Lisa Vanderpump Defends Andy Cohen Amid Claims ... Trashes Rachel Leviss Suit



3/2 9:58 AM PT -- Rachel Leviss' rep is responding to Lisa's dig ... calling the comments, "A disappointing choice for an executive on the show since victim shaming is a defense mechanism often used by abusers and coming from a person in a position of power can cause even further harm to a person's mental health.”

Lisa Vanderpump is coming to the defense of her old friend Andy Cohen amid some new allegations -- and in the same breath ... she's taking a swipe at Rachel Leviss.

The former 'Housewives' star -- who obviously ended up getting up her spinoff show on Bravo -- was arriving at LAX at landing back in town Friday ... where our photog ran into her and asked her all about the latest drama going on in the reality world, and there's a lot.

For starters, our camera guy asked about Leah McSweeney's claims in a new lawsuit she filed this week against the Bravo honcho ... alleging he'd partaken in cocaine, not to mention claiming Bravo at large was a toxic hell hole that coaxed their stars into boozing/debauchery.

Well, Lisa has some thoughts on all that ... and she goes to bat for AC here, telling us she's never seen him do any hard drugs -- nor does she know him to be how Leah described.

On the notion that Bravo is pressuring 'Housewives' into drinking on set ... Lisa says what a lot of her contemporaries have already been making clear -- the stars are adults, and they don't have to do anything they don't want to. Bottom line ... she calls BS on Leah's suit.

Lastly, Lisa weighs in on the legal battle brewing in her own world ... namely, Rachel suing Tom Sandoval and Ariana Madix over revenge porn, among other things.

She doesn't have very nice things to say about that either -- noting Rachel probably should've never compromised herself on camera the way she did if she didn't want it out.

We clarify, though, that Tom's alleged to have recorded her from his phone and circulated it with the cast ... but even then, she doesn't have much sympathy for her ex-employee.

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Bottom line ... Lisa's good with Andy, not so much with Leah and Rachel. That much is clear.

Originally Published -- 3/1 6:13 PM PT

Andy Cohen 'Housewives' Slam Leah McSweeney ... We Never Did Drugs w/ Him

Several 'Real Housewives' stars are coming to the defense of Andy Cohen in the wake of Leah McSweeney's shocking allegations ... slamming her and rallying around their boss.

Several housewives are speaking out in support of Andy in the wake of Leah's lawsuit earlier this week ... making it clear they've never done drugs with the 'Watch What Happens Live' host.

Kyle Richards -- who said she was one of the housewives closest to Andy -- told Page Six that she has "never seen Andy do drugs, offer drugs or do anything inappropriate ever."

Kyle went on to praise Andy as a professional -- highlighting how he even refuses to follow many Bravo stars on Instagram to keep "a distance from all of them."

"RHONJ" star Margaret Josephs was equally vocal in her support of Andy -- she said point-blank that the father of two "has never offered any 'Housewife’ cocaine.'"

Margaret -- who notably doesn't drink -- adds ... "I am appalled that someone would just go so low to assassinate and target someone’s character in that way.”

Likewise, Cynthia Bailey ...  who appeared on "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" and "The Real Housewives Ultimate Girls Trip" -- assured TMZ on Wednesday that she was "never forced" to drink and has definitely "never seen him do blow."

ICYMI ... the 'RHONY' alum hit Andy, as well as Bravo, with a discrimination lawsuit on Tuesday -- claiming the reality TV honcho created a toxic work environment, where AC allegedly used cocaine and encouraged other housewives and Bravolebrities to participate ... giving good TV edits to his favs.

A rep for Andy denied the allegations -- telling TMZ … "The claims against Andy are completely false."

'RHOC's Heather Dubrow and Meghan King have also offered up public support of Andy, applauding him for his professionalism and respect.

Leah isn't the only unhappy ex-housewife, however ... as 'RHOBH' vet Brandi Glanville also recently accused Andy of sexual harassment after he invited her to watch him hook up with another Bravo personality over FaceTime.

Andy hit back at that ... calling the exchange a joke that's been blown out of proportion.

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He also apologized on social media, FWIW.


no es mi experiencia

Múltiples estrellas de la franquicia "Real Housewives" están saliendo en defensa de Andy Cohen por las acusaciones de Leah McSweeney y todos ellos se inclinan por la idea de que cada miembro del elenco es personalmente responsable de sus acciones.

Luann de Lesseps, que compartió reparto con Leah en "RHONY", habló con nosotros el miércoles en "TMZ Live" sobre la demanda de Leah contra Cohen, la productora de Shed Media y Warner Bros., alegando que se aprovecharon de sus problemas de abuso de alcohol.

Leah afirma que fue alentada por Cohen y otros a beber, y todo para supuestamente crear un mejor contenido para el programa.

Luann, hablando desde su experiencia personal, no sentía que ese fuera su caso, diciendo que, por supuesto, el alcohol y las fiestas son parte del mundo de "Housewives", pero nadie la obligó a tomar una copa.

De hecho, ella dice que no cree que nadie pueda hacer que una persona beba, en lugar de eso, ella cree que la responsabilidad personal juega un papel clave en la recuperación de la adicción. Este es un tema del que Luann también se ocupó durante el rodaje de la serie, después de haber ido a rehabilitación en varias ocasiones.

En cuanto a la afirmación de que Leah Andy consume cocaína con las amas de casa, Luann dijo que nunca ha visto ni oído hablar de eso y añade que ella no es así.

Luann dice que ella está "manejando la situación" respecto al consumo de alcohol, y está de gira con un nuevo espectáculo de cabaret e insiste en que no tiene que beber para pasar un buen rato en "Housewives".

Ella responde por Andy, diciendo que no cree que él obligaría a nadie a beber como asegura Leah, un sentimiento del que se hizo eco otra ex estrella de "RHONY".

Dorinda Medley -que apareció en el programa entre 2015 y 2020- nos dice que se siente terrible por Andy y cuestiona por qué Leah decidió volver para una segunda temporada de "RHONY" y un "Ultimate Girls Trip" si se sentía tan incómoda.

Medley añadió que se saltaría a la oportunidad de volver a "Real Housewives", diciendo que no ha tenido más que buenas experiencias con Andy y Bravo y además le ha beneficiado mucho estar en el show. También dijo que los adultos deben ser responsables de sus propias acciones.

Cynthia Bailey
no me han forzado a nada

Y un no neoyorquino -Cynthia Bailey ex de "Real Housewives of Atlanta"- también defendió a Andy, diciéndonos en LAX que ella nunca se vio obligada a beber o nunca creyó que Andy estuviera consumiendo cocaína como afirmó McSweeney.

Cynthia dice que simpatiza con los adictos, pero añade que las personas que saben que tienen problemas de abuso de sustancias deben tomar decisiones inteligentes, como rechazar cócteles si saben que tienen un problema.

A propósito, otra ex estrella de Bravo -Brandi Glanville- también está amenazando con demandar a Andy por un comentario inapropiado que supuestamente hizo.

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En pocas palabras, hay mucha tensión en el mundo "Real Housewives", y esta vez no es solo en la cámara.

'Real Housewives' Stars Leap to Andy Cohen's Defense ... We Weren't Forced to Drink!!!


Multiple stars of the 'Real Housewives' franchise are coming forward to defend Andy Cohen against Leah McSweeney's allegations -- and they're all leaning into the idea each cast member is personally responsible for her actions.

Luann de Lesseps, who costarred with Leah on 'RHONY,' talked to us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" about Leah's lawsuit against Cohen, Bravo, the production company Shed Media, and Warner Bros. ... claiming they took advantage of her alcohol abuse issues.

Leah claims she was encouraged by Cohen and others on and around the show to drink all in the name of creating better content for the program.

Luann, speaking from personal experience, didn't feel that was the case for her ... saying of course alcohol and parties are part of the 'Housewives' world, but no one ever forced her to take up a glass.

In fact, she says she doesn't think anyone can make a person drink, instead believing personal responsibility plays a key part in addiction recovery -- an issue Luann also dealt with while shooting for the show, having gone to rehab multiple times.

As for Leah's allegation Andy does cocaine with the housewives ... Luann says she's never seen or heard about that, and adds it's not in his character.

LDL says she's now in the "driver's seat" with alcohol consumption and touring with a new cabaret show -- and insists you don't have drink to have a good time on 'Housewives.'

She further vouches for Andy, saying she doesn't believe he'd force anyone to drink like Leah's claiming -- a sentiment echoed by another former 'RHONY' star.

Dorinda Medley -- who appeared on the show from 2015 to 2020 -- tells us she feels terrible for Andy, and questions why Leah decided to come back for a second season of 'RHONY' and an 'Ultimate Girls Trip' if she felt so uncomfortable.

Medley added she'd jump at the chance to get back on 'Real Housewives' ... saying she's had nothing but good experiences with Andy and Bravo and she's gained so much by being on the show. She also said adults need to be held accountable for their own actions.

Cynthia Bailey
Never Been Forced

And, a non-New Yorker -- Cynthia Bailey formerly of "Real Housewives of Atlanta" fame -- also stood by Andy, telling us at LAX, she was never forced to drink or ever believed Andy was using cocaine as McSweeney claimed.

CB says she sympathizes with addicts, but adds people who know they have substance abuse problems need to make smart choices -- like turning down cocktails if they know they have a problem

BTW ... another former Bravo star, Brandi Glanville, is also threatening to sue Andy for an inappropriate comment he allegedly made.

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Bottom line ... there's a lotta tension in the 'Real Housewives' world, and this time it's not only on camera.

Andy Cohen y Bravo Demandados por Leah McSweeney ... Ex de "Real Housewives of New York"

Andy Cohen ha sido golpeado con una demanda por una ex integrante de "Real Housewives of New York", la estrella Leah McSweeney, quien está alegando el mismo tipo de cosas que Brandi Glanville.

De acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ y presentados el martes, Leah, que también protagonizó el "Housewives' spinoff 'Ultimate Girls Trip", afirma que los productores junto con Bravo, NBC Universal Media y otros crearon un ambiente tóxico de trabajo en donde se explotaron su salud mental y su consumo del alcohol para "vender el drama".

Ella continúa alegando que Andy y otros la presionaban para consumir alcohol durante su tiempo en el programa, a pesar de que sabían de su lucha contra la adicción. Como ejemplo, Leah señala un mensaje de texto que recibió de su compañera de "RHUGT", Marysol Patton diciendo: "Me gustaría que todavía estuvieras bebiendo", algo que Leah tomó como una clara referencia a su recién descubierta sobriedad.

La ex estrella de la telerrealidad también afirma que el anfitrión de "Watch What Happens Live" consumía cocaína con otras esposas y estrellas de Bravo y supuestamente premiaba a las que participaban consumiendo drogas con buenas ediciones en televisión.

Un representante de Andy Cohen le dice a TMZ: "Las afirmaciones en contra de Andy son completamente falsas".

Fuentes con conocimiento directo también le dicen a TMZ que muchas de estas afirmaciones han sido expresadas por Leah anteriormente y, según su conocimiento, las acusaciones fueron encontradas inexactas. Las fuentes también nos recuerdan que Andy no ha sido un ejecutivo en Bravo desde 2013, por lo que técnicamente no es ni siquiera su jefe ni tiene la última palabra o más influencia que cualquier otro productor que trabaja en la franquicia.

Aun así, como la red ha dicho antes, todas las acusaciones se investigan sin importar qué.

Leah está demandando por daños y perjuicios no especificados. Alega que la producción la discriminó sobre la base de su conocido problema con el alcohol y otros asuntos y no hizo ningún tipo de acomodamiento durante su tiempo en los programas.

La demanda se produce en medio de otro drama de "Real Housewives" para Andy, quien fue acusado de acoso sexual por Brandi Glanville, integrante de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" y "Housewives' spinoff 'Ultimate Girls Trip".

Por si se lo perdieron, la semana pasada los abogados de Brandi enviaron una carta a NBC Universal amenazando con una demanda. El mandamás de Bravo fue acusado de invitar a Brandi a presenciar un encuentro sexual con otra personalidad de Bravo por FaceTime.

Andy respondió rápidamente a las afirmaciones de Brandi escribiendo en X que todo el asunto había sido una broma que se fue de las manos. Sin embargo, reconoció que la situación era inapropiada.

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Brandi dejó claro que no se estaba riendo y criticó a Andy por disculparse con su base de fans en lugar de con ella.

Andy Cohen, Bravo Sued by 'RHONY' Alum Leah McSweeney ... You Took Advantage of My Alcohol Abuse

Andy Cohen has been hit with a lawsuit by former 'RHONY' star Leah McSweeney ... and she's alleging the same sorts of things as Brandi Glanville.

According to legal docs filed Tuesday, obtained by TMZ, Leah -- who also starred on the 'Housewives' spinoff 'Ultimate Girls Trip' -- claims the producers ... along with Bravo, NBC Universal Media and others created a toxic work environment where her mental health and alcohol use disorder were exploited all in the "name of selling drama."

She goes on to allege Andy and others were pressuring her to consume alcohol during her time on the show -- despite knowing of her addiction struggles. As one example, Leah points to a text message she says she got from 'RHUGT' costar Marysol Patton saying, "I wish you were still drinking" -- which Leah took as a clear reference to her newfound sobriety.

The reality TV alum also claims that the "Watch What Happens Live" host uses cocaine with other Housewives and Bravo stars -- and allegedly rewards those who participate in the drug use with good TV edits.

A rep for Andy Cohen tells TMZ … "The claims against Andy are completely false."

Leah is suing for unspecified damages, claiming the production discriminated against her based on her known alcohol problem and other issues and failed to make any accommodations during her time on the shows.

This lawsuit comes amid other 'Housewives' drama for Andy -- who has been accused of sexually harassing "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" and 'RHUGT' alum Brandi Glanville.

ICYMI ... last week, Brandi's lawyers sent a letter to NBC Universal threatening a lawsuit -- in which the Bravo honcho was accused of inviting Brandi to watch him hook up with another Bravo personality over FaceTime.

Andy quickly responded to Brandi's claims ... writing on X that the whole thing was a joke that has been blown out of proportion. However ... he did acknowledge that the situation was inappropriate.

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Brandi made it clear she wasn't laughing -- as she called out Andy for apologizing to his fans instead of her.


Brandi Glanville is laying into Andy Cohen for his apology over her sexual harassment claims -- saying he hasn't really made it right with the one person who matters ... her!

The ex-'Real Housewives' star hopped on X Monday to slam the Bravo honcho -- who oversees all things 'Housewives -- over his tweet last week that addressed her allegations of once sending her an inappropriate video ... which he characterized as just a joke.

She wrote ... "I have not received a personal apology from anyone. I saw an apology that Andy posted TO HIS FANS for his mistreatment of me and inappropriateness."

You'll recall ... last week we revealed Brandi's lawyers had sent a demand letter to NBC Universal threatening a lawsuit on her behalf after claiming they mistreated her. In the doc, Brandi made some serious claims against Andy ... saying he was straight-up boasting about plans to hook up with another Bravo star in 2022 while inviting her to watch the whole thing via FaceTime.

Andy promptly responded to Brandi's claims ... writing on X it was a joke that she'd blown out of proportion. He even stated Brandi's initial response seemed like she was in on the joke, but he still went on to say sorry for the whole thing being inappropriate.

Meanwhile, sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Brandi's attacks against Andy seem to be coming out of the blue -- as she hadn't said anything for 2 whole years. We're told that it was only when she found herself caught up in harassment accusations from Caroline Manzo that she seems to have flipped the script on Andy ... almost out of nowhere.

We're told there are many in the Bravo world who feel like Brandi's whole case against Andy is a personal vendetta ... especially since not too long ago she was singing his praises in public interviews. That's the feeling by some, anyway.

Of course, the drama all goes back to the infamous "Girls Trip: Morocco" debacle ... which was the primary basis of Brandi's demand letter written up by Mark Geragos and Bryan Freedman -- some of Hollywood's biggest hotshot lawyers.

Brandi's lawyers didn't hold back ... spelling out exactly why she was considering taking legal action -- saying she's been nothing but loyal to NBCU, but in return, claiming all she's received in return is mistreatment.

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Basically, Brandi's ready to fight tooth and nail to set the record straight ... and the escalating tensions between herself and her former network might turn into a very messy legal battle.

Alexis Bellino 'RHOC' Wanted Her Back Before She Started Dating Shannon's Ex

Alexis Bellino dating Shannon Beador's former flame makes for some juicy 'RHOC' storylines ... but it's not the main reason she's coming back to the reality TV show.

Sources connected to the show tell TMZ … Alexis was already in talks with 'RHOC' producers to return to the show before she started dating Shannon's ex, John Janssen.

While Alexis' return and her new relationship with John seem intertwined, we're told it's just coincidental ... because by the time they started dating in Dec. 2023, Alexis was pretty deep in negotiations to come back.

TMZ broke the story ... Alexis is returning for the upcoming season as a friend of the show, more than a decade after walking away from 'RHOC' in 2013 as a fan fave.

Our sources say Heather Dubrow is a big reason Alexis is coming back.

Alexis and Heather infamously had a nasty falling out on 'RHOC' back in the day, but we're told in the last couple years they've rekindled their friendship.

Sources say Heather's been in the ear of show producers for years, suggesting they consider bringing Alexis back into the fold ... with Heather even pushing for Alexis' return as recently as last season.

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So, the Alexis and Shannon beef is just a bonus ... and we're told Alexis has already been a standout early on in filming.

Vicki Gunvalson Returns to 'RHOC' in New Cameo ... Over 'Tres Amigas' Drama!!!

Vicki Gunvalson is coming back to Bravo ... returning to "The Real Housewives of Orange County" to confront her former friend Tamra Judge over the fallout of "Tres Amigas" -- and reconciliation attempts already led to an explosive confrontation ... TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the production tell us Vicki, an OG on 'RHOC,' was recently brought back by the network as a guest -- not a full-time housewife or friend -- to film a takedown between her and Tamra.

We're told Vicki was brought by fellow cast member Shannon Beador to a big group outing Thursday -- where all cast members were present -- to confront TJ. Our sources say show producers were hoping the women would hash out their issues and move on ... but, it doesn't seem that happened, 'cause instead we're told the whole night turned into an explosive fight between the trio.

By evening's end, our sources tell us the three ladies left with their friendship more broken than ever before.

BTW ... the Thursday gathering came after Vicki filmed a lunch earlier this week with Shannon and Heather Dubrow -- where Tamra was the hot topic, we're told.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

It's pretty shocking to hear how fractured Tamra, Vicki, and Shannon's group friendship has become -- y'know, given how tight they were before TJ dropped out of "Tres Amigas" ... a live comedy project featuring all three women.

On her podcast, Tamra blamed her exit from "Tres Amigas" on scheduling conflicts and a desire not to enable Shannon following her DUI arrest and her frustrations with Vicki and Shannon ... who she thinks have been talking badly about her behind her back.

For Vicki's part, she claimed Tamra blindsided her and Shannon, who have since announced their own comedy tour. Meanwhile, Tamra hit the road to live tape her podcast "Two Ts In A Pod" with cohost Teddi Mellencamp -- who is one of Vicki's sworn enemies.

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Seems like the bad blood's running hot these days ... and it'll all play out when season 18 of the show premieres later this year.

The TMZ Podcast: Brandi Glanville Threatens to Sue Andy Cohen Over Sexual Misconduct & Kelly Rowland Dodges 'Today' Show Questions 👀

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

'Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills' star Brandi Glanville is threatening to sue Andy Cohen over alleged sexual misconduct from her experience on 'Girls Trip.'

Kelly Rowland is continuing to dodge any questions surrounding her walk off the 'Today' set over dressing room conditions. Seems like she's not going to spill the beans anytime soon!

Justin Timberlake revealed to social media that he has caught the flu, and as a result, had to cancel his upcoming London concert.

Plus, Travis Kelce attended Taylor Swift's first Sydney concert, and she planted a kiss on him following the show.

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Deven Rall

Porsha Williams Reportedly Files For Divorce ... Barely A Year After Wedding


11:27 AM PT -- According to the divorce docs, obtained by TMZ, Porhsa and Simon have a prenup.

Porsha Williams and Simon Guobadia are reportedly parting ways just over a year after getting hitched ... though it's apparently not over his recent legal issues.

According to People, Porsha filed for divorce from Simon Thursday in Atlanta ... interesting timing given there is a lot of talk online about Guobadia being deported to his native Nigeria. A source told the outlet the divorce is unrelated -- but, it's hard to imagine Porsha didn't consider it before filing.

The reported filing seems to mark the end of a whirlwind romance for the couple, who got engaged just one month after they started dating in 2021. The engagement lasted longer than the marriage ... with Porsha and Simon tying the knot in November 2022.

The timing comes just a few weeks after Porsha signed up to return to "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" after a two-season hiatus ... and ya gotta imagine producers are gonna jump on her reported divorce for a storyline.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Bravo announced she was returning to the show under her married name Porsha Williams Guobadia ... unclear if she'll change her mind on that moniker before the new season launches production.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

As for Simon ... he's reportedly dealing with immigration issues as he tries to apply for naturalization. Not really bothering the dude it seems based on his most recent IG post -- where he smoked a cigar while chilling in a golf cart on a huge estate.

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We'll have to wait and see what sorta developments arise as the couple seemingly splits ... for now though, it appears the 15-month marriage has run its course.

Originally Published -- 11:27 AM PT

Brandi Glanville Threatens to Sue Bravo ... Andy Cohen Responds to Facetime Claim


Andy Cohen just responded to Brandi's claim about the video she says he sent her -- and he now says she's blowing it out of proportion.

He writes, "The video shows Kate Chastain and I very clearly joking to Brandi. It was absolutely meant in jest, and Brandi’s response clearly communicated she was in on the joke.  That said, it was totally inappropriate and I apologize."

Brandi Glanville is putting Bravo's parent company and others on notice that she's prepared to take them to court over this whole 'Girls Trip' drama she's been roped into ... and lays out her grievances in no uncertain terms in a letter that her attorneys just fired off.

The 'Real Housewives' star has lawyered up with the likes of Mark Geragos and Bryan Freedman -- big shot lawyers in Hollywood -- and they sent NBCUniversal a demand letter Thursday that threatens a lawsuit on behalf of their client ... and they're telling the network to preserve all potential evidence as Brandi prepares for what could be a messy legal battle.

The letter, obtained by TMZ, spells out exactly why Brandi is considering suing here -- and according to her legal team ... she feels like she's been chewed up and spit out by Bravo and all other parties involved in producing and airing a show that makes them millions.

They're strong, writing ... "Over the past year, Ms. Glanville has been subjected to a vicious media campaign based on false allegations of sexual misconduct. The false narrative, which NBC and Shed Media have apparently decided to foment, arises from Ms. Glanville’s experience on 'Ultimate Girls Trip: Morocco.'"

Her attorneys add ... "While the experience has been a nightmare for Ms. Glanville, it is far from the first time Ms. Glanville has been used and abused by NBC, Bravo, Warner Bros., and Shed Media. Indeed, Ms. Glanville has long been taken advantage of by the institutions with which she is indelibly tied personally, professionally, financially, and in the public mind."

Brandi's lawyers claim that while she's been loyal to NBCU over the years ... she's only received mistreatment in return -- including this latest saga with fellow 'Housewife' Caroline Manzo, who recently sued Bravo claiming she was the victim of sexual misconduct from Brandi during the filming of 'Girls Trip: Morocco,' but BG defends herself here.

Long story short ... Brandi's attorneys say that Caroline's narrative of being forcibly kissed and groped by Brandi during the filming of that show was actually consensual -- with Brandi's team claiming Caroline was inviting that sort of behavior, which she also alleges was facilitated and even encouraged by producers during the filming.


There's another salacious allegation that Brandi's attorneys float in this letter they sent -- evidence for which is not attached in their correspondence -- that invokes the name of Andy Cohen.

Brandi's team claims that in 2022, Andy subjected Brandi to sexual harassment by sending her a video -- one in which she claims he boasted of his intent to sleep with another Bravo star that night ... and allegedly inviting her to watch it all via Facetime.

Her attorneys characterize her role in all this one of a "sacrificial lamb," and they say Brandi isn't going to take it anymore ... so she's telling Bravo and co. to get ready to go to battle.

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She hasn't sued just yet ... but it sounds like she's ready to go to war if they can't resolve things outside of court. We've reached out to NBCU for comment ... so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 4:17 PM PT


Brandi Glanville está poniendo a la empresa matriz de Bravo y a otros sobre aviso de que está dispuesta a llevarlos a los tribunales por todo este drama de "Girls Trip" en el que se ha visto envuelta, y expone sus quejas en una carta que sus abogados acaban de enviar.

La estrella de "Real Housewives" se ha puesto en manos de abogados de la talla de Mark Geragos y Bryan Freedman -grandes abogados de Hollywood- y le enviaron a NBCUniversal una carta de demanda el jueves que amenaza con una demanda en nombre de su cliente, y le están diciendo a la red que conserve todas las pruebas potenciales mientras Brandi se prepara para lo que podría ser una batalla legal muy intensa.

La carta -obtenida por TMZ- explica exactamente por qué Brandi está considerando demandar, y de acuerdo con su equipo legal, es como si hubiera sido utilizada y desechada por Bravo y todas las demás partes involucradas en la producción y emisión de un programa que les hace ganar millones.

Escribie: "Durante el último año, la Sra. Glanville ha sido objeto de una malvada campaña mediática basada en falsas acusaciones de mala conducta sexual. La falsa narrativa, que NBC y Shed Media aparentemente han decidido fomentar, surge de la experiencia de la Sra. Glanville en "Ultimate Girls Trip: Marruecos".

Sus abogados añaden: "Si bien la experiencia ha sido una pesadilla para la Sra. Glanville, está lejos de ser la primera vez que la Sra. Glanville ha sido utilizada y abusada por NBC, Bravo, Warner Bros. y Shed Media. De hecho, la Sra. Glanville ha sido abusada durante mucho tiempo por las instituciones con las que está indeleblemente ligada personalmente, profesionalmente, financieramente y en la mente del público".

Los abogados de Brandi afirman que mientras ella ha sido leal a NBCU a lo largo de los años, solo ha recibido malos tratos a cambio, incluyendo este último drama con su compañera de "Housewife" Caroline Manzo, quien recientemente demandó a Bravo alegando que fue víctima de mala conducta sexual por parte de Brandi durante el rodaje de "Girls Trip: Marruecos", pero Brandi se defiende.

Los abogados de Brandi dicen que la narrativa de Caroline de ser besada a la fuerza y manoseada por Brandi durante el rodaje de ese programa fue en realidad consentida, con el equipo de Brandi alegando que Caroline estaba invitando a ese tipo de comportamiento, que también alega fue facilitado e incluso alentado por los productores durante el rodaje.

Sus abogados caracterizan su papel en todo esto como un "cordero de sacrificio", y dicen que Brandi no va a soportarlo más, por lo que le dice a Bravo y compañía que se preparen para la batalla.

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Ella no ha demandado todavía, pero parece que está dispuesta a ir a la guerra si no pueden resolver las cosas fuera de los tribunales. Hemos llegado a NBCU para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora, no hay respuesta.

adivina en quién se ha convertido Esta adorable pequeña

Antes de que esta pequeña de pelo rizado se convirtiera en empresaria y estrella de telerrealidad, era una monada con su mono de trabajo, paseando por el tractor con su hermano mayor y creciendo en Utah.

Antes de debutar en la pantalla en 2020, trabajaba en el cuidado de la piel, y con su reciente fama y seguidores, ha podido crear su propia marca de productos para el cuidado de la piel. Sí, puede que tenga más de 30 años, pero (gracias al matrimonio), ¡es toda una abuela moderna!

"Esta rosa no tiene miedo de aguantar un pequeño pinchazo".

¿Adivinas quién es?

Guess Who This Lil' Girl In Overalls Turned Into!

Before this little blondie with curly hair turned into a business woman and reality TV star, she was just looking oh so cute in her overalls, hanging on the tractor with her older bro' and growing up in Utah.

Prior to making her on-screen debut back in 2020, she worked in skincare and with her recent fame and following, she's been able to create her own skincare brand. Yes, she may be in her late 30's, but (through marriage), she's quite the hip grandmother!

"This rose isn't scared to handle a little prick."

Can you guess who she is?

Bethenny Frankel 'Today' Cohost Role is Honor ... Blasts Kelly Rowland For 'Diva Expectations'

Bethenny Frankel's defending "Today" ... blasting Kelly Rowland for reportedly bailing on cohosting the show because her dressing room wasn't up to par.

Here's the deal ... Rowland was supposed to cohost the popular NBC morning show alongside Hoda Kotb Thursday after being interviewed about her new film "Mea Culpa" when she dropped out at the last minute.

Page Six says sources told them she left because her dressing room wasn't up to snuff. Rita Ora filled in, and the show went on just as planned ... but, Frankel couldn't help herself when she heard the news and filmed a TikTok about the whole situation.

BF started out by saying Kelly's right ... the dressing rooms are tiny, the catering's awful and the makeup area is communal -- before adding none of that matters.


Frankel called the show an "institution in entertainment" and said it's an honor to even be there alongside Hoda ... before ending by saying it was not the moment for "diva expectations."

BTW ... some fans online are pointing out Bethenny did something similar in the past -- posting her own video about the backstage area of "Today" ... though even in that clip Frankel reiterated how grateful she was just to be on the show.

021724_bethenny_frankel-dressing-rooms-kal 2023
inside look at the dressing rooms

Bethenny's since taken down her video ... deleting it from her social media accounts, and she's taking a lot of heat online over calling out the former Destiny's Child star.

TMZ Studios

Unclear if Rowland's caught wind of Bethenny's comments ... she hasn't said anything about walking off "Today" as far as we can tell.


We've reached out to Bethenny about the vid ... so far, no word back.