CHRISTINE QUINN DETIENEN A SU MARIDO OTRA VEZ La policía llega a casa por la noche

El marido de Christine Quinn fue detenido por segunda vez esta semana, esto después de que la policía dijera que se presentó en su casa a pesar de que le ordenaron mantenerse alejado... TMZ ha indagado.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que Christian Dumontet fue detenido de nuevo la noche del miércoles después de que la policía informara que llegó a su casa y la de Christine en las colinas de Hollywood, lo que provocó una llamada al 911 y su detención por segunda vez consecutiva.

Nos dicen que fue detenido y llevado a la cárcel, donde fue fichado por un cargo de violación de una orden de protección de emergencia. Fotos de la policía de anoche muestran al menos a un carro patrulla de la policía en la casa de Christine, pero no hay capturas de Christian.

No está claro quién llamó a la policía, pero fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Christine no fue quien lo hizo, y lo más importante, nos dicen que ni siquiera estaba en la propiedad en absoluto.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que no ha vuelto a casa desde que se dirigió al hospital con su hijo, y actualmente se encuentra en un lugar seguro con el niño. A pesar de todo, nos informan que Christian no puede entrar a la propiedad por ley.

Recordemos que Christine tiene una orden de protección vigente por 7 días. Esto luego del supuesto ocurrió entre ella y Christian el martes, y si ella quiere protección adicional, tendrá que solicitar una orden de restricción.

Como informamos, Christian está acusado de tratar de ponerse violento con Christine durante una discusión, luego de supuestamente haberle lanzado una bolsa llena de vidrios, la cual terminó golpeando a su hijo de dos años. Llamaron al 911 y a Christian se lo llevó la policía.

Nos han dicho que Christian fue liberado de la cárcel el jueves por la mañana bajo fianza. Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la gente Christine, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

'RHOP' Star Karen Huger Charged w/ DUI ... In Connection to Crash

Karen Huger has been charged with driving under the influence and hit with several other traffic violations in connection with her car crash this week ... TMZ has learned.

According to online court records, the 'Real Housewives of the Potomac' star is facing one count of DUI over Tuesday night's wreck -- which notes she has to make a mandatory court appearance to answer for it. She's facing an additional DWI charge as well here.

There are several other alleged infractions she's been dinged with too -- per the docket -- that touch on everything from negligent and reckless driving to driving way over the speed limit and driving with a suspended registration. The 6 traffic violations she was cited with don't require court appearances ... and have fines attached ranging from $50 to $510.

We broke the story ... Huger was driving her 2017 Maserati late Tuesday night in Potomac, Maryland in what police described as an aggressive manner.

Cops told us Karen struck a median and crosswalk sign at an intersection before continuing on and colliding with a parking sign off the roadway. The car itself was badly damaged, but Karen told us she was doing fine after the accident ... which she chalked up to driving while in a super emotional state.

Huger said she went to dinner with a friend where she said the two talked about some pretty emotional topics -- including KH's deceased mother -- saying it left her bawling while trying to drive home and she says she swerved to avoid a car coming directly at her.

Huger did note she received citations, one of which she says was not related to the incident ... but, made no mention of being intoxicated or arrested in her statement to us. Cops didn't tell us she'd been arrested either ... and there's no record of her having been booked in their jail.

Montgomery County PD says the reason charges weren't mentioned earlier Wednesday is because all that was available at the time was a preliminary collision report -- and that a police report would have further info. We haven't obtained that police report just yet ... but clearly, cops felt something criminal had happened here -- evidenced in the court update.

We've reached out to Huger for further comment ... so far, no word back.

'RHOP' Star Karen Huger Breaks Silence on Car Accident ... Cites Emotional State


4:25 PM PT -- Karen Huger tells TMZ … "Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes during this very frightening experience. I am still in shock from last nights incident, but grateful to be alive today. With the  passing of my Beloved Mother, Grief comes and goes in waves, and with Mothers Day approaching it has felt more like a tsunami."

She adds, "Last night I met a girlfriend for dinner, we talked and brought up some very emotionally sensitive topics. I was crying on my way home and saw a car heading right for me. I swerved to avoid the head-on collision, hit the divider and then a tree. I'm hurt, bruised up a bit, but so grateful I am alive! I did receive citations, one of which was unrelated to the incident which is understandable, but what was most surprising is that the car that almost hit me just drove away!"

Karen finishes by saying, "I would like to stress, it’s important to understand your emotional state when driving and may this be a reminder to all to use their seatbelts, my Mother may be my Guardian Angel but the seatbelt saved my life."

Karen Huger was involved in a scary crash this week ... with officers telling us she wrecked her car so badly, it was no longer operable.

A representative for Montgomery County Police tells TMZ ... the 'Real Housewives of Potomac' star was driving a 2017 Maserati late Tuesday night in Potomac, Maryland in what they describe as an aggressive manner -- too fast for the conditions, they say.

Police say Huger struck a median and crosswalk sign at an intersection before continuing on and colliding with a parking sign off the roadway where the car came to a rest.

We're told the airbag deployed in the car but no other passengers were in her vehicle. No word on whether she or anyone else was injured.

The car itself was allegedly damaged so badly it couldn't be driven and a tow truck was called to retrieve it ... the extent of the damage is not yet known.

Cops say KH received multiple citations -- unclear exactly what they were for at this time -- but, we're told she was not arrested.

We've reached out to Huger -- a main cast member on all eight seasons of 'RHOP' -- about the accident ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 10:52 AM PT

Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky Sus amigos dicen que no tienen posibilidades de reconciliarse

El matrimonio de Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky es irreparable, o eso es lo que piensa la familia cercana y sus amigos cuando se trata de ver cualquier esperanza de que la pareja pueda arreglar las cosas, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que la relación de la pareja ha llegado a un punto de no retorno, y si las cosas se arreglaran repentinamente, los más cercanos estarían completamente atónitos.

Nos dicen que algunas personas cercanas a la separada pareja creen que están alargando su difícil relación para las cámaras del reality show, una creencia que ha ganado fuerza con la próxima temporada de "Buying Beverly Hills", el programa de Netflix de Mauricio que promete abordar su ruptura como parte del argumento principal.

Lo que es realmente interesante es que nadie los está criticando por exponer su vida porque siempre han sido astutos e inteligentes en el negocio de Hollywood, por lo que la gente a su alrededor piensa que es un movimiento inteligente el explotar sus luchas personales para obtener un beneficio profesional, siempre y cuando ambos estén de acuerdo con ello.

Nuestras fuentes creen que no tienen ninguna razón real para apresurarse en pedir el divorcio, ya que tienen varias propiedades entre las que se pueden alternar si las cosas se ponen tensas bajo el mismo techo. Al final del día, nos dicen que siempre van a permanecer cerca por su historia juntos, y, obviamente, por el bien de sus hijos.

No hace falta decir, que la separación de la ex pareja ya lleva un tiempo en el ojo público, sobre todo porque han estado hablando mucho de ello, pero sin llegar realmente al corazón de la cuestión, si entienden lo que queremos decir.

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No es asunto de nadie!!!

Kyle insinuó en IG que hubo un incidente específico que le hizo perder su confianza en él, y tocó crípticamente el mismo tema durante la reunión de "RHOBH" la semana pasada, antes de dejar muy claro que su ruptura "¡no es asunto de nadie!"

Reveladora reunión

Es importante señalar que si bien no han confirmado nuevas relaciones, ambos han estado viviendo vidas tan separadas, que parece que están haciendo esfuerzos activos para seguir adelante.

En palabras simples, para el círculo íntimo de Kyle y Mo, el matrimonio se acabó, salvo un verdadero milagro.

Kyle Richards & Mauricio Umansky FRIENDS SAY NO CHANCE OF RECONCILING ... Dragging It Out For TV!!

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky's marriage is beyond repair -- that's what close family and friends are saying about any hopes the estranged couple can still work things out ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ the pair's relationship has reached the point of no return, and if they were to suddenly patch things up, those closest to them would be utterly flabbergasted.

We're told some folks close to the estranged couple believe they're dragging out their relationship plight for the sake of reality show cameras -- a belief that gains traction with the upcoming season of Mauricio's Netflix show, "Buying Beverly Hills," which promises to address their split as a main storyline.

What's really interesting is ... no one we've spoken to is knocking them for dragging it out 'cause they've always been savvy hustlers in the Hollywood biz -- so people around them think it's a smart move to exploit their personal struggles for professional gain, as long as they're both okay with it.

Our sources believe they don't have any real reason to rush to file for divorce as they have multiple homes they can bounce between if things get tense under one roof. At the end of the day, we're told they're always gonna remain close 'cause of their history together, and obviously for sake of their kids.

Goes without saying, the former couple's separation has played out for a while now .. especially 'cause they've been talking about it a lot, but not really getting to the heart of the matter, if you catch our drift.

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Kyle hinted on IG there was a specific incident that shattered her trust in him, and she cryptically touched on that same thing during the 'RHOBH' reunion last week -- before making it crystal clear their split was "no one's f***ing business!"


It's important to note that while they haven't confirmed new relationships ... they've both been living such separate lives, it seems like they're making active efforts to move forward.

Bottom line for Kyle and Mo's inner circle, the marriage is over ... barring a genuine miracle.


crudo y real

La separación de Mauricio Umansky y Kyle Richards se podrá ver en televisión. Umansky dice que las imágenes que muestran la ruptura aparecerán en "Buying Beverly Hills".

Hablamos con Mauricio la semana pasada mientras construía casas en el sur de Los Ángeles en coordinación con Habitat for Humanity junto a sus hijas, quienes aparecen en gran medida en el tráiler de la segunda temporada del exitoso reality show de Netflix.

Al parecer las conversaciones en el tráiler no serán públicas, en cambio, Mauricio dice que las cámaras rodaron en Aspen el verano pasado el mismo fin de semana que la noticia de la separación estalló en línea.

Mauricio dice que la familia decidió no ocultar sus problemas de las cámaras, mostrando su  vulnerabilidad en el show, algo que él espera que sirva de ayuda a los miembros de la audiencia que podrían estar pasando por una situación similar.


Por supuesto, nuestra charla con Mauricio viene en los talones de la impactante reunión de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", donde Kyle reveló que Mauricio está buscando salir de su casa.

La pareja se separó en julio pasado, y tanto Kyle como Mauricio se han relacionado con nuevas parejas, aunque ambos han negado cualquier nueva relación romántica.

Umansky explicó que no está muy lejos del proceso de mudanza cuando le preguntamos al respecto, pero agregó que no está totalmente listo para abrirse sobre los detalles todavía.

Parece que los aficionados tendrán una mirada al interior de la tumultuosa relación muy pronto. "Buying Beverly Hills" 2 se estrenará el 22 de marzo.

Mauricio Umansky Separation Coming to Reality TV ... Vulnerable Moments on 'Buying Beverly Hills'


Mauricio Umansky and Kyle Richards' separation is coming to television in its rawest form ... with Umansky saying footage from right after the news broke will appear in "Buying Beverly Hills."

We spoke with Mauricio last week while he was building homes in South Los Angeles in coordination with Habitat for Humanity alongside his daughters ... who are featured heavily in the season 2 trailer for the hit Netflix reality show.

Apparently, the convos in the trailer aren't staged ... instead, Mauricio says cameras were set to roll on the family in Aspen last summer -- the same weekend news of the separation blew up online.

MU says the fam decided not to hide their issues from the cameras ... and instead allowed themselves to be vulnerable for the show -- something he's hoping will help members of the audience who might be going through a similar situation.


Of course, our talk with Mauricio comes on the heels of the shocking 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' reunion ... where Kyle revealed Mauricio is looking to move out of their home.

This seems to be a long time coming ... the two separated last July, and both Kyle and Mauricio have been linked to new partners -- though they've both denied any new romantic relationships.

Umansky explained he's not super far into the moving process when we asked about it ... but added he's not totally ready to open up about specifics just yet either.

It seems like fans will get an inside look at the tumultuous relationship soon enough. "Buying Beverly Hills" season 2 premieres March 22.

Teresa Giudice y Luis Ruelas Se besan fuera de un restaurante en Los Ángeles

Teresa Giudice y su marido Luis Ruelas parece que están en una fase de luna de miel sin fin, porque la pareja no puede quitarse las manos de encima.

La pareja salió a comer en Nusr-Et Steakhouse en Beverly Hills la noche del viernes, y se llenaron de caricias y besos para que toda la cuadra los viera.

Echa un vistazo a las fotos, el dúo claramente está conectando bien aquí, literal y figurativamente, mientras fueron a comer a un rico restaurante.

Todo es un poco chocante teniendo en cuenta que uno de los más recientes tráileres de "Real Housewives", parecía mostrarlos peleando en medio de supuestos problemas en el hogar, incluyendo alguien que dijo que Louie está gastándose todo su dinero.

Un fotógrafo le preguntó a la pareja sobre su vida matrimonial a la luz de todo esto, y los dos no tenían nada más que comentarios positivos de su relación.


Ruelas dijo que están más que bien, y que de hecho son tan felices que la gente siente la necesidad de querer derribarlos.

Echa un vistazo al video, Teresa dice que está emocionada por la nueva temporada de "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" porque todos los que andan diciendo mentiras sobre ellos finalmente serán expuestos, y que ella va a ser reivindicada.

Mientras tanto, la feliz pareja se mantiene ocupada en Los Ángeles con Giudice trabajando en un proyecto que mantiene en secreto por ahora, mientras que Ruelas está lanzando Vinivia, una nueva plataforma para personas influyentes que dice que podría llenar el espacio dejado atrás por TikTok.

Parece que están poniendo fin a sus rumores, ¡feliz besuqueo, chicos!

Teresa Giudice & Luis Ruelas Lockin' Lips Outside L.A. Eatery ... New 'RHONJ' Season Will Expose 'Liars'

Teresa Giudice and her husband Luis Ruelas look like they're in a never-ending honeymoon phase ... 'cause the pair just can't keep their hands off each other.

The lovestruck couple went out to eat at Nusr-Et Steakhouse in Beverly Hills Friday night, and they packed on the PDA ... lockin' lips for the whole block to see.

Check out the pics ... the duo's clearly connecting well here -- literally and figuratively -- while grabbing a high-quality bite to eat.

It's all a bit shocking given one of the most recent 'Real Housewives' trailers ... which appeared to show them fighting amid supposed trouble at home -- including someone claiming Louie's blowing all their money.

A photog asked the couple about married life in light of all that, and the two had nothing but glowing comments to make about their relationship.


Ruelas said the two are so much better than good ... in fact, he says they're so happy people feel the need to try and tear them down.

Check out the vid ... TG says she's excited for the new season of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" to come out because everyone telling lies about them will finally be exposed ... going as far as saying she's finally going to be vindicated.

Meanwhile, the happy couple's stayin' busy in L.A. with Giudice working on a project she's keepin' secret for now ... while Ruelas is rolling out Vinivia -- a new platform for influencers that he says could fill space left behind by TikTok.

Seems like they're putting those rumors to rest ... happy smooching, you guys!

Mauricio Umansky Giving Back With Brand New Homes ... Charity Work w/ the Fam!!!


Mauricio Umansky's not just trying to sell homes ... he's also creating them from the ground up for folks who need them most -- and he's putting in the hard work with his own kids.

We caught up with The Agency founder and CEO Thursday at a construction site in South Los Angeles -- where the reality star and his daughters were helping build brand new houses alongside Habitat for Humanity.

Umansky says they're in the middle of one of their many build days -- a partnership with Habitat and Giveback Homes that sees members of The Agency dedicate their own time and money to offer affordable housing for folks in need. Now, there are eligibility qualifications.

In order to live in one of these houses, there's criteria -- like demonstrating a financial need; falling within the average median income between 50%-120%; having good credit; being willing to contribute sweat equity; being able to drop a small down payment, among others.

Anyway, MU made Thursday's work sesh a family affair ... with his daughters helping out at the building site with drills and staple guns in hand. Mauricio couldn't help but give them a hard time -- saying dad's not comin' to the rescue next time they need a lightbulb changed!


In fact, Umansky's daughter Alexia -- whom he shares with Kyle Richards -- even gave us a tour of the soon-to-be-finished house ... including the heartfelt messages she and her dad wrote on one of the kitchen walls

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Ultimately, Mauricio noted how great it is to give back to the community ... almost certainly thinking of his own humble beginnings before The Agency took off. And just so you know, Mauricio and co. have built these types of homes for a wide variety of people ... everything from firefighters and teachers to vets and families with disabilities, etc. It's a good cause.

BTW ... Mauricio didn't mention Kyle during our talk Thursday -- instead choosing to focus on the great work The Agency's doing.

House is lookin' great Umansky fam ... but, careful with that staple gun!!! 👷

Meghan King Defends Olivia Rodrigo's Plan B Handouts ... Good For Her!!!


Meghan King isn't losing sleep after taking her daughter to an Olivia Rodrigo concert where condoms and Plan B were being handed out ... instead, she's applauding the young pop star.

The "Real Housewives of Orange County" alum says she took her 7-year-old daughter Aspen to the St. Louis stop of the "GUTS" world tour, and saw firsthand how Olivia's doling out contraception to her fans.

As Meghan puts it ... the free condoms and Plan B weren't even very noticeable during the event. In fact, she says she only noticed the contraception table because "vote" stickers were being handed out there, too.

Since Aspen is still more than 10 years from being able to vote, Meghan says they walked away without taking a closer look.

However, she realized after the concert more than just stickers were being offered up, but it could've easily flown under the radar for most folks -- Meghan says the Plan B was being handed out under the codename "Julie."


She admits the situation was a little "jarring" for her, mostly because her daughter is so young ... but she also doesn't think parents should be angry over the free contraception.

Meghan even goes as far as calling Olivia's critics ignorant and hypocritical.

She defends that if Justin Bieber was doing something similar with condoms, the singer wouldn't likely face the same backlash -- hinting misogyny might be fueling the pushback against Olivia.

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Meghan understands OR's mission ... calling out how kids are growing up faster than ever and emphasizing the need for sex education.


She does have one recommendation for the singer -- handing out items promoting reproductive health might be more useful for her younger fans.

Still, overall, Meghan applauds Olivia for supporting women's reproductive rights -- and suggests if anyone has a problem with it, they can simply skip the "GUTS" tour.

Meghan King Defiende a Olivia Rodrigo por repartir sus Plan B ... Bien por ella!!!

Los anticonceptivos no eran tan obvios

A Meghan King no le quita el sueño que Olivia Rodrigo haya repartido condones y cajitas de Plan B en un concierto al que llevó a su hija, en cambio, la personalidad televisiva está aplaudiendo a la joven estrella del pop.

La ex participante de "Real Housewives of Orange County" dice que llevó a su hija Aspen, de 7 años, al concierto de Rodrigo en St. Louis, una de las paradas de su gira mundial "GUTS", y vio de primera mano cómo Olivia estaba repartiendo anticonceptivos a sus fans.

Como dice Meghan, los condones gratis y las cajas Plan B ni siquiera se notaron mucho durante el evento. De hecho, dice que solo se dio cuenta de la mesa de anticonceptivos porque se estaban entregando pegatinas de "votar" allí también.

Como a Aspen le faltan más de 10 años para votar, Meghan dice que se alejaron sin mirar.

Sin embargo, después del concierto se dio cuenta de que estaban ofreciendo algo más que pegatinas, pero dice que podría haber pasado fácilmente desapercibido para la mayoría de la gente. Meghan añade que el Plan B estaba siendo repartido bajo el nombre "Julie".

Hay mucho doble estándar

Ella admite que la situación fue un poco "discordante" para ella, sobre todo porque su hija es tan pequeña, pero no cree que los padres deban molestarse por estos anticonceptivos gratuitos.

Meghan incluso llama a los críticos de Olivia como ignorantes e hipócritas.

Dice que si Justin Bieber estuviera haciendo algo parecido con los preservativos, probablemente el cantante no estaría causando las mismas reacciones, insinuando que la misoginia podría estar alimentando la reacción en contra de Olivia.

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Apoyando los derechos reproductivos

Meghan entiende la misión de la superestrella del pop, que solo pone de manifiesto lo rápido que están creciendo los niños ahora y la necesidad de que reciban educación sexual.

Y tiene una recomendación para la cantante, que la entrega de artículos para promover la salud menstrual podría ser más útil para sus fans más jóvenes.

Sin embargo, en general, Meghan aplaude a Olivia por apoyar los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres y sugiere que si alguien tiene un problema con ello, simplemente puede saltarse la gira "GUTS".


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Kyle Richards is trying to shut down the gossip about her split from Mauricio Umansky ... by declaring the real reason behind their separation doesn't concern anyone else.

She got choked up as she tackled a fan question on why she's been avoiding the truth about their split during Wednesday night's 'RHOBH' reunion finale .. and as you can see from the clip, it hit a nerve with her!

Even though they've been openly airing their relationship on the show for years, Kyle suddenly flipped the script ... straight-up telling host Andy Cohen, "It's nobody's f***ing business!"

She made it crystal clear that nobody needed the nitty-gritty details about their marriage falling apart after 27 years ... but with her sister Kathy by her side, she did offer a bit more insight into what went down leading up to the split.

Kyle explained like in any marriage, theirs had its highs and lows over the years, especially when kids came into the mix ... but their problems never went away. She also reveals there was a specific incident that shattered her trust in Mauricio.

Andy also asked if the ongoing rumors about Mauricio cheating bothered her ... and she admitted they did, especially when she listened to that nagging voice in her head questioning whether the rumors held any truth.


However, Kyle tried to salvage the relationship 'cause she cared deeply about her family -- only to hit breaking point when her efforts didn't pay off.

Kyle confessed she initially believed the split would be a temporary situation ... but things have now evolved into a surprisingly amicable friendship between them, making it difficult for them to pull the trigger on an official divorce.

It remains to be seen how much Mauricio will reveal about the split on season 2 of his reality show, "Buying Beverly Hills."

It seems like Kyle's done discussing it for now.

Kathy Hilton Critica a Mauricio por robarles personal... Kyle se retuerce al escucharla

Tensión familiar

Kathy Hilton finalmente está dando a conocer algunas pistas de la disputa familiar con Mauricio Umansky, acusando al marido de Kyle Richards de haber maquinado cosas en secreto cuando dejó el negocio de la familia para lanzar su propia empresa.

La matriarca Hilton contó todo durante la reunión del miércoles de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", donde afirmó que su cuñado salió de Hilton & Hyland -la inmobiliaria de su marido Rick Hilton- con solo un día de aviso y que también les robó personal.

Según Kathy, Rick no tenía ningún problema con que Mauricio se fuera a hacer sus cosas, pero solo le pidió que no se llevara a ningún empleado con él, ¡una petición que, según ella, ignoró!

No todo fue color de rosa después de este movimiento. Kathy incluso admitió que las cosas estuvieron "rancias" entre ella y Kyle por algún tiempo.

Parece que la familia Hilton está mucho más dispuesta a compartir su verdad en medio de la separación de Kyle del fundador de The Agency.

Recordemos que Paris Hilton salió en defensa de su padre después de que Mauricio intentara pintar una imagen diferente de su desencuentro con los Hilton en un clip de la segunda temporada de "Buying Beverly Hills" de Netflix.

En el clip, Mauricio dijo que "fue un poco jodido por Hilton y Hyland", a lo que Paris respondió que su tío estaba usando el nombre de su familia para su carrera de reality show.

Ella lo criticó por hacer público un asunto familiar privado y agregó: "Ya es suficiente".

A pesar de su separación de Mauricio, Kyle todavía parece estar en la esquina de su marido. Durante la reunión, Kyle lo defendió por llevarse a algunos empleados de Hilton & Hyland cuando se fue, antes de cerrar el tema por completo.

Los Hilton pueden perdonar, pero no olvidan cuando se trata de Mauricio.

Kathy Hilton Slams Mauricio for Poaching Staff ... Convo Makes Kyle Squirm


Kathy Hilton's finally giving insight into her family's feud with Mauricio Umansky ... accusing Kyle Richards' estranged husband of shadiness when he left their family biz to launch his own.

The Hilton matriarch spilled it all during Wednesday's 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' reunion ... where she claimed her brother-in-law exited Hilton & Hyland -- her husband Rick Hilton's real estate biz -- with only a day's notice, and poached their staff too.

As Kathy put it, Rick had no problem with Mauricio leaving to do his own thing -- but only asked that he not take any employees with him ... a request she claims he ignored!

All was not hunky dory in the aftermath ... with Kathy even admitting that things were "funky" between herself and Kyle for some time.

It appears the Hilton family is far more willing to share their truth amid Kyle's separation from The Agency founder.

Remember, Paris Hilton came to her dad's defense after Mauricio attempted to paint a different picture about his fallout with the Hiltons in a teaser clip for Netflix's season 2 of "Buying Beverly Hills."

While Mauricio claimed he "got kind of f***ed by Hilton & Hyland" ... Paris hit back on Instagram Tuesday -- accusing her uncle of using her family's name to plug his reality TV career.

She torched him for going public with a private family matter, and added ... "It is enough already."

Despite her separation from Mauricio, Kyle still seems to be in her estranged hubby's corner. During the reunion, Kyle defended Mauricio for taking some Hilton & Hyland staffers when he bolted ... before shutting down the topic altogether.

The Hiltons might forgive, but they're not forgetting when it comes to Mauricio.

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Larsa Pippen Defends Daughter's Huge Allowance ... L.A. Is Expensive!!!


Larsa Pippen will not apologize for being generous with the Benjamins for daughter Sophia's allowance ... defending her parenting, and saying her teen daughter is also earning her own dough.

ICYMI, Sophia's hefty allowance is $2,500 per month, and it became a hot topic during Thursday's reunion for "The Real Housewives of Miami." While Andy Cohen was shocked to learn the 15-year-old was getting so much, Larsa claimed that number isn't that uncommon in Los Angeles, where her daughter resides.

As the Bravo personality put it ... L.A. is a super expensive town and the massive sum gives Sophia the freedom to order food, buy presents for friends and more.

She also says a large chunk of that change is earned by Sophia, who has appeared in campaigns for both Fashion Nova and Oscar de la Renta -- like most L.A. teenagers, we suppose?

Larsa's castmate Adriana de Moura came to her defense, calling her a good mom ... but noted that the reality TV star had other faults they could focus on.

For instance, Guerdy Abraira has struggled to forgive Larsa for revealing her cancer diagnosis without her permission.

While Larsa tried to apologize again at the reunion ... Guerdy made it clear she had no time to deal with the drama.

Larsa's main supporter during the episode was boyfriend Marcus Jordan (AKA son of basketball legend Michael Jordan).

While Marcus declared his love for Larsa during the reunion ... the two have had some recent drama off-screen. Remember, Larsa and Marcus faced breakup rumors last month after they unfollowed each other on Instagram.

Larsa -- who was previously married to Michael's teammate Scottie Pippen -- said during "The Traitors" reunion, which also dropped Thursday ... "We're working on our problems."


We may need a roadmap to follow all this drama.

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