NeNe Leakes 'RHOA' Needs Reset ... Sayonara To Half The Cast!!!

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The ladies of "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" better thank their lucky stars NeNe Leakes isn't a Bravo producer ... cause a bunch of them would be out of a job if she was.

We got the former 'RHOA' star at LAX Wednesday, and she didn't take it easy on the show that made her famous ... saying quite easily that the dip in ratings means showrunners need to blow the damn thing up!!!

NL says it's a bad look for the show to keep running out the same cast over and over, and she thinks some fresh blood might be good for the 15-year-old program.

Now, she's not talking about a total reset (a la "The Real Housewives of New York" after season 13) ... but Leakes says she thinks "at least half" the girls have to get the boot.

She's not talking about anyone in particular though -- since NeNe doesn't even watch the show anymore! Instead, Leakes says she sees the clips via social media ... adding it's simply "not the same" as it was back in the day.

TMZ Studios

NeNe adds she could definitely help with the show's ratings ... but she doesn't seem super interested in coming back -- saying she has no message for Andy Cohen or the 'Housewives' team ... remember, she's got a pretty fraught relationship with the show after accusing executives (and Kim Zolciak) of racism in 2022.

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A reunion isn't the craziest idea in the world though -- NeNe's clearly gotten over her issues with KZ, talking her up a ton during the same convo with our photog ... maybe she's ready to mend a couple more fences?

Leakes' final advice to producers ... keep the fans in mind while making the show -- the biggest priority should be to please the audience.

You know, firing half the cast would give producers a ton of opportunities to bring back NeNe AND Kim ... just sayin'.

'RHOM' STAR JULIA LEMIGOVA Ride Like 'The Real Housewives' ... Classic Mustang For Sale


Julia Lemigova is trading in the horsepower in her classic Mustang for goat power ... and one lucky buyer -- with a whole lot of cash -- can benefit from a sweet new ride.

"The Real Housewives of Miami" star is selling her vintage 1966 Ford Mustang 2+2 Fastback ... a car decked out in gorgeous maroon paint with a heck of a lot of features and just 12,486 miles on it.

The car's got a 289 V8 engine, vintage air conditioning, custom aluminum wheels -- that look just like the OGs -- and a custom grill, parchment pony interior, wood steering wheel, retro sound custom stereo and fold-down rear seat ... talk about a blast from the past!

Of course, another major selling point is its previous owner ... JL's got the car up for $42,500, and she doesn't really wanna part with it -- but she tells TMZ she needs the space for hay and animal food now that her goat, Elvis, is staying with her a few nights a week.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Julia tells us she loved the idea of riding around South Beach with her wife, tennis legend Martina Navratilova, in the passenger seat ... but found she's more of a pickup truck girl instead.

Not only is she not getting enough miles out of it, but Lemigova says it's taking up space -- space she needs to store Elvis' hay and animal food since he's staying with the couple a few nights a week now ... he used to stay full-time at their farm but apparently he's more of a house goat now.

Don't worry animal lovers ... JL and MN have arranged temporary accommodations for their happy friends while they unload the car -- so he's not out wandering the streets of Miami.

Potential owners beware -- the car's got a manual transmission which Julia tells us she learned to drive while still living in Europe -- so you'd better know how to drive a stick!!!

Sounds like a fantastic deal for one lucky driver ... one might even say the Greatest Of All Time 🐐.

NeNe Leakes dice que Kim Zolciak lucha contra el divorcio Y le desea felicidad

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A pesar de sus diferencias a lo largo de los años, NeNe Leakes está dejando que su ex compañera de 'RHOA' Kim Zolciak sepa que tiene una amiga, especialmente durante su divorcio.

Encontramos a NeNe en LAX esta semana y ella nos reveló que ella y Kim se encontraron no hace mucho tiempo, señalando que Kim mencionó brevemente que estaba teniendo un momento difícil en lo que respecta a su separación con Kroy Biermann.

Échale un vistazo... NeNe dice que las cosas entre ellas dos están bien. Es bueno saberlo, teniendo en cuenta lo mucho que discutieron en el pasado.

NeNe dice que le desea felicidad a Kim porque nadie quiere ver una ruptura familiar, especialmente cuando hay niños de por medio.

Ya sea que elijan estar juntos o separados, Nene dice que espera que Kim y Kroy puedan llegar a un acuerdo amistoso, porque su felicidad y la paz son lo más importante.

Aparte de eso, NeNe se deshace en elogios sobre la figura de Kim, diciéndonos que se veía muy bien. El poder femenino es bienvenido después de años de animosidad entre ellas.

En todo caso, Kim probablemente está más orientada al distanciamiento de su marido en lugar de reconstruir su amistad con NeNe por ahora.

Kim y Kroy han estado en la boca del otro durante meses y nosotros publicamos la historia... la policía tuvo que ir su casa en Noviembre después de una pelea desagradable entre ellos y las imágenes capturadas por la cámara muestran a Kroy culpando a Kim por sus problemas financieros, mientras que también la acusa de acostarse con otros hombres".

Siguen viviendo bajo el mismo techo en su mansión de Georgia, la cual están tratando desesperadamente de vender, aunque han tenido que rebajar el precio un par de veces porque no ha habido interesados serios.

Mientras tanto, están tratando de llegar a fin de mes mediante la venta de sus bolsos de diseño y zapatos. En cuanto a NeNe... simplemente les envía sus mejores deseos a los dos.


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Despite their differences over the years, NeNe Leakes is letting her former 'RHOA' costar Kim Zolciak know she's got a friend in her -- especially during her divorce.

We got NeNe at LAX this week ... and she revealed to us that she and Kim ran into each other not that long ago -- noting KZ briefly mentioned she was having a hard time lately as it pertains to uncoupling with Kroy Biermann.

Check it out ... NNL says didn't elaborate on the statement .... and they kept the rest of their catch-up positive. Good to hear, considering how much they've beefed in the past.

NeNe says she wishes Kim nothing but happiness cause nobody ever wants to see a family break up ... especially when kids are involved.

Whether they choose to be together or apart, Nene says she hopes K&K can come to an amicable agreement ... cause their happiness and peace are most important.

Other than that, Nene gushes over Kim's tiny figure ... telling us she looked great -- the girl power much-welcomed after years of animosity between them.

But Kim's focus is probably geared toward her estrangement from her husband, Kroy ... rather than rebuilding her friendship with NeNe for now.

KZ & KB have been at each other's throats for months -- we broke the story ... police were called to their home in Nov following a nasty fight between them and body cam footage shows Kroy blaming Kim for their financial struggles while also accusing her of "f***ing other men."

They're still living under the same roof at their Georgia mansion ... which they're desperately trying to sell ... though they've had to slash the price a few times cause there's been no serious takers.

In the meantime, they're trying to make ends meet by selling off their designer handbags and shoes. As far as NeNe goes though ... she's sending her best to the both of them.

Kim y Kroy Reducen el precio de su casa de nuevo en 1 millón... Por favor cómprenla!!!

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Otro año, otra gran caída en el precio de la mansión de Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann en Georgia y todavía no hay compradores serios.

La pareja de estrellas de televisión, que está separada, ha reducido el valor de su propiedad, una vez más, bajando de $5,5 millones a $4,5 millones. Esto sucede alrededor de un mes después de que redujeran en $500k el valor de los $6 millones iniciales.

La cueva de Kim & Kroy
Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

Ya están familiarizados con la historia, la pareja tiene problemas de dinero y múltiples demandas financieras pendientes y el IRS está yendo duramente tras Kim y Kroy. La venta de la casa podría ser una salvación para la pareja. Sin embargo, parece que están teniendo problemas para deshacerse de ella.

Hay que tener en cuenta que las casas en la zona se venden por mucho menos dinero del precio que ellos ofrecieron inicialmente en diciembre, y solo se puede esperar que esta nueva caída de precios atraiga a un posible comprador.

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Los ánimos se calientan

Estas luchas financieras están causando una gran tensión en su relación personal también. Fuimos los primeros en contarles que las imágenes grabadas en cámara en noviembre mostraban una desagradable pelea entre la pareja. Kroy estaba culpando a Kim por sus luchas financieras, mientras que también la acusaba de acostarse con otros hombres".

Desde entonces se han calmado lo suficiente como para seguir viviendo en su espacio compartido (no está claro si todavía están enganchados como lo estaban justo después de que Kroy pidiera el divorcio por segunda vez) y Kim incluso se aseguró de que sus hijos recibieran regalos de Navidad a pesar de sus problemas financieros.

Kim y Kroy compraron su mansión en 2012 por un precio baratísimo de $880k, por lo que incluso $4,5 millones sería una impresionante ganancia para ellos. Pero realmente tienen que vender rápido porque Truist Bank dice que incumplieron su hipoteca y ha añadido que el banco está en su derecho de ejecutar la hipoteca en cualquier momento.

Esperemos que el nuevo precio despierte cierto interés... solo pueden vivir de bolsos y zapatos de diseño durante un tiempo.

Kim & Kroy Slash Price Again By A Million ... Please Buy Our Home!!!

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Another year, another huge price dip on Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann's Georgia mansion ... and still no serious takers as of now.

The estranged reality star couple have reduced the listing for their estate once again ... coming down from $5.5 million to $4.5 million -- about a month after they brought it down $500k from $6 million.

Kim & Kroy's Cove
Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

You know the drill by now ... the pair's got money issues -- with multiple financial lawsuits pending, and the IRS is coming after KZ and KB hard. Selling the house could be a saving grace for the couple ... however, they seem to be having trouble unloading it.

Keep in mind ... houses in the area were going for way less money than what they listed it for when they made the first price cut in December, and they can only hope this new price drop will entice a buyer to take it off their hands.

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These financial struggles are causing a massive strain on their personal relationship too ... we broke the story, body cam footage from November showed a nasty fight between the couple in which Kroy blamed Kim for their financial struggles while also accusing her of "f***ing other men."

They've since calmed down enough to continue living in their shared space (unclear if they're still hooking up like they were right after Kroy filed for divorce for the second time) ... and KZ even made sure their kids got Christmas gifts despite their financial woes.

Kim & Kroy bought their mansion back in 2012 for the bargain price of $880k, so even $4.5 mil would be an impressive ROI for them ... but they really gotta sell quick because Truist Bank says they defaulted on their mortgage -- adding the bank is well within its rights to foreclose at any time.


Hopefully, the new price drums up some interest ... they can only live off designer handbags and shoes for so long.

Cynthia Bailey Ex Peter Thomas Arrested For DUI

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10:55 AM PT -- Peter Thomas has broken his silence on his recent arrest ... taking full responsibility for what went down last week.

In the clip, filmed from a plane and posted on his Instagram Friday, Peter says his phone has been blowing up and wanted to address the incident -- claiming he refused to blow for a breathalyzer test during the ordeal, and was in the hospital due to his high blood pressure.


He says he willingly turned himself in, and it was a quick process ... thanking the Cobb County Police Department for how they handled the whole thing.

Peter admits he's never been arrested for DUI and is mindful -- adding his younger brother died as a result of drunk driving in the past ... before thanking everyone for their concerns.

Cynthia Bailey's ex-husband, Peter Thomas, has been arrested for DUI, TMZ has confirmed ... after allegedly weaving between lanes and flying through a red light.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, officers in Atlanta say they spotted Peter weaving without tags on his SUV last week, so they followed him -- claiming he blew through a red light after exiting the interstate.

PD then pulled him over, and said they detected "a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage" coming from his car ... and said Peter had "watery, glassy, and bloodshot eyes."

After some field sobriety tests, Peter was placed under arrest for DUI -- they say he agreed to a blood test, but when he and cops arrived at the hospital, they say he changed his mind.

They initially brought him to Cobb Adult Detention Center, but he was denied due to blood pressure ... so he was brought back to the hospital and was left with staff -- what a night.

Cops later obtained an arrest warrant for Peter, and he was charged with DUI alcohol, as well as a slew of other traffic-related charges. According to journalist Kiki Monique, Peter was released later on the same day after posting his $3k bail.

The former "Real Housewives of Atlanta" first got in front of the camera in season 3 along with his girl, Cynthia Bailey -- the 2 got engaged and married on the show, but he bowed out of the series in season 9 when he and the model got divorced.

Originally Published -- 8:47 AM PT

Kyle Richards Toe To Toe With Mauricio ... Over Ladies In His DMs!!!

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Kyle Richards says she was pissed at ladies sliding into Mauricio Umansky's DM's ... and claims they've even fought over it.

Kyle revealed the beef in Wednesday's episode of "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" ... she was asked what's appropriate for husbands when it comes to online interaction with other women.

KR was triggered, referencing "murder" ... then admitting she's fought Mo before over stuff like this.

In a separate interview, Kyle claimed Mauricio's DMs are filled with women who, according to her, don't care he's married and are always "the aggressor."


It sounds like these spats went down before their separation last July ... although she never directly addresses when the fight went down.

122223-mauricio-umansky-tmz-kal-v2 December 2023

As we reported, Mauricio was having fun on the Aspen slopes last month with Lele Pons and Anitta -- he filmed the girls nearly naked skiing down a hill, and was later spotted dancing shirtless at a nearby restaurant.

BTW, this all happened before his family joined him on the mountain ... so we're guessing a fight went down when Kyle caught up to him.

Nicole Eggert Celebs Sending Money & Love After Cancer Diagnosis


Nicole Eggert says she's getting tons of support -- both financially and emotionally -- from many of her famous friends on the heels of revealing she's been diagnosed with cancer.

The former "Baywatch" star tells TMZ ... Kyle Richards is among the celebs who've donated to her fundraiser, with the 'RHOBH' star kicking in $1,000.

Nicole, who recently announced she's fighting stage 2 breast cancer, tells us she goes way back with Kyle ... they were childhood friends running in the same child actor circles in Hollywood.

Nicole's got a GoFundMe to raise money for her upcoming medical expenses -- she doesn't have family to lean on and her insurance won't cover everything, so she's hoping to raise $100K, and already has about $25K and counting.

One interesting side note about Kyle's donation ... she made it under the name Kyle Umansky, even though she's separated from Mauricio.

Anyways, Nicole says another 'Real Housewives' star, Bethenny Frankel, donated too ... with the 'RHONY' star chipping in $500 and her partner, Paul Bernon, matching that.

NE says she's thanked both women for their support, and Bethenny told her she's there for whatever Nicole needs.

She's also getting support from Alyssa Milano, with whom Nicole was childhood friends ... as they both appeared on the sitcom, "Who's The Boss?"


Nicole says most of her former "Baywatch" castmates have reached out, including David Hasselhoff.

All in all, she's in awe of all the love she's receiving, and while the occasion isn't a good one ... Nicole's happy she's been able to reconnect with so many old pals.

Nicole Eggert recibe donaciones y muestras de cariño tras la revelación de su cáncer


Nicole Eggert dice que está recibiendo toneladas de apoyo de Hollywood a raíz de su diagnóstico de cáncer, tanto financiera como emocionalmente.

La ex estrella de "Baywatch" le dice a TMZ que Kyle Richards está entre las celebridades que donan a su recaudación de fondos, ¡desembolsando $1.000!

Nicole, quien recientemente reveló que está luchando contra el cáncer de mama, nos dice que se remonta con Kyle ... eran amigas de la infancia que se ejecuta en los mismos círculos actor infantil en Hollywood.

Nicole tiene un GoFundMe para recaudar dinero para sus próximos gastos médicos, ella no tiene familia para apoyarse y su seguro no cubrirá todo, así que espera recaudar $100K y ya tiene alrededor de $25K y contando.

Es interesante... Kyle donó bajo el nombre de Kyle Umansky, a pesar de que está separada de su marido Mauricio Umansky.

De todos modos Nicole dice que otra estrella de "Real Housewives", Bethenny Frankel, también donó, y su aporte fue de $500 y su pareja, Paul Bernon, hizo lo mismo.

Nicole dice que le envió un mensaje de texto Kyle y Bethenny, dándoles las gracias por sus donaciones, con Bethenny diciéndo que está ahí para lo que Nicole necesite.

También nos dicen Alyssa Milano le envió amor y apoyo a Nicole. Eran amigas de la infancia ya que ambas aparecieron en la comedia televisiva "¿Quién es el jefe?"

Nicole dice que la mayoría de sus ex compañeros de reparto de "Baywatch" se acercaron, incluyendo a David Hasselhoff, con una notable excepción... Pamela Anderson.

De todos modos, Nicole nos dice que está agradecida y que ha sido genial volver a conectar con tantos amigos famosos.

Kroy Biermann no sabe lo que hizo Kim Zolciak con el dinero de las ventas

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Kroy Biermann y Kim Zolciak están discutiendo sobre las finanzas de nuevo y esta vez es sobre el dinero que él piensa que ella está haciendo de la venta de su ropa de diseño.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Kroy dice que su esposa separada ha estado vendiendo su amplia colección de bolsos de diseño, zapatos y ropa, pero él dice que no está claro lo que está haciendo con los beneficios y si alguna de las cosas que se venden es propiedad conyugal a diferencia de sus cosas por separado.

Kroy está seguro de una cosa, afirma que nada del dinero va a apoyar a su patrimonio conyugal y que dice que está "agobiado por la deuda significativa".

En los documentos, Kroy estima que la colección de diseñadores de Kim vale cientos de miles de dólares y él cree que ella adquirió la mayor parte de mientras estaban casados.

Kroy dice que él y Kim están en una "grave situación financiera", que consta de una deuda de $1.1 millones que le deben al IRS y quiere que el tribunal para identificar y dividir equitativamente sus bienes conyugales, incluyendo su mansión de Georgia y bienes personales.

Sin embargo, fuentes cercanas a Kim le dicen a TMZ que está vendiendo ropa de diseño que adquirió antes de casarse y utilizó parte del dinero para comprarle a sus hijos regalos de Navidad.

Nuestras fuentes también dicen que Kim ha pagado durante años los gastos de la casa y las facturas en solitario.

Recordemos que Kim y Kroy tienen mucho que hacer a medida que navegan su divorcio, sus deudas siguen aumentando y también están tratando de vender su enorme mansión.

Un montón de dinero para hacerle un seguimiento... y eso es exactamente lo que Kroy quiere hacer aquí en la corte.

Kroy Biermann To Kim Zolciak Where's The $$$ From Designer Sales?!?

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Kroy Biermann and Kim Zolciak are bickering over finances again ... and this time it's all about the money he thinks she's making from selling her designer gear.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Kroy says his estranged wife's been selling off her expansive collection of designer purses, shoes and clothes ... but he says it's unclear what she's doing with the profits and whether any of the stuff being sold is marital property, as opposed to her separate stuff.

Kroy is confident in one thing ... he claims none of the money is going to support their marital estate, which he says is "weighed down by significant debt."

In the docs, Kroy estimates Kim's designer collection is worth hundreds of thousands of dollars ... and he believes she acquired most of it while they were married.


Kroy says he and Kim are in a "dire financial situation" -- including the $1.1 million debt they owe to the IRS -- and he wants the court to identify and equitably divide their marital assets, including their Georgia mansion and personal property.

However, sources close to Kim tell TMZ ... she's selling designer gear she acquired before they were married and used some of the money to buy their kids Christmas presents.

Our sources also say Kim has for years paid house expenses and bills solo.

Remember, Kim and Kroy got a lot going on right now -- as they navigate their divorce, their debts continue to mount ... and they're also trying to unload their massive GA mansion.

Lots of money to keep track of ... and that's exactly what Kroy wants to do here in court.


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9:16 AM PT -- We got some new information that might explain why Joe Gorga got as riled up as he did. An eyewitness at the wrestling match tells TMZ ... Gino's opponent that day excessively slammed him on the mat not once, but twice -- and not just that, but he shot a dirty look at Joe upon being declared the winner.

We're told the kid stuck his tongue out right at Joe at this moment, and it was essentially fired off as a F-U -- that's how Joe took it anyway. Joe's rep, BTW, confirms this account.

Joe Gorga is officially one of those parents after losing it on the referee of his son's wrestling match -- a nose-to-nose showdown that ended with Joe getting booted outta the gym.

In video, obtained by TMZ, Joe can be seen losing his cool Saturday at Parsippany Hills High School in NJ -- where his son Gino was in the middle of a match that ended with him getting pinned by his opponent.

That made Dad leap from the stands and charge at the ref, but not before staff members and other parents jumped in to make sure it didn't turn into a brawl.

Par Hills TV

As Joe's led away, the ref blows his whistle in disgust and repeatedly orders him to leave the gym altogether for the remainder of the wrestling action.

Days later, Joe's still heated -- a rep for the 'Real Housewives of New Jersey' star tells TMZ Joe felt the ref made some bad and unfair calls during the match, and Gino's opponent was mistreating him ... at least in Dad's eyes.


The rep says Joe never had any intentions of hurting anyone or getting physical. He just let his emotions get the best of him.

In the end, the rep says Joe believes his son's opponent was conducting himself in an unsportsmanlike manner throughout the match, and the ref let it slide.

We're told Joe's proud of how his son handled everything ... labeling him a class act despite his own emotions getting the best of him.

Eyewitnesses at the event tell TMZ Joe was immediately ejected from the gym, and he left without any further duress, while the competition continued.

Hard to say cooler heads prevailed, though, based on the video.

Originally Published -- 1:00 AM PT


enrollándose en ref

Joe Gorga es oficialmente uno de esos padres tras perder los estribos con el árbitro de la lucha de su hijo, un cara a cara que terminó con Joe siendo expulsado del gimnasio.

En el video obtenido por TMZ, se puede ver a Joe perdiendo los estribos el sábado en Parsippany Hills High School en Nueva Jersey, donde su hijo Gino estaba en medio de una lucha que terminó con él siendo derrotado por su oponente.

Eso llevó al papá a saltar desde las gradas y dirigirse hacia el árbitro, pero no antes de que miembros del personal y otros padres intervinieran para asegurarse de que no se convirtiera en una pelea.

pillado en el acto
Par Hills TV

Mientras se llevaban a Joe, el árbitro sopla su silbato disgustado y le ordena repetidamente que abandone por completo el gimnasio durante el resto de la acción de lucha.

Días después, Joe sigue enfadado. Un representante de la estrella de ‘Real Housewives of New Jersey’ declaró para TMZ que Joe sintió que el árbitro hizo algunos llamados malos e injustos durante la lucha, y que el oponente de Gino lo estaba tratando mal… al menos a los ojos de un papá.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

El representante comentó que Joe nunca tuvo la intención de lastimar a nadie ni de ponerse físico. Simplemente, sus emociones lo dominaron.

Al final, el representante comentó que Joe cree que el oponente de su hijo se comportó de manera antideportiva durante toda la lucha y que el árbitro lo permitió.

Nos comentan que Joe está orgulloso de cómo su hijo manejó la situación… considerándolo un verdadero caballero a pesar de que sus propias emociones se salieron de control.

Testigos presenciales en el evento comentaron a TMZ que Joe fue expulsado inmediatamente del gimnasio y se fue sin más problemas, mientras la competencia continuaba.

Sin embargo, es difícil decir si las aguas se calmaron, según el video.

'RHOBH' Star Kyle Richards Lunch Date With Morgan Wade ... Twin Cowboy Hats, Italian Food

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Kyle Richards was together again with country singer Morgan Wade, going out for a leisurely Friday lunch in L.A. amid constant rumors of them dating.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star was photographed with Morgan standing arm and arm on a sidewalk, looking all caszh and stylish in their sunglasses, jeans and twin cowboy hats.

Kathy Hilton also made a cameo, walking across the street with the two besties to chow down on some Italian delicacies at La Scala Beverly Hills restaurant.


We caught up with Kyle and Morgan after their meal ... and our cam asked Kyle about being open to dating other women. Check out the clip ... at first, Kyle kind of deflects the question, but then she says, "things can change." Interesting language for sure.

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The outing comes at an interesting time for Kyle, who confirmed she would date a woman in a newly released trailer for upcoming "RHOBH" episodes.

In the video clip, Kyle is seated around a table having drinks with castmates Dorit Kemsley and Crystal Kung Minkoff.

Out of the blue, Kyle brings up the prospect of dating a woman, causing Dorit to almost spit her wine back into her glass.

Crystal asks Kyle point blank if she would date someone of the same sex. Kyle thinks about it for a moment before giving a blunt, one-word response, "Yup."

Complicating matters even more, Kyle is still married, yet separated from Mauricio Unmasky, while living under the same roof with their children.

There seems to be no end in sight for this drama, but it's certainly making for some good TV!!!

'RHOBH' Star Kyle Richards Yup, I'd Date a Woman!

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"The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star Kyle Richards continues to show she's into women amid rumors she's dating country singer Morgan Wade after separating from hubby Mauricio Umansky.

In a sneek peek of an upcoming 'RHOBH' episode, Kyle is sitting around a table having drinks with her castmates, including Dorit Kemsley and Crystal Kung Minkoff.

Seemingly out of the blue, Kyle asks if the other housewives would ever date a woman. While taking a sip from her glass, Dorit almost spits out her wine in shock over the question Kyle posed.

Minkoff throws the words back at Kyle, asking, "Would you?" Kyle thinks about it for a moment before nodding and giving a short, yet revealing response, "Yup."

In another scene from the trailer, Kyle seems anxiety-ridden over an obscure decision she must make, while staring at her phone with Morgan next to her. Biting her lip, Kyle says, "I'm so anxious. I really don't know if I can do it."


But, Morgan has Kyle's back, telling her, "You got it."

In February 2022, Kyle and Morgan met in person after first communicating over social media, quickly becoming friends and hanging out all the time. Speculation began to grow the two were an item as Kyle's marriage to Mauricio hit the skids.

Talk about drama. We'll have to see how all of this shakes out.

Stay tuned!