'RHOC' Shannon Beador Speeds, Crashes Into Home ... Hit-And-Run Video Shows

'RHOC' star Shannon Beador was zooming around a residential street moments before slamming her car into the side of a house ... according to this insane footage of her alleged DUI incident.

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Beador was hightailing it around a Newport Beach, CA street on Saturday just before midnight, when -- based on this video -- she seemed to misjudge a corner, careen out of control and crash into the home.

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Almost immediately, Beador threw her car in reverse, getting off the sidewalk and back onto the street before slowly pulling away.

We got these pics of the damage left behind from the accident ... a concrete planter is crumbled after taking the brunt of the impact and there's a huge skid mark on the road.

It also looks like Beador barely missed the front door of the house ... which likely would've caused even more damage, and potentially injured someone inside the home.

TMZ broke the story ... sources say Beador eventually parked in the middle of the street, getting out with her dog. We're told when cops arrived, she tried to act like she was just walking her pup, but the officers weren't buying it.

A rep for Newport Beach PD says Shannon was arrested and booked for hit-and-run and DUI alcohol -- both misdemeanors -- and was cited and released without bond.

The Bravo series isn't currently in production, so she wasn't filming before the arrest -- her lawyer Michael Fell says, "[Beador] is extremely apologetic and remorseful. We will be awaiting the official information on this case as it becomes available, and Shannon is prepared to accept full responsibility for her actions."

Don't forget, Beador revealed earlier this year that she felt blindsided by the brutal split from her BF, John Jassen ... which came just weeks after production wrapped on season 17.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Do you think Shannon Beador's DUI/hit-and-run will affect her chances of staying on the 'Real Housewives' franchise? Vote below.

Kroy Biermann Judge, Me & Kim Are, Like, Broke-Broke ... Gimme Green Light to Sell!!!

Kroy Biermann is again begging a judge not to let his estranged wife Kim Zolciak slow down his attempt to sell their mansion -- insisting they need to sell the place ASAP ... so they can get separate pads to shield their kids from the trauma of their toxic relationship.

The former NFL star filed new court docs this week, obtained by TMZ, which push back on what he claims is Kim's recent attempt to delay a ruling over the matter of whether to quickly try to sell their massive Georgia home.

Like before, Kroy's reiterating the urgent need to unload this property -- citing their mounting debts and money woes ... but this time, KB says it a bit more plainly. He writes in his paperwork, "The parties to this action are financially destitute, largely related to [Kim]'s reckless spending habits and love for online gambling." Oof ...

Yes, that's Kroy pointing the finger right at Kim and attributing their problems to her. What's more -- he says the IRS actually has a lien on the home over unpaid taxes in the amount of $1.1 million. Kroy also cites a number of lawsuits from creditors who want their dough.

In the docs, Kroy says he and Kim really don't have much else left to their name ... and that the house is the last true asset of value that they can cash in on -- but, according to him, Kim's trying to delay the process and making it difficult to turn the page amid their divorce. And, he says their constant fighting is hurting their kids, saying the "toxicity enveloping the marital home is extremely detrimental to the mental and emotional well-being of the children."

Time's running out, as Kroy says foreclosure is looming -- and he wants to try and collect whatever equity they have left in the place to pay down the damage and get separate places. Kroy's basically on his hands and knees here asking for the court to say yes.

Sell, sell, sell!

Tamar Braxton My Car Was Burglarized ... Posts Video of Incident

Tamar Braxton says her car was broken into and ransacked -- and she's lamenting the fact she doesn't feel safe, even at home ... which is understandable considering the video.

The singer posted 4 clips on IG Monday, which show a handful of men going through a vehicle in a covered, seemingly subterranean garage ... rummaging around and removing various items as they appear to be staging a getaway in another car.

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Instagram / @tamarbraxton

Tamar writes, "I got robbed. At home. I’m not safe anywhere. I don’t know why I keep getting violated. I had a lot in my car cause I don’t live anywhere cause I’m not safe anywhere or with anyone."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

It's unclear when exactly this took place, but if it was on Sunday ... that's shocking, because she was at Mercedes-Benz Stadium in Atlanta to sing the National Anthem ahead of the Packers-Falcons game. Tamar is known to have property in the ATL area, too.

The other notable thing about this is the fact that Tamar says she doesn't "live" anywhere anymore because of situations like this ... which has sparked concern online.

No word on whether a police report was filed, or what the status of this situation is. We've reached out to Tamar's team for further comment ... so far, no word back.

TAMAR BRAXTON me robaron el carro Publica video del incidente

Tamar Braxton dice que su coche fue roto y saqueado - y ella está lamentando el hecho de que ella no se siente segura, incluso en casa ... lo cual es comprensible teniendo en cuenta el video.

La cantante publicó 4 clips en Instagram lunes que muestran un puñado de hombres que van a través de un vehículo en un garaje cubierto, aparentemente subterráneo, hurgando y quitando varios elementos. Los sujetos parecen tener el escape listo en otro coche.

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robada en casa
Instagram / @tamarbraxton

Tamar escribe: "Me robaron. En casa. No estoy segura en ningún sitio. No sé por qué me siguen violando. Tenía mucho en mi coche porque no vivo en ningún sitio porque no estoy segura en ningún sitio ni con nadie".

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

No está claro cuándo ocurrió exactamente, pero si fue el domingo... es chocante, porque ella estaba en el Mercedes-Benz Stadium de Atlanta para cantar el Himno Nacional antes del partido Packers-Falcons. Se sabe que Tamar también tiene propiedades en la zona de ATL.

La otra cosa notable es el hecho de que Tamar dice que ella no "vive" en ningun lugar debido a situaciones como esta. Todo esto ha desatado preocupación en línea.

No hay palabra sobre si un informe de la policía fue presentada o cuál es el estado de la situación. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Tamar para más comentarios pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.



El abogado de Shannon Beador, Michael Fell, le dije a TMZ: "Pasé bastante tiempo con Shannon ayer. Está muy arrepentida. Estaremos pendientes de la información oficial sobre este caso a medida que esté disponible, y Shannon está dispuesta a aceptar toda la responsabilidad por sus acciones."

El año difícil de Shannon Beador acaba de empeorar, la estrella de telerrealidad fue arrestada por conducir ebria este fin de semana en SoCal.

Fuentes policiales nos informan que la estrella de "The Real Housewives of Orange County" condujo su coche en una propiedad residencial en Newport Beach el sábado por la noche y destruyó parte de la casa.

Nos dijeon que Beador volvió a la carretera y siguió adelante antes de estacionar su vehículo en medio de la calle y salir con su perro.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que ella trató de actuar como si estuviera dando un paseo cuando la policía llegó después de recibir una llamada al 911. Nos dicen que no estaba engañando a nadie. Ella estaba cláramente ebria y fue detenida.

Los policías también incautaron el coche de Beador como parte de su investigación sobre los daños a la casa.

Un representante de Newport Beach PD dice Beador fue procesada por 2 delitos menores de  chocar y huir y alcoholemia. Fue citada y puesta en libertad sin fianza.

Ha sido un viaje lleno de baches para Beador últimamente, en enero discutió públicamente su dolorosa ruptura con su novio de 3 años y medio, John Janssen.

Beador dijo a People que fue sorprendida por la ruptura de Janssen con ella en noviembre de 2022, semanas después de haber terminado el rodaje de la temporada 17 de RHOC. Según los informes, ella dijo: "Él me dijo que había terminado con la relación. Y escuchar lo que me dijo entonces fue absolutamente devastador".

'RHOC' Star Shannon Beador Arrested For DUI, Hit-and-Run ... Struck House in Newport Beach


10:30 AM PT -- Shannon Beador's lawyer, Michael Fell tells TMZ ... "I spent quite a bit of time with Shannon yesterday. She is extremely apologetic and remorseful. We will be awaiting the official information on this case as it becomes available, and Shannon is prepared to accept full responsibility for her actions."

Shannon Beador's tough year just got a lot rougher ... the reality TV star got busted for driving drunk this weekend in SoCal.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... "The Real Housewives of Orange County" star drove her car onto a residential property in Newport Beach Saturday night, and actually clipped the house.

We're told Beador then turned back onto the road and kept going before parking her vehicle in the middle of the street and getting out with her dog.

Our sources say she tried to act like she was taking a walk when police arrived after receiving a 911 call. We're told she wasn't fooling anyone ... as she appeared wasted and was taken into custody.

Cops also seized Beador's car as part of their investigation into the damage to the home.

A rep for Newport Beach PD says Beador was booked for 2 misdemeanors ... hit-and-run and DUI alcohol. She was cited and released without bond. Sources with direct knowledge tell us she was not filming with Bravo before the arrest, as the show's not currently in production.

It's been a bumpy ride for Beador lately -- in January, she publicly discussed her painful split with her boyfriend of 3 and a half years, John Janssen.

Beador told People she was blindsided by Janssen breaking up with her in November 2022 -- weeks after they had wrapped filming for Season 17 of 'RHOC.' She reportedly said, "He told me he was done with the relationship. And to hear what he said to me then was absolutely devastating."

We reached out to Shannon's team for comment ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 7:41 AM PT

Kim Kardashian Son Saint Flips the Bird to Paps ... Light Tsk, Tsk from Mama

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screw you!!!

Kim Kardashian knows how to carry herself in front of paps who are snapping away, but it seems one of her sons is still learning the ropes ... or, maybe, he just thinks he's #1.

7-year-old Saint was walking into an Islands burger joint in L.A. Friday after his basketball game, accompanied by a couple of pals, plus his mom ... not to mention a bunch of bodyguards. Naturally, paparazzi were all over the place too.

As the whole group was heading toward the front entrance, Saint let the photogs on hand know how he felt about their presence ... throwing up a middle finger.

The sight of a little kid throwing up the F-U signal is pretty funny in and of itself, but the way KK reacts to Saint's gesture is even more hilarious, TBH.

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Let's just say she's very much in mom mode ... softly trying to muzzle her kid and get him to behave -- but she's not going very hard. Perhaps he's telegraphing how she really feels!

Now, in terms of who exactly he's channeling between his 2 parents ... Saint's leaning into his Kanye genes here. We've seen Ye flip his lid at paps over the years. It's definitely funnier when the kid does it, though.

Do you think Kim Kardashian was actually angry about Saint West flipping off paparazzi, or was it just for the cameras? Vote below.

KIM Kardashian HIJO SAINT es grosero con paparazzis Y mamá lo reprende

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de tal palo tal astilla

Kim Kardashian sabe cómo comportarse frente a los paparazzi, pero parece que uno de sus hijos todavía está aprendiendo o tal vez, sólo piensa que es el # 1.

Saint, de 7 años, entró en una hamburguesería de Islands en Los Ángeles el viernes después de su partido de baloncesto acompañado por un par de amigos, además de su madre (por no hablar de un grupo de guardaespaldas). Naturalmente los paparazzi también estaban por todas partes.

Cuando todo el grupo se dirigía a la entrada principal, Saint hizo saber a los fotógrafos lo que pensaba de su presencia... levantando el dedo del medio.

La imagen de un niño pequeño haciendo la señal de F-U es bastante divertida en sí misma, pero la forma en que Kim reacciona al gesto de Saint es aún más hilarante.

¡no me hables!

Digamos que está muy en modo mamá, intentando amordazar suavemente a su hijo y hacer que se comporte, pero no va muy fuerte.

Ahora, en términos de a cual de sus padres está imitando, cláramente Saint se está yendo por el lado de Kanye. A lo largo de los años hemos visto cómo Ye se enfadaba con los paparazzi. Sin embargo, es más divertido cuando el niño lo hace.

'Botched' Star Terry Dubrow Wife & I Saved Folks From Strokes ... Medical Crisis Was Blessing


Dr. Terry Dubrow says his medical emergency is one of the best things that ever happened to him ... 'cause he and his wife, Heather, are now saving folks from strokes.

We got the "Botched" and 'RHOC' stars in Century City and they told our photog his medical crisis helped get the word out about recognizing symptoms of strokes ... and they're getting messages from thankful families.

Terry and Heather say they're being flooded with messages from people who say they learned from them the importance of acting quickly when someone exhibits the signs of a stroke ... and it's literally saved lives.

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TMZ broke the story ... Terry started slurring his speech when he was out to dinner with his family, and Heather insisted he go to a hospital ... with Terry reluctantly going after some drama.

Terry's since done a deep dive into strokes and he says people have an hour window to get medical treatment ... and if they act quickly enough, they can reverse the effects of a stroke.

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It's pretty incredible ... Terry says based on the averages, he's estimating he and Heather are going to help save thousands of lives with their experience and messaging.

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Terry's looking and sounding healthy since suffering a transient ischemic attack (TIA) ... which can be a precursor to a full-blown stroke.... highlighting the importance of getting care ASAP.

LA ESTRELLA DE 'BOTCHED' TERRY DUBROW MI MUJER Y YO estamos salvando A GENTE DE DERRAMES CEREBRALES La crisis médica fue una bendición

un mensaje para todos

El Dr. Terry Dubrow dice que su emergencia médica es una de las mejores cosas que le han pasado, porque él y su esposa, Heather, ahora están salvando a la gente de los accidentes cerebrovasculares.

Tenemos la "Botched" y 'RHOC' estrellas en Century City y le dijo a nuestro fotógrafo su crisis médica ayudó a correr la voz sobre el reconocimiento de los síntomas de accidentes cerebrovasculares y que están recibiendo mensajes de las familias agradecidas.

Terry y Heather dicen que están siendo inundados con mensajes de personas que dicen que aprendieron de ellos la importancia de actuar con rapidez cuando alguien muestra los signos de un derrame cerebral y esto, literalmente, salvó vidas.

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tómalo de mí

TMZ publicó la historia, Terry comenzó a arrastrar las palabras un día cuando salió a cenar con su familia. Heather insistió en que fuera a ver a un médico. Finalemente y de mala gana fue al hospital.

Terry ha hecho desde entonces una inmersión profunda en los accidentes cerebrovasculares y dice que la gente tiene una ventana de una hora para recibir tratamiento médico, y si actúan con la suficiente rapidez, pueden revertir los efectos de un derrame cerebral.

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heather al rescate

Es bastante increíble, Terry dice que, basándose en los promedios, calcula que él y Heather van a ayudar a salvar miles de vidas con su experiencia y sus mensajes.

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ve algo, di algo

Terry parece estar sano desde que sufrió un accidente isquémico transitorio (AIT) que puede ser precursor de un derrame cerebral en toda regla, lo que subraya la importancia de recibir atención lo antes posible.


"Dancing With The Stars" siempre está dispuesto a aprovechar los rumores más grandes de Hollywood y casi tuvo un ménage à trois para las edades.

Como sabemos, Mauricio Umansky se pondrá los zapatos de baile en la próxima temporada. Las nuevas noticias son que los productores también se pusieron en contacto con su esposa, Kyle Richards, y su buena amiga Morgan Wade.

Bueno, las damas le dieron al programa un 1 sobre 10 para esa propuesta, pero ¿no habría sido increíble? Suponemos que los 3 habrían tenido bailarines profesionales como compañeros pero tal vez habrían intentado algo nuevo si el trío estuviera totalmente a bordo.

Nos han dicho que los 3 fueron abordados al mismo tiempo, pero Kyle y Morgan pasaron. Ambas mujeres están ahora en París rodando el documental de Morgan.

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sintiendo el amor

La cosa es que no habría tensión si hubiera sucedido. Sabemos que Mauricio y Kyle todavía se llevan muy bien, e incluso Mauricio y Morgan se ven cercanos.

Kyle y Mauricio siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo, aunque su estado sigue siendo "separados".

En cuanto a Kyle y Morgan, no hay Trofeo Bola de Espejos en su futuro.

Dancing with the Stars Mauricio's Great, But We Also Want Kyle and Morgan!

"Dancing With The Stars" is always down to tap into the biggest rumors in H-Wood, and almost had a ménage à trois for the ages.

As you know, Mauricio Umansky will be puttin' his dancing shoes on for the upcoming season. What you DIDN'T know ... we've learned producers also reached out to his estranged wife, Kyle Richards, and her good friend, Morgan Wade.

Well, the ladies gave DWTS a 1 out of 10 for that proposal, but wouldn't it have been awesome? We're guessing all 3 would have had professional dancers as partners, but maybe they would have tried something new if the troika was fully on board.

We're told the 3 of them were all approached at the same time, but Kyle and Morgan passed. Both women are now in Paris, shooting Morgan's documentary.

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Thing is ... there'd be no tension had it happened. We know Mauricio and Kyle are still getting along great, and even Mauricio and Morgan seem kosher.

Kyle and Mauricio are still living under the same roof, although their status is still "separated."

As for Kyle and Morgan, no Mirror Ball Trophy in their future.

Craig Conover Good Genes or Good Docs?!

Craig Conover's looks over the years are sooo charming!

Here is a 24-year-old version of the "Southern Charm" star, polished and proper during a season 1 promo shoot for the hit Bravo show back in 2013 (left). This was just a few years before he took his embroidery talents to create his company "Sewing Down South."

And, a decade later Craig's still looking "sew" good ... and more hospitable than ever in this pic for season 9 of "Southern Charm" (right).

He's still schnazzy with the slicked-back hair and darling dimples, but the question is ...

Craig Conover ...

Craig Conover ¿Buenos genes o buenos doctores?

Los looks de Craig Conover a lo largo de los años son, ¡tan encantadores!

Aquí tenemos una versión de 24 años de la estrella de "Southern Charm", pulida y correcta durante una sesión promocional de la primera temporada del exitoso programa de Bravo en 2013 (izquierda). Esto fue solo unos años antes de que decidiera canalizar su talento en la creación de su empresa "Sewing Down South".

Y, una década después, Craig sigue teniendo buen aspecto "cosiendo", y más hospitalario que nunca en esta foto para la temporada 9 de "Southern Charm" (derecha).

Sigue siendo estiloso y atractivo con el pelo peinado hacia atrás y esos adorables hoyuelos, pero la pregunta es...


Craig Conover ...

Stars With Sunsets ... It's About To Go Down!

As the summer nights begin to fade, shining stars are soaking up every last ray ... and with social media being quite the sunny sight to see ... these scenic shots will have your day made! So, sit back and look alive at these stars with sunsets!

Soaking up the sweet settings under the cotton candy skies, see sun-lit celebs like Rob Lowe and Kali Uchis taking it all in, and there's a glistening glow in Kris Jenner and Khloe Kardashian's eyes from the pink and orange sky!

Your beautiful views are just on the horizon ... see the sights with our glimmering gallery of stars under sunsets!

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Home In Pre-Foreclosure Again As Kroy Sells Stuff for $$$

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann's efforts to dig outta their deep financial hole, amid their divorce, aren't going that well -- their Georgia home is teetering on foreclosure once again, TMZ has learned.

According to online records, their Alpharetta mansion is in pre-foreclosure again, with the pending sale date listed as November 7. It isn't technically in foreclosure yet, but it certainly appears to be heading in that direction -- indicating they've missed some mortgage payments.

As we reported, Kroy filed docs last month, asking for an emergency hearing to authorize selling their $3 million house, saying their financial woes were getting worse and the sale could cover their "significant debt."

Kroy claimed they were struggling to make their monthly mortgage payments, having to sell off his backpacks and other personal belongings to make enough cash to cover what was owed.

He says he asked Kim to sell her purses for contribution, but she refused.

Kroy claims Kim sold some bags, wigs, and other high-end items ... but added, "None of the funds garnered from the sale of these items have gone towards the mortgage, or any other bills."

Kroy claimed they weren't able to make their mortgage payment in July, presenting the prospect of foreclosure ... which is why he's pushing to unload the property.

Regarding Kroy's push to sell the house, his attorney, Maryls A. Bergstrom, tells TMZ ... "We are going to court on September 27th to request that the court order the home sold."

Don't forget, their family home faced foreclosure back in February, with the estate set to be auctioned off the following month ... but they were able to stop the sale and keep the spot through their payments.

It's not just the house that's been going back and forth -- you'll recall, the 2 were getting divorced in May, but called it off in July ... only for Kroy to file for divorce again last month.