Kourtney Kardashian organizó un baby shower épico para su futuro hijo con Travis Barker. Algunos fans están pienas que en alguna parte del bosque, entre los árboles puede estar el nombre del niño.

La fiesta temática de Disney tuvo lugar el domingo y parece haber sido organizada en su mansión de Calabasas. Convirtieron el patio trasero en una recreación del famoso parque temático. Todo incluido; el cartel de Disney, las orejas de Mickey Mouse e incluso los Dapper Dans!

En una de las intrincadas decoraciones de la fiesta (un manzano relacionado con el clásico "Blancanieves"), la gente se dio cuenta de que había un montón de tarjetas con notas escritas a mano que colgadas y alguien hizo zoom en una de ellas.

Hay una nota que puede leerse parcialmente que parece mencionar el nombre de un bebé. Es difícil de entender en su totalidad pero lo que parece decir es: "Que el bebé Rocky tenga una vida llena de amor". El resto es demasiado borrosa pero al parecer más buenos deseos.

Los fans con ojos de águila han visto esto y ya se especula que Kourtney y Travis podrían llamar a su hijo Rocky. Por supuesto, también podría ser una referencia al hecho de que Travis es un rockero pero en cualquier caso, ha estimulado un montón de comentarios en línea.

El tiempo dirá lo que terminan llamando al nuevo bebé Barker pero Rocky no está nada mal.

De todos modos, el resto de la fiesta fue de primer nivel. Como hemos dicho, los recuerdos de la fiesta fueron increíblemente bien pensados y detallados y parece que no escatimaron en gastos para hacer que la cuna se viera como si viniera directamente de Anaheim.

Por cierto, Travis iba enmascarado mientras se mezclaba con amigos y familiares ya que ahora mismo tiene COVID. También parece que la gente estaba manteniendo el distanciamiento social en todo momento... la seguridad ante todo.

En cuanto a Kourtney, parece que el bebé podría llegar en cualquier momento. Se le vio sonriente y de muy buen humor.

Recordemos que la futura madre estuvo recientemente en la mira de un alcalde de otra lujosa ciudad... Malibú.

fiesta de piscina

Como hemos informado, el alcalde Silverstein se está quejando por una fiesta privada relacionada con Poosh (la marca de bienestar de Kourtney). Alegó que la gente que organizó la fiesta obtuvo un permiso de última hora para eventos especiales y sospecha que se hizo en circunstancias turbias.

Por suerte Kourtney no vive en Malibu ... y ella estaba a un brazo de distancia de ese drama este fin de semana.

La prioridad # 1 para ella era celebrar con su marido y seres queridos y prepararse para esta alegría que viene pronto.

Kourtney Kardashian Disney Baby Shower Hint of Son's Name In the Trees??? 👀

Kourtney Kardashian threw an epic baby shower for her and Travis Barker's future son together ... and some fans are seeing the forest for the trees on the kid's potential name.

The Disnelyand-themed bash went down Sunday, and it looks to have been hosted at their Calabasas mansion -- with the backyard being turned into a recreation of the famous theme park ... complete with Disney signage, Mickey Mouse ears and even the Dapper Dans!

Indeed, Kourtney's camp went all out here ... however, in one of the intricate party decorations -- an apple tree in the vein of 'Snow White' -- folks noticed a bunch of cards with hand-written notes were being hung ... and somebody zoomed in on one of those.

There's a note that can be partially read ... and it seems to mention a baby name. It's hard to make out in its entirety -- but what it appears to say is ... "May Baby Rocky have ... life filled with love." The rest of it is too blurry, but seemingly more well-wishes.

Eagle-eyed fans have seen this ... and there's already speculation Kourtney and Travis might be naming their kid Rocky. Of course, it could also be a reference to the fact TB is a rocker -- but in any case, it's spurred a lot of chatter online.

Time will tell what they end up calling the new Baby Barker ... but Rocky's not half bad.

Anyway, the rest of the shindig was top-tier in terms of Kardashian-led blowouts. Like we said, the party favors were incredibly well-thought-out and detailed -- and it looks like they didn't spare any expense in making the crib look like it came straight out of Anaheim.

BTW, Travis was masked up while mingling with friends and family ... he's got COVID right now. It also looks like folks were maintaining social distancing all throughout -- safety first.

As for Kourtney, she looks like she's almost ready to pop ... that baby's probably due any day now. She was all smiles and in an incredibly good mood based on what we can see.

Of course, the reason that's significant is because she kinda fell into the crosshairs of a mayor from another ritzy town just down the freeway ... and that would be Malibu.


As we reported ... Mayor Silverstein excoriated City officials for what he claims was them bending the knee to organizers of a Poosh party -- which is obviously Kourtney's wellness brand. He alleged that the folks who put that together got a last-minute special events permit greenlit ... and he suspects it was done under shady circumstances.

Luckily, Kourtney doesn't live in Malibu ... and she was at arm's-length from that drama this weekend.

Priority #1 for her, it seems, was to celebrate with her hubby and loved ones ... and to get ready for this bundle of joy that's coming soon.

Bam Margera 1 Month Sober ... Skating Like A Pro Again

Bam Margera has hit a fantastic milestone on his road to recovery ... we're told he's been sober for a month and is even hitting the skate park again.

Sources close to Bam tell TMZ ... Bam recently reached the 1-month mark and has been living on a farm owned by another professional skateboarder just outside of Philadelphia.

We're told he's been on the farm with his girlfriend, Dannii -- the 2 have been going to the gym every day and hiking with their dogs, and Bam's lost a ton of weight ... which has given him the ability to start skating again, and he's once again making it look easy.

Bam Margera

Our sources say he's been loving getting back into the sport, but more importantly, has kept a really tight circle of positive friends and influences. Dannii even gave him an ultimatum that seems to have helped -- he picked her over the booze.

We're told the former "Jackass" star feels this is the first time he's wanted to get sober for himself ... as opposed to being forced by family or friends through an intervention.

As we reported, Bam's been in a legal battle with his estranged wife, Nikki, over custody of their 5-year-old kid, Phoenix -- she was granted temporary sole custody of the boy last month, following an arrest and citation for separate instances of public intoxication. Bam has been able to FaceTime with Phoenix 4 times a week.

BTW, Bam's brother, Jess, revealed earlier this year Bam destroyed a guitar they got from Billy Idol in a fit of rage. We're told Bam and Dannii hung out with the singer in Philly last weekend after a concert, and Billy actually signed a new guitar for him.

Way to go, Bam ... keep it up.

'Selling the OC' Kayla Cardona Backs Brandi Marshall ... Alex Deserves Racism Flak

Alex Hall has been getting dragged after what some perceived as her trying to make a Black woman sound angry and unhinged -- and a fellow cast member says it's well-deserved.

We spoke to 'Selling the OC' star Kayla Cardona -- who's very familiar with what has fans up in arms now that Season 2 has officially come to a close ... with unsettled business between Alex and Brandi Marshall -- who got in a huge fight on the show.

Kayla Cardona

The drama between them all stems from Brittany Snow's ex, Tyler Stanaland ... and Brandi accusing Alex of being "messy" when it comes to pursuing him. It was a feud that simmered all season and eventually came to an ugly head during an argument in Cabo -- which was caught on camera and obviously aired on Netflix.

During that shouting match ... many felt Alex was hurling racist microaggressions at Brandi by suggesting she was going to swing on her and trying to paint her as violent. That didn't occur in the moment -- Brandi kept her cool -- but there was a lot of chatter after the fact.

Like we said, AH has been taking it on the chin on Twitter ... and in our convo with Kayla -- who was front and center for all of that during filming -- she says succinctly, "If the shoe fits."

Take a listen for yourself to see what she remembers from that day ... and what apparently happened off-camera too. Based on how KC describes it -- it sounds like things might've been even nastier behind the scenes.

When asked if she felt like the Oppenheim brothers should've stepped in to diffuse things ... she stops short of criticizing them specifically -- but the implication is that the production can, at times, be a little too toxic for everyone's comfort.

KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN organiza un evento en malibú mintió para obtener el permiso


Un asistente dijo que no había más de 100 personas en el evento privado de bienestar y salud.

Kourtney Kardashian está siendo criticada por el alcalde de Malibú alegando que su gente mintió para obtener un permiso para hacer una fiesta.

El alcalde Bruce Silverstein dice que el organizador de eventos de Kourtney presentó una solicitud a la ciudad para una fiesta, alegando que era para una fiesta de bienvenida al bebé. Pidieron un "Permiso de emergencia acelerado para grandes eventos" en una casa unifamiliar. Presentaron el permiso en parte porque había problemas de estacionamiento con la multitud. Además, estaban alquilando una casa que no era de Kourtney.

fiesta de piscina

El alcalde dice que todo era una farsa. La fiesta era en realidad un evento promocional para Poosh Camp. Poosh es la marca de salud y bienestar de Kourtney.

El alcalde dice que la solicitud de permiso dice que 94 invitados asistirían al "baby shower" cuando en realidad alrededor de 600 invitados se presentaron para Poosh.

El alcalde Silverstein dijo: "La Ciudad de Malibú continúa colocando a las celebridades y el vienestar de los Uber por sobre los residentes, el personal de la ciudad se vende a Kardashian y concede un permiso acelerado de emergencia para un gran evento en una casa unifamiliar vacía en un barrio privado."

Continúa: "Como funcionario electo, sin embargo, estoy consternado por la situación y ahora puedo entender las quejas de los residentes de toda la ciudad. No es una buena imagen para la ciudad, aunque es un gran anuncio para los no residentes que quieren venir aquí y destruir el disfrute pacífico de la gente que vive en sus hogares".

No había terminado: "Tengo entendido que el evento ha sido presentado como una fiesta para el bebé y que está siendo organizado por el dueño de la propiedad. Ambas presentaciones son contrarias a lo que el planificador del evento me dijo. Me dijeron que la casa estaba siendo "alquilada" para un "evento de influencers". Obviamente alguna de las dos historias es falsa.

El alcalde dice que ninguno de los Kardashians ni siquiera se presentó al evento. Todo era promoción comercial. Entre los invitados famosos estaban Diplo, Ariana Madix y Gorillaz.

El alcalde Silverstein ha solicitado una investigación interna para determinar si algún empleado municipal fue "cómplice" del presunto fraude. El Ayuntamiento se reunirá el lunes.

Kourtney Kardashian's Poosh Malibu Mayor Erupts Over Event ... Says City Bent the Knee


9:55 AM PT -- An event attendee said that there were no more than 100 people attending the privately held wellness event for friends of Poosh.

Kourtney Kardashian is being indirectly blasted by the Mayor of Malibu -- who says folks working on behalf of her company appear to have gotten a rubber-stamped "A-OK" for a shindig in the 11th hour ... by none other than the City itself.

Mayor Bruce Silverstein laid it all out on Facebook Saturday -- detailing what he claims was a shady sign-off on a permit that allowed Kourtney's camp to host a private event at a home they rented in the Mayor's neighborhood ... which he later came to learn was tied to her Poosh brand.


It's worth reading his post to get the full context of what he's alleging here, but essentially -- it amounts to preferential treatment that he says is far too often granted to the rich and famous of Malibu. This time, he says it just so happened to work out for a Kardashian.

As for what he's specifically fuming over ... Silverstein says when he noticed the event getting set up at this empty house next door this week -- with truckloads of crap getting unloaded -- he asked what was going on ... and says he was told it was an influencer event. The Mayor says he informed the organizers that they needed a permit for that sort of thing -- and then proceeded to follow up with City staff to see if that was actually happening.

We'll spare you all the details, but basically ... the Mayor alleges that the City approved a Special Events Permit for the event planners working on behalf of Poosh -- and he goes on to claim that it seems to have been green-lit in record time, and under what he claims are possible false pretenses ... as it pertains to what the event was described as, how many people would be attending, the setup/breakdown procedure and resident notice required.

And yet, the Mayor claims everyone appears to have just looked the other way on all of it -- and he suspects all of this was done to appease a high-profile resident of the area.

The Mayor says he's disheartened by this -- as he goes on to explain that the regular citizens of Malibu hardly ever get the red carpet rolled out for them for things they wanna do -- having to wait weeks for a permit, as he notes -- but for a celeb ... immediate turnaround. He also says these type of events are a huge headache for the normies -- both in a safety capacity, but also as a general nuisance when it comes to noise, traffic, etc.

Silverstein says this is part of a much larger issue that he aims to address soon at the next City Council meeting ... and while he certainly seems upset with Kourtney and/or the people working with her on this particular get-together, he's much angrier at the powers that be that he suggests are willing to bend the knee at a moment's notice ... a culture he's tired of.

A couple points worth noting ... Poosh documented their Malibu bash on social media (it's all over their IG Story) but it's not clear if Kourtney herself attended it. Silverstein doesn't say she did or didn't ... but he does sound angry that her brand was given a clear path to seemingly do what it wanted at the drop of a dime -- at least according to him, anyway.

One last nugget that's worth mentioning ... we've learned that the Poosh party was actually put together via a major PR agency (Harper Sloane) -- so Kourtney's involvement in this is truly unknown at this point. Yes, she's the face of the company -- but we have no idea whether she herself knew about this event or what her participation in it was, if any.

Nonetheless, the Mayor believes this has got to stop, and it sounds like he's not dropping it.

Britney Spears Le avisaron que Jamie Lynn estaría en 'DWTS' La noticia fue bien recibida

Britney Spears no fue sorprendida por la noticia de que su hermana pequeña, Jamie Lynn Spears, se uniría a "Dancing With the Stars". De hecho, ella era plenamente consciente y lo aprobaba, según ha indagado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que a Britney le avisaron de que Jamie Lynn aparecería en el programa de competencia antes de que la noticia saliera a la luz, y nos dicen que Britney se lo tomó muy bien.

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No se sabe exactamente quién se lo comunicó a Britney, pero nuestras fuentes dicen que apoyó totalmente a Jamie Lynn y que, al parecer, estaba incluso emocionada por ella.

Ahora, una vez más, no sabemos quién se lo hizo contó a Britney, pero quien lo hizo claramente debe haber tenido en cuenta la famosa ruptura entre ellas, ya que han tenido una historia difícil. A veces Britney ha estado cerca de su hermana, pero también la ha destrozado, y mucho se deriva del libro que Jamie Lynn publicó el año pasado.

El estado de su relación se ha sentido un poco dudoso a veces, sobre todo porque Brit ha seguido ventilando quejas sobre su familia, por lo general en las redes sociales, pero después de escuchar esto pareciera que las hermanas Spears están en buenos términos en este momento.

Jamie Lynn se está preparando seriamente para su participación en 'DWTS', que comienza el 10 de octubre. Se le ha permitido ensayar cerca de su casa en Tennessee, debido al hecho de que tiene dos hijos.

Esta, por supuesto, no es la primera vez que Jamie participa en un reality, recientemente estuvo en "Special Forces: La prueba más dura del mundo", de FOX.

Britney Spears Got Heads Up on Jamie Lynn Joining 'DWTS' ... News Well-Received

Britney Spears wasn't blindsided by her little sister, Jamie Lynn Spears, joining "Dancing With the Stars" -- in fact, she was fully aware and approved ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us, Britney got a heads up about JL appearing on the competition show before the news came out -- and we're told Britney actually took it well.

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No word on who exactly delivered the update to BS, but our sources say she was fully supportive of Jamie Lynn ... and, apparently, even excited for her sibling.

Now, again, we don't know who looped Britney in -- but whoever did clearly did so with their famous rift in mind, as they've had a rocky history. At times, Britney embraced her sister ... but, she's also trashed her. A lot stems from JLS's book last year.

The status of their relationship has felt a little iffy at times -- especially as Brit has continued airing grievances about her family at large on social media -- but after hearing this ... it would appear the Spears sisters are on somewhat good terms right now.

Jamie Lynn is getting seriously accommodated ahead of her time on 'DWTS,' which kicks off Oct. 10. She's been allowed to rehearse near her home in Tennessee, on account of the fact she's a hands-on mom of 2.

This, of course, isn't Jamie's first stint in reality TV either ... she was recently on FOX's "Special Forces: World's Toughest Test."

'Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles' Homeless Camp Outside Altman Bros. Office

A couple of "Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles" stars are dealing with something many businesses across L.A. are facing -- the homeless crisis ... an encampment popped up right outside their offices.

The tents were spotted outside The Altman Brothers office in Bev Hills as recently as Wednesday -- the place where brothers Josh and Matt Altman work both on and off the Bravo series.

Fans of the show know folks like the Altmans have made careers selling luxury properties all across Los Angeles, so to have a homeless camp on display just steps from their business comes with some irony.

Photos taken Thursday show the encampment is gone -- we're told the city stepped in and had the camp dismantled.

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As we reported, Jennifer Garner was spotted offering up more than just a helping hand to a homeless man in L.A. this week  ... offering him the shoes off her feet and getting a nearby photog involved to make sure he got what he needed.

The homeless crisis has gripped L.A., along with many other cities around the country.

Millon Dollar Listing L.A. Un campamento afuera de la oficina de Altman Bros

Una pareja en la lista de los más millonarios de Los Ángeles está lidiando con algo más que muchos negocios en la ciudad: se enfrentan también a la crisis de las personas sin hogar, pues un campamento apareció justo afuera de su oficina.

Las carpas fueron vistas afuera de la oficina de los hermanos Altman en Beverly Hills el martes por la noche y también el miércoles. Este es el lugar donde los hermanos Josh y Matt Altman trabajan de vez en cuando en la serie de Bravo.

Los fans de la serie saben que personas como los Altman han hecho carrera vendiendo propiedades de lujo por todo Los Ángeles, por lo que tener una tienda de campaña a pocos metros de su negocio viene con cierta ironía.

Fotos del lugar tomadas este jueves muestran que el campamento ya no estaba ahí, dado que la ciudad intervino y lo desmanteló, según nos han dicho.

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Dando una mano

Como informamos, Jennifer Garner fue vista este domingo ofreciéndole una mano a un hombre en Los Ángeles. La actriz le ofreció sus zapatos y le pidió a un fotógrafo cercano que se involucrara para asegurarse de que recibiera lo que necesitaba.

La crisis de las personas sin hogar se ha apoderado de Los Ángeles, junto con otras muchas ciudades del país.

C.T Tamburello Sigue estrictas normas con su esposa separada ... No acosen a nuestro hijo con preguntas en cámara

La estrella de "The Challenge", C.T. Tamburello y su ex esposa, han acordado algunas estrictas reglas sobre el tiempo de crianza compartida de su hijo en medio de su divorcio. Esto ocurre un año después de que presentaran los papeles de divorcio.

Según documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, C.T. y Lilianet "Lili" Solares han dado luz verde a múltiples reglas y regulaciones respecto a la custodia de su hijo, Christopher Jr., que nació en 2016, una de las cuales es que ninguno de los dos puede grabarlo con el propósito de interrogarlo.

Es más, C.T. y Lili no tienen permitido preguntarle a Christopher Jr. sobre el otro mientras pasan el tiempo acordado para cada uno. Los días en que está con uno de los progenitores, el otro tiene derecho a dos llamadas telefónicas con él a lo largo del día, aunque la orden le permite al niño acercarse al otro progenitor todo lo que quiera.

En cuanto a la manutención, el acuerdo temporal es que C.T. le pagará a Lili 332 dólares semanales cuando Christopher Jr. pase todo el tiempo con ella, y 175 dólares semanales cuando CT ejerza realmente su tiempo compartido con el niño.

TMZ dio la noticia, C.T. solicitó el divorcio el año pasado en Florida, luego de varias idas y venidas. En 2020, la estrella reveló que se habían separado el año anterior, pero terminaron volviendo.

Desde la solicitud de divorcio, la pareja acordó que C.T. se quede con su casa de Florida. Los documentos muestran que ella se mudaría a una propiedad alquilada. Aunque C.T. tuvo que darle una suma de $7.200.

'The Challenge' C.T. Tamburello Sticking To Strict Rules With Estranged Wife ... No Grilling Our Kid With Questions On Camera

"The Challenge" star C.T. Tamburello and his estranged wife have agreed on some strict rules regarding shared parenting time with their kid amid their ongoing divorce ... this coming a year after he originally filed.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, C.T. and Lilianet "Lili" Solares have given the green light to multiple rules and regulations regarding the custody arrangement with their son, Christopher Jr., who was born in 2016 ... one of which is the parties agreeing not to record their son with the purpose of interrogating him.

What's more, C.T. and Lili aren't allowed to ask Christopher Jr. about the other parent while spending their designated time with him. On the days when he's with one of the parents, the other is entitled to 2 phone calls to him throughout the day, although the order does allow the kid to reach out to the other parent as much as he wants.

As for child support, the temporary arrangement is that C.T. will pay Lili $332 a week when Christopher Jr. spends all his time with his mom, and $175 a week when C.T. actually exercises his time with the kid.

TMZ broke the story, C.T. filed for divorce last year in Florida ... coming after a very on-again, off-again relationship. He revealed in 2020 that they separated the year before, but ended up back together.

Since filing, Lili's agreed that C.T. gets their Florida home, with docs showing she would be moving into a rental property quickly ... but C.T. had to fork over her $7,200 deposit.

Savannah Chrisley's Ex-Fiancé Nic Kerdiles Dies in Motorcycle Crash ... Savannah Breaks Silence


3:47 PM PT -- Savannah just further discussed Nic's passing, posting a photo of them holding hands. She writes, "Heaven gained the most beautiful angel today ... I miss you and I love you."


She adds, "I'll forever save our last messages of 'I love you.' please send me a sign that you're ok." SC goes on to list some of Nic's favorite things -- including food, which appears to carry some significant meaning to her.


Savannah ends with ... "We loved hard ... and I can't wait to ride bikes with you along the beaches of heaven one day."


Savannah addressed Nic's death on social media, posting a clip of the two of them kissing and writing ... "I'm still hoping you respond to my text."

Savannah Chrisley's ex-fiancé, Nic Kerdiles, died in a motorcycle crash this week ... TMZ has learned.

Nashville PD tells us Kerdiles passed away early Saturday morning as a result of injuries sustained following an accident around 3:30 AM ... when they say he ran through a stop sign in a residential area north of central Nashville.

Cops say he struck the driver's side of a BMW with his Indian Motorcycle. We're told the other driver stopped immediately -- and that Kerdiles was transported to a local hospital ... where he later died. The police note ... there were no signs of impairment from either driver.

We've confirmed Kerdiles' DOB with police. Tragically, NK also posted a photo of himself on his IG story last night that shows him cruising around on his Indian bike. A caption attached reads "Night rider."

Kerdiles had been engaged to Todd and Julie Chrisley's second daughter, Savannah, for a bit between 2018 and 2020 ... when she called it off and broke up with Nic. They'd been dating since 2017, and he was even featured on her parents' reality show, "Chrisley Knows Best."

Of the breakup, Savannah has said ... "When we got engaged, I feel like it was for all the wrong reasons. When he proposed, I knew it shouldn't have been happening. It was filmed, it was on TV. His family was there, my family was there. It was not the way I would want it to go down, ever."

She went on to say ... "Everything was just wrong at the time. Granted, I loved him, I was in love with him. It was just, there was so much more work that needed to be done before you got married."

Nic comes from a hockey background, having played at the college level for a while ... before a brief stint professionally with the Anaheim Ducks in the 2010s. He bounced around for a little bit before hanging up his hockey career in 2018 ... having played for a total of 4 years.

Most recently, Nic had been working as real estate broker in the Nashville area. He had no children of his own -- but most certainly was close to his family ... including his nieces and nephews -- with whom he just posted a bunch of sweet pictures earlier this month.

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One of Nic's last posts is heartbreaking to read. At the time he wrote, "Getting to go home this past weekend and seeing my family was something that I need more than I knew."

Nic adds, "Time in this life goes by quicker and quicker each day. I will never again take the these days with them for granted and my advice is the same for everyone else. Love is unconditional, and it’s rare to find in this world. I’m so thankful that I have parents, siblings, nieces and nephews that love me back the way they do. I’ve already booked my next trip back home and I cannot wait to see them again soon! Love you guys all so much!"

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We've reached out to Nic's family for comment, but haven't been able to connect. We've also reached out to Savannah's rep ... so far, no word back.

Nic was only 29. RIP

Originally Published -- 10:33 AM PT

Ex prometido de Savannah Chrisley Nic Kerdiles muere en accidente de moto

El ex-prometido de Savannah Chrisley, Nic Kerdiles, murió en un accidente de moto esta semana, según ha indagado TMZ.

Policías de Nashville dicen que Kerdiles falleció la madrugada del sábado como resultado de las lesiones sufridas en un accidente a las 3:30 AM aproximadamente, cuando pasó por una señal de stop en una zona residencial al norte del centro de Nashville.

La policía dice que chocó el lado del conductor de un BMW con su motocicleta Indian. Nos dicen que el otro conductor se detuvo de inmediato y que Kerdiles fue trasladado a un hospital local, donde falleció más tarde. La policía puntualiza que no había señales de herida en el otro conductor.

Hemos confirmado la fecha de nacimiento de Kerdiles con la policía. Trágicamente, Nic también publicó una foto suya anoche en sus historias de Instagram, que lo muestra paseando en su moto. Un pie de foto adjunto dice: "conductor nocturno (night rider)".

Kerdiles había estado comprometido por un tiempo con la segunda hija de Todd y Julie Chrisley, Savannah, entre 2018 y 2020, hasta que ella terminó con él. Llevaban saliendo desde 2017, e incluso Nic apareció en el reality de los padres de ella, 'Chrisley Knows Best'.

Sobre la ruptura, Savannah ha dicho: "Cuando nos comprometimos, creo que fue por todas las razones equivocadas. Cuando me lo propuso, sabía que no debería haber pasado. Lo filmaron, salió en la tele. Su familia estaba allí, mi familia estaba allí. No era la forma en que me gustaría que sucediera, nunca".

Continuó diciendo: "Todo estaba mal en ese momento. Por supuesto, yo lo amaba, yo estaba enamorada de él. Pero había mucho trabajo por hacer antes de casarnos".

Nic viene del mundo del hockey. Jugó a nivel universitario por un tiempo y después tuvo un breve paso profesional con los Anaheim Ducks en el 2010. Luego de pensárselo un poco, decidió terminar su carrera en 2018, habiendo jugado un total de cuatro años.

Más recientemente, Nic había estado trabajando como corredor de bienes raíces en el área de Nashville. No tenía hijos, pero estaba cerca de su familia, incluyendo sus sobrinas y sobrinos con los que acababa de publicar un montón de fotos a principios de este mes.

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Uno de los últimos post de Nic resulta desgarrador de leer. En ese momento escribió: "Llegar a casa el fin de semana pasado y ver a mi familia era algo que necesitaba más de lo que pensaba".

Y añadía: "El tiempo en esta vida pasa cada día más rápido. Nunca volveré a dar por sentados estos días con ellos y mi consejo es el mismo para todos los demás. El amor es incondicional, y es raro encontrarlo en este mundo. Estoy muy agradecido de tener padres, hermanos, sobrinas y sobrinos que me quieren como lo hacen. Ya he reservado mi próximo viaje a casa y estoy deseando volver a verlos pronto. Los quiero muchísimo".

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la familia de Nic para hacer comentarios, pero no hemos podido contactarlos. También intentamos conversar con el representante de Savannah, pero hasta ahora no hemos tenido ninguna palabra de vuelta.

Nic sólo tenía 29 años. Que en paz descanses.

'Jersey Shore' 'Jerzday' is Official!!! Cast Honored in Atlantic City

The cast of "Jersey Shore" have officially become New Jersey legends ... September 22 will live forever as "Jersey Shore" Day in Atlantic City.

Eight members of the cast were honored by the mayor of A.C., Marty Small, outside the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino ... where he legitimized "Jersey Shore" Day, a.k.a "Jerzday."

X / @AtlanticCityGov

The ceremony drew a crowd of pumped-up fans ... waving Italian flags and hoisting posters of 'JS' favorites like Snooki, Vinny and JWoww, who were in attendance.

Instagram / @snooki

In fact, all 8 cast members from the current "Jersey Shore: Family Vacation" were in attendance, including Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, Pauly D, Angelina Pivarnick, Deena Cortese and Sammi "Sweetheart" Giancola.

Mayor Small explained why the cast deserves such an honor ... "Because in the last 15 years, this group has made New Jersey proud with strength, perseverance, family values, gym, tan, laundry."

Clearly, the Mayor appreciates the amount of attention the show has drawn to the city over the years. In fact, the reality show's spin-off, "Family Vacation," recently filmed in A.C.

The 'JS' cast is clearly overjoyed their legacy will live on forever in a place that's near and dear to them ... congrats!!!


Kroy Biermann podría tener una luz al final del túnel de su deuda masiva y es todo gracias a un club de striptease masculino dispuesto a repartir algo de dinero si Kroy está dispuesto ponerse sucio.

Kings of Hustler, en "La ciudad del pecado", ofrece a Kroy la oportunidad de ganar 150.000 dólares por "hacer un strip tease en directo" en su local. La gerente del club, Brittany Rose, dice que está segura de que también "hará un montón de dinero en propinas".

Por supuesto que hay condiciones, Kroy tendrá que actuar en el escenario durante 15 minutos, desnudarse hasta quedar en ropa interior y dar a la multitud bailes eróticos "a petición de los grandes gastadores".

También tendrá que dar un paseo en el club "Golden Boner" y montarse a un toro mecánico que tiene la forma de verg...

Kings of Hustler dice que le envió al equipo de Kroy la oferta lucrativa el miércoles, aunque todavía no ha aceptado la oferta.

Como hemos informado, Kroy dice que él y Kim Zolciak están al rojo vivo en lo que respecta  a su divorcio y que ya le ha pedido al juez que les permita vender su casa de Georgia a toda prisa ( casa que recientemente entró en pre-ejecución hipotecaria de nuevo).

Kroy presentó nuevos documentos esta semana rogandole a la corte para evitar que Kim venda la propiedad. No hay que olvidar que Kroy dijo tuvo que vender sus pertenencias personales para hacer sus pagos de hipoteca que no fue capaz de cubrir en julio.

Es seguro decir que los $150k podrían ayudar bastante.