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Kyle Richards is trying to shut down the gossip about her split from Mauricio Umansky ... by declaring the real reason behind their separation doesn't concern anyone else.

She got choked up as she tackled a fan question on why she's been avoiding the truth about their split during Wednesday night's 'RHOBH' reunion finale .. and as you can see from the clip, it hit a nerve with her!

Even though they've been openly airing their relationship on the show for years, Kyle suddenly flipped the script ... straight-up telling host Andy Cohen, "It's nobody's f***ing business!"

She made it crystal clear that nobody needed the nitty-gritty details about their marriage falling apart after 27 years ... but with her sister Kathy by her side, she did offer a bit more insight into what went down leading up to the split.

Kyle explained like in any marriage, theirs had its highs and lows over the years, especially when kids came into the mix ... but their problems never went away. She also reveals there was a specific incident that shattered her trust in Mauricio.

Andy also asked if the ongoing rumors about Mauricio cheating bothered her ... and she admitted they did, especially when she listened to that nagging voice in her head questioning whether the rumors held any truth.


However, Kyle tried to salvage the relationship 'cause she cared deeply about her family -- only to hit breaking point when her efforts didn't pay off.

Kyle confessed she initially believed the split would be a temporary situation ... but things have now evolved into a surprisingly amicable friendship between them, making it difficult for them to pull the trigger on an official divorce.

It remains to be seen how much Mauricio will reveal about the split on season 2 of his reality show, "Buying Beverly Hills."

It seems like Kyle's done discussing it for now.

Kathy Hilton Critica a Mauricio por robarles personal... Kyle se retuerce al escucharla

Tensión familiar

Kathy Hilton finalmente está dando a conocer algunas pistas de la disputa familiar con Mauricio Umansky, acusando al marido de Kyle Richards de haber maquinado cosas en secreto cuando dejó el negocio de la familia para lanzar su propia empresa.

La matriarca Hilton contó todo durante la reunión del miércoles de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", donde afirmó que su cuñado salió de Hilton & Hyland -la inmobiliaria de su marido Rick Hilton- con solo un día de aviso y que también les robó personal.

Según Kathy, Rick no tenía ningún problema con que Mauricio se fuera a hacer sus cosas, pero solo le pidió que no se llevara a ningún empleado con él, ¡una petición que, según ella, ignoró!

No todo fue color de rosa después de este movimiento. Kathy incluso admitió que las cosas estuvieron "rancias" entre ella y Kyle por algún tiempo.

Parece que la familia Hilton está mucho más dispuesta a compartir su verdad en medio de la separación de Kyle del fundador de The Agency.

Recordemos que Paris Hilton salió en defensa de su padre después de que Mauricio intentara pintar una imagen diferente de su desencuentro con los Hilton en un clip de la segunda temporada de "Buying Beverly Hills" de Netflix.

En el clip, Mauricio dijo que "fue un poco jodido por Hilton y Hyland", a lo que Paris respondió que su tío estaba usando el nombre de su familia para su carrera de reality show.

Ella lo criticó por hacer público un asunto familiar privado y agregó: "Ya es suficiente".

A pesar de su separación de Mauricio, Kyle todavía parece estar en la esquina de su marido. Durante la reunión, Kyle lo defendió por llevarse a algunos empleados de Hilton & Hyland cuando se fue, antes de cerrar el tema por completo.

Los Hilton pueden perdonar, pero no olvidan cuando se trata de Mauricio.

Kathy Hilton Slams Mauricio for Poaching Staff ... Convo Makes Kyle Squirm


Kathy Hilton's finally giving insight into her family's feud with Mauricio Umansky ... accusing Kyle Richards' estranged husband of shadiness when he left their family biz to launch his own.

The Hilton matriarch spilled it all during Wednesday's 'Real Housewives of Beverly Hills' reunion ... where she claimed her brother-in-law exited Hilton & Hyland -- her husband Rick Hilton's real estate biz -- with only a day's notice, and poached their staff too.

As Kathy put it, Rick had no problem with Mauricio leaving to do his own thing -- but only asked that he not take any employees with him ... a request she claims he ignored!

All was not hunky dory in the aftermath ... with Kathy even admitting that things were "funky" between herself and Kyle for some time.

It appears the Hilton family is far more willing to share their truth amid Kyle's separation from The Agency founder.

Remember, Paris Hilton came to her dad's defense after Mauricio attempted to paint a different picture about his fallout with the Hiltons in a teaser clip for Netflix's season 2 of "Buying Beverly Hills."

While Mauricio claimed he "got kind of f***ed by Hilton & Hyland" ... Paris hit back on Instagram Tuesday -- accusing her uncle of using her family's name to plug his reality TV career.

She torched him for going public with a private family matter, and added ... "It is enough already."

Despite her separation from Mauricio, Kyle still seems to be in her estranged hubby's corner. During the reunion, Kyle defended Mauricio for taking some Hilton & Hyland staffers when he bolted ... before shutting down the topic altogether.

The Hiltons might forgive, but they're not forgetting when it comes to Mauricio.

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Larsa Pippen Defends Daughter's Huge Allowance ... L.A. Is Expensive!!!


Larsa Pippen will not apologize for being generous with the Benjamins for daughter Sophia's allowance ... defending her parenting, and saying her teen daughter is also earning her own dough.

ICYMI, Sophia's hefty allowance is $2,500 per month, and it became a hot topic during Thursday's reunion for "The Real Housewives of Miami." While Andy Cohen was shocked to learn the 15-year-old was getting so much, Larsa claimed that number isn't that uncommon in Los Angeles, where her daughter resides.

As the Bravo personality put it ... L.A. is a super expensive town and the massive sum gives Sophia the freedom to order food, buy presents for friends and more.

She also says a large chunk of that change is earned by Sophia, who has appeared in campaigns for both Fashion Nova and Oscar de la Renta -- like most L.A. teenagers, we suppose?

Larsa's castmate Adriana de Moura came to her defense, calling her a good mom ... but noted that the reality TV star had other faults they could focus on.

For instance, Guerdy Abraira has struggled to forgive Larsa for revealing her cancer diagnosis without her permission.

While Larsa tried to apologize again at the reunion ... Guerdy made it clear she had no time to deal with the drama.

Larsa's main supporter during the episode was boyfriend Marcus Jordan (AKA son of basketball legend Michael Jordan).

While Marcus declared his love for Larsa during the reunion ... the two have had some recent drama off-screen. Remember, Larsa and Marcus faced breakup rumors last month after they unfollowed each other on Instagram.

Larsa -- who was previously married to Michael's teammate Scottie Pippen -- said during "The Traitors" reunion, which also dropped Thursday ... "We're working on our problems."


We may need a roadmap to follow all this drama.

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Andy Cohen Enfurecido con McSweeney por acusarlo de consumir cocacína O te retractas o....

Andy Cohen está contraatacando a las afirmaciones que hizo Leah McSweeney, pero hay una acusación en particular que tiene al ejecutivo de TV y a sus abogados enfurecidos, tanto que están amenazando con una demanda.

El mandamás de Bravo, que fue demandado por McSweeney junto con la red la semana pasada, envió una carta a Leah a través de sus abogados, donde deja claro que creen que su acusación sobre el consumo de cocaína contra Andy es falsa y difamatoria.

Sus abogados van sin rodeos y dicen que prácticamente todo lo que dijo sobre Cohen en la demanda es infundado y falso, pero sobre la afirmación de cocaína dicen: "[E]xigimos que se retracte inmediatamente y retire todas las acusaciones relacionadas con el supuesto 'consumo de cocaína' del señor Cohen". Si no lo hace, dicen que la llevarán a juicio.

El equipo legal de Andy continúa: "Para ser claros: estas acusaciones son categóricamente falsas. El Sr. Cohen nunca consumió cocaína con ningún miembro del elenco de ningún programa de Real Housewives ni con ningún otro empleado de Bravo. La ausencia de cualquier base razonable para hacer tales alegaciones es confirmada por el propio alegato".

Señalan que no hay detalles incluidos respecto a este alegato, lo que sugeriría que no sabe nada concreto porque simplemente no es cierto. Sus abogados creen que esta imprudente demanda de Leah contra Andy solo busca obtener titulares y potencialmente dinero.

Los abogados de Andy terminan diciendo: "La verdad importa. Los litigios no pueden ser utilizados para crear noticias falsas. Y no puede ser utilizado como un vehículo para difundir mentiras falsas y maliciosas, en apoyo de un chantaje. Exigimos que emita una retractación pública inmediata y pida disculpas al Sr. Cohen. Cada día sin hacerlo no hace sino aumentar los daños sufridos por el Sr. Cohen".

En cuanto a cómo Leah está reaccionando a esta carta, una fuente cercana a ella le dice a TMZ que está atónita de que él quiera seguir llamando la atención sobre esto en la prensa, en lugar de simplemente dejar que se desarrolle en los tribunales.

Una fuente cercana a Cohen le dice a TMZ: "Por supuesto, Andy debe defenderse en público con la verdad. ¿Por qué se le debería permitir arrojar mentiras sobre su carácter?".

Andy Cohen Torches McSweeney's Coke Claim ... Take It Back Or Else!!!

Andy Cohen is firing back at Leah McSweeney's claims about him -- but one specific allegation has got him and his lawyers fired up ... and they're threatening a lawsuit.

The Bravo honcho -- who was, along with the network, sued by McSweeney in an explosive lawsuit last week -- fired off a letter to Leah through his attorneys ... and they make it crystal clear that they believe her allegation of cocaine use against Andy is false and defamatory.

His lawyers don't mince words, saying virtually everything she said about Cohen in the lawsuit is baseless and false, but on the cocaine claim specifically they write ... "[W]e demand that you immediately retract and withdraw all allegations relating to Mr. Cohen’s purported 'cocaine use.'" If she doesn't, they say they're taking her to court.

Andy's legal team continues ... "To be clear: these allegations are categorically false. Mr. Cohen never used cocaine with any cast member on any Real Housewives show or with any other Bravo employee. The absence of any reasonable basis to make such allegations is confirmed by your pleading itself."

They point out there are no details included in her allegation here, which they think points to her not knowing anything concrete ... because it's simply not true. Her attorneys say they believe Leah levied this salacious claim against Andy recklessly just to get headlines and potentially a quick payday.

Andy's lawyers end by saying ... "The truth matters. Litigation cannot be used to create fake news. And it cannot be used as a vehicle to spread false and malicious lies, in furtherance of a shakedown. We demand that you issue an immediate public retraction and apologize to Mr. Cohen. Every day you fail to do so only increases the damages suffered by Mr. Cohen."

McSweeney’s attorney, Sarah M. Matz tells TMZ ... "That Andy Cohen had his counsel and PR agents write a threatening letter to give to the press is hardly surprising.  Mr. Cohen is accustomed to using his power in the media to scare and intimidate people like Ms. McSweeney so that they will not speak out. Mr. Cohen’s attempt to discredit and intimidate Ms. McSweeney to deter her from engaging in legally protected activity in Court is exactly the type of retaliation that this lawsuit was brought to address and only is further evidence for Ms. McSweeney. We do not intend to litigate this matter in the press, and if Mr. Cohen wants to address Ms. McSweeney’s claims, we suggest he do so in Court, not in a letter for the press."

A source close to Leah tells TMZ that she's flabbergasted that he wants to keep bringing attention to this in the press, rather than just letting it play out in court.

A source close to Cohen tells TMZ … “Of course, Andy should defend himself in the public with the truth. Why should she be allowed to spew lies about his character?”

Kathy Hilton Reflexiona sobre la ruptura de Kyle y Mauricio... ¡Se venía gestando!

Ella ha pensado en esto

Kathy Hilton cree que la ruptura de su hermana Kyle Richards con Mauricio Umansky se veía venir desde hace mucho tiempo y expresó su opinión sobre el asunto nada menos que en televisión nacional.

La madre de Paris Hilton hizo su esperado regreso a "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" para la segunda parte de la reunión el miércoles y no se contuvo de opinar sobre el matrimonio de su hermana.

La veterana socialité especuló en voz alta que Kyle probablemente no se precipitó en su decisión de separarse del magnate inmobiliario. Como Kathy dijo: "[Kyle] no es una persona compulsiva".

Con eso en mente, Kathy piensa que es poco probable que Kyle pusiera fin a su matrimonio de 27 años por unos meses difíciles. La matriarca Hilton sospecha que su hermana ha estado considerando la separación durante al menos unos años.

En cuanto a cómo están Kyle y Mauricio luego de su pública ruptura, Kathy dejó claro que están todos muy bien, haciendo sus propias cosas, y destacó la participación de Mauricio en "Dancing With the Stars" como prueba. Esa era su opinión cuando esto se filmó.

Kyle, que ha negado los rumores de que está saliendo con su amiga Morgan Wade, ha cambiado un poco su tono en los últimos meses. De hecho, le dio a Mauricio su bendición para que saliera con otras personas durante un evento de Amazon Live la semana pasada.

La separación de Kyle y Mauricio se jugará en la segunda temporada de "Buying Beverly Hills", el otro reality show de la familia. ¡Vamos a estar en sintonía!

Kathy Hilton Weighs in on Kyle, Mauricio Split ... 'Twas Years in the Making!!!


Kathy Hilton believes her sister Kyle Richards' split from Mauricio Umansky was a long time coming ... and she expressed her fiery opinion on national television, no less.

Paris Hilton's mom made her highly anticipated return to "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" for part 2 of the reunion on Wednesday -- and she didn't hold back when it came to weighing in on her sister's marriage.

The veteran socialite speculated aloud that Kyle likely didn't rush into her decision to separate from the real estate mogul. As Kathy put it ... "[Kyle]’s not a compulsive person.”

With that in mind, Kathy thinks it's unlikely that Kyle would end her 27-year marriage over a few rocky months. The Hilton matriarch suspects her sibling has been considering the split for at least a few years.

As for how Kyle and Mauricio are doing in the aftermath of their public breakup ... Kathy made it clear that they're all hunky dory, doing their own things -- shouting out Mauricio's stint on "Dancing With the Stars" as proof. That was her view when this was filmed anyway.

Kyle -- who has denied rumors she's dating gal pal Morgan Wade -- has somewhat changed her tune in recent months ... as she revealed in an Amazon Live stream last week that she and Mauricio are allowed to date other people.

Kyle and Mauricio's split is set to play out on season 2 of "Buying Beverly Hills" ... the family's other reality show. We'll be tuning in!

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Teresa Giudice Not Stressing Marriage Despite Explosive 'RHONJ' Trailer

Teresa Giudice's marriage to Luis Ruelas is doing just fine -- this despite the fact that a new trailer for an upcoming season of her show suggests otherwise ... TMZ has learned.

A source close to the couple tells TMZ that fans of 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' shouldn't be concerned for Tre and Louie -- as they've never been better as a couple. In fact ... we're told fans should be praying for the other ladies on the show -- hinting at serious drama to come (for them).

There's no shortage of intrigue in what Bravo teased in the trailer for Season 14 of 'RHONJ.' Like in previous seasons, Teresa's personal life is at the center of the new footage ... with costar Danielle Cabral alleging that the longtime reality star is "distraught" amid supposed trouble at home.

While the sneak peek does not get into many specifics -- they want you to watch, after all -- they do show a glimpse of Teresa and Louie bickering at one point. Another costar, Margaret Josephs, claims in a phone call that Louie has "pissed [Teresa's] money away."

Of course, we can't speak to the validity of this claim ... we reached out to Teresa’s attorney, James Leonard, but no word back just yet.

Still, this topic is likely a sensitive subject for Teresa. Remember, she served 11 months behind bars after pleading guilty to fraud charges back in 2014.

Her ex-husband, Joe Giudice, also pled guilty to the charges and served three years in prison before being released ... and subsequently deported. Since leaving Joe -- she's moved on and married Louie ... and on the surface, there's been no signs of trouble between 'em.

Time will tell what's true or not ... remember, these promos/trailers always wanna make something seem more dramatic than it is -- and they definitely succeeded in this case.

KYLE RICHARDS "APOYO A MORGAN WADE..." Graba el show desde la primera fila

Kyle Richards tuvo el mejor asiento del lugar para ver el show de Morgan Wade el sábado en Arizona y mantuvo sus ojos fijos en la cantante de country, grabando todos sus movimientos.

La estrella de "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" estuvo en el Festival Extra Innings en Tempe, aterrizando en un asiento de la primera fila sin su marido Mauricio Umansky.

apoyando a morgan

TMZ obtuvo un video de la actuación de Morgan en el que se ve a Kyle usando su teléfono celular para acercarse y grabar a Morgan tocando y cantando sus canciones. Kyle está claramente disfrutando de la actuación, asintiendo con la cabeza a la música y mostrando con orgullo una muñeca llena de bandas del festival.

Parece que Kyle es el mayor fan de Morgan estos días y los mejores amigos son tan cercanos como siempre. ¿Qué tan cerca?, bueno, digamos que esta salida no está desmintiendo ningún rumor.

Por cierto, Morgan actuó en el mismo festival de 3 días junto con Elle King, que estaba de vuelta en el escenario por primera vez después de su debacle borracho en el Grand Ole Opry durante una celebración del cumpleaños de Dolly Parton.

Elle y Kyle se encontraron entre bastidores el día antes del concierto de Morgan ... tomando una foto juntos también.

En cuanto a cómo están las cosas entre Kyle y Mauricio... la verdad es que no está claro. Acabamos de verlos juntos la semana pasada para celebrar el cumpleaños de su hija. Dicho esto, parece que Kylie solo se reúne con su marido para reuniones familiares.

En todo caso, hay que admitir que ella parece feliz pasando su tiempo libre con Morgan estos días.

Kyle Richards I'm Supporting Morgan Wade ... Films Gig From Front Row

Kyle Richards had the best seat in the house for a Morgan Wade performance Saturday in Arizona ... and she kept her eyes trained on the country singer, recording her every move.

"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star was front and center at the Extra Innings Festival in Tempe ... parking herself in a front-row seat on the other side of the fence from the main crowd, with estranged husband Mauricio Umansky nowhere to be found.

Supportin' Morgan

TMZ obtained video of Morgan's gig ... and you see Kyle using her cell phone to zoom in and record Morgan playing and belting out her tunes. Kyle's clearly enjoying the performance ... nodding her head to the music and proudly showing off a wrist full of festival bands.

Seems Kyle is Morgan's biggest fan these days ... and the BFFs are just as close as ever. In terms of how close -- well, let's just say this outing isn't tampering down any rumors.

BTW, Morgan performed at the same 3-day festival along with Elle King, who was back onstage for the first time after her drunken debacle at the Grand Ole Opry during a Dolly Parton birthday celebration.

Elle and Kyle found each other backstage the day before Morgan's gig ... snapping a photo together as well.

As for where things stand between Kyle and Mauricio ... it's unclear. We just saw them together this past week to celebrate their daughter's birthday -- and they were side by side. With that said, it appears Kylie is only getting together with her hubby for family gatherings.

Outside of that ... she seems content spending her free time with Morgan these days.

Heather Gay Body Positivity's a 'Big Lie' ... Ozempic the Way to Go!!!


One of the 'Real Housewives' is saying the quiet part out loud ... Heather Gay is calling BS on all the talk about body positivity -- flat out saying, "It is better not to be overweight."

The "Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" cast member went off about weight issues during a sit down with "20/20" co-anchor and ABC senior national affairs correspondent, Deborah Roberts.

In the Friday night "Impact x Nightline" segment, Heather fired back at critics of Ozempic and other weight loss meds. She said, "I’ve sold out, I’ve given up the banner of you know, accept yourself. And it’s disappointing and sad to know that body positivity was all a big lie. It is better not to be overweight.”

She also admitted, "I didn’t want to show up at another party and see all of my friends 20 pounds thinner and just be resentful."

Once she started shedding pounds, Heather says she noticed treating her differently -- "For the first time, I was being valued by my castmates, by the public, in a way that I had never been valued before. And that felt to me … sad.”

Her overall message here is ... people give a lot of lip service to the idea of body positivity, but the reality is society loves you more when you're in better shape.

Fact is, even the supremely accomplished Oprah Winfrey has said how much better she feels having dropped at least 40 lbs while using medication.

Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Boy George and several other celebs are publicly embracing the use of weight loss meds -- and, for her part, Heather's saying why the hell wouldn't you??

It's a totally relevant point that the National Institutes of Health says obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in America, only behind tobacco.


Una de las "Real Housewives" está dándo de que hablar. Heather Gay está llamando una "mentira" todo lo que tiene que ver con la positividad del cuerpo, diciendo: "Es mejor no tener sobrepeso".

La "Real Housewives de Salt Lake City" miembro del elenco, se refirió a cuestiones de peso con Deborah Roberts de ABC News.

En el segmento del viernes por la noche de "Impact x Nightline", Heather respondió a las críticas sobre Ozempic y otros medicamentos para perder peso. Dijo: "Me he vendido, he renunciado a la bandera de, ya sabes, acéptate a ti misma. Y es decepcionante y triste saber que la positividad corporal era una gran mentira. Es mejor no tener sobrepeso".

También admitió: "No quería aparecer en otra fiesta y ver a todas mis amigas nueve kilos más delgadas y estar resentida".

Una vez que empezó a perder kilos, Heather dice que se dio cuenta de que la trataban de manera diferente, "Por primera vez estaba siendo valorada por mis compañeros de reparto y por el público de una manera que nunca había sido valorada antes. Y eso me pareció... triste".

Su mensaje general es que la gente habla mucho sobre la idea de la positividad corporal, pero la realidad es que la sociedad te quiere más cuando estás en mejor forma.

El hecho es que incluso Oprah Winfrey ha dicho lo mucho mejor que se siente después de haber bajado al menos 40 libras mientras usaba la famosa medicina.

Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Boy George y varias otras celebridades están abrazando públicamente el uso de medicamentos para perder peso, y por su parte, Heather dice ¿por qué diablos no lo harías?

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Es un punto totalmente relevante que los Institutos Nacionales de Salud digan que la obesidad es la segunda causa de muerte prevenible en Estados Unidos, solo por detrás del tabaco.

Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky Salen juntos en medio de su separación... Por el cumpleaños de su hija

Esta es una imagen rara por estos días: Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky saliendo juntos por la ciudad, aunque esta no es una señal de que sus problemas matrimoniales se hayan suavizado, es solo que son buenos padres.

La separada pareja se reunió públicamente en Bel Air para celebrar el cumpleaños 16 de su hija Portia. La familia fue vista saliendo de un restaurante el jueves por la noche y Mauricio llevaba lo que parecía una caja de regalo o pastel e incluso condujeron a casa juntos.

Kyle estaba detrás del volante de su SUV, y Mauricio viajó en el asiento de copiloto. Esta es la primera vez que los vemos juntos en mucho tiempo, en medio de lo que ha sido una separación muy pública, que anunciaron el verano pasado.

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Se necesitan más esfuerzos

Desde que comenzó a emitirse la nueva temporada de "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills", hemos visto a Kyle trazar una línea en la arena, insinuando en el programa que su matrimonio de 27 años podría estar llegando a su fin.

En una escena, le dijo a Dorit Kemsley: "Si no hay esfuerzo, no vamos a terminar juntos".

Mientras Mauricio y Kyle siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo, Kyle ha estado saliendo con Morgan Wade, que ella insiste que es solo una amiga, y hemos visto a Mauricio de fiesta en Aspen con otras mujeres.

La pareja hizo pública su separación en julio de 2023, pero desde entonces han estado de vacaciones un par de veces juntos como familia, incluyendo un viaje de vacaciones a Aspen poco después de la salvaje noche de Mauricio allí.

Tienen 3 hijas juntos, Alexia, Sophia y la cumpleañera Portia, y por ahora, las niñas parecen ser el único pegamento que los mantiene unidos.

Kyle Richards & Mauricio Umansky Step Out Together Amid Separation ... Just for Daughter's Birthday

Here's a rare sight these days ... Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky hitting the town together -- but it's not a sign they've smoothed out their marital issues, it's just that they're great parents.

The separated couple publicly reunited in Bel Air to celebrate their daughter Portia's 16th birthday. The fam left a restaurant together Thursday night -- Mauricio was carrying what seemed like a gift or cake box ... and they even drove home together.

Kyle was behind the wheel of their SUV, and Mauricio rode in the passenger seat. It's the first time we've seen them out together in a long time ... amid what's been a very public separation, which they announced last summer.

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More Effort Needed

Since the new season of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" started airing, we've seen Kyle draw a line in the sand ... hinting on the show that their 27-year marriage might be coming to an end.

In one scene, she told Dorit Kemsley, "If there's no effort, we're not going to end up together."

While Mauricio and Kyle are still living under the same roof, Kyle's been hanging with Morgan Wade, who she insists is just a friend -- and we've seen Mauricio partying hard in Aspen with other women.

The couple went public with their separation in July 2023, but since then they've been on vacay a couple of times together as a family -- including a holiday trip to Aspen ... shortly after Mauricio's wild night out there.

They have 3 daughters together -- Alexia, Sophia and birthday girl Portia -- and, for now, the kids seem to be the glue holding them together.


Alexis Bellino ended up needing Dr. Terry Dubrow's expert help when a piercing left her with a nasty infection ... TMZ has learned.

Alexis tells us her cartilage ear piercing had been giving her grief since she got it a year ago ... but it wasn't until a hairdresser accidentally bumped into it last Thursday that she really felt the agony. Ouch!

She says her hairdresser notified her that the earring was deeply embedded in her ear, and the skin around it was clearly infected and overgrown. Alexis didn't waste any time and dashed straight to urgent care to get it sorted out. Smart move!


However, when docs busted out the scalpel, Alexis told them to hold up ... 'cause the only person she'd trust near her ear was Terry. Of course, the "Botched" star's wife, Heather Dubrow is Alexis' costar on 'RHOC,' so it's all about keeping it all in the Bravo family.

The big removal went down Monday, and Dr. Dubrow, being the champ he is, even skipped his lunch break to help her out.

We're told he managed to pull out Alexis' earring, which was decked out with four diamonds, without having to make any incisions. Now that takes some serious skill.

For his part, Terry tells TMZ he's glad Alexis came to him for help ... especially 'cause messing with infected cartilage in your ear is like playing with fire. He explains to us the area doesn't have much blood flow, so if things go south, it can result in seriously gnarly infections that can straight-up wreck your ear, or even worse. Yeah, no thanks!

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Alexis is showering Terry with gratitude ... telling us he's a top-notch surgeon and a super kind friend. She's also raving about how Terry squeezed her into his busy schedule ASAP and made sure the whole ordeal was as painless as possible. Now that's the definition of having a true friend in high places!

As for getting another cartilage piercing. She's putting her foot down, and saying never again.