Semana de la Moda de París.

La pareja de la lista A, que acaba de hacer pública su relación, estuvo en Europa el lunes por la noche para asistir a la Semana de la Moda de París. La pareja fue a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Rosalía, estuvieron tomados de la mano mientras entraban y salían, y muy combinados en sus atuendos.

Como se puede ver, el tema elegido es básicamente todo negro y tal vez un toque de incógnito. Al más puro estilo de Leo DiCaprio, Tim está luciendo una gorra de béisbol que le cubre el rostro, y Kylie, al parecer, le sigue el ejemplo.

Su look es bastante diferente de cómo ella se presenta en público normalmente. De hecho, Kylie siempre tiende a arreglarse y a llevar algo llamativo y elaborado. En este caso, sin embargo, es todo lo contrario.

Hay que preguntarse si su novio, Timmy, está influyendo en este estilo, por lo menos en el día a día, tan discreto y casual para ser una megaestrella.

Hemos visto esto de algunas de sus otras hermanas. Kourtney Kardashian, por ejemplo, realmente comenzó a reflejar el estilo de Travis Barker cuando llegó por primera vez con él.

El tiempo dirá si esta tendencia entre Kylie y Timothée continúa. Pero lo que hemos visto hasta ahora, en un pequeño puñado de veces, es que en cada ocasión han optado por un vestuario más oscuro.

Kylie Jenner & Timothée Chalamet Dark n' Gloomy Threads For Paris Fashion Week

Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet are two peas in a gothic pod out in the City of Love -- rocking very similar outfits as they hit Paris Fashion Week.

The A-list couple -- who just recently went public as an item -- were out in Europe Monday night for Paris Fashion Week. The pair went to Rosalía's birthday bash, walking in and out of the hosting venue hand-in-hand ... and definitely color-coordinated too.

As you can see ... the theme here is basically all-black everything, and maybe even a hint of incognito. Tim's doing his best Leo with the whole lowered baseball cap thing -- and KJ's following his lead, it seems.

The more dressed-down look is quite different than how Kylie might normally present herself in public. Fact is -- she tends to get dolled up and wear something somewhat flashy and elaborate. In this instance, though ... it's the opposite.

Ya gotta wonder if her BF Timmy is spurring that ... the dude's style -- at least on a day-to-day basis -- is as low-key and casual as it gets for megastars.

We've seen this from some of her other sisters -- namely, Kourtney Kardashian ... who really began to reflect Travis Barker's fashion sensibilities when she first got with him.

Time will tell if this trend continues with these two -- so far, we've seen them out in public a small handful of times ... and on each occasion, they've opted for darker wardrobe.

Kim Zolciak Dismiss the Divorce, Judge We're Having a Ton of Sex!!!

Kim Zolciak is firing back at Kroy Biermann, claiming his latest divorce petition is a sham and wants to get it tossed --- because they're still having a lot of sex!!!

According to court docs, obtained by TMZ ... the 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' alum says she's been repeatedly banging her estranged hubby ever since he filed for divorce from her -- for the second time -- in late August. Kim says their latest fooling around session was just a few weeks ago on September 7.

Kim says Kroy's claim the marriage is "irretrievably broken" is bogus, because how can it be broken if they're still doin' the deed?

She also says the fact they are still living under the same roof is further proof the whole "irretrievably broken" thing is just plain wrong.

Kroy has filed for divorce twice, most recently on August 24. He has said Kim's gambling problems have led them down the path to financial ruin, and he wants out.

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Kim has brushed off the divorce petition ... she continues to wear her wedding ring and insists they will work things out.

KIM ZOLCIAK cancele el Divorcio señor Juez ¡¡¡ESTAMOS TENIENDO UN MONTÓN DE SEXO!!!

Kim Zolciak le está respondiendo a Kroy Biermann, alegando que su última demanda de divorcio es una farsa y quiere que sea desestimada, ¡¡¡porque todavía están teniendo mucho sexo!!!

De acuerdo a documentos judiciales obtenidos por TMZ, la ex estrella de "Real Housewives of Atlanta" dice que ha tenido repetidos encuentros con su marido separado desde que él pidió el divorcio (por segunda vez) a finales de agosto. Kim dice que su última encuentro "privado" fue hace apenas unas semanas, el 7 de septiembre.

Kim dice que la afirmación de Kroy de que el matrimonio está "irremediablemente roto" es falsa, porque ¿cómo puede estar roto si todavía están haciendo el acto?

Ella también dice que el hecho de que todavía están viviendo bajo el mismo techo es una prueba más de que todo lo de "irremediablemente roto" es simplemente falso.

Kroy Bierman ha solicitado el divorcio en dos ocasiones, siendo la última el 24 de agosto. Él ha dicho que los problemas de juego de Kim los han llevado a la ruina financiera y quiere ponerle fin a todo.

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siendo tímida sobre kroy

Kim se ha olvidado de la petición de divorcio. Sigue usando su anillo de bodas e insiste en que van a resolver las cosas.

Zak Bagans Invites Adele to Haunted Museum ... Free Scare & Séance!!!

Adele expressed curiosity this weekend about Zak Bagans' haunted museum in the desert -- and the guy heard her loud and clear, 'cause he wants her to swing by for a scream or two ... on the house!

The "Ghost Adventures" star, who's famously obsessed with all things paranormal, caught wind of Adele talking to audience members about his Vegas-area Haunted Museum during one of her recent residency shows ... and he's thrilled about her curiosity.

ICYMI ... Adele was chatting up a guest at her concert, asking what they like to do in Sin City, and sounded awfully interested when they mentioned ZB's spooky tourist attraction.

Zak's museum features a crazy big collection of artifacts that are purported to be haunted. There's also a lot of grim history with the building itself, and the museum's been the subject of one of his shows.

Anyway, Zak tells TMZ he's personally inviting Adele to come to his establishment for a free VIP tour -- and, not just that, she can take him up on a personal séance too if she's so inclined.

He says he'd be willing to get well-known psychic/medium Patti Negri to lead it -- as PN is well-versed in this field.

Now, as kooky as that sounds ... Adele has actually dealt with personal tragedy in recent years -- including the death of her estranged father in 2021 and the recent passing of her BFF's mother. Presumably, she could try to contact these individuals ... if not others.

Whether she wants that or not, Zak's offer is out there now. And, she's practically right next door -- so why not take him up on it?

Spooky season is upon us ... and as Adele once sang, it's time to love in the dark.

NFL's Nick Bawden Wife Feuds With 'Jersey Shore' Star ... Over DM Slide

The wife of a New York Jets player is furious with "Jersey Shore" castmate Angelina Pivarnick ... claiming the reality TV star slid into her hubby's direct messages this weekend -- despite knowing he was a married man.

Alexis Bawden -- Nick Bawden's longtime partner -- said the incident happened on Sunday afternoon ... right after the fullback had taken the field to play against the New England Patriots at MetLife Stadium in Jersey.

According to Alexis, Pivarnick saw her decked out in gear representing her husband while she was on the sidelines at the stadium ... but ignored it all -- and went on to send a DM to Nick on Instagram anyway.

TikTok / @alexisebawden

Alexis says Pivarnick wrote, "See u soon" -- and it made her livid because she believed it was an effort to woo her man.

"I just want to say if you're a fan of her, she's weird," she said in a TikTok slamming Pivarnick. "That's weird. You don't message a married woman's man you're going to see him soon after you see his wife go by on the field. Weirdo."

Pivarnick eventually responded after the TikTok went viral ... saying in a since-deleted statement on her Instagram Stories that she never made a move on the football player.

"This s*** that's being told about me sliding into a married man's IG has gotten out of control," Pivarnick wrote. "His wife is clearly a clout chaser and I only spoke to players I knew and in a friendly way."

"I know she's reaching," she added. "She needs to stop trying to slander me and stop being a liar. I am not into married men and would never write that shit. If she doesn't stop my lawyer will send her a letter of cease and desist soon. Not playing. Add this to TikTok girl. What a joke."

Alexis ended up making several more follow-up TikToks about the situation ... calling Pivarnick a "weirdo" at least once more -- before vowing to be done with it all.

'Bachelorette' Star Josh Seiter Checks into Mental Health Facility Month After Alleged Instagram Death Hoax

"Bachelorette" contestant Josh Seiter says he's getting much-needed help to get a handle on his mental health after receiving an onslaught of hate following claims his Instagram was hacked after a post announcing his death was published on the account.

Seiter made the announcement Monday, telling followers he's logging off social media for good -- and checking into a wellness facility to address his mental health struggles.

Seiter says, "For the last month I've received hundreds of hateful messages and unending harassment related to my account being hacked. I wish I was stronger but I can't take any more ..."

He continues, "I am losing my phone in the next hour. I love you all. To the people sending me death threats, you win."

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Instagram / @josh_seiter_official

It was August 28 when a post went live on Seiter's account announcing his death. Many believed the post to be true, and tons of media outlets published the story. It was more than 24 hours later when Josh announced he was actually alive and his account had been hacked.

The reality contestant's story raised a lot of eyebrows, with many wondering why it took him so long to change the narrative and announce he was OK.

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We had Josh on TMZ Live who told us he prioritized getting his Instagram account back over letting the public know he was alive. The explanation didn't sit right with a lot of people, and clearly, they continued to let him hear it.